Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170809

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is considering launching missile strikes near guam, in what is a sharp rise in rhetoric between the two countries. the report says pyongyang is looking at a plan to fire medium—to—long—range rockets towards the american territory in the western pacific where us strategic bombers are based. it follows news from us intelligence officials who say north korea has produced a nuclear warhead small enough to fit onto its ballistic missiles. donald trump warned north korea that any further threats would be met, as he put it, "with fire, fury and power." this was donald trump's warning. north korea best not make any more threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. he has been very threatening beyond a normal state, and as i said they will be met with the fire and fury and, frankly, power, the likes of which this world has never seen before. our correspondent nick bryant has the analysis from washington. american presidents have offered a reserved their strongest rhetoric for north korea. george w bush described the country as part of the axis of evil. this is an escalation from donald trump. shock at all language. how does this tough talk translate into policy especially when a rex tillerson has been in the region and using far more conciliatory words. speaking of negotiations if pyongyang ends its testing. they could become captive of president trump's language and they would have to follow through on this rich oracle threat. —— rhetorical. sanctions have failed so far to rhetorical. sanctions have failed so farto impede rhetorical. sanctions have failed so far to impede north korean nuclear ambitions and this is the kind of tough talk that gunn yang will listen to. —— north korea will listen to. —— north korea will listen to. —— north korea will listen to. it is a dangerous game to play. especially as it now seems that north korea has managed to marry its missile technology and it nuclear technology and to insert a militarised warhead into an intercontinental ballistic missile. early results in kenya's elections put president uhuru kenyatta in the lead but the figures have been rejected by supporters of his rival, raila odinga. the election has been peaceful, but there's still some concern that the result could spark violence. alastair leithead reports from nairobi. his report contains flash photography. it's one of africa's biggest elections, in one of its most important democracies. millions turned out to elect a new president, with more riding on how it is won rather than who actually wins it. opposition leader raila odinga has used the glare of publicity to question the whole process, claiming he has been robbed of the presidency before and he won't let it happen again. incumbent president uhuru kenyatta is chasing a second and final term. he is the son of the country's first president and has the resources of the state behind him. my competitors, as i have always said, in the event that they lose, that they accept the will of the people. i am willing myself to accept the will of the people so to them, too, accept the will of the people. let us come together. let us pull this country together. this is what he's talking about. ten years ago, kenya tore itself apart as elections turned to ethnic violence. at least 1200 people died. the wounds are still open. mr uhuru kenyatta is criminally responsible... it led kenyatta and his deputy to the hague on international criminal court charges of inciting violence which were only recently dropped. nobody wants a repeat of that violence but that is up to the men in charge. in order for this election to be successful and peaceful, people have to have trust in the system, to consider it to have been free and fair, particularly in the opposition strongholds that are the biggest slums in nairobi. and if it is really close, how people will react will depend on how gracious the loser is in defeat. and so to technology. fingerprints matching voters to the electoral roll. it slowed the process down and led to long lines but was largely a success. in terms of resource management... before the poll, the election commission's head of technology appeared on tv, reassuring people that his system could not be rigged. but when his tortured and strangled body was found a week ago, it put the whole country on edge. when the polling stations closed, it was with relief that things had gone well. we appreciate it is a peaceful election. it is not like the other one. yeah, it's good. there is no fight. i think it is going well. the system this time has been much better than last time. the voting is very fast, as you can see. but the big test will come if the result is close and the counting is questioned. the opposition has threatened to call its supporters out on the streets, and that could lead to violence. alastair leithead, bbc news, nairobi. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news an earthquake has killed at least nine people and injured more than 160 in china's south—western province of sichuan. the quake measured 6.5 in magnitude. because the region is so remote it's not immediately clear how serious the damage is. it's reported the french president is backing down from plans to create an official first lady position for his wife. the issue has become politically awkward for emmanuel macron, since thousands of people signed an online petition against the move. hackers are demanding millions of dollars in ransom from the us television network, hbo, saying they'll release a huge amount of stolen data if they're not paid. 0ther hacked material has already been uploaded, including the script of next week's episode of game of thrones. south africa's president has survived the latest vote of no—confidence in leadership. the secret ballot was the eighth he has faced in less than a decade. there have been repeated allegations of corruption and mismanagement. president jacob zuma lives to fight another day. he's managed to hang on after an 8th motion of no confidence in his leadership. he is certainly on his 9th life now. here, in a packed national assembly, opposition mps began by listing a litany of corruption scandals against the president. and urging them to cast a vote for the good of the country. i know what nelson mandela would have done in this house today. vote with your conscience and remove this corrupt and broken president from office. applause. i plead you, let us put the people of south africa first. and vote to remove jacob zuma today. i thank you. for the first time, it was a secret ballot, specifically requested by the opposition with the aim of protecting anc mps who wanted to vote against their own party's wishes. the yes, 177. applause and cheering. the no, 198. a narrow victory for president zuma, the party's leaders were relieved. we have defeated this motion and to us that is the most important aspect. other issues of course within the african national congress, there are many issues we need to do. this was the most recent attempt to oust the 75—year—old. he has been accused of spending public funds in controversial security upgrades to his private residence. this vote was perhaps the biggest sign of zuma's fading support within his own party. it's believed around a0 anc mps voted against him, leaving opposition leaders encouraged. it was a close vote. i believe that the unity of the opposition showed today that we can collaborate and show the people of this country that we are willing to work together, we are going to continue this fight. president zuma has been in power for close to a decade now. but the country remains divided and the country is at another crossroads. he plans to step down as leader of the anc in december, but with political tensions running high, it's unclear whether he can remain president of the country until the 2019 elections. hong kong has now closed 13 beaches, in total, as congealed palm oil washes ashore. the oil appeared after a collision between two ships near the pearl river estuary in southern china. 0fficial cleaning teams have been sent to clear the beaches, but there is mounting criticism of the government's response. nichola carroll reports. it is the time of year when hong kong residents normally head for the beach but many are now off—limits after this latest incident spilt a huge amount of palm oil into the sea. you could easily mistake these snow—like balls as fossils from the ocean, but this is the palm oil that has hardened, following last week's accident. groups of volunteers have been arriving to help with the cleanup. they are worried about the length of time it may take to clear. this is the third time this beach has been cleaned and i come back in the morning, before it is a really sunny, and it looks like it has snowed here. every morning it looks like it snowed in hong kong, and every afternoon it has all melted back down under the sand. a number of the city's most popular swimming spots have been closed. a team of local volunteers from lamma island, in the south of hong kong, have braved the sweltering heat, filling tons of rubbish bags at a time. it is hard, it's hot, and it's disgusting. really, it's like, just look at that. these people, we are all volunteers. where are you, government? one of the vessels is said to be carrying 9,000 tons of palm oil. the hong kong government says that just 50 of those have been cleared so far. they say the chinese authorities informed of the collision two days after it happened. this could have been prevented before it got to the beach. the government could have or should have had policies and procedures in place. once it has hit the beach it is too late, it is already a disaster. officials say the oil is non—toxic and harmless and that the beaches are closed as a precaution. but the spill, at the height of summer, has lefta stench over but the spill, at the height of summer, has left a stench over the area and it could be months or even years before the real damage is known. nicola carroll, bbc news. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: addressing america's drug epidemic. president trump meets top health officials to tackle the rising number of deaths linked to opioid addiction. the big crowds became bigger as the time of the funeral approached. as the lines of fans became longer, the police prepared for a hugejob of crowd control. idi amin, uganda's brutalformer dictator, has died at the age of 80. he's been buried in saudi arabia, where he lived in exile since being overthrown in 1979. 2 billion people around the world have seen the last total eclipse of the sun to take place in this millenium. it began itsjourney off the coast of canada, ending three hours later when the sun set over the bay of bengal. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: north korea says its considering missile strikes near the us pacific airbase on guam after president trump warns that any threats by pyongyang will be met with fire and fury. early results in kenya's election put president uhuru kenyatta in the lead, but the figures are rejected by his rival, raila odinga. the numbers are staggering and each day more than 140 american deaths are linked to opioid use. president trump has held a briefing with his top health official, and a commission's been formed to address the crisis. the bbc‘s rajini vaidyanathan reports on the rampant drug use which is touching every part of society. taking a break from the golf course after his working holiday in new jersey, president trump held a major briefing on what his advisers say is a national emergency, opioid addiction. nobody is safe from this epidemic that threatens young and old, rich and poor, urban and rural communities. everybody is threatened. prescription drug abuse isa threatened. prescription drug abuse is a growing epidemic in the us and a growing concern for all politicians. for then there is nashville, it is personal. her son died from an apparent overdose just ten days ago. he was 22. macs will continue to inspire me for the rest of my life. my heart will always be sad and empty, because we can never replace our child —— max. sad and empty, because we can never replace our child -- max. tens of thousands of people die in the us each year, last year it claimed 30,000 lives. 0nly each year, last year it claimed 30,000 lives. only one in four is treated for addiction. a commission set up by the president has called for better access to treatment through the government's medicaid programme. for others, it is about overcoming the stigma around addiction. our hope is that it may inspire and encourage other parents to have conversations with their own children about this. if that is a slum life, it is worth it. 100 people die every day from an opioid overdose in america. the pressure is on the president to deliver on a policy area that has ravaged so many communities. police in london have appealed for information after a jogger is seen on cctv, apparently pushing a woman into the path of a bus. the footage shows the man running on putney bridge in the south—west of the city. luckily the woman is ok. daniella relph reports. 7.41 in the morning, the manjogging on putney bridge and then this. the quick thinking of the bus driver saved the woman's life. the police believe thejogger deliberately pushed her. when you look closely, you see him raise his hands and make contact. the woman's head and shoulders are then on the road in the path of the bus. 15 minutes later, the jogger came back across the bridge here, running straight past the woman he'd previously knocked over. she tried to talk to him. he just ignored her. passers—by, as well as those who got off the bus, helped the injured woman. the police say she was shocked and upset, but was not seriously hurt. it's very small margins. if it hadn't been for very good reflexes on the part of the bus driver or... the level of force was such to push her even further into the road, almost certainly this could have ended in a fatality. the investigation is focused on finding this man — the mysterious jogger. detectives say they have received a number of useful calls, including other people reporting similar incidents elsewhere in london. those leading the investigation stress they believe this was an isolated incident, but are struggling to understand why anyone would deliberately push someone into the road during the morning rush—hour. daniella relph, bbc news, putney country music star glenn campbell has died aged 81. he had alzheimer's disease. in 60 years of making music, he became a hugely popular interpreter of classic songs. three hits written by the great jimmy webb, in particular — galveston, by the time i get to phoenix, and wichita lineman. david sillito looks back. # i am a lineman for the county... # and i drive the main road.# wichita lineman, it's wide open spaces, yearning, loneliness, america turned into song. but what truly made it a masterpiece was the voice of glen campbell. # i hear you singing in the wires...# he had been born in billstown arkansas, a large poor family of cotton pickers. his escape was his uncle boo who taught him to play guitar. i don't remember not having a guitar or a musical instrument in my hand. and then dad bought a guitarfor, like, $5.95. it was one where the cowboy was up here and the rope went around the hole in the guitar and the lasso on the calf this end and the string about the neck. but i found out real quick that it was lighter than pulling a cotton sack or ploughing. # you just said baby, how i love you...# he could play anything and ended up singing on tv shows and on hundreds of singles with the session musicians the wrecking crew, phil spector, the righteous brothers, frank sinatra, it was glenn campbell on guitar. and eventually... a breakthrough hit of his own. # rivers flowing gentle on my mind. but it was the partnership with songwriterjimmy webb that gave him a career defining songs — by the time we get to phoenix, galveston, wichita lineman. clean cut, conservative, he was suddenly country music's biggest star, with his own tv show. # i have someone who needs me # someone i've needed so long... # but i'm going to be where the lights # are shining on me...# rhinestone cowboy was a glorious return to form after a dip in fortunes that had taken place in the ‘70s. but his personal life was farfrom glorious. # the heartbreak boy...# i think i probablyjust quit letting god run my life and i actuallyjust got into the drugs and the booze pretty heavy. # i am a lineman for the county, and i...# what? drive. drive the main roads. that slight stumble over the words, it was the beginning of alzheimer's. # and the wichita lineman...# he'd long put his wild days behind him, but memories were fading. what stayed with him when so much else had gone was the music. the songs of glenn campbell. now every us election night — no matter which party wins — many disappointed by the result vow to move to canada. well what started as a joke for heather and robin vargas is becoming a reality. eight months after the votes were counted, they've quit theirjobs, filled out the paper work and are swapping their lives in charleston, south carolina for halifax, nova scotia. here's their story. we are starting brand—new, quitting jobs, leaving friends. we are starting our new life over in canada. the decision to move to halifax came about on election night. we saw the numbers come in. a much better night for donald trump and his campaign team than anyone predicted. it was a shock, and that it was just disheartening. predicted. it was a shock, and that it wasjust disheartening. we jokingly said, i guess it's's time to move to canada. heather got online and she went to the immigration website. canada's immigration website. canada's immigration website. canada's immigration website has crashed. a lot of people had the same idea. lot of people had the same idea. lot of people had the same idea. lot of family and friends didn't think we were serious, not as i became more educated on the process of immigration, they realise that we we re of immigration, they realise that we were moving. we started to do more research about canada and we found that the ideal is just a wind more greatly with ours. we started in january and hit the ground running with background checks, employment history, having a certain amount of savings. at the end of april, we went up and visited halifax. we wa nted went up and visited halifax. we wanted to see how the character measured up in real life as opposed to through the screen. we picked out apartments, we had to browse businesses for job opportunities. apartments, we had to browse businesses forjob opportunities. it really solidified our decision to move there. the people are incredible. i am a sunshine person. i love blue skies and sunshine, i know it is a bit more of a car stop there. it will be a climate adjustment, that is one of my biggest concern is. one of my biggest concern is. one of my biggest concerns is jobs.|j biggest concern is. one of my biggest concerns is jobs. i am an office manager, i have done it for over six years office manager, i have done it for over six years now. office manager, i have done it for over six years now. i am getting my mba, i would like to take that experience and maybe seek out a new profession. we will still retain our american citizenship, we just can't vote in canada. i am excited to do jump vote in canada. i am excited to do jump into this new life. we will kind of play it by ear. i would love to get up there, stay up there and fall in love with it, and maybe one day become a canadian citizen. a reminder of our top story. north korea's official news agency says the country is considering launching missile strikes near guam, an american territory in the western pacific where us strategic bombers are based. it follows news from us intelligence officials who say north korea has produced a nuclear warhead small enough to fit onto its ballistic missiles. and you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter, i'm @bbcmikeembley. well, ket me start with a very dramatic picture from tuesday. that's some rough weather. here's a big storm just off the coast of essex, and two waterspouts — the marine equivalent of a tornado. incredible. a thunderstorm picture here from the south end. some rough weather over the last 12 or 18 hours or so. this low pressure system is spinning around the uk. mind, london missed the bad weather. scotland and northern ireland also had some sunshine. throughout wednesday morning, there will be further rain, particularly across lincolnshire, and parts in the midlands and into eastern wales and down into the south—west, as well. and also the possibility of some thunder and lightning in some areas as well. note how different the weather is in northern england and scotland. a fine start for the day there. lots of sunshine. starts on a positive note, then. so right from the word go, belfast, glasgow, aberdeen, edinburgh, sunshine to start — temperatures 13 or 1a degrees for the morning rush. bigger cloud across the north of england and wales. this is where heavy rain will be, say from birmingham to northampton. maybe nudging into the home counties, and squeezing into the south—west, as well. at this stage, from bournemouth, brighton, into kent and sussex will probably stay dry. heavy rain or showers will get going through the course of the latter part of the morning into the afternoon. a little like tuesday, like yesterday. downpours will be slow—moving as well, raining for a while in many locations. say the home counties, east anglia, maybe london as well. this south—eastern portion of the country and the south—east will see some downpours. this is where the worst of the weather will be. looking further north will be fine. how are we doing compared to the rest of europe? a heatwave across some central and southern and eastern parts of europe, 37 celsius over there in rome. a bit too hot to me. i would rather the 18 in london. high pressure starts to build on thursday. we still have the tail end of that wet weather across east anglia and the south east. it may start of grey and wet for a time. a slow moving air of weather. that pushes away. high pressure builds and a window of fine weather develops on thursday. thursday the best day, then friday and saturday the weather will be hit and miss, once again. the latest headlines for you from bbc news: north korea says it's considering a ballistic missile strike close to the us strategic military base on guam in the western pacific. earlier, president trump declared that any further threats from pyongyang would be met, as he put it, with fire, fury and power. kenya's opposition presidential candidate, raila odinga, has rejected early results which indicate a strong lead for his rival, the incumbent president uhuru kenyatta. the election commission says that with three—quarters of polling stations counted, mr kenyatta is on 55%. the american country music star glen campbell has died. he was 81. he was probably best known for hits including rhinestone cowboy and wichita lineman — a haunting song of love and longing. he also played on some of the biggest records of the 1960s, from frank sinatra to the beach boys. it has just it hasjust gone it has just gone past half past two in the morning. that means it is

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Palm Oil , Glen Campbell , Age , American Country Music , 81 , Country , North Korea , News Agency , Report , Missile Strikes , Rhetoric , Rockets , Pacific Airbase On Guam , Countries , Pyongyang , Rise , Plan , Two , News , Officials , Missiles , Warhead , Intelligence , Territory , Bombers , North America , Western Pacific , Donald Trump , Fire , Fury , Power , Threats , Warning , World , State , Nick Bryant , Analysis , Washington , Presidents , George W Bush , Shock , Talk , Language , Part , Escalation , Axis Of Evil , Region , Words , Policy , Negotiations , Rex Tillerson , Threat , Testing , Captive , Oracle , Sanctions , Kind , Ambitions , Farto , Gunn Yang , Game , Uhuru Kenyatta , Elections , Lead , Missile , Technology , Results , Kenya , Figures , Missile Technology , Militarised , Violence , Concern , Raila Odinga , Election , Nairobi , Alastair Leithead , Result , Rival , Supporters , Peaceful , South Africa , Flash Photography , One , Riding , Millions , Democracies , Publicity , Glare , President , Process , Son , Presidency , Incumbent , Term , People , Will , Competitors , Resources , Event , 1200 , Ten , It Led , Deputy , Wounds , Hague On International Criminal Court , Nobody , System , Trust , Opposition Strongholds , Men , Repeat , Fair , Order , Voters , Loser , Defeat , Electoral Roll , Slums , Election Commission , Head , Body , Lines , Resource Management , Poll , Tv , Led , Terms , Success , Polling Stations , Things , Relief , Edge , Fight , Voting , Opposition , Counting , Test , Streets , Bbc News , Stories , Some , Quake , Look , Earthquake , Magnitude , China , Western Province , Sichuan , 6 5 , 160 , Nine , Damage , Backing , Issue , Plans , First Lady Position , Wife , French , Emmanuel Macron , Amount , Hackers , Thousands , Petition , Move , Ransom , Data , Material , Hbo , Television Network , 0ther , 0 , Episode , Script , Game Of Thrones , Vote , President Zuma , Leadership , Secret Ballot , Eighth , Corruption , No Confidence , Mismanagement , Allegations , Life , Motion , Confidence , 9th , National Assembly , 9 , 8 , Good , Nelson Mandela , Corruption Scandals , Litany , Opposition Mps , Applause , Office , Conscience , House , Time , The Party , Mps , Wishes , Aim , Anc , Yes , 177 Applause , 177 , Leaders , No , Cheering , Victory , 198 , Course , Issues , Aspect , Attempt , Security Upgrades , Funds , 75 , Opposition Leaders , Residence , Sign , Fading Support , Unity , Leader , Crossroads , Anc In December , Beaches , Hong Kong , Tensions , Total , 2019 , 13 , Government , Oil , Collision , Cleaning Teams , Response , Criticism , Southern China , Nichola Carroll , Pearl River Estuary , Beach , Incident , Many , Volunteers , Length , Groups , Balls , Cleanup , Sea , Fossils , Ocean , Accident , Morning , Number , City , Team , South , Heat , Filling Tons , Sand , Swimming Spots , Have , Lamma Island , Vessels , Authorities , Hong Kong Government , Chinese , 50 , 9000 , Place , Policies , Procedures , Disaster , Spill , Summer , Height , Area , Stench , Precaution , Lefta Stench , Deaths , Health Officials , Crowds , Stay , Opioid Addiction , Nicola Carroll , Addressing America S Drug Epidemic , Police , Crowd Control , Funeral , Hugejob , Fans , Idi Amin , Saudi Arabia , Brutalformer Dictator , Uganda , 80 , Exile , Total Eclipse Of The Sun , 1979 , 2 Billion , Canada , Coast , Millenium , Sun Set , Bay Of Bengal , Three , Election Put , Headlines , Numbers , Briefing , Health Official , Opioid Use , 140 , Commission , Golf Course , Break , Drug Use , Crisis , Society , Rajini Vaidyanathan Reports , Working Holiday , New Jersey , Epidemic , Safe , Emergency , Advisers , Politicians , Prescription Drug Abuse Isa Threatened , Prescription Drug Abuse , Communities , Everybody , Nashville , Macs , Overdose , Heart , The Rest Of My Life , 22 , Lives , Child , 0nly , Tens Of Thousands , 30000 , Addiction , Hope , Access , Treatment , Commission Set Up , Stigma , Others , Medicaid Programme , Four , It , Parents , Opioid Overdose , Children , Slum , Conversations , 100 , Woman , Jogger , Path , Policy Area , Pressure , London , Bus , Information , Footage , Cctv , Man Running On Putney Bridge , South West , Daniella Relph Reports , Manjogging On Putney Bridge , 7 41 , Bus Driver , Thinking , Contact , Hands , Make , On The Road , Bridge , Shoulders , 15 , Passers , Upset , Margins , Hadn T , Road , Man , Investigation , Level , Reflexes , Force , Fatality , Incidents , Elsewhere , Calls , Detectives , Investigation Stress , Anyone , Daniella Relph , Country Music , Someone , Putney , Songs , Hits , Interpreter , Making Music , Alzheimer S Disease , 60 , Jimmy Webb , Wichita Lineman , The Time I Get To Phoenix , Galveston , Wide Open Spaces , David Sillito , Song , Masterpiece , Yearning , Loneliness , Voice , Billstown Arkansas , Wires , Family , Guitar , Cowboy , Guitarfor , Rope , Escape , Hand , Cotton Pickers , Instrument , Uncle Boo , 5 95 , 95 , The Wrecking Crew , String , Anything , End , Tv Shows , Lasso , Neck , Calf , Hole , Cotton Sack , Ploughing , Partnership , Frank Sinatra , Session Musicians , Singles , Breakthrough Hit , Rivers , Hundreds , On Guitar , Phil Spector , Righteous Brothers , Gentle On My Mind , Songwriterjimmy Webb , Conservative , Career , Cut , Phoenix , Star , Tv Show , Lights , Rhinestone Cowboy , Dip , Heartbreak , Fortunes , Return , 70 , Drugs , Booze , God , County , Lineman , Roads , Drive , Stumble , Beginning , Music , Else , Lineman , Memories , Heather , Vow , Matter , Reality , Joke , Robin Vargas , Halifax , Votes , Story , Work , Paper , Charleston , Nova Scotia , Quit Theirjobs , South Carolina , Eight , Jobs , Decision , Friends , Election Night , Campaign Team , Wasjust Disheartening , Predicted , Immigration Website , Idea , Lot , Friends Didn T , Immigration , Ideal , Wind , Research , Ground Running , Employment History , Background Checks , Savings , We Wa Nted , Businesses , Apartments , Character , Job Opportunities , Opportunities , Screen , Sunshine , Blue Skies , Stop , Car , Sunshine Person , Office Manager , Concerns , Climate Adjustment , Experience , Profession , Mba , Six , Jump Vote , Play It , Citizenship , Ear , Love , Citizen , Reminder , Most , Twitter , Bcmikeembley , Weather , Storm , Picture , Equivalent , Tornado , Ket Me Start , Incredible , Essex , Thunderstorm Picture , Low Pressure System , South End , Mind , Uk , 18 , 12 , Parts , Rain , Midlands , Scotland , Eastern Wales , Northern Ireland , Lincolnshire , Note , Fine , There , Areas , Lightning , Thunder , Possibility , Lots , Northern England , Edinburgh , Belfast , The Word Go , Aberdeen , Glasgow , 1 , Home Counties , North , Heavy Rain , Northampton , Morning Rush , Nudging , Stage , Wales , Birmingham , Brighton , Kent , Sussex , Bournemouth , Downpours , Showers , Well , Afternoon , Little , Locations , South East , East Anglia , Portion , Heatwave , Worst , Rest , Bit , Celsius , Europe , Rome , 37 , High Pressure , Window , Tail End , Air , Miss , Hit , Strike , Strategic , Military Base , Mr , Candidate , Quarters , 55 , Longing , The American Country Music , Haunting Song Of Love , Records , Half , The Beach Boys , 1960 , Globe , Viewers , Mike Embley , My Name ,

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