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Possible ties to russia. First, lets go to Christina Alexi on the Federal Reserve, what do you have . As expected the Federal Reserve did raise Interest Rates a quarter of one percentage point pretty much in line with what all analysts have been expecting an theres good reason for this, brooke. If you look at Economic Data across the board what the fed is looking at, its looking at relatively unemployment. Good job Growth Numbers and Rising Consumer prices so you take that all together the fed is raising rates because it doesnt want to see the economy overheat. What does that mean for the average person . Theyre going to earn more in their savings, account, pay more in mortgage rates, credit cards and home loans and a lot are wondering what kind of impact will this have on the stock market, on their 401 ks and the reality is lets put this into context. This is the third rate hike in ten years, brooke, so the fed is going slow and steady over the long term it probably wont have a Material Impact on the stock market. What will have a impact on the stock market is whether or not donald trump is going to be able to execute on his very progrowth policies. Hes talking about Corporate Tax cuts, talking about infrastructure spending, and those things are priced into the market right now. If that doesnt happen then we could see a cooling down in the stock market or a reversal of those gains that weve been getting. Christina, thank you so much. Reporter of course. We start with president s wild accusation that his predecessor then president barack obama had trump tower wiretapped. And now you have trying to defend the president. Talking about devin nunes, to say there is just no evidence of the president s claims. Evidence still remains the same that we dont have any evidence that that took place and in fact i dont believe just in the last week of time the people weve talked to i dont think there was an actual tap of trump tower. To date i see no evidence that supports the claim that President Trump made that his predecessor had wiretapped he and his associates at trump tower, thus far we have seen no basis for that whatsoever. President obama wouldnt physically go over and wiretap trump tower, so i asked last week are you going to take the tweets literally, then you are, and youre wrong, but if theres a concern that the president has about other people, other surveillance activities looking at him or his associates, either appropriately or inappropriately, we want to find that out. I think its all in the interpretation of what you believe. Jim acosta coming to you first our senior white house correspondent, there was a lot to that News Conference. Reporter there was. Tell me what you heard an also note for the viewer to hear from chairman nunes its significant hes speaking out like this. Reporter absolutely and dont forget devin nunes has essentially given the Trump Administration a deadline. We want to see evidence to back up your claim that president obama somehow wiretapped you over trump tower by march 20th and announced at the News Conference today that james comey will be testifying march 20th and essentially giving the president a deadline basically put up or shutup. Yeah. Reporter so i think that is very interesting and keep in mind the attorney general Jeff Sessions was also asked about this today whether he had given the president information to lead him to conclude he had been wiretapped and he said no, i did not give the president that information. Here is what he shad to say. Did you have a chance to brief the president on the president ial campaigns or give him indication that he was wiretapped by the Obama Administration . Look, let me answer no. Reporter so you can see there on the attorney generals face, this is a difficult question for people to answer inside the administration and you heard this from the White House Press secretary when i asked will you produce something . And sean spicer said yes, theyre going to produce something, what that is we have no idea. Keep in mind that nunes and adam schiff were asked whether or not theyre ruling out whether theres an investigation between ties to the russia and the campaign, schiff denies, but nunes wasnt willing to go that far and he said he was waiting to hear from the fbi director to tell him whether or not there was into the wiretapping and Lindsey Graham saying im not sure we are going to hear back from them. The president is traveling with friendly media, conservative media with him for presumably some interviews so the president may get asked about this before the end of this business day and so we may get an answer from the president on all this because hes been silent on this question since he made this very out veryoutlandish and baseless claim. Well we will see him in detroit. Reporter true, but doubtful he will bring that up in the during. Being optimistic, maybe hell bring it up. Reporter using my spidy sense. To discuss the president s wiretap k claim, lets bring in gloria borger, david chalian, jeffrey toobin, cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor. David chalian, i trust your spidy sense as well. Just on the face of this what a pickle President Trump has put his entire administration in over one tweet early on a saturday morning. They have been scrambling to figure out how to coexist with totally unsubstantiated untrue tweet twisting themselves into pret pretzels and for chairman nunes saying this is a problem of the credibility and thats why we take the tweet so seriously, not figuratively, its not the man making the charge its the office he represents, which oub outrageous if true and clearly his own supporter in devin nunes now clearly saying this is not true and now hes got to work to rehabilitate that credibility. What i was alluding to with jim and gloria, the president is in nashville and will be talking health care, he will be speaking shortly in tennessee and hes been uncharacter risically silent on this i dont know the answer to that because the president is unpredictable. I would probably think that his lawyers have told him to not say anything about it. Yeah. And but you never know if donald trump is going to listen. But what hes done is hes taken the focus off of something that he needs to get passed through congress by doing this. Theyre trying to get Health Care Reform done. Theyre trying to repeal obamacare and they have got a lot of problems on that front that they have to deal with and now you have congressional committees scrambling calling the fbi director up there trying to get answers to these questions so they can then say that the president was not telling the truth. I mean this is awkward is a nice way to put it for somebody like nunes, and republicans who are on intelligence because theyre going to have to come out at some point and say this was wrong. Yes. Yes. And thats a whole other bag of issues if in fact there is no evidence and jeff toobin, to you, to jim acostas point the deadline i see this public hearing with jim comey the fbi chief is monday, this is when the public could finally hear if theres any there there, right . This could be put to an end to use air quotes end monday, am i right . Well, i dont think anything ends as far as evidence is presented. Yeah, i mean, look, there has been no evidence. The idea that jim comey would come along on monday and say oh, by the way its all true just seems so im probable, but sure, it will be his first opportunity to make a Public Statement about this. There were certainly leaks from the fbi as there are always leaks from the fbi that said that comey found trumps tweet, he was incredulous about it. Its also true that come monday director comey may say well i cant comment on pending investigations, so you know the idea that somehow this will be tied up with a bow on monday and we will have an absolutely clear answer i wouldnt get your hopes up for that. So you know i wanted to ask you one question hyper bollicly, say theres no there, what then on monday . Then people have to make up their mind whether donald trump lied about barack obama, he accused him of committing a major crime if he indeed did this, since that tweet theres been absolutely no evidence its true and great evidence its false. That appears to be the status quo of what the facts are and the state of play and i anticipate that will be the state of play for some time. James gagliano. Deep breath. You know fbi, you know how this works and commenting and not commenting, what say you . I can tell you the fbi director is going about his business today. There was discussion mostly out of senator whitehouses office, i can report to you the fbi director is down at to the fbi academy doing his business with the train eesdoees down there, of all hes not going to be testifying solo, hes going to be on a panel i understand with sally yates, the Deputy Attorney general acting attorney general that President Trump fired after the whole travel ban deal, shes going on on that panel as well. Youre going to have democrats that are going to want him to come out and say hey, those impulsive tweets they were wrong and didnt happen. I think hes going to have to thread a very, very fine needle. But will he will straight up asked, director comey is there an investigation and doesnt he have to say yes or no . He does. Does or does not . He does not. The fbi director has the privilege of saying we cant confirm or deny it. Its the worst kept secret, cnn reported theres a counter fbi looking into it. This is an open hearing. I would be shocked if he admits theres one and discusses it in detail. What if they go into executive session . Good point but thats different, but i dont think youre going to see that on cnn in open forum. Im not done with you, but russian spies have been indicted for this massive hacking of yahoo email accounts. Also ahead the Republican Health care bill in serious trouble as republicans are backing off and the white house makes a big admission, also moments from now the president s first public remarks since the cbo report, since the wiretap developments today. Live pictures there in michigan. Well be right back. More breaking news im Brooke Baldwin, two russian spies have been arrested after hacking into yahoo emails. These hackers stole email addresses, names, and pass words but not financial information. I can tell you the accounts hacked included u. S. Government officials, russian government officials and private sector employees. So let me ask, who in particular were these two russian men and how did they pull this off . Reporter these guys were both with the fsb the successor to the kgb, you have this collaboration between these two men who were with the fsb but then with civilian hackers, and this is how russia operates, its the same way they operated on the dnc hack where you had the involvement of some russian official agencies but cooperat cooperating with the dark corner of the web and work for state actors such as russia, private criminal gangs getting credit card information, et cetera, but just the scale of this and the fact it was international certainly targeted u. S. Users but russian officials, russian journalists as well, 500 Million People. More than the population of the entire u. S. , an enormous amount of information. Are the two connected with the dnc hack . They are not in the same plan, but in the part they are a broader strategy to gather as much information on people as possible and as many categories as possible and as you see here, u. S. Officials, journalists, et cetera, they sneak in, get information, know what you and i are saying to each other and information they can either use against you or monitor what youre doing, its pretty remarkable and the scale possible in the age of cyber warfare is remarkable. To look at the numbers and the number of people affected, huge win, thank you jeff sciutto. Jim toobin is back, one of the biggest indictments as far as russia is concerned, how dig is it . Well, its very significant because as you pointed out this is an enormous hack. But the last several years for the department of justice has been all sorts of cyber crime an what makes it so difficult to prosecute and investigate is so much of it take place outside of the United States. Here its russia but we also know about lots of former soviet union, yug yugoslavia. They cover their tracks and my friends in the u. S. Attorneys office are saying they are spending a tremendous amount of time but the cases have been pretty few and far between, this is a big one but you know there are a lot more out there and at least lately many have political significance as well. Huge win, james, former comrade at the fbi, i know this one guy was one of the most wanted in cyber crime in russia. How difficult would this have been for them. Clearly it didnt start with the Trump Administration. Its been going on for years. Yeah. I thought it was interesting act a week ago the fbi director appeared at Boston College at a Cybersecurity Conference and talked about the threats to the u. S. And described the threats to the u. S. Like a layered cake and said the top layer is bad nation state actors obviously renamed russia, iran, china and north korea, and on the heels of that you have this indictment today. He knew what was up. Thank you so much on that. Stick around because the new Republican Health care bill is in peril right now. A lot of republicans right now turning on it. And sources are telling us here at cnn that even the white house is acknowledging this bill in its current state will not be passing the senate. So whats the president s next move . And speaking of we are moments away from hearing from President Trump, the first public remarks since the cbo score and since the new about the allegations of being wiretapped any moment now. As President Trump himself is station noticeably quiet on the plan to replace obamacare more and more members of his party are speaking out against it they are rattled by the report saying 24 Million People will be uninsured. Now acknowledging the bill winding its way through the house will not pass the senate. That is a starkly different message than the one the white house touted just 24 hours ago. The only vehicle that seeks to achieve what people on our side of the aisle have been talking about since 2010. This is it. If we dont get this true, the goal of repealing obamacare and instituting a system that will be patient centered is going to be unbelievably difficult. This is the vehicle to do that this is the vehicle to do that. That was this time yesterday. But i defer all Things Health care to mj lee sitting to my right. Let me begin with you, we heard sean spicer yesterday saying this is the vehicle, but on chil capitol hill theyre telling you what. If it gets through in its currents form there will be no big changes. They met with folks at the white house yesterday and one source tells me that the senators pretty much got an acknowledgment that the white house that changes are going to have to be made and not clear whether this was said explicitly or reading between the lines but in its current form is not going to make it through senate and this is problematic for a couple of reasons, it under cuts that the white house, house and sn senate are on the same page, clearly theyre not. When they hear that this house bill they may have to vote on soon is actually not going to be the version that the senate ends up getting why would they want to take this vote that is potentially compromising. Theres no for a house member to vote for a bill that could be politically unpopular with his constituents because maybe he has an older constituency under this bill, take a tough vote knowing that the senators wont have to take the tough vote. Take one for the team. Change it on the floor and it would come back to the house, so whats the point of that . Wondering how House Speaker ryan would feel about that. We have some sound. This is House Speaker paul ryan saying in terms of the author it came from both the house and the white house. Here he was. We wrote this bill with our friends in the white house and the senate. Which friends in the white house . Which friends . Meaning the trump people. But which ones. Tom price, all those guys, the health care people. The point im saying by the way i talked to reince and bannon on this a number of times, we are all on the same page absolutely, the president is bringing members of the caucus saying we need you to support this, making calls saying this is the right thing to do. Doesnt want it to be called trumpcare wants it to be called ryan care. Called the health care act. He says all on the same page. Come here President Trump i want to put my arm right around you and make sure youre attach today this. To glorias point i would just say the one thing and i think what sean spicers point was, the member of congress could go home and say to their constituents they repealed obamacare, thats the promise they have made time and again, and when you hear sean spicer saying that line about this is the vehicle, this is really the only piece that the white house and leadership seem to have at the moment to really sell which is this is how you deliver on the eightyear promise we have made to voeters that we are goig to repeal obamacare, theres no other way to do that, that is up against of what you showed at the beginning all the perils of what the cbo scored, the 24 million over ten years, the increase in premiums, 25 cut in funding in medicaid overall then the particulars are not nearly as good to go out and sell as the Overall Concept to repeal obamacare. Might though be david chalian, pure fantasy, here is Lindsey Graham. This thing will collapse under obamacare, were trying to do too much too quick, much like president obama did. Slow down, get it right, youre not going to get 60 votes to buy insurance or cross state lines thats a fantasy in the senate. If you think thats important to Health Care Reform, its never going to happen in the senate. David, and then to you ladies, just the notion that senators would say no way jose. This is one of the biggest problems that paul ryan and donald trump have at the moment which is you are promising on some future not yet existing legislation to the members that they are going to get to be able to sell this complete package of what replacement looks like. Cbo cant score what those nonexistent bills look like yet and Lindsey Graham saying the political reality is where are you getting 60 votes in the senate at all in trying to replace this, so its a big warning sign that beyond this bill right now is just as he said fantasy at the moment. Theres nothing on paper. So ladies, why has President Trump, since this has been the promise from republicans now hes championing it as the president repeal and replace, hes been so quiet. Forgive me, we have senator graham. March 8th, 2017, that they would be responding with a classified briefing i think to the chair and ranking member. Well give you more details as they become available to us, but this letter was a Pretty Simple question. Was there a warrant issued by any courtn anywhere allowing an surveillance of the Trump Campaign, operative, and please provide the information used to obtain a warrant if a warrant was requested and denied would also like to know that, so apparently the fbi is contacted my staff that they will be at some date in the future providing us an answer to this and a classified manner, and with that ill turn it over to senator whitehouse before moving forward. I think one of the things that we have tried to do here is to proceed outside of a classified setting. The Intelligence Committees are working in a classified setting. The added value i think that this subcommittees work provides is to be able to have a public discussion. If a small town wakes up one morning to find that all the shop windows on maine street has been smashed, it is appropriate and indeed it is incumbent on the police chief to reassure the town that Law Enforcement will be looking into that incident. Its even legitimate to say here are the people i have assigned to it and certainly legitimate to say and we intend to get to the bottom of this. In my mind, the unclassified Intelligence Committee Intelligence Community report is smashed smashed windows all up and down maine street and is now not only appropriate but incumbent upon Law Enforcement to say we are looking at this, we intend to get to the bottom of this and we have these resources dedicated to accomplishing that purpose. That is an entirely appropriate act for Law Enforcement in those circumstances. It has added significance when you are dealing within our constitutional separation of powers. It is not in my view, appropriate for the executive branch of government to either tell or suggest to a legislative investigative subcommittee that they should hold back or not proceed or otherwise restrain themselves in our legitimate investigative function one which president wilson years ago said was indeed to be even prefer today our legislative function in order to not compromise on going Law Enforcement investigations and at the same time not confirm that Law Enforcement investigations ongoing. That is a recipe for having the ball plop between the second baseman and the shortstop. We are entitled to investigate under the constitution. They have executive responsibilities, and if we are only connecting with one another in a classified fashion, i dont think that serves the public interest, so we will pursue this further but thats my initial reaction to this news. And to build on that, senator grassley an feinstein and chairman to have Ranking Committee have been very supportive of this committee an i think theres an attitude of the committee that we need to get answers to the American People in the appropriate fashion. The current president says that he believes that the former president maybe not personally but the former president through the government surveilled his campaign, in fact he says hes extremely confident there was surveillance of the campaign. I have no evidence of this but i can tell you it needs to be answered because its never been raised before and so what im try d trying to do is get answers raised by President Trump and its very reasonable to ask the fbi and department of justice did you ever seek a warrant, was a warrant every obtained about the Trump Campaign, if the answer is no, we will know that didnt happen, if the answer is yes, they would be pretty stunning to me because they would have to have probable cause. I dont know what the answer is, but its the right question to ask, we met be the director march 8th and senator whitehouse and i said we want to know if theres a criminal investigation with the Trump Campaign and ties to russia because were about to launch an investigation of all things pre2016 campaign, but congress is proceeding fairly blindly, i think we all all be better off if we knew if there was an investigation or not. If theres not one well take into consideration how he might do things differently, if there is we dont want to run afoul with it. All i can say is i still dont have the answers to those questions. I like the director of the fbi, comey, i think hes a fine man. The department of justice has a responsibility here too, so i just want to let the American People know that this subcommittee with support to have chairman and Ranking Committee that were going to get an answer to whether or not the Trump Campaign surveilled was a warrant every requested, one ever issued and hope to be able to ask the question is there an active investigation on the criminal side to have Trump Campaign regarding ties to russia director of National Intelligence clapper said a couple weeks ago that he had no evidence of collaboration between the Trump Campaign and russia, but the best way to find out definitively is to have people charged with that responsibility today to tell us and were going to get there, i dont know how we get there but were going o get there together were going do it as republicans and democrats, we have a chairman and ranking chairman that support us, were going to explain to the American People what russia is up to. Were going to pull away from senator graham and senator whitehouse, really important what theyre talking about, but here is President Trump talking just outside of detroit specifically to auto makers on rolling back obama era fuel rules. Nafta, a total disaster. There were 280,000 workers, today the number is 165,000 and would have been heading downward big league if i had not been elected. I can tell you plenty of things were stopped in their tracks, a lot of bad things were going to happen. A lot of places werent going to get built that are getting built right now. Motor city once set the standard of living for the nation, now it has suffered yunder the decades of failed economic decisions that have stripped our country of its jobs and wealth. The Transpacific Partnership another disaster threatens states like michigan, wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania and so many others with the loss of countless more jobs. That is why im proud to say i followed through on my promise and by the way, many other promises you have seen whats happened. Many. And immediately with drew the United States from the tpp. I kept my word. The assault on the American Auto industry, believe me, is over. Its over. Not going to have it anymore. Were setting up a task force in every federal agency to remove any that undermines auto production or any other production including the production of highend, low end, big, small, every form of automobile and truck, during my first week in office i brought American Auto companies to the white house. Marry bara is here, mark field is here, sergio is here and others. And none of them ever got to see the oval office before because nobody took them into the oval office, our president s, they employ tens of thousands of people, but i brought them into the oval office because theyre going to be expanding their companies. [ applause ] but they all told me the same thing. They explained that the Previous Administration promised a socalled Midterm Review of the federal fuel efficiency standards. It was necessary because the standards were set far into the future, way, way, into the future. If the standards threatened auto jobs then common sense changes could have been and should have been made just days before my inauguration the Previous Administration cut sort the promised Midterm Review in an 11th hour executive action today, i am announcing that we are going to cancel that executive action [ applause ] we are going to restore the originally scheduled Midterm Review. And we are going to ensure that any regulations we have protect and defend your jobs, your factories, were going to be fair. Were going to be fair. This is a issue of deep importance to me. For decades ive raised the alarm over unfair Foreign Trade practices that robbed communities of their wealth and ability to provide for their families. They have stolen our jobs, stolen our companies and our politicians sat back and watched. Hopeless. Not anymore. As a private citizen i looked really with sadness as massive shipments of foreign cars have been dumped on to our shores while the same countries have shut their borders so our cars. We take them, come on in, folks, no tax, dont worry about it. We make cars, they dont take us. Not anymore. [ applause ] since nafta was approved. Weve lost nearly one third of our manufacturing jobs in the United States. Since china entered the World Trade Organization we have lost 60,000 factories. Hard to believe. Our trade deficit last year reached nearly 800 billion. Who is making these deals . I can take anybody in the audience, you will do better, believe me. These statistics really should have shaken up washington to do action but nothing happened, but something did happen. Happened on november 8th, believe me, it happened. Happened for you. But the politicians made excuses. They have said these chronic trade deficits have helped us to win friends abroad. I dont want friends abroad if thats whats going to take. Do you see that where they say no, its good for us because People Like Us need support. They think were stupid people. Through economic abuse because we have been abused. Our care for its people and protect its borders. [ applause ] america will be respected again and you as workers will be respected again, believe me. You will be respected again. Soon. Now. I think its already happened. Our great president s from washington to jefferson to jackson to lincoln all understood that a great nation must protect its manufacturers must protect itself from the outside today i will be visiting the home of Andrew Jackson on the 250th anniversary of his birth. They say my election was most similar to his. 1828. Thats a long time ago. Usually they go back like to this one or that one, 12 years ago, 16. I mean, 1828. Thats a long way. Thats a long time ago. In supporting tariffs jackson said i look at the tariff with an eye to the proper distribution of labor and to revenue, and with a view to discharge our national debt. We owe 20 trillion, 20 trillion with our policies. America cannot be a wealthy country if special interests gain the system to profit from the exodus of our companies and from the exodus of our jobs. We must embrace a new economic model. Lets call it the american model. [ applause ] under the system we will reduce burdens on our companies and on our businesses but in Exchange Companies must hire and grow in america. They have to hire and grow in our country. That is how we will succeed and grow together. Which means nobody can beat us, nobody can beat us. [ applause ] sglp. Whether we are rich or old, brown, black or white we all bleed the same blood of our patriots. Great americans of all backgrounds built the arsenal of democracy, including the legendary rosie the riveter who worked here at willow run. You know that. 75 years ago during the Second World War thousands of American Workers filled this very building to build the great new airplanes the b 24 liberator. At peak production, listen to this, its not the country that weve been watching over the last 20 years, they were building one b 24 every single hour. [ applause ] we dont hear that. We dont hear that anymore, do we . Well be back. Well be back soon. Most amazing people. And while thats incredible its a tribute really to the team work, determination and patriotism that lives on today in each and every one of you. Great people. Youre great people. Now these hundreds of acres that defended our democracy are going to help build the cars and cities of the future. So i ask you thats fine because youre right. So i ask you today to join me in daring to believe that this facility, this city and this nation will once again shine with industrial might. [ applause ] im asking you to place your faith in the American Worker and these Great American companies. [ applause ] im also asking you to respect and place your faith in companies from foreign lands that come here to build their product. We love them, too. Right . We love them, too. Im asking all of the companies here today to join us in this new industrial revolution. Let us put American Workers, American Families and American Dreams first once again. May god bless the American Worker, my god bless the motor city, and may god bless the United States of america. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [ applause ] President Trump standing there in michigan outside a state he won. He talked to auto workers, bottom aero fuel, but also key is what was not mentioned he is traveling down to nashville tonight. He will talk health care. He will be traveling with friendly conservative press, the question will be what and how he talks about it as hes been so so quiet on that specifically and of course not answering any questions on the wiretap allegations from his tweet two saturdays ago, pretty typical President Trump talking to auto workers. Its just sort of what he didnt say that struck me. Right. It wasnt one of his sort of usual Campaign Style rallies. I think he was a little bit hes reading off a prompter, a little bit more subdued. Its clearly a difference here. And i think thats on purpose. I think theres a lot going on and i think he didnt want to talk about any of it. And he didnt. So he talked about reducing standards and trade and of the litany that you would expect would do very well in michigan. Right. And then moved on. He will be moving on tonight. Thats what i wanted to ask you about. Its a Campaign Rally in nash spr ville talking to voters trying to sell this new republican bill. Right. And there are so many moving pieces right now. We dont know what version of the house bill is actually going to emerge. We dont know what kind of changes senators are going to want to make. We dont know who really has ownership of this bill right now either. Its pretty telling when nobody wants the bill named after them. The white house says toedont c it trumpcare, paul ryan is saying dont call it ryan care, and a few days ago brady is saying dont dare call it brady care, so does President Trump come out and say i own it or are there serious changes that are going to have to be made. I know we have to go to a break do you want to its okay, i think theres division inside the white house on what exactly the president should be doing on this. A lot of people inside that white house who dont like either. Gloria, mj, thanks so much, well be back after a quick break. Top of the hour, youre watching cnn im Brooke Baldwin thank you for being with me, we just heard from President Trump outside of detroit talking to auto workers about jobs and deregulation, what did not hear mention of the allegations of wiretapping at trump tower. Didnt hear that. A top ranking trying to explane and defend the president has just made a surprise turn around devin nunes, house intelligence chairman who this morning appear along side his democratic counterpart to say theres just no evidence of the president s claims. The evidence still remains the same that we dont have any evidence that that took place. And in fact, i dont believe just in the last week of time the people we talk today,

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