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Say the vast majority of Police Officers feel. I want to read it to you in full say, dear everyone, especially minneapolis citizens, we condemn derek chauvin, we are with you in the denouncement of chauvins actions on memorial day 2020. Like us he took an oath to hold the sanctity of life precious. He failed as a human and stripped george floyd of dignity and life. This is not who we are. We want to communicate a sentiment thats broad within our ranks, asking that the voices be heard. We are leaders, formal and informal and from all ranks within the Minneapolis Police department. With not union, we are not the union or the administration. We are officers who represent the voices of hundreds of other minneapolis Police Officers. Hundreds. We acknowledge that the chief needs us to follow him while he shows us the way. We stand ready to listen and embrace the calls for change, reform and rebuilding. We are with you moving forward. We want to work with you and for you to regain your trust. This was a letter obtained by cnns josh campbell, hes joining me now to talk about this. I wonder how significant this is and how far does this go . Is it far enough . Reporter yeah. This is obviously newsworthy. We have heard so many voices since that incident where george floyd was killed at the hands of the Police Officers, voices from the family, the community, the police union and city officials. But the voices that we havent heard yet at least on the record in such a public way are the rank and file Police Officers and what they think and whats so interesting in looking at this letter is that seems to mirror much of what i heard on the ground there in minneapolis in covering this and talking to Police Officers and obviously this is anecdotal but so many telling us that the actions of chauvin and the three officers dont represent the entire department so here you have officers coming out saying that they dont agree with what he did and i spoke with a representative, a spokesperson for this group who told me many more officers wanted to sign and chose officers that were representative across different races, different sexual orientations, different ranks across the department but again we are seeing not from the brass, the chief but from the rank and file, the lieutenants, sergeants and the line officers what they believe and last thing to say is that these are words and those of us that watched the incident with george floyd started with an action. It was the action of a Police Officer, compounded by the action of other Police Officers and if theres anything that the community there especially people of color in minneapolis, the last thing they want to hear right now are words and want to see actions so its yet to be seen if this will move into a Greater Movement for reform and not just the beliefs of the Police Officers but what theyll doing going forward. Thank you for obtaining that letter and meantime confederate statues are going down. Black lives matter banners going up and policing in the u. S. Looks on the verge of the reform. As the nation moves forward, one person digging in and resisting change is President Trump. He just defended the tweet when the looting starts the shooting starts saying it is not a threat but quote really just a fact because thats what happens. Even though of course that phrase traces its origins to a threat of violence from a miami police chief in the 1960s. And while trumps promising executive action on Law Enforcement he continues to make threats to use the military against protesters. He also quashed moves by top defense officials to consider renaming u. S. Army bases named after confederate generals and many suspected its all a concerted strategy. Sources say President Trump is convinced the racially tinged cultural wars stoked in 2016 are still a winner for him in 2020. Citing an outside adviser, the instincts have been proven correct politically. Combine that with the unwillingness to apologize or back down and it should come as no surprise that he is sticking to his guns on the monuments, base names and the national and tell so i still wouldnt bet against his political instincts. Multiple other advisers have urged the president to unify the nation with warnings that he risks erasing support hes gained from a small fraction of black voters but advisers say he doesnt want to appear conciliatory or weak. Francesca, hes okay if he appears racist if its in the name of winning, it is pretty outrageous. So people who support the president have told me that they think that his law and order message is something to help lead him to skuccess in novembe and painting joe biden against law and order for rioters and looters and things that the Trump Campaign claimed is something that they believe will help propel donald trump back into the office and thats why you are seeing him push that message so hard. Yesterday we heard the president offer some things that he would be willing to do and he would be willing to give police better training, better equipment. Democrats want to go significantly further than that on capitol hill with legislation that they have and i have an article just out saying that the white house is open to talking about the things that are in democrats bill, however, they will not, will not talk about qualified immunity which is a provision in the law but not law but made through the courts that has essentially become what the standard is that allows Police Officers to not be held liable for actions they take in the line of duty. You know, obviously he thinks this works for him, david. Does it work well enough . Does it work broadly enough . Is this strategy a winner for the president . We wont know the real answer until november but its clearly not working for him right now and you dont have to just look at the polls for that. It is not the usual sort of script that gets followed in these culture wars that hes had success with before. Just take a look at the republican allies on capitol hill. Theyre not with him on this notion of being opposed to changing military base names from names from the confederacy. Thats something that several republicans on capitol hill just took a completely different point of view from with the president. The way in which donald trump sort of finds what the adviser that you quoted as talking about, that gut of his thats served him well, it seems right now that he is missing a bit on that, that he is not quite where the country is and not just making a base play that we talk about all the time but i think what you see thats happening here is twofold. We are in a zone of issues dom natding the screen that donald trump is clearly, clearly not comfortable with, just not a comfort zone for him. It is not about the pure battle back and forth and tacking d don taking down an enemy and he doesnt know where to fit himself in but hes also members of the team believe this may not be as swift change as being suggested, that perhaps companies or hollywood and the media are talking about a lot of the data point that is exist out there about change we are seeing but that it is not happening as swiftly as perhaps projected and that is Donald Trumps political sensibility, as well. That is what making America Great again was all about. Right . Returning to a time he thinks the supporters would enter into the social, economic wars all knowing the foregone conclusion that it would benefit them in some way through history. That may not be the case right now. Were not sure about that. Francesca, does the president have any plan to try to attract minority voters or does he think he doesnt need them . So the president laid out a fourpronged strategy for minorities yesterday and heed four things he plans to do, something that the white house has been working on over the past few months directly response to covid19 and they put ben carson the housing and urban hud secretary in charge of this plan. Ben carson notably has said that there are underlying conditions and Racial Disparities here that are absolutely part of why these things are happening but there is a Division Within this administration on that. And youve seen white house advisers say that they do not believe that there is systemic racism. Everything that the president has done to this point would underline that fact that that is not something he sees as a problem here. What he has responded to with that is providing economic opportunity, opportunity zones, by giving money to historically black colleges and universities, those are the things that President Trump thinks will help propel people in the black community into having Better Options so that they can succeed versus this idea that systemic racism is the problem and a barrier to success. Francesca and david, great the see you guys. I miss seeing you in person. Thank you. Protesters in jacksonville attacking the decision to host the Republican Convention despite the safety risks. Whats going on in seattle . Protesters blocking off their own part of the city without any Police Presence there. Ill be speaking with the Council Woman leading the charge. The search is under way for a white woman caught on video harassing a filipino woman and its apparently not the first time. Get the [ bleep ] out of this world out of this state go to whatever [ bleep ] country you belong in. Okay, racist. 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Seattles mayor defending the city and the police after President Trump doubled down on his threats to intervene there saying that hes not going to let quote anarchists and domestic terrorists take over seattle streets. The mayor says the atmosphere in the four blocks known as the capitol hill aon the mouse zone is more like a block party saying no threat to Public Safety despite the fact that the precinct in the area is evacuated and she says the decision to pull police from demonstrations there deescalated what was days of tension. I think the president , number one, there is no threat right now to the public. Were looking, tacking that very seriously, meeting with businesses and residents but what the president threatened is illegal and unconstitutional and the fact that he can think he can just tweet that and not have ramifications is just wrong. We take Public Safety very seriously. We met with businesses and residents today. We dont have to sacrifice Public Safety for First Amendment rights. Both can exist and well make sure that both exist in seattle. With us now is a Seattle Council member whose district includes that aon the mouse zone we were just talking about. Thank you so much for being with us. Thank you for having me. So there are local reports about earlier this week how you opened the doors of city hall to protesters. We have some video showing i think it was almost 1,000 people or so who were inside of city hall. The president as i know youre aware threatened to intervene in the city and called actually protesters domestic terrorists, anarchists, as well. Can you give me your reaction to that . I think whats happening is this incredible movement, this rebellion not just in seattle but nationwide including cities like boise, idaho, is incredibly inspiring to the vast majority of american people. But it is also threatening to the right wing and the reactionary agenda of donald trump. Donald trump is a coward and it is absolutely not surprising but horrific for him to threaten entire cities like seattle and working people and ordinary people black and Brown Community members courageously protesting, threatening them with further escalation and military targets, i think it is a we have to absolutely reject this idea and in fact in that spirit on monday i will be bringing in legislation to vote to ban the use of all chemical weapons and crowd control, socalled crowd control weapons and to ban chokeholds. It is extremely important to take this historic moment to win a real victory against Police Violence defund by 50 and fight for an Oversight Board over the police. This autonomous zone is thats in your area. So just tell us for i think curious people outside certainly of the city, they want to know what it is. How do you define it . The autonomous zone as its been called by the protest movement is an incredible area of peace and friendship and dignity and to take the Movement Forward so it is full of hundreds of ordinary people, young people, children, families, and this is a movement obviously led by black and Brown Community members but it is welcoming to people from all over the city and the region who want to join in the struggle against Police Violence. We have to move forward building our movement further but the autonomous zone provides an inspiring and just a positive example of how we can have a vision for a society that is, you know, equal and that provides a peaceful avenue for everybody to have a political and frank discussion without the presence of the police and i have to say what we have now in the autonomous zone which is a completely peaceful and friendly environment is a stark contrast for what it was for eight days just very recently with every night Seattle Police inflicting incredible brutality and violence against the peaceful protest movement led by black and brown people. I was myself there on sunday night alongside hundreds of others. I was tear gassed and maced and you can see this incredible violence and the whole community of seattle and the region and the country coming together and rejecting this violence, rejecting a status quo of murders by the police of black and brown people and demanding a change and i have to say donald trump is a coward. We have to fight against the reactionary agenda at the same time we have to hold the establishments in various cities accountable. This violence against the peaceful protest movement on capitol hill was carried out by mayor jenny durkan and tens of thousands of people in seattle calling for her resignation. We want a society thats based on equality and cooperation. I do want to ask you, you said, look, we were looking at even so many people going into city hall and it was peaceful. What if something happens where things go awry . If there is violence. Then who steps in then . Well, absolutely. We are all united in this wanting a society based on Public Safety but the statistics, you know, if i might speak as an economist for a moment, the statistics show unfortunately that it is not by continuing to have a bloated Police Budget and by having police armed to the teeth that you can have peace. Its actually the exact opposite. Its when you have a society thats free of that kind of oppressive and repressive policing that its possible. As far as things going awry, i can tell you the only thing that went awry day after day after day since the first protest on may 30th was the police under orders by the Democratic Party establishment and the mayor, the police making things going awry. They were armed to the teeth with riot gear and came there with the rubber bullets, tear gas and rifles and they were, you know, shooting flashbang grenades. A 7yearold girl, child, maced by the police. You can imagine the kind of clarity among people that we dont want this kind of policing actually. They are the ones who are responsible, not only for this violence against protest movement but keep in perspective this movement is justice for George Floyd Movement has come up, this rebellion happened in the first place because Police Departments in city after city after city have been murdering black and brown people, exacting violence against people with immunity. Not a Single Police officer so far has been prosecuted under mayor durkan in seattle eight black and Brown Community members murdered at the hands of the police. Not one Police Officer is prosecuted. That is why our movement is demanding that we defund the police by at least 50 and divert the funds for community programs, for restoretive justice and begin to address this systemic racism and we need beyond that so we need an elected Community Board with full powers over the police. Council member, thank you for joining us from seattle. Thank you so much. The number of people who are being fired or are resigning over racial remarks or views is growing. We are going to go through them. Plus, starbucks told employees they cannot wear black lives matter attire. Hear what happened today after the backlash. From the cdc new warnings of a surge coming and warnings about travel. How about poor fred wilson . What a shame. So soon after retiring. I hear his wife needed help with the funeral expenses. Thats ridiculous he had social security. When my brother died, his wife received a check from social security, all right for 255 the funeral costs were well over 8,000. How on earth did she pay for it . Fortunately, my brother bought additional Life Insurance before he retired. Whew i bet that cost a pretty penny, huh . Not with Colonial Penn. Coverage options start at just 9. 95 a month. Less than 35 cents a day. I have it myself. We both do. Both of you . Neither of us had to answer any Health Questions or take a physical exam. 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So, to help you get back to full strength, were giving away free reopening kits at our website so you can safely reopen your doors. For all you do, from all of us, let us help you make it. Mortgage rates are now at all time lows. By refinancing, you can save 2000 a year with one call to newday usa. Our team is standing by right now to take your call. And from start to finish, you can do it all without ever leaving the house. With our va streamline refi, theres no income verification. No appraisal. And no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2000 a year. Public Health Experts stepping up the warning that the u. S. Is not ready for a second wave of coronavirus yet cities and states are moving forward with plans to reopen and lifting restrictions. Looking at the map you see spikes in 19 states. The latest coronavirus model predicting that the situation is going to get worse. Much worse. Unless the country changes course. And just in the cdc released new guidelines for every day life. Cnns senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen joining me now to talk about this. What are they . Brianna, the cdc came out very clearly saying, hey, you know, this is bad as it is. This is my commentary. We dont have to wait for the second wave, it is already bad. The cdc saying the pandemic is not over so lets take a look at some every day things that they tell us that we should be doing. First of all, stay apart. Social distance. Every person you come in touch with that increases the chance of getting coronavirus. Dont share objects. And wear a face covering. Lets talk about a report that just came out of texas a m researchers saying in italy Wearing Masks prevented 76,000 infections and in new york city prevented 66,000 infections between april 17 and may 9th so tens of thousands of infections avoided because people wore masks. It is the thing to do because you care about other people. Brianna . Yeah. Its just, you know, it is stunning, become so politicized and some people dont do it. Thank you for the numbers showing us why its so important. Thank you. If you want to attend the president s rallies, you will actually have to sign a coronavirus waiver but are they enforceable . The president picked juneteenth for a rally in tulsa. A woman caught on video harassing a filipino woman. [ bleep ]. This is not your place. This is not your home we do not want you here in this world where people are staying at home, many of lifes moments are being put on hold. At carvana, we understand that for some getting a car just cant wait. Thats why the new way to buy and sell a car is also the safer way. At carvana, you can do it all 100 online from home with a touchless delivery and pickup process to keep you safe. And for even Greater Peace of mind, all carvana cars come with a 7day return policy. So if you need to keep moving, its our goal to keep you safe. Check out carvana, the safer way to buy a car. Brushing only reaches 25 of y listerine® cleans virtually 100 . Helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ and 24 hour relief from symptoms caused byn. Over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Like those from buddy. Because nothing should come between two best friends. Feel the clarity, and live claritin clear. A book that youre ready to share with the world . Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today it is the latest viral video of a racist rant, a white woman in california harassing a filipinoamerican woman telling her, quote, we dont want you here. Listen to me. We dont play games here anymore. Okay . Next time you ever talk to me like that youre going to get your [ bleep ] kicked by my family and they will [ bleep ] you up. What did i do . Thats right. Because you are a [ bleep ]. Look at the whole stairs to yourself . Why dont you go somewhere elsewhere you can go to a gym . This is not just for you you need to get the [ bleep ] out of this world, the state. Go back to whatever [ bleep ] asian country you belong in. Okay, racist. [ bleep ]. This is not your place. This is not your home we do not want you here. You put that on facebook. I hope you do. We dont know what happened in the leadup to this video. You can see they both seem to be referring to that but both women exercising at a park in Southern California at the time that this video shot and the older white woman accused the asian of blocking the stairs. The younger woman filed a criminal report with local police. Officers said they did not identify the older woman but have an idea of who she is. Protesters in jacksonville chanted at the leader no rnc. The city is set to host part of the Republican National convention in august. President trump will accept his partys nomination there. And the change of venue comes after the president drit sized the speed at which North Carolina was reopening from a coronavirus lockdown. Joining me is audrey gibson, the state Senate Democratic leader. Thank you so much for joining us. Tell us your reaction when you heard the president s speech had been moved to your city. Thank you so much for having me. My first reaction was no. And secondarily, it was made to seem as if it were not planned. And i believe that is totally it is totally planned to have the acceptance speech here after the governor of North Carolina refused to have certain parts of the convention because of the concern for the constituents there, as well as apparently mr. Trump decided that he doesnt want social distancing and so jacksonville is a swing city in a swing state and its very much orchestrated that the acceptance speech would be held here in jacksonville. Is that what you mean when you called the move by the jacksonville mayor a plot . Is that what you meant by that . Exactly. It didnt happen by accident. It was planned that way. So the governor of North Carolina wanted fewer people at the convention because of the coronavirus pandemic and now the president is planning to speak at this 15,000person arena. What are your concerns about keeping people safe . Well, there apparently will be shoulder to shoulder so theres no social distancing there. Florida is seeing an increase in covid19 cases just like some other states and so it doesnt make health sense to put people in harms way. And theres another way to do it. To try to show a full arena to make yourself look large at the risk of covid19, more covid19 spreading is just counter to representing this country. Its also notable, the president is accepting this nomination on the 60th anniversary of what is known well in jacksonville as ax handle saturday. I think other people havent necessarily been aware of this but this was within of the darkest days in your local history when a white mob organized by the kkk chased and beat peaceful black activists in 1960. What is your thought on it being this day . The rest of that story they chased them with hammers and ax handles. Peaceful people. So it seems almost intentional that the acceptance speech is here without any respect or consideration of the commemoration of that by most likely our Africanamerican Community and those who will join with us. Its the same sense, nonsense of having a rally in oklahoma on the day that many others died. It doesnt make any sense. Its disrespectful and callous. Senator gibson, thank you for joining us. Thank you. President trump is requiring his rallygoers in tulsa to sign a waiver to agree not to sue him if they get coronavirus but does he have the legal ability to enforce it . He just responded to criticism of picking a rally site on juneteenth in tulsa where the 1920s racial massacre happened, the anniversary of that passing a short time ago. Hear what he said. Just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. Sofi helped me pay off twentythree thousand dollars of credit card debt. They helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. They make you feel like its an honor for them to help you out. I went from sleepless nights to getting my money right. So thank you. For an everyday item to become dangerous. So thank you. Tide pods childguard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. To close, twist until it clicks. Tide pods childguard packaging. But when allergies and congestion strike, take allegrad. A nondrowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. So you can always say yes to putting your true colors on display. Say yes to allegrad. Yes. Neutrogena® ultra sheer. 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With more coverage and more bandwidth to keep your employees connected, you will get the largest and most Reliable Network at an unbeatable price. Tmobile for business. Heres what we want everyone to do. Count all the hugs you havent given. All the hands you havent held. All the dinners you didnt share with friends. The trips you havent taken. Keep track of them. Each one means one less person vulnerable, one less person exposed, and one step closer to a healthier community. So for now, keep your distance. But dont lose count. Well have some catching up to do. When President Trump returns to the campaign trail for the first time during the coronavirus pandemic, rally rallygoers face something new, they have to sign a waver saying they wont sue if they get covid19 at the event. I want to bring in cnn legal analyst eli hoenig with us. Is this like is it enforceable . Yeah. Brianna, it could well be enforceable. Theres obviously a mixed message here. The message is its safe enough, everyone, come on out. We get thousands of people together but sign the dotted line just in case its safe and cant sue us but, yes, generally these kind of waivers are enforceable. Depends on the specific circumstances but oklahoma is a state that will enforce these waivers meaning if people get sick they might actually lose their ability to sue. So thats kind of the question that leads to my question which is legally sound then but when it comes to optics maybe not so great. Not the best optics but this is what lawyers do. They do the cya work so people dont get sued. Looking at the facts of this waiver it is very short, to the point and it is the kind of thing that a customer can decide to walk away from. If someone makes you sign a waiver before putting your kids in a daycare that is harder. This is a rally. I think the lawyers have done a good job. Not the best political message but if they go to the rally they might give up the right to sue. Thank you so much. We really have happy to see you. Thank you. Thank you. The date and location of the rally also raising alarms, the fact to choose june 19th which is juneteenth, right . Thats what it is, celebrating the end of slavery in the United States and he chose tulsa, oklahoma, the site of one of the most horrific massacres of africanamericans in american history. Details of the affluent black district of black wall street destroyed by white mobs, this included in a pbs documentary of boss which looks at the black experience in business and joining me is the Award Winning filmmaker behind the documentary, stanley nelson. Thank you for joining us. Thank you so much. It is great to be here. So, stanley, the president just said that he did not pick juneteenth to hold his rally on purpose. But says he thinks of it as a celebration. What do you say to that . I think, you know, it is a slap in the face. It is not only once again donald trump being blind and deaf to africanamericans but also, you know, almost going out of his way to just, you know, slap us in the face. You know, tulsa is almost a sacred place because of what happened in greenwood and to start out there is, you know, once again, it is something that was chosen. It is not that it happened by accident. And just i mean, tell us about what happened. Tell us about why choosing tulsa especially, i think the anniversary just passed of the massacre, tell us why this is so kind of like head scratching. Yeah. Next year marks the and greenwood was the africanamerican part of tulsa. A place that africanamericans went to do form their own community, their own town, as was done over and over again after the civil war. Its a history not really known. Africanamericans moved west, looking for some kind of peace and dignity in their lives. And they built a Thriving Community in greenwood. And one night, because of one of the trumped up accidents, there was a riot by the white citizens of tulsa. And hundreds of africanamericans were killed, over 1200 homes were destroyed and burned. 215 or so homes were not burned but looted. It was a horrible, horrible massacre. Basically burning down the town of greenwood. And part of the cause of that was jealousy of the Business Success that greenwood had. It was called the black wallstreet. Yeah. So, cutting down successful africanamericans. Youre working on a major docu series, the rise and falloff black wall street. Youve done Extensive Research and documentaries on africanamerican history and experiences. And now, as youre watching the demonstrations, following the killing of george floyd with people of every age and race demanding racial justice, does this moment to you seem like a turning point . Are you hopeful . Are you reserving judgment on that . Where are you . Im very hopeful. Im hopeful, but holding back judgment. We dont know where its going to lead. But im hopeful, partly because we see so many different kinds of people protesting, all 50 states, young people and old people. And especially for young people, once youve been politicized, had your eyes opened, its hard to go back. And so i think, hopefully, this will be the start of something. Its, as we all know, weve been glued to the tv. Its something extraordinary that happened and we hope it continues. Stanley nelson, thank you. You the director of terror in tulsa. We will be looking forward to that, the rise and falloff black wall street. Thank you very much. Thank you. The president says he supports banning chokeholds but that they are sometimes necessary and, quote, innocent. Plus, for the first time, were hearing from the colleagues at the center of George Floyds death. And the cdc Still Holding a call and issuing new warnings about the coronavirus inside the u. S. About medicare and 65, ysupplemental insurance. 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We are those guys. Thats you . The truck adds 10 pounds. In the arms. Okay. Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. Bandaid is answering the call to be more representative of kuszmers, by offering bandages for different skin tones. They posted pictures on instagram saying it is, quote, dedicated to inclusivity and saying were committed to launching a range of bandages in light, medium and deep shades of brown and black skin tones. We stand in solidarity with our black colleagues and collaborators and community in the fight against racism and injustice. And over 18 years, the reality show the bachelor announced a casting first today. Matt james, a black man, will take the lead role in the dating show. And this follows a petition. Quote, abc and Warner Brothers have been producing bachelor content for 18 years. Theyve cast 40 season leads, yet only one black lead. This is unacceptable, the petition read. In season 13, bachelorette. They cast the first africanamerican woman to lead the franchise. Were here at the top of the hour. Confederate statues are going down, black lives matter banners going up, and policing is on the verge of major reform, as the nation experiences a reckoning. Its confronting the racism that Many Americans facing today. One person digging in and resisting change is President Trump. He just defended the tweet. He said its not a threat, even though it traces its origins to a threat of violence from a miami please chief in the 1960s. Here he was moments ago. So, thats an expression ive heard over the years. Do you know where it comes from . I think philadelphia, the mayor of philadelphia. 1967, i was about 18 months old at the time. Everybody would probably shoot me if i got it wrong. The chief of police in miami was cracking down. He said i dont care if it looks like brutality, im going to crack down. That frightened a lot of people when you said that. It also comes from a very tough mayor, who, in my opinion, mayor of philadelphia, named frank rizzo. And he had an expression like this. Yvl i think its been used many times. It means two ning things. Very different things. And whilemp

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