The u. N. On their website, they have the death toll at nearly 4,500. Again, as weve been saying, there are no accurate numbers we can give you with confidence. There are so many bodies that have not been collected. The effort to collect bodies have increased, firefighters doing the grim and grizzly but necessary work of collecting those bodies. There is a lot to tell you about. Increasing humanitarian assistance has been arriving in tacloban and elsewhere but often its piling up at airports. The problem now really seems to be distributing it, getting it in trucks to get the aid out, to get it out safely, to get it out efficiently and to get it out to those who need it most. The needs are great. There are millions of people who are in need of assistance, food, and water and shelter. Sometimes all three of those at once and its not always just people in far away communities. This is sometimes people within, you know, half a mile or a few blocks from the airport in tacloban. They have not been getting assistance. People are living next to the bodies of their dead children, still nearly now a week since the storm. We have a lot of reporting tonight but first i want to go to tacloban, to Nick Paton Walsh who is standing by. Nick, from what youre seeing on the ground and talking and hearing from officials, what is the latest on relief efforts there . Well, we have seen, i think a change, a gradual increase of the aid getting into town here. Last night i saw trucks delivering food, large cubes for that and throughout the town there are blue tshirted workers flown in from manila, we understand, getting that difficult job of picking up debris around, trying to get that cleanup going. Anderson, as you said, the whole issue here is the need for this to be on an industrial scale, more aid and people to flood the area. There are still issues with water, there are still issues with food. More may be arriving and im standing here and i can see the runway where International Aid has arrived. The question is how fast can they get in out into the city . And the city doesnt look much different than what when you were here recently. It hasnt substantially changed. The streets covered in debris, vegetation, a real job ahead of them and anger still growing, anderson. In terms of, you know, we just talked about the body count. I hate to even use that term because these arent bodies, these are people, these are human beings who deserve dignity and respect in death as they do in life. That toll has risen officially. In terms of the collection of people, the burial of people, what is happening . Well, we have seen in the past 24 hours, certainly ive seen an effort to collect those bodies that line the street. The government is saying, no, they are fresh bodies. But thinking these are the same left out for the day. That collection has certainly gone underway. Where im standing is where they finally come. This orange truck behind me right now absolutely loaded to the brim with bodies brought in from the city itself. This is where really the grim task of accounting those dead happens here. Behind me here, these are the bodies which they believe they are able to identify, that they know who they actually are, and during the morning, weve seen a slow and steady stream of relatives trying to get news, trying to work out exactly whether these bodies are those they have been looking for. Two people turning up finding bureaucratically, they simply arent able to match up their i. D. Cards. The bureaucratic scheme. These bodies, though, these are identified. People seem to believe they know who they are. So many of these bodies, though, hard to distinguish because of the damage the water has taken upon them, the damage of decay. I spoke to one man this morning that said quite simply he found his father amongst these bodies here, came here from manila and buried him separately but does believe his mother, yet to be identified, may be among these body bags here, anderson. Its one of the horrors of a situation like this, and you cant really understand until you have actually seen what happens to people who have been outside who have drowned under these kind of conditions, but without getting into too many details, its very hard to identify people, even if they are your closest loved one, often you cannot tell who you are looking at, and imagine that horror of going and looking at hundreds of people, dead people and not being able to tell who your wife is, who your child is. Its just one of the many horrors that we are seeing on the ground in the disaster zone. Nick, ill talk to you later on in the program. We left tacloban for logistical reasons, a few hours ago really overnight here in the philippines, and its now friday morning here in the philippines. Basically, the sevenday anniversary from when the storm took place. Before we left, we went back out into the neighborhoods that we first visited, a neighborhood not far from the airport to see and reconnect with some of the people we met just two days before to see if they received help. We thought if anyplace had was able to get aid quickly, was was able to get aid quickly, was able to get help, even searching for lost loved ones, it would be an area close to the airport. Here is what we saw. A body covered in a sheet, another in a makeshift coffin. There are flowers but no names, no one seems to notice anymore. To survive, the living are told to forget the past, forget the dead, but that, of course, is impossible. Juan marto tries to stay busy. His child is missing. He still doesnt use the word dead. Juans father lays in their shack, his back injured in the storm. This family has suffered more than anyone ever should. How high was the water . The water was as tall as that tree . Janet says her two children slipped from his grasp and drowned. I did all that i could she says, but i let them go. What can you say in the face of such sadness . Juvilinn is trying to stay busy. She collected old dishes and is cleaning them up. We first met her on tuesday. She showed us the bodies of three of her children. She placed them in a piece of luggage under a sheet. She was searching for her three other children. Has anyone come to help you . No. I really want to see them she says, even if its just their bodies. Two days later, and she still hasnt found her three other children. Has there been any help since we saw you . None she says. My children are decomposing. They are still there . No help, no local government officials, no city officials says her father, nobody is showing themselves. His injured son jericho sits silently listening, his mother is dead, so is his aunt and nine of his cousins. In a daze, he asked me when is my mother coming back . He never ever says shes missing. He still thinks she will come back. We didnt know there was a tsunami he says, we thought it was just a storm. You didnt know there would be this storm surge of water . Weve been through so many storms he says, this are many times before, our house gets destroyed and we hide behind a tree. Its not water, its just wind. Its the water that killed us. If somebody told you it would have been like a tsunami, you would have left . Oh, yes, he says, we would have left right away. He wants to leave now on a c130, the kind of plane he sees every day flying evacuees to manila. His father tells him they have to stay, they have no money, just each other, thats all thats left. Its been a week since the typhoon hit and the initial adrenaline of the storm and its aftermath has faded and just the grim reality of what life is now has taken its place. People are trying to kind of rebuild, is too strong a word, just trying to survive as best they can. People have hung up some washing on a shack that they put together out of scraps of tin they have been able to salvage. You see women doing washing or plates and clothing, whatever they can find that they used to own thats been spread out throughout all of this area. People all the time Walking Around trying to find their possessions, just trying to find family photographs and plates and all the Little Things that make up a persons life. Survival is still a struggle for some, more than most. Two days ago, we met this gentleman sharing rice with his neighbors. He desperately wanted to call his mother in manila to let her know he was alive, though his wife and two of his three children were not. We dialled his number for him on our satellite phone. Ma, ma. They are all gone, they are gone he says. They are all gone. Were the only ones who survived, just the two of us survived he says. Ma, ma. I dont know why this happened to me. We found him again today. How are you . His grief is still overwhelming. He cant stop thinking about seeing his family drown in the storm. The first one that i saw was my youngest he says, she fainted and then she drowned. The water was so fast, and then my wife, when i tried to grab her, i missed her and then she drowned, then i never saw her again. He admits he often thinks of killing himself but hasnt because he still has one child who needs him. Its like i dont want to live anymore because of what happened to my family he tells me. All of us here lost our loved ones, but all im saying is people have different ways of dealing with it, how we feel. In my case, i cant handle it. In tacloban, there is little time for grief, little chance for comfort, between death and life, the line is thin. Sometimes there is no line at all. Well, if youve been watching our coverage over the past week, you know weve been on the ground in tacloban and elsewhere trying to be as accurate as possible. Accuracy is what we care most about here at cnn, giving information that might actually help people on the ground and help the relief effort in some way become efficient. In our reporting in the philippines has become a political issue. A broadcaster, radio broadcaster, Katrina Sanchez has apparently took issue with some of my reporting. She is not only a broadcaster, shes the wife of the interior minister overseeing the relief effort on the ground. Ms. Sanchez seems to be under the mistaken position that i seen to evidence of government on the ground in tacloban. I havent said that. Ive been on the ground in tacloban for days and ive, in fact, interviewed a very heroic, Philippine Navy captain, captain santiago who is going out and helping people and ive seen the work being done and isnt being done, perhaps even as importantly. Ms. Sanchez is welcome to go there, and i would urge her to go there. I dont know if she has but her husband is the interior minister. Im sure she could arrange a flight. Here is the broadcast that i think she thinks i said something that i didnt say in. Here is what i actually said. As for who exactly is in charge of the philippines side of this operation, that is not really clear. I mean, we im just surprised that i havent i expected on this day five, i thought i maybe had gotten here very late, that things would be well in hand. It does not seem like that. People are desperate. People do not have anyplace for shelter. There is its very difficult for people to get food. Neighbors are helping out neighbors. Water is in short supply. It is it is a very, very bad situation here. Lets remember, i was showing you a clinic several days ago that was at the airport that the doctors there said they didnt have enough food, they didnt have enough water for the hundreds of people they saw every day, they didnt have medical supplies. Thats a clinic at the airport. If any clinic in the entire disaster zone should be able to receive aid quickly and easily, its the clinic at the airport and they were not getting it. I dont know what the situation is there today. I certainly pray to god that its a better situation than it was even two days ago. The president of the philippines has counseled foreign journalist they should be accurate in reports and we certainly appreciate that. Accuracy is what we strive for. I read in the paper today, the first time i have been able to read the news. The president also said in the speech, the media should uplift the spirits of the philippine people to find stories of hope and faith and show the world how strong the philippine people are. I would say all week long in every report we have done, weve shown how strong the philippine people are. The philippine people, the people of tacloban and samar and cebu and so many who have died, they are strong to survive the storm and strong to have survived the aftermath of this storm. They have survived for a week now often with very little food, with very little water, with very little medical attention. Can you imagine the strength it takes to be living in a shack, to be living sleeping on the streets next to the body of your dead children . Can you imagine that strength . I cant. And ive seen that strength day in and day out here in the philippines. And we honor them with every broadcast that we do. Were going to take a quick break. Our coverage from the philippines is going to continue. Were also going to have domestic news from the United States, big developments in the obama care situation and well go to wolf blitzer after the short break. Well have a lot more from here in the philippines. Well be right back. [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion, you may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtecd®. Powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms all in one pill. Zyrtecd®. At the pharmacy counter. Hey, im Anderson Cooper live here from manila here in the philippines. We will have a lot more from the region because a lot more i want to tell you about on the ground. I want to go in particular the children, the children from the storm. Well talk to a relief worker focussing on the needs of kids and the needs are so great. I want to go to the United States and join up with wolf blitzer in washington with the latest news from the u. S. Wolf . Anderson, youre doing an amazing job from the philippines. Were all very, very grateful for your hard work and the hard work of your producers, your crews. Well get back to you in a few moments. There is other news were following here in the United States in raw politics. President obama went in front of the cameras today and fell on his sword taking full blame for the botched rollout of the Affordable Care act website and telling americans hes not a perfect man. Listen to this. I think its legitimate for them to expect me to have to win back some credibility on this Health Care Law in particular, and on a whole range of these issues in general. And, you know, thats on me. I mean, we fumbled the rollout on this Health Care Law. I think i said early on when i was running, im not a perfect man and i will not be a perfect president , but ill wake up every single day, working as hard as i did, on behalf of americans out there and in every walk of life who are working hard and meeting their responsibiliti responsibilities, but sometimes are struggling because the way the system works isnt giving them a fair shot, and that pledge i havent broken. At the news conference, the president was very, very firm in making case that he has some new rules ready to announce to deal with those people whose Health Insurance has been canceled under the Affordable Care act, cancelled despite his many promises that if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. The announcement today was a reversal for the president , comes amid out right hostility but perhaps now even more significantly some growing anger, even from some democratic lawmakers who supported the president S Health Care plan. Tonight, democrats and republicans are preparing to announce bills to delay key parts of the Affordable Care act. The politics, i have to tell you are raw. We want to focus on the facts, though, tonight. How this new fix, as its called, will work and whether it will actually help those who lost their insurance. Our chief National Correspondent john king is joining me now. John, the announcement from the president , who gets helped by it and who doesnt . Wolf, we cant answer the question definitively tonight, but the president s goal is to help those americans they viewed him breaking his promise or getting cancellation letters because their past insurance plans they liked arent up to the new obama care standards. The president is saying hes giving the Insurance Companies the green light to go back and reissue those policies and say never mind for one more year, you can keep the policy if you like it. Its not just up to the president. As he noted today, wolf, state commissioners had the authority to say yea or nay. Well have to watch this play out and here is the risk, as well. Some of those people might get the news they want, a letter from their Insurance Company saying you can now keep that plan but the industry is warning with that letter could come a premium increase. The president is hoping to ease the anger outside of washington for those who got cancellations letter. We will keep track of that. Inside washington, raw politics and a lot of democrats thinking the president didnt do enough today to stop the insurance bleeding. The Insurance Industry has been trying to to remain allies throughout all of this, but not everyone in the industry right now is very pleased with the announcement, are they . No, you spoke to a key representative of the Insurance Industry today, karen and equated this to changing the rules of the baseball game in the ninth inning. The industry has been working with the president. They think they will lose some money and get that money back by having so many more people into the pool, however, the industry is number one, they have to go back in many cases and tell those people whose policies were chanced, you can have it back. Its going to be confusing process. The industry is worried people will say hey, the president said you have to give me my plan back and they will get blamed. They are worried about uncertainty, wolf, tumble in the marketplace and again, they are worried if the companies decide the only way to do this is raise the rates, they will get the blame, not the politicians. Enormous problems are right now all around, john, thanks very much. The fix that president obama announced today falls short of what some members of his own party are pressing for including senator joe manchin of west virginia, a red state democrat, and he joins us tonight. Senator, what is your reaction to the president s announcement today, the temporary fix that would attempt to save at least some of those insurance policies that were cancelled because they didnt meet the overall standards of the Affordable Care act . Does the president go far enough . Well, first of all, its a step in the right direction. Im very appreciative of that. We got to keep our promise they were made to them. If i had a policy, i was insured and had a policy no matter how bad or how good you think it was, i could keep it. I would to delay the bill. I said no harm, keep the bill until 2014. A transition year is needed until january of 2015. We understand, senator, the white house asked if there is new legislation and you have new legislation to be held back to give the president s new administrative fix some time to work. Are you willing to wait . Should Congress Wait . I think congress has been pretty patient, if you will. Waiting now to see what works and what doesnt work, we have people hitting deadlines. People believe they will be committing a crime or be fined if they dont buy a product they couldnt get on because of the glitches. If the president and the administration will look, those of us trying to work and fix things and trying to be constructive, not destructive, thats what they need to look for. Were saying, listen, the transition year, work through it and see if we can get the industry, Insurance Industry working with us, not against us. If that policy is richer than what we can afford, we need to look at things differently like some people that got cancellations. They bought insurance policies this administration or this bill believes inferior. They didnt believe it was inferior. They believed it was what they could afford and gave them protection. One final question. Senator, youre a former governor from west virginia. Your lifetime achievement, the greatest achievement of your administration and you had three years to get it together, it turns out the rollout, the website and a bunch of other stuff, such a disaster, would you have fired someone . Throwing people out wont fix it. You need people committed and dedicated. They will fix the glitches, wolf. Do we have the product people want and do we have the product that has some value in . Thats what hasnt been solved yet. If there needs to be tweaking, thats the oneyear transition that would work absolutely beautifully. Give us the breathing time to make sure youre selling me a product that i like, that i think is good and will help me and my family and ill buy it, i want it. Senator manchin, thanks very much for joining us. Thank you, wolf. Up next, the wild political story up north that wont let up. New explosive rant from torontos mayor who is already in a heap of trouble. Well have a full report from toronto. But, in the meantime, lets go back to anderson, hes joining us from the philippines, anderson . Yeah, hey, wolf, in addition to the report from toronto, well focus more on the situation here in the philippines. Weve seen you day after day, so many children that lost their lives and parents searching for their children. There are children here in need of help. Well talk to an aid worker of what the needs of the kids are and how everyone, all of us can help. Well be right back. [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. Splenda® lets you experience the joy of sugar without all the calories. Think sugar, say splenda™ right save hundredstrain, on beautyrest and posturepedic. Without all the calories. Choose 300 in free gifts with tempurpedic. Even choose 48 months interestfree financing on the new tempurchoice. The triple choice sale is on now at sleep train. Hey, welcome back, reporting from manila live in the philippines on basically the oneweek anniversary of this storm. It is friday morning here in the philippines and we want to give you updates to breaking news at this hour. The official death toll, according to the philippine government, has now risen. The number of people they died say is above 2,300. There is some discrepancy. The u. N. On one of their websites says that the official death toll, they believe the death toll is closer to 4,500 people, several dozen short of 4,500. But again, its there are no accurate numbers at this point. I think thats the bottom line. We havent been stressing numbers in the week of our reporting because frankly, you go in the neighborhoods and there are so many people unaccounted for, missing, family members searching for loved ones and people. Human beings just laying there that nobody have collected and officially counted. So were staying away from numbers, but the needs are great. There are thousands, of course, tens of thousands in need of medical attention, routine medical attention, dialysis and the like and dehydration because of lack of water. Problem with food. And food delivery. But cannot come fast enough. I keep stressing that. Well focus on the needs of children but i want to go back to wolf blitzer for developments there, wolf . Very different stories over here, anderson. Looking forward to your reports. As i said, youre doing an amazing job. Our viewers and us are grateful for your reports. But there is other news. The younger brother of torontos crack smoking mayor is urging him to take a leave of absence. Just when you thought the mayor had maxed out the shock factor, he managed to take it to another level, this time with a lewd remark. The outburst came a day after the city counsel voted to ask him to take a leave of absence. Not only is ford refusing to leave, hes digging in and taking no prisoners. Lets go to toronto. Paula newton is joining us with with more on the breaking news. What is the latest, paula . Reporter well, Council Source telling us indeed today doug ford did ask his brother that it was time for him to finally take a leave. That is a departure, wolf. You know, one of the criticisms has always been the people that mattered the most to rob ford were not encouraging him to take that leave. This is a significant development. Yesterday when i spoke with doug ford he said look, its been tough and youre about to see why it got a whole lot tougher today. Watch my wife, man reporter pushing, shoving, yelling, threats, just another day in mayor fords city hall. Whoa reporter like the rumble in the jungle he promised. He literally crashed his way out of the office, defiant and angry, trying to pull his wife out of a crush of journalists, and if that scene wasnt shocking enough, the back story was worse. Rob ford came out swinging first thing in the morning, announcing that the fresh allegations of him using cocaine, driving drunk, and being with prostitutes are false, and hes suing his former Staff Members for making the allegations to police. That is outright lies. That is not true. You know what . What it hurts my wife when they are calling a friend of mine a prostitute. Atlanta is not a prostitute. Shes a friend and it makes me sick that people are saying this opinion reporter what he says next in the most vulgar way, hit like a bomb live on canadian tv. The mayor denying he ever said he wanted to have oral sex with a former staff member. Olivia gondeck said i wanted to [ bleep ] i never said that in my life to her. I would never do that. Im happily married. Reporter his crudeness shocking, too, for his wife who made a rare appearance at his side hours later as her husband tried to make amends. Ladies and gentlemen, i want to apologize for my graphic remarks this morning. Reporter mayor ford then disclosed yes, hes getting help. I have been under tremendous, tremendous stress. The stress is largely in my own making. I have apologized and i have tried to move forward. This has proven to be almost impossible. The revelations yesterday of cocaine, escorts and prostitution has pushed me over the line, and i used unforgivable language, and, again, i apologize. Reporter was he over the line or over the edge . Jay robinson is a city counselor and was once a member of fords executive team. We cannot say mayor ford, leave the building. We cannot say step aside. We cannot say resign. None of it is really in our jurisdiction to make that happen. Reporter so shocking for people to hear that. I know. It is very and its not just shocking for you. Its shocking for the residents of toronto. They didnt realize that we did not have that power. What the [ bleep ]. Reporter several times on this day alone, mayor ford looked like a man unable to racially cope with his personal and political troubles. None of you guys have ever ever had a drink and got behind the wheel, i know that. Reporter and yet, no one expects the mayor to step down, no, hes doubling down. Next week, well see the debut of a new tv talk show with his brother doug. I cant underscore enough how rare that appearance of his wife was. This is a woman that doesnt do any official appearances with her husband. This is a woman who sends her kids to School Morning and picks them up at night. So significant she was there today. We expected perhaps he would announce he was taking a leave of absence that didnt happen. It could change now that his brother is actually encouraging him to take some time off. Wolf . Well see if he does anything along those lines. Paula, thanks so much. Paula newton reporting from toronto for us. Lets go back to anderson in manila, anderson . Wolf, did i hear the mayor is going to start doing a talk show . Yes, yes. Next week . Yes. Can you imagine with his brother, a talk show, maybe a reality show but its you heard right, all the way in the philippines, you heard it accurate. Wow, okay. I know im tired. I just wanted to make sure. Thanks, wolf. Well obviously continue that next week and tomorrow, as well. When we come back, we want to look at the flight of kids here, the most vulnerable, obviously. We will talk to unicef which does a lot of work on the ground and are helping to get them clean water. Well talk about that. Well also talk to an aunt whose niece and nephew are still miffing their parents. She herself is pregnant but shes determined to help those kids until she can find out what happened to their parents. Well be right back. Did i tell you i am on the. [ both ] Chicken Pot Pie diet me too [ male announcer ] so indulgent, youll never believe theyre light. 100calorie progresso light soups. 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Bright save hundredstrain,s, on beautyrest and posturepedic. Choose 300 in free gifts with tempurpedic. Even choose 48 months interestfree financing on the new tempurchoice. The triple choice sale is on now at sleep train. Hey, welcome back. Im Anderson Cooper reporting from manila in the philippines. We want to focus now on the plight of children here. There are so many children in harms way and continue to be in harms way in terms of lack of food and water, and so many families have been separated. So many people moved around to escape the storm and so many people are missing and getting information about a lost loved one is very, very difficult. So many people are frankly just disappearing. Lack of information is a big problem. Ana corin found a philippine American Woman on vacation here in the philippines. She was pregnant. When the storm hit, she was able to get to safety. She brought a niece and nephew with her but other family members stayed in harms way. They are now trying to get information what happened to those family members. Here is her story. Reporter distraught and traumatized, his arm in a sling, benjamin degali delivers a desperate message to his daughter from the disaster zone. Watching a local news channel in a hotel room 160 miles away, jasmine derma is overwhelmed to see her father, before spotting her brother in the background. He tells her not to come to tacloban because its unsafe, but the words that follow fill jasmine with fear. They were saying if youre going to ask me about any question what happened to our family, then you can ask me when we see each other. Reporter jasmine lives in new orleans with her american husband and was on vacation visiting her family in tacloban. The day before the monster storm ravaged parts of the philippines, she took her young niece and nephew on their first plane trip to cebu. While they were safe away from the eye of the storm, 16 of her family members huddled together as the ferocious winds tore the roof of the building they were sheltering in. The reason all of them are gone, you know, they are not there or i dont know. I dont know what to expect. Reporter among the missing, the parents of the children who are now in her care. The people of the tacloban no house and there is no foods, water, and many people died, and im sad because my family i dont know wheres my family now. Reporter fearing the worst, a heavily pregnant jasmine asked to take the children back to the United States where shes due to give birth but filipino authorities refused saying they need parental permission to get a passport to be granted a u. S. Visa, an impossible task. Jasmine says she wont abandon them and will stay in the philippines until her surviving family can be reunited. I miss my brother and my sister. My mom. I miss them. Reporter anderson, this is a heart breaking story and theres so many more like them. So many people are trying to get out of these disaster zones. They brought the c130 plane. I flied so cebu which is this massive operation. But get this. Up until the last day or so, military is operating with only three c130s and just highlights the lack of resources. An organization i talked to them which is trying to get aid out to the desperate people. They say it took more than six hours to get their cargo off the plane here at the air base because there is only one forklift operating. It really is frightening considering the scale of this disaster. Yeah. They got to get forklifts in a lot of these places. In samar where they are setting up an hub as well, i know that is going to be an issue. The marines know about it and said they will get some forklifts in there, even in tacloban, that is an issue. Appreciate that incredible story. You have been flying in a tacplane. So getting these things to the people is very important. Weve got to do it as quick as we can. Getting them clean water and good sanitation and protection. And we have to consider education also. Schools have been wiped out and getting kids into child friendly spaces where they can feel protected and where they will have a chance to play and a sense of normalcy after going through a devastating experience is very important. Unicef is flying a plane that is going to tacloban. We are providing a Water Treatment plant to go with that mobile hospital. Getting these things to the people is very important. We have to do it as quick as we can. There has been difficulties in accessing many of these communities. But that log jam is breaking up now and we are getting things to people but the needs are really great. In some communities we could say Everybody Needs everything so the scale of this is immense and unicef is working with other u. S. Agencies and with ngos, with the government to make things happen. This is a situation where everything is needed. The home has been like the way, the food source has been like the way. There are no jobs. So people cant earn money. All these things we never think about in our daytoday life which make up the life of a child. You are trying to keep them alive. This is why this is so complex, this emergency. To get kids who dont go to school right now, all classes are suspended and there are no schools. We need to get them into a child friendly spaces where they are protected. It helps the kids but it also frees up the parents to take care of the needs to try to find work and try and get money. Its very complicated and very complex and everything is interrelated. Unicef. Org is the website . Yes. Appreciate what youre doing. Well continue to check in with you. When we come back, we will get more from the philippines. Well talk to our reporters spread throughout the region for all the latest on the relief effort. Welcome back to the continuing coverage live here in manila. I want to join you with our correspondents. Nick paton walsh who is in contact low ban. And Andrew Stevens is joining me here in manila. Nick, this is a report out that i just saw saying they have a number out for death toll in taclob tacloban. Alone, its a big number. Explain the confusion over the numbers of dead, please. Well, they are saying 4,000 have died in tacloban alone, according to officials here. We have seen the board. We sent our producer up. They seen the white board and asked officials where they got the number. They arent entirely sure how they came to it and try to find a woman who wrote the number on the board and werent able to do that. What i think we get from that, the idea that the death toll is adjusted upwards and makes sense. In the neighboring town there were more. It is probably going to go higher than 2,000. It gives you the idea of the kind of confusion accounting for the dead here. They may have numbers coming up but arent sure how rock solid they are and got to them and shows you the chaos of viewing peoples lives. Imagine trying to get food and water where the simple mechanics of getting dead bodies and burying them is beyond the task of the government here. Anderson. Ive been watching here in cebu, the lack of communication is part of the problem, getting information. Thats right, and we traveled to the first landfall of the typhoon. You were there yesterday, and people still havent been able to reach their loved ones on other islands in the philippines to them them they are still alive. They are resorting to flying out handwritten notes. We saw one of them waiting to be sent out on a flight saying were okay and were alive and i met a mother who traveled by boat 22 hours from cebu to be reunited with her 8yearold boy who she had been cut off, she didnt know whether or not he was alive and we saw that glorious reunion amid all that uncertainty and fear. I have to say, all this destruction, i was struck where the death toll was about 87 in a town of more than 40,000 inhabitants, to see people in the houses laughing, joking with a foreigner like me, perhaps will be the greatest resource the fill people have that will take with them on the road ahead. Anderson . We talked about at the top of the program, Andrew Stevens, the strength and dignity. You say how are you doing, they say im okay. Have you lost anybody . Yes, ive lost three of my children. Six of my children. Their strength is extraordinary. Their strength is extraordinary. Many of these people live a tough life at the best of times just trying to make it and struck, even knowing their resilience struck just how they deal with this, two days afterwards when a lot of people would have been too stunned to move. People were gathering in groups, talking as i was, like laughing. A lot of people i was talking to saying thank you, thank you so much for being here. Still very polite and gracious. Reports of looting and stuff, its easy to stress that too much. By and large, ive been stunned at the response of individuals to this tragedy and there again, just their strength and continued courage. Andrew, appreciate your reporting. Youve been there from the beginning. Well have more when we come back. Thats it for us here this morning. We will be back later this evening for another edition of 360 live from the philippines. Thanks for joining us. Early start begins right now. I am not a perfect man and i will not be a perfect president. He says the fumbled the Health Care Rollout and now he says he wants to fix it but this morning new questions about whether the new proposal from president obama will even work. A week since typhoon haiyan devastated the philippines. Residents are still striving to survive. Why the federal government is being blamed and the new threat facing the people there. I want to apologize for my graphic remarks. Graphic,

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