And the Coronavirus Task force says there is a different picture of the virus than the reports being pushed by President Trump. In just a few hours from now u. S. President donald trump will be on his way to kenosha, wisconsin. The city has been the scene of protests and violence following the Police Shooting of jacob blake. The mayor of kenosha doesnt want the president to visit. Our community has gone through a great deal and there is no time right now for poli political politics to be played. We would have preferred the president had waited at least another week or so before coming to visit. President s are always welcome. I mean, all cities have president s that visit at different times. The president is always welcome, but at this time its just the wrong time. But mr. Trump is planning to go anyway. He does not plan to meet jacob blakes family. Inst local Law Enforcement and Business Owners but blakes father told cnn his main concern is his son, not the politics of the situation. First of all, im not going to play politics. This is my sons life were talking about. I saw jacob yesterday. Lets say progress is limited and highly sedated but his breathing and his the waist seems to be tapering off and hes holding on for dear life. Meanwhile, democratic president ial nominee joe biden is slamming President Trump for fermenting racial unrest in the country. He says mr. Trump has, quote, failed to protect america so now hes trying to scare america. They have no agenda or vision for a second term. Trump and pence are running on this, i find it fascinating, quote, wont be saving joe bidens america. Whats their proof . The violence were seeing in Donald Trumps america. These are not images of some imagined Joe Biden America in the future, these are images of Donald Trumps america today. Donald trump has been a toxic presence in our nation for four years poisoning how we talk to one another, poisoning how we treat one another, poisoning the values this nation has always held dear. But President Trump is refusing to denounce the violent actions of his supporters. He defended kyle e, the teen facing homicide charges for killing two protestors and injuring one another in kenosha. Do you condemn the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse. Were looking at all of it. That was an interesting situation. You saw the same tape as i saw and he was trying to get away from them, i guess, it looks like and he fell and then they very violently attacked him and it was something that were looking at right now and its under investigation but i guess he was in very big trouble. He probably would have been killed but do you its under its under investigation. And thats not all. The president also compared police who use Excessive Force to golfers who miss a sure putt. They choke, just like in a golf tournament. They miss a 3 foot youre not comparing it to golf because no, im saying people choke. People panic. People choke. Cnns Jeremy Diamond has more on the president s visit to kenosha and the tense political situation in the u. S. Reporter ignoring pleas from state and local officials, President Trump is pushing ahead with plans to visit kenosha, wisconsin, on tuesday turning the latest epicenter of the Racial Justice movement into a backdrop for his campaigns law and order message. The president wants to visit hurting americans i think highlighting that the federal government has done a lot in the way of using law and order to create peace but showing up for hurting meshes americans is they concern. Reporter but that doesnt include jacob blake, the man who was shot in the back seven times by police or his family. Trump has no plans to meet with them, instead touring Property Damage caused by riots. The president taking credit for Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers decision to deploy state National Guard troops tweeting, if i didnt insist on having the National Guard activate and go into kenosha, wisconsin, there will be no kenosha right now. I will see you on tuesday. Trumps tweet coming after evers asked him not to come. Im concerned your presence will delay our work to overcome division and move forward together. Now is not the time for divisiveness. Rather than calls for calm, trump spent the weekend amplifying and encouraging clashes between his supporters and protesters. Today trump assailing radical left mayors and governors and his latest threat to send them to portland. If this joke of a mayor doesnt clean it up, we will go in and do it for them. Our consideration of sending in more federal Law Enforcement even in defiance of local lea leaders. We need to bring normalcy back to portland. Do you seriously wonder, mr. President , why this is the first time in decades that america has seen this level of violence . Its you who have created the hate and division. Reporter while trump tweeted his condolences, he is still silent on the shooting carried out by one of his supporters who killed two people amid protests in kenosha. On monday we heard from former Vice President joe biden who issued a blanket condemnation condemning the rioting and looting that has taken place. Joe biden also drew a pretty direct line between some of the violence that has been taking place and President Trump arguing that President Trump has essentially poured gasoline on this fire by stoking divisions in this country and failing to address issues of racial inequality. The president for his part, he once again in the White House Briefing room trying to tie joe biden to the rioting in some of these cities arguing that biden did not explicitly condemn antifa but the president for his part, he refused to offer blanket condemnation when he was asked if he would condemn the right wing supporters. The president refused to do so. Joining me now is tear are sedmeyer, a cnn political commentator and Senior Advisor at the Lincoln Project. Good to have you with us. Thank you for having me. Tara, the Lincoln Project just put out this video. I want to listen to a portion of it. Ill bring that up now. Its just so sad. Just watching the Republican Convention and spewing this fear, donald trump and all of them talking about fear. Were the ones getting killed. Were the ones getting shot. All you do is keep hearing fear. Its amazing why we keep loving this country and this country does not love us back. So, tara, message of fear there, but the big message overall from that video was you dont need to be black to be outraged. You need to be american and be outraged. Is that getting through though when we see caravans of Trump Supporters taking over streets, shooting paint bombs or pepper bombs or worse, in kenosha, a trump supporter being charged with homicide and the president not condemning that shooter . Yeah, its really, really disconcerting what were seeing going on, even worse that we see no leadership whatsoever coming from the white house. If anything, the president is making it worse. When the Lincoln Project put that video out we took the words of doc rivers, the famed coach of the l. A. Clippers, whos actually the son of a Police Officer. His dad was a 30year Police Officer in his hometown outside of chicago in illinois, and you just hear the pain and emotion in his voice conveying what the experience is for people of color in many places across this country. I think in the beginning of the summer we started to see White America begin to understand this and look at this from a different perspective after the George Floyd Killing that we saw on camera. It was jarring for a lot of folks, and it started the conversation about a racial reckoning going on in america around police brutality. Now unfortunately because weve seen some people in the looting and rioting space there, they have coopted this message and its given a life line to use this law and order feigned outrage over something thats really not the majority of the people who are protesting but its giving them this ability to try to pin this on democrat if i can democratic mayors and i think theyre beginning to overstep. When that 17yearold who allegedly killed people who was a trump supporter who there was a militia called to go and defend the property, we dont have vigilante justice in america. That is not something we should be encouraging and unfortunately donald trump is doing that. Joe biden is pushing back on that, which he did very effectively today. Right. Despite pleas from wisconsins governor not to go, President Trump is still pushing ahead with his visit to kenosha tuesday, but he wont be meeting with the family of jacob blake, the black man shot seven times in kenosha at point black range. What is your reaction to the president refusing to meet because the president wants a lawyer present . What does that mean to you . I think its smart on the familys part. We know the president is a liar and we cant trust him to be an honest broker. Theyre smart to make that request. Whats unfortunate is that we have a president who clearly its not about comforting the family or being there for them in leadership, its about him and wanting to exploit it politically. When they rejected that, he walked away from it. It shows you right there how transparent he is about why hes going to kenosha, why hes doing this now. Kellyanne conway basically said the quiet part out loud last week when she said this type of violence is good for the campaign. Where does that leave the president s rival, joe biden, who historically receives strong support from black voters . Could this pud him in a very difficult position while supporting law and order for moderates . I think up until today he was beginning to lose the narrative somewhat because they had not come out forcefully against the looting and rioting and trying to thread a really, really small needle here by not upsetting the left but also by making sure suburban voters and white voters felt comfortable joe biden would be tough on these issues. Today he gave a speech that i think put that to rest. He was unequivocal that looting and rioting is not protesting and it should be prosecuted and he talked about the importance of Racial Justice and making sure that the bad cops are punished and he did an excellent job by pointing out the fact that all of this chaos and violence is happening in Donald Trumps america. Not joe bidens america. Donald trump is currently president. I think as long as biden continues to push that message consistently because trump will. He has to continue to push back. If he does so like he did today, i think theyll be able to inoculate themselves from that message. Good to talk with you. Thank you. The United States has now topped 6 million cases of the coronavirus and the latest data from Johns Hopkins University Also shows the virus has killed more than 183,000 americans. Countless others have been left with longterm problems, but there is some positive news compared to the beginning of august, daily cases are down. Deaths are starting to decline. Hospitalizations are down. Data from the white house Coronavirus Task force released monday showed the dire reality about the spread of the virus in july and august. At that point President Trump was painting a positive picture of the pandemic even as he was receiving those grim reports from those own task force. Now as cnns Diane Gallagher explains theres trouble brewing in the race for a vaccine. There is growing concern political pressure could be rushing the covid19 vaccine process. After fda commissioner dr. Steven hahn said the agency might approve a vaccine under emergency use, even before the trials are complete. The problem here is the credibility of the fda is crumbling before our eyes. Reporter dismissed concerns telling the Financial Times we have a convergence of the pandemic and we just have to get through that and stick to our core principles. Over the past two weeks on average daily new cases are down 18 and new deaths per day by roughly 11 even as the United States did surpass 63 million confirmed cases today. Deborah birx is urging people to take precautions now before there is a vaccine. Do the right thing today because if we do the right thing today we go into the fall with much fewer cases. Reporter yet the Washington Post says dr. Scott atlas is pushing for the country to adapt a herd immunity approach similar to the strategy in sweden. Some on the white houses own task force has said this approach would likely cause a massive death toll. If everyone got infected, the death toll would be enormous and totally unacceptable. Reporter today in florida at la lass denied those claims. The president does not have a strategy like that. Reporter President Trump did retweet a false tweet to claim that the death toll was 9,000 instead of the more than 180,000 people that have died. Thats simply not what the data says at all so twitter took down the tweet. Is he trying to downplay the death toll . No. He was highlighting new cdc information that came out that was worth noting. Reporter College Campuses are examples of how quickly the virus can spread. Cases have been reported in at least 36 states. We noticed that there was a large party early last week. It resulted in several covid cases. 20 covid cases became 105 cases. We stepped in immediately. Reporter College Campuses really are the source of so many of these asymptomatic outbreaks were seeing in the United States right now. Temple university is going temporarily back to online classes after it identified more than 100 cases at the university of alabama. More than 1,000 students have tested positive since School Started back on august 19th and in part that is why Coronavirus Task force coordinator dr. Deborah birx has said that students who plan to go home and visit should quarantine at their school for 14 days before doing so, so they dont unknowingly bring covid19 to their family members or back to their home community. Diane gallagher, cnn, atlanta. So lets talk now with dr. Amy compton phillips, a cnn medical analyst and chief clinical officer of Providence Health system. Always good to talk to you. Always a pleasure, rosemary. One of President Trumps medical advisers, dr. Scott atlas, has been pushing for the controversial herd immunity to combat this. Dr. Atlas apparently walked this back a little bit on monday because of the pressure, but what are the dangers of this approach given we watched this fail in sweden. We did watch it fail in sweden and the dangers are exactly what they experienced there, in that the virus can completely get out of control. The theory that proponents of herd immunity, which is a fringe theory, by the way, not accepted in typical wellrespected Public Health realms, is that if you get younger, healthier people x exposed and therefore immune you can protect older people. The problem is, you cant control it. Once it gets broadly out in the community, everybody gets exposed to it. First of all, some young, Healthy People have bad outcomes. Second of all, theres a lot of people in the country with diabetes, hypertension, obesity, the things that can make this virus risky so that current predictions are that should we go the herd immunity route and just go for broad scale exposure, over 2 Million People could die. So its terrible enough already with over 900 people a day dieing. Thats equivalent to having three planes crash a day full of people. Could you imagine if it allowed 2 Million People overall to die. It would be horrific. It is absolutely horrifying. Of course, as well, a Food Drug Administration chief steven hahn says hes willing to consider emergency use authorization for covid19 vaccine before phase three trials are completed. This has triggered a bit of debate prompting prominent doctors to call for an independent panel to review vaccines. How concerned are you about this . Reporter im very worried. We already have a lot of sentiment thats antivaccine, that doesnt trust vaccines. If we put a vaccine out on the market not fully proven and later is shown to have some uncommon but dangerous side effect, very much similar to the swine flu did in 1976 that caused guillonbarre syndrome, you want to know about that before you authorize the vaccine. You dont want to find out about that until after youve given it to 300 Million People. We need to have this fully vetted and make sure its safe before we promote it with the rest of the country. Dr. Amy compton phillips, always great to talk to you and get your wise guidance on all things medical. Many thanks. Thank you. Coming up on cnn newsroom, hong kong promises free coronavirus tests for millions but some see an ulterior motive behind the governments offer. Well take a look at that. Dd oil blend for 15 seconds 2x more lather pulls dirt oil out of your hair 0 sulfates, parabens, mineral oil, dyes pantene nutrient blends they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the services of the post office plus ups only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. A 4week trial probinwithout the commission a digfees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . 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Hong kong has launched a free city wide Coronavirus Testing Program to contain its latest outbreak, but pro democracy groups are wary of universalboycott. China is setting up the program and providing resources for it. Cnns will ripley has the details. Reporter the work never stops at this hong kong lab. Covid19 tests are coming in around the clob. Do it yourself testing kits takes a few minutes. My team and i got results in 24 hours, all negative. How often do you get tested . Twice a week. Twice a week. You dont have to wear a mask . No, im usually the safest person in the room. Danny young has teams working 24 7. Weve had to hire more people to meet the demand. Demand is so high the office is getting crowded. Each of those clear plastic bags is somebodys covid19 test. They basically spit into a cup. They are processing 15,000 of these every day just at this lab. They have a capacity for up to 20,000 and there is the demand. People want to know if there are cases out there in the community. Reporter to find those hidden cases hong kong wants to test the entire population. More than 7 Million People. The city set up more than 100 testing labs. 3,000 medical staff are prepared to handle half a million tests per day. Assisted by a team of experts from Mainland China raising concern the tests could be used to collect dna. How the experiment of that Company Provides the service and the education and with the collection its time to realize how beijing and Hong Kong Government pretend and facilitate the interference in hong kong using covid19. A lot of people ask the question whether this important private information will be transmitted or handed to other institutions, laboratory, going back to institutionness china. Reporter hong kongs leader carrie lamb says this is purely political. Translator they just need that one thing to smear the Central Government and undermine the relationship between hong kong and the chinese government. Reporter hong kong is one of the few places outside of Mainland China to offer free testing for everyone. Unlike china, its voluntary. Privacy fears keep too many people away, the hidden cases may stay just that, putting the city at risk for an Even Deadlier outbreak. Will ripley, cnn, hong kong. Theres been another deadly Law Enforcement shooting on the west coast and police have declared a riot in portland. The latest on america in crisis. Thats ahead. A group of protesters gathered in South Los Angeles on monday. This after deputies with the Sheriffs Department shot and killed a black man during a confrontation. It is the latest protest in the u. S. Involving police conduct. An investigation into mondays shooting is now underway. We dont have video of the incident, but these protesters are gathered near the scene, and according to officials, the confrontation started when two deputies observed a man violating vehicle codes while riding a bicycle. When deputies approached the man, Officials Say he punched one of the officers in the face. They also say he had a handgun. Cnn will bring you more information as it becomes available. Further up the west coast, police in portland, oregon, have declared a riot after fires were set and other criminal activity occurred near an apartment believed to be the home of portlands mayor. This scene has become a nightly occurrence with demonstrators facing off against police. At least two nearby Sheriffs Departments are refusing to send deputies to help contain the protests after a Fatal Shooting over the weekend despite a call from oregons governor for help. They say policy disagreements and a lack of Political Support createn acceptable risks. More details emerging about the Fatal Shooting on friday night. Cnns brian todd breaks down what happened. Reporter shooting witness Justin Dunlap seemed to think trouble was on the way. Seconds later he was proven right. Police are now looking for a suspect in this shooting which occurred saturday evening in portland. The victim who was killed, according to the new york times, was wearing a hat with the insignia of a far right group called patriot prayer. That warned the mans loss. They have identified 39yearold aaron danielson. The shooting came during a series of confrontations in Downtown Portland on saturday which occurred when a group of Trump Supporters drove into the city in a large convoy. Videos show fights breaking out between people in the trump convoy and our demonstrators and the Trump Supporters are seen spraying mace and firing paint ball pellets. Justin dunlap was asked by cnn what the victim was doing just before being shot. He raised his hand and the mace came forward. I dont know what he had in his hand, if it was mace, if it was Something Else, but thats the direction the mace came from was him and it was a huge cloud. Like 20 feet long and then the cloud just exploded and the shots rang out. Reporter then dunlap says the victim took four steps and fell face down and two other men, he says, ran in another direction. Portlands police chief said his force had a strong presence on the streets on saturday night but still couldnt get its arms around those confrontations. We had folks stationed at different areas, but its very difficult when you have small groups of people spread throughout the city to sometimes engage in violent acts with each other. We only have limited resources so we cant be everywhere at the same time. President trump tweeted rest in peace referring to the Portland Shooting victim but the president has said only this about jacob blake in kenosha, wisconsin. Im looking into it strongly. Ill be getting reports. Ill let you know soon. It was it was not a good sight. I didnt like the sight of it certainly. Reporter the Wisconsin Department of justice and federal officials are investigating the blake shooting as protests have continued. 17yearold Kyle Rittenhouse faces homicide charges from kenosha last week. The sheriff says more than 200 protesters have been arrested there since the blake shooting. More than half the people, he says, from outside kenosha. There are people from outside kenosha, outside wisconsin and weve had some that are outside the United States calling in here to scare people of whats going to happen. Reporter President Trump, meanwhile, still plans to travel to kenosha, wisconsin, to meet with Law Enforcement officials and survey damage despite politicians asking for him not to come now. The white house says there were no plans to meet with members of jacob blakes family. Brian todd, cnn. A Conspiracy Theory that started its life in the u. S. Appears to be spreading in other parts of the world. Thousands of people gathered in berlin last weekend to protest against coronavirus restrictions. Among them were supporters of the qanon community. Theyre plotting to destroy President Trump and engage in child sex abuse. Fred pleitgen joins us. How did this u. S. Based right winged Conspiracy Movement find a home in germany . Reporter it certainly seems something thats been building up, rosemary. Something thats been hotly debated here. The police union here in germany came out and said that these protests against the pandemic measures have been put in place by the German Government are in danger of being completely hijacked by right wing extremists. We saw a lot of people who follow qanon among the right wingers. A lot of them told us they believe they are followers of President Trump. Heres what we saw. An attack on germanys democracy. Demos from the restrictions tried to storm the German Parliament on saturday. People carrying flags of the german right, a symbol associated with germanys far right along with russian flags but also u. S. Flags. We also found many supporters of the qanon Conspiracy Theory. This man waiving a rice flag with the qanon flag and the likeness of donald trump. Do you like donald trump . Yes. Why . Deep state. I have longtime thought to human. That must end. Reporter qanon claims without evidence that a group of satin worshipping members are plotting to destroy President Trump and establish world domination. They claim the pandemic is part of that conspiracy. Some say President Trump is an angel. Hes an angel. Reporter why . Yes. The connection. He has a connection. Reporter to who . Humancy. In november, the pandemic is finished worldwide. Reporter President Trump has retweeted claims from accounts related to qanon hundreds of times and has repeatedly refused to denounce them. I dont know much about the movement other than i understand they like me very much, which i appreciate. Reporter but the president s words are undermining germanys response. Angela merkel is successful in combatting covid19 but at saturdays demonstration, they are pictured in what seem to be concentration camp inmate suits calling for her to be locked up. Another man in a trump shirt and a maga hat saying this. What do you think of Angela Merkel . Shes been praised. I think she is hitlers daughter. Reporter you think shes hitlers daughter . Yes. Reporter rosemary, lang merkel is not hitlers daughter. She was born long after Adolph Hitler died. One thing weve seen build up is that at events like the one we saw this weekend, people who follow conspiracy theories, in the past you would see people like that having russian flags on them but its increasingly the case that theres american flags out there as well and people who pledge loyalty to President Trump, rosemary. Concern, isnt it . Its so antiscience and antilogic. Frederick pleitgen, many thanks for joining us. Appreciate it. Just ahead, good news for air travelers. Some top u. S. Air lines are now changing a policy that will help customers save money. Well explain. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Im a talking dog. The other issue. Oh. Im scratching like crazy. Youve got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. Apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether its a new or chronic problem. And apoquels treated over 8 million dogs. Nice. And. The talking dog thing . Is it bothering you . No. Itching like a dog is bothering me. Until dogs can speak for themselves, you have to. When allergic itch is a problem, ask for apoquel. 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Be fast, be secure. Bounce forward. With comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Call or go online today. Welcome back, everyone. Delta, united, American Airlines are hoping to tempt travelers back to flying by letting them change their flight plans without any fees. The three biggest u. S. Carriers have lost billions amid the coronavirus pandemic and are waiving change fees in an effort to attract more customers. Its a big move for the industry. It made close to 3 billion a lone on these fees. John defterios joins us now. Good to see you. Dumping these changes will mean big losses for these major airlines. Theyve obviously done the math. Will it pay off in the end . Reporter i was going to say, you put the number out there. Nearly 3 billion in 2019 and with lower traffic numbers they were expecting a hit across the board anyway. Its an expensive move, desperate move during desperate times. Because everybody is asking for flexibility of the employees, the airlines had to take something drastic in terms of an action to show they could be flexible at the same time. How did this unfold . They came out with the announcement and it was followed by delta and American Airlines. The thing that stood out for me, united said were not waiving these fees for now, were doing it forever. Its like a politician saying no new taxes forever. It is a substantial change. Its giving the power to the consumer because the demand is so low. The effort is to entice not only the consumer to go back out and fly again but the business traveller. If you do the math here and the overall general flows, theyve cut expenses 25 to 30 . Furloughed their workers but the traffic numbers are much worse than that, rosemary. This is an effort to recharge the industry, particularly in the United States. Then you have to big the question if youre not going to make the change fees ever come back again, what happens with very expensive luggage fees in the United States . When i was on assignment last year i was alarmed everything checked in has a charge these days. That may be the next to go. Were going to pay in some whi way, right . John, thank you for joining us. Appreciate it. Still to come, china appears to have brought its coronavirus outbreak under control. With that, schools are now reopening with new safety precautions. We are live from beijing next. W, leading armies to battle . Was that your greataunt, keeping armies alive . Drafting the plans. Taking the pictures. Was it your family members . Who flew. Who fixed. Who fought. Who rose to the occasion. When the world needed them most. Find and honor your ancestors who servered in world war ii. Their stories live on at ancestry. Its kind of my quiet, alone time. Audible is a routine for me. 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Shelby hedgecock first tested positive back in april and continues to battle a variety of health issues. She and her doctor spoke to Cnns Chris Cuomo about her situation. Im going on month five and im still dealing with neurological issues, cognitive issues. I was back in the hospital about three weeks ago and i had to wear a heart monitor for two weeks because my pulse skyrocketed to about 150 beats per minute, it stayed that way and ive been having weird shortness of breath since then, chest pain. Doctor, when i spoke to you and i was telling you the symptoms i was hearing about you said, yes. Part of the reason that the Scientific Community is surprised, as you have deduced to this point, is that it was seen as just a lung virus but now you see it as Something Else that is starting to make more sense to you in terms of what youre hearing from people like shelby. Explain. Well, when the pandemic hit and we started to take notice of the lung aspects of the coronavirus, everybody was focused just on the breathing, but one of the things we started to notice that was really keir yous is the covid tow. The brain syndrome, the strokes, the heart attack like syndromes that turned out not to be a heart attack. One of the things that now needs to be discussed because were seeing it far beyond the acute covid syndrome is the longterm syndromes that are surfacing everywhere. This is the conversation that needs to be had in the medical and Research Community and not just in the sufferers dealing with it. One of the things we did in my group is we started to take a deep dive to figure out what was happening that could connect all of these apparently unconnected symptoms and syndromes and it turns out it may be blood vessels that the coronavirus is infecting which of course connect to everywhere in the body. Very sobering. Another reason to wear that mask. Children headed back to school today in several cities across china, including wuhan where the pandemic is suppothouo have originated. Authorities say they have the virus under control but are taking precautions nonetheless. How is china reopening the schools across parts of the country . What Safety Measures are they putting in place . Hi there, rosemary. Good to see you there as well. This is not your typical back to school. What many School Systems are trying to figure out is how exactly they can get students and staff into a classroom, into a physical space thats shared and yet keep everyone safe . Here theyre still continuing the social distancing, still continuing the requirements of masks. The exception, rosemary, interestingly enough, is wuhan. The place where this virus was initially detected. Where the outbreak is deemed to be the epicenter essentially. Yet that place is perhaps inarguably the most lax of all regulations when it comes to going back to school. They are not requiring that students wear masks on campus. They do ask and encourage students to bring them with them, but the requirements stop there. Now wuhans also a place that has University Students, a lot of them. This is a big college town. Were talking 1. 2 Million University students that will likewise be going back to campuses starting today. This is not the first time that the Elementary School students, middle School Students and University Students are being putback into classrooms. We should say this has been phased over the past several months. This is the official start where you have droves of students, collective of pretty much every major city in china bringing the students back into the classroom. Of course, it is concerning for some parents. Weve seen on chinese parents saying one, just one elementary student might have the virus. It was a rumor. They tested negative several times. That shows you how on edge they still are in some of these communities that that could come back. That was one concerning possible case that turned out not to be a case and that puts it in perspective with how the rest of the world is obviously dealing with far greater numbers but here in china, at least according to the government, its seemingly under control, rosemary. They feel like theyre going back into a safe space. Still makes you wonder why they would drop the masks and not just be a little more cautious going forward. That was curious. Well watch very carefully. David culver, pleasure to chat with you. Many thanks. American actor chadwick bosmans untimely death sent shock waves around the world. Now fans are coming together calling for a memorial in his honor. Thousands of people have signed several online petitions for a Confederate Monument to be replaced with his statue. It stands in anderson, south carolina, the actors hometown. They say bosman not only broke barriers but gave back to his community and is deserve of the statue. Thank you so much for your company. Im rosemary church. Early start is up next. You are watching cnn. Have yourselves a wonderful day. Y proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory. Focus. Accuracy. Learning and concentration. Try it today with our moneyback guarantee they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the services of the post office plus ups only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. A 4week trial probinwithout the commission a digfees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. 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