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The facility in indianapolis shortly. Then later today, donald trump takes the show back on the road for the First Time Since the election, heading to cincinnati, ohio. For the first of whats described as several rallies planned in states that helped donald trump secure the white house. Lets go to cnns jessica schneider. Shes standing by at trump tower here in new york. So what is on tap . What more are you learning from the trump transition . Reporter well, we certainly know it will not be business as usual today. Donald trump leaving behind those backtoback meetings at trump tower and hitting the road at least for one day. He will be off shortly here from trump tower headed off to laguardia. Then he will be in indianapolis and of course, the big rally in cincinnati, ohio later today. Donald trump doing what he does best, playing to those crowds. But despite the fact that hes leaving behind a bit of business here at trump tower, the suggestions and speculation still swirling over some top posts including of course secretary of state. We know that four key names are in the running. Former new york city mayor rudy giuliani, senator bob corker, general David Petraeus but the name drawing the biggest focus, former Massachusetts Governor mitt romney, still considered the lead contender here, especially after that very high profile dinner meeting that happened on tuesday night at the very posh restaurant a few blocks from trump tower. It was the second such sitdown facetoface meeting that donald trump and mitt romney have had just in the past few weeks. A lot of that drawing some criticism, most notably from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich who just last night had some very stern and harsh words for mitt romney, essentially saying that mitt romney is sucking up to donald trump. So not a lot of love lost there and still those names are swirling in contention. Another thing we have learned although we are not expecting any more announcements this week, the Transition Team has told us not to expect any announcements as it pertains to we are learning that many of the contenders are on the short list, a few names on the short list for director of national intelligence. Those include the senior senator from indiana, dan coates as well as former Homeland Security adviser fran townsend. Also in the running, admiral mike rogers. Those names up for director of national intelligence. One other thing we are learning is that sarah palins name is now in the mix. Sources saying sarah palin has expressed her interest to become the secretary for veterans affairs, telling the Trump Administration that she is interested in working with them as well. So a lot happening today. Some key posts likely wont be announced this week but donald trump, we are waiting for him to head out here from trump tower over to laguardia, then of course playing to those cheering crowds that actually fueled his improbable win, his improbable run. Kate and john . Jessica, thank you so much. Shes got her eye on trump tower. We are also keeping our eye on laguardia and Donald Trumps plane as donald trump will be leaving for indiana very very shortly. As we mentioned, all eyes are on indianapolis. A lot of eyes today. We have got a lot of eyes. I have eyes in the back of my head. Better watch out. All eyes are on the heating and air Conditioning Company carrier. A lot of questions surrounding what deal exactly did donald trump strike with that company, carrier. Theres no question theres a sense of relief amongst the workers whose jobs are now staying put. About 1,000 people will be able to keep their jobs. Suzanne malveaux live in indianapolis outside that carrier plant. What kind of reaction are you hearing . Reporter it is really extraordinary. People are very excited to see trump and pence. They are very grateful about this as well. Its kind of ironic when you think about it, ten months ago the United Technologies, the Parent Company and the bosses that basically gathered them in the plant on that floor and said look, your jobs are going to mexico, that is where one of the workers captured the moment on cell phone, posted, it went viral, donald trump saw it and made it part of his Signature Campaign to bring jobs back, keep jobs in america. That is where trump and pence are going to be today. They will be taking a tour of the plant and many people say look, they have been there, they have worked there for many, many years. It is very important to them, this is a sense of community, a sense of providing a better life for their children, and they give 100 credit to the trump pence team. Take a listen. Joy, excited and looking to the future. It means i dont have to go out hitting the streets looking for a job. It means that i can put my last daughter through college and not have to worry for that. Reporter i also talked to a man with a company right up the street. Their jobs have not been spared. They are going to mexico. He told me look, im a new grandfather, im trying to put two of my three grown children through college. He makes about 25 an hour. It is critical that he keeps his job. Ten years ago he lost it because of offshore moving his job to another country. He says now hes got to go through the same thing again. He wants to talk to donald trump today. So you can see where this is going. Everybody simply wants a little bit of a handout. Suzanne malveaux in indianapolis, where donald trump will head shortly. Since the early stages of the trump campaign, he has made carriers plan to move jobs out of the United States a key talking point. At one point he even threatened to hit the company with a 35 tariff if it moved jobs to mexico, which it is still doing, by the way. Some jobs are still moving to mexico. This is what he told supporters in indianapolis back in july. Were not going to let them just take our companies out, fire everybody, these are people with carrier for many, many years. We are not going to let it happen. Indianapolis star has been following the back and forth between donald trump and carrier from the very beginning. Reporter tony cooke has been following this and is joining us now. Tony, thank you very much for joining us. What are you hearing is really behind this deal between the trump transition and carrier . Reporter well, certainly theres going to be state incentives and that does appear to be part of the deal but those were on the table even before this deal was announced. So i think what you really have to look at here is the fact that you have a president ial administration that the Company Wants to maintain a Good Relationship with, whether that means for the federal contracts that the Parent Company has or for simply having a voice at the table when decisions are being made about federal regulatory policy or tax policy. It is interesting, because as you point out, there were some things on the table from indiana. Mike pence has been governor of indiana and carrier chose to remove these jobs while mike pence was governor. Does he bear any of the responsibility for their initial decision to go . Reporter well, you know, this is an industrywide trend for the Manufacturing Sector in general so i dont think you can blame pence for their initial decision to leave. And i do think that in terms of state incentives, carrier already had those prior to the layoff decision and im sure the Pence Administration continued to offer those as an incentive for the company to keep the jobs here. But ultimately a state administration is much more limited in what they can offer and the leverage they can bring than a national administration. That is absolutely right, tony. The Union President for carrier has said they have been left in the dark in these discussions of late, even telling cnn, using very choice words, its like walking in the lions den with a i think pork chop suit on. Thats what the carrier Union President said. Is it surprising to you that the unions were not part of this conversation . Reporter yeah. It is surprising. In terms of the Company Saving money by staying here, you would think that concessions from the union might be part of that formula but i think what that points to is carrier has said that they are going to save 65 million by moving jobs to mexico, and ultimately, what the union can offer in concessions or what the state can offer in incentives just cant compete with that. Now, if theres an opportunity with the Trump Administration for federal contracts or for having a voice at the table on some of these regulatory or tax policy issues, those are situations that could benefit the company in much greater ways. Thats the difference. We had an election. The other thing carrier is getting right now is an enormous amount of free publicity. Pretty decent publicity. Not often you see an air conditioner maker get this kind of advertising bang for its buck, as it were. Reporter right. Certainly throughout the campaign, the brand had to have taken a publicity hit, right. Trump was railing about this on the campaign trail almost nonstop. So i do think putting some of that to rest is certainly of benefit to the company and you have to also remember that the company is still sending some of these jobs to mexico so im not sure that this equates to necessarily positive publicity for the company, but it at least negates some of the negative publicity they were receiving. A lot more to discuss, as you say. Theres a lot more to the story. Great to see you, tony. Thank you very much for your reporting on this. Lets talk about this. Julian zelizer is a princeton professor. Cnns chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans is here as well. Executive editor of cnn politics, mark preston and National Political reporter with politico, Ileana Johnson is here as well. Great to have you. Christine, as tony was saying, theres more to the story. You have jobs saved, you still have jobs going. Bernie sanders had a lot to say about that in an opinion piece with the Washington Post just today. He said yes, the families of the 1,000 workers who are keeping their jobs in indianapolis, they should rejoice. But theres more to it. Trump threatened to Tax Companies who move jobs overseas and then try to bring their products back in. Heres part of the opinion piece. Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. Wow. Hows that for standing up to corporate greed . Hows that for punishing corporations that shut down in thend and move abroad . In essence United Technologies, the Parent Company, took trump hostage and won. Is that what happened here . Hes saying they won. Look, lets be clear. United technologies also has almost 6 billion of government contracts with the federal government. If you are the ceo of United Technologies and donald trump, president elect, has already said hes going to tax put tariffs on your company and calls you up and says why not leave some of your jobs there . What do you say . You say yes. Because youre about to go into a position where a lot of their revenue, the Parent Companys re new com revenue comes from the federal government. This is a sign of how these Companies Want to play ball with the administration because of how tough he was on the trail because of trade. The question is, do you have a few Companies Like this, and i have no doubt donald trump and his team were talking to other companies right now who are moving jobs overseas, but if you have a few of these really good optical plays for the donald trump narrative, does that take the heat off of some of these companies so they can play by the normal globalization rules otherwise . I will say United Technologies, carrier in its press release made a note that it Still Believes in the forces of globalization and free trade. This may not be a strategy, mark. You may not be able to save manufacturing by picking up the phone and calling one plant but he did pick up the phone. They called carrier and these are 1,000 jobs. When he goes there today, he has reason to claim victory. No doubt. Its really difficult, too, when we sit around this table and talk about the politics of it all even though that is the underpinning thing and frankly, in the end, the most important thing, but we are talking about families, about other institutions that thrive off of these people having jobs, that might be around the plant. Its not just the one job. Right. Theres Ripple Effect, like when you close a military business in some ways. Theres Ripple Effect that goes down. But the fact of the matter is, it is a victory optically for donald trump. The question is longterm can donald trump be on the phone all day with companies that are starting to threaten they will move jobs overseas. You are picking winners and losers of the economy. Something free market folks have never liked. The idea of the executive branch picking winners and losers. Except today. Its deeper than that. We dont know the deal. Unions were not included in the deal. We have to see how will this actually affect workers at the plant. We dont know this thousand is obviously very important but how many jobs will continue to go overseas. I think we should be clear on this. This is often lost in cable news. Cant we have these two thoughts at once . It is good to save a single job and keep it in the United States. But there might be there are also still moving jobs overseas, it might not be an entirely might not be a home run, it might be a base hit. No one has questioned this trend. Thats whats the change here. Now you have the executive branch who is going to be the executive branch doing something bit. Until now, both parties have just accepted globalization was going to have losers. Now theres a new narrative. The administration is republican and democrat which stepped in and said the Auto Industry was going to be a loser. There was a bailout and that caused a huge amount of fallout. Donald trump is giving this speech, some calling it a victory lap, others a thank you moment. Hes going to ohio. What do you think he will say because for the last year and a half, the type of thing we have heard is lock her up, build the wall, drain the swamp. Today we are learning hes hiring goldman people and other billionaires. What tone do you think he will hit tonight . I actually think you will see him tout some of his cabinet picks and accomplishments thus far and take on probably a more positive tone. Hes got an accomplishment to tout which is sort of remarkable. The carrier deal, i would be shocked if he doesnt talk about that. Its obviously a political win for trump even if its not necessarily a basis for policy making. I question how scaleable it is. The guy has fulfilled a Campaign Promise before hes been inaugurated and i think you will hear quite a bit of boasting about that. The question to me is, obviously john kasich, governor of ohio, was one of his biggest foes on the campaign trail so one of the questions in my mind is how is he received by republican political officials in ohio. You have seen quite a bit of peacemaking by donald trump in terms of his cabinet selections, reaching out to mitt romney. Does that happen in ohio today or does trump use his speech to continue to hammer home some of the divisions in the republican party. Yeah. Hadnt thought of that. John berman thinks of everything so is john kasich mentioned while hes in ohio. Thats an interesting thought. No doubt about that. It depends whoever gets into Donald Trumps ear before he takes the podium and says either keep it in check or let it rip. I think that literally, roll the dice on this one. Because who knows which way hes going to go. We say that every time mark preston comes on tv. Can we talk about the cabinet for a second . The Washington Post says its the richest cabinet in modern history. Its ten times the cabinet, initial cabinet of george w. Bush. Actually, read this. This is good. George w. Bushs first cabinet in 2001 is estimated to be the entire cabinet, estimated to have a worth of 250 million. Adjusted for inflation, christine. I know you are wondering. Thats roughly onetenth the wealth of trumps commerce secretary nominee. So romans, there are people who say look, this is just the swamp, more of the same, lot of goldman people. You make the point these are folks who had a little bit of different world view. Yeah, they do. These are contrarians, people who see value in the wreckage, people who question the conventional wisdom. Wilbur ross is somebody who for years automatically questioned the conventional wisdom. You could argue washington has been about conventional wisdom for a very long time. Convexal wntional wisdom that globalization will help more than it hurts. These are wall street outliers, not people who are populists. There is a real disconnect if you watch the cabinet picks and compare it to what hes arguing on the campaign trail or what hes arguing with carrier. I think thats something that should be paid attention to. It opens up the door for a middle class pick like mitt romney. I do think the cabinet picks fit with the sort of things you saw trump saying. He did rail against wall street but hes choosing i think in his cabinet picks, people whose thinking is outside the conventional wall street wisdom. Hes going to bring in Business People and what is he doing, bringing in Business People. Isnt there also an argument if you stack it with nothing but College Professors that didnt have sitting right here. I know. Thats why i was looking at you. Ready to run commerce, julian . That he would get hammered from democrats that hes loading it up with people who dont know how to run anything. Know what else is interesting about his cabinet, hes putting a lot of military folks or potentially. K you could have potentially three generals in highranking administration posts and perhaps an admiral. Its billionaires, generals and power brokers. He will have to defend the record and the confirmations of wilbur ross who has done things that will not please many of his supporters. Mnuchin. There again, have taken decisions with investments and layoffs that wont look good when laid out to the public. Outsourcing. Outsourcing jobs. Buying companies and industries and outsourcing jobs. The mitt romney watch, up or down arrow as we sit here . I think trump himself is genuinely undecided on his secretary of state pick. That being said, its trump who has been who has liked mitt romney and pushed that against the advice of his closest advisers. I think right now, romneys the leading contender for that job. Arrow pointing up decidedly. Great to see you all. Thanks so much. Bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, they are now taking aim at Donald Trumps cabinet, calling the treasury nominee a wall street insider who could hurt working families. But honestly, can the democrats actually do anything to stop this . Details ahead. Also, right now, jurors are deciding the fate and future of a former South Carolina Police Officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man during a traffic stop. You will remember this case for sure when you see the video that was released in the aftermath. Was it murder . Was it manslaughter . Or was it self defense . A verdict could come any moment. 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Democrats might not like some of Donald Trumps cabinet picks but they are they completely powerless to stop them from being confirmed . That doesnt mean they will give in without a fight. Want to bring in cnn senior political reporter manu raju who has intel on this. What are you hearing . Reporter you know, donald trump is bound to get all of his nominees confirmed by the senate no matter how much democrats object unless something goes drastically wrong in the confirmation process. And forces republicans to vote against the nominees. The reason why is because democrats in 2013 changed the filibuster rules in the senate, essentially reducing the number of votes to break a filibuster from 60 to 51. How many seats are republicans going to hold next congress . 52. Most likely, once the Louisiana Senate race is called. As a result, no matter what happens, you are probably going to see these nominees confirmed. You are starting to hear a little buyers remorse from democrats from pushing through that change which was designed to help president barack obama. Earlier this week, i questioned the Incoming Democratic leader, chuck schumer, about whether or not he thinks it was a mistake to change those filibuster rules. You criticized Donald Trumps nomination but the fact democrats changed filibuster rules will make it much harder to block trumps picks next year. Was it a mistake in 2013 to make that change . Look, the bottom line is very very simple. On this kind of issue, privatizing medicare, we expect republicans will join with us. There are a whole number of republicans who are not going to be for privatizing medicare and there ought to be bipartisan support against a secretary who is going to privatize medicare and not fund planned parenthood. Reporter so i followed up and asked him dont you think it was a mistake to change the filibuster rules. He said thats all im going to say. He would not weigh in which is very telling just by not even weighing in on that. Mitch mcconnell, Senate Majority leader, planned an aggressive schedule to confirm a number of these nominees early on, including one controversial nominee, jeff sessions, as attorney general. Another, tom price, as health and Human Services secretary so donald trump will have his team as soon as he gets sworn into office. Manu, the senator from delaware told us flatly yes, it was a mistake to change the filibuster rules, yes, he does regret it now to be sure. Great report. Appreciate it. We will go back to laguardia airport. You are looking at live pictures. Donald trump getting ready to leave. He heads to the carrier plant in indianapolis shortly. After that, he goes to ohio. This is the first stop, that will be the first stop on his socalled thank you tour. Details ahead. Also ahead, any moment now, jurors could hand down their verdict in the murder trial of a South Carolina Police Officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man. This was an incident that gained nationwide attention when it happened in 2015. It could be coming the a conclusion right now. We are live at the courthouse. Put some manwich on the table. And give boring weeknight meals, the night off. Make tonight a manwich night premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fundâ„¢, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. Theres no limit to how much you can earn and this saving applies to every vehicle on your policy. 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News conference is set to begin very very soon. We will bring that to you when it starts. That is good news. Yeah. Any minute now, we could get a verdict in the case of a South Carolina Police Officer charged with murder. Former North Charleston officer Michael Slager shot and killed walter scott in april of last year. Part of the encounter was captured on cell phone video. Scott was not armed. He died after three shots to the back. Officer slager, he took the stand to defend himself just this week and testified that scott posed a threat to him. Boris sanchez is outside the courtroom in charleston with much, much more. Boris, this is day two of deliberations. What are you hearing . Is a decision imminent . Reporter good morning, john and kate. No indication that a decision is imminent yet. They have been deliberating for about an hour and a half today after going for about an hour last night and plenty for this jury to think about. Two very stark points by the defense and the prosecution in this case. The defense telling the jury that they need to ignore that video that went viral in making their decision. They say that everything thats important in this case happened beforehand. They claim that slager was in a scuffle with walter scott and that at one point, scott grabbed his taser and aimed it at him, and that is what warranted slager opening fire. They went as far as to say that the investigation itself was colored by the release of that tape, that investigators that were collecting evidence assumed that slager was guilty after that video of him shooting walter scott went viral. They also went on to say there was a mediadriven marrive to try to put Michael Slager in a box with other Police Officers that have had violent encounters with unarmed africanamericans, saying the media created a false narrative around him. The prosecution as you can imagine painting a different picture, telling the jury specifically that everything they need to know in making their decision is on that video. They say it shows the moment walter scott was killed, that he wasnt a threat to Michael Slager and also, they say the video shows the inconsistencies that were in Michael Slagers initial reporting to the investigating officers on that scene, that he didnt tell the whole story that saturday morning. They also again show the moments that walter scott was killed with his family in the courtroom. So much for the jury to think about. Very very emotional case, as you can imagine. Absolutely. We are keeping very close watch there with you. Boris, thank you so much in charleston. We will bring it to you when the jury has come out with their decision. We are also keeping a very close watch on laguardia airport. We will show you a live look of the airport where donald trump will soon be taking off for indianapolis, indiana. Pretty great state, i have to say. Hes going to be heading to the carrier plant and will make remarks there after his big announcement, then its off to ohio to kick off his thank you tour. Details ahead. Is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The season of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. bing ugh. Heartburn. Sorry maam. No burning here. Try alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They dont taste chalky and work fast. Mmmm. Incredible. Can i try . She doesnt have heartburn. Alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. A live look at laguardia airport. Donald trump set to take off very very soon heading to indiana to highlight a deal he struck with heating and air Conditioning Company carrier. From there, he heads on his usa thank you tour, thats what they are calling it. The first stop is in cincinnati tonight. Want to talk about this and so much more. John j. Lavall, regional vice chair of the new York Republican State Committee and donald trump supporter, longtime trump supporter. Amanda carpenter, former Communications Director for senator ted cruz and bakari sellers, former Democratic House member in South Carolina who was a Hillary Clinton supporter. Guys, we will talk about indiana, we will talk about carrier and this thank you tour coming up. We have done quite a bit on that already. But i want to play some sound from Newt Gingrich yesterday, who went on the radio talking about this secretary of state Selection Process and he had what i consider to be some fairly incredible words about mitt romney. Listen. You have never, ever in your career seen a serious adult whos wealthy, independent, has been a president ial nominee, suck up at the rate that mitt romney is sucking up. I am confident that he thinks now that donald trump is one of his closest friends, that they have so many things in common, that they are both such wise brilliant people and im sure last night at an elegant three star restaurant in new york, happy to share his advice of populism which involved a little foie gras, certain amount of superb cooking, but was done in a populist happy manner. My reaction to that is oh, my. Whats going on . Those are pretty tough words, no doubt about it. You got me there. This was obviously a very emotional election. As our party unites and thats exactly what donald trump is trying to achieve and exactly what he should be trying to achieve, you are going to have hard feelings. There are individuals who were obviously very staunch supporters of Donald Trumps and were defending him at times when governor romney was attacking him. I think some of those people will be real upset about that. They are making friends. But at the end of the day we do have to come together. Now, what selections donald trump makes, donald trump is going to make. Dont tell me. Tell speaker gingrich. Listen, you are asking me and im telling you. If i have the opportunity to speak to newt, i will speak. Its interesting, but there are you saw kellyanne conway, who i love, had some interesting words and then these are obviously much stronger words by the former speaker. So there are some emotions flying. But its important that donald trump as the leader of our party and thats who he is right now, that he brings this Party Together and brings everyone on board. Some people arent going to be happy. At the end of the day i think the ultimate selections are going to be the right discretiodiscretioselections for our country. Amanda, i want to get your take on what you heard from Newt Gingrich. Tell us how you really feel, newt, because in the end, when it comes to two of the four being floated in this reality show contest, mitt romney and rudy giuliani, if they dont get picked, they are going to be publicly shamed afterward. Well, three points. First of all, Newt Gingrich is probably still licking wounds from the 2012 republican primary where mitt romney beat him. Secondly, i really dont understand this point where Newt Gingrich is going around telling everybody that mitt romney is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. Newt gingrich needs to look in the mirror and at how hes been living off his career in d. C. As speaker of the house. Mitt romney has made his career in the private sector. I think theres a great deal of hypocrisy there. Lastly, all the Trump Supporters have gone out and said you need to unify behind the nominee, get behind trump and thats exactly what mitt romney is doing. So you cant have it both ways. You should just be happy that mitt romney has sucked it up and has shown a willingness to help regardless of whether he gets the position or not. Thats what donald trump needs to do if he should be successful and im glad donald trump is not repeating the ridiculous stuff that Newt Gingrich is saying. Little curveball here. Theres breaking news. We just learned from the trump transition call that donald trump tomorrow is going to meet with democratic senator heidi highcamp of north dakota, a conservative democrat from a state that is now a republican state. Shes sitting down with the president elect tomorrow and manu raju, our reporter on the hill, just sent a statement from her. It says i appreciate the president elect inviting me for a meeting. Every single day my work is motivated first and foremost by how i can be most helpful to the people of north dakota. They are my driving force and have been throughout my career in public service. Whatever job i do, remember those words, i hope to work with the president elect and all of my colleagues in congress on both sides of the aisle to best support my state. Shes saying whatever job i do. What do you make of this meeting tomorrow . Best of luck to her. Im glad that donald trump is reaching out to good people. Shes one of the best. You cant deny that. I echo the same sentiment i echo about mitt romney being secretary of state. For those of us who were praying for the sake of this country, we hope he begins to surround himself with good people. I never wanted mitt romney or heidi highcamp to be part of any cabinet more so than i do today. You look back at this, you have a secretary of education who doesnt like public education. You have a hud secretary who doesnt appreciate the fair housing act. You have an attorney general who doesnt appreciate or like the Voting Rights act. Yes, we are in dire need of good people in the cabinet. So if she happens toned up there, god bless her. God bless her. Lets talk about carrier just a bit. 1,000 jobs remaining in indiana that would have left. That is to be celebrated. We all decided on that. But it is a far cry from what trump promised or i dont know if you could say threatened on the campaign trail. Take a listen to this. You are going to make air conditioners now in mexico. Are you going to get all of these 1400 people that are being laid off, they were laid off, they were crying, it was a very sad situation, you are going to go to mexico, you are going to make air conditioners in mexico, you will put them across our border with no tax. I will tell them right now im going to get consensus from congress and we are going to tax you when those air conditioners come so stay where you are or build in the United States. Because we are killing ourselves with trade pacts that are no good for us and no good for our workers. The company is still sending jobs to mexico, regardless of this deal. Do you still want to see this company taxed . Well, much less jobs and yes, ultimately i believe what donald trump and his administration is going to put forward is companies that do leave, there will be some adjustments in tariffs and taxes with products coming back to this country. We have to cut the trade deficit. Its a tremendous trade deficit. It must be cut. So but i think we do have to celebrate what hes done without even being sworn in yet, stepping up and Companies Know now, theres a message that has gone out. With his election, we dont need to have his hand on the bible yet. Companies know he will be the president and if they want to deal with this administration, they are going to have to start changing their behavior and they are going to have to start becoming more proamerican and they are going to have to that America First agenda will have to be implemented at the private level as well as at governmental level. This is an exciting time for everyone. Thanks, guys, very very much. Always great to see you here. Coming up for us, a former selfhelp guru hoping to change his own life after three of his followers died in a sweat lodge. But really, is there redemption for James Arthur Ray . He told us the people who died in that sweat lodge were heroes. A woman who was there weighs in next. Its the Little Things in life that make me smile. Spending the day with my niece. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. 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That is the story of this weeks cnn film enlighten us. This is a follower of arthur ray and participated in that exercise. Shes joining us now. When you learn about this story and you lived this story, we wonder, why did you trust this man with your life . You know, it was the journey that we took so the trust took over a year to develop. And over time he proved himself to be trustworthy up to that point. You know, i had a chance to speak with him this morning. And he spoke about the three foll followers who you were there with who died in that sweat lodge. Listen to this. James sure, liz newman and kobe brown were heroes. Theyre not victims. They really believed in something. And to me thats heroic. And i hold that in high regard. I think its disrespectful to be portrayed as victim because they really believed in what they were doing. In lie, as an entrepreneur, youve got to be willing to give everything you have. I have to confess, i was surprised to hear him put it like that. He refused to say they were victims. Do you see it like that . Well, i no, actually, i have mixed feelings about that statement. Because i appreciate james and his attempts at perhaps labeling the people who chose to follow him in a different in a different way. Painting them in a different light. However, kirby, james and liz, i do feel that they were victimized because they were put in a situation where their rationale thought was compromised and their physical health was compromised. And those circumstances, they were unable to help themselves. And so as a result, i do feel like they were victimized. I mean, he is clearly working to make a comeback now, julie. Do you believe him . Yes. Do i believe that hes sincere . I believe that he is doing what he believes in. I also believe that he may not take as much responsibility as hes claiming and therefore, he still poses a threat. I feel like unless people educate themselves that he could be dangerous because he is such a persuasive man. We got about 20 seconds left. Again, hes back out there working again. Whats your message to people who might be persuaded by him . Well, i dont want you to disregard the message, what he has to say, the teachings themselves, they have helped many people. I would caution people to look at the man as well as the message and to educate yourselves first. Right. Julie minn, thank you very much for being with us, really appreciate your time. Such an interesting subject. I got to say, i mean, i want to see this film again, enlighten us. Saturday at 8 00 p. M. Right here on cnn. Coming up, were keeping an eye on donald trump, mike pence, are going to kick off their thank you tour as theyre calling it and will all start at the carrier plant in indianapolis, indiana, where the president elect is going to be a announcing a big deal weve been talking about all throughout the hour. Hell be touting that. And then heading to ohio to kick off this thank you tour. Were going to bring you donald trump and mike pence live. Mar. It was her french name. Then she came to louisiana as a slave. I became curious where in africa she was from. So i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. The ancestry dna results were really specific. They told me all of these places in west africa. I feel really proud of my lineage, and i feel really proud of my ancestry. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story, get started for free at ancestry. Com hi there, welcome to cnn newsroom. Thank you so much for joining me. Im brianna keilar. We still dont know many of the details. Some critics say its a oneoff fix at best. Donald trump and his team say its a big victory. In a couple of hours, president elect donald trump will return to indianapolis a bit of a hero, having enginre

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