Television. He was trying to say that we dont know when this case and what this case is going to mean for his client. He was arguing that it puts his client in danger of losing his fifth amendment rights if he has to testify in this case when theres a criminal case thats pending. Do we know if theres going to be an indictment . No, we do not. As to when that indictment might come down if there is one, he did not know and was again referring to Michael Avenattis comment. However, he did talk a lot about the fact that this is a big deal. The judge said, look, there is no doubt if the fbi comes and raids yosh hour home, your offi your hotel room, this could turn into a major criminal case. That needs to be thought of and it needs to be thought about. Ultimately the judge is going to have to decide whether or not to stay this case for 90 days. Thats what mr. Cohens people have asked for. Mr. Avenatti arguing this case has been out there for a long time saying that, look, mr. Cohen can just plead the fifth if hes asked questions in this case so it doesnt hurt his fifth amendment rights. But there is one thing the judge did say about the case when it comes to mr. Cohen. He said, look, there are big holes in your request for a stay. The biggest hole is that there is no declaration from Michael Cohen himself that he wants to basically put into the record that he does not want to waive his fifth amendment rights. Those issues and that declaration does not exist. So his attorney, brent blakely, says okay, we will put that into the record. He has to do that by wednesday. One more thing the judge said to Michael Avenatti saying, look, you are arguing this is hurting your client, you are arguing that she is being threatened with penalties of up to a Million Dollars so that she doesnt speak but it hasnt affected her. She spoke to 60 minutes, she spoke to the view o, youve bn speaking quite a bit. I asked mr. Avenatti about that. Were very pleased with todays hearing. Its apparent to us that the court recognized to quote the court that there are gaping holes in the application by mr. Cohen and mr. Trump to delay this matter. It has always been our intention to make sure that this case proceeded expeditiously and that as much information as possible would be known and made known to the American People about what happened here. So that was not his answer to my question about whether or not she has basically gone forward in this case anyway. It doesnt really matter if this case gets decided in the next 30 days or the next 90 days. He was talking about the fact that he believes this case should be heard in open court, not in some sort of private arbitration where the public cant understand whats going on. That has been his argument all along. Brooke. Were waiting to see however many days if that is down the pike. Thank you for all that reporting. Joe, im going to come to you on this story. Also breaking this hour, at this point there is no criminal case alleging the president s campaign conspierd with tred wi russians but the dnc has just filed a federal lawsuit accusing this long list of people, groups of racketeering, hacking and conspiracy that harmed the democrats during the 2016 president ial election. They say rather than report these repeated messages that russia intended to interfere with u. S. Election, the trump cam pan and its agents gleefully welcomed russias help. They solicited russias assistance and maintained secret communications with individuals tied to the russian government including one of the intelligence agencies responsible for attacking the dnc. That refers to the hacked emails that wikileaks published. This could be a political stunt. The lawsuit here really takes everything that we know that the fbi has already said has occurred here, takes a look at some of the things that Robert Mueller and the special counsel are investigating and they put it together in this 66page filing alleging this conspiracy concerning the hacking, concerning some of the information that was shared with the russians. All these assertions by the democrats in these papers, theyre basically essentially saying that this chilled donations, disrupted their Political Convention and subjected their staffers to harassment. You know, the lawsuit really outlines nearly every known communication that has been reported on, that has been out there in the Public Domain between trump advisers and the russians and really it just names every person who may have been either involved in the lawsuit, including several top Trump Campaign advisers. Also the people who attended the now infamous june 2016 trump tower meeting. Theyve sued the russian government, julian assange, roger stone. Theyre asking for damages here, the democrats, in the millions of dollars perhaps. As to whether or not this lawsuit will stand up in court, well see. This just sort of puts together everything that is already known and now the democrats are saying we want some compensation for what happened here. Joe, shimon laid it out perfectly. Is there anything more than a stunt . I wouldnt call it a stunt, brooke. Why not . Well, its got hurdles, no doubt. Its extremely difficult to sue a foreign country. Its difficult to assert jurisdiction, its difficult to serve them. Who is going to respond to this complaint on behalf of the russians . Its difficult to calculate damages in a case like this because frankly how is the dnc going to argue they were financially affected by the release of these emails . It may have hurt them in the voting tallies but economically thats difficult. I think the case has some jurisdictional hurdles. However, as a media and political assault weapon, it could have a lot of effect. Rather than having to wait to see what special counsel mueller finds or doesnt find as part of his probe, they can make the exactly same allegations that special counsel is investigating, that there was a connection between the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence Services in finding and releasing these emails. They can make this argument in the court of Public Opinion while its still with the responsible. While the special counsel is investigating, precisely. Hang with me. Shimon, i want to get to you on the comey memos. These extraordinarily detailed interactions that james comey had with the president. That was sent over to congress, which then got leaked. The one thing we hadnt heard about before was the president s serious reservations when it came to his former National Security adviser, Michael Flynn. Comey wrote, quote, the president pointed his fingers at his head and said the guy has serious judgment issues, yet trump is later constantly pushing for leniency for flynn. Shimon, what gives . Yeah. And certainly continues to do. I think its quite clear based on all the reporting we have done here at cnn that the president is unhappy with how Michael Flynn, his former National Security adviser has been treated by the fbi, by the department of justice. And much like a lot of the other people surrounding the campaign who worked on the campaign, Paul Manafort certainly, he has felt, the president , for quite some time as we know based on tweets that this has been a witch hunt and they have targeted anyone who worked on his campaign, his associates and he feels its unfair. Especially in light that Hillary Clinton never got charged. And that comes up in his conversations with comey certainly. The president has responded. Let me read his tweets. The first james comey memos just out and show clearly there was no collusion, no obstruction. He leaked classified information. Wow. Will the witch hunt continue . The other, so general Michael Flynn as life can be totally destroyed while shady james comey can leak and lie, made lots of money from a thirdrate book. Is that really the way life in america is supposed to work . I dont think so. So shimon, just back to you. Do you think the president s embarrassed . Is he putting that out there publicly so that Michael Flynn feels better . Whats your read . Theres always Michael Flynn has been cooperating with the investigation, with the special counsel. But we also know the fbis investigation of Michael Flynn, the special counsel investigation, stretches beyond just what he pleaded guilty to. Thats lying to the fbi. It had to do with some of his work outside of the campaign and some of his work for foreign countries, that that was part of what the fbi was looking at as well. That has not he has not been charged with anything in connection with that. While the president may think that there may have been a witch hunt here on the part of the fbi or others on the special counsel, there are just a lot of things that we dont know concerning Michael Flynn that have not been out there. We know that sally yates, the former Deputy Attorney general, the form are acting attorney general went to the white house, raised concerns with the white house about Michael Flynn and these conversations that he was having with the former russian ambassador. Still even though they had these concerns and the white house is aware of these concerns, they kept them on as the National Security adviser. In that same time, joe moreno, you have the president chief of staff reince priebus, all according to comey, asked comey if the fbi had this secret court surveillance, this fisa surveillance on flynn. What do you have make of how priebus was inserting himself in this whole thing . It comes up to a line, really close. It sounds like james comey did the right thing by punting on his answer. James comey has been criticized in certain sides for certain things he did and the ways he conducted himself. In this case it sounded like he did the right thing, though, which is basically dont mix a Law Enforcement investigation and intelligence investigation with political questions from the white house. You really want to keep those separate. Thank you very much. Joe moreno, shimon, thank you very much. President trump adding Rudy Giuliani to his legal team. We will discuss the strategy. Plus, quote unquote, john baron returns, a reporter revealing tapes of what he says is citizen trump lying to him about his wealth in order to get on the forbes list. We have the audio recordings for you. First i want to take a moment to point out a touching scene right now in texas. You have former president george h. W. Bush on the right side of your screen. There he is seated. He is greeting folks who are paying respects to his wife and former first lady, barbara bush. Her public viewing, as you can see there, under way in houston. Her funeral is set to take place tomorrow. We know that President Trump will not attend but that First Lady Melania Trump will be there along with the clintons and the obamas. Barbara bush passing away this week at 92 years of age. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Jackpot. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. So get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem. Like me. Mayhem is everywhere. Are you in good hands . Afternoon. President trump has added former new york mayor and u. S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani to his legal team. He says his role will, quote unquote, be limited but says hell, pushing to end the mueller probe. The president is also bringing in a husbandandwife duo. Jessica schneider has new intel on all of the above. Its the husband and wife joining the president s team, they are the big names in legal circles. They are marty and jane raskin. Both have a long resume with experience as federal prosecutors. Marty raskin worked out of the u. S. Attorneys office in miami. He was the chief of the Criminal Division and was a special attorney with organized crime and rabbcketeering section for e miami strike force. His wife, jane raskin, worked as the Justice Department as the counsel to the assistant attorney general of the Criminal Division and she worked with the d. O. J. Up in boston as part of their organized crime and racketeering section. I talked to several attorneys who know this couple quite well. One of those attorneys said when it comes to marty raskin, raskin is a skilled lawyer, he knows the system and the ins and outs and he said he will represent the president well if the president listens to him. Of course, that is key. Will the president listen . The white house hasnt disclosed how giuliani or the raskins will be serving him. They say they might be best served if they focus on the investigation coming out of the Southern District of new york. They have extensive experience defending against financial crimes. Interestingly, their law firm biotouts the fact that they litigated the case that resulted in the return of thousands of pages of documents protected by Attorney Client privilege. Thats something that Michael Cohen and Donald Trumps lawyers are fighting for in federal court. This couple, they have a wealth of experience now working for the president. Brooke . So you have this couple, jessica, thank you so much, then you have the former mayor of new york. Lets talk to andrew kurtzman, the author of Rudy Giuliani, emperor of the city. First, its an interesting giuliani points out he goes way back with mueller when he was the mayor of new york, mueller was the head of the fbi. He rolls in, takes this lawyer job. Why do you think he said yes . Because a lot of people have been saying no. I think that Rudy Giuliani probably relishes this moment. He gets to swoop in in this operatic moment. Its a classic Rudy Giuliani moment. Spotlight flashes on him and hes the star of the show. If hes the white knight rolling along, how does it end . So its like he says because of his relationship hell be able to negotiate, the phrase i had read negotiate the end of the russia investigation, inferring he can help push it along, which he thinks should take just a couple of weeks, which is mighty quick. Its not going to take just a couple of weeks, right. Why is he saying he thinks it will . I think there was a lot of bravado there. I think perhaps what he might be able to do at best is negotiate trump sitting down and testifying. With mueller. And that is a negotiation, right . Just kind of walking in and saying were old friends, lets get this done, its unrealistic. I think the more interesting question is now that hes kind of in the picture, what role is he going to play with donald trump . He says a limited role, andrew. Are you buying that . No. I think that hes going to kind of move himself into the white house and hes kind of like the flavor of the moment for trump and trumps going to listen to him. The question is is giuliani going to play this cool fixer or is he going to play to more of what his type is, which is as an attack dog. He was once called a human hand grenade by the new york times. Thats his natural posture. Is he going to pour gas on the fire . What do you think he does with trump . The former or the latter . I dont think that giuliani is going to play the mollifying force. I think that giuliani is going to talk about firing rosenstein. I cant say hes going to recommend it but it will come up and im not sure that giuliani is kind of going to be, you know, just let the process play out. Hes not that kind of personality. Andrew kirtzman, thank you so much for coming by. The infamous john baron is back. What he says about then citizen trump using his alter ego to get on a list of americas wealth people. Ted cruz called the president utterly amoral, and yet he just wrote a gushing statement about the president and he is getting mocked for it. Why did he do it . Thats coming up. I accept i dont i even accept i i used thave a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But no matter where i ride, i go for my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, ill go for that too. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. 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A former Forbes Magazine writer claims then private citizen donald trump fed him lies to get on the analyst of richest americans. That reporter not only has the stories and reports, he actually has the tapes of those conversations. This reporter is john than greenberg. He is sharing audio of trump apparently posing as his alter ego, a man by the name of john baron. Listen. Whats your first name . John. John baron. Let me tell you what the deal is just so you understand. Most of the assets have been consolidated to mr. Trump. Id like to talk to you off the record if i can just to make your thing easier. Is that all right . Thats fine. I think you can really use donald trump now and i think last year somebody showed me the article and you had 200 and 200 and its been pretty well consolidated now for the most part. So heres the thing. This season the first time trump has been accused of speaking to the media while using an alias. During the campaign we heard 90s era tapes of a man calling himself john miller speaking on behalf of trump. Here is what the then candidate said to jimmy kimmel about it at the time. To me that didnt sound like my voice. Nobody sounds like themselves when they hear themselves. But to me it sounded just like you. Is that right . And if it was you, i think it was a very funny thing to do to call a guy and take him through the ringer. Over the years i used aliases. I used the name baron, the name of my son. Ama i made a very good deal using that name. Gentlemen, good to have both of you on. Jason, youre up first. Youve heard this audio. Lets all agree this is trump, right . Brooke, i dont know. The person on the audio said that they wanted to go off the record. I dont think ive ever heard the president say he wanted to go off the record with anything. I dont know. Its a 35yearold tape. I think the whole thing is a little bit kind of funny to begin with. Im not sure why this reporter didnt have this back during the election. It seems kind of low energy to not have this story back in 2016. But, look, everybody games the forbes list. I did some work for someone ten years ago who was upset that they were only rated as being worth 900 million and not a full billion. Theres a little bit of posturing that goes into all of these lists. Okay. Rick, jason says hes not so sure it was trump. What do you say . This is the question of the day. This is donald trump doing his sort of magical realism, selfagrandizing act of im worth whatever i say im worth, im worth this hypothetical number of my brands value in my head every day as opposed to ever releasing his taxes or an actual Financial Statement or anything that would give anybody an actual read on where he is. It speaks to a bigger thing about donald trump and american politics. People voted for their reality tv character that they saw on the apprentice, voted for the guy who pretends to be a multibillionaire super effective ceo and manager as opposed to a guy who has gone bankrupt repeatedly, who has a kiss of death on a million different beneficials, universities, vitamins, water, everything else. Its a combination of the character he played of day and for 13 years on the apprentice that they bought into. You can call it a character and say its kind of funny but it also demonstrates a disturbing pattern, lying, deception, working in a World Without rules. Jason, why should this ever be tolerated . Brooke, this was 35 years ago. This is not something from last week that magically popped up and it is something literally from decades ago. Does ones character change . Hold on. When youre talking about posturing and talking about a business rating in some magazine, the only debate here is President Trump really rich or really really rich . Thats really the only thing that jason, you understand hang on. You understand if hes willing to lie about properties and what his dad gave him to get on the forbes richest list, why should we believe that hes not why should people believe hes not lying about other things . Let me make a more serious point here, brooke. Were taking this reporter as if they have the facts exactly dead to rights here. They have a tape, jason. But thats an interview youre talking about possibly the president , possibly someone else, talking about a little bit of the posturing. But the article where this is written up, i dont think we can take this reporter and say this is absolutely 100 the gospel for something that was 35 years ago. Clearly the president has been successful over and over with his developments and all Different Things hes built around the world. This seems like a really, really silly thing for us to even be talking about. Rick . This is a president who is a known serial congenital liar and f fa fabulist. Hes been rated as telling over 2,000 lies in his first year in office. Theres nothing you can take as a ground truth. Everything is filtered through this bullshit prism of his where he believes everything he says about himself is an actual fact and it just not the fact. Donald trump has a long, 35year pattern as a tendency to do this. Its one of the reasons that donald trump cant get a bank loan in his life. Hes had to go to lenders of last resort because hes lied so many times about his businesses and theyve gone belly up. This is a pattern of folks speaking on behalf of trump, these conferriversations of wha had or didnt have, youre dismissing it because oh, that was 35 years ago, ten years ago. There a come of completely Different Things. Stormy daniels where the president has been very consistent, his answer has always been the same thing, that there was never any aware there, that there was never anything going on. When did he ever say that . When did he ever say that himself publicly . He said over and over. When . When has he said this over and over . The white house has said it. On the campaign it was denied. No. Jason, jason, not on Stormy Daniels. Not stormy. No, he hasnt. The president is the only one who has had a consistent story. I dont know that these tapes have anything to do with Stormy Daniels and the madeup sketch that look like tom brady or william da foe. Were functioning in a world of the truth. Youre not telling the truth. The president has never publicly said i didnt do this. The on thily thing weve seen om when he was asked about the money he said go ask Stormy Daniels and he retweeted about something he would never know an answer to about being threatened seven years ago and he basically calling her story a lie. Never once did he say i didnt do it. The white house made clear that the white house did. He didnt. I just want to be truthful. He did not. The white house did. But the white house speaks for the president. But you said it was the president and i just all want to be on the same page. The president has issued blanket white across that these allegations are complete junk and made up crooacross the boar. Specific to Stormy Daniels, the white house has said it. The president has said across the board all of these allegations were ridiculous. Thats exactly where i think they are. Go ahead, rick. Which is why Michael Cohen randomly wrote her a 130,000 check, right . I have no idea why Michael Cohen did that. Like anybody who comes over the transom to Michael Cohens office, as you know, dont dig yourself in the hole any deeper, brother, as you know Michael Cohens role in trump world is to handle the bimbo eruptions and the nda as and the porn stars. You know thats cohens role. Dont embarrass yourself by defending the indefensible. Its going to all come out and youre going to be holding the sticky e e e ey stinky end o stick, brother. I do want to get to this ted cruz news today. Coming up next, some of the most heated moments of the 2016 race. Why ted cruz is now pulling a total 180 and swooning over his former foe. How do you win at business . Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com i want some more of it. Start winning today. I try so hard, i cant rise above it dont know what it is bout that little gals lovin. But i like it, i love it, i want some more of it we know you love it, so get more of it, with applebees new bigger bolder grill combos. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. This ijust listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. We needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. avo subaru outback. Ninety eight percent are still on the road after 10 years. Come on mom, lets go a heart transplant. Thats a whole different ballgame. I was in shock. I am very proud of the development of drugs that can prevent the rejection and prevent the recurrence of the original disease. I never felt i was going to die. We know so much about transplantation. And were living longer. You cannot help but be inspired by the opportunities that a transplant would offer. My donors mom says you were meant to carry his story. A tribute to President Trump in Time Magazines 100 most influential people of 2018 is raising some eyebrows because of the man who wrote it, ted cruz. Ted cruz penned a glowing review of the president , despite the jabs the two exchanged in the 2016 campaign. It was trump who called cruz a liar, not so subtly suggested cruzs wife was much less attractive than the president s and floated the possibility that cruzs father might have had a role in the assassination of j. F. K. Still cruz praises trump in Time Magazine writing while pundits obsessed over tweets, he worked with congress to cut taxes for struggling families while wealthy celebrities announced they would flee the country, he fought to bring back jobs and industries to our shores. President trumps strong stand against north korea put kim jong un back on his heels. A much different tone than this. Donald is a bully. This man is a pathological liar. The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist. A narcissist at a level i dont think this countrys ever seen. The man is utterly amoral. And donald trump is a serial philanderer. Donald had no substantial behind him. Real men dont try to bully women. Its an action of a small and petty man. I dont make a habit out of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family. It is not acceptable for a big, loud new york bully to attack my wife. Donald, youre a sniveling coward and leave heidi the hell alone. Whoo jason, let me come to you first. Because, i mean, we point out politicians, hypocrites. How is this not a hypocrite with a capital h . You have the two versions of at the time cruz that im going to call you out and now youve got the would you like a latte and foot massage, mr. Trump . How do you wake up every day and say to your wife its cool by the way that im now kissing the ass of this guy who called you hideous and how do you say to your dad i know he said you killed j. F. K. But were cool, right . Somebody once called ted cruz a dumbest smart guy in the world. Does he think hes going to get something out of donald trump or out of Donald Trumps supporters by playing this game . Its baffling to me. But then again, ted cruz is kind of a baffling dude. Jason, you we should point out you served as an adviser to the Cruz Campaign as well as the trump president ial campaign. Can you defend ted cruz at all . Absolutely. I think it shows ted is playing this pretty smart. The Republican Party very much is the party of donald trump now. Ted cruz is up for reelection, i think he has a very Bright Future in politics ahead of him so this is totally political . No, but its also President Trump has been very good to ted cruz ever since hes gotten in the office. Ted has had a front row seat when it comes to working on Hurricane Harvey release, nasa reauthorization, tax cuts. Stylistically theyre completely different but i think they have a lot of the same vision of what they want to go and do here. I think also, too, for ted for t to step up and do this, it shows its a twoway street and we can Work Together on this. Help people, jason, who are watching who is never been in politics and lets rip the bandaid off and say ted cruz wants to be president whether its 20, 24, he needs trumps voters and base. House of representativ how do you get past the fact that trump criticized his wife, accused of father of being part of the j. F. K. Nation. How does this poof go away . Well, hes a pretty big man. I think he can look past he was pretty irked during the campaign. He was irked. If we were talking about Hillary Clinton and barack obama, if they this a knockdown, dragout fight and one came out and supported the other one wed be having the same conversation. No. Wed be saying these people are so genius. Donald trump kicked our ass, i was working for ted cruz and the party rallied and we beat secretary of state. Thats the way its supposed to work. You come together in the general election. The prime rip ary was completel different from anything weve seen in American History before. Im proud of ted for going and doing this. I have to give the president a little credit. You look around his cabinet and the people he has, mike pompeo or nikki haley or other people, the president has brought in a lot of people who maybe even worked for other people in the primary. I think that sos the president hes hes ggot i dont knote people along the way. That shows maturity on President Trumps end as well. Rick, this is your party, too. The question that voters we see this in focus groups over and over and over again, they hate inauthentic people. They hate people that say one thing and do another, hate people whose views are locked in stone on one thing and turn around and do the opposite. With cruz, it hurts him in the long run. It relates to how he treats his wife and family and for political purposes hes willing to go, it was nothing, no big deal. Can i shine those other shoes for you, President Trump . Welcome to politics. Who needs a back bone when you just need to win. It tends to be. Im just saying. Just ahead here, a small florida Sheriffs Office reeling today after it would have their own were killed at a local restaurant. What investigators are revealing about the deadly ambush. We are live in florida next. Thy can stay connected with new iphones. Which is great. Unless your parents thought you were studying. Arent exams this week . Somebodys busted. So join tmobile, buy an iphone 8, get an iphone 8 on us. All on americas best unlimited network. Only at tmobile. Ancestrydna has 5x more detail. And its now on sale for just 59. It can lead you on an unexpec ted journey. To discover your heritage. Get ancestrydna for just 59. The lowest price of the year. 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Dad took care of us. sustained horn honk advisor on phone jane, this is jim from onstar, ive contacted help and theyre on their way. Woman okay. Advisor dont worry im going to stay with you until help arrives. Woman thank you. That deer, it just. Just came out of nowhere. A North Central Florida Community is devastated today after a gunman ambushed two sheriffs deputies. Taylor lindsey and Sergeant Noel ramirez were eating at a restaurant when a gunman walked inside and shot and killed the two of them. They didnt even have time to pull their guns or return fire. A makeshift memorial is being made outside of where they were murdered. They were the best of the be best. They were men of integrity, they were men of loyalty, they were god fearing and they loved what they did. And were very proud of them. Nick valencia is live there for us in presenton. I know this is a tight knit Sheriffs Office, 11 fulltime deputies and three sergeants. It has to be absolutely devastating. Not just devastating for the gilcrest department. It was a lieutenant that gave an impromptu press conference a short time ago. He said he was noels supervisor. Please bear with me. I have a lot of history with sergeant ramirez. It can get a little emotional. Right now this community has a lot of healing to do. Sheriff schultz, his main focus is on the members of his agencies, their families and the families of our fallen heroes. I expect sheriff schultz is probably going to spend the remainder of today with his family. The officers were in uniform and armed at the time of the shooting, but didnt have a chance to return fire. In fact, i spoke to an eyewitness who says the gunman wasnt in any hurry. She saw the gunman after she saw the shots casually walked out of the restaurant with having enough time to peer inside the sheriff deputys car before making his way behind the building here and taking his own life. The scene inside is still very fresh, brooke. The styrofoam cups that the deputies were using are still resting on the table wb they were when they were shot and killed. No word yet on their viewing or when their funerals will be. Nick valencia, thank you. We want to take you back to our breaking news, the dnc now suing russia and the Trump Campaign. A judge deciding whether to delay the Stormy Daniels civil case involving the president and his lawyer. Hear what happened in court just moments ago. Its time to get your glow on aveeno® positively radiant body lotion. With the moisturerich power of soy. It transforms dull, dry skin to leave you glowing. Positively radiant® body collection from aveeno®. I just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. You could start your search at the allnew carfax. Com that might help. Show me the carfax. Now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. Show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. Show me the carfax. 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He, as you well know, is the personal attorney of the president and now his own legal team is telling a judge that there is, quote unquote, a possibility of prosecution involving their client. Lets go to miguel marquez. He is outside the federal courthouse there in l. A. Tell me more, miguel

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