Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170726

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it's a powerful indication of how little trust there is between president trump and members of congress from his own party. the us house of representatives has voted overwhelmingly for new sanctions on russia, and set them up quite deliberately in a way that makes it very hard for the president to change or dilute them. the sanctions target key russian officials, in retaliation for interference in last year's us election, and in eastern ukraine. they also target north korea and iran. sarah corker reports. i ache, donald jon trump to solemnly swear. . . i ache, donald jon trump to solemnly swear... throughout his first six months in office, he has been facing allegations that russia helped get him elected. —— i do, donald john trump. this will likely antagonise the kremlin and affect donald trump's efforts to get better relationships with russia. these tough sanctions include goes on doing business with russian companies. we cannot allow any foreign power to interfere in our electoral process. given the unwillingness to hold them accountable, let's not mistake this for anything but an attack on america. it has become necessary for c0 ng ress america. it has become necessary for congress to assert its role in this area and assure that russia will be accountable. russia has denied meddling in the election. and pride to choose their‘s vote, at its foreign ministry said... —— vote, its. and this comes as three separate investigation is looking into whether donald trump's campaign tea m into whether donald trump's campaign team colluded with the russians over the elections, something he strongly refutes. on tuesday, jared kushner, the president's son—in—law, was questioned by the house intelligence committee. the new sanctions also target north korea and iran of a lustig missile test. the bill must pass the senate before it can be signed or vetoed by the president. the white house as they are reviewing the legislation, but yet again, the intense focus on russia is overshadowing donald trump's agenda. sarah corker, bbc news. on healthcare, one of donald trump's big election issues, a senate vote on tuesday opened the doorfor, well, further debate. republicans have been struggling to decide whether to repeal and replace president obama's affordable care act, immediately, or repeal it with a two—year delay, to give time to find an alternative. john mccain returned to capitol hill for the first time since he was diagnosed with brain cancer, to urge all senators to work together. i hope we can again rely on humility to co—operate on our dependence on each other and learn how to trust each other and learn how to trust each other and learn how to trust each other again. and by so doing, better serve the people that elected us. better serve the people that elected us. stop listening to the bombastic loudmouths on the radio and television and internet. to hell with them. and the fate of the us attorney—general appears to be hanging in the balance. he was for a long time one of mr trump's closest allies, but now the president has called him "weak," and said "time will tell" about his future. mr trump is very publicly seething about the fact thatjeff sessions stood aside from the fbi inquiry into russian interference in the 2016 election. this from our north america editorjon sopel. jeff sessions, the man who presides over america's judicial system, seemingly about to face rough justice from his boss and one—time close friend, the president. for the past two days, donald trump has taken potshots at his top law enforcement officer via twitter. today... yesterday... the president of the united states and the president of the council of ministers of the republic of lebanon. and the president heaped further ignominy on the attorney—general in a rose garden news conference, this afternoon, over sessions' decision to step aside from the russian investigation. i am disappointed in the attorney—general. he should not have recused himself almost immediately after he took office. and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me prior to taking office. and i would have quite simply picked somebody else. "but, come on," reporters demanded, "are you going to fire the attorney—general?" i told you before, i'm very disappointed with the attorney—general, but we will see what happens. time will tell. if sessions does go over the whole russia investigation, then he willjoin the former fbi directorjames comey sacked over this issue, and the former national security adviser michael flynn, who was fired after lying about his contacts with the russians. all of which begs the question, what happens next to robert mueller, the special counsel called on to investigate the sprawling russia investigation? if he goes, that is bound to lead to charges that the president is trying to obstructjustice. and who knows where that will lead. with these bewildering developments, in the senate the democrats fired a warning shot. many americans must be wondering if the president is trying to pry open the office of attorney—general to appoint someone during the august recess who will fire special counsel mueller and shutdown the russian investigation. even if the president has disagreements with him, which i think founded, self—centred and wrong, you don't ridicule him in public. someone who is your close friend? that speaks to character. senatorjeff sessions! jeff sessions was the first senator to endorse donald trump during the campaign, giving his candidacy a massive boost and has given the president unswerving loyalty ever since. it is not being reciprocated. jon sopel, bbc news, washington. we can go live now to the bbc‘s nada tawfik who is at a trump rally in ohio. a big campaign event, really, there. the president is in his element there. it is exactly this sort of occasion where he seems to have been setting the stage for the departure of yet another senior law officer. we have to remind ourselves just how extraordinary all this is. yes. absolutely. as we heard there and john serpell‘s package, jeff sessions was the first sitting senator to endorse donald trump. donald trump somebody who puts a high value on loyalty. but in an interview today he said it was not a loyalty thing, the first at he was the first to endorse him. we have seen that donald trump is in wait almost trying to push attorney general to resign with this kind of co nsta nt general to resign with this kind of constant attack on him. he said a few days ago that he was dissatisfied with them. rather than try to put himself in a position where he would have two oust him. we have heard of the likes of ankle to, for example, who have said if you're not satisfied with the attorney general, get rid of him. —— mandatory. i asked after the changes we have seen in the last few weeks, and now we're hearing thatjeff sessions might not have the support, and a lot of people said that they felt that the president had the right to buy the administration. in washington, this is a big issue, if donald trump decided to replace attorney generaljeff sessions. and the house of representatives vote on sanctions might be thinking, yes, more sanctions, on russia in particular, and north korea, and iran, but members of his own party on capitol hill could not have made it clearer that they don't trust the president on russia. absolutely. what this is doing is it is taking a little bit of power away from the executive branch to lead on foreign policy and putting it in the hands of congress. and the white house really objected to this. one, because the president wants to have a good relationship with russia. theyis a good relationship with russia. they is in the best interest to make their share. and this would also make it difficult for the president to roll back the sanctions without congressional approval. so that would be a big blow to his drive for foreign policy. it is clear that senators, even from his own party, we re senators, even from his own party, were concerned over the investigations into the ties with russia. so they felt it was necessary to have that portion in the bill. the fact that they had such broad bipartisan support was a big blow to donald trump, despite the fact that he objected again to this and made his views known. the white house today said they will view the full package before deciding what to do. the president, if he decides to veto this, the lawmakers could overturn this. nada tawfik, as the rally packs up, thank you. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. swiss police say they have arrested the man they believe carried out an attack with a chainsaw on office workers on monday. after a large manhunt, 51—year—old franz wrousis was detained 60 kilometres from the town of schaffhausen, where the attack took place. the palestinian president, mahmoud abbas, has said israeli security measures at the temple mount injerusalem remain unacceptable, despite the israeli government's decision to remove metal detectors. palestinians are boycotting the site where israel is currently installing cameras. the two main rival leaders in libya have reached a joint agreement to try to bring stability to their country. after talks brokered by the french president emmanuel macron of france, fayez al—sarraj and khalifa haftar committed themselves to a conditional ceasefire. ajudge in london, who will decide on wednesday where charlie gard should spend his final days, has said the chances are "small" of him being able to die at home. doctors treating the ii—month—old argue it's "unrealistic," given the demands of his care. his parents have appealed for a paediatric doctor to help. kurdish forces backed by the us are now thought to have gained control of nearly half of the city of raqqa. it is the last remaining stronghold of the so—called islamic state in syria. the offensive has led thousands to flee the city, including some families of is militants. shaimaa khalil has spoken to one of the is wives who has just fled the city and who's now being held on the outskirts of raqqa. they came from different parts of the world with one aim — to join the self—proclaimed caliphate. now they've escaped and are being held by the kurdish forces in northern syria. iman and her husband left tunisia for raqqa, the so—called islamic state stronghold. he wanted to be a fighter. she says she wanted to live a proper islamic life. i had many questions and i managed to send them to her. i'm just wondering if you saw other videos, videos of beheadings, of them burning people alive? were you not put off by that? how did you think that was proper islam? but she says when they arrived it wasn't what they expected. iman‘s husband is now in a kurdish—run prison outside raqqa. it's hard to determine whether the women who escaped are all victims. at some point they were all part of the so—called islamic state. iman‘s son was born in raqqa. now she's hoping he'll grow up as far away from the islamic state as she can take him. do you think they'll take you back easily and how do you expect them to believe you or forgive you when you've been part of the so—called islamic state? these children know nothing but life under the islamic state. for now they and their mothers are stuck between a caliphate they fled and homelands that may not want them back. shaimaa khalil, bbc news. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: does american football leave players brain damaged? a new study uncovers damning evidence. mission control: you can see them coming down the ladder now. it's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. a catastrophic engine fire is being blamed tonight for the first crash in the 30 year history of concorde, the world's only supersonic airliner. it was one of the most vivid symbols of the violence and hatred that tore apart the state of yugoslavia. but now, a decade later, it's been painstakingly rebuilt and opens again today. there's been a 50% decrease in sperm quantity and an increase in malfunction of sperm unable to swim properly. thousands of households across the country are suspiciously quiet this lunchtime as children bury their noses in the final instalment of harry potter. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: the us house of representatives has voted overwhelmingly to impose new sanctions on russia, iran and north korea. moscow says the move would "complicate relations". president trump has criticised his attorney—generaljeff sessions, further fuelling speculation he might be on his way out. one of the pope's most senior advisers has made his first court appearance in australia, facing charges of historical sexual abuse. cardinal george pell says he is —— says he is innocent and will clear his name. our correspondent is outside the court in melbourne. a very senior roman catholic figure. short hearing at the start of what could be very lengthy legal proceedings? i , inaudible ,inaudible nine , inaudible nine o'clock in the morning in melbourne. it is nowjust after iiam morning in melbourne. it is nowjust after 11am and 90 minutes later he was on his way out. this was a very brief hearing. it was a procedural matter really to set out the agenda for upcoming legal hearings here in melbourne. george pell will return to court on october the sixth. he has vehemently denied any allegation of wrongdoing. charges were made against him by the police here in the southern australian state of victoria in june. the southern australian state of victoria injune. cardinal pell returned to australia from the vatican a few weeks ago. he has been keeping a very low profile, but he has vowed to have his day in court to vigorously defend himself against these allegations and he was here in court today surrounded, as we say, by that huge media scrum and is due backin by that huge media scrum and is due back in court in early october. thank you very much. apologies for the sound issues at the top there. a study of american football players' brains has found that 99% of professional nfl athletes tested had a disease associated with head injuries. the report published in thejournal of the american medical association is the largest study of it's kind, according to its authors. brains were donated from more than 200 deceased players, with ages ranging from as young as 23—years—old. i'm joined now by dr mike alosco, a postdoctoral fellow from boston university's cte center, which led the study. what conclusions do you draw from this? thank you for having me. yes, as you mentioned, it is the largest study to date of individuals with chronic traumatic cte and the conclusions drawn is that this is a problem and it isn't going anywhere and it can't be ignored, it is something we have to address and this study really provides the foundation for future research the kind of deal with the study and figure out what's going on exactly. one of those headline figures is amazing, well, chilling. iio one of those headline figures is amazing, well, chilling. 110 out of 111 of amazing, well, chilling. 110 out of iii of the pros had criteria which would lead you to use brain injury. yes, quite a remarkable number. 99% of the former nfl players were diagnosed using the strict criteria of cte. really concerns and a game it just continues to of cte. really concerns and a game itjust continues to suggest we need to study this disease and identify who is at risk and really kind of figure out a way to stop it before it starts. of course nfl is a massive concern. so many people love the game, so many people play the game, and it almost sounds as if you should be saying, stop it, don't do it any more? right. with any kind of decision—making is you need to realise that there are many benefits that come with playing sports. so any decisions being made, they can't be taken any decisions being made, they can't be ta ken lightly any decisions being made, they can't be taken lightly and more importantly we be taken lightly and more im porta ntly we really be taken lightly and more importantly we really need to do future research and we need to do a lot more research, larger studies, before we can make any kind of recommendations about safety or policy. there is a big class-action ofa policy. there is a big class-action of a big group going on in involving former players. is this significant former players. is this significant for that? we are really separate from that. this is research independent of that, where we are just looking at the disease of cte and trying to figure out what it is and trying to figure out what it is and how to best characterise it. so hopefully what we are doing here brings a lot of awareness, which it seems to be doing. other than that, we are seems to be doing. other than that, we a re really seems to be doing. other than that, we are really independent of the lawsuit. understood. really appreciate your time. thank you. it is 50 years this week since the laws on homosexuality were amended in england and wales. our special correspondent allan little has been looking at what the changes to the sexual offences act meant in 1967 and how they affected people in the years that followed. in 1967 a change in the law did not bring a change in attitudes. this is the bbc‘s man alive programme. voiceover: for many of us this is revolting. men dancing with men. homosexuals in this country today break the law. these two have lived together for 26 years. they might almost be a married couple but they are still queer, in the minority. thousands of men went to prison. few dared speak publically. i couldn't believe just because i wanted somebody to love me and to have friendship i had to suffer all this. they put me in a cell and i was in a cell from saturday afternoon until monday morning. i never slept. i just sat and cried. this is a celebration to mark the anniversary of the act, hosted by an lgbt group for the over 50s called opening doors. some here were sexually active when it was still a criminal offence. well, it's like living in an alien society, it's like being a spy. it's very clandestine. i had to just make out a false lifestyle really. you know it's like being non—existent, you know, like you just weren't there, so it was confidence—sapping. the act did not apply to scotland or northern ireland and even in england and wales it did not end prosecution. right into the 1990s, police used the gross indecency laws to continue to criminalise gay behaviour and social activity. voiceover: it is a deadly disease and there is no known cure. in the ‘80s, hiv and aids brought a new atmosphere of moral panic. by the end of the decade, the number of gross indecency prosecutions against gay men was as high as it had been in the 19505. many, many lead completely double lives... the writer maureen duffy, who campaigned for the 1967 act, says it was not a moment of sudden liberation. it was the beginning of a process. but never assume that what you have achieved you have got for good and it cannot be reversed because at any time, anything can be completely changed. and there are sometimes still some very nasty rumblings and utterances, partially stoked by the use of social media, that could turn very nasty indeed if we're not vigilant. injuly1967, the home secretary roy jenkins told parliament that homosexuality was a disability that brought lifelong shame. it has taken generations of vigilance to get from there to this. alan little, bbc news. finally, this. australia's best selling indigenous musician has died at the age of 46. the family of dr g yunupingu has requested his image not be broadcast. he sold hundreds of thousands of albums and had been in poor health for some time. more on him and all of the news on the bbc website and you can reach me and most of the team on twitter. thanks very much for watching. good morning. there's rain in the forecast for the next few days, but i think the important message is it's not going to be raining all the time. that's certainly the story for today. some wet and windy weather for a time, but not all the time. we have low pressure pushing a band of cloud in from the atlantic and that will bring some outbreaks rain eastwards through the day. with that wet weather some fairly strong and gusty winds. so we start the morning in northern ireland and western scotland, wales and the south—west with this rain. we then move across the midlands, north—east england, east scotland, eventually rain into the south—east, but by this stage the wet weather is light and patchy. behind the rain band things will brighten up. there will be showers across northern ireland and scotland into the afternoon. some of these will be heavy and the wind is still fairly blustery. notice the rain holding on across the far north and east of scotland right through the afternoon. a fairly cool and fresh feel to the weather. 19 in cardiff. similar in plymouth, with patchy cloud and sunny spells for the afternoon across the south—west of england. further east in hampshire, berkshire, into london, kent and east anglia there will be a fair amount of cloud through the afternoon. some outbreaks of rain, fairly light and patchy, extending through the coast of england. further west some bright weather developing. in the evening the cloud and patchy rain will be chased away to the east. a lot of dry weather through the night, however, some hefty showers developing across northern ireland and western scotland. there could be the odd rumble of thunder here. temperatures overnight about 11—15 degrees. into thursday and low pressure still the dominant feature. this isn't what we expect to see on the weather charts at this point in late july. some tightly squeezed isobars, meaning there will be strong winds and some heavy showers. most frequent up to the north—west, but even further south and east we could catch the odd heavy shower and maybe a rumble of thunder. some sunny spells in between. but those temperatures no great shakes, about 16 in aberdeen, 18 in cardiff, 20 in london. another day of showers on friday. some sunny spells between the showers. then late in the day more persistent rain pushing in again across the south—west and wales. but that should move its way through on friday night and into the early hours of saturday. so the weekend is certainly not a complete washout. there will be some spells of sunshine and some heavy showers as well. some rain in forecast, but not all the time. this is bbc news. the headlines: the us house of representatives has voted overwhelmingly to impose new sanctions on russia, iran and north korea. the legislation was passed with a19 members in favour and only three against. moscow says the move would "complicate relations". president trump has criticised his attorney—general, fuelling speculation he might be on his way out. he said he was disappointed withjeff sessions' decision to recuse himself from the inquiry into alleged russian meddling in the election, commenting that "time would tell‘ about his future. one of the vatican's most seniorfigures, cardinal george pell, has appeared in court in australia to face multiple charges of historical sex abuse. the former archbishop of sydney and melbourne insists he's innocent. details of the charges haven't been made public. it has just it hasjust gone it has just gone to 30 a.m..

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