Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170725

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around the world. president trump's son—in—law and advisor, jared kushner, has denied any collusion with russia in last year's election. he's the first member of the president's inner circle to be questioned by a congressional committee investigating russian interference. after giving evidence, he told a press briefing he had been completely transparent, but took no further questions. our north america editorjon sopel reports from washington. jared kushner, the husband of ivanka, the son—in—law of the president, and the closest confidante of donald trump to find himself in the cross hairs of the sprawling russia investigation. mr kushner! a man who's normally found studiously avoiding the limelight today found himself uncomfortably the centre of attention. after giving evidence to the senate intelligence committee behind closed doors, he returned to the white house to insist he'd done nothing wrong. i did not collude with russia, nor do i know of anyone else in the campaign who did so. i had no improper contacts. i have not relied on russian funds for my businesses. and i have been fully transparent in providing all requested information. so what were the contacts? in april 2016, krishna meet russian ambassador, sergey kislyak, apparently no more than a handshake and passing small talk. —— in april 2016, kushner meet russian ambassador, sergey kislyak, apparently no more than a handshake and passing small talk. kushner denies two for phone calls took place after this. 0njune ninth, 2016, kushner joins donald trump junior and campaign manager to hear from a russian attorney who has alleged links to the intel services in moscow. subject matter: "getting dirt on hillary clinton." after the election he meets the russian ambassador again on december the 1st and two weeks later he meets a russian banker, sergei gorkov, said to have direct links to vladimir putin. but of one thing he was insistent. these meetings made zero difference to the outcome of the election. donald trump had a better message and ran a smarter campaign, and that is why he won. suggesting otherwise ridicules those who voted for him. but today, as donald trump was framed by over 100 white house interns, he was doing some ridiculing of his own, as reporters sought to ask disobliging questions. mr president, is it true jeff sessions resigned? first by saying nothing... ..and then by letting rip. she's breaking the code. he found it similarly difficult to keep his opinions to himself over russia. jon sopel, bbc news, washington. it's a heartbreaking case which has made headlines around the world, but now the parents of the terminally—ill baby charlie gard have ended their legal battle to keep him alive. they had wanted to take their son to the us for experimental treatment. but an american doctor then said he was no longer willing to offer the therapy — and the family's lawyer told london's high court time had run out for the baby. here's our medical correspondent fergus walsh. the fight over charlie gard's future, a sick little boy who will now be allowed to die. after an emotional hearing, his parents said they had agreed to let their son go. they emerged to face the world's media. our son is an absolute warrior, and we could not be prouder of him, and we will miss him terribly. his body, heart and soul may soon be gone, but his spirit will live on for eternity, and he will make a difference to people's lives for years to come, we will make sure of that. we are now going to spend our last precious moments with our son, charlie, who unfortunately won't make his first birthday in just under two weeks‘ time. charlie has been in great 0rmond st hospital care since october. he has a rare, inherited condition — mitochondrial dna depletion syndrome. he cannot move, feed or breathe unaided. the central question was whether this powder, which is added to food, could boost his muscle function. his parents raised £1.3 million for the treatment in the united states. that money will now go to a foundation in charlie's name. but every neurologist who examined him said the treatment was futile, because by january, he had suffered catastrophic and irreversible brain damage. because charlie's parents and doctors could not agree, the matter went to court. every legal appeal by the parents failed. but they had powerful supporters including the pope and donald trump. the latter, tweeting an offer of help. this has been an extra ordinary case. a battle over the fate of a baby boy that was fought not just in court, but internationally. the judge said it was one of the pitfalls of social media, that the watching world felt it right to have an opinion, without knowing the facts of the case. he said the court's paramount consideration at all times was charlie's best interest. the case came back to court when this american neurologist claimed new evidence that his therapy could help. last week, he and another doctor from the vatican flew over to examine charlie for the first time. new mri body scans were ordered. on friday night, charlie's parents accepted that these showed his muscle wasting was now so severe, he was beyond help. an incredibly brave decision by charlie's parents, they have reached the same conclusion that the judge had reached. —— that the judge conclusion that the judge had reached. —— that thejudge properly would have reached. —— probably. it is very brave of them to do it without waiting to hear what he had to say. in court, connie yates said they would be haunted for the rest of their lives by what—ifs — what if their son had received the treatment months earlier? she said he had the potential to be a normal boy but it was now too late. for charlie, we say mummy and daddy, we love you so much. we always have and we always will and we are so sorry that we could not save you. the parents are now with charlie in his final hours. great 0rmond street said the agony, desolation and bravery of their decision humbled all who worked there. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. a manhunt in under way in switzerland, where five people have been attacked by a man with a chainsaw in the town of schafhausen. police have identified the man, warning the public he is highly dangerous. they say the attack was aimed at a local health insurance company and is not related to terrorism. at least 30 people have been killed — as many as 50 injured in a suicide bombing in the afghan capital, kabul. the car bomb was detonated near a bus carrying staff from the ministry of mines in a mainly hazara shi'ite neighbourhood. the taliban say they carried out the attack, a day after another attack by militants on a hospital in the central ghor province. missiles have been thrown at police in north london after a vigil for 20—year—old rashan charles, who died on saturday after being arrested by police in a local shop. officers say mr charles was seen to swallow something after his arrest. his death is being investigated by the police watchdog the ipcc. the iraqi government is still celebrating its defeat of the extremist group, the so—called islamic state, in mosul, after three years of fighting. one by one, the cities captured by is in 2014 have been taken back — but what the government does next for people in the liberated areas is likely to be just as important. 0ur diplomatic correspondent, paul adams, has been in falluja, recaptured just over a year ago, to see how life has changed. what does a city do when islamic state is gone? when the caliphate, with all its religious austerity and extreme violence has been driven out? islamic state showed off a modest version of this funfair two yea rs modest version of this funfair two years ago. it is no longer a place of the gander. a year after the militants left, the people of this troubled city are back, just beginning to unwind. but the scars are everywhere. this nine—year—old was caught in an explosion three yea rs was caught in an explosion three years ago. he lost a leg and is still suffering. his grandmother worries about his hand. yes, we can say that islamic state is finished, but we are still afraid. for myself, i always feel fear inside me. this morning, there was an explosion. i lost it. when i came to, i was on the couch, shaking. falluja has barely known a day of peace in 1a yea rs. barely known a day of peace in 1a years. the americans fought bitter battles here. when they left, the government in baghdad stood sectarian divisions and islamic state took advantage. when the government finally regained control, the city was almost deserted. look at it today. 0ver the city was almost deserted. look at it today. over the past year, 80% of the city's population has returned. falluja feel secure. but it's a fragile peace. at friday prayers, worshippers are still told to abandon the idea is that ravaged their city. afterwards, concerns a more basic. the city's mayorfaces their city. afterwards, concerns a more basic. the city's mayor faces a barrage of questions about the lack of electricity and jobs. he gets little support from baghdad and the job feels impossible. islamic state preyed on poverty and people's frustration with the government in baghdad. that's why they were able to ta ke baghdad. that's why they were able to take over in places like this. three years on, the poverty is so evident, and so was the frustration of people here. they should be warning signs for the government in baghdad. not everyone has returned to the city. we travel out into the desert to find the people nobody wa nts desert to find the people nobody wants back. in dismal camps, an uncertain future for the families of those suspected of playing along with islamic state. this family stayed in a rural suburb under islamic state role, only fleeing last year. they have all been cleared to return, but they can't. it is not clear why. it could be jealous neighbours, tribal politics 01’ jealous neighbours, tribal politics ora jealous neighbours, tribal politics or a vengeful militia. we found the man in charge and said, if you have any proof that my sons were involved with islamic state, that they dressed like them or carried guns, we are ready to discipline them. the wall against so—called islamic state is being won. slowly, and that great civilian cost. the challenges that come in its wake are immense. if falluja is a model for life after the caliphate, it is a model with many flaws. most would be familiar with the concept of a microchip in, say, your bank card, or even perhaps implanted in your pet, but what about under your own skin? it's already being done in the europe but now a company in wisconsin is the first in the us to implant microchips inside its worker's bodies. so far, more than half of the employees at three square market have volunteered to have the technology put inside their hand. i'm joined now by patrick mcmullan of three square market, he joins us from the compa ny‘s phoenix office. did your staff know what they were getting into? this data could be used to track when they are having toilet breaks, how often they come in to work? excellent question. our employees, they are innovators. we area employees, they are innovators. we are a technology company, they are excited about it and what it can mean. this is not a job performance druker, their‘s no gps functionality. what it has is different things that help you identify who you are to our businesses, to use it as a form of payment. i know means is it something that we use to track where people are and what they are doing, not at all. i suppose, a company smart phone or swipe card can generate similar data, but employees can separate themselves from those quite easily. you have to think the ethical issues are going to get bigger, more sophisticated the chips become? we heard about a swedish railway company that is gaining chips in passenger's hands. sometimes they were apparently getting people's linkedin profiles rather than their tickets when they scanned themselves? there are a lot of concerns, and rightly so. the concerns about cyber security, the reality is that this is an encrypted device that is very prevalent. almost every person in the world now has a almost every person in the world now hasa chip, almost every person in the world now has a chip, whether it's a debit or credit card. it takes security to a whole new level. yes, it has to be handled right. 0ne whole new level. yes, it has to be handled right. one of the things we are very much in shoring is that it is responsible information, ensuring it is used correctly, for the purposeit it is used correctly, for the purpose it is intended. not for something that nobody would want to have happened. thank you very much. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: a watery world on our doorstep. scientists unlock surprising secrets about the moon. mission control: you can see them coming down the ladder now. it's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. a catastrophic engine fire is being blamed tonight for the first crash in the 30—year history of concorde, the world's only supersonic airliner. it was one of the most vivid symbols of the violence and hatred that tore apart the state of yugoslavia. but now, a decade later, it's been painstakingly rebuilt and opens again today. there's been a 50% decrease in sperm quantity and an increase in malfunction of sperm unable to swim properly. thousands of households across the country are suspiciously quiet this lunchtime as children bury their noses in the final instalment of harry potter. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: president trump's son in law jared kushner insists he didn't collude with russia during the us election campaign. the parents of terminally—ill baby, charlie gard, have given up their legal fight to go to the us for experimental treatment. the moon has more water than previously thought, and it's deep below the lunar surface. researchers at brown university say that they've found evidence of water trapped in volcanic deposits across the surface of the moon, which means the lunar mantle is probably a far wetter place than anyone ever thought possible. ralph milliken is lead author of the new research and a professor at brown university in rhode island. there is more than previously thought, what does it mean to you? that's right. the basic idea, about ten yea rs that's right. the basic idea, about ten years ago some colleagues vows found there was water preserved in these volcanic glass beads returned by the apollo mission and what we did now is a look at some satellite data so we could get a more global view of the moon and we found that this giant, very extensive deposit across the lunar surface, we found evidence for water and this tells us the lunar sample the apollo collection are not anomalous but they seem to be quite common when you look at these volcanic deposits on the moon. these formed from highly explosive eruptions on the moon billions of years ago and the water, the original source is very deep down within the mantle of the moon. we are told we would need the moon. we are told we would need the moon is a stepping stone to training ina moon is a stepping stone to training in a mission to mars. would it be worth extracting it? that is a great question. it certainly is possible to extra ct question. it certainly is possible to extract this water. previously have talked about potentially harvesting water ice but the water that we found in these volcanic deposits are closer to the equator and easier to access and easier to process. the catch is, there is not that much water in them. you have however a lot of material to work with. you would have to harvest a lot of it but you could extract the water. now, is enough to sustain a human presence on the moon long—term, that remains to be seen but it does tell us these are places on the moon potentially viable spots for future out spots and you could extra ct for future out spots and you could extract some water cd not have to carry it all from water and that is big cost savings. in a nutshell, still quite a stretch? it is quite a stretch but possible. there is more water there today than what we thought yesterday prior to these studies and prior to what we thought can studies and prior to what we thought ca n yea rs studies and prior to what we thought can years ago and that makes the moon are much for interesting place for sustained human exploration and if we want to think forward about going to places like mars and beyond, the moon is a pretty good stepping stone in making that happen. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news: a court in the us state of texas has charged a truck driver with illegally transporting immigrants after the vehicle was found crammed with people in sweltering heat, with many of the occupants dead. thirty people were treated for acute dehydration. israel says it will remove metal detectors from the disputed holy site injerusalem. the un's middle east envoy has warned of catastrophic costs if the recent tensions didnt ease in time for friday's muslim prayers. the detectors were installed after two policemen were killed, sparking days of deadly clashes. vatican authorities have started to turn off one—hundred fountains due to a prolonged drought affecting the tiny city state and the city of rome. suffocating summer heat and two years of lower—than—average rainfall are forcing the italian capital to also consider the prospect of water rationing. the greenland ice sheet may be melting faster than expected — raising ocean levels more than predicted. that's the concern of scientists, who say warmer conditions are encouraging algae to grow in the ice — and darken its surface.that matters, because darker ice absorbs more of the sun's rays and melts more rapidly. 0ur science editor david shukman has this exclusive report. a vivid blue snakes across the greenland ice sheet. a beautiful sight, but when the ice here melts the oceans rise around the world. 0n the horizon, the ice sheet looms ahead of us. we've joined a team of british scientists. they're trying to understand how the ice is changing. we touch down in one of the remotest corners of the planet. the first task is to set up camp — a home in an utterly barren wilderness. from the air, all you can really see is what looks like a vast expanse of endless white, but that isn't the whole story. because what's hard to grasp as i stand here is that this isjust the surface of a vast mass of ice that's unbelievably thick. so, let's imagine cutting it away right in front of me. the ice sheet stretches for as much as two miles, three kilometres, from the surface here, right down to the rock below. in fact, it's so thick you could take the world's tallest building, the burj khalifa in dubai, and fit four of them, end to end, inside. and as we walk around, there's a real surprise: white ice is turning dark — and the darker a surface, the more it absorbs the sun's rays. and, like wearing a black t—shirt on a hot day, the more it warms up. you've got this dark ice here. yeah, so we've got a dark surface... martin tranter, the chief scientist here, says one reason for the dark ice is algae, tiny plants. algae have always been here but, with higher temperatures and more meltwater, they can flourish. the algae are microscopically small, but they may be having a big impact. what we want to know is how far the algae can spread over the greenland ice sheet as the climate warms. and it might well be that they will cause more melting, and an acceleration of sea—level rise. in the evening light, the shimmer of gentle streams, thousands of them. until recently, the amount of ice melting in summer was balanced by snowfall in winter. but in the last 20 years the flows of water have multiplied, each one eventually adding to the level of the oceans. no—one's saying that this whole thing is going to melt in the next decade, or even in the next hundred, or even the next thousand years, but it doesn't all have to melt for more people to be in danger. only a small amount, a very small portion of this ice sheet has to melt to raise the sea levels, and then threaten millions of people in coastal communities around the world. what's striking is that this massive block of ice may be vulnerable if more algae darken the surface and lead to faster melting. down at the edge of the ice sheet, the streams become a torrent. we already know that meltwater is raising the level of the sea bit by bit, but the researchers here want to find out whether that rise will accelerate. and for people in low—lying areas of florida, bangladesh, parts of britain, getting an accurate forecast really matters. david shukman, bbc news, in greenland. and you can get more by heading to our website. there's full background and analysis plus video and audio content. and you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter — i'm @bbc mike embley. thank you so much for watching. hello there. many of us have had more than ourfair share of wet and cloudy weather of late, but that certainly hasn't been the whole story. monday brought some sunshine for many places. that was the scene across the scottish islands. the sunshine was not shared out equally though. suffolk seeing a lot of cloud. many eastern areas had rather cloudy conditions. 0ut west, in the atlantic, there's another lump of cloud hurtling its way in, that'll bring some rain on the wednesday but for tuesday we are between weather systems and that means actually a fair amount of fine and dry weather in the day ahead. where it has been so cloudy across eastern england and eastern scotland, that cloud will break up a little bit. there will be more in the way of sunshine. could just see the odd shower breaking up across the south—west and south wales later in the day. in the sunshine, this is problable where we'll have the highest temperatures — 2a, maybe 25 degrees. certainly a little bit less cool than it was on monday, across the south—east and east anglia, because there will be more sunshine. through north wales, northern england, it should be fine, some sunny spells. clouding over a little bit in northern ireland later in the day and maybe a shower for scotland. most places dry, if a little on the chilly side, close to the east coast, 1a degrees in aberdeen. most places will have a fine evening but things then begin to change. into the early hours of wednesday, we'll see quite a band of rain working in across northern ireland, south—west scotland, wales and the south—west, courtesy of an area of low pressure. quite a deep low, actually — this is not a usual weather chart for this point in july. closely squeezed isobars, that means some fairly strong winds and weatherfronts, bringing a band of rain eastwards, across the country. especially across the northern half of the british isles, this rain will be quite heavy. it will go on for quite a few hours, as well. not as much rain getting across into the south—east. and then for the south—west, wales and northern ireland, later in the day, things will brighten up with some spells of sunshine. those blustery winds making it feel cool. 18—21 degrees. and although the weather front responsible for the main body of the rain will clear away to the east, this area of low pressure is still close by on thursday and that means very strong winds, especially up to the north—west. there'll be some heavy showers here, as well. drier, brighter weather towards the south—east. just 15 degrees in glasgow. maybe 22 in london. we stick with that blustery theme as we head to the end of the week. some spells of sunshine on friday. some showers as well. highs of 17—22 degrees. as we head towards the end of the week, a cooler, fresherfeel. yes, there'll be some spells of sunshine but some heavy blustery showers as well. this is bbc news, the headlines. president trump's son—in—law has denied any collusion with russia in last year's american election. in his first live televised comments in answer to the allegations, jared kushner insisted there had been nothing improper about his contacts with russian representatives. the parents of the terminally ill baby, charlie gard, have ended their legal challenge to take him to the us for experimental treatment. chris gard and connie yates said an american expert had told them it was now too late to give their child the therapy that he'd offered. the moon has more water than previously thought, and it's deep below the lunar surface. researchers at brown university in the us say that they've found evidence of water trapped in volcanic deposits. it's thought the reserves could be used to sustain a lunar base and support future space exploration. now on bbc news, hardtalk.

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Gorkov , December The 1st , Vladimir Putin , Zero , 1 , One , Interns , Reporters , Message , Ridiculing , Gown , 100 , President , Opinions , Jeff Sessions , Code , Letting Rip , Parents , Charlie Gard Have , Son , Bbc News , Case , Around The World , Battle , Jon Sopel , Therapy , Us , Doctor , For Experimental Treatment , Family , North London , Lawyer , High Court , Fergus Walsh , Little Boy , Fight Over Charlie Gard S Future , Warrior , Hearing , Media , Son Go , Prouder , Body , Lives , Spirit , Eternity , Heart And Soul , Won T , Birthday , 0rmond St Hospital Care , Treatment , Central Question , Depletion Syndrome , Muscle Function , Food , Powder , Feed Or Breathe Unaided , 1 3 Million , Â 1 3 Million , Neurologist , Matter , Appeal , Doctors , Foundation In Charlie S , Name , Brain Damage , Money , Court , Judge , Help , Latter , Fate , Supporters , Baby Boy , Social Media , Offer , Pitfalls , Times , Interest , Facts , Opinion , Vatican , Consideration , Decision , Charlie For The First Time , Muscle Wasting , On Friday Night , Mri Body Scans , Conclusion , Waiting , Thejudge , Connie Yates , Potential , Boy , Rest , Daddy , We Love You , Stories , Look , All , Some , Agony , Desolation , Bravery , Great 0rmond Street , Police , News , Way , Attack , Manhunt , Of Schafhausen , Health Insurance Company , Town , Chainsaw , Public , Terrorism , Switzerland , Five , Suicide Bombing , Car Bomb , Bus Carrying Staff , Injured , Hazara Shi Ite Neighbourhood , Afghan Capital , Kabul , Ministry Of Mines , 50 , 30 , Something , Rashan Charles , Militants , Taliban , Missiles , Hospital , Vigil , Shop , Arrest , Ghor Province , Officers , 20 , Government , State , Areas , Ipcc , Defeat , Fighting , Cities , Extremist Group , One By , Death , Mosul , 2014 , Three , City , Falluja , Life , 0ur , Recaptured , Paul Adams , Us State Of Texas , Caliphate , Violence , Austerity , Version , Back , Gander , Hand , Yea Rs , Everywhere , Leg , Grandmother , Oscars , Nine , 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Chips , Hands , Issues , Passenger , Swedish , Lot , Concerns , Security , Reality , Tickets , Level , Person , Chip , Device , Credit Card , Debit , Yes , Purpose , Shoring , Purposeit , Scientists , Moon , Mission Control , Doorstep , Stay , Secrets , Ladder , Mankind , One Small Step , One Giant Leap , The World , Crash , Concorde , Engine Fire , Supersonic Airliner , Symbols , Sperm , Hatred , Sperm Quantity , Increase , Malfunction , Decrease , Yugoslavia , Country , Children , Thousands , Households , Instalment , Lunchtime , Noses , Harry Potter , Charlie Gard , Water , Fight , Us For Experimental Treatment , Election Campaign , President Trump S Son In Law , Surface , Deposits , Brown University , Researchers , Lunar Mantle , Wetter , Lead Author , Research , Professor , Rhode Island , Ralph Milliken , Colleagues , Glass , Beads , Apollo Mission , Ten , View , Deposit , Satellite Data , Giant , Apollo Collection , The Lunar Sample , Source , Mantle , Eruptions , Stepping Stone 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