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No, please, please, oh shrieks in terror heavy breathing and snorting no, no. The running of the bulldogs . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money aleia saved by switching to geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Welcome to the second hour of 360. At the end of a truly remarkable day, children acting like adults and adults acting like children. On the table tonight, students gunning for change, not children but young adults, push for gun control as their classmates go on. We have more with the effect its having on how the president actually governs. Jeff zeleny joins us from the white house. Jeff, this was the first shooti White House Briefing since the shooting. It was the first briefing and it was not long enough to answer the questions hanging over us tonight. Remember the tweet the president made over the weekend for blaming the fbi for missing the Warning Signs in florida. Sarah sanders tried walking that back. She said, look, this was the act of a deranged individual, in her words, and she said the president essentially didnt mean that. But she went on to say that the fbis attention on what she called a hoax, the russian collusion situation, has dominated their time. But then she went on to say in greater words than the president has that russia did, indeed, meddle in the election. But it was a split screen conversation, still talking about guns as well. And thats what the president addressed from the East Room Of The White House shortly after the White House Press briefing. Lets watch. A few moments ago, i signed a memorandum directing the Attorney General to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns. So we heard the president there really somewhat of a surprise. The white house had not telegraphed that. This has been coming since the Las Vegas Shooting back in september. They had not talked about this much at all since then. Clearly the white house wanting to be part of this conversation on guns. You heard the president there signing a directive. Unclear exactly, though, what that will do. Were not talking about new laws here, just existing laws, anderson. The president is weighing in again tonight on twitter about Background Checks. Whats he saying . He is, indeed. Another sign the president has as we were talking about over the weekend and yesterday, has been effectively, at least, paying attention closely to that florida shooting. He was talking about how its everyones responsibility here to do something on guns. This is what he said a short time ago on social media. He said this whether you are a republican or democrat, we must now focus on strengthening Background Checks. This sounds a little bit like the donald trump of yesterday when he was for strong Background Checks before he was running for president. Do you remember when he was thinking about running as a Reform Party Candidate . He was for gun control. All that fof that changed in 20n he was being supported by the nra. Certainly the president wants to be engaged this this conversation on guns. Less clear if he will actually lead his party to something here. The house and the senate are out this week, so the president is sort of alone in these conversations. But keep an eye on that, because advisers say they have even been surprised by how interested he seems in doing something on this. Again tomorrow here hell be talking to some students at the white house, some other School Leaders as well. So the new person in this equation is the president. Well see if he leads on this, anderson. As the president at least alluded to tonight, preventing another mass shooting is their responsibility. They went to parkland, some through tears, as they banned them from the high school. Are you on a bus there . Yeah, were on a bus. Were about an hour away. When you heard them not support a bill to ban Assault Rifles and highcaliber magazines, i wonder what you thought . There is a long battle ahead of you. To be honest, were all super pissed about that and dont think were not gloing to addres it tomorrow. I hear it was an overwhelming vote not to proceed on this. I dont know how thats possible considering this happened in their own state, and there are kids that are dead from their own state, along with kids that were there from our school, and they just they dont care. Governor rick scott, obviously the governor of the floor, held what he called an Emergency Meeting tonight to find solutions to protect students and said that he would put forth a gun proposal policy on friday to, quote, move the needle forward. Do you buy that . Does that give you any kind of hope . Ill have hope from the governor when i hear it myself and when he actually takes some action on it. Because he may have an aplus rating from the nra but he does not have an aplus rating from us. The vote was 3671 today in the state house. On a national level, the president announced a plan to move towards banning bump stocks, which is something that was talked a lot about after las vegas and then sort of disappeared. Is that a big enough step forward, in your mind . No. They should have banned bump stocks a long time ago, and that wouldnt have prevented anyone from my school dying. If you had the chance to introduce your own bill, what would be in it . Have you thought that far ahead . You . Definitely. Ive always been an activist for gun reform but never to this extent. I was one of the people that would kind of forget about a mass shooting after it happened, which is awful, because you dont really get how it feels until it happens to you. But were going to make sure that nobody forgets. We talked to david hoge in the last hour, and some people have been writing about him, some conspiracy websites, some far right websites suggesting maybe he was a crisis actor, which is obviously a ludicrous notion, hes obviously a student from the school saying his dad who had been formerly with the fbi may have put him up to it. When you hear comments like this that come out of the wake of a school shooting, does it scare you . Does it anger you . Does it diminish your desire to be involved . Honestly, i think the reason people are saying those things is theyre in disbelief and your finger in the eye of the people who you didnt like before, anyway. This is a breakdown that can hopefully lead to a breakthrough. Those young people are extraordinary. Ive been Hearing Marketers talk about this high school generation. They are very different than the college students. Theres something happening with these young people. Those young people are better spoken than most of us On Television. Theyve never been On Television before. So if theres any hope in the country, its in this generation thats rising. I just want to say to stand over the bodies of children and poke your finger in the eye of your a adversary is as low as you can possibly go in public life, and its a shame the president did that but im proud of these young people. The thing thats bad about that tweet, not only is it factually incorrect, but he takes this platform to once left wing help. Ive been to many, many high schools all around georgia talking to children, and i think when theyre in an emotional state and they deserve to be heard, they deserve to be listened to, and i expressed that on the show also that i believe theyre sincere. This is a horrible tragedy. Their hearts are broken. But also know that the state senator from there is facilitating their bus trip up to tallahassee which, when i was in the general assembly, was illegal to do Something Like that, to pay for somebody to lobby. The Democrat Party there is doing it. You think they are being hijacked by left wing politics . I was talking about the left rally. It would shock me if 17yearolds around the country and i agree with you, van, very articulate, very sincere. But it would shock me if they did a nationwide rally and the pro gun control left took their hands off. Why does it even matter . Let me just ask the question. If there is a group of people who are supporting of what they want to do, what would be wrong with them working with them if they have some knowledge about how to get their message out . What youre suggesting is somehow theyve been used like some people went in and told them what to say. Which, by wathe way, there a these allegations which is just ridiculo ridiculous. I did not say that and did not say that today. I said their hearts are broken and they are sincere, ill say that. But i can say this. As rahm emanuel famously said, dont waste a good crisis. Come on, jack. Theyre trying to enter into politics, theyre trying to change the debate that is a political debate. You cannot criticize high school us, but i dont think were using the kids. Heres the thing, its not fair to you youre sprinkling out there that maybe these kids are illegitimate and thats wrong. Those words did not come out of my mouth. Were supporting these kids here and around the country. Later the president has claimed that hes done more with russia than president obama did in eight years. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both Symptom Relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. 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Com were talking about students taking action in the wake of the parkland tragedy. Jack is outnumbered on this panel but hes in the majority in the United States congress, in the State Legislature of florida, in the State Legislature of most states. Gun rights are the defining issue of the Republican Party today. More than immigration, more than abortion, they are going to do nothing. They are going to do nothing regardless of what these young people demand, because this is the issue that unites the Republican Party. Donald trump used to be for gun control, but today maybe well do something about bump stocks some year. This is an issue that unites the Republican Party against any sort of regulation. You know, for ten years in this country, guns just like this, ar16s ar15. Ar15 were illegal. We still had george bush under this, but in the Second Amendment we have access to guns like this. Thats exactly what happened in 2004 after the brady bill expired, and thats the kind of country we ever now because republican legislator was want that way. To jacks point, is it wrong that a group of students have been very vocal and very is wellspoken are contacted by Gun Control Groups and who want to help sponsor a rally . Is there anything wrong with that . Of course not. Jack is out there being tainted by the political parties, people who can actually organize and help them move legislation. Cpac is this big conservative meeting happening in washington this week or next week. Do you know how many kids are bussed in from around the country to join cpac and to talk about let me repeat this. Theyre not under duress of a horrible lifechanging tragedy, and i would say for those kids, you got to give them a little space. Their parents are fine with them being involved, and frankly, being involved helps them move into grief and try to turn grief into something positive, who are we to say how they should grieve . Should they stay home and grieve and thats the only way to grieve . Let me say again as i said this morning, i dont doubt their sincerity. Their hearts are broken, i understand that. But i also think that sometimes when somebody goes through that that you dont want to inject politics into it immediately. Let me give you a couple let me say this. This is a mass shooting. There is a shooting every few months. Just pretend were talking about guns in the wake of the Las Vegas Shooting. Did that happen long enough ago that we can talk about gun policy . Because if you have this rule were not allowed to talk about gun control whats the time, 30 days, 60 days, 100 days . The Republican House in december passed a Bill Sponsored By richard hudson. The mans 180day review to look at bump stocks and get rid of them if necessary. It also had to do with a Background Check which corwin and murphy are talking about in the senate. I want to say this because i know gun control debates fairly well having gone through many of them, but the democrats, jeffrey, had the opportunity to reinstate the Assault Weapons ban, and theyre not really Assault Weapons, not according to the u. S. Army. Theyre weapons that look like they are semiautomatic. That might be a technical term. But why did the democrats should they have . I would say they should have if thats the belief of their party. Should they have . No. Then what difference does it make . Im saying they didnt have the opportunity lets not talk over each other. Van, what did you have to say . We have the Great Recession of two wars. Everything you guys criticize us not doing in the 18 months we had to control the government of all the things we could sit here and argue all day long, but one of the most compelling things i heard from one of these students was, you werent there. You dont know what it felt like. You werent hiding under a desk or in the closet, you dont know what it felt like. If this helps them in their grieving process, let them get on a bus or train and go to tallahassee. Jack, have you ever been to a prolife rally . Yes. Have you ever heard a young person get up there and talk about abortion, somebody who recently has been affected by it, maybe because she had a classmate who had an abortion . No. You never heard a young person in the prolife activist movement. No, i havent. Youve never heard young people being involved in the Prolife Movement . Thats not what you asked me. You asked me if i heard a young person talk about the abortion movement. Come on, youre involved in politics. We have to take another break. Were going to take a break and continue talking during the commercial break, apparently. Well be right back. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla Prescribing Information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. 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They didnt lose their lives, their looifives were ripped out their bodies. Their brains were on the floor, their intestines were hanging out. It was sickening. Were talking about this in an a antiseptic way, but these kids are hiding in the closet while their friends are dead. And thats why the Law Enforcement people are standing by the young people saying, we do need to do something different. Republicans are saying, these democrats, theyre emotional, theyre irrational, theyre exploiting kids because they want to grab all of our guns. Theyre actually the ones being rational and sane. The kids hiding under the desks and the cops going to save them are saying the same exact thing, that it makes no sense at all for this to be the reality in america. They have a thousand excuses. And i have to say, whenever this thing happens, if its a muslim, they want to politicize it within seconds. If iltsts a mexican, build the wall. If its a black person, more cops and prisons. If its a white person, its Mental Health. Why is it that when some people take a life, you got a thousand political ideas, and when other kinds of people take a life, you got nothing to say and youre mad that people are upset and you want them to have a cooling off period. There should not be a cooling off period for these kids. And i want to say one last thing. I do want to hear from other people. But i do feel that we have a situation where a generation is terrorized. Weve never had this for all the Kids In America. Some neighborhoods, yes. Some racial groups, yes. You now have all the Kids In America who have seen this and theyre drilling on a weekly basis about how not to get their brains blown out in their classroom. This is a national tragedy. Its an emergency. And the fact that young people are standing up, everybody should stand at attention. We argued and fought because some Football Players wanted to kneel and beg for the killing to stop in black communities. These kids are not disrespecting any flag, theyre not disrespecting any anthem. They are going down to their government and they are petitioning for redress of grievance. If anybody got on their case and said, youre too vulnerable, sit down and cry and dont say anything. This is despicable on the part of people in this country. I think republicans who can serve as good as you, first, before you say anything critical of them, defend these kids who are trying to make them seem illegitimate. Im with you on that. Having not criticized the kids, i again respect their sincerity, their hearts are broken. I am concerned that there are people in our country who do hijack grief and other causes, and as rahm emanuel said, never waste a good crisis. That happens on your side. If youre disgusted with it on my side, you understand. Let me give you a statistic i would like to throw out. Between 1991 was the most violent year of American Crime stats. From 1991 to 2014, there were 160 million firearms purchased in america. From 91 to 2014, 160 million firearms purchased, including about 15 million ar15s. However, the violence went down. The crime stats, invithe violen stats went down 52 and the murder right went down 54 . Suicides shot up, didnt they . I dont know. Suicide are actually on the rise. If you have a gun, youre much more likely to kill yourself. But if the conclusion going into an argument is that ar15s or semiautomatics or whatever are bad, you have to figure out that stat. Im willing to say, you know what, i am confident enough that you can put gun control on the table. But would you join me about hollywood balance or about video games or about Social Media Isolation and about Mental Health . I think its really important as we move forward, lets have a time for grief and then lets take action. I think after vegas, we did have some firm, solid conversations on bump stocks and nothing happened. One at a time. Let her complete her thought. We dont need to jump on each other. Im with you. Im a Second Amendment supporter. Im a gun owner. I think every american has the right to own a gun and they should if they want to and it makes them feel safe. Heres the problem. Moving forward this isnt just about gun control. This is about gun violence. And to really make a difference on gun violence, we have to address how guns are purchased and how violence is provoked. There are many factors that go into that. It goes with Mental Health, hollywood is partially to blame. There are singleparent homes, no family homes to break down the american family. All of these need to be considered. Im sorry, im sorry, im sorry, im sorry. So john wayne didnt cause violence . This is ridiculous. The idea that hollywood is causing this . Weve always had violent movies. No. This is happening because of one reason. Its the guns. Its the guns. Its the fact they have these guns and they can mass murder people. There is a direct correlation if you talk to people who study gun violence and mass murder. Its these guns that can cause whatever you want to call them and im not going to play your game that you dont call it by the right name or whatever. When you have guns that you can mow down people, those need to be outlawed. Were so concerned about Mental Health. Why did donald trump sign an Executive Order in secret, not in front of anybody, to make it easier for people with Mental Health problems to buy guns . Why, if republicans are so concerned about Mental Health, why did rick scott and every other republican governor say, we dont want medicaid. We dont want to expand medicaid under obamacare. If you expand medicaid, you give people Mental Health services. But no, we hate obama, we hate obamacare. In florida there is no im sorry, i have to jump in here. We have im sorry, repeat kirschner is resisting Security Clearance. Well have that Breaking News ahead. Yes ours is still buffering. 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Was a success for lastchoicehotels. Comign badda book. Badda boom. This year, were taking it up a notch. So in this commercial we see two travelers at a comfort inn with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Nobody glows. He gets it. Always the lowest price, guaranteed. Book now at choicehotels. Com intrtechnology withnema. Incredible color, sound and streaming. Just as the creators intended. Up to 40 off at dell. Com Breaking News tonight on the petition soninlaw who is a top adviser and apparently doesnt have top Security Clearance and hasnt this whole time. There was an effort recently to curb the access of such people of classified information. Joining us by phone is david hirs hirschfeld. Talk about for our viewers who have not heard this story, talk about what you have learned. Well, john clikelly, the chi of staff, put out a memo on friday saying he would basically change the policy on Security Clearance in the white house. One of the things hes going to do Going Forward is essentially revoke the highlevel clearance that folks who are currently serving in the white house have if they have not yet cleared their Background Check, and its been pending for several months. He put a cutoff date of june 1st. There is some debate over whether that applies to Jared Kushner or not, but its clear that because Jared Kushner is one of the highlevel officials in the west wing and serving with an Interim Clearance that this is going to affect him in some way. Hes been trying, as have other officials in the west wing, to figure out how this is going to affect him exactly. What weve learned is that he is concerned that he doesnt want to have to give up his level of clearance that he has right now which allows him to see the president ial briefing and other materials, and there is sort of this quiet internal struggle going on over whether hes going to continue to have the level of access that he has enjoyed and whether others, and we dont know necessarily what their names are, are going to continue to have access to the kind of information that they have had, even though they havent been cleared for a permanent clearance by the white house office thats in charge of doing that. I was only able to skim your story very briefly. Part of what stood out to me is that you write about that General Kelly has been dismi dismissive, i believe is the word you used, over Jared Kushner for some time, and im wondering, a, if that is true, and b, is this a particular effort against Jared Kushner in some way . Well, you know, General Kelly would say that this memo wasnt targeted to any one person in particular, but it had been clear for many, many months that Jared Kushner was one of the, if not the, highest ranking official in the the west wing who, like rob porter, had an Interim Clearance and access to top secret information. And whether or not its the case, Jared Kushner has felt like this is targeted toward him. He has been uncertain about how its going to affect him, and its clear that the issuance of the memo and it becoming public on friday put something of a spotlight on Jared Kushner because everyone knows and has known for some time, again, that he has an Interim Clearance. So there is a little bit of a Power Struggle going on. And when General Kelly came in, one of the things he was trying to get a handle on was that there were a lot of officials in the west wing who had access to president trump, ready access without any kind of filter, any kind of organized crisis around that, and john kelly did. He really tried to limit that and that crimps Jared Kushners access to the president , and its been a simmering tension for some time now, and i think this has just brought that to a head. Is it clear at this point why Jared Kushner has not been able to get a full Security Clearance . Obviously we know he has a lot of Business Dealings, there have been questions raised about, you know, activities during the transition, his relationship with china, his desire to try to get financing for his companys big buildings in new york city, even during the transition. He had to amend his disclosure form several times, initially hadnt put down his multiple meetings, dozens of meetings with foreign officials during the transition, then he finally amended that, then he had to amend it again to include i think it was the june or july meeting with russian officials with donald trump jr. He neglected to put that in his amended version. Do we know specifically why he doesnt have why he hasnt been cleared yet for full Security Clearance . We dont specifically, but all the reasons that you just laid out, particularly the omission from his original form that he submitted with all of those disclosures that were supposed to have been made in the very beginning, are a big reason. We do know that the fbi looks for outandout lies, they look for things that were ex cluclud that shouldnt have been excluded. He said he didnt intend to exclude anything or leave anything out. He submitted the form essentially before he was ready to submit it. But that certainly always will raise a red flag or always will raise a concern for the fbi. I asked about this in the White House Briefing today, and there was a very swift pushback on the notion that there were any actual red flags, that is to say criminal or any hint of wrongdoing in Jared Kushners record. But we do know that one of the major things theyre looking for is anything that could subject a person to blackmail. So, of course, any sort of Business Dealings with a foreign power, anything that involves, you know, large sums of money and big transactions that are unexplained are going to raise issues that the fbi is going to want to look into further. Julie hirschfeld davis, writer for the new york times, thank you. Were back with the panel next. Everyone has a thing. That binge watch over the weekend thing. That back from the dead or robotcowboy thing. Or maybe its watching satisfyinglysatisfying things. Organic avocado on everything thing. 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His only qualification is that hes the president s soninlaw. Hes a modestly successful Real Estate Developer of his fathers company. Of his fathers company, lucky sperm club, and he seems to be lucky sperm club. He seems to be losing the fortune that he was given through this disastrous investment in 666 fifth avenue, which is leading to some of these problems, because hes trying to get investors from china, from qatar, which we have Foreign Policy issues. But this is why president s shouldnt appoint close relatives to be their top advisers. Because they cant be treated like everybody else. He shouldnt have this job in the first place. And who knows if he should have a Security Clearance. Its absurd that it hasnt been resolved one way or the other. But the idea that this person is in charge of The Middle East peace and the relationship with china is just absurd, putting aside the whole Security Clearance issue. Also, the lack of structure. And we all know the lack of structure in the white house has been a problem from the beginning, about not having clearly defined roles. And clearly Jared Kushner and ivanka trump fit in that. What do they exactly do . On many campaigns, you have Family Members and friends who want to be part of the campaign. We would call them alongfortheride. Comes. Let them come along, but dont give them responsibility. Dont let them have a huge portfolio, in charge of irani Palestinian Peace and still not able to pass their Security Clearance. I think whats important in this article that they pointed out is that General Kelly made it clear that even without availability and access to this classified information, jared is still able to carry out the duties and responsibilities of his portfolio, including dealing with the israeli palestinian situation. I think i take General Kellys word that he can do his job without this and i think we should leave it at that. But thats crazy. Thats absolutely insane. The relationship with israel and The Middle East is intimately bound up with the National Security agency, the cia. If you are going to be in charge of middle east peace, you have to have access to classified information. How could he possibly why do we have all of these agency ifs the person in charge of our relationship cant see it . Its ridiculous jeff, you said that kushner is not qualified for his job. And if you start applying that standard in this white house, its a Slippery Slope about where that ends, frankly. And they dont have, exactly, a Large Community of people to draw on who, a, want to work in this white house, or two if you bad mouth omarosa One More Time i was just about to say, omarosa was an assistant to the president i catch eed her work on big brother the other night for the first time i think shes very qualified for reality tv. Im only half joking. I think the idea of sending your soninlaw, though, there is a certain tradition that would be recognized in The Middle East kazkazakhstan, all the great democracies well make America Great again. Equatorial guinea comes to mind. Okay, saudi arabia. Dont you think thats a little bit of a they just imprisoned like half the leadership but still, its a family business. And im just saying full of corruption and jack, this is a terrible argument. Youre saying the u. S. Should be more like saudi arabia . our diplomacy should depend on the locus toms . Like think about i actually think that sending your soninlaw has some symbolism that is diplomatic important in like kim jongun sending his sister to the olympics . That makes no sense she was not in The Middle East. We should take note. Weve got to take a break. Well be right back. Dial your bingewatching up to eleven. Join the uncarrier right now, and get four unlimited lines for only thirtyfive bucks each. Woah. 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