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Altright movement within which antisemitism and racist troeps are pervasive. Bannons Appointment Drawing Sharp condemnation. The spokesman for harry reid saying quote it is easy to see why the kkk views trump as their champ when trump appoints one of the foremost peddlers of White Supremacist themes and rhetoric as his top aide. The ceo of the Antidefamation League calling it a quote, sad day. The Executive Director of the council on American Islamic relations says the appointment of bannon sends the disturbing message that the antimuslim Conspiracy Theories and White Nationalist ideology will be welcome in the white house. As thousands across the Country Protest against trump for the fifth straight day, trump addressing his supporters who have harassed minorities in his first tv interview. Postelection. I say stop it. Allen silly is a former Communications Director for ted cruz and hilary rosen is a cnn political commentator. Brian stelter is the cnn senior media correspondent. Welcome to all of you. Good morning. So, brian, i want to start with you. And i want to get in to who Steve Bannon Is, and why so many Minority Rights Organizations have a problem with him. Because he is a bomb thrower. Provocateur. A man that is a symbol of the altright movement. And the altright Movement Means many things one of the things it means is a white identity politics. White nationalism. Thats why we heard some people say this is White Supremacy is a disguise. Now steve bannon rejects that entirely. Says he has nothing to do with that. He told me months ago this is all about populism sweeping the globe. But the bottom line, carol, is that Reince Priebus on the morning shows today said donald trump will be a president for all of americans. Thats not who Steve Bannon Is. Thats not what breitbart is. Breitbart is not a website for all americans. Its a website for the altright. So were getting two messages, for steve bannon and the campaign moving forward. I do think, being an outsider is one thing. Promoting White Nationalist policies is quite another. If you go to the breitbart headlines of the past, steve bannon was editor, right, of breitbart and im just going to read one, he said head line there not too long ago dear straight people im officially giving you permission to say gay faggot and were. I mean look at these headlines in breitbart. Hillary, is there a difference between an outsider and a White Nationalist provocateur . Like i think so many people theres a huge difference, and that i think hilary. Theres a huge difference, and you know, as brian said this Breitbart News has Fomented Division and anger, and fear in people, and you know, i hate to see, frankly, what power they could have when they have the full resources and secrets of the federal government to attack people with. And the idea that steve bannon will be conspiring with, you know, right wing media, to send messages out, and kind of appalling to me. But this is really about two Donald Trumps. And donald trump not having an ideology. People are used to our president actually caring about something. And what we have here is, you know, Steve Bannons appointment being focused on fomenting the kind of outsider, White Nationalist movement and Reince Priebus making sure that, you know, the banks get their lobbying deals, and that Climate Change is repealed, and that, you know, essentially the government is handed back to big corporations, and fat cats. And so you have kind of the combination of these two things, and the little guy that donald trump says he got elected for, in my view, ends up getting screwed because those people are not going to protect them. Well, well heres the thing. I think that there is a line of thought that, that, you know, weve become too politically correct in this country, minorities have too much power, its time to right the ship, you need someone like steve bannon in there to do just that, right . And also, trump Trump Supporters saying when mr. Trump says things he doesnt mean them literally, he just needs to sort of even things out. And one good example of that may be the wall. Right . Because on his website even this morning it still says he wants to build an Impenetrable Physical Wall that mexico will pay for. But last night on 60 minutes he said something different. Lets listen. Could be it could be some fencing. What about the pledge to deport millions and millions of undocumented immigrants . What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, there are a lot of these people. Probably 2 million, could even be 3 million. Were getting them out of our country, or were going to incarcerate. But, were getting them out of our country. Theyre here illegally. Okay, so, so, david, maybe donald trump means when he says hes going to build this impenetrable wall and have mexico pay for it he doesnt quite mean that literally. But he is going to get something done and wont that be enough for his supporters . Well, i think that remains to be seen, carol. I mean, that is what weve already looked at in the last couple of days with some of the statements that President Elect trump has made. He has, in that interview clip that you just played, he was backing off this idea that hes going to build this big physical structure of the wall across the entire border with no fencing, just a big, as he said, big, Beautiful Wall and make mexico pay for it. He sounded more measured on that. He has made signals in the last couple of days that he is rethinking some of the specifics on the Affordable Care act saying he wants to keep in place letting people keep their kids on their Insurance Plan until theyre 26. Making insurers cover people who have preexisting conditions. You know, if youre a fan of someone being moderate and judicious in the way they approach their job as president , i guess you could say those are good things. The difficulty is that one, those arent the promises that he made on the campaign trail. And that number two is, is that if youre not supposed to take trump literally at his word on what he said on the campaign, how are you supposed to evaluate now what he says Going Forward when hes making some, what i would say are significant changes to his approach, at least rhetorically, in just the first few days of his transition . Something he seems to be like toeing the line on very carefully is this idea of locking Hillary Clinton because those were campaign chants during the Campaign Lock her up. He said yesterday over the weekend that he was thinking about maybe firing the fbi director. He didnt really know. But as you know the president can appoint an fbi director. And then he said he wouldnt totally take off the table that notion that somehow Hillary Clinton will be prosecuted. Lets listen. You called her crooked hillary, said you wanted to get her to go to jail, your people in your audiences kept saying lock her up. Yeah. She did some bad things. I know but a Special Prosecutor . I dont want to hurt them. I dont want to hurt them. Theyre good people. I dont want to hurt them. And i will give you a very, very good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 minutes together. So, rebecca, thoughts . Well, it does look like he is beginning to back away, carol, from his Campaign Promise to appoint a Special Prosecutor. His assessment apparently being that now that the campaign is over, its less important to settle those scores with a former political rival. And if that is the case, and again his statement is really hard to dissect at this point, and really know what he truly means, or wants, but that should encourage a lot of people on the democratic side, i would imagine, who were very, very worried when we were hearing these chants at his rallies. When he was talking about a Special Prosecutor, especially because this begins to sound like sort of a third world country sort of thing that you are threatening to jail your former political opponents once you win. So i think this should be encouraging for a lot of people. And certainly its going to be very difficult for donald trump to unite the country, as he says he wants to, if hes actively pursuing a case against Hillary Clinton, his former political rival. All right. I have to leave it there. Thanks to all of you. Still to come in the newsroom its not just protests. A new report shows Hateful Harassment is up postelection. And will having a man with White Nationalist ties so close to the Oval Office Just fan the flames more . Theraflu. For a powerful comeback. New expressmax caplets. It has been six days since america elected a new president and were still a nation divided. Protests planned again today in tucson and in los angeles. The lapd already dealing with several days of protests. 8,000 people marched through downtown saturday. Across the country also large protests in places like new york, portland and philadelphia. This election has set us back, and has definitely shown in the world that we are not as advanced as we think we are. I have been aghast at the the behavior of donald trump. I think his racist and xenophobic rhetoric has been very disruptive. I am a single father. I pay my taxes. Im scared. I really am scared. Of being deported to a country that i am not familiar with. The protesters, because of incidents like this, Graffiti Reading Trump nation, whites only, that was discovered on sunday morning, sprayed on a wall at an Episcopal Church in a heavily latino neighborhood just outside of washington, d. C. The Southern Poverty Law Center says this is not an isolated incident. It has counted more than 300 cases of election related harassment and intimidation across the country. So lets talk about that. Cnns Correspondent Rachel Crane has been looking into it. Good morning. Good morning, carol. One of the most disturbing things about these incidents is that the Southern Poverty Law Center is saying that the most commonly reported location of these incidents of hate crime, of these incidents of the you know racist graffiti are happening in schools. Children k. Through 12 engaging in this type of horrific behavior. They say that more than 40 incidents have been reported at schools. Now, in michigan, at a middle school, we saw in a cafeteria children chanting build the wall, build the wall. Theres a video of that. Its been viewed millions of times on social media. Incredibly disturbing. To see them engaging in that type of behavior. Also in minnesota at a high school we saw racist graffiti, protrump graffiti in a bathroom reading white america, also reading go back to africa. Trump lets make America Great again. Also, in a high school in california, we saw a Student Giving out fake Deportation Letters to minority students. You know, this isnt just happening in high schools and middle schools, also in colleges. We saw a student at San Diego State university being accosted by two people, she was wearing a hij hijab, they were spewing racial slurs, they skoel her purse, skoel her keys, stole her car. Were also seeing graffiti not just in schools but across the country in philadelphia, because in North Carolina graffiti reading black lives dont matter. Your vote doesnt matter. Carol, just incredibly disturbing. There are some would say because you mentioned a number, 40 high schools and middle schools across the country. We live in a country of 330 Million People, right . So some people might say, you know, so a tiny fraction, you know, a tiny number of idiots across the country are doing these things. But its not a widespread problem. So how would you characterize it. Well, you know, the Southern Poverty Law Center coming out and saying just this morning on cnn, there have been more than 300 incidents of this since donald trump was elected president. And theyre calling on donald trump to take more responsibility for these instances. You know, just last night on 60 minutes donald trump did acknowledge that a handful of these incidences were occurring calling on the people committing these crimes to stop it. But, you know, the president of the Southern Poverty Law Center saying that there are actually hundreds of these crimes happening not just a handful. Thanks so much. So here we are. There is real fear, i hear it in new york, theyre surprised at this, i hear it from my family in ohio. So how do we as a nation process this . Heres Dave Chappelle on snl. A few weeks ago i went to the white house for a party. It was the first time i had been there many years, and and it was very exciting. And b. E. T. Had sponsored the party. So everyone there was black. And, it was beautiful. I walked through the gates. You know, im from washington, so i saw the bus stop, the the corner where the bus stop used to be where i used to catch the bus to school and dream about nights like tonight. It was a really, really beautiful tonight. And at the end of the night everyone went into the west wing of the white house, and it was a huge party. And everybody in there was black except Bradley Cooper for some reason. And on the because were pictures of all the president s of the past. Now im not sure if this is true but to my knowledge the first black person that was officially invited to the white house was fredrierick douglass, they stopd him at the gates. Abraham lincoln himself had to walk out and escort Frederick Douglass at the white house. It didnt happen again as far as i know until roosevelt was president. Roosevelt was president , he had a black guy over and got so much flak from the media that he literally said i will never have a nigger in this house again. I thought about that, and i looked at that and i saw all those black faces around it, and i saw and i saw how happy everybody was. These people who had been historically disenfranchised. And it made me feel hopeful. And it made me feel proud to be an american. And it made me very happy about the prospects. So in that spirit, im wishing donald trump luck, and im going to give him a chance, and we, the historically disenfranchised demand that he give us one, too. Thank you very much. All right so thats one point of view. But this is why many minority groups worry. Donald trump appointed that man name steve bannon. A man White Nationalists embrace and for good reason. Bannons breitbart launched headlines like these. Bill kristol a renegade jew. Why islam is the single greatest threat to civilization. The ten things milo hates about islam. And six reasons pamela gellars Muhammad Cartoon contest is no different from selma lets talk about the divide in our country with the Executive Director of c. A. R. E. , welcome, sir. Can you say hello to me again . Because i didnt hear you. Sure, yeah. Oh, good. I was worried there was something wrong with your audio. Im glad there isnt anything. There are there are many people in this country that say the left wing is just in a state of hysteria right now and they should give this man a chance, so why arent they . Well, it would have legitimate concerns, and when you when you see that the President Elect appoints someone who holds antisemitic, antimuslim, antiimmigrant theories, you wonder, are we going to move this country forward . Are we going to heal this country in the next few years . And i think the message that we see by appointing an allright wing theorist we see it the very own message that our nation needs now. Our nation is divided. Our nation has been wounded. With what we have seen in the past few months and if we would like to move forward we have to appoint Chief Strategists who believe in the plurality, diversity and Core Principles of let me let me let me put it this way. Steve bannon has long been a part of Donald Trumps campaign. So, people went out and voted. And that includes 29 of hispanics, for donald trump, and 8 of africanamericans for donald trump. Those are larger percentages than voted for mitt romney. So he does have some support in the minority community. Yeah, true. And even a small number among American Muslims voted for him. Were not talking about now donald trump himself. Were talking about appointing people who do not believe in the plurality and diversity and the Core Principles of this country. And we hold the president in the highest standard in defending the rights of all americans and those who arrive in the United States. By appointing steve bannon, President Elect trump is continuing to advance division and, unfortunately, dispute within americans but what, what, what is your fear about steve bannon . What, what policies might he push forward that concern you . Conspiracy theories against muslims, jews, people of color, antiwomen sentiment, so, you know, i cant imagine how the president of the United States will bring a bigot, and oppose that will divide america further to be a Chief Strategist for him in the white house. One of the most important positions in the white house, in the peoples house, should have people who believe in the plurality and diversity of this country to unite americans and to heed the warnings that we have seen over so how will how will your organization help heal the wounds . What will your organization do Going Forward, now that you know that Steve Bannon Is trumps Chief Strategic guy . By speaking truth to power. By speaking to the president. By advising him. By telling him that the appointment of a bigot in the white house does not serve america, does not unite america, it will further deepen our wounds. And President Elect trump has said on 60 minutes that he would like to bring americans together by appointing steve bannon, that is not the way to do you still have hope that mr. Trump is serious when he says he wants to unite america . Well i are you going to give him a chance . America needs to be united. And the President Elect now in a position to make serious and important, you know, statements by bringing people who are and we believe he has the wrong people to advise Him Es Special Ply in this key position. Mr. Bannon has bigoted views a will bring bigoted policies and that will not help advancing unity among americans, and making this country move forward. All right i have to leave it there. Mr. Awad thank you so much for joining me this morning. Still to come in the newsroom, so much for repealing and replacing obamacare. Now donald trump says he doesnt want to next all of obamacare. So does he mean kind of a version of trump care . Well talk about that next. But first the opening bell moments away, is the market ready to hit another record . Alison kosik is with me. Good morning. The trump rally ready to roll into a second week. We are seeing the dow open at a fresh record high. Thats after a string of big gains boosted by Donald Trumps win. Look at the dow, up more than 5 over that span of time. Thats about 1,000 points. Also predictions of a big drop of that, never materialized. Ll so youre seeing investors focus now on probusiness, progrowth policies like tax cuts, and deregulations. So as we get into the trading day we see the s p 500 about 1 away from a record of its own. Investors are dumping gold, theyre dumping bonds, theyre buying into the market, and because of this market reaction, along with a Stronger Economic growth weve seen lately, carol, we can expect to see the fed, everybody see the fed raise rates next month. All right. I know youll keep an eye on it for us. Thanks so much. Ill be right back. 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That was donald trump during the president ial campaign. But now that hes headed to the White House Trump may be preparing for either obamacarelight or trump care. When you replace it, are you going to make sure that people with reconditions still cover yes. Because it happens to be one of the strongest assets. Youre going to keep that . Also with the children living for their parents for an extended period. Youre going to keep that . Adds cost but its very much something were going to try and keep. And theres going to be a period, if you repeal it, and before you replace it, when millions of people could lose we wont do it simultaneously. It will be just fine. With me now the man known as the architect of obamacare, jonathan gruber. Welcome, sir. Good to be here. Nice to have you here. So, so what does it sound like trump is trying to do . Is he trying to is he is he is he going for like an obamacarelight program . It sounds to me like trump is trying to say hes going to protect some of the parts of obamacare that are most popular without actually laying out a plan for doing so. So for example, one of the fundamental gains of obamacare is ending discrimination in Insurance Markets. No longer allowing insurers to deny Insurance Coverage to people just because theyre sick or charge them higher prices. He hasnt mentioned that. Preexisting conditions exclusions, thats nice. But that doesnt solve the problem. So my wife, for example, a Breast Cancer survivor. What trump laid out if she went to the insurer, the insurer could say yeah if we offered you Health Insurance wed make sure to cover your Breast Cancer but guess what were not going to offer you Health Insurance because youre sick . Trump has to address that problem. So, so, so he keeps like i guess this still would have to go through congress, right . So lets say he keeps the parts of the law that, that people really like. What would that do to all of our premiums . If, if, if he could keep all of the elements that, that you say that the point is about obamacare its complicated for a reason. The part people like is ending insurance discrimination. Not allowing insurers to deny my wife coverage because shes a Breast Cancer survivor. However you cant have that unless you also make sure that people can afford insurance so that the healthy buy it and you get Healthy People into the risk group. To just say were going to keep the parts people like and get rid of the parts people dont, weve tried that. Seven states tried that in the 1990s. They tried to tell insurers you cant discriminate against the sick. In every single case it destroyed the Insurance Market, premiums went through the roof and the Insurance Market shrunk to a fraction of its previous size. You cant have it both ways. If you want to tell insurers they cant discriminate you need an individual mandate and subsidies to make sure Healthy People come into the pool. Why couldnt the government put Price Controls on Insurance Companies . The government could try to put Price Controls on Insurance Companies but then Insurance Companies could a, exit the market. And say im just not going to offer insurance in this market. Theres nothing the government can do about that. Or b deny sick people coverage or say at that price im not going to offer coverage to sick people. The point is the government cannot force go ahead. Its okay. The bottom line is, you cant have it both ways. If you want Insurance Companies to cover everyone fairly, you have to bring Healthy People into the pool. And the only way to do that is with a combination of tariffs, which is tax credits to make Health Insurance affordable, and a stick which is a mandate to bring the Healthy People in to buy insurance. I have heard ive heard a lot of people say, you know what, theres 22 Million People in obamacare right now, a large majority of them are are poor people who cant afford insurance but if theyre tikd off with obamacare theyll just go to medicaid. Is it as simple as that . No its not. The 22 Million People who are on obamacare right now are on parts of medicaid that didnt exist before. So for example, before on medicaid, if you were, say, 25yearold, or say a 30yearold single woman with no children, and an income of 5,000 a year, you had no access to Health Insurance. That simply didnt exist. Obamacare expanding medicaid said were going to guarantee our poorest citizens, very poorest citizens a right to health Insurance Coverage. In those states that choose to expand medicaid. If you take that away then a woman like that simply has no coverage options. Okay. Jonathan gruber, thanks for stopping by. Well all see what happens together. Thank you so much. Still to come in the newsroom, people in aleppo, syria, flee now or face heavy bombing within 24 hours. Its the look on their faces that make it all worthwhile. Thank you santa now lease the 2017 c300 for 389 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Imagine getting a text that your city is going to be bomd and you better get out when you can. People in aleppo, syria, are not imagining that. Theyre living it. Thats the text they got and Syrian Rebels in the city are being told to lay down their weapons or die. Cnn is following that from amen, jordan for us. Good morning. Good morning, carol. According to residents of Eastern Aleppo that weve spoken to, they say early on sunday they received these various Text Messages that they believe are from the syrian regime, really with a warning, addressed to the rebels in Eastern Aleppo, but also to the residents, a warning, an ultimatum, giving people 24 hours, telling the rebels to lay down their weapons, or even leave the city, and theyre really warning of a Military Assault that they say is going to be launched on Eastern Aleppo. The people that weve spoken to, carol, say this is something theyve seen in the past, these sorts of messages, theyve received them in the past on leaflets that have been dropped on their neighborhoods or broadcast through state media. They feel this is part of the psychological warfare and intimidation tactics to spread fear amongst the population in Eastern Aleppo. But, at the same time, there is this real sense of apprehension amongst the people in Eastern Aleppo, those that we have spoken to are absolutely terrified, carol, of what they feel might be an allout Military Assault by the syrian regime, and their russian allies that could start any minute now. All right. Jomana reporting live for us from jordan. Thanks so much. Still to come in the newsroom more americans picked clinton but trump won the white house. Now some, well, some mostly on the left are saying it is time to change the electoral system. Hey dad wishes do come true. The lincoln wish list sales event is on. Get exceptional offers on the lincoln family of luxury vehicles. Sign and drive off in a new 2017 lincoln mkc with zero down and a complimentary first months payment. College over the years, including by the way, newt gingrich. Now, look, is this going to have any practical effect . Well, in one sense, no. Hillary clinton in the end will win the popular vote probably by a record in american history. Right now shes up as you mentioned 700,000 or so. The estimates are that she will end up winning by one and a half to two million votes. Thats a lot of votes. You may remember al gore won the popular vote but he won it by 540,000. Much, much fewer than Hillary Clinton. So you know, it has practical effects on a president because it gives his critics a useful retort to any proposal he makes. Well, You Werent Elected by the people. You were elected by this antiquated invention of the founders that fit the 1790s but doesnt fit the 21st century. Although his new chief of staff, Reince Priebus, put it another way this morning. Lets listen. He played the exact strategy that a smart person would play in the 12 states that mattered and he won significantly. So i get the obsession over the popular vote but thats really not what this election was all about. Okay. This was not what this election was all about. He said if donald trump had gone to california, he probably would have won california but he didnt choose to go there. Theres absolutely zero chance that he would have even come close in california. Newt gingrich made the same argument yesterday that if the popular vote mattered, donald trump would have campaigned in california and won at least two million more votes which is of course, absurd on its face. But you also have to ask what would Hillary Clinton have done. Well, her campaign which was well organized and had tons of money would have organized the blue parts of red states. They didnt bother to organize the College Towns and big cities in red states because they knew it was hopeless. They werent going to win the electoral vote. But if they had done so, she would have picked up millions of additional votes. So this is an argument that is a nonstarter. So how likely is it that anything will change when it comes to the Electoral College . Carol, you know the gallop poll for many users, even decades, has shown that a very large majority of americans wants to abolish this crazy institution, the Electoral College. We are the only democracy in the world that doesnt count the popular vote. You can win the popular vote, you can lose the presidency. Its already happened five times in american history. Its going to be happening more frequently as long as we have close elections and the democrats will be disproportionately disadvantaged by this. So all i can tell you is if the people have their way, it would be abolished, because we are incapable of reforming our system and i say that sadly. The Electoral College will be abolished on the 12th of never. Just quickly, remind us why theres an Electoral College anyway. Well, theres an Electoral College for a number of reasons. Certainly one reason was it was a Request Slash Demand of mal r smaller states particularly those that were slave states, mainly because the founders did not trust the people. We had no popular election in the beginning. We went through five president ial elections before we got to or five president s before we got to a popular vote in the 1820s and even then it was extremely limited to a relative handful of white men, mainly propertied men. No women, no africanamericans, so on. So its been a long, hard process to broaden the franchise and this is an important point to make. It still shows that the franchise is not universal because the people dont pick the president. Have to leave it there. Thanks for stopping by. The next hour of cnn newsroom after a break. When a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . 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