Also wired money to some of these vendors that we heard about last week, including the clothing people that ostrich jacket. He explained how those money flows went there. So hes connecting the dots for prosecutors. He also explained how he helped falsify documents at manaforts request at the banks so manafort could get mortgages and he also explained how they falsified his tax returns, explaining how they moved things that should have been income to loans and back to back dated documents. At One Point Manafort was under financial duress. Prosecutors showed an email of manafort sending to gates which manafort says w. T. F. , we need to discuss options. This is a disaster. Hes Instructing Gates to help him come up with some solution with the accountants about how to fix his tax returns so he doesnt get hit with quite a large of bill as he was expecting. So gates testimony is continuing and we expected the crossexamination to begin in a The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin. Try to argue why would gates be lying about all this when most of the time when he wasnt stealing manaforts money, manafort was the one benefitting from it. I think it could have been a risky move to put him on given the case went in so well. If youre a juror sitting in this courtroom, there arent any cameras, we go by bits and pieces we get, we know down to the color in the courtroom. I was reading yesterday describing the death Stair Manafort was giving gates up on the stand. Today now theyre starting to look somewhat in the same direction at one another. How much of that matters to jurors . It matters a lot because jurors are watching every single thing thats going on, every nuance, every glance. Theyre impacted by this. You know what i found interesting, when he was able to when manafort says outloud to his lawyer, no, you got the wrong exhibit number, essentially, its 257 i think what it was. What is the jury going to take away from that, i guarantee theres one juror that says he doesnt know about his finances, hes not a detail guy yet he knew enough about this case based on thousands of pages of documents that his lawyer was using the wrong number . Its Little Things that show hes smart, sophisticated hes in charge. We know car dpoline he met w gates 20 times ahead of testifying. Its a lot of times, but its not unheard of. Its the governments job to get gates ready for this testimony. Now, you can bet, brooke, that the defense is going to harp on the number of times that gates met with the prosecutor saying they essentially coached you along and you said what they wanted you to say and things of that nature, but the ultimate trump card, if you will, on the prosecutors side is that this Cooperation Agreement that gates signed, its not over yet, right . Its a letter that the prosecutors are going to send to the Sentencing Judge when he gets sentenced detailing the extent of the cooperation that he provided. If he lies even one little bit on the stand, brooke, they can rip it up, rip it right up. Thats often something that prosecutors will talk about. What about how also also big picture here, these were two key figures, manafort and gates in trumps orbit . They got a shoutout from trump in july of 2016. We know the crimes that at least gates is admitted to, berit, how brazen, how surreal is it that these two figures were part of all things trump . I dont think that can be underestimated. Another important thing to remember about gates is that his Cooperation Agreement is not simply for him to testify against manafort. So this is for him to work with the prosecution, to testify against anyone they need him to testify against. So i think it would be foolish to say, well, after hes done with manafort, hes done. They got what they needed out of gates. We dont know the extent theyll use gates in the future of this investigation. I mean, he may have information that hes given the prosecution about other people right within that inner circle. I mean, both he and manafort had these incredible positions of trust. They were in the inner circle. And i think we only have to wait and see how else theyre going to use gates testimony. Could as gates has gotten a deal, depending on how this goes, this is all like follow the money, right . So, could there be an 11th hour acceptance or offer from manafort to cut a deal or is he just sitting there waiting maybe for a pardon . Its not unheard of to cut a deal in the 11th hour. Its been done before. Its not. Its been done even when the jurors are out in deliberation. I dont see that happening here. Clearly manafort is digging his heels in. He feels like hes above the law. Thats one of the themes that has run throughout this case. He was put on pretrial detention for Witness Tampering in his other case prior to this trial. So he has displayed an enormous amount of hubris throughout this. I dont see him taking a deal. Thank you so much as we continue to wait and watch for the crossexamination to potentially happen this afternoon. We have other breaking news, Michael Cohen, President Trumps former lawyer and fixer reportedly under investigation for tax fraud with federal prosecutors in new york specifically focussing on and does it involve cohens former boss, President Trump . Also, developments on special counsels Robert Muellers investigation. Reports that president s legal team are reluctant to let trump answer any questions in person on obstruction. What happens if they refuse . And my colleague and friend, don lemon, responding to President Trumps personal attack on himself and lebron james. In case you missed it, were going to play it for you. Youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. I just switched to geico and got more. More . Got a company i can trust. Thats a heck of a lot more. Over 75 years of great savings and service. You cant argue with more. Why would ya . Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. You dont see psoriasis. You see clear skin. You see me. But if you saw me before cosentyx. I was covered. It was awful. But i didnt give up. I kept fighting. I got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. Clear skin can last. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you. 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So we know that there are wide range of things that theyve been looking into. Obviously we know that investigators have taken a ton of information from his home and his office, his hotel room. I think the Big Question Is Whether since we are talking about things like loans, financing, potential bank fraud, whether they end up touching on anything that Michael Cohen might have done that is related to his work for President Trump. You know, if you think about the fact that he was the person who was involved in setting up this payment to stormy daniels, we know that that 130,000 ended upcoming from Michael Cohen, as investigators look at his Business Dealings do they decide, this touches on the work that he did for President Trump and then do they make the calculation that that information might be helpful for them to get directly from Michael Cohen. Those are obviously questions we dont know the answer to yet. But i think, you know, if anything, this is just yet another reminder and sort of confirmation of what Michael Cohen already knows which is that he is potentially in a lot of legal trouble. He doesnt need another headline to tell him that. Which well get into other potential pressures to cooperate. But first, isnt this just follow the money trail for prosecutors . Absolutely. We know that Michael Cohens former Business Associate known as the taxi king of new york recently took a very good what we refer to as sweetheart deal, a no jail time deal. You have to wonder what he gave investigators for that deal. I dont think this was a surprise to anyone, brooke. Smaller fish to the big fish. Yeah. Why could this be part of the reason why cohen and his team maybe also declared public war on trump . Are they looking for a deal, do you think, bob . I think thats a great question. Two great developments happened. First off, classic scenario, almost like the manafort trial, lot of money, medallion company goes down the tubes. What is happening . Tax evasion and bank fraud. Its virtually the same thing. Fraud people 101 on how to get in trouble. But here is the thing, brooke, on sunday when President Trump tweeted out that tweet about don jr. Now, understand prosecutors only want to use you as a cooperator if you have valuable information that you dont know about. Cohen has been gyrating in every way possible, here i am, somebody look at me, please. The president knew about the Trump Tower Meeting prior to the meeting itself. In an odd way, the president is already fit part of what the prosecution needs. It was for political purposes. Therefore they were trying to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. That could be a violation because youre not allowed to accept money from a foreign entity or foreign person. And now the second piece is what did he know and when did he know it . Cohen now because of that tweet is more important to prosecutors than he was on saturday. So, cohen, former trump lawyer, current lawyer being rudy giuliani, we also have one more piece of news from dana bash, today, tomorrow were expecting the volley back from team trump to robert mueller, no, we dont want our guy, President Trump, answering questions in person that have anything to do with obstruction, right . Theyre okay on collusion, not okay on obstruction. If youre robert mueller, caroline, do you just accept that . Do you say, okay, okay and still get the man in for an interview and then maybe juke left and ask a question any way . I mean, how does that work . Absolutely not. If youre robert mueller, youre thinking, okay, ive got the law on my side. We have of course the nixon precedent, but its not exactly on point in terms of if this went to a subpoena and went up to the supreme court, i think likely mueller feels he has the law on his side. Thats going to take time, brooke. They want to get him in there on a voluntary basis to be sure, but not, you know, giuliani doesnt get to be in the drivers seat in this instance. Mueller is a special prosecutor. He gets to set the guidelines. This back and forth is ridiculous. Its all dramatics. I think quite frankly i think this is all just a front. I dont think President Trump has any one bit of an intention of going in there and sitting down and talking. Total ruse. Ill go in. Good cop bad cop. Quickly, bob. First of all, its essentially an admission were not worried about collusion but were worried about obstruction. Mueller is only playing a little game here. He calls the shots. I was a head prosecutor. This is how it works. You come in or dont come in. Answer all our questions or dont answer our questions. Mueller is protecting the record saying i tried. You dont want what happened saturday happening in front of federal prosecutors. Appreciate that enthusiasm. Coming up next here, primary night in america with huge story lines unfolding right now including the President Trump effect. Can he give republican candidates a boost or does President Trumps endorsement do more to rally the resistance . Well look at the key races unfolding today. And exploding in size, californias wild fires nearly doubling in recent days, making it the largest in the states history. Will it get worse before it gets better . Well be right back. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. 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Todays results will be yet another chance to see which way voters are leaning as we approach novembers critical midterm election. Were watching primaries under way in kansas, michigan, missouri and Washington State but all eyes on the Special Election in ohio today where a reliably republican seat could switch to the democrats. Looming over all this, of course, President Trump and his very big shadow, so lets go to our chief Political Correspondent dana bash. Dana, you have a big night ahead of you. Talk me through the big themes for today. Lets start with what you just laid out there the president. He looms large on and over pretty much everything in politics and elsewhere. And whats going to be interesting to look for is how he plays in different kinds of races. So first and foremost, we have this Special Election in ohio. Its been a republican seat for almost four decades where democrats havent even come close and polls show that the democratic candidate there is coming close. The president went out over the weekend and campaigned for the republican troy balderson. Republicans i talked to say that that was really, really critical to getting the base gined up. This is a Special Election. But at the same time, his presence there, you see theres some video of the rally, could just as well embolden the socalled resistance or even independents who are just done with the president , done with republican control in congress and might say, you know what, im going to go out and vote for the democrat because it reminded me to do that when i saw the president. Well see. The other thing visavis trump is how he plays within republican primaries, brooke. In kansas, there is a republican primary for the governors race. Theres an incumbent republican, and the president is supporting the republican challenger, guy by the name of chris kobach who had been a longtime supporter of the friend, supports the notion that the president claims falsely by all accounts that there were millions of people who voted illegally in 2016. But he is somebody who again is sort of a likeminded republican as the president. When the president has backed other republicans in primaries, martha robe in alabama, it has had an effect and helped those candidates. Were going to watch to see if he has that pull or has it in the state of kansas. Okay. So thats republicans. Democrats, you sort of have this intraparty battle, right, between the more far left, Bernie Sanders wing and the democratic establishment. How is that shaking out . Were going to have several tests of how that is going to shake out in various races tonight. Youre right, Bernie Sanders along with Alexandra Cortez have been on the Campaign Trail really trying to support the more Progressive Candidates in some key races. And one that is perhaps the most notable is also in kansas. It is a race to see who the democratic candidate is going to be to challenge a republican and the republicans name is congressman yoder. This is one of those Hillary Clinton districts, brooke. So its in a red state, but Hillary Clinton won this particular district. And democrats on the National Level are kind of concerned, are pretty concerned that the more Progressive Candidate who they want, his name is brent welder could win. It would make it tougher to beat the incumbent republican. And that is going to be one of the tests, first of all, to see if Bernie Sanders and his sort of help get this Progressive Candidate over the finish line. If they do, whether or not a progressive can win in what should be a very, very competitive district, one that will potentially help seal the fate of democraticcontrolled house in november or a republican one. All these tests, the final ones before, of course, the general in november. Well look for you tonight, dana, thank you so much. Thanks, brooke. We are getting some news just in that the Trump Administration wants to limit citizenship for legal immigrants, essentially punishing those who receive government benefits like welfare. Find out who is behind this policy push. And as rick gates testifies against his former partner, Paul Manafort, is President Trump sitting there watching in realtime, following what happens when a loyalist flips and makes a deal with prosecutors and spills everything they know . Well talk to his biographer about how he may be feeling next. Tech at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. 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Trial also raises questions about what happens when a trump loyalist flips, like a gates or even potentially a Michael Cohen. Michael d antonio is author and contributor about the truth about trump. He joins me now from new york. Michael d antonio, what do you think trump is thinking with this trial playing out in that federal courthouse in virginia, watching gates, a loyalist of his, flip, cooperate and testify in court . Well, im thinking of a cartoon or a movie where someone is out on the ice and they start to see a crack forming and the crack races towards them or maybe its a fuse lit on a stick of dynamite. This is all headed for the white house. I think donald trump is the ultimate target of all of these investigations, obviously, Thats Muellers Intent is to get to the bottom of russian conspiracies. And one thing that struck me in the recent testimonies is references to the bank of cypress. The owner of the bank of cypress when manafort and gates were doing their shady business there was the same Russian Oligarch who paid donald trump 95 million for a house. And that deal netted donald trump 50 million in profit. I think its Too Close For Comfort for the president to be hearing all of this talk about the bank of cypress and its Too Close For Comfort for wilbur ross who subsequently gained control of the very same bank. Precisely on your point of money, you have this president who is we were talking Commercial Break has to be following every twist and turn of this trial, he is getting this realtime look at when your accountants, your bookkeepers testify against you. He is. And i think that it also is probably evoking in the president s mind other proceedings where guys in really expensive suits trek into a federal courthouse, raise their right hand and turn on each other. You know, this is thing thats familiar to anyone who watched movies about the mob or actually followed mob trials in lower manhattan. Theres no honor among these thieves. Theyre eventually going to turn on each other and cut the best deals for themselves. And if ultimately this means that someone like Michael Cohen or perhaps the accountant that was brought into testify in the Southern District of new york from the trump organization, if they see that theyre in great peril, theyre going to throw over the president. We saw on sunday the president himself distancing himself from his own son, saying i knew nothing about that Trump Tower Meeting and yet admitting that it had to do with conspireing with russians. So theres great concern im sure in the oval office. I imagine hes watching us and fox news simultaneously and seething about this all day long. But this whole cast of characters that were talk about because theyve been kicked up in this whole massive investigation, the Paul Manafort trial and rick gates being on the stand, weve been talking about Michael Cohen and recently about the manhattan madam. These are all people in the trump orbit, these are people trump has chosen at some point in time to have by his side. All the best people know. This is a guy in President Trump who bragged that he knows how to find the best people but suddenly think about how Michael Cohen has been treated in the month since its been clear that hes been cooperating. He went from being a very fine man in Rudy Giulianis estimation to giuliani then condemning him on every network he could get a car to take him to. So this is a terrible prospect for donald trump, but it is the chicken coming home to roost. This is a man who Moe Dus Op Ren Die for his entire life is to go up to the edge of propryty and go past it when it suited him and especially if there was money to be made. These are not the kind of people you and i would be comfortable with for more than five minutes, but theyre all sort of they have the goods of each other. Sure. It reminds me of a massive Criminal Enterprise where i know your secrets. You know my secrets. Were in this standoff and there might be 50 people engaged in this same process of breaking the law or breaking regulations and then threatening the others to come clean if its convenient. To go back to end where we began with our Cartoon Analogy with the crack on the ice or the fuse, we shall see. Mueller, you know, the jury is still out how close that will get to this president. Michael d antonio, youre always a pleasure. Thank you very much for coming on. Thank you. Coming up next here, what cnn is learning about a Policy Proposal involving Stephen Miller that would punish legal immigrants already leaving in this country who received government benefits and why this proposal months in the making is apparently still under review. And next, its getting personal. Don lemon responds directly to President Trumps hateful tweet against himself and lebron james. Youll hear it next. Part b is all the doctor stuff. The most important thing to know . Medicare doesnt pay for everything. And guess what that means. Yep. Youre on the hook for the rest. Thats why its important to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. A plan like this helps pay for some of what medicare doesnt. So you could end up paying less out of your own pocket. Thats nice. And these are the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp. Selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. 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And this is the only plan of its kind endorsed by aarp. Thats the icing on the cake. I love cake. Finding the right aarp Medicare Supplement plan for you could be just a quick call away. So. Call. Someone who is dependent on the government. For a long time thats mostly been in referral to sort of whats known as cash benefits. What the Trump Administration is trying to do and what Stephen Miller, trumps close adviser is really pushing hard to get out the door is a policy that would greatly expand the scope of how that policy is endorsed. And it would be for, as you say, immigrants living in the country who may already have a visa who then want to take that next step, extend that visa, go ahead and get a green card, start that path to citizenship and it could even a apply to them if their children get u. S. Benefits. Programs designed to benefit their children could be used against them when it comes time to renew. Its programs that are pretty wide and may not be what you associate with being below the poverty line. This proposal weve seen some early drafts of would even include subsidies for health care under the Affordable Care act which is for people far above the poverty line. It could be wide reaching the way they want to rewrite it. So Stephen Millers idea. Would Congress Need to approve this . The way that this is being done, no. So its being proposed in the regulatory process. So the department of Homeland Security worked on a draft of it, sent it to the white house back in march. Were told by sources that the delay has been in part because it came fairly ripe for legal challenge. So theyve been working with various agencies to revise it a number of times over the past several months. Stephen miller is reportedly infuriated by the delay, according to my sources and really wants to get it out the door. Once its out the door, lit go through the normal regulatory step, so there will be some time for members of the public or interested parties to comment before the agency finalizes it, but after that, it can have the full implemented effect and only a Court Challenge would be able to stop it or Congress Passing some other law on top of it. Stay on this for us, please, tal, thank you so much in washington. My colleague and friend don lemon responding on tv for the First Time Since the president s hateful tweet against him and nba superstar lebron james. In case you missed this, the president apparently watching cnn friday night during dons interview with lebron james who spent millions of his own money to open up this school in ohio and eventually pay for Students College tuition, james went on to talk politics and said he would never sit down with the president. So, cue the tweets. The president Calling Don Dumb and suggesting the same about lebron james. That has the president facing new accusations of racism. So don responded in part this way let us not let me not mince words here. This president traffics in racism and is fueled by bullying from keeping children at the border in cages to bullying journalists at every one of his rallies and every chance he gets. President trump is trying to divide and conquer strategy here. He divides by race and tries to conquer decency by smearing and besearching the truth and the people who fight to uphold it. I wondered sometimes if he is if he will succeed . If President Trump who has his finger on hes the one who has the finger on the pulse of this country. Is he revealing who we really are . Think about that. Is this who we really are . The overwhelmingly negative response, though, to his unfair and unkind attack on a good man, lebron james, shows that america rejects what he is peddling. Most of america, any way. Not all of america. But what about the impact his policies have on those without a platform through sports like lebron or through media like me . What about those who dont have a voice . What is his presidency doing to them . The kids separated from their parents at the border, the kids who dont have the chance to attend lebrons school or any half way Decent School . Is parents who cant honestly tell their children to be proud of the president of the United States . The people of color who are attacked by their fellow citizens who feel emboldened to be publicly racist because the president is. Will the country stand up for them . We, the decent and truly patriotic people who really love america and believe in its greatness, have to. Because clearly donald trump wont. We stand with you, don lemon. And please, watch the whole thing. Go to cnn. Com. Coming up, back to our breaking story, today President Trumps former lawyer Michael Cohen reportedly is under investigation for tax fraud. What federal prosecutors in new york are focussing on there. Next, Serena Williams opening up about a deeply personal issue that so many moms can relate to, her struggles talking about potentially Post Partum Emotions, how it impacted her game on the court. We will talk to working mom, poppy harlow next. Why did i want a crest 3d white smile . Dinner date. Meeting his parents dinner date. So i used crest. Crest 3d white removes. 95 of Surface Stains in just 3 days. For a whiter smile. That will win them over. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Flo. [ horn honking ] oh. You made it. Do you have change for a dollar . This was the emergency . [ Engine Revving ] yes, i was busy 24hour roadside assistance. From americas numberone motorcycle insurer. You know, i think youre my best friend. You dont have to say im your best friend. Thats okay. Slam champion wrote in part, last week was not easy for me. Not only was i accepting some tough personal stuff but i was in a funk. Mostly i felt like i was not a good mom. Its totally normal to feel like im not doing enough for my baby. We all have been there. I work a lot. I train. And im trying to be the best athlete i can be. However, that means although i have been with her everyday of her life, im not around as much as i would like to be. Serena gave birth to her baby daughter last september and she has struggled to bounce back on the tennis court, pulling out of the tournament just this week siting personal reasons. So with me now to discuss cnn anchor, mom of two precious children balancingact, poppy harlow. So its a beautiful i follow serena on instagram. Hes a stud. Hes a bad ass, but she also feels the push pull, too. I was so struck by this because we dont talk about this enough and thats why i wanted to be it on my show and why im so glad to be here with you because we have kids and we want to do it all and you just cant or you cant do it all at the same time but so few of us admit that. Here is this, as i said, my male manager this morning, right, a man we know well, said to me its so important because shes this rock star woman, so powerful, et cetera, and shes admitting that she cant do it all. Shes admitting im dealing with these Post Partum Emotions and its normal and we need to talk about it. And to hear that from a man in power in Corporate America is really important. Do you have those moments . Yes. Yes. Im not the best mom i should be. Daily. Daily. Everyday. Everyday i feel like that. I cant have it all and i cant juggle it all and my husband who you know well said to me last night, he got home from a late work trip and he truly does half, truly as youve seen. He said how are you . I just looked at him almost with tears in my eyes of gratitude but of exhaustion. I just said im so tired. And i need to talk about that more. And i have not struggled with post partum depression, but so many of my friends have, brooke. We dont talk about it. And we need to embrace each other. And Serena Williams talking about these emotions and it doesnt have to be full blown post partum diagnosed depression, can be the baby blues, but lets talk about it. Lets embrace each other. Lets have the men in our lives support us like the women. Everyday i go home to be here with you, someone has to pick my kid up for school and my doctors appointment for my son has to be later. But thats the juggle. Lets talk about it and get through this all together and especially women like serena who are dealing with these emotions. Lets be here for each other. I was so amazed by her. I cant appreciate it, i just have a little dog. Just dont write that off its friends like you that Trek To Brooklyn to be with me that cant with you. I appreciate it. Speaking of other amazing women, she made headlines this week because shes stepping down in the fall and like serena, shes been very honest about her that whole balance issue, work life. This is what she said back in 2014. I dont think women can have it all. I just dont think so. We pretend we have it all. We pretend we can have it all. If you ask our daughters, im not sure that they will say ive been a good mom. Im not sure. Stay at Home Mothering was a fulltime job. Being a ceo of a company is three full time jobs rolled into one. How can you do justice to all . You cant. Okay. So we cant have it all. That is nice to hear her say that outloud. Can i say what i want more of is more women in high positions at these megacompanies. There are fewer than 5 in

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