Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170216

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and london. this is bbc world news. its newsday. glad you could join us. it's 8am in singapore, midnight in london and 8am in kuala lumpar, where north korea has asked malaysia and authorities to hand over the body of authorities to hand over the body of a man who is thought to have been poisoned as he waited to board a flight. poisoned as he waited to board a flight. the dead man is believed to be the half brother of the north korean leader, kim jong—un. be the half brother of the north korean leader, kimjong—un. he had been critical of the north korean regime and had been living in exile after being passed overfor the leadership. our correspondent karishma vaswani has more from kuala lumpar. it's business as usual in pyongyang, everything moving at clockwork precision. kim jong—un took part in kimjong—un took part in a kim jong—un took part in a rally to mark what would have been his father's 75th birthday. but away from the pomp and the pagentry, a tale of murder and mystery. this man, kimjong—nam, is the north korean leader's exiled older half—brother, he's believed to have been murdered at an airport in malaysia on monday. between the hours of 9am to 10am in the morning on monday, the man believed to be kim jong—nam was attacked in this crowded, busy airport. police say that he was accosted by at least one woman who covered his face with a cloth, filled with some sort of burning chemical. malaysian police say these pictures may hold the key to what happened. these cctv images have been broadcast on some malaysian media networks. police have arrested one woman carrying a vietnamese passport who they say is connected to this case. kim jong—nam, seen here as a child with his father, kim jong—il, was the favourite son and next in line to take over until he fell out of favour and spent several years overseas in exile. it's not clear why or even if kim jong—nam was murdered and while south korea says it was definitely pyongyang that ordered the hit, it could also have been a disgruntled business partner, chinese triads or a jilted lover. whoever killed him, that is one possible threat to kim jong—un removed and even if it was not pyongyang that ordered the killing, i doubt if there'll be much mourning in pyongyang, the two half—brothers didn't really get on. you will find some people who will tell you they never actually met. north korea has yet to comment on the murder, but embassy officials spent hours at the hospital, reportedly objecting to a postmortem examination that could determine how he died. they've also requested that the body is released to them right away, but malaysia has refused. karishma vaswani, bbc news, kuala lumpur. let's update you you on the regional elections in indonesia where tens of millions of people have voted but all eyes are on the election of a new governor in jakarta, all eyes are on the election of a new governor injakarta, which was overshadowed by the incumbent‘s blasphemy trial. he is the first christian leader of the majority muslim city in over 50 years and we can go live to jakarta and speak to rebecca henschke who has been following this for us for the last few days. bring us up to date with any prediction of how the voting has gone. on most credible quick counts we've got, it looks like the election will go to a second round in april. neither of the candidates, either governor macro three all his opponents got enough out right. most polls say governor purnama got an off of the vote but again not enough. yesterday, last night, we saw the other candidate accepting defeat alongside quite a tearful family. he's the son of cecilia bang bang the adobo, the former president of indonesia, and he didn't get enough to enter this second round. this is going to go forward for a number of months, it is in april, the second round, and this is very much an opportunity to see how ja ka rta much an opportunity to see how jakarta and indonesia is doing in terms of religious tolerance? that's right. the election so far, the campaign has been extremely divisive and they have gone after the conservative muslim vote here. he has benefited from governor purnama's blasphemy charges and the accusations against him of insulting islam. the next few months, many a nalysts islam. the next few months, many analysts say, are likely to see a very brutal campaign where those issues of race and religion, very sensitive issues in indonesia, a country that has a national motto of unity and diversity and respects six official religions, those issues are likely to be part of what will be a very tight race. any idea when we will get a complete two confirmation of the results? that won't be for a number of weeks. —— and official confirmation. bringing in the votes isa confirmation. bringing in the votes is a much slower process. all of the candidates warned of potential voter fraud and yesterday governor purnama's team said they had evidence of irregularities at the polling booth that one two they want to bring up and challenge so we may see that drawing out the process before we have an official count. rebecca, thank you so much for that, rebecca, thank you so much for that, rebecca henschke reporting live from jakarta. also making news this hour: at least seven people have been killed and several more injured in two separate suicide attacks in north—western pakistan. a government compound and a van carrying judges were hit in the two attacks. the final hearing will take place later today in hong kong for the terroritory‘s former chief executive donald tsang, who's is facing charges of corruption. mrtsang, who ran hong kong between 2005 to 2012, pleaded not guilty to three charges of bribery and misconduct, relating to a luxury flat in china. thousands of tons of aid from malaysia is being distributed in bangladesh to rohingya refugees who've fled myanmar. it's estimated that as many as 70,000 rohingya muslims have fled myanmar since the start of an army operation last october. scientists in the united states say they can detect autism in children's brains long before any behavioural symptoms emerge. currently the earliest children tend to be diagnosed is at the age of two, but a new study found that it might be possible to detect signs of autism in the first year of life. this is new zealand where wildfires have forced the evacuation of hundreds of people in the area of christchurch. the mayor said that a50 properties were officially evacuated and that a helicopter pilot had died. tens of thousands of homes are still without electricity. let's return to our main story now, the death of the north korean leader's half brother kim jong—nam. earlier i spoke to doctor go myong—hyun from the asan institute for policy studies. i began by asking him why north korea has asked malaysian authorities to hand over the body. i have to speculate and i would say that north korea doesn't want the malaysia and authorities to analyse the body for chemicals which would allow the authorities to possibly trace back the path to north korea. are you saying that north korea had a hand in the death of kimjong—nam? it's highly likely, especially if you look into the different elements involved in the incident. the fact the attack has been carried out in broad daylight at a very profile location such as an airport, especially with the weapon used to kill kim jong—nam, which especially with the weapon used to kill kimjong—nam, which is poison spray or poison needles. this is particularly the modus operandi of north korean agents and there's a history of north korean agents using these weapons to eliminate targets. what is the motive to have the half brother of kim jong—un killed? what is the motive to have the half brother of kim jong—un killed ?m what is the motive to have the half brother of kim jong-un killed? it is clearly personal. kim jong—un seems to have some sort of a complex when it comes to his legitimacy for his power in north korea. kimjong—nam is the youngest of three sons of the former leader of north korea, kim jong il, kim jong—nam former leader of north korea, kim jong il, kimjong—nam happens to be the oldest son. the eldest son has the oldest son. the eldest son has the legitimacy conservative elements in north korea so there's a bit of a family conflict going on here. what do you make of the alleged involvement of a vietnamese woman in the death of kim jong—nam? could there be any other reason for his death if not a north korean angle? allowed the air, there could be something like that involved. -- yeah. we don't know yet. but we have to see if this vietnamese woman is really vietnamese. it could be a north korean agent masquerading as vietnamese because they have a history of this too when north korean agents flew out of a south korean agents flew out of a south korean airliner in the 805, the north korean agents were carrying japanese pa55port5. when they were in custody they pretended to be japanese for a very long time. we will have to wait a little longer to find out if this is true or not. president trump's public di5pute with his own intelligence agencies has intensified. he's accused them of breaking the law by leaking classified information and he blamed them for the resignation of his national security adviser michael flynn. mr flynn had admitted misleading colleagues about his contacts with russian diplomats. the president is now under even greater scrutiny following claims of repeated contacts between his team and russian officials during the election campaign. 0ur north america editor jon sopel reports. these are not the best of times. not yet four weeks in, his travel ban's been blocked, his national security advi5er‘5 been fired and the questions about his links with russia are piling up. and when the president is angry, the place he vents is on twitter and, boy, did he let rip this morning. and, on the reporting of this: the president of the united states and the prime minister of israel. at his news conference with the israeli prime minister, no mention of concerns about links with russia and you'd never have guessed that it was the president who'd forced general flynn's resignation. michael flynn, general flynn, is a wonderful man. i thinks he's been treated very, very unfairly by the media. as i call it, the fake media in many cases. and i think it's really a sad thing that he was treated so badly. i think, in addition to that, from intelligence, papers are being leaked, things are being leaked. it's criminal action, criminal act. but on capitol hill there's one central concern among senior republicans and democrats, it's the administration's link5 to the russian government. the base issue is getting to the bottom of what the russian interference was and what the relationship was with associates of the trump effort and so that is the big elephant in the room that has got to be dealt with in the most appropriate way. the american people need to understand, we need to understand and it needs to be dealt with quickly. so this is what we know. 0njanuary 15th, the vice president went on television to deny that russian sanctions had been discussed in those phone calls. on january 26th, the acting attorney general tells the white house actually they were. that's when the president was informed. but it wasn't until february ninth, when the story was about to break in the press, that vice president mike pence was told. that means he was deliberately kept in the dark for over two weeks. listen to the president last friday. i don't know about it. i haven't seen it. what report is that? and this was his spokesman yesterday seeking to explain that discrepancy. what he was asked specifically is, was he aware of a washington post story? he hadn't seen that at the time. of course he was involved, ijust said that he was aware of the situation right after the white house council informed him back injanuary. it's hard to avoid the conclusion that this is an administration that is reeling. just take donald trump's controversial travel ban. he announced at the end of last week there'd be a new executive order on monday or tuesday to replace it. it's now wednesday, there's been nothing. work is not getting done because of the turmoil. jon sopel, bbc news, washington. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: president donald trump tells israel's prime minister that establishing a palestinian state is no longer the only option that america favours in the middle east. the troops were finally coming home. mall, was murdered. that has had a terrible effect on the morality of the people. one wonders who is next. as the airlift got under way, there was no letup in the destruction itselfit went away from the town for the time being, but it could start again atany the time being, but it could start again at any time. the russians heralded venue space station with a spectacular launch. they called it peace. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm rico hizon in singapore. i'm babita sharma in london. thank you forjoining us. our top stories: north korea has asked malaysia to hand over the body of a man thought to be the half—brother of the north korean leader, kim jong—un. he's believed to have been poisoned. residents of the indonesian capital, jakarta, have voted for a new governor in an election overshadowed by the incumbant‘s blasphemy trial. and india's excessive's weddings might get a wake—up call. a new bill could be approved that will limit the number of guests and dishes served to avoid waste and put a "tax" on the most extravagant newlyweds. it comes after a wealthy businessman spent five billion rupees, that's around $74 million on his daughter's wedding last year sparking outrage. more on that story at let's take a look at some front pages from around the world the south china morning post has more on the killing of a man thought to be the half—brother of north korean leader, kim jong—un. citing an anonymous source, the paper says that kim jong—nam felt he was living on "borrowed time." the financial times reports on a visit to 0man by the iranian president, hassan rouhani. it says it's the first visit to a gulf country since the president took office in 2013, and is a sign that tehran is seeking to ease tensions with saudi arabia by calling for a ceasefire in yemen. and in singapore's the straits times, the 75th anniversary of the island's occupation by japan, with the prime minister saying the lessons must not be forgotten. those are the lead stories in major publications around the world. now, babita, a former leader in the mobile phone market is sparking discussion on—line? yes, rico. do you remember the nokia 3310 phone? well, rumours are rife that nokia is planning to bring back the iconic phone. mobile users of a certain age are getting rather excited on social media about the possible return of this sturdy, reliable handset. but alas, nokia has refused to confirm if the rumours are true. we can have a quick look at it. i used to have i used to have one i used to have one of i used to have one of those i used to have one of those phones, i used to have one of those phones, babita sharma. as we've seen, the president has hosted a meeting at the white house, with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and mr trump seems to have cast aside two decades of american policy in the middle east, by suggesting that the creation of a new palestinian state, alongside israel, the so—called "two—state solution" is no longer the only peace plan under consideration by america. 0ur middle east editor, jeremy bowen, has more details. when mr and mrs netanyahu arrived at the white house there seemed to be real warmth. the israeli prime minister certainly hopes so. he had a sour relationship with barack 0bama and wants this visit to be a new start. before he was elected president, mr trump seemed ready to give israel a blank cheque on the palestinians. mr netanyahu authorised thousands more homes forjews in the occupied territories in defiance of international law within days of mr trump's inauguration. but now he's in the white house, the president has changed his tune. he sees himself as america's greatest deal—maker and seems to believe he can make the deal between israel and the palestinians that evaded the last four american presidents. but that, he said, means give and take. as far as settlements, i'd like to see you hold back on settlements for a little bit. we'll work something out. but i would like to see a deal being made. i think a deal will be made. as with any successful negotiation, both sides will have to make compromises. you know that, right? both sides. but in a middle east that is often chaotic, mr netanyahu sees opportunities. for the first time in my lifetime, and for the first time in the life of my country, arab countries in the region do not see israel as an enemy, but increasingly as an ally. and that's because israel and the arab states in the gulf have a common enemy. it's iran. it's seen as a big threat in the region by the governments in the region and the us. but other arab countries of the gulf are also suspicious of the iranians. prompting that talk of a broader regional deal. now, among these are smaller nations, such as bahrain and the united arab emirates and among them crucially is iran's main regional rival, saudi arabia. israel has settled 600,000 jews on occupied land palestinians want for a state. israeli right—wingers do not like president trump's call to stop expanding settlements. they prefer his backing away from a two—state solution an independent palestine alongside israel. many people on the ground believe the likeliest outcome is no solution at all. jeremy bowen, bbc news. in china, police are calling for help from the general public to tackle child abduction and trafficking. the problem has been highlighted after it was placed on a new phone app by police in beijing. the new app is designed to make it easier for citizens to report what they see as suspicious or criminal activity. stephen mcdonell reports from beijing. police in beijing havejust launched an application to make every mobile phone user potentially an informant. when someone phone user potentially an informant. when someone sees phone user potentially an informant. when someone sees something suspicious, they just might when someone sees something suspicious, theyjust might want to make it easier, there are five main categories, lost property, traffic incidents, topping older people when they get lost, the reporting of anyone who looks suspicious. —— helping. but remarkably, the first category is asking for information on the abduction and trafficking of babies. that is the first thing that sticks out when you open the application. and you have been watching newsday on the bbc. i am rico hizon in singapore. stay with us. more troubles for the ride hailing service uber. this time in india where striking drivers have caused traffic chaos. and the reminder of the main news. north korea has asked malaysian officials to hand over the body of a man poisoned believed to be the half brother of the north korean leader, kim jong—un. more on that to come. before we go, we want to show you pictures from australia that are coming into us. a fierce heatwave is affecting parts of australia. this is near the town of birdsville in queensland where this police officer is actually cooking an egg in a frying pan on his car bonnet. the area, which is on the edge of the simpson desert, has experienced temperatures as high as 47.1 degrees celsius, that's just under 117 degrees fahrenheit, in the last fortnight. the egg took less than a0 seconds to be cooked. that's all for now. stay with bbc world news. sunnyside up, i think. see you soon. hello. wednesday was a mixed bag right across the british isles. for some, after a dull start, it turned out to be a glorious day. almost springlike. for others, my word, you had to wait. eventually in the east some saw some brightness after a thoroughly miserable days. it depended on where you were. we started life in the south—west with the weather going north—east. into the weather going north—east. into the channel islands, eventually brighter skies into the south—east. it will not be a cold start to the day. given the cloud around, the front has not disappeared. a rigourous area of low pressure. notice the isobars squeezed together. that could signify some gusts of wind around 30, if not, a0 miles per hour, to start off the day. rain and blustery showers, especially in northern and western parts of scotland, and maybe in northern ireland. the odd shower getting across the border into the north of england. further south, some brightness in the heart of wales, the midlands, and lincolnshire. further south, again, lots of cloud around and hill fog. that will give you a grade and murky start. that will give you some time before it goes away. things improving widely in western england and wales. rain returning to northern ireland eventually push into what the north—west of wales. the odd shower may get into south—western part of scotland. all the while, the breeze will be noticeable in northern areas. the top temperatures, 10— 11 degrees also on the day. that is a trend we will see continuing on into the weekend. that puts us above the average for the year, closer to 8—9 depending on where you are. through the course of the evening and overnight, a ribbon of cloud going across the irish sea into england. 0n across the irish sea into england. on friday, it will leave behind a tale of cloud south—west to it diagonally, the best of the brightness on either side. the weekend, staying mild. sunny intervals. a bit of cloud as well. rain at times, especially in the north. this is how we start the weekend. isobars. breezy. this weather front will weaken as we go further south. it is this area of cloud and rain that gives you a wet respect for northern areas. —— prospect. you're watching the eworld news. i'm babita sharma. 0ur you're watching the eworld news. i'm babita sharma. our top story: north korea has asked malaysia to hand over the body of a man thought to be the half brother of its leader, kim jong—un. kim jong—nam is the half brother of its leader, kim jong—un. kimjong—nam is thought the half brother of its leader, kim jong—un. kim jong—nam is thought to have been poisoned as he waited to board a flight on monday. local authorities are carrying out an autopsy to establish the exact cause of death by pyongyang has reportedly objected. residence of the indonesian capital of jakarta have voted for a new governor in an election overshadowed by the incumbent‘s blasphemy trial. private polling suggests the man known as ahok has a narrow lead. this story is trending on excessive weddings in india could become the new normal after the wedding of a businessman's daughter cost $7a million sparked outrage. stay with us. now on bbc news it's time for hardtalk.

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Hello , Donald Trump , Capital , Babita Sharma In London , Forced General Flynn , Security , Resignation , Papers , Way , Intelligence Agencies , Adviser , Documents , Feud , Help , Abduction , Call , Child Trafficking , Police , Studios , China , Singapore , Newsday , Us , Bbc World News , London , 8 , Body , Man , North Korea , Authorities , Kuala Lumpar , Malaysia , In London , Leader , Brother , Kim Jong Un , Flight , Exile , Regime , Overfor , Part , Karishma Vaswani , Leadership , Business As Usual , Everything , Pyongyang , Father , Tale , Pagentry , Rally , Pomp , 75th Birthday , 75 , Kim Jong Nam , Half Brother , Murder , Airport , Kimjong Nam , Mystery , 10 , 9 , Woman , Sort , Key , Cloth , Cctv Images , Pictures , Burning Chemical , Face , One , Son , Child , Case , Line , Media Networks , Vietnamese Passport , Kim Jong Il , South Korea , Hit , Favour , Business Partner , Threat , Killing , Triads , Lover , Mourning , Chinese , People , Officials , Postmortem Examination , 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Bribery , Misconduct , Aid , Tons , Who , Ran , 2012 , 2005 , Start , Autism , Rohingya Muslims , Children , Brains , Scientists , Bangladesh , Myanmar , Army Operation Last October , 70000 , In The South West , New Zealand , Age , Wildfires , Symptoms , Study , Signs , Area , Homes , Electricity , Tens Of Thousands , Hundreds , Evacuation , Helicopter Pilot , Mayor , A50 , Properties , Washington Post , Death , Return , Let , Institute For Policy Studies , Go Myong Hyun , Chemicals , Path , Doesn T , Elements , Nam , Hand , Weapon , Fact , Poison Spray , Attack , Incident , Poison , Profile , Location , Needles , Agents , Motive , History , Modus Operandi , Weapons , Targets , Legitimacy , Eldest , Power , Sons , Bit , Family Conflict , Involvement , Something , Reason , Angle , Air , Vietnamese , Agent , Airliner , 805 , Japanese , Custody , Di5pute , Pa55port5 , Law , Contacts , Michael Flynn , Russian , Information , Colleagues , Diplomats , Claims , Scrutiny , Times , Travel Ban , Jon Sopel , Best , Election Campaign , 0ur , Questions , North America , 5 , Four , 0 , Reporting , Links , Boy , Russia , Twitter , President Of The United States , Israel , Prime Minister , Mention , News Conference , Concerns , It , Media , Cases , Things , Thing , Intelligence , Action , Addition , Criminal Act , Base Issue , Administration , Government , Interference , Link5 , Concern , Republicans , Bottom , Capitol Hill , Democrats , Relationship , Elephant In The Room , Associates , Effort , Vice President , Phone Calls , Quickly , Television , Sanctions , 0njanuary 15th , 15 , White House , Press , Acting Attorney General , Wasn T , Mike Pence , January 26th , 26 , Spokesman , Discrepancy , Dark , Haven T , Last Friday , Ijust , Course , Conclusion , Situation , He Hadn T , Injanuary , Executive Order , Work , Nothing , Turmoil , Washington , Monday Or Tuesday , The End , Programme , State , Middle East , Option , Troops , Coming Home , Mall , Morality , Effect , Wonders , 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