everybody was telling him you can't have these big rallies because this is highly contagious. so finally he decides in june, you know what? i don't care what they say. i'm gonna hold a rally. i'm gonna hold it indoors. i'm gonna hold it in tulsa, oklahoma. the event in oklahoma is unbelievable. the crowds are unbelievable. [amy] he was gonna show that yes, america wants to get back. we're gonna show them just how not worried about covid you need to be. and it was kind of bust. [abby] when we were on the ground in tulsa, it was already pretty clear that these were not the numbers that you would normally see for a trump rally. [kelly] the city's fire marshal estimated attendance at 6,200. the arena holds 19,000. and the campaign had boasted 1 million had requested tickets. we don't know for sure how people got sick, but after that rally, several prominent republicans got sick, including herman cain who later passed away. tonight, the mayors of several big cities, including new york