Amedy is dead and hayat is at large. All members of the same terror cell. A Police Spokesman went in the supermarket where two hostages are killed. Frankly, its hard to imagine how its possible that she actually slipped away giving the huge numbers of police around there. The police Union Official who said she may have slipped away but frankly, they dont know for sure whether or not she was even inside. Theres a lot of conflicting information. Lets take a look at the day as it unfolded. [ speaking french ] i just want to pause the video for a moment here. This is when police were first entering the supermarket. You can see the length of time it took to raise that gate. You can also there early on see the body of what is most likely one of the hostages already lying lifeless on the ground. Now, this frozen image, that is the gunman the terrorist, the third suspect actually running out of the door. Now, its possible possible that somewhere in that crowd was this woman, the fourth accomplice hayat boumediene. That is one report by a police Union Official who say she may have escaped. Its not clear whether or not she was in there. She is certainly considered on the loose. There is a massive manhunt for her under way. Not much was immediately known about her. Police are in fact asking anyone with information to please come forward. As for her male kpanian, before killed he spoke with cnn affiliate. Well as you might imagine, the more we learn, the uglier this picture gets and the greater concern. The state department warned u. S. Citizens traveling overseas to maintain, in their words, high vigilance and increase security awareness. As i said this manhunt is going on. I want to go to the latest on the manhunt. Jim sciutto is joining us now. Jim, what are you hearing about who this woman is and what kind of threat she may pose . Reporter well police are treating her very seriously as possibly dangerous. Its not clear though what her operational role was in all of this. As you say, the police union saying they believe she was present in that kosher market but the interior ministry and others are not confirming that. Police have also said it is believed that she was present when hamdi kolabali killed the Police Officer yesterday in paris but thats not confirmed either. One thing is clear. She was not just a peripheral figure. The Reason Police know this we heard from the prosecutor this evening, that last year alone, there were some 500 phone calls between her and the wife of Cherif Kouachi, of course one of the brothers who carried out the attack at Charlie Hebdo. 500 phone calls. You know theres been a lot of questions over the last 72 hours whether these two group of attackers, the hostage taker here the two brothers who carried out the attack on Charlie Hebdo and killed in the northeast of paris, were they connected . Clearly, a connection established that extended back months a full year. Those 500 phone calls. What were they talking about . It is possible that the attackers suspected that they were under surveillance by the police so they would have their companions communicate with each other. But clearly based on those communications she was not just a companion of this attacker. She was somehow involved in the planning in the communication before these attacks were carried out. Reporter jim, as we show that video, you were there, you heard the shots banged as well. We dont know for sure theres no evidence publicly known that ive seen that the suspect, the female suspect was actually inside that Grocery Store other than the statement from a local police Union Official. We see the gate opening up. You can actually see the body of one hostage laying lifeless on the ground and were going to talk more in detail about this with some Security Experts in a moment but the idea she could have possibly escaped frankly seems hard to believe. Reporter it would be pretty remarkable. The only opportunity to be to slip out when those hostages slipped out. Thats difficult to see, to confirm in that video, but also somewhat difficult to see as thats possible there. Another thing, just to be clear that we learned from the video and this is something that was said on national tv by the french president later after the attack that those four that were killed inside the kosher shop that that took place early in the operation. It did not take place during the police raid but earlier during the hostage taking. Thats what french authorities believe, but of course we do see in that tape the killer himself being killed by police charging them much as the two brothers charged police in northeast paris. You know we heard earlier in the day they said they wanted to die as martyrs, as they say. They certainly got their wish to die in these attacks, these police raids. And in that video you just saw him actually rushing towards the police were not showing the actual killing and then bringing out his lifeless body. Theyre working on one of the tactical officers who was wounded in the attack too. Police were wounded in this raid. Jim, i appreciate the update. Joining us now is chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour and former navy member fabris amenia. I appreciate you being with us. As you see this video of the raid and following closely both raids, i wonder how you feel they went. Because it looks extremely difficult with that gate moving up slowly. That is the worst possible situation in an assault like this. Of course. Because we try to be very quick because supplies is 70 of the attack. Of course times they need to relieve that gait give some advantage to the terrorist. But quite successful. The lady i dont think she would have escaped you say its surrounded. Even in the confusion, anybody who was brought out was immediately hustled into the vehicle. Of course. When you launch an assault like this you have to sort of think about your theres no slipping trrls among those. So each hostage is checked to be sure its clear before to declare and eventually give some medics clear. Okay . And perimeter is surrounded. So nobody can escape. The other question which obviously Law Enforcement and intelligence is looking into carefully, are there other people in some form of a cell directly linked to this cell who may be still operational beside this female suspect . Well actually its very difficult to say now whether there are more people or not. What we say, its an old cell. 10 15 20 people and originating from threats. So its known that this grouping this grouping of people who knew each other and going back a long ways there were more people in this operational cell back then. Whether or not they are still operational, we dont know. Yes, indeed. And actually we knew at the time there were like 10 or 15. But we also know they have expanded because of the syrian war, because of the inflow of french jihadi joining isis later on and moving back. I think the most disturbing pattern we see, the operation that seems to be. Basically have multiple threats and originate from the cell. Sorry. Its okay. Benefitting. There are real questions boasting on the part of these two suspects whether or not some of these groups are claiming credit we talk about that a little bit later coming up. But christiane we have learned so much just in the last 24 hours about this cell about their potential foreign contacts and this suspect still at large given the massive manhunt is obviously a huge concern here. Well, exactly. The foreign minister told me yesterday when i was in paris that actually some 30 of those they suspect have gone to syria or iraq or wherever are actually women. So that is very important when we see this woman who is on the lam there in paris. We have had very serious warnings from the british Domestic Intelligence m. I. 5. Ahead of lot of leaders heading into paris on sunday for a mini summit also attorney general eric holder going. They are very very concerned here that there will be an attack of mass casualty. Thats the words of the british mi5 chief. Thats a stark warning. He barely peaks, the first time in two years shes spoken and known of 20 plots over the last 14 months. Theyre very concerned about airlines, about transportation iconic landmarks and others targeted sometime now or in the future. How concerned are you from a security standpoint that other potential jihadists who may already be here and france has a huge number of suspects will see what has taken place over last two or three days and think, this was a success, from the terrorists standpoint and its something that could be relatively easily repeated . I think we have maybe 1,000 jihad jihadis in france. With aspirations of going overseas. The official figure was 500 but some experts estimate 2,000. These are actual from syria. It goes on exponential scale, you know . And for sure we are like that in france waiting for the right time to act. Because of the choice of the moment and the place. And also though much has been made early on of how they knew how to handle ak47s, they clearly made a number of mistakes. They clearly didnt have a plan thought out. They ended up being on the run. But it still doesnt take a huge amount of skill to carry out an attack that can have a massive, not only death toll but also political impact social impact. Those guys determined. They know how to use weapons. They dont need to prepare the attack very well. The target and the rush. They ended up prepare with plan b, plan c to escape. A place to hide. Waiting. Police forces to be tired and then exit change clothes, change car. Just going like this and try to escape. Maybe surprise to others such huge. And certainly, thats how they ended up at that print station. Christiane a massive solidarity is expected even with the manhunt continuing that goes ahead. Indeed. Its been called for and they expect a lot of people to come out. You know in this speech this evening and even in his first speech to the nation on wednesday evening, french president francois alad said unity is the only thing to keep the nation safe and allow us to fight back. Unity and solidarity. Hes had various political leaders, opposition leaders. Theres a mini summit of european heads of state, heads of government. Also american top officials to come and talk about how to fight this. But it is after the initial crisis has passed and once they get through this initial crisis, it is a longterm not only soul searching but ramping up of intelligence of security to try to put even more sort of effort in place. Although youve just been discussing with your colleagues there, its very difficult to catch every single one of them as all these officials say. Yes, and very briefly, to follow one suspect requires dozens of people. Actually it does. But this is the argument that is running now. We need 30 people to follow one suspect. 30 people to follow one suspect. Actually the problem is this is a very good argument very fair but those cells were the most known. Those people were very known for years in france and therefore, even if its very difficult to follow older jihadi popping up with isis those people were basically the primary target of the intelligence and this is where i would say there was a huge failure in terms of french intelligence. Look at the u. S. U. S. Had a nofly ban. But actually they were able to fly one of them from france to yemen to get training in al qaeda camps in 2011. So quite disturbing. And theres a lot to cover in the next two hours. I appreciate you both being with us, and Christiane Amanpour as well. Weve got to take a break. Up next more on the possible connection to al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. That groups global call to arms ahead. Sir, were going to need you on the runway. vo theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. vo theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. vo theraflu. Serious power. 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Separately today, the two fugitive brothers ended their own reign of terror in a gunfire in a shop outside of the city where Frederik Pleitgen joins us now. Whats the latest youre hearing about how it all unfolded at the print shop . The two brothers were thought to be deep or at least partially in the forest. That may have been a diversion on the french Law Enforcement in case they felt the brothers were monitoring Media Coverage but how can you give us the tick tok of how this unfolded . Reporter yeah its interesting. When we heard all of this unfold it seemed as though the operation was clean and quick. Certainly by many standards, it was. Not as clean and quick as we thought at the time. At some point out here we heard a couple of gunshots and then we heard a sort of muted detonation it seemed like someone was setting off a stun grow grenade inside the room. Firing one of several stun grenades in the print shop where the two terrorists were hold up. What we see now is that apparently it was a little more violent than we initially thought. It seems as though the two gun men went outside, opened fire on police. There was a video that the National Police released just a couple of hours ago that seemed to show there was actually some automatic fire that these two men gave off initially as this siege began. Thats when the police responded. They fired the stun grenades into the print shop and what appears to be single fire shots that eliminated the two terrorists quickly. From our von taj point here it appeared to us as though the actual raid took less than a minute. What happened after that is that helicopters landed there almost immediately. One was a medical helicopter to evacuate any sort of casualties. We do know now, anderson, that at least two Police Officers were slightly wounded in this raid. However, the casualties very very low and very good on the part of the police. Also one of the interesting things about all this there was a man who was also holed up with the terrorists in the house the entire time and as we were reporting, we thought it was a hostage but it appears as though the terrorist never knew he was inside and some who are saying he was possibly in contact with the police as all of this was unfolding giving them valuable information. That certainly appeared to have helped them. The latest we have anderson is that apparently it was the two terrorists that initiated the contact with the police that then led to this siege and possibly the other siege in paris. As weve been reporting throughout the entire evening, they set off almost simultaneously anderson. Right. That second siege really actually began several minutes, as many as five minutes or more after this first siege was well under way. So as you said if in fact as youre reporting, these two terrorists actually initiating the contact the final contact with police at the print shop then the police at the store perhaps were concerned that the gunmen inside the terrorists inside the supermarket would hear about it because they had a phone contact with others and would have initiated some action against the hostages there. Fred i appreciate the reporting. More on the connection this whole crew may have had to the terror movement, mainly al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. He joins us tonight with more on that. Jeremy youve heard two different statements from al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Theres a difference between an official statement from the Organization Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula which we dont yet have. What i have is two separate statements from a source who i know to be a member of al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in yemen, a source that provided me with credible information and this individual gave two statements to me. One that was a little vague about claiming responsibility but praising the attack and saying anyone that demeans the prophet mohammed especially in the form of cartoons deserve what they got and doesnt matter if they are directed by jihadist groups and then an hour later, i received a more official sounding statement where this individual within al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula told me that the attack in paris was, in fact directed by aqap. I should also note anderson that there was also an audio recording posted through official channels by aqap today by a senior cleric for aqap and he praised the attack but stopped short of saying they were responsible. Generally, aqap will ultimately claim responsibility and generally comes through the heads of the military part of the organization and that is not happened as of yet. Even if they do claim responsibility for directing or coordinating the direct what does that mean directing, if the trip to yemen was made back in 2011 how much direction does an operation that takes place so many years later actually have and another side of this is it in the interest of al qaeda in the araibian peninsula to claim credit they may have not have oversight of . First of all, it benefits jihadist organizations to claim credit because it helps them with their fund raising and theres a current battle going on for supremacy with al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and isis. Theres a turf war here. In the past when aqap has been involved directly with a plot of this nature like the failed Christmas Day bomb plot with umar farouq sometime after the fact they started to release photos of him and a martyr video. Well see if they do that and its possible these guys went to yemen, receive some form of training. Maybe met with Anwar Alawlaki and gave them encouragement. When they went back to france cooked up their own plot and maybe did or not give aqap to give them a heads up with their own attack. The other terrorist who took over the Grocery Store, the supermarket today, claimed a connection or a support of isis. Do you see a conflict i mean obviously i know there are reports that al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula sent people to fight in syria, or perhaps even with isis but do you see some sort of either confusion or conflict or contradiction between claiming brothers claiming a link to al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the other guy claiming some sort of allegiance and or support for isis . Isis and al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula have had a fairly public sort of turf war through social media and official pronouncements. I wouldnt rule out the possibility that both groups had something to do with any of the individuals here. I also wouldnt rule out that these guys are purely making this up to make themselves seem like theyre big shots or try to elevate the sort of more Global Nature of the cause of groups like isis and aqap but i think speculation at this point can be very very dangerous. I think that what is responsible journalistically for us to do is to provide what were hearing from credible sources and put it in a context that requires studying the history of how these groups take responsibility for such actions. Fascinating to get your perspective on it jeremy, i appreciate it. Thank you, anderson. Jeremy with the intercept. Find this and more stories at cnn. Com. What neighbors are reveals about the two brothers suspected of murdering two people a few blocks where i am wednesday including this Police Officer. Constipated . Yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. 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And with less of its own lard to move around, it can move more of yours. 12,200 pounds. The most towing of any halfton pickup. The allnew ford f150. The future of tough. Tonights breaking news. Manhunt under way in paris. Killed two including the brothers who killed 12 people here at Charlie Hebdo. The fourth terror suspect is the target of a huge manhunt tonight. Every hour we learn more about who they are and their connections is becoming increasingly clear, operating within a larger web of jihadists. Mark mckinnon talked with them and joins me now. What did the neighbors say . The most interesting conversation i said with a tunisian woman who only spoke arabic arabic. They felt they should break into the apartment and see whats happening there. Did they . Yeah her elderly husband got a plumber friend to help them out and discovered a cash of arms inside. Kouachi came Home Shopping from groceries when this happened and discovered them inside and shoved husband around and promised not to tell the police. Obviously he didnt. Neither of them ever went to the police about finding the cash of weapons. No they never did. They were terrified. When i was speaking to her, she was leaning out the crack of the door and whispering saying theyre going to come and kill me for talking to you. She was obviously still very afraid. Even though theyre dead. Yesterday, it was before this happened. Had the police to your knowledge been to this location . No came after the attack at Charlie Hebdo and said they had broken into the apartment next door and arrested a woman inside the wife of one of the brothers and never spoke to the husband about what theyd seen. The wife of Cherif Kouachi. Yes. And theres now reports that the wife of Cherif Kouachi had had hundreds of phone conversations over the curse of the past year with this fourth suspect who is now on the run, the girlfriend of the third suspect who was in the supermarket. Interesting trail of details from the conversation. One was that she believed the woman was pregnant who had been arrested and said there was a fourth man, sorry, a third man, a fourth person in the house. The brotherinlaw of the brothers kouachi who obviously had access know what they were doing and had access to the weaponry. Incredible given the sheer volume of personnel involved in the Manhunt Police had not already been there to talk to the neighbors. And i visited the local mosque as well and spoke with the head of the local Muslim Association and had a conversation about their own interactions with the kouachi brothers which they had some interesting moments where during a friday sermon the imam was urging muslims to get out and vote in the last election. One challenged the imam and walked out on us. They had concerns in the community and said the police never came to talk to them either. Theres a real breach between them and the police. Obviously something that is part of an issue here a larger issue needs to be addressed. Mark ma kin non, thank you for your reporting. I want to bring in maajid nawaz. Hes the author called radical, my journey out of extremism and mia bloom author of bombshell, the many faces of women terrorists and professor of security studies. The cash of weapons in the apartment based on marks reporting, its far harder to get access to weapons in france than it is in the u. S. Absolutely. And even more harder in britain. When in we must look for how they got a hold of them. It is quite difficult to do. That in itself points to the levels of training and the professionalism in which these people were able to approach this operation. Mia, in terms of the female suspect whos still on the run, i think a lot of people were surprised, first early this morning when French Police put out a picture of a woman who they say was directly involved in the killing of the French Policewoman on thursday morning. You spent years interviewing women who were jihadis. You say women are far more radical often than women within these organizations. In many cases in europe in the u. K. And perhaps even in france its the women who are more radical than the men and the women ensure they stay in the movement but dont defect change their minds at the last minute or lose their will. We shouldnt be surprised that women are involved in terrorism because women have been involved in terrorism for over 45 years. Mia, you say each terror group has different roles, the way isis recruits and use women is different than in the Arabian Peninsula. How so . Absolutely so the 200 french women that have allegedly gone to syria to join isis these women are overwhelmingly going to be mothers and wives. Theyre there to populate the islamist but groups like boko haram and al shabad we see if this is connected to aqap we see women on the front lines of many of the jihadi groups that never use women. Sharp shooters women suicide bombers for boko haram, al shabad and the shechchechnyan groups. Taking over the moscow theater, we saw a number of women involved in that that ended up getting killed. What do you make of the role in women in jihadi groups . Yes, they were called the chechan black widow. The entire frame work is misogynist and working towards establishing a caliphate in which only a man can become a kaliph. Where women are given less of a role in public life and religion is used as an excuse for that what the islamist did is they came along and offered Women Empowerment saying you can take a role in Public Services whether its in hospitals, teachers or in this case in fighting. And that in itself is a form of empowerment for these women. From a religious conservative society, they dont have roles. So relative to that islamists were offering them some role in public life and this comes as no surprise mia, everything shes saying is correct. Women have been involved for a long time. Its contrary to our perceptions but should be no surprise to us. And certainly shouldnt be of concern and interest to Law Enforcement, mia. Just from a standpoint of trying to keep an eye out for suspicious activity. One has to one cant assume there is a very narrow look of somebody who is out to commit jihad. Anderson, precisely. And its exactly the preconceived notions we have of whos going to be a jihadi and the Jihadi Organization is able to use against us. When they go against civilians, its someone to blend right in with civilians which are women and increasingly children. And maajid whats interesting to me also about a lot of these groups is that how much of a learning enemy they are. That, you know people discover the shoe bomber so they change the tactic. Im wondering if the role of women, the rising role of women seems to be a reaction to try to stay one step ahead of Law Enforcement and others. Well this is in fact youve touched on a point that opens up a conversation about profiling. Its exactly why profiling for ethnicity or for certain features features gender in this case doesnt work in crossing borders and getting through airports. If we announced that were looking for men of middle eastern appearance which is often what we say in the west of course al qaeda and other jihadi groups will switch. Its not a race its a religion. White muslims, brown muslims, all sorts of muslims. So when you announce what youre looking for, as mia said theyll recruit the opposite they will adapt. Thats what the chechchans, they wanted to recruit white Bosnian Muslims and ended up joining isil and look wiet as any other european. Thats fascinating. Maajid appreciate you being on. Mia bloom, thank you for your reporting. Jst ahead, ahead of britains agency. More on what the mi 5 chief is saying about terrorist plots in the works as well as ones that have already been stopped. Ben. Well, that was close. You aint lyin. Let quicken loans help you save your money. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. Now. I use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. 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Citizens to maintain a high level of vigilance in light of the recent attacks in paris. That call obviously echoes keep concerns within the american and Global Intelligence community and any additional attacks. Here once again is former french operator fabrice magnier. We realized in the last couple of days were not dealing with an isolated circumstance in paris. What were dealing with is within the aftermath of the 911 attacks, the growth of affiliates in al qaeda, yemen, syria, iraq. A group of people numbering in the thousands or tens of thousands, in europe or the United States you might not be formally affiliated with al qaeda or yemen but might have touched them or trained by them absorbed this ideology and will act on it. Anderson 15 years ago, 14 years ago when i sat there at cia in the aftermath of the 9 11 attacks, we dealt with a small group of people in afghanistan and pakistan in al qaeda. We are now dealing with the Ripple Effect of the al qaeda revolution which is much larger than i ever would have anticipated 14 years ago. Its reaching cities from people who never were real formal members of these organizations but who will now kill in cities like paris or new york or washington. Fabrice, thats something you and i were talking about before during the break. The idea that people here have to understand that theres a war going on a war happening inside france you believe. Yes. Ive seen it. The french people and for all french cities. Theres so many of our politics. There is a war ongoing war that start ten years ago. We have a demonstration able to act. They want to act. They want to demonstrate theyre at war. We have to take that into account and adapt our defenses to be ready. And yet as you were saying if it takes 30 people to trail one person 24 hours a day, and there are a thousand terror suspects at the least if not more the sheer number of people its almost impossible to have that. All those guys coming back from isis or whatever al qaeda, yemen or other places. So thats why the situation is quite complicated because our Police Forces and intelligence are doing a great job, but i think now, more people more means to be able to face this escalation which is a lack exponential. We have to act quickly because they have a big advantage. They are ready, they are a number. For people in the United States u. S. Intelligence relies a lot on french intelligence on British Intelligence. The sharing of information, the ability to actually even track suspects on the ground here. French intelligence and British Intelligence which has the human capability and so any lapses in western europe have a direct effect on the intelligence picture in the United States. Sure they do. We cant think of this or france or great britain. From the adversary, were all the head of the snake, were the enemy. What we have to look at in this case is not the National Boundaries of the United States but whats the avenue by which these individuals might have gone to syria, for example . We think one of them went to yemen. How did they get there, how were they radicalized, did they use the same routes that somebody on the east coast United States might have used . We might use this not the fbi or cia, but have to look at this collectively and the french are superb at this. Say our people thousands of them have gone over there for training. Lets collectively say what routes they use and how are we all vulnerable . One more comment, anderson. Id say we have got to get out of a dialogue that suggests this is a war. Because people are going to start to believe there is an end to this. This is a societal cancer in our communities that will last for decades. Weve got to treat it but we never will rid ourselves of it at least in the near term. Weve got to handle it and manage it. We will not end this. Phillip mudd i appreciate you being honest. Fabrice, thank you. Ahead, Charlie Hebdo lost 10 members, a couple blocks from where were standing. The publication will live on. Theyre at work on next weeks edition. Details on that ahead. Tmobiles network has more data capacity per customer than verizon and at t its a network that puts data were you need it most a Network Designed Data strong if you suffer from a dry mouth then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. But did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Discover card. Hey so im looking at my bill and my fico® Credit Scores on here. 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This is as close as civilians can get at this point to the offices and we have seen over the last several days thousands of people coming here wanting to pay their respects wanting to bear witness, wanting to stand often in silence, in solidarity with the victims of the terror attack. As you can see, this makeshift memorial has sprung up here. People have left notes. Theyve left candles and flowers. Theyve left pens and pencils. This is just one of several makeshift memorials. You see a lot of pens like this just left behind a symbol of the power of the pen against the power of the gun. And this memorial has really just been growing and continues to grow. If you look over here its actually now spread all the way over to this area where there are just hundreds of bouquets of flowers and candles and also all the way in that area. The remaining Staff Members of Charlie Hebdo, and there are just a few, but there are also many former staff men membersbers and say next wednesday, an edition with as many as a million copies will be printed. The cover has apparently already been drawn by one of the surviving cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo. Theyre still looking to fill the rest of the magazine. Exactly what the content is going to be but to them its a symbol of the importance of speaking out. Yesterday, i spoke to patrick palu an e. R. Doctor, also a columnist for the magazine and said if they remain silent it would be as if the murder colleagues were murdered twice and that is why he wants to speak out. I spoke earlier today to kair line forest, a former staff member of Charlie Hebdo. She worked for the magazine just before it was fire bombed in 2011. I spoke to h her about how she is reacting to all of this and about the importance of the former members to continue to publish. Heres the conversation. First of all, i want to know what you thought, going now, two of the gunmen have been killed. I prefer that no one have been killed today. Of course yesterday. But at least we are out of danger from those guys at least. When you were there, i mean you were there in 2011. The offices were fire bombed. How did you deal and how did your colleagues deal with the fear . I left before but we were already under stress. During the trial we had after, we smile, a sense of humor. The colleagues true. The most funny person i ever met. So we were always making joke about the fact they cant kill us. Say, okay now its becoming serious. And so doing a joke and we move them. Thats the way they dealt with it. With humor. Of course. But i have to say within ten years, the stress continues under the social networks and there is an accusation of being islam phobic. This word for people like Charlie Hebdo, it was the worst to endure. Being called islam phobic that was the worst, why . Because the purpose of the newspaper is to fight against the extreme fight, the racism. Charlie hebdo, fight against the racism. Being accused of being islam phobic is ridiculous but really painful and we know in that text its not just for the islamists but sometimes people who find excuses and the joke. What do you make when you see the outpouring of tens of thousands of people here in paris, all throughout france and amsterdam and berlin all throughout the world standing in solidarity with signs saying we are not afraid holding up pens. I wonder on a personal level, what is it like for you to see that . It was exactly what they would have wanted to see. Im speaking about my dead colleagues and friends. I mean when we did all of this during all of this news continuing no matter what we were probably and i was prepared to see that one day, one of us will be killed. Honestly not so much. Not on this very primitive barbaric way, but probably. But why i didnt expect this reaction. This global massive moving reaction. As you see, maybe they did kill my colleague and friends, but they didnt kill the spirit of Charlie Hebdo. They cannot kill the spirit of Charlie Hebdo. They cannot kill the fact we want to resist them not by bomb not by being brutal and racist as they are. By drawing, by humor, by being just human beings. Caroline, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Well theres a lot more to cover. Live all throughout the next hour here on cnn. Well take a short break and our coverage continues. Well be right back. Thing. Ill catch up later. Awww. Truth is, theraflu severe cold doesnt treat chest congestion. Really . New alkaseltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. Oh, what a relief it is. Here we go woooo woooo and now, alkaseltzer plus has a complete line of powders to treat your worst cold symptoms

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