our behavior, constantly moving. shouldn't i be wearing, you know, one of those cool, like, journalist safari jackets at this point? so it seemed a good time, or maybe not -- let's saddle up. to go to misrata. >> man: just watch this. don't let your feet get on it. >> anthony: yeah. >> man: okay, guys, we can go. >> man: roger that. >> anthony: since the revolution, misrata's been the most secure city in libya. but over the last two weeks, in a hail of bullets and hand-thrown grenade attacks, an imam, security forces, and a police officer have all been killed. >> man on speaker: once we move forward, you can come past me. >> anthony: all along the narrow, congested highway there are checkpoints, manned mostly by local militias. and i want to stress, most of them are friendly enough. we are, however, in a hurry to get to misrata before dark. traveling at night around here is not advised.

Related Keywords

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