want, where kids are treated unequally like that? >> nutrition is very important. i have frequently said if everybody ate three balanced meals a day, drank water, exercised regularly, got a full night's sleep, and didn't put harmful stuff in their bodies, all of news medicine would be out of business. people are not going to do that. the question is do we mandate or do eeducate? and there are some who say they don't know any better, we got to do it for them. >> or we're talk about kids health. shouldn't we do both? educate kids and parents and -- >> let me ask you this. we know that the human brain continues to develop until your late 20s. so maybe the first lady should be spending her time talk about marijuana, because marijuana has a deleterious effect on the developing brain. >> should just let that go? >> childhood obesity is not nearly as bad as affecting the development. >> you guys have both got to come back. we have a whole new show right here. but stay here.

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