Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Week In Parliament 20170206

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to the week in parliament — as mps take the first parliamentary step on the road to brexit. the ayes to the right — 498. the noes to the left — 114. so the ayes have it, the ayes have it. at prime minister's questions, jeremy corbyn demands theresa may retracts her invitation to donald trump to come to the uk and meet the queen. just what more does president trump have to do, before the prime minister will listen to the 1.8 million people who've already called for his state visit invitation to be withdrawn? but theresa may rejects that call, and says labour has nothing to offer the uk. he can lead a protest — i'm leading a country. and, in a debate on the damage done by drinking, a former minister talks about growing up as the son of an alcoholic. i know what it's like to feel that cold nausea, when you find the empty bottles hidden around the house. but first: the result was never in doubt, but there was still a sense of drama in the commons when, after two days of debate, the moment finally came for mps to vote on the bill allowing the government to trigger our exit from the eu. the ayes to the right — 498. the noes to the left — 114. commotion. the ayes to the right — 498. the noes to the left — 114. so the ayes have it, the ayes have it. that result was the culmination of a process started when the government's plan to trigger brexit without pa rliament‘s consent was challenged in the courts. judges ruled that mps and peers should have a vote before ministers began the formal divorce proceedings. and so, two days were set aside for debate on a bill to trigger article 50 — and in total nearly 200 mps had their say over 18 hours of debate in the commons chamber. it's not a bill about whether or not the uk should leave the eu, or indeed how it should do so. it is simply about parliament empowering the government to implement a decision already made, a point of no return already passed. we asked the people of the uk if they wanted to leave the european union; they decided they did. so at the core of this bill lies a very simple question: do we trust the people, or not? i hope the respectful approach that i've tried to adopt to colleagues, and to the anxiety among the 48%, is reflected across the house, and that we will see a good deal less of the gloating, from those who campaigned to leave, than we've seen in the past. it is our duty to accept and respect the outcome of the referendum — but we remain a european country, with a shared history. above all, it is our duty to ensure an outcome that is notjust for the 52%, or the 48%, but for the 100%. that, we will do. apparently, you follow the rabbit down the hole, and you emerge in a wonderland — where suddenly, countries throughout the world are queuing up, to give us trading advantages and access to their markets, that previously we've never been able to achieve as part of the european union. don't let me be too cynical — i hope that's right. i do want the best outcome for the united kingdom from this process. no doubt somewhere there's a hatter holding a tea party, with a dormouse in the teacup... this is a big deal. you're notjust divvying up the nana mouskouri records here or divvying up the borgen box set — this has an impact on each and every one of us. europe is where our future lies — it's one where we tackle inequality, climate change, refugess get help, areas that don't get much of a hearing in whitehall these days... pooling our sovereignty and working together is a good thing. passing this bill, and turning your back on our amendment, would turn its back on the progress made, and disrespect the devolution settlement. the british people gave the government the mandate to pull the united kingdom out of the european union. no — i want to make some progress. the british people did not give this government the mandate to threaten to turn our country into some tawdry, low—regulation, low—tax cowboy economy — and the british people most certainly did not give the mandate to the government to indulge in this ludicrous, sycopha ntic farce we've seen in recent days, in which this government, having burnt every bridge left with ourfriends in europe, rushes across the atlantic to sidle next to a us president who they don't seem to be aware, whose nativism, whose isolationism, whose protectionism is diametrically opposed to the long—term strategic interests of the united kingdom. a labour mp was one of those who defied her party's leadership, and said she'd vote against triggering article 50. some have been victims of racism and hate crimes, like my friend susanne who came to cardiff from germany, and has a young daughter, lilith, who is in primary school, who have been spat at, and told to go "home". and had bricks and stones thrown at them in the street. and this is the climate that they and we are living in. but other mps welcomed the bill — and the decision to leave. those who wanted to vote to remain tried to scare the devil out of them when it came to the vote. they told them all kinds of horrors were going to beset them... within a couple of days they were going to be eating bread and drink water, and losing their jobs. .. and still they voted to leave! i would caution those thinking of voting against tonight, to be careful what they wish for and to be careful for wishing for second referendums. i think the people, advocates of free speech and free press and a powerful democracy, would view their wishes dimly. this is the moment we begin to take back control of our laws, our borders and our money. once again we become a sovereign nation in command of our own destiny, and i am absolutely delighted about that. at the end of that epic debate, mps rejected an snp amendment attempting to block the bill — and passed it by a majority of 384. 47 labour rebels, the snp, the lib dems and the former conservative chancellor, ken clarke, all voted against. the bill will now reappear in the commons on monday, to begin its detailed consideration. well, the next day, the government published its 75—page brexit policy document, laying out what its objectives are in the forthcoming negotiations on extracting the uk from the european union. there were few surprises, as the principles were contained in the prime minister's keynote speech last month. the secretary of state said it confirmed the prime minister's vision of an independent, truly global uk. i have said at this despatch box that there will be any number of votes on substantive policy choices. to that end, the white paper makes clear that we expect to bring forward separate legislation in areas such as customs and immigration. delivering a smooth, mutually beneficial exit, avoiding a disruptive cliff edge, will be the key. whatever the outcome of our negotiations, we seek a more open, outward—looking, confident and fairer uk, that works for everyone. the white paper is available on the government website, and i've arranged for copies to be put in the library of both houses. sir keirstarmer. mr speaker, normally i would thank the secretary of state for early sight of his statement, but this statement says nothing. that is completely unacceptable. ‘he repeated a demand for a vote in the commons on the final deal between the pm and the eu. otherwise, all honourable members will have to watch on their screens, as the european parliament debates our deal, before we get to express any views on it — that is completely unacceptable, and it's demeaning of this house. sir keirstarmer. now, before the big vote on wednesday night, theresa may had faced jeremy corbyn for the regular round of prime minister's questions. the labour leader pressed the prime minister over her recent visit to the us, and meeting with president trump. theresa may was the first overseas leader to meet mr trump. the pair discussed nato and trade, before giving a joint news conference. just hours after mrs may left washington, the president announced a ban on people from seven mainly muslim countries travelling to the us. mr speaker, downing street has not denied that the prime minister was told by the white house that the executive order on travel to the us was imminent. so let's be clear: was the prime minister told about the ban during her visit, and did she try to persuade president trump otherwise? if he's asking me whether i had advance notice of the ban on refugees, the answer is no. if he's asking me if i had advance notice that the executive order could affect british citizens, the answer is no. if he's asking if i had advance notice of the travel restrictions, the answer is, we all did. because president trump said he was going to do this, in his election campaign. president trump has torn up international agreements on refugees. he has threatened to dump international agreements on climate change. he has praised the use of torture. he has incited hatred against muslims, he has directly attacked women's rights... just what more does president trump have to do before the prime minister will listen to the 1.8 million people who have already called for his state visit invitation to be withdrawn? the right honourable gentleman's foreign policy is to object to and insult the democratically elected head of state of our most important ally. let's just see what he would have achieved in the last week. would he have been able to protect british citizens from the impact of the executive order? no. would he have been able to lay the foundations of a trade deal? no. would he have got a 100% commitment to nato? no. that's what labour has to offer this country. less protection for british citizens — less prosperous, less safe. he can lead a protest — i'm leading a country. theresa may. well, staying with the fallout from donald trump's travel ban, the home secretary amber rudd told mps on the home affairs committee it could create a potential "propaganda opportunity" for so—called islamic state. isil and daesh will use every opportunity they can to make difficulties to create the environment they want, to radicalise people, to bring them over to their side. so it is a propaganda opportunity for them potentially. we will continue to monitor what is said, continue to take down the sort of literature and postings we see on the internet, that try to encourage that sort of extremism; they may use this as an example, and we will continue to take down the sites where we can. the next stage in the plan to expand heathrow airport is under way. in the commons on thursday, the transport secretary launched a four—month consultation, and set out planning and infrastructure proposals. a liberal democrat was just one of the mps to raise concerns about air quality. will he explain what he will do if the airport cannot be delivered within legal obligation limits — proceed anyway, change the air quality objectives, or pull the plug on the runway? the airport will not be able to secure its development consent order if it cannot demonstrate its ability to meet those targets. but some of the things we are consulting on today, for example smart use of airspace, one of the things we will be able to achieve through airspace reform and through the technology now available to us, is to avoid to anything like the degree we're experiencing at the moment, planes stacking over the south east of england, using up more fuel — that is one of the benefits that comes from smarter use of airspace. the chief inspector of prisons for england and wales, peter clarke, says many of his reports are falling on deaf ears. he told thejustice committee thatjails that did not put his recommendation into practice, often failed to improve or even decline. in 60 seconds, tell me what is wrong with our prisons? basically, they are unsafe, they are full of drugs, we have an ageing population, physically the environment is appalling, and there are far too many people in our prisons suffering from mental health issues. in myjudgment, those five issues will create a major obstruction to the reform programme. mr clarke, so who is holding up this reform? you've identified the problems, you have talked about what needs to be improved, where is the block in the system that prevents the changes that need to be made? well, in terms of those issues which i have mentioned, they are issues which we frequently refer to in our report, and if i have a frustration, it's that far too often, not always, it feels as if they are falling on deaf ears. and not in all prisons, but in some, the prisons which do not respond to the recommendations in our reports, where there is a hugely low uptake of implementation of our recommendations are those prisons which do not improve or which actually decline in the way in which they treat prisoners and the outcomes that prisoners encounter in those prisons. the government is seen to need to do more to the release of the british iranian woman, nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe, being held in iran with her baby daughter. the charity worker has been accused of security offences and was detained while trying to leave the country after visiting relatives in april. her husband, richard ratcliffe, who is from london, said his wife's detention was a stain on iran, and her family denies she has broken any laws. here, we have a young mother, a british iranian citizen imprisoned after visiting her family with her daughter. her daughter is solely a british citizen. surely the time has come for the uk to call for mrs zaghari—ratcliffe‘s release before she, her little daughter, and her husband, here today with his own mother, sufferfurther. hear, hear. my lords, the suffering of the family can only be imagined. and we should throughout all of this, regardless of some of the extraordinary claims made on the internet, we should remember that this is a loving father who simply wants his family to be reunited, and i fully respect that. that is why, my lords, we are urgently seeking information on what further legal avenues are available to mrs zaghari— ratcliffe, and undertake, the fco will continue to support the family, both here in london and in tehran. now, let's go back to brexit. the former uk ambassador to the eu, mr ivan rogers, make the headlines in december after the bbc reported his private remarks to the prime minister about how long brexit negotiations could take. sir ivan stepped down last month and in his resignation letter, he told officials to challenge muddled thinking in the brexit process. now, in his first public appearance since his resignation, he has told the european scrutiny committee that brexit negotiations could be difficult. this is going to be difficult on a humongous scale, going to have enormous amounts of business running up various different channels and they involve difficult trade—offs for her majesty's government, and difficult trade—offs for the other 27 on the other side of the table. sir bill cash asked about an assertion in the letter last october that exit negotiations could take ten years. you said that it was going to take ten years. can you confirm whether in fact you actually said that? or was meant to be... was it a leak? was it an intention that you thought you would be able to get across the message without anyone really knowing quite where it came from? i mean, can you give us a bit more information on that? ican indeed. i never said it would take ten years. is this reporting by the bbc based on off—the—record remarks and observations that you made to them? no. it isn't? no. where do you think it came from? i've no idea. we hear threats, and i assume they are threats, that is how i interpret them, of having to pay billions of pounds or euros to leave this club. so far asjoining a club, you pay every year to be a member, and when you leave, you don't pay to leave the club. you say, thank you very much, and you head off. so, do you think this is a genuine, a real threat to us to pay billions of euros to a club that we are leaving? or do you think that is an unreasonable request to make at this stage? i think it can be both genuine and unreasonable, if i may say so. i think it is genuine. i hear it considerably, and it has been reported for months. he called it a predictably very hard line coming from the eu commission and from some member states. and staying with brexit—related committees, the international trade secretary told mps that the uk is already having talks over potential trade deals with countries, including australia, china, and india. liam fox told the commons international trade committee that the new trading relationships would not be something into the single market. but he hoped they would be an addition to a three trade deal with the remaining member states. in terms of australia, we have an australia uk trade working group. in terms of china, we have a trade working group, and i'm chairing the joint economic and trade committee in beijing. in april. with a collection of gulf states, we are working with them to determine what relationship would be, and looking at our potential future. fta with india, we've got a joint working group, i chaired the last meeting in delhi. and we have embarked on a process of trade audit. if you were to add up all those potential countries, the level of exports that you have been talking about, on the list that you had there, it doesn't come anywhere near the level of exports that we have to the eu. well, i'm sure ourformer chief secretary all know that adding up lots of small numbers gets lots of numbers in the end. and, of course, it is not an either or. we're not looking here at either trading with the eu or trading with everybody else. but it is not a substitute, is it? not one has said it is a substitute. your department issued a press release at the beginning of the year, the item secures over 16 billion of foreign investment. the financial times went through the list that you had here. in fact, most of those have been already secured long before the referendum. fake news? it is the continuity of what ukti, now the it inside the department is doing. and it was an antidote to the idea that people are not going to be investing in the united kingdom. i havejust been in qatar, and we will be cheering the uk qatar uk investment conference in march. i expect a large amount of... do you regret the title of your press release? it was really your department that's secured that. i don't regret it at all. i think the more good news we give to the public, the better, and it counters some of the black propaganda that still wants to undermine the referendum. liam fox. the government has been told to rethink its alcohol strategy and bring in a minimum unit price for alcohol and wales. the call came from across the chamber, as mps debated ways to tackle the harm caused by drinking. one mp focused on the damage done when pregnant women drank, revealing his own adopted children were both affected by a condition called fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. the debate was opened by the chair of the all—party group on alcohol harm. there are currently over 10 million people drinking at levels which increased their risk of health harm. among those aged 15 to 49 in england, alcohol is now the leading risk factor of ill health, early mortality, and disability. mps turned to the impact of drinking during pregnancy top fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or fasd. as an adoptive parent, i discovered just how common this is amongst children who are adopted, including amongst my own two children. i should declare that interest. i first became aware of this... yes, of course. i didn't know if he can recall when we were receiving evidence in ourall—party group about the impact of fetal alcohol syndrome on adopted and fostered children, that one survey indicated that of the cohort of adoptive fostered children who were assessed, up to 70% of them have been affected by this syndrome. a labour mp and former minister had spoken previously about growing up with an alcoholic father. i know what it is like to feel that cold nausea when you've find the empty bottles around the house, i know what it is like to feel sick when you hear your parent being sick first thing in the morning because they have drunk too much. he said the children of alcoholics often fell through gaps in provision. the shadow health minister said his alcoholic father have moved to thailand and not come back to the uk for his wedding, later dying in the country. friends that he had made over there told me he was drinking a bottle of whiskey a day. they told me he couldn't come to the wedding because he didn't want to embarrass me. and that was... ..i'll always regret that. so, look, i'm the shadow health secretary, i'm going to do lots of criticising the tories because it is myjob. but can i say this, minister, i will work with government to put in place a proper strategy for supporting the children of alcoholics, on a cross—party basis because, quite simply, 2 million children are suffering. let's send them a message that they should no longer suffer in silence. the minister said there were grounds for optimism. people under 18 are drinking less, attitudes are beginning to change, and there has been a steady reduction in alcohol—related road traffic accidents. there was more to do, she said, but she took courage from the day's debate. great social change requires three things, i think. it requires long—term political will, it requires nonpartisan partnership, and it requires bravery. and i have heard all three of those today. and i hope that each member who has spoken here today will continue to work with me as we fight together to tackle this social injustice. thank you. the health minister nicola blackwood. and that is it from me for now. but dojoinjoanna on monday night at 11pm for another round—up of the best of the day's events at westminster, as mps begin their detailed debate on the bill triggering the start of our exit from the eu. but for now, from me, alicia mccarthy, goodbye. hello there. it has been a bit of a mixed weekend, weatherwise. temperatures have been slowly dipping down by a few degrees. this is how we ended the day in studland, dorset. you can see the sunset over poole harbour there, a very serene scene, with the murmuration, too. by monday morning, though, many of us are likely to see some frost and some fog, so a bit of a wintry flavour to the weather to start off your new working week. so let's look at first thing monday morning. temperatures, even in our towns and cities, really a degree or so either side of freezing. it could be quite a bit colder than that in the countryside first thing. so a sharp frost, and then later in the day we see low pressure approaching from the atlantic, bringing rain to western parts of the uk on that weather front. but to start things off, then, monday morning at 8:00am, cold and clear across much of wales, southern and central england. the odd pocket of fog around, particularly across parts of eastern england, and certainly some frost here. cloudier skies towards the far west of england, western parts of wales, and northern ireland, too. but chilly for much of northern ireland, northern england and scotland. we've got some frost first thing in the morning, and some mist and some fog patches to watch out for as well. so take care on the roads, because we have got that frost, and also the fog around. through the course of the day, we will see that front moving into western areas, so the winds picking up for northern ireland, wales, the south—west of england, too, with the arrival of some rain. central and eastern parts of the country remaining dry, certainly less windy, and colder, too, with temperatures around five in the east, to ten further west. moving through the course of monday evening and overnight, increasingly that rain will turn to snow over the higher ground, as it makes its way eastwards across northern england, and scotland, too. further south, it will be falling as rain. and then, once that rain clears through, early on tuesday, we are looking at, again, some fogginess first thing in the morning. so this is how tuesday looks. we've got this weather front which is sitting across eastern parts of the uk. it bumps into high pressure, which is situated across scandinavia, and that means the weather front won't be going anywhere in a hurry. so it remains fairly cloudy towards the east. a few spots of rain, a slice of sunshine for the likes of south—west scotland, northern ireland and wales, but then further rain working into the south—west late in the day, and temperatures a touch milder than recent days, between around about 6—10 degrees. then, heading through into wednesday, a quieter day here. we've got that front in the eastjust fading away, so still quite cloudy towards the east, but it should be dry. some brighter skies, particularly for parts of wales, the south—west of england, too, and temperatures generally between around about 4—9 degrees on wednesday. and then, towards the end of the week the milder air gets pushed away, and what we are going to see is colder conditions coming in from the east. bye for now. welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. i'm chris rogers. our top stories: standing his ground. ss his travel ban remains suspended, president trump calls for people coming into the us to be checked very carefully. france's far right leader, marine le pen, attacks globalisation and radical islam as she launches her presidential campaign. hundreds of thousands take to the streets again in romania, saying they don't trust the government. and one of the world's biggest sporting events, the super bowl, is underway with millions of americans and many more around the world tuning in.

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