her rubber boots and she tripped and her foot just dipped into the edge of the pool, and she lost her balance and fell in, and she was pushing her way up to get out of the pool, and the whale zoomed over, grabbed her boot and pulled her back in. at first, i didn't think it was that serious because you see -- you see the trainer in the pool with the whale and you think, oh, well, you know, the whales are used to that, you know, then all of a sudden it started getting -- there was more swimming, more activity, more thrashing, and she was starting to get panicked and then as it progressed, you started to realize well, something is not right here. >> she started to scream. and she started looking around and her eyes were like bigger and bigger and realizing that i really am in trouble here. >> and then they would pull her under, and then they would come up and when she -- when they came up she would be help me, help me, and then they would take her down again. >> and she would be submerged for several seconds up to, i