We all look forward to welcoming the queens speechjust as soon as the coalition of chaos has been negotiated. The other main stories on bbc news at 5pm Inflation Hits A Nearfour year high, continuing the squeeze on consumers as prices rise faster than wages. And the European Commission is expected to put forward proposals which could strip london of the multi billion pound euro clearing market following brexit. Very good evening from Downing Street, where it is hoped that the deal will eventually be done between theresa may and the Democratic Unionist Party. There were several hours of talks today. The Prime Minister is now in france for that meeting with emmanuel micron. We understand, that there are no outstanding issues between the two, but we do not have that firm conclusion of talks, and any announcement of a deal so far today. We will have more from stormont in a moment. We will also be talking to former Secretary Of State for Northern Ireland, about his views on the potential risks and pitfalls of any agreement between the conservatives and the dup. At first, this report on all of todays developments so farfrom this report on all of todays developments so far from our Political Correspondent chris mason. The sun is shining on Northern Irelands Democratic Unionist Party. Just ten mps and their leader, they can now wield huge power. So here they are, by miles, with good reason. Democratic unionist absolutely crucial in propping up theresa mays government. Look and listen to how excited they are. The future is bright. Dup leader Arlene Foster i write at Downing Street at lunchtime to meet the parameter. Prime minister. Do you like to drive a hard bargain . What is your price was to mark . At years later, there was still no deal. We have had very good discussions, and the discussions are continuing into the afternoon. I hope we can reach a conclusion sooner rather than later. Can you give us any indication . There has been a lot of commentary around the issues we have been talking about. We have been talking about matters that pertain to the nation generally. Bringing stability to the uk government in and around issues like brexit, obviously around counterterrorism, and what is right for Northern Ireland with respect to economic matters. For the First Time Since the election, mps return to the commons to congratulate john election, mps return to the commons to Congratulatejohn Bercow On Being re elected speaker. On behalf of the whole house, may i congratulate you on your real election. At least someone got a landslide im sure she will agree with me that democracy is a wondrous thing and can throw up some very unexpected results and ensure. And im sure we all look forward to welcoming the queens speechjust we all look forward to welcoming the queens speech just as soon as the coalition of chaos has been negotiated chin up, mrs may, your country needs you, says the note. As we mentioned, there has been an intervention today from Sirjohn Major, the former Prime Minister, who was such a key part of the Good Friday Agreement, played a crucial role in those negotiations and beforehand. He gave quite a lengthy interview to radio 4 this lunchtime and expressed considerable disquiet. He said there were a lot of potential pitfalls around any agreement between the conservatives and the democratic unionist s. Lets hear part of that radio interview. Iam i am concerned about the deal, i am wa ry i am concerned about the deal, i am wary about it, i am dubious about it. Both for Peace Process reasons but for other reasons as well. That said, all my life i have been a conservative, i very much want mrs may to succeed is premised and to stay as Prime Minister. I understand why she wishes to shore up her parliamentary position, that is entirely understandable and i sympathise. But, but, my main concern certainly is the Peace Process. A fundamental part of that Peace Process is that the uk government needs to be impartial between all the competing interests in Northern Ireland. The Good Friday Agreement says the power of the sovereign government shall be exercised with rigorous impartiality. That is entirely right, and that was a lwa ys that is entirely right, and that was always the intention right from the start of the negotiations. The danger is that however much any government tries, they will not be seen to be impartial if they are locked into a parliamentary deal At Westminster with one of the Northern Ireland parties. And you never know in what unpredictable way events will turn out, and we cannot know, is that impartiality is going to be crucial at some stage in the future. If the government do form a deal with the dup, and i can see that they well might feel that they have two, then it is doubly important, treble important, to consult on brexit widely, both in and out of parliament. I think that where a joint announcement, i think it would be very helpful, as people would see that there is not going to be disproportionate pressure from one pa rt disproportionate pressure from one part of the united kingdom, that the government are going to consult with other parliamentary parties, with business, and with others who have a direct interest in it. We have to recognise that the election changed, if not everything, a very great deal. The government are going to have two respond to that. The views of the 48 cannot be brushed aside, as some of the more rigorous hardline brexiteers wish. Sirjohn major Talking On The Radio at lunchtime. Lets get the thought of our chief Political Correspondent on all of that. We cannot overstate the role that Sirjohn Major played in the Good Friday Agreement. His words, his concerns, really carry weight. They do, and the Mood Music At Westminster today is that we are moving towards some kind of deal. We do not have the details of that, between the conservatives and the dup, it looks like that is going to happen. He is very concerned and wa ry happen. He is very concerned and wary about it, because of the Peace Process and what is going on in Northern Ireland. He says that is very fragile, and saying do not mess with it. He is concerned that you might end up with the other side thinking the British Government is not an honest broker. You have gone into a deal with one side of that. He thinks that is a problem. He broadened. That was only one of his concerns. He said the only thing Arlene Foster has said, she hinted that one of the things she is looking for is the right thing for Northern Ireland in terms of the economy. People are inspecting extra money for Northern Ireland. John major says, that could look like cash for votes. He is concerned that other parts of the uk, who also won funding for hospitals and their local schools, they will say, why can we not have that . You have talked about austerity and the deficit, and now you are throwing cash over the irish sea. He said he is worried it could cost the conservative vote. On top of concerns that tory mps had about the socially conservative views of the dup, and theresa may has reassured about equality laws, saying they will not be brought down because of the dup, he is raising other very serious concerns about this possible deal. We will talk about that with lord peter hain injust a moment. We have had a few details about a reshuffle. Whats happening there . Very interestingly, the brexit unit, whose office is just down at the end of Downing Street, two of the ministers have been taken out of that unit, just a week before the talks are due to start. The people she has brought in, one of them is eye catching, not anyone anyone might now outside of westminster, a backbencher, very much one of the brexiteers, he has been corralling the tory mps, he has been brought in as mrto the tory mps, he has been brought in as mr to that department. She is trying to balance him with others who were on the remain side. But he is coming in there, and that will reassure those on the brexit side who are concerned that there might be some backsliding from the government because of the uncertain election result, a lot of remain mps saying this means that hard brexit, leaving the Single Market, some are saying that is off the cards. Steve baker thinks that a clean brexit where we get out, we control our own laws, thats the way he sees it, i think many Tory Backbenchers will be reassured that he is in there. If there is any sign that things are not going the way they want, he will shout about it. Thanks for that update, our chief Political Correspondent. As promised, lets stay with the theme of the talks that we have been reflecting on all day today, between the dup and theresa may, and get the thought of lord peter hain, who was Secretary Of State for Northern Ireland from 2005 2007. He joins Secretary Of State for Northern Ireland from 2005 2007. Hejoins me from cardiff. Very good evening. You will have heard, and sure, at least reports of what Sirjohn Major said earlier today expressing considerable concern. Im curious whether you similarly think there are attentional risks here with the conservatives doing any kind of deal with the dup. Yes, i think there are risks, and i listened to john yes, i think there are risks, and i listened tojohn majors interview on the bbc radio 2, and it was very compelling and extremely authoritative, and very tough. What he was saying was exact what my concerns are, namely that the British Government, the Prime Minister under Secretary Of State doing the direct niggly negotiations to get the Stormont Assembly and its government resurrected, because it has been in limbo for six months, it has been down for six months, they could be compromised as the British Government if they are seen to be backing i party, and worse than that, be dependent in theresa mays case, for her very ministerial life. It isa case, for her very ministerial life. It is a parliamentary majority on the dup. The fact it is the dup is not central to my point. It would be any party in Northern Ireland, because i have been Secretary Of State, some of the most difficult negotiations that led to Martin Mcguinness and ian paisley taking power together, bitter old enemies ruling effectively, and that has continued for nearly ten years before it all fell over at the beginning of the year. You have got to remain neutral, you cannot be dependent on anyone, any one party, then you dont enjoy the confidence of the others. All the others, not just sinn fein, notjust gerry adams is the leader, but all the other parties have said we really cannot see how the Secretary Of State and the Prime Minister can be neutral. That is really interesting, and i ta ke that is really interesting, and i take your point, you are not saying that this is specific to the dup. That said, i am curious what experience you have, what knowledge you have of some of the people who might negotiating here. Nigel dodds, you may know little more of, what are your thoughts about the attack they will be taking and what they might be asking for . Nigel dodds, the parliamentary leader, is a very seasoned negotiator, a tough one, extremely able. There are others in the team, ian paisleyjunior, a very bright and effective mp and representative of the dup. Arlene foster, the leader, has been badly damaged over the past year by her handling of this renewable heating crisis. This precipitated the fall of the assembly. But nevertheless she is an able figure as well. They are tough negotiators, and they will demand a high price for this, because it is not compensated for them. Thats like, located. Getting rid of the unpopular Pension Proposals that theresa may had in her manifesto, that kind of thing, good luck to them. In another respect there could be a positive outcome because they are not in favour of a hard brexit. They were in favour of leaving the European Union, alone amongst the parties of Northern Ireland, and Northern Ireland voted remain, but they are in favour of ireland voted remain, but they are infavourofan ireland voted remain, but they are in favour of an open border. It has no o bsta cles in favour of an open border. It has no obstacles and no security controls, and as it is now it is invisible. You do not know youre crossing it except, on the irish side, it is jill crossing it except, on the irish side, it isjill mutters per hour kilometres. It is very important that that border remains how it is. Nobody can see how it could be a wee left the Single Market, if we left the European Union, if we left the customs union, we could leave the European Union but stay in the Single Market, stay in the customs market, then the border would be open as it is now. Lord peter hain, really good to hear your voice and opinions tonight. There are many questions i would love to ask you, very good of you to give us your insight. We must cross toa give us your insight. We must cross to a News Conference because that is just beginning on behalf of sinn fein. They have just entered the room in the last few minutes. Palmas keep, starting this News Conference. So, my Point Of View is we stood in the selection based on integrity, equality and respect, and that is what the people, why so many people give us that endorsement and put their crosstown on the ballot paper. I want to ask people to introduce themselves. My name is paul muskie, Ambition Fein Member Of Parliament for the environment. Paul moloney. Sinn fein memberfor paul moloney. Sinn fein member for armagh. Im representing the constituency of donegal. Lama donegal. I am a Member Of Parliament. Michael duff, sinn fein mp. A couple of us have to leave just around a quarter to six. They have to go and do other media. We have come over today, we have done a round of meetings, we havejust finished a meeting with James Brokenshire and some of his officials with regard to the ongoing talks. There are talks ongoing in belfast, and were hoping a resolution can be found and that the executive can be back up and running hopefully within a matter of a short period of time. Were hoping to do that, i know Michelle Oneill and Arlene Foster will be doing a lot of meetings around getting the institutions back up and running, Andi Institutions back up and running, and i know that our party will be, with regards to negotiating teams, will be putting the teams in place which are going to be working with regards to getting the institutions back up and running. Without further ado, angry to throw it open to yourselves to ask questions. Im going. If you come through myself, i will appoint people to give questions and appoint people to give the answers to those questions as well. One of the panel is from donegal. We are the only party in ireland who has representatives in every single sphere. That is the importantjob. Every single sphere. That is the important job. We would every single sphere. That is the importantjob. We would all rather be going to dublin tojoin him to represent our citizens and their constituents, and our constituents would also like us to do that. I am going to throw it open to the floor. Go ahead. Are you absolutely wedded to the abstentions position, at are you happy to go To Westminster . Well, almost a quarter of a Million People voted for this, and others, but they gave us that mandate not to ta ke but they gave us that mandate not to take our seats. People knew we were abstentions mps. Take our seats. People knew we were abstentions mp5. The nationalist party has the mp that had three members in the last term of the westminster parliament, none of them got elected. To me and to us that tells us that the people in the north of ireland want us to take their seats, and they have turned their seats, and they have turned their back on westminster, cos they know that it does not work. Westminster has brought us austerity, hardship, and it has hurt the Working Class people within our communities and within constituencies. We want to challenge that, do not think any of us have any itchy feet to come over To Westminster, we will come over To Westminster. We will lobby the other parties, we will argue with other parties, we will argue with other parties, and to fight for our rights and the rights of irish citizens. That News Conference onlyjust getting underway, but we will keep an eye across it, and an ear across it, see what might emerge from that. Lets talk to our correspondent in belfast. Chris page. Summarise sinn feins approach to this. People may be aware, but explain what their concerns are with regard to the talks that they have been focusing on so much today between theresa may and the dup. No coincidence that sinn fein have sent seven mps to london today. They did not take their seats in the House Of Commons, as he was saying there, but he was saying that people voted for them on that basis will stop given that so much Media Attention is on the Democratic Unionist Party, sinn fein wants to be part of that spotlight. Their concerns as regards to the talks, sinn fein are the other Party Negotiating with the dup as well as the conservatives. Discussions are going on at stormont to put back together the devolved Power Sharing government which collapsed in january after sinn fein and the dup finally fell out. The relationship between them had never been that great, but it had lasted for ten yea rs great, but it had lasted for ten years up to that point. Sinn fein have criticised the prospective deal between the tories and the dup on the grounds that they say it underlines the view they have always had that the British Government cannot act as impartial brokers in the talks process. You heard sir john major, he was involved in the Peace Process here in the 1990s. And lord peter hain was a key part of tony blairs government, who oversaw the deal initially between the dup and sinn fein which resulted in them going to Government Back in 2007. In the Good Friday Agreement, it says that the british and Irish Government must start with rigorous impartiality in their dealings with the Northern Irish parties. According to sinn fein on the other National Party here, the fact that the dup and the conservatives are about to hitch their wagons together At Westminster shows that the government basically cannot perform that role. James brokenshire has said that as far as hes concerned, the effort to stabilise political situations in Northern Ireland is a separate issue from the effort to stabilise the government At Westminster. Thanks for now, chris, you will be back with us once a few more lines urge from that press conference. Lets turn our attention is to european negotiations, the negotiations around brexit, we now those are due to begin its week. That is one of the key reasons that theresa may feels she needs that working majority, hence the talks with the dup today. Very striking comments coming out of strasbourg and elsewhere today on all of that, because you can almost feel the frustration leaping out of those interviews, leaping off the interviews, leaping off the interview page. Michel barnier, the eus chief negotiator, Reminding Britain effectively that the clock is ticking, it is nearly three months since article 50 was triggered, and nothing has happened. Guy verhofstadt, on behalf of the european parliament, urging britain to, im trying to divide his exact phrase, growing very impatient, he was talking earlier about wanting some clarity from the British Government, saying it wants to know more about the British Governments negotiating position. We are on the course of article 50, it has been triggered. The other reason why we have to start hopefully next week, is that we have only a time frame of less than two yea rs. Only a time frame of less than two years. Everything has to be behind us on years. Everything has to be behind us on the 29th of march 2019. Lets head straight to strasbourg and talk to our europe correspondent, gavin lee. A lot of parliamentarians expressing frustration. I guess trying to put the pressure on people in ten, reminding people time and again that the clock has been ticking for some time. Good point, jane. Is it coincidence, is it any more of a sort of getting together in terms of a united message customer Guy Verhofstadt was not the only want to show frustration. I have been speaking to different meps across europe, they are saying a similar thing, were irritated or impatient, were waiting, notably Michel Barnier speaking to some newspapers this morning saying that i cannot negotiate with myself. Ultimately he wa nts to negotiate with myself. Ultimately he wants to speak to a leader who has a mandate, to coin a phrase, strong and stable. Somebody who was accountable. Given what has happened, he believes he has not still had enough information about what the british are looking for, and still wants the talks to take place asap. He does not want to see, there is no reason for any extension, march 2019, it can be done, itjust extension, march 2019, it can be done, it just needs extension, march 2019, it can be done, itjust needs a lot of work. I spoke to labour meps today, they felt embarrassed speaking to their european colleagues because of the mess they described in the uk. Nigel farage, one of the chief brexiteers, he fears his vision for brexit, a ha rd he fears his vision for brexit, a hard brexit, out of the Single Market, is going to be dashed. The other thing which is across the board, we hear brexit means brexit in the uk. Whatever language, whether it is german, italian, spanish, french, icant whether it is german, italian, spanish, french, i cant render the greek, they are saying the same thing. Remember the greek, they are saying the same thing. Rememberthe greek. Thanks remote, gavin lee in strasbourg. Much more Background Information to all the huge issues at stake here on the bbc website. From here in Downing Street. For now, back to julian. Jane hill in Downing Street. A lucrative part of the city of londons financial trading could be forced to move to Continental Europe after the uk leaves the eu. The European Commission has put forward proposals that would give it greater control over the clearing of euro denominated transactions post brexit. At the moment, hundreds of billions of euros move through the capital every day. Our Business Correspondent jonty bloom is in the city for us. The European Commission Vice President said brexit required certain adjustments to the rules. We need to prepare for the departure of the eus largest Financial Partner from the Single Market. Preserve Financial Stability and provide certainty to businesses. This is why today we are introducing a moderate approach to the supervision. We also want to ensure corporations, and Central Banks responsible for eu currencies. Our Business Correspondent jonty bloom is in the city for us. What could this mean for people working where you are . What it could mean is that the business they work out will be forced to move into the eu when we leave. That is not certain to happen, but what the European Commission is saying is that It Wa Nts To Commission is saying is that it wants to regulate the clearing of euros here in london, and if it thinks that the large organisations, Clearing Houses which do that business, pose a threat to the stability of the eurozone, it wants to be able to force them to move into the eurozone so it can regulate the more closely. Now, that is a threat to the city of london because there are thousands ofjobs involved in clearing, and an awful lot of money, the leaves of not trillions of euros, moves through the city every day. The government is saying that that is a matter for negotiation, that our regulation is very strong, and that the city is so powerful that everyone gets a really good deal out of it. But what were hearing really is a European Commission flexing its muscles, saying that after brexit things could change, that they could start calling business back into the eu, and here in the city they will be seen as a threat to its prosperity and success. Thank you, in the city of london. With me is simon pulestonjones, head of europe for the futures industry association, the trade body that represents the clearing industry. How worried are you about what the European Commission is saying . We have known these proposals have been coming for some time. There are a variety of options on the table. They are proposals at this stage, there are three options on the table, one is forced relocation, and what with the impact of that beyond markets . Attention lee and increase on cost, a reduction in efficiency,. Why would it be an increase in costs . You are taking away the euro dem nominated businesses, away from the other currencies here in london. There are lots of efficiencies in doing everything in the same place. As soon as you start dismantling that efficiency, you end up with multiple markets. The more markets there are the less efficient things are. Is there an argued that is of britain leaves the European Union, it makes more sense for at least some of this financial activity to move to within what will then be the eu borders . The way our members feel is that markets operate best when they themselves are able to determine where to locate their business. We need to keep costs down to help people continue to manage their risks using these financial instruments, helping grow businesses by letting them decide where is the most efficient place to take their business. You would say they ought to say london on the grounds of efficiency . It should be the market that decides. This might well be part of negotiations, what would you say to the government in terms of how they should pursue this area of negotiations . The key is to ensure that one minimises disruption. We look to achieve the optimum outcome for both those in the uk and in europe. How do you do that . Rather than forcing markets to move, you consider one of the other options performed by the commission today, which is enhanced Regulatory Oversight of the business is conducted outside the European Union. We will see what happens, thank you very much for coming in. Time for a look at the weather. Heres nick miller. It isa it is a fine evening for many, the showers have cleared for much of Northern Ireland, sunny spells coming through, and in england and wales, but we have thick cloud in scotland, some outbreaks of rain feeding west. Elsewhere we keep hold of the dry weather, the clearest weather will be in england and wales, starry skies, the lowest temperature in rural areas dipping into single figures, maybe the occasional fok patch, but clearing quickly in the morning. Plenty of sunshine in the morning for england and wales, may be an isolated shower, but the majority will stay dry and it will feel very warm, and a few sunny breaks in scotland and Northern Ireland about a fair amount of cloud. We have a contrast in temperatures but quite widely in the 20s, mid 20s in england and wales. Scotla nd 20s, mid 20s in england and wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland close to the high teens. We have more about the rest of the forecast in half an hour. This is bbc news at 5 the headlines. The Democratic Unionist Party leader, Arlene Foster, says she hopes to seal a deal on supporting theresa mays Minority Government sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, new and returning mps Return To Parliament for the First Time Since the election. John bercow is unanimously re elected speaker of the House Of Commons and in time honoured tradition, was dragged to his perch above the commons. Inflation in the uk has risen to its highest rate in four years. The rising of cost foreign holidays and imported goods, such as Computer Games has pushed the rate up to just under 3 , according to the office of National Statistics. And the European Commission puts forward proposals which could strip london of the multi billion pound euro clearing market following brexit. And now we have the evening sports news. The British And Irish Lions record in new zealand now reads played four, lost two. They went down 23 22 to the super rugby Side Highlanders in dunedin. They also picked up a couple of injuries with the first test against the all blacks just 11 days away. James burford reports. For the lions, a chance to leave everything on the pitch but they do so in the news stuart hogg has been ruled out of the rest of the tour because of injury. In the highlanders they had a side with grit, power and all blacks. Just out of reach. After trading penalties, another gap, this time firmly in his hands. The lions on the back foot. To add insult to injury an injury for courtney lawes. Jonathanjoseph scored and eased nerves before Tommy Seymourjumped at a chance to take the lions share of the scoring. And with tries coming at a premium, suddenly the opportunities were coming. The captain Sam Warburton first. Liam coltman for the highlanders. And so it came down the two kicks. Marty banks making no mistake with his to take the lead before elliot daly had a chance to win it with this enormous effort. Just short of victory. I would not blame it on one instance, but there were too many penalties that we gave away and you also have to give credit to the highlanders. We can look back and think that many of them were avoidable, but that is what hurt us most. A senior coach with great britains Olympic Bobsleigh squad has been accused of racism amid multiple complaints over a toxic atmosphere in the sport. Confidential documents obtained by the bbc show that athletes contacted the Chief Executive anonymously to raise concerns over bullying, racism, sexism and other discrimination. No disciplinary action was taken at the time. The british bob and Skeleton Association say they conducted an internal review, but no formal complaints were made against individual staff. The bbsa did recognize that there is a group of athletes who have a significant level of discontent and the climate for them is sub optimal, we will look to address this asap. Ben Mccullough Young left the sport last year describing his time there as an amazingly unpleasant experience. I dont have a history of Mental Health problems, but i got to the point where i was experiencing what i could only describe as bouts of anxiety and depressive episodes every single day. Ijust had, for someone that loves my training, i love training every day, i love my sport, ijust really didnt want to be there. I didnt want to be doing sport. I was kind of sometimes. I had my fingers crossed that i would sustain some kind of injury that would like put me in a category where i definitely couldnt slide. It was that bad. A couple of Football Stories for you. Sunderland are in talks with Aberdeen Boss Derek Mcinness over their managerial vacancy. Mcinness led the dons to second in the Scottish Premiership last season, and took them to the scottish cup final. Mcinnesss firstjob might be to find a new goalkeeper. Everton have agreed to pay sunderland £30 million for the England Under 21 internationaljordan pickford. Pickford received much praise last season, despite the black cats relegation. He would become the most expensive british goalkeeper. Following their last gasp draw with scotland in their World Cup Qualifier on saturday, englands footballers are back in action tonight. Theyre in paris to play france in a friendly. It isa it is a friendly, yes, but against a french side and we are very much looking forward to the challenge. Britainsjohanna konta has notched up her 300th career win, with victory in the first round of the nottingham open. The top seed was leading 6 2, 3 love when her opponent and fellow brit tara moore had to withdraw through injury. Konta will play belgian Yanina Wickmayer in the second round. It was really good to spend some time out on court, not the best circumstances to come through that match but in terms of the things i had under my control i felt i competed well and i definitely enjoyed getting my first match under my belt on the grass. Thats all sport for now. Ill have more in the next hour. All the build up to the England International in paris. I will have more on that and the rest of the sport at 630. Welcome back to Downing Street can we have been dyed those talks between theresa may and the dup, which are essential if she is to have a working majority Downing Street, we have been digesting those talks between theresa may and the dup. We can speak to our correspondent. No conclusion, but no barriers as we understand it, what is your take on it . That is where we are, we do not have confirmation, but it looks like that could well happen tomorrow. It seems as though theresa may will get her working majority with a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party but it has to be said that there is a lot of anxiety about it. When this was mooted there were talks over the weekend, conservative mps were concerned about equality. They were talking about equality laws, but theresa may said they are not going to row back on any of that, that is not on the table, by talking about brexit and the economy, but Sirjohn Major, big figure in the party, very influential in the Peace Process in Northern Ireland, and he said in very stark terms that he is concerned and wary about this deal because he is worried that it will look like the British Government is on one side in a very delicate situation. The Power Sharing has broken down and it couldnt be at a worse time at he said if you have. You cant agree, one side or the other, the hard men of Northern Ireland are still there, he said. He is deeply concerned about it. We have heard from sinn fein mps, they are here in westminster saying they are here in westminster saying they are concerned it could affect the deal, as well. This is very tricky for theresa may and also interesting thatjohn major broadened it out, his concerns are notjust about that issue, they are about the idea that you could end up with a cash for votes, the idea money could be pumped into Northern Ireland and other areas of the uk could be thinking, how come they are getting it and we are not the man he thinks i could be very detrimental to the conservatives down the line. He thinks that could be very detrimental. Theres a sinn fein news co nfe re nce detrimental. Theres a sinn fein News Conference going on at the moment. We are hearing, one of the comments, the suggestion that there would be concerned that any agreement between the conservatives and the dup could affect the Peace Agreement and could affect the current political situation in Northern Ireland. There will be more to come on that News Conference which is continuing in central london. The formal talks involving theresa may have finished because she is now in paris. She has a pre is scheduled meeting with Emmanuel Macron. Our correspondent tom bateman is in paris. What are we ex petting out of this . Expecting. What are we ex petting out of this . Expecting. Theresa may is going to arrive any minute now, we understand. She will speak to Emmanuel Macron and there will be bilateral talks and then a Working Dinnerand bilateral talks and then a Working Dinner and that is before the pair head to the stade de france where they will be a minutes silence for victims of the attacks in manchester and london. That is what the agenda is meant to focus on in these talks, counterterrorism measures, there are moves about trying to make social Media Companies take down extremist material, but i understand from Downing Street, that brexit is going to come up at these talks. Looking at the position that theresa may find so self in, meeting a president in france who made it part of his campaign to argue for european integration, he has been given the mandate by the people of france. Theresa may said in the campaign she wa nted theresa may said in the campaign she wanted her hand strengthened on coming out of the Single Market and out of the customs union, and yet she finds herself in a considerably weakened position. Eu leaders have made it clear they are not going to discuss brexit with theresa may, so i would not expect anything in detail, but she will be looking out for a sense of tone and a sense of his position as a newly elected french president and of those talks which might start next week. Ahead of those talks. And french president who is so in favour the European Union. And on a day when we have heard so many comments on the selling of parties from senior parties, especially those in strasbourg, expressing frustration about the state of affairs here. Yes, they want britain to get on with this. There is a view in europe that the Election Campaign and the position it has left theresa may in is simply delaying things even further. Theresa may finds herself in westminster with a Gathering Storm against her and to some extent trapped by two competing forces, people in her party, mps, who think that what they are concerned about is that there wont be a clean brexit, that there may not be that very clear removal, extraction from the Single Market, from the customs union, and we have heard from the former Prime Minister Sirjohn Major, and other senior figures, like william hague, warning about what the British Public has been saying. And then we have michael gove, the new environment secretary this morning, saying that this has to be about consensus and reaching out across borders, this is brand new language from the government. When it comes to brexit. Many people are wondering where this is going to go and do some extent theresa may in that weakened position may find herself being pulled in Different Directions by those mps in her own party who are looking out for what they see as a ha rd looking out for what they see as a hard brexit, coming out of the free trade bloc, the Single Market, and the other voices who say it is time to listen to other mps in the party who are concerned about coming out of the Single Market, time to listen to other voices in the House Of Commons and to listen to the devolved nations in the uk and those new tory mps in scotland who are very worried about all of this. Were not going to hear much more detail on this tonight, the from the government is that negotiations will get underway soon, but what theresa may will be looking out for tonight is the tone and position of the french president. Just to clarify, is this a meeting that was planned long before the general election . Im thinking of Emmanuel Macron with that extraordinary mandate, a man who wasnt known in french political circles that well until quite late in his campaign. This amazing achievement politically that he has had almost out of nowhere, is how it feels, to some people. Was this meeting set up with the hope that theresa may with a huge majority would be meeting this quite remarkable, very young, new french president . The first we knew about this was over the weekend, and that was a question id put to Downing Street, whether this had been prearranged. They would only say that theresa may had been invited by Emmanuel Macron and they would not go into any more specific details about when it happened, but that matters, of course. If it is the case this has happened since the election, you would expect theresa may to want to make things look very much like Business As Usual and on that front the fact that this is talking about counterterrorism, that is an important point, because in the Election Campaign, for much of those weeks it became dominated by the Security Agenda and that is something the Prime Minister will be keen to emphasise tonight. That there is a very serious threat that has to be dealt with, and away from theissues has to be dealt with, and away from the issues that people are talking about, talks with the dup and shoring up her parliamentary situation, that will be the running of the country, that has to continue, and that is part of that entire gender. And of course in a european sense, given that this is a bilateral discussion, about trying to Work Together with the french government, to find ways in which social Media Companies and other companies can be asked to try and tackle the extremist right, this is an example of working with other countries, not through the mechanisms of the eu. So that is helpful to her, i think, mechanisms of the eu. So that is helpful to her, ithink, but mechanisms of the eu. So that is helpful to her, i think, but as we find out more about what exactly is being discussed, i dont think there will be a vast amount of detail about brexit, the way it was put to me by Downing Street, this is something that will be touched upon tonight, but no further than that, probably. Tom, thanks forjoining us. Our correspondent in paris. We believe theresa may will arrive there relatively soon. There will be talks with president Emmanuel Macron tonight. We will keep you across that and anything that emerges from those and also anything that might emerge about the talks between the conservatives and the dup and we know Arlene Foster is staying in london tonight. But for now, it is back to the studio. The European Court of human rights has ruled that doctors should continue to care for the terminally ill baby, charlie gard, until midnight next monday, while they continue to consider his case. Its positive news for charlies parents, who maintain that they want to take him to the us For Experimental Treatment for his rare genetic disorder. Last week, the Uk Supreme Court had agreed with doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital and ruled that he should be allowed to die with dignity, as our medical correspondent fergus walsh reports. Charlie gard cannot see, hear, move, cry or swallow. He is seriously brain damaged and kept alive with a mechanical ventilator. His parents, chris gard and connie yates, have raised £1. 3 million through crowdfunding For Experimental Treatment in the united states. They say they simply want the best for their son. He hasnt got anything to lose. We know that even if it doesnt work, which i think it will, we know that we have done everything that we can for him. But doctors, including independent experts, say the treatment cannot improve his condition. One concern is that charlie may experience pain but is unable to respond to it. Last week, the Uk Supreme Court said while it had the utmost sympathy for his parents, it was not in charlies interests to subject him to futile treatment which might simply prolong his suffering. Today, a panel of sevenjudges at the European Court of human rights in strasbourg will consider written evidence in the case. If they decide to take on the issue, a full hearing will be organised. If not, then the parents legal battle to take their son abroad will be over, and from midnight, Great Ormond Street Hospital will be free to switch off charlies ventilator and provide only palliative care. Fergus walsh, bbc news. With me is Richard Lister whats the latest . That was clearly looking ahead to the decision we are now aware of, so what has now happened . What has happened, the European Court of human rights has made an Interim Order and they havent decided whether they will formally take this case and consider it on its merits, but what they have done, they think they should be more time given to they should be more time given to the lawyers of the family to prepare a substantive case and then to consider on its merits, so the seven judge panel is saying the lawyers for the family have more time to draw up their arguments which will be considered in due course and then they will consider whether theyd ta ke they will consider whether theyd take this case forward. This is a case that has been through a number of legal hearings already. Case that has been through a number of legal hearings alreadym case that has been through a number of legal hearings already. It has exhausted the British Court process, it began in the family court and went to the high court where the judge decided it was in the interest, the best decision was to allow charlie gard to die with dignity, and the families family was very dignity, and the families family was very upset about this. They took that to the Supreme Court which also sided with the original high court judge. Having exhausted the british legal system they are taking it to the European Court of human rights, but if they decide not to take this case or takes it and goes against them, that is it as far as the Legal Process goes. And a word about the condition of charlie, what is wrong with him . He has a very rare genetic disease which is terminal, he cannot hear or see and he is being kept alive with a ventilator and a feeding tube. Hes very severely brain damaged. What his medical team at Great Allman Is Great Allman Is the what his medical team at say at the hospital, is that the treatment would not be able to reverse the damage to his brain, and they say he would not get better and that this therapy is also not tested against anybody with his condition. Richard, thanks forjoining us. Inflation in the uk has risen to its highest rate for four years. Figures out from the office for National Statistics show it rising to 2. 9 in may, up from 2. 7 the previous month keeping inflation above the Bank Of Englands 2 target. Heres our economics correspondent andy verity. The weakness of the pound since the referendum should have helped Tourist Towns like stratford upon avon, but the businesses trying to attract chinese or american tourists import much of what they sell, and theyre being squeezed by higher costs. Business owners know they cant always pass on those costs if they want customers to come in. No profit grows where no pleasure is taken. Certain items, for example on the afternoon tea, the salmon in six months now it has gone over £4 a kilo. Cocoa for the chocolate cake, again, has gone up quite dramatically. These are things like butter august last year, a packet of butter, about 85p. Bought some yesterday, £1. 18 a packet. Fish, including salmon, was one of the fastest risers, up 10. 5 since last year. The average price of all goods rose by 3 . That is the first time in years that goods have gone up faster than services, up 2. 6 . Competitive businesses like this one dont want to raise their prices because of the risk that customers get put off and go elsewhere, so theyre trying to find other ways to trim their costs. But, eventually, theyll be faced with a choice raise their prices or see their profits wiped out. And the biggest upward pressure on their costs is labour. The higher minimum wage is one reason for the higher cost of recreational services, one of the biggest upward pressures on inflation in recent weeks. But overall wages arent keeping up prices are now rising substantially faster than pay. Inflation probably hasnt reached its peak, it could go above 3 over the next few months. I dont think that were going to see the Bank Of England raising rates any time soon, though, because were seeing a slowdown in activity, and they will be more conscious of the risks to the economy, rather than the risks of inflation rising substantially further. The Bank Of England hadnt thought inflation would get this high this early in the year. Up until now, most members of the committee at the bank that sets Interest Rates had been convinced its temporary, so theres no need to head it off with an early rise in rates. Andy verity, bbc news. A few moments ago you were watching our correspondent in paris who is awaiting the arrival of the Prime Minister in paris. The scene has not changed from those Conversations Tom was having with jane a few minutes ago. But they are there waiting the arrival of theresa may. This was a prescheduled meeting. Already scheduled for theresa may to meet the newly elected french president Emmanuel Macron this evening, partly to do some Serious Business and have some discussions about Security Issues which are uppermost in their minds but also no doubt brexit will be very much on the agenda, as well. Pa rt be very much on the agenda, as well. Part of that will be part of a Working Dinner, but they are also going to go to the stade de france where the friendly game is being played between france and england where there will be a moments silence remembering those who died in both manchester and london recently. We were expecting the Prime Minister to have arrived, but as you can see she hasnt done that yet. We will show you the photographs when she does. Time for a look at the weather. Heres nick miller. I will start with some pictures. They make the weather looked brilliant, no matter what the weather is. This is somerset, it will be even warmer in the sunshine tomorrow, and this looks great in belfast, even though it is cloudy. So spells developing in Northern Ireland, but plenty of cloud in scotland. It is dry for the rest of with some cloud, and also sunshine. The next few days, if you are close to the High Pressure it is quite settled, but if you are close to the low pressure, you have at least got more cloud and breeze but you might have some rain, as well. Just as we have some rain, as well. Just as we have had today in scotland. Plenty of downpours spreading to the north overnight. Clear skies in england and wales. In rural areas it will get a bit cooler, maybe single digits. Plenty of sunshine to start the day and a lot of dry weather in scotla nd the day and a lot of dry weather in scotland and Northern Ireland. The week Weather System bringing outbreaks of rain to North West Scotla Nd Outbreaks Of Rain To North West Scotland but it would be quite windy. Four oclock in the afternoon, with the sunshine, it will be feeling warmer compared with today, some places reaching the upper 20s in the south east. Apache cloud developing after that, maybe the occasional shower. Patchy cloud. Northern ireland and scotland, some sunny breaks, the odd isolated shower, but also outbreaks of rain and quite windy, as well. With the cloud covered the temperature are lower than elsewhere. Another Weather System coming in thursday, overnight taking some rain through Northern Ireland and into scotland, and then on thursday, more showers coming back into scotland and Northern Ireland, with a stiff breeze and some sunny spells, but blink and youll miss the showers. Sunshine following, but by the afternoon on thursday it will be breezy and it will feel fresher. Temperatures not as high as wednesday, but then friday, going into the weekend, a very similar weather pattern. More breeze and cloud, some rain at times, especially the south and south east of the uk, the pressure is high and it will turn warm again as we go through the weekend. Some places reaching the upper 20s once again by sunday. More online. Tonight at six talks continue as theresa may looks for a deal that will give her a majority in parliament. She needs the ten seats won by Arlene Fosters dup in Northern Ireland, but what do they want in return . Issues around brexit, obviously around Counter Terrorism and doing whats right for Northern Ireland in respect of economic matters. A Hung Parliament At Westminster. Laboursjeremy corbyn had some good lines, and they came at theresa mays expense. Lets come together in a spirit of National Unity to keep our country safe, and Build A Strongerfairer More Prosperous Future for everyone. The Labour Party Stands ready to offer strong and stable leadership in the national interest. And even before the deal with the dup is done, theres a warning from john major

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