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Touch. He, like, encourages us all, like, rich and poor and everyone, just to be together as brothers and sisters. Were following the pope through philadelphia to Independence Hall. Hello and welcome our viewers here in the u. S. And around the world. Im Fredricka Whitfield. Today the city of brotherly love welcomes the pope, from mass this morning at the basilica, his speech on immigration, later on today at Independence Hall, to his evening prayer service. All of this expected to draw more than 1 million people. Cnn is covering his visit like no other network. Our Anderson Cooper and Christiane Amanpour are in philadelphia for the final leg of the popes historic visit. Anderson, christiane and company, hello to you. Good afternoon, fredricka. What a day here in philadelphia. Pope francis spending his final full day on american soil in philadelphia, the city where american democracy and independence, of course, were born. And for hours, thousands of people have been lining, for some 12 hours before sunrise, lining to catch a glimpse of the pope himself. These are live pictures, we think no no, they are not. These are live pictures from logan square. All the people who have been coming here to try to see the pope. Earlier this morning, as we said, he was in the basilicas of saints peter and paul. He is now resting at the seminary here in town, and then hes going to go in a few hours to Independence Hall, where hell deliver a speech to immigrants, mostly about religious freedom, touching on some of the most important issues that affect, obviously, so many immigrants to this country, at this massively important time. And as you pointed out, christiane, not only giving a speech, but doing it from the podium that Abraham Lincoln himself used for the gettysburg address. And they had to build a special sort of metal support for the podium, because there was fear it might collapse. It gives you chills, actually, to think of that. Such an historic, historic piece of equipment, for such an historic speech that was delivered. And of course he will be here later tonight, where already there are empty seats behind us, but there are people lined up, waiting to go through a metal detector, waiting to go through security for this event, for the families, which is really, delia gallagher, whos joining us here, our vatican correspondent, and bruce file werfiler, bests author, its really an International Gathering of the faithful. It is. You have to walk down the street and hear all the different languages. You hear a lot of spanish. Im sure theyre coming out in full force for their pope. Certainly thats a kind of outreach on the part of the pope. But its received a great response on the part of the people. I think a lot of immigrants feel some kind of as we heard some people say, attraction towards him. And bruce filer, this pope, this church has got to feel good so far about how the entire trip to the United States has been, when you consider, especially, this is his first time here. You think about what we began the week, monday night, her in washington, d. C. , christiane, you were there also, and we were talking about what could go wrong, we were talking about the security, and thats gone great, but we were also talking about his pension for surprise maybe he would break away from the security and reach out. That also hasnt happened. The script has been followed. Its been quite imaginely produced, i would say. It showed some of the rifts in the church. I think, for real, thats there. But i think the messaging from the churchs point of view and from the u. S. point of view has been almost ideal so far. And he definitely talked about the challenges of the church, and hes also sort of brought in, not just catholics, not just christians, but jews, muslims as well. Particularly, that was shown at ground zero, that interfaith service. But all around, whenever you talk to anybody, whether they are catholic or not, he seems to light their fair. Carol costello is down there, not far from where we are, where thousands are getting ready for this concert that will take place later this evening. Carol . Do you think carol can hear us . Its really noisy. I can, i can. Im sitting in a group of wonderful young people at the world family event and theyre going to theyve been singing for me for the past hourr so. And im telling you, its so peaceful and lovely. Because were waiting hours and hours for pope francis to arrive, but these lovely young people are keeping things interesting and joyful. Jordan is here. You guys are from atlanta. Youve been here for the past two days. What have you been doing . Weve been Walking Around through town, giving books and rosaries and just thinkings to Homeless People that they may need. We give them these little packets, teaching them how to pray the rosary and we ask them what they may want us to pray for. And we write it down, and every day, we will pray for those things. Thats lovely thats very lovely. So it all culminates when the popes motorcade comes down Benjamin Franklin parkway. How will that feel . Amazing. I honestly dont have words for that. A lot of us here actually skipped our homecoming to be here. Oh, really . Theyre high school students, by the way. Thats big. Thats very big. What about this pope touches you . Its just, he connects with all of us, and he loves children and he just i dont know what it is about him, was he has this warming feeling, when he looks at you and he smiles, you just feel good. Its just its contagious. Reporter i would have to agree with that. You know, everybody i speak to here, christiane and anderson, say that the pope gives them hope that things will get better. Hes an optimist and thats what they love about pope francis. And that girl just said he loves children. And hes made that a motive of all his travel, even at the vatican, he reaches o out to children. As jesus said, suffer the little children to come unto me. Its about children and about the youngest. And again over at Independence Hall, the pope will speak, miguel, set the scene for us. There are a lot of people who have been waiting a long time to see the pontiff. Reporter thousands of people have been waiting hours and will meet hours more. About 4 30 eastern time is when the pope plans to come down the street. There should be 50 to 60,000 people here when he gets here. It is an absolutely celebration down here at this point, with a band playing. I take it you guys are excited for the pope to get here . Yeah reporter the themes the that the pope are going to hit here are immigration and how that is important to the u. S. And he will stand at the cradle of american democracy at Independence Hall, speaking from the lectern that Abraham Lincoln used during the gettysburg address speech that will be filled with symbolism and the people of this place are looking very forward to it. Anderson . Yeah, no doubt about that. There is a lot more to talking about. Were going to take a short break, our coverage continues in just a moment. Isnt it beautiful when things just come together . Build a beautiful website with squarespace. This bale of hay cannot be controlled. When a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. Faced with horses that needed feeding and a texas drought that sent hay prices soaring, the owners had to act fast. Thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. And with greater financial clarity and a relationship built for the unexpected, she could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. Chase for business. 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And they continue to turn their back on victims. So this is still a very painful, very open and ongoing wound. Becky ayanni is a spokeswoman for those abused by priests known as s. N. A. P. And shes joining us here to talk all about this. Becky, as the state representative said there, this feels as a revictimization, because they dont feel like this pope, despite what hes done, called for a special tribunal, saying that these were crimes, what happened in the church. They dont yet feel that its being dealt with well enough. The other thing he said in st. Patricks, he talked about the bishops pain. He called this a difficult moment. My abuse is a difficult moment for the bishops . Its a difficult moment for victims. He talked about the bishops sacrifice, he talked about the bishops courage. You know, bishops want to have courage, they need to post on their websites the names of all predator priests. They need to go forward and fight with us for the s. O. L. S, not against us. The s. O. L. S with, the statute of limitations, which is to extend the statute of limitations, which right now is done by state by state and many bishops feel the statute of limitations is over before theyve been able to come forward. I didnt come forward until the age of 48, 40 years after my abuse. And thats not unusual. A victim comes forward and they want to find justice and they go to the police and find out they cant charge them criminally or cant file a civil suit. So therefore, what are their choices . So we think that the church should want to make those laws, because that will make children safer. Tell us what happened to you. I was abused by a priest in alexandria, virginia, from the ages of 9 to 11. He was newly ordained, he came to our parish, everybody loved him. I loved him. He befriended our family, he ate dinner at our house, went on vacation with us, bought us our first color television, and used that love and adoration i had for him to start abusing me. And how long did it take you to summon the courage to tell your parents or confront the church . At the age of 48, i came across a picture of myself with him and everything came flooding back really, that was the key . That was the key. And i remember spending, you know, hours and hours on the bathroom floor, praying to god that i just just, please let me die and not wake up in the morning, because it was so painful. And so at that point, i went to the church, hoping they would tell me that it wasnt my fault, that i wasnt going to hell for telling on a priest, because thats what my perpetrator told me, and that i was loved by god. And i didnt get those things from the first priest that i met. So i fell away from god. I fell away from the church. And i was devastated. And i didnt know what to do. So another survivor suggested i call s. N. A. P. You know, we just heard from the state representative, who himself was abused when he was 13. He says that he has many friends who were abused by the same priest, who have committed suicide. I mean, who, in their lives this is not something that goes that ever goes away. Yes, we have a list of 100 people that have committed suicide. And those are the only ones we know about. And i guess our concern, too is, not just the victims that have come forward, but what about all those other victims out there who are afraid to . And anderson and becky and everyone, the statistics lead people to believe that as many as 100,000 children here in the United States have been abused in this manner, and that there have been many suicides, but there just hasnt been the accountability. The statistics show, according to reports, that perhaps 4,0500 priests have these charges against them and only several hundred have been held accountable. Its cost the church hundreds of millions of dollars, and im hearing some in s. N. A. P. , yourself and maybe some others, feel that there should be firings of a large number of priests and bishops. You know, its a priest abuses, and if a bishop would immediately remove that priest and make it public, children would be safer. But instead, they might move him does that still happen . Yes, that still happens. There was a recent article in the global post that came out that said that there were five incredibly accused proven or admitted abusers who were allowed to go to south america and they are actually working in south america. I saw that global post article and it was shocking. To me, thats shocking. All those children. And theyre not being protected. So what must this pope do . This pope has to be courageous himself. He cant sit back and say, im not going to tell you what to do. He has to demand accountability and he has to fire or publicly dismiss any bishop who endangers children. We have bishop finn, and everyone says, look, he resigned, but he was allowed to resign, but not one person said he resigned because he endangered children. It is an incredibly, incredibly divisive and appalling scandal that is one reason why so many catholics have actually lost faith over the last decade plus that this has emerged into the public sphere. As i said, the pope did create hes the first one to create a special tribunal to hold those guilty, those charged accountable, but before the first one was going to stand trial, he died. I did ask Archbishop Joseph Kurtz about this. Hes the president of the u. S. Conference of catholic bishops and this is what he told me, particularly about the issue of moving those priests who had charges against them around, as you said, to parishes outside this country. This is what he told us. Do you think this pope is a pope who wants to be defined by the culture wars, so to speak . It is almost as if hes saying, these issues of the sexuality, of the social values, yes, we have to deal with them, but actually, theres so much more to deal with in this world. Hes a man of faith. He wants to point to jesus christ, and he says, i want to see the person before the idea. If you notice, that was a theme in cuba. And he says, you know, the person means that im not going to spend all of my energy arguing with someone. I will i will be true to my convictions, ill be a son of the church, as he says it, im not changing church teaching, but he says, i truly want to engage and learn from that person, and i want to make sure that everyone is welcome. His talks yesterday, he must have said it three dozen times. He said, the message of christ salvation is meant for all of us, for everyone. And then he said, no one is to be excluded. So he really, i think, is asking us to see that person. And i do believe that brings out the best in people. If cheers are any indication, and we saw a lot of it, including from our brother bishops, thats a sign that hes touching a cord with people. And i kind of like that. Let me ask you about the message to the bishops, because it was the first time, i dont know if it will be the only time, that he deals with the issue of the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the church, which has rocked this church to the point that it sent people out of the church. And of course, the pope wants to bring people back to the church. Exactly. He addressed them as crimes. He did. And he said, this must never happen again. He did. But the problem is that many of the victims, many of the victims groups say that, actually, even the existing laws, the existing protections are not being properly implemented. That there are lots of priests who have been accused, who have just been removed from their diocese or their parishes in the United States and sent over to those in latin america. Global post did a big investigation on that. What do you say to people who say the pope is still not doing this tough enough. Is still not taking a tough enough stance . Well, he uses the term healing. And i think he looks at each person who may be harmed by what he rightly calls a crime, a crime of abuse. He talks to the bishops about restoring authority and trust. He uses the word trust. So once again, i think hes focusing on the individual. And each individual is going to be unique. We know that. But the harm done can only be undone by healing. And so, i believe our holy father is reaching out to people. I can say i cant speak for every country in the world or even every diocese in the United States, but within the archdiocese of louisville that we serve, we really are intent humbly, but we really are intent in addressing issues. Theres no one who is serving within the archdiocese who no priest or layperson, leader, who has a credible charge of abuse against them. Thats something we should all be doing. And i believe thats the direction that were going on. And our holy father is very, very strong on that. But he does emphasize healing. And the fact that we do need to listen to one another. So that was Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, the archbishop of louisville, kentucky. And there have been questions. Weve questioned the vatican about whether the pope will meet with victims and weve been told, maybe. Maybe here in philadelphia. Were still waiting to see who that happens. Becky, wanted to the priest who abused you . He committed suicide in 1992 after another victim of his approached him. So when he was confronted by another victim after he was confronted by another victim, he went to a monastery and said he would talk to the victim when he got back and he shot himself with a shotgun. That was in 1992 . Yes, thats correct. Appreciate you being with us and speaking about your experiences. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Yeah. There is a lot more to come from here in philadelphia. A lot of events ahead. We will bring them all to you, all of them to you says they happen. Right now, lets go back to fredricka. Some powerful words on a very sensitive topic. And in my conversation with representative rossi, he said he made it very clear that he will not sb separating the popes visit there to philadelphia, not until he hears something much more concrete in his view, and that means those who have abused children over the years, those priests, instead of receiving pensions, they say, they should be receiving prison time. All right, were keeping a close watch on the visit of the pope there in philadelphia and other developing stories today, including House Speaker john boehner sending shock waves through washington, announcing that hes giving up the gavel next month. Straight ahead, what some republican president ial candidates are saying. Can a business have a mind . A subconscious. 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Republican president ial candidate Mike Huckabee and ted cruz both visited her after she was released from jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to samesex couples. And a new email chain between former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and then commander of the u. S. Central command, david petraeus, has been found on clintons private server. The discovery is raising questions about whether some of clintons emails were mistakenly marked as personal and not turned over to the state department. The email chain dates back to 2009 and does not appear to contain classified information. Separately on friday, a state Department Said a small number of benghazirelated emails that clinton had not turned offered had been discovered. And president barack obama announcing he has reached an agreement with chinas president on the issue of cybertheft. Obama says the two leaders have vowed to not carry out cyberattacks against the other and warns he is already he is ready, rather, to impose sanctions if that promise is not kept. The news comes during a state visit by the chinese leader. And the internet is abuzz today with many saying that Michelle Obama stole the show at friday nights state dinner for the chinese president. American designer, vera wang, se and she tweets, vera wang did, that it is such a privilege and as an american of chinese heritage to have dressed the first lady. All right, still ahead in the cnn newsroom, House Speaker john boehner says he is out, and now the battle begins to replace him. And our live coverage of pope francis in america continues. Back to philadelphia right after this. Vo todays the day. More and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir®. As my diabetes changed, it got harder to control my blood sugar. Today, im asking about levemir®. 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Our athena jones joins me now live from iowa city with the latest on this. So youre out on the campaign trail in iowa city covering krm Carly Fiorina. So how are, overall, republican president ial candidates reacting to boehners news . Reporter well, the candidates are reacting largely positively. Everyone that ive heard from speak has said good things about the fact that Speaker Boehner is stepping down. I have been following Carly Fiorina around iowa for the past couple of days. Take a listen to how she responded to the news of boehners resignation yesterday, followed by donald trump and also senator ted cruz. Take a listen. Every leader has a season. And i appreciate mr. Boehners leadership and i think he is doing the right thing stepping aside now. I think its time. I mean, its really time for him. Hes a lot of problems. We got to get the country going. And i think it really is time. Yesterday, john boehner was speaker of the house. Yall come to town and somehow that changes. My only request is, can you come more often . Reporter so you heard there the response from the crowd at the values voter summit. These are conservative voters, responding very positively to the news that Speaker Boehner was stepping down. Earlier in the day, when senator marco rubio made the initial announcement that boehner was quit welcome that same crowd erupted in hoops and hollers and applause. And weve seen that same sentiment, fredricka, out here on the campaign trail. I spoke with a lot of voters yesterday at Carly Fiorinas events, who, to a person, were glad to hear that Speaker Boehner was leaving. One man in dubuque told me he didnt feel the speaker did enough to challenge president obama. And that is, of course, what house conservatives have been saying all along. That is why the speaker is leaving his position. And it also goes to show you that the reason for the appeal behind these socalled outsider candidates that weve within talking about for the past several months. The Republican Voters dont want to see a politician go to the white house right now, because theyre fed up with politicians in washington, including their own leadership in congress, fred. All right, athena jones, thanks so much. Keep us posted there from iowa city. So john boehner says his decision the step down had nothing to do with his emotional meeting with the pope earlier in the week. Joining me right now, douglas brinkley, cnn president ial historian. Good to see you, douglas. Nice to see you. So as athena just helped remind us, in some gop circles, there is cheering. Others a kind of scratching their heads. And then from the president of the United States, we saw some real compassion. So boehner said that hes out. And im quoting him now, where he says, you know, its as simple as that. But in your view, is it that simple . Well, its not that simple. The writings been on the wall for some time now. Being the speaker of the house is not a luxurious job. You just get beat up by all sides, all the time, really since tip oneill, none of the speakers have survived, but particularly, Speaker Boehner has a difficult time, because the right wing of his party constantly wants to hammer away at barack obama as being the worst president ever, and hes trying to get deals done, and he hasnt really had a very successful tenure as speaker. Hes just turned 65. The pope came to town and he was one of the reasons that pope francis spoke at congress. So i think the timing turns out to be about right, but he really doesnt have too many people that thought he should stay. And then, in terms of possible successors, it was even john boehner who said, you know, he thinks House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy might be an easy shooin, but i wonder once he has made his endorsement, that now undermines any kind of leverage mccarthy may have had among the others. Well, paul ryan of wisconsin, one of the great stars of the republican party, very smartly said, i dont want anything to do with the speakership. Kevin mccarthy pay get it, but hes a very polarizing figure. Hes somebody of the hard right. Hes wanted to, for example, in california, get 3 million acres of National Forest and wilderness and open it up for extraction and drilling. And you know, hes going to be a deeply controversial speaker, but hence this is the same old story. The outsiders and the insiders. Boehner is seen too much of an insider, and the people really cheering his demise here, people like the clips you just played. Donald trump for fiorina and ben carson and the rest. So there have been many who criticized that john boehner didnt do enough to, you know, go to the white house, to talk with the president or to try to nudge him or persuade him. Yet the flip side to that is that perhaps, you know, he was a little bit too hard, you know, that there were some very, you know, terse, you know, kind of language associated with to the relationship between boehner and the president. So, which is it, in your view, in terms of, you know, what that legacy, of the relationship between the House Speaker and the white house, what would be written about that relationship . Well, i think disappointment about the relationship. Many people dreamed it would be a tip Oneill Ronald Reagan situation where things could get done. Instead, i think once obamacare got pushed through early in president obamas first term, you know, boehner was always the congress couldnt stand anything that had the name obama with it, and boehner really didnt want to be in a photo op with the president. If he went golfing with him, he got ridiculed by his own party. Or the beer summit. Yeah, the beer summit, all this. It didnt really work for boehner, because his own party, the hard right in his party would savage him for such things. All right. Douglas brinkley, always a pleasure talking to you. Thank you so much. Thank you. And still ahead, our live coverage of pope francis in america. The world awaiting his big speech on immigration in philadelphia this afternoon. And on religious reform. Well go back to philadelphia after this. underwater noises in background scuba diver speaking french in background say this tube is a 4g lte wireless network. Verizon keeps your data flowing fast and steady. But some budget networks slow your data after you reach your limit. You can barely watch your shows. This is no way to treat people. A Better Network doesnt mess with your data. underwater echo withof my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Ordinary objects often seemed. Intimidating. Doing something simple. Meant enduring a lot of pain. If ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. 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Buy any gnc protein powder and get 1 half off. Everyone needs protein, every day. And now all gnc protein powders are buy 1, get 1 half off. Only at gnc. And welcome back to our continuing coverage of pope francis here in philadelphia. Its already been a very exciting day for the people in philadelphia, who have gotten a chance to see the pope as he came from the airport to the basilica. Hes now at a seminary, where he was getting some lunch, getting some rest. He was welcomed by about 150 seminarians, who welcomed him with song and great cheer and applause. Lets hope hes getting some rest, because he has a very busy day ahead of him and there are more and more people arriving all along the route where this pope will be. Lets check in with our rosa flores, who is out there amongst the crowds. Huge crowds expected throughout the day. Im told we just lost the uplink to rosa. Well try to reestablish that. But thankfully im here with cnns chief International Correspondent and our own here we are. Christiane amanpour, and bruce wile we are, and delia gallagher, vatican correspondent. Bruce, the pope is going to be going to Independence Hall to make a speech about religious freedom, which is obviously something of great importance to many people here. And something a lot of people will be listening very closely to what he said. Because hes addressed a little bit on this trip so far, but not as focused a speech as were going to hear. We have this image on the screen here. And you can see the platform where hes going to speech. Just to the left of that is the room, where the Continental Congress on july 4th, 1776, signed the declaration of independence. The last act on that date that the congress did was to appoint a threeperson committee to come up with a seal for the new United States. It was thomas jefferson, john adams, and Benjamin Franklin. They came back seven weeks later and said they wanted moses on the seal of the United States, because it was leaving oppression, going into religious freedom. And he has, you know, mentioned this, as you know, christiane, in congress and you look straight at it. Also the image of moses, looking at him as he addressed the joint meeting of congress. Across from where he was standing at that podium was a picture of moses. What was moses message to people as they entered the land of israel . Remember the stranger. That is a message drirectly to the immigrants of this country. And the issue of religious freedom is very timely, not only here in the United States, but all around the world. Theres another connection to the moses reference, which is that religious freedom for the pope is, yes, freedom to express religious sentiment and to practice your religion given by governments, but for the pope, the governments job is to protect religious freedom. The person that gives religious freedom is god. And so thats where the pope comes in and says, you know, governments have to protect us, we have to do this, but we are free by virtue of the fact that we are created by god and that leads into a whole other series of, yoush, creative possibilities for society. And he spoke so clearly about the most horrific experiences that were witnessing over in the middle east right now. The atrocities, he said, committed to the name of religion and even god. I thought that was the highlight of the u. N. Speech, where he talked about freedom for christians throughout the middle east. And in the congress, too. Its amazing. Im told we do have contact with rosa flores again. And as we said, the excitement is palpable out in the streets and people are waiting out in the sun, waiting for hours. Many have slept in the locations where theyre at, but you dont hear people complaining. There is joy on peoples faces. Rosa, im sure youre seeing that out there as well. Reporter well, you know, very little sleep has happened here. I want to set the scene for you, anderson. Because if you look this way, as far as your eye can see, there are thousands of people. Now, theres so much emotion here, a lot of us have not slept. They are on little food, little sleep, but they are going, because the emotion is very high. They are hoping and waiting for pope francis to arrive here and celebrate mass with the pontiff. Now, for the world meeting of families, 17,000 families registered. And this is the biggest world meeting of families event that has ever happened. But, again, lots of excitement here. And ill be here with the crowd, hoping to bring you a little more color from the stands. Anderson . Rosa, were going to check in with you. A lot more to cover here in philadelphia. Theres also a lot of news happening around the world. Lets go back to cnn World Headquarters in atlanta and my buddy, Fredricka Whitfield. Thanks so much. Still ahead, Hillary Clinton wooing millennial voters. Sitting down for an interview with girls star lina dunham. Will it help clinton connect with particularly Younger Voters . If you struggle youre certainly not alone. Fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. Imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. Invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Its a oncedaily pill that works around the clock. Heres how the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. Invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. And while its not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. 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The Nations Capital is still digesting the shocking announcement by House Speaker john boehner that he is calling it quits and stepping down from his role at the end of october. Nancy pelosi says the move has seismic implications for the house of representatives. Joining me right now to break it all down. Columnist at news day. Good to see you, and political strategist brian morganstern. I wonder, brian, you first, is there a connection between boehners resignation, the timing of it. And avoiding a government shutdown. There may be, but i dont know thats the controlling factor. Five years a speaker is not a shortterm. Its a pretty long time. He got the pope to visit which is obviously a huge deal for him. That may have been an inspiring factor. I dont know if the shutdown is the reason. I think there are a lot of them. I think he felt it was time. And you know, about that timing, though. In his press conference, trying to offer some clarity a few months ago he was thinking about it after seeing the pope, he thought again about it that evening and then suddenly he decided now is a great time. And called it a simple decision to make. Do you buy that . I dont think it was too simple. Hes had an untenable relationship with the rigid people i his own caucus. Fredericka, compared to whats coming next, we may well look back on the boehner years as the time of great agreement and cooperation and harmony in congress. What do you mean . Because boehner described. I guess there had been many that said he tried to play nice. He was the guy that tried to play it nice at the very beginning, but then it backfired. He, at least, believed in the concept of trying to achieve something. Fredericka, if you think that Current Congress has been achieving too much, youre really going to like the one thats coming next. These guys are not even in the they dont even accept the concept that they ought to try and work with the president and get something done. Almost exactly the opposite, in fact. See, let me frame this a little differently. The reason boehner, i think, for a lot of his term had so much trouble is he was a traditional legislator, which means he grew the vote. Now, back when i was on the hill, that meant giving out pork or whatever it took to get enough votes to pass the bill to govern. And that led to tremendous spending even under Republican Leadership which damaged his credibility with conservatives. Now, in a divided government, hes had to cooperate with democrats, which further damages his brand. To an extent he is a victim of circumstances, but hes also to an extent outdated because were in a world of twitter wars and reality tv, and hes a back room deal maker. So the way he was doing it was outdated, what is around the corner . Whats the new way of getting things done or perhaps digging in your heels on capitol hill . Well, much more digging in your heels than getting things done. The new way among this yeah, i dont think it is. May be good politics on the right. And the base likes it and the Tea Party Folks will be cheering. You saw them at the values summit out in iowa yesterday with bobby jindal. They dont want to achieve anything. They dont like the idea of deals. Compromise is a dirty word to those guys. Because compromises have led to incremental ballooning of government. Every compromise is viewed on the right as just a tiny liberal victory instead of a big liberal victory. But, look, theres still a democratic president with enough votes to sustain a veto. So the expectations have to be brought back down to earth here, you know. There isnt a Seismic Shift in the entire government. Its just, you know, in the person who is administering the house. All right, alex and brian, thank you so much. See you later. So much more straight ahead in the newsroom, including our continuing live coverage of the popes trip to philadelphia and all starts right after this. Vo todays the day. More and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir®. As my diabetes changed, it got harder to control my blood sugar. Today, im asking about levemir®. Vo levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. Levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. Levemir® comes in flextouch, the latest in insulin Pen Technology from novo nordisk. Levemir® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. 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