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Candidates make their way through the crowd. So what they are doing right now is that they are both seated inside the stadium. They are, indeed, watching the Football Game, trying to take part in the spectacle of all of this. The undercurrent of all of this is their rivalry, the president ial politics rivalry. Desantis is seated in the crowd with iowas popular republican governor, donald trump is seated inside a stadium box. Now ahead of entering this particular stadium, what we saw is more of the sort of rubbing elbows with the students, trying to pose for the best president ial picture in this caucus state. They were tailgating, donald trump was at a Tailgating Party at a fraternity where he was signing footballs, he was throwing footballs. He even flipped some burgers. And as he walked around the stadium and walked into the stadium, he was greeted by very loud cheering. Desantis, same thing. Also trying to tailgate, meet with people. He had a number of Campaign Stops ahead of coming here to the stadium, and what you heard desantis talk about is not just football and what this day means for iowans, but he spent a good deal of time talking about how hes ahead of trump on the number of visits to the state. Hes been here eight times since he announced. He talks about how hes been to more than half of the 99 counties here in iowa. I want you to take a listen. And im actually starting to hear a lot of people say because youre showing up, im supporting you, because thats the way you got to do it. Iowans dont want the campaign to be about the past or to be about the candidates issues. They want it to be about their future and the future of this country. And thats what i represent. Reporter what he wants to do is show himself standing amid 60,000 iowans who are inside the stadium. This is, jim, as you know, a big rivalry game between University Of Iowa and iowa state. University of ways, though, right of iowa, though, right now is winning. Still dont know about you know, you could ask either campaign on who they think is winning between the two candidates. But you know, certainly donald trump is ahead in the polls. Absolutely. All right. And it is football season, and i mean, if iowans are out there campaigning watching the campaign develop, you know that the caucuses are going to be coming up soon. Kyung lah, thank you so much. Lets get perspective, joining us, cnn commentator republican strategist alice stewart. Former adviser to Bernie Sanders 2020 president ial campaign. Chuck roca and vanity fair correspondent molly jongfast. Great to see you. Chuck and allison in the studio with us which is great. Let me start with trump as you know has been ramping up rhetoric following these four documents but had this rally, had choice words to say about it. Lets listen to what he said in south dakota and talk about how it sounds a little familiar. Lets listen to this. You have to get out, and you have to fight like hell because these are dirty players, and what we have to do is we have to take back our country. We have to scrape that whole situation out. [ cheers ] we fight we fight like hell, and if you dont fight like hell, youre not going to have a country anymore. Alice, are you concerned the former president is using almost the same language he used on january 6th. Even after all the indictments. Right. Thats exactly what his base wants to hear. That kind of language, it plays right into the red meat. The reality is there are a lot of the people Football Game in iowa and across iowa and these other early states, they dont want to talk about the past. They want to talk about the future. And as Governor Desantis said, thats what voters are looking to hear. And as im talking with people in the state of iowa, im hearing several things. Donald trump is clearly way ahead in the polls, in a lot of these states. No ones writing this race off now. They are still looking at all of the candidate, talking to all of the candidates. They certainly are recognizing the fact they have a caucus duty in iowa, and theyre listening to everything they have to say. But what donald trump said last night in south dakota and what he is saying to his base certainly helps his base, but Many Republican voters are looking to hear Something Different about the economy, about jobs, about School Education and immigration. Thats what they want to hear, not Donald Trumps past grievances. Chuck, does donald trump want another insurrection, or does he want another election . He wants to put his message out there that he keeps over and over and over talking about theres an old saying in the south, if you lie long enough about having a horse, eventually somebody will buy you a saddle. He keeps saying didnt lose the election, your life is miserable, the economys bad, listen to what im saying. Thats the redundancy because its just politics of grievance, hope and inspiration went out the door ha long time ago. To my Sisters Point hes feeding that red base because only a few will vote in the caucus, were a minute group that likes to have a say so. Molly, can we write this off as gardenvariety trump political rhetoric . I mean, you never can after january 6th, you can never write him off. Weve seen what his base is capable of. That said, a lot of these people from january 6th are being sentenced to serious jail time. Of course there has not been a lot of accountability for the people higher up in that situation. I would just argue that im not convinced that desantis has such a different vision than trump. Hes sort of trump without the charisma. This sort of b side of trump. So im not sure hes actually offering much that trump isnt offering. And alice, i mean, one of the things you were saying a few minutes ago is that there are republicans out there who want to hear a different message, they want to look to the future. But it doesnt the polling shows us that thats not really the case. And isnt the Party Running out of time to stop trump . Well, we dont have a lot of runway left between now and the iowa caucus. What im also hearing from Republican Leaders in iowa and the evangelical leaders in iowa which are critical, theyre saying that the polling that were seeing doesnt match what they see on the ground. They see these candidates, all of these top candidates, going to the pizza ranches, going to the coffee shops, going to peoples homes and lighting up the rooms and getting people engaged. We know that several of the candidates are doing what we call the full grassley, go to all of the 99 counties, and theyre talking to these people and understanding that they have to meet these people face to face because thats exactly what they want. And they do they want someone that not only can win in the primary but can broaden the base, bring in more moderate, disaffected voters, suburban moms that donald trump has lofts because we absolutely has lost because we absolutely have to have that to win the general election. Chuck, i want your thoughts on a recent remark from republican president ial candidate vivek ramaswamy. He would deport american born children of undocumented immigrants. Lets listen. Family unit will be deported as a family unit. Well never separate families. But we will debureaucratize for the process which lawabiding citizen and families have a path to Legal Immigration into the country if they meet the criteria. The child born in the United States, the bitter rights in the United States would be De Birth Rights in the United States would be deported . Yes. What do you think of that . I think its hates and discontent. I think the American People are sick of that. Hes trying to feed red meat to the base, and thats all hes doing. What hes doing is hes turning his back on lots of folks who risked their lives to come to this country in lots of ways including my family, lots of my friends families. This country was built on immigration. It was built on folks who,spire to do great things in this country, and i think what hes doing is a disgrace to himself and what the whole party stands for when you start going to that trumpera side of that i think people are tired of that. Yeah. And molly, staying on the topic of immigration real quick, its not just republicans talking tough on this and using incendiary rhetoric. I mean, there have been some critics of the mayor of new york city, eric adams, who say hes been using that kind of rhetoric, as well, saying that the migrant crisis would, quote, destroy new york city. What did you think of that . I dont know how that guy got to be mayor. Thats all i can say. I mean, hes a democrat in title only. And you know, if hes so i mean, he has an opportunity, he knows the mayor. Wait, he is the mayor. And yet all these does is complain all he does is complain about immigrants. He runs our city. He can do a lot of stuff. First of all, antiimmigration rhetoric from a democrat is, in my mind, just a travesty. This country was made on immigrants. And every time we malign the very fabric of america i mean, what are we saying as a party . And then also, hes trying to hide his incompetence, and its really disappointing. We could have had maya whylie, its a travesty. And you know, hes trying to appeal to republicans because he thinks that will help him stay in office. But i think that hes really going to have trouble with that kind of rhetoric. Lets talk about Fulton County. Alice, Fulton County grand jury report was released on friday. I was curious what you thought of the report, says the grand jury recommended charges against republican senator Lindsey Graham, as well as the other two former georgia senators who lost their races. Fulton county d. A. Fani willis decided not to prosecute Lindsey Graham, but this is how Lindsey Graham is reacting. Listen to this. What i did was consistent with my job as being United States senator, chairman of the judiciary committee. But it was just not me. Three United States senators were opening up pandoras box. What do you think of that . Heres what i was he doing his job as a u. S. Senator . His explanation of this is he was just inquiring about the election results. What i think this says more than anything, there really pushes back on all these republicans notion that all of these indictments including Fulton County are weaponization of the doj, criminalization of politics. Theyre going after political enemies. What this says is that a grand jury, a Special Grand Jury wanted to hand down indictments against 39 people, and the d. A. Decided actually, these people, we dont have enough support for, overwhelming conviction in this case, so im not going to bring down indictments against key senators. Were talking about kelly loeffler, perdue, and Lindsey Graham. She sat back and looked at how will this play out in a court of law and decided ton move forward. So not to move forward. So i think if shows that the prosecutors in Fulton County are looking at this through the correct legal lens and Law Enforcement lens as opposed to political weaponization. And chuck, lets talk about the cnn poll that everybody has been talking about all week. It shows twothirds of the president s base want a different candidate. Democrats want a different candidate. Only a third wanted to run again. People have been quibbling with this poll and where the results really are. Especially put him up against donald trump, democrats are going to vote differently. I know, chuck, you talk to focus groups, to democrats. You used to work for Bernie Sanders. Is there a concern . Does the white house need to be dealing about this more forcefully . Does the biden team need to be dealing with this more forward leaning . Ive been a Yellow Dog Democrat since i was 18 and could vote, and im a democrat so i get up every day worried. It makes me worry more, let me be clear. As democrats, its a long time before the election and thats right, but theres also not that long before the election. And Everybody Knows who donald trump is, and Everybody Knows who joe biden is. Theyre probably going to be nominees. Can we be doing better communicating all the great things that joe biden has done, absolutely we can. For all of you democrats out there, this just means we always have to run like were ten points behind, and its going to be a close election. There country is very polarized, and yeah, when i do focus groups do focus say joe biden is old, absolutely they do. They also say hes got a lot of things done and it shocked a lot of them all the things he could accomplish in his first two years. You got a to keep plowing the field and not be distracted. I think he would have a better chance making the case for the economy as opposed to the administration because theyre not doing it. Six in ten americans feel the country is worse off under this administration and the president s Approval Rating below 40. Chuck, you need to get on the road and make the case. And molly, final word from you . I do not trust any of these polls, and alice was saying she doesnt trust the polls. I think we shouldnt trust the polls here. Were 400 daysplus out from the election, weve seen every election since 2020 joe biden has over performed by a large margin. We were told there was a going to be a red wave midterm, there was nothing. So i am not going to freak out about polls at this early date. Yeah. Biden has been in this place before. That is certainly the case. All right, alice, chuck, molly, thank you so much. In the meantime, we are following Breaking News. More than 1,300 people are dead after the earthquake in morocco. Were live on the scene with our sam kiley and others to see some of the devastation firsthand. Please stay tuned for that. Well also tell you how you can help the victims. Plus, a new advisory on hurricane lee. A big, Powerful Storm Out there near the caribbean. Well talk about that and what it could have in terms of impact on the u. S. That thats also coming up. Hey david. Connect with an advisor to createe your personalized plan. 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How are things going now . What are you seeing where youre standing . Reporter well, were in the medina, the old city of marrakesh, jim, and as you can see here weve got an ancient building, probably many hundreds of years old. An entire side has fallen away. Indeed, im standing on it in this narrow street down below. And this is a pattern weve seen not everywhere but all too frequently for this city that has absolutely no history that anybody can think of that would mean that this was a city that was ever in danger of suffering an earthquake. Its not a place like san francisco, l. A. , where people live with the fear, the permanent fear of living on a shifting tectonic plates. Look at that building beside me. Somebodys bedroom torn away, the walls to it exposing their lives. And its reminiscent to some of the scenes in places hit by missiles, ukraine, ripping apart side in this natural violence that has gripped this country and elsewhere things are much worse particularly in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains some 50 miles away from here. Jim, there are very many significant numbers of villages that have been completely flattened were told by authorities. Jim . And youve been to areas of devastation before, sam. I mean, what are the people of morocco going to be doing over the next several hours and days ahead to get through this . I mean it just seems like getting people shelter is going to be one of the first priorities. Reporter well, shelter i think is going to be a massive priority. At the moment, authorities dont know the full scale of the problem in those more remote areas, jim. There are figures of 1,300 dead so far. I think its certain to rise. Weve seen aerial pictures of these villages that have been utterly flattened, whole villages now just looking like this, like rubble, jim. And at the same time, though, the King Muhammad has announced three days of national mourning, but there has been a National Mobilization of all of the services, particularly the armed forces, trying to get helicopters into these remote areas because the roads to those locations which in any case were tough going have now largely been closed. So the scale of the problem is really going to be the principal issue right now. Absolutely. And i suspect were going to see help coming in from all over the world to help out the people of morocco there, desperately going to need it. Thank you so much. And you can also help the victims of the morocco earthquake go. To cnn. Com impact or text morocco to 707070 to donate. Please help out if you can. Just minutes ago the National Hurricane center issued its latest advisory on hurricane lee. Lets go straight to meteorologist Jennifer Gray in the weather center. Whats the latest . Well, jim, we are maintaining the strength. We didnt have an increase in wind speed, but we didnt have a decrease either. Were still at 115 miles per hour, gusts of 140. Its moving to the west northwest at ten miles per hour. This storm is expected to maintain that major hurricane strength, category three, strengthening a little by the time we get into monday, possibly becoming a category four. Then really slowing down. Were anticipating that sharp turn to the north by midweek next week. And depending on when that turn happens, well make all the difference when youre talking about impacts, if any, to the u. S. East coast. With this traveling well north of the caribbean, were looking at basically large swells, high surf, across the caribbean islands. Were not going to see many more impacts than that. We are looking at this turn. Look at all of these forecast models we look to determine what the forecast is going to be. Really spread out. So determining when that turn is going to take place is still a little bit too early to tell. But you can see if we take it the turn a little bit sooner, that would mean far fewer impacts to the u. S. Worse for bbermuda, but if it takes the turn we could see more impacts to the u. S. All right. I know youre going to be refreshing your weather date here coming up in the next couple of days. Thank you so much very much for staying on top of it. The u. S. Praises a g20 statement on ukraine as, quote, consequential. Ukraine calls it, quote, nothing to be proud of. What the worlds powers are saying and not saying about russias war. My brain. So i choose new neuriva ultra. Unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health i indicators, including Mental Alertrtness from one serving. To help keep me sharp. Try new neuriva ultra. Think bigger. 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Shortly after ukraine blasted the agreement, releasing a Statement Reading the g20 has nothing to be proud of, in the part referencinging ukraine. This as ukraine continues to push forward in their southern counteroffensive. President zelenskyy spoke to Cnns Fareed Zakaria about that this week. Thankful to partners, to the United States, eu, other partners. Im thankful very much. President biden and but and to congress. We have to understand we we waited too long, they put lines. When weve been ready from the point of our partners because the decision to give us, for example, bread or a decision it doesnt mean the result. You dont get them immediately. Of course of course you dont. Of course you dont. So something still on the way. Until how it when were speaking about it, a lot of people said that its too slow. But its still on the way. Cnns melissa bell is in zaporizhzhia, ukraine, with more. Reporter jim, disappointment on the part of kyiv as the final wording of the g20 leader Declaration Over in new delhi. It had been very difficult to arrive at, and yet a spokesman for ukraines Foreign Ministry said that the final wording which reflected differences of views and assessment about the war in ukraine should far more strongly have called for an end to what he described as russias war of aggression. Still on, the american side and in the shape of Jake Sullivan, there was some congratulations about the fact that this wording had been reached at all. What he said was that there had been consequential paragraphs in the declaration when it came to ukraine that suggested a shared understanding of the fact that one nation simply cant invade another. This comes, of course, even as the counteroffensive continues to move further forward. Weve been spending time with Artillery Positionss on the ukrainian side making difficult but slow progress here in the zaporizhzhia region under constant fire from drones, but also Russian Artillery positions opposite the ukrainian position that this counteroffensive is making progress. However slowly. This comes even as voting has begun in some of the russianrelated ukrainian territories. Its been taking place across the russian federation. But controversially also inside those four occupied regions of ukraine. Ukrainian officials have described it as a sham and urge ukrainian citizens not to take part. Jim . All right. Melissa bell, thank you so much. Lets discuss this with former nato Supreme Allied Commander and military analyst general wesley clark. General clark, lets go through this excerpt of this g20 statement that ukraine is not really happy with. It says this, were going to show it to viewers, we call on all states to uphold the principles of International Law including territorial integrity and sovereignty. We welcome all relevant and constructive initiatives that support a comprehensive, just, and durable peace in ukraine. What do you think, general, is ukraine right to be annoyed about this . Looking at this statement that we just read, where is the talk of the war crimes . Russias been credibly accused of war crimes. It just sounds like the g20 did not go far enough, not being tough enough on russia. I agree with that, jim. And i think ukraine is right to be concerned. I know Jake Sullivan and the president are proud of what they got, im sure it was a tough fight to even get that into the g20. But these nations dont understand the lessons that the west learned from the Second World War and the cold war. Aggression has to be forcefully stopped. That if you let it get going you get a wider war. That was the lesson that came out of munich in 1938. And its the lesson that our policymakers have held for 70 years. But you know, new nations like india and others that are new on the diplomatic scene relative to world war ii, they dont have that historical memory. Theyre not following the lessons. And by not condemning russia strongly for a war of aggression, theyre inviting more trouble in the future. The United States has probably done all it could do, but my sym sympathys with ukraine on this. Theyre right. This is a war of aggression. Its a terrible war crimes being committed. Russia should be wholeheartedly condemned, and Vladimir Putin held personally accountable. And putin is not at this g20 summit. And neither is xi jinping. But general clark, the u. S. Has announced it will send controversial depleted uranium munitions to ukraine for the first time. Can you talk about that . Sure. But these these are depleted uranium rounds for tanks. Its just a heavy metal. Its taken the radiation is out of it. Its not radioactive in the sense that uranium is. What it is is something thats heavier metal than lead. It has more penetrating capacity. Its been in the United States army arsenal for 40 years. We carry it in our tanks, our soldiers are exposed to it. This is all part of russian and before that soviet disinformation about these depleted uranium round. Sure like all battlefields it should be cleaned up after combat. This is not any real escalation. This is simply an effective antitank round. And let me ask you about we had a conversations in the previous hour with the air force secretary, and we were talking about this hold on military promotions basically being implemented by the republican senator from alabama, tommy tuberville. The secretary of the air force described this as a National Security problem. What would you call it, and what kind of pressure can the pentagon put or bring to bear in this kind of situation to try to resolve this . Can they should the administration be doing more, should the president , should he be speaking out more on this . How does this ever get resolved . Well, first of all, of course its a National Security problem. And not only is it blocking promotions and assignments and policy changes and preparation for potential war against china and military assistance to ukraine in its ongoing war, but its brought politics into this. This is about a political issue. Its close to senator tubervilles heart apparently, which is to prevent women from having control of their own bodies. And so its the worst kind of reason for a hold on promotions. Now what can be done, what normally would be done is every federal program thats going to alabama would be choked off. And youd make a private issue of this. Youd go to the leadership in the senate, youll tell Mitch Mcconnell if you dont crack down on this were going to take away your programs in kentucky. This is hardball. He wants to play hardball, hes a football coach, hes going to get hardball thrown back at him. And thats what this Administration Needs to do. I know its been building for weeks, the administration hoped it would go away, doesnt want to have a fight. But its time to have a fight on this one, i believe. This is getting increasingly serious. Tubervilles way out of line, and you know alabamas one of these states, its proud of being patriotic. I dont see how citizens from alabama can support their senator whos sabotaging the leadership of the United States armed noforces. I cant imagine if you come out of the world of football how you would be okay with an interim head coach at auburn or university of alabama, interim quarterback, interim athletic director. That would make people in alabama tear their hair out. But apparently its okay to have interim secretaries and generals and Everything Else . Hes playing to the radical right wing of the party in alabama. Hes just way off base on this. He was a great football coach. He was elected to the Senate Without really any Government Experience as far as i know. He doesnt have any Foreign Policy experience. I dont think he served in the military. Hes from arkansas. Ive met him. A good man, but hes way off base on this. And really the president has to stop this using the leverage and power of his office. Thanks as always. Appreciate it. Thank you, jim. And tune in tomorrow to Fareed Zakaria gps, for an interview with president zelenskyy on the counteroffensive, his efforts to take on corruption in ukraine, and the possibility of compromise with putin. Watch tomorrow at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Well be right back. The effecm lilike magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its just smarter, healthier pet t food. Its amazing what real food can do. Hi, im sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. On other diets, i could barely lose 1015 pounds. 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Does the industry share that optimism . Do the union share that optimism . One reason to be optimistic is pretty sure the president doesnt want this strike to go ahead. A reason to be pessimistic is labor looks to be a long, long, long way away from where capital is on this. And so theres a lot of distance to move, and not many days. And so i think its pretty unlikely we get a deal without a strike. And that could happen by the end of next week. Well, lets see how that plays out. In the meantime, the Union President , sean fane, he has not been holding back on his criticism of the big three c carmakers. Lets play some of this for our viewers and talk about it on the other side. Believe me when i say im fed up, and one thing i want to tell you is this trash can is overflowing with the [ bleep ] that the big three continue to peddle. If we want higher wages, Better Benefits and Better Future for ourselves and our families, were going to have to fight like hell to win it. Just yell, what is the bs hes referring to there . Look, you dont hear a bloke like that talking and think, geez, i reckon theyre a couple of days away for a deal. So you know, the unions looking for a big pay raise. The company, the Auto Companies have really no interest in that. So the unions looking for a 40 pay raise over 40 years, at the moment it looks like the auto the companies are close to offering 15 . Theres a very, very big gap between the two of them. Theres some other contentious issues around things like overtime and predictability of overtime and the length of the workweek, as well. You know, the past three years the pandemic were really hard, really hard for a lot of people in a lot of ways. And youve got a union here thats got a voice and got some real strength and real power. And it looks like they want to exert their muscle. And i have to ask you about the hollywood writers strike. Is there any movement on that standoff . Im not seeing any movement right now. And jim, i think the thing that i want to do is tie together the two strikes because i think a lot of moms and dads right now are probably thinking how does this affect me. Yeah. And one answer is very directly. Its going to be harder to find cars if the autoworkers are on strike. Its already getting harder to find good television. Youre the exception, jim. And its going to be hard i was going to say, wait a minute. Yeah. No, you are the exception. But you know, beyond that, there are two ways of thinking about this. One, these are each very small parts of the american economy. And so you know, it was only three years ago we were effectively knocking out all the workers in all the industries, yet we kept on keeping on. And the autoworkers, the United Auto Workers, are about 1 of our total base much the actors and writers, theyre a little bit less than that. One way of thinking about this is to say its a small part of the economy, and its also not highly integrated into other sectors. And so the macroeconomic effects might be quite small, but i also want to point out these are very concentrated industries. Im coming to you now from ann arbor, michigan, and we rely on the auto industry. Even as i dont think this could cause a national recession, its going to cause a lot of pain particularly in the midwest. And likewise, i wouldnt want to run a sandwich shop, coffee shop, clothes shop in hollywood because id expect my sales to be going down any day now. Absolutely. All right. We always appreciate having you on the program, and well have you back soon. Well talk about this again as this continues on. Justin wolford, up this for your time. We appreciate thank you so much for your time. We appreciate it. We are following the Breaking News in morocco. Officials there now saying the number of people dead tops 2,000, 2,000 people have died as a result of that earthquake. It keeps climbing. Almost every hour were getting updated death toll information. Well continue to bring that to you as all of this develops. Cnn is live in morocco at the top of the hour with a look at the devastation. Our sam kiley is there. Well attempt to talk to people on the ground about the rescue efforts. Please stay with us as the Breaking News continues here on cnn. Well be right back. Nothing like enjoying a cold o e whilile watching the game. Whos winning . G . No idea. Real milk. Real delicious. And dont forget to try some delicious, creamy lactaid ice cream. Whats that mabel . mooo wow, smart cow [ sighs ] cant sleep . Just a lot on my mind. I cant sleep either. It only gets tougher with age. Mom, what . Well, knowing progressive can protect your hom auto, and business should h. Good, because i could use a good nights sleep me too. Dyknow how early the Chimney Sweep gets up every day . Wait, is this all a dream . Why would jamie be in my dream . I am americas biggest spokesperson debatable. I said biggest well, hes got you there. 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Com tv heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtin search eg but it doesnt spy on your seac and our browser blocks creepy ads that follow you around fro and other companies. And its free. Download duckduk are you ready for some football . Tomorrow most of the nfl kicks off the new season. And tomorrow on The Whole Story with anderson cooper, former linebacker and now cnn Sports Anchor looks at why football is so popular and whether football can be safe. What do you think it is about the game that fans just love this sport . It encompasses what we all go through. The challenges in life, challenges on a football field, camaraderie and excitement. You get to see all the races and religions brought together and thats celebrated. And make no mistake about it, football is a way of life for many americans. From pee wee leagues, and flag football, to high school footballs friday night lights. And colleges and universities all across this country, people are obsessed with football. I guess you spent nine seasons playing in the nfl before coming to cnn. Your sense of it. How much the game has changed. You can watch and see that Player Safety has improved. The gear is getting better. Its still not safe enough. What did you find out as you looked into this . A whole new world. My daughters would be so proud of me, like aladdin. Training camps sound more like pillow fights. They wear these guardian caps, pillowlike caps. They dont have contact anymore. Theres a concussion protocol, the Emergency Action plan which last year saved amari hamlins life. The last two decades, it shows the game is safer than ever and it is likely going to continue to get even safer. Yet we still saw some bad injuries during the preseason. You cant eliminate it all together. Thats one of the issues. For parents who are cautious about letting their kids play football, what do you think . What did you find . Yeah. Football is not for everyone. This is not chess. This is not basketball. No offense, lebron james seems like a very tough dude but this is a brutal sport. I think people would be shocked, as i was while reporting on this documentary, everything happening behind the scenes to make football safer. From the hightech lab where they are researching and developing technology and equipment. Seeing how the hundreds of millions of dollars by the nfl are being put to use. Theyre he is thing and evolving helmets which are evolving at nine times the rate they used to. The one i wore back in the day, youre not even allowed to wear it anymore. Its not safe enough. It is vital. That sets the tone for what happens at the collegiate, high school and youth levels. This is very important stuff. I cant wait for people to see it tomorrow night. They had helmets that big back then . Barely. Yeah. Finally got it on there. I have this big head here, too. Thank you for watching. Be sure to tune in. An all new episode of The Whole Story airs tomorrow at 8 00 eastern and pacific. Only on cnn. As millions of students go off to college, many are struggling with having a parent in prison. Here in the United States, nearly 1. 5 million children have an incarcerated parent. What were ultimately doing is ensuring young people who have incarcerated parents are overcoming systemic barriers and also changing the trajectory of not only their lives but their families lives and breaking the stereo types and the stigma around having an incarcerated parent. Congratulations im so excited what keeps me going is that proud mama effect to see our scholars achieve and gain a healthy sense of confidence. Just a little bit of support can go a very, very long way. It really is a snow ball effect. And to find out more about her work, go to cnn heroes. Com and well be right back. I may be known for my legendary football career, but truth is, i love a bunch of sports. 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