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About his latest adventure which has to do with being a grandparent. And a chief executive sees a new way to deal with Heart Disease. All of that is in the next hour, but first, lets get headlines from carol massar. A stakecola is buying in Green Mountain coffee, cocacola buying nearly 70 million of newly issued shares for about 75 apiece, and the tito Real Companies are going to Work Together to develop singleserve beverages. And the first Earnings Report as a publicly held company, twitter posted slowing user growth. Twitter shares are down in extended hours trading. Pandora also out, the online Radio Service beating estimates. Missed some projections, and disney, the Walt Disney Company says firstquarter profit rose 32 , beating estimates, and the hit gotated movie frozen gained for the studio, and iger will bomb bob be on, so definitely something not to miss. Back to you. All right, thanks very much, carol massar. Now, for the latest on the results of twitter, i want to go to San Francisco and bring in bloomberg editor at large cory johnson. I do not understand. Explain a little bit about the results and why would they be reacting negatively. I think a lot of what the phenomenon of this firstquarter report from twitter is really about the ipo. Lets go back to the ipo, right . Theas seen in the wake of failed facebook ipo, the biggest ipo since then, and a lot of excitement. Close, so youven had a limited flow in the ipo, and you had enormous hitting against the dock, a lot of shorting going into this call, so a lot of what happened today was not just with the stocks performance but analysts dancing around. It will be about what to do with the stock, not what is going on with the business. I can tell you what is going on with the business. The stock is going to make a call, and the stock is so extraordinarily high for such a nascent business, people have to make assumptions. But it is not growing to be a big thing just yet. What is their big business . Are they just selling advertising space on line . Just . You say just dealing with advertising dollars . Somehow, the Advertising Money will flow their way . Well, look. Is all about that. Time warner is all about that. There are a lot of companies that have built giant businesses around selling advertising, and twitter is aiming to do that. There was a slowdown in the users. Overis down a little bit the previous quarter, 6. 3 , and we have seen, encouraging for the company, they have been able to charge more money for each user. The company telling us that they are getting 1. 49 for every timeline view, and that is what you get when you look at someones page. That is a lot better than they had one year ago, but generally speaking, growth continuing a little bit slower than the previous quarter in all of the important metrics. Thanks very much, cory johnson, our bloomberg editor at large. My next guest knows about social media and twitter and creating buzz. Has over oneopra million followers. He is a pioneer in the field of mindbody medicine, and his books have been translated into many of thems, and are bestsellers. Helped manageber groups like aerosmith and the rolling stones, and they are combining the social media and the old, grandparents. Com. I just want to start with you, steve leber, because grandparents. Com and the social media, at first blush, you could say one is new age, one is old, and what attracted you to this world of grandparents. Com . But i have always followed the boomers. I have sold concert tickets to them, and now they are the most important new group that we really are following. This boomer generation is the wealthiest that has ever been on the face of the earth. Community. S is a i have studied many of the sites, many other companies, but one thing we all have in common as grandparents is we are all about family. We all have grandchildren. We care about our families. I thought i could pull them together into one organization, the american grandparents association, that would basically offer up products, services, and other things to make seniors a really significant, more Important Group of people that nobody is marketing two. Right now, no one markets to them. Only five percent of the money is spent in the senior market. It is amazing. The 50plus market. Everybody is marketing 18 to 36, 18 to 49. They stop at 49. You mean there is life after 49. Aarp. They have never had a significant competitor. By building the grandparents community together, we can is the with aarp, which largest organization, membership organization, in the country. That is where we are. Dr. Deepak chopra, come on in on this. I thought that the theme was they were fighting against their parents, so this common theme, what grandparents have in common, how does that translate into everyday life . Steve mentioned something. He said the baby boomers are the most our full, most economically planet,us people on the but there is one thing else. One other thing about baby boomers. They never accepted the status quo. That our generation started the feminist movement, started the peace movement, the ecology movement, racial equality, gender equality, so now we are questioning what it means to be old. That is why i have created a program with them called timeless youth, and the program says you can have the wisdom of experience and the biology of youth, that your biomarkers of youth do not have to follow yesterdays idea. Yesterday 60. Todays 60 is yesterdays 40. We are seeing a new era, i am telling you, in how we get older, how we contribute to society, how we relate to our grandchildren, how we create where networks grandparents are a coherent offer andthat can make great contributions to our world. I am feeling younger just listening to you. That is great. One rockstar, a group of rock stars. All sorts of other groups that i have gone fromow handling really super rock stars to some of the greatest people on earth. A super rock star. He does not realize it or take any credit for it, but he is one of the most listened to and talk to people on the earth. He is a rockstar, and i am really proud to have him as part of grandparents, our organization. George harrison. We are connected, in many ways, even before this. Ok, we are going to continue the conversation. We have more with steve leber and deep october. More on the Music Industry and mind. Approach top, a new fighting Heart Disease. I will interest you in a new Company Called sunshine heart that aims to attack the disease from the inside out. This is taking stock on bloomberg. Onthis is taking stock bloomberg. I am pimm fox. Our guests are the mindbody pioneer, dr. Deepak chopra. The social website grandparents. Com, steve leber is the chief executive of grandparents. Com. And just a roll of what grand plans grandparents play. One of the biggest themes of the financial recession that we went through, 2008, 2009, is that young people went back to live at home. Grandparents. The generation we are talking about, my generation, the baby boomers. They were of a different mindset. They did not spend money that they had not earned to buy things to impress people they did not like. Therefore, they were never responsible for what we called the economic crisis. There was a zeitgeist that said to spend with in your means, live within your means. The new generations do not do that. They do not know how to do that, so they are coming home, and it is a pleasure to support them, but it is also time to say, your wegram is taking stock, should be taking stock of our lives, how the quality of our lives is more important than anything else. You have a generation right now, you have a mindset right now that is totally distracted. What most people do not understand is that multitasking is the one thing that gets worse with practice, and it destroys your brain. It has the same effect of some of the addict did drugs, because it is an addiction. You are on twitter. You are checking your email. You are speaking with me at the same time. In reality, you are not doing any of them, and that is why through the timeless youth program, we are teaching you how to be mindful, how to enjoy life, how to change the biological markers of aging, because as i said, there is which says your thoughts, your feelings, your personal relationships, the attitude you have towards aging, all of this actually regulates genetic activity. Expression. You can have two twins who are born with identical genes, and look at them 25 years later, and mee will have a healthy geno expression, and the other will have an unhealthy genome expression. Hip we are creating a Global Community starting in the United States of wellbeing, radical wellbeing. Steven, i am wondering if you can connect this with your experience in the entertainment and Music Industry. You have collected data working with people whose job it is to perform and entertain others. At is not necessarily something you can quantify, but it is personal experience. Someone can come to you and say, how do you do this . How do you handle a difficult situation . Is that similar to a role that grandparents play . Wax that is exactly what is happening. The grandparent role is becoming the focal part of the family, so it will be, i believe, health care, for example, can not now be managed by corporations. We will go broke. Now, the grandparent must take action to prevent diabetes. They have to really watch their children. Even watch their grandchildren, so we now can it eliminate or reduce diabetes in this country. It has to come from someone you respect, and that is a grandparent. To todaysso apply news that cvs caremark is going to phase out the sale of Tobacco Products in its stores, that that is a generational wantssion of what someone to achieve . You can do it. That is exactly what deepak is all about. It is changing in the world. Ok to hurt people. It is not ok to destroy their health. Health reform is not Health Reform. It is insurance reform, as we look at it. True Health Reform will come when we take responsibility individually and collectively to create wellbeing for ourselves. You mentioned aarp. Powerful force when it comes to government legislation. What role would Something Like as anarents. Com play activist to change certain things . Whether it be Tobacco Products being sold in cvs or other stores or even taking a stand on the Affordable Care act . We are not martyrs. Ok. We are going to be advising. We are going to create trust. What you asked me before, one of the things we had with all of our groups, if you look at all of my acts, still performing today, they were not just throw away acts. The same thing with the brands that i created when it was teenage ninja turtles. I did the moscow circus. Hadd things that lasted and character. This is what it is all about. We have the most trusted brand out there. Built by aarp. No doubt about it, they became number one. There was a change. People want more. And there needs to be a competitor. There needs to be someone who instance,iors for one of the biggest problems in you go to a, when store and you fill out those forms, there is breakage in rebates. Program one a rebate the market. It is called the great card. Gray card. We are learning to work in this community and build trust. Deepak is all about trust. I just want to ask you, steve n, how many . I have seven. Seven. Thank you very much. Steve leber. And we will have more with Deepak Chopra, and our thanks to steve leber from grandparents. Com. Bloombergs taking stock is brought to you by onthis is taking stock bloomberg. I am pimm fox. Deepak chopra, and also with us, steve leber. He is a legend in the Music Industry. He began the music section of the William Morris agency, overseeing the rolling stones, simon and garfunkel, diana ross, and from there, he started his own money, which handled arrowsmith, michael bolton, ac dc, and, yes, even beetle mania. Beatlemania. I built the Music Division of the William Morris agency. I was the youngest stockholder in the company and the youngest executive in the company. Did you start in the mail room . They all thought i was 30 when i worked in there. I had my own business in boston, and i came to work for William Morris because i had already been in the mail room of my own business. My Management Company was management. When i left in 1971 with the show called jesus christ what iar gave me needed. And you toward all over the world . Yes, i toured all over the world. I did that show from scratch. Do you remember seeing the show . Yes, and then, of course, i ir and all of the shows on broadway. How did that change her perception of what it is possible to accomplish . If you stick to your vision, and you dont mind what other people are saying, you are independent of criticism and flattery, you feel superior to no one, and you feel beneath no one, and people may criticize you, and they may denigrate you, and they may flatter you, but the one thing they cannot do is ignore you. For example, we know that the change at the top of microsoft and is there a singular quality that you have seen across all of these Technology Companies . The people that you have mentioned, they have come from other countries, and they were adventurous to begin with. Immigrants,re especially in the professions who are highly educated, they are already ahead of the curve, because they take risks. They are interested in adventure. I have a wonderland. They have imagination that is taking them across barriers. Is that something that grandparents, specifically, can help children with . This idea that you can push and that you need great and that you can accomplish things . Absolutely. The relationship between a grandparent and a child is so unique. We all know the problems of are eliminated with really what grandparent show, and they do this well in india and china and japan. Respect. Respect. To athat respect,s certain degree. More next on taking stock. Onthis is taking stock bloomberg. I am tim fox. I go to carol massar. Coca cola has agreed to buy a stake in Green Mountain coffee, paying about 1. 25 billion, and they say they will help the company introduced a new cold average system. Plus, Green Mountain says it will introduce rumors in the u. K. He expectsson says the economy to expand in 2014 and also sees the u. S. Jobless rate falling by the end of the year. Saysspeech today, plosser they are looking at the purchase going at a faster pace to help the economy. And movies raised mexicos credit after they agreed to open up the Energy Industry to foreign investment. It is at a comparable level as Standard Poors, and eight National League Football Games in aursday night, airing primetime slot while being simulcast on the nfl network, on cbs. They will extend the partnership. Back to you. Thanks very much, carol massar. According to the centers for disease control, 600,000 people die from Heart Disease in the United States each year, the leading cause of death for both men and women. A Company Called sunshine heart has developed a device to save the lives of those with a certain kind of heart condition. Around a part of the heart and helps to pump blood. Joining me is the chief executive, dave rosa, and also with us is dr. Deepak chopra. I want to welcome you when we have dr. Deepak chopra with us. A pleasure. I want to mention, dr. Deepak chopra, that you have training in internal medicine and endocrinology. How would you explain the creation of this particular device within the context of the medical community . Really, the technology was developed by a cardiac surgeon, and that cardiac surgeon was based out of new zealand and thought there had to be a safer way, a better way of managing lateday chart failure, and what we are talking about is class three Heart Failure. What are the different classes . Asthere are four classes designated by the new york heart association. Andses one through four, the most serious are one and effort you walk, and in the United States, you have about one million in class three, and over 250 thousand patients in class four. What we are really talking about with class three, these are patients who cannot walk up a flight of stairs, they cannot go grocery shopping, they are afraid to have sex, and these are people that cannot even sleep on their back at night because there is so much congestion, so much blood backed up in the system. Congestive Heart Failure. Right. So this would be the result disease,ry artery cardiomyopathy, many other things, hypertensive Heart Disease, where the blood backed up, so all of the blood that is backs up and heart gets congested in the lungs, so they cannot breathe, essentially, and what you have got is a mechanical device, i guess. Correct. Are how does it work . The device, we have a sample over there. The device does basically two things. When we are talking about congestive Heart Failure in class three, it is primarily in the left side of the heart or left ventricle, and that is a large percentage of the cases, and what we do is two things. One, every time the balloon inflates along the ascending presses blood down through the ascending and descending aorta to the rest of the body, and the reason why that is important, what we are doing during one phase of assistance is we are getting more oxygen to the heart or more energy to the heart to be able to function. The second thing is we rapidly deflate the balloon. As the left heart is starting to push blood or trying to push blood out, we deflate the balloon and create more or less a vacuumlike effect, which helps pull blood from the left heart, and what that does is it reduces the amount of work that the left heart has to do to get blood to the rest of the body, and really, what we are talking about here are the polls of muscles. It requires the heart muscle to do less work but gives it more energy to function. Now, is this available everywhere . What is the status . We have approval for the device in europe, but in the United States, we are in trial, so right now, we only have eight that have been activated to be able to enroll patients in the study, and that will grow significantly in the first part of the year, and on our website, we have something that people can click on to see if they qualify. You have to do surgery to implant it . Yes. The difference between this and the later stage devices is our devices can be put in through a small decision incision, so we make a small incision between the second and third rib, and you do not have to crack the breastbone and do a fully invasive procedure, and that reduces the amount of time. How is it powered . It is powered through an external battery stores, much like many of the pumps are today. The biggest difference you see with this technology is it is outside the bloodstream. Other pumps that function outside the bloodstream, and the reason that is critical is patients do not have to go on blood thinning medications. Like coumadin injury inside, possibility of stroke tom a lots of risks with being inside. As far as the medical community is concerned, we were talking about this idea of seeing things that other people dont. Our doctors early adopters for Something Like this, or do they say, that is not the way we do it. We are going to wait a long time. Doctors will adopt it because there is nothing else right now for this kind of condition at this stage. There is nothing else. Either way, i do not know if you are familiar with it, but there stageudies that show in one cardiac failure, yoga and breathing techniques improve output. Well published studies. So i think people should be aware of that. I just adopted hot yoga. Good. I do not have hard yet output issues, but i have back issues. There are mental techniques that allow you to regulate your heartbeat. We teach them at our center in california, but they are also very early symptoms. What role does the technology outside the body play . For example, being able to track your heart, monitor it, find out if there is a problem with it, ask that may be available . That might be available . Cbs says they are not selling cigarettes, but what about monitoring a chronic situation . There are technologies out there to measure some aspects. That are sensors placed on the heart that tell the system went to inflate and deflate the balloon, but it does not monitor the patient situation. Talking about technology is not about Heart Failure but monitoring heart activities. I am wearing this watch right now. Andwill see five sensors, one of the sensors monitors heart rate. Heart rate variability, which is the dance between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system, skin resistance, basal metabolic rate, and will we all be wearing those in five years . Yes, because bio regulation is the next frontier through technology. There are algorithms with all of these things that will even tell you how much you slept, how much time you slept in deep sleep, dreams phase, and even though it is not monitoring that, it is creating algorithms with other things. Biotechnology that helps you monitor what is happening in your body is the frontier, and Wireless Technology can be picked up by an iphone or any handheld device, instantly transmit it to a supercomputer with instant interpretation, and what you might want to do to change or behavior. Biological markers. That is it. I want to thank you very executive rosa, chief of sunshine heart. Keep us uptodate as to when it becomes available in the United States. Will do. Thank you very much. All right, we will continue our conversation with dr. Deepak chopra, and we will talk about fiji, a beautiful lace, especially when you are mistaken for a billionaire. Details, coming up. Right, have you heard the one about the mistaken billionaire who walked into the fiji water bottling plant in fiji . Well, it is really no joke we had no, really, it happened, and it is chronicled by an editor and the latest section of bloomberg businessweek, and jeff joins us from washington, d. C. , and also joining me in the studio is dr. Deepak chopra. All right, jeff, lets start off with exactly what happened. Where did you go, and what did you do . I was going through fiji, and i happen to be a friend of the , and iwho own fiji water never actually believed that fiji water was from fiji. I imagine they went to their bathtub and filled up the bottles and sold them for a large amount of water, money, but i wanted to see their facility, so i show up, and i am told, before we go to the factory, we are going to a ceremonial well opening. They do all of these Charity Projects on fiji. Why you . I mean, why did they think that you are the person to do all of these ceremonial things . To go watch,ted and i get out of the car, and the onlyd lovely, i am white guy around, so the village thought i owned the company, and the mayor came up and said, are said, no, unfortunately, but they were very happy to see me nonetheless, so i participated in what turned out to be a multihour ceremony to celebrate the opening of this well. What is a cava ceremony . Route that is very common in the South Pacific. It has psychotropic properties. It is a narcotic. It is ground into water. It is turned into this concoction. If you took a scoop of dirt and put it in a bowl of water, that is what it would look like and tastes like, but it turns out delightfulas some properties, including this ability to make you feel extremely relaxed fairly quickly, so you wonder why the pace of life in the South Pacific is what it is, and that so,artially due to kava, basically, you have to drink this to participate in the ceremony, and it tastes horrible, but after a while, you do not care anymore, and that was sort of the theme for the entire day. Deepak chopra, do you know of kava . And he is still under the influence. Jeff, you have not recovered yet. Of mistaken identity and preconceived ideas. The idea that people can assume certain things about others, or company a product or an individual. It changes your eav are. You go to a cocktail party, and somebody tells you a nobel eate is over there, or or there is Deepak Chopra over there in the corner. You are not going to perceive the same person in the same way. Your perception at every level is altered, so they thought that he was resnik. Changed his perception. They thought you were a billionaire, jeff. I would love to be. Not,l bad because you are but they are a lovely people, and i tried to dissuade them from that idea, and they asked me to give a speech about the importance of water anyway, so i felt that i had to. That, i am just a journalist, i just want to take notes, but there is this expectation of the 200 people in the village who want you to play a role, so even though i am under the influence of, for me, this fairly powerful narcotic, i try to play the role while i was there. You seemed to have done an impressive job. Our bloomberg correspondent joining us from washington, and easy coming up, more from Deepak Chopra. Caret eyes. We will tell you about how it has some good and some not so good surprises. For example, puerto rico. Many surprises going on there. Details, coming up. Onthis is taking stock bloomberg. I am pimm fox. Maybe getting downgraded is not on worst thing in the world, spalling after Standard Poors lowered general Obligation Bonds , and that is the highest speculative grade, for puerto rico. A cofounder and Portfolio Manager joins me, and also with me is the author and physician Deepak Chopra. We are going to make this. What is the situation in puerto rico . They have been facing some fundamental headwinds for a long time. I have obviously been exacerbated over the last few months because cash is running short, and this is putting some heat to the feet of the legislature. The problem, they have not had the economy in order to support the borrowing that they have done over the course of many years. Absolutely. They also have pension issues. On top of that, they have high unemployment, as well, and flights to the mainland. Ok, Deepak Chopra, it sounds like there will have to be some mental changes in a place like puerto rico. One solution would be to empower the local economy. Right now, the economy is dependent on the United States in many ways. We created the mind set. We created the economy. We created the tax benefits. Yes, the triple taxfree bonds. Be rescuing them, but longterm, that is not the solution. Longterm, it is to get out of the mindset of a derivative economy and actually create an economy that makes a difference in terms of sovereign products and services. You should know this at bloomberg, but of the 2. 3 trillion dollars in the World Markets circulating, every day, only numeral a two percent goes to providing meaningful goods and services. Makingt is money making, money off of money, which i guess is your business. Thing, andresting discussing this with Deepak Chopra, you are actually long. You actually believe they are going to work something out. First of all, there has been a turnover in the government over the past months. The Current Administration is very much focused, sincerely, and i have dealt with a lot of distressed corporations in the past, and i have looked a lot of e, and i thinky they are trying to turn this around from a fundamental perspective. I also believe they think they have a moral obligation to not default on the debt. To wait and see, but in terms of their earnest effort, it is fully there, and there are things that they can do. Overloaded very Pension System that they can go ahead and reach reductions on. They can go ahead and sell off some of the assets that are government owned, and they can go ahead and raise tax revenue and do other things to improve the situation. Is a longtantly, it story. It is not like a corporation. It does not get settled overnight. This is a problem that was created over years and years of debt issuance. I am glad you said it will not be settled overnight, because, deepak, i am wondering if you can talk about if youd do things in small steps and small bites, you cant mplish anything i know if i can tell a patient, you have got to live this way because 20 years later you will avoid a heart attack or cancer, that is not going to motivate them, but if i tell them two hours from now, you are going to feel really good. If you eat to that hamburger or triple hamburger or cheeseburger, how are you going to feel in one hour . Are you going to enjoy your hangover, or are you going to be productive . Lines, it ise unfortunate that the s p downgrade came. It is going to hold the government feet to the fire even them doand it may make things faster in haste and not do the right things for the longerterm. That goes back to your point earlier, which is you have to stay focused and not feel that you are above or below anyone else. And staying focused on the fundamentals. That is why you are betting longterm, right . When are we going to see the step . The downgrade it is a slow process. I think there are going to be another few headwinds that will come out with respect to the other agencies downgrading. Selecting to do a that raise. They have been in talks for a while. Hopefully, it will go off well. The incremental steps with a ship that large do not come quickly. Dr. Deepak chopra, thank you. Live from pier 3 in San Francisco, welcome to the late edition of bloomberg west, where we cover the Global Technology and Media Companies that are reshaping our world. I am emily chang. Our focus is on innovation, technology, and the future of business. We are covering all angles of two major earning reports. Worlds largest entertainment company, posted rising revenue, up nine percent, 12. 3 billion, profit rose

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