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El paso, texas outside another American Crime scene, another sight of a massacre by guns. Welcome to our viewers here in the u. S. And around the world. Any minute now, we will hear from President Trump. This as the nation mourns 29 People Killed in two states just 13 hours apart. What will the president say . What will he do . What will he push for . What will he deliver . So far he has floated the idea of tying universal Background Checks to something hes desired for a long time, Immigration Reform, which normally means money as well for a wall on the border. He also took a moment to blame the media for the attacks and the violence. Left unsaid anything about White Supremacy. In fact, since these shootings, particularly the one here in el paso where the shooter referenced white supremacist views, the president has not used those words. Look at the comments of his fbi director, Christopher Wray emphasizing the danger in this country right now. The country is mourning the lives of so many lost so quickly and we keep seeing videos like this day after day. That is dayton, ohio this weekend where video released overnight shows how quickly that gunman was able to kill and how quickly Dayton Police stopped him seconds before he entered a bar packed with people trying to hide from him. So what can be done and what will be done, jim, to prevent this from happening again . Ill tell you, i spent a lot of time in war zones. Ive heard those sounds in iraq and afghanistan. That kind of gunfire, to hear it on an American Street is just a different story, and yet its not the first time and likely wont be the last. Lets get to cnns pam brown. Shes live at the white house. The president is telegraphing Background Checks in exchange for Immigration Reform. Any mention of Assault Weapons or is this going to be the president s path . Reporter this morning President Trump suggested tying the Background Checks to reform after the shooting in texas that targeted immigrants. What he didnt indicate in his tweets this morning is whether he supported legislation passed in the house earlier this year requiring Background Checks that the white house threatened to veto. President trump also has yet to address White Nationalism and the gunman in El Paso Targeting Hispanics and immigrants. Trump has warned of an invasion of undocumented at the southern border, and some of that was in the manifesto by the gunman. President trump has yet to acknowledge his rhetoric. Were going to learn more about President Trumps plan when he addresses the nation any moment now. White house officials tell me the president is expected to introduce preliminary policy ideas in what will be prepared remarks from the tell prompter. In the past he has considered Assault Weapons ban, but then he backed away from that under pressure from the nra. In brief remarks yesterday the president focused on Mental Health issues and not guns in the wake of the backtoback shootings. So as we await his remarks, about he take more of a Leadership Role in gun control . Will he address White Nationalism . And will the president take any president for his rhetoric . The white house officials are defensive about the suggestion the president s rhetoric prompted the texas shooting, but his rhetoric on immigration as president of the United States cannot be ignored. Back to you. It absolutely cannot. Pamela brown, thank you so much for being there. Were going to hear from the president in just moments, jim. The president s words certainly heard loud and clear here in el paso. Ive heard that from a lot of residents in the last 24 hours. Lets get the latest from el paso. Police say the shooting suspect is volunteering information now, but he is showing no remorse or regret for a massacre that left 20 people dead. Weve also learned that the Justice Department is seriously considering bringing federal hate crime and federal firearm charges against the suspect. Josh campbell has been following the story. He is a former fbi supervisory Special Agent as well as a cnn Law Enforcement analyst. Tell us what Value Investigators can learn from a shooter can who in unusual circumstances rather than dying in the midst of a massacre like this, turned himself in. What can they learn of value now . Jim, weve seen so many instances in the past where a shooter will be engaged by Law Enforcement and is killed or opts to turn the gun on themselves. We saw that a week ago in california at the Food Festival are a footer killed three people, injured a dozen more and then turned the gun on himself after being shot by officers. This is a different case in el paso because the shooter is alive. He was questioned by law enforcement. Were told that he was providing information and was answering their questions willfully. Now, what helps them get to the motive. The idea of why this person came here intending to cause Mass Violence and murder. We talked about this investigation and some of the threads that are still lingering. One of them pertains to the distance between where the shooter is from and the location of the actual attack. He lived some 650 miles from this area, from this walmart. So weve seen this manifesto thats alleged by ln tied to him. Law enforcement is working to definitively determine whether that was his, in which this person describes white supremacist ideology, hatred toward immigrants and hispanics. Were in a boredrd city with a large hispanic population. The key item for investigators is trying to determine did he come here to kill hispanics and minorities. Sadly, jim, also weve seen instances in the past where these type of white sfrupremacis are proud of what theyve done and theyre proud to tell Law Enforcement what they did to cause the mass murder. Thats one reason they like to share, as if theyre proud of what they did. Bragging about it, almost. Josh campbell, its good to have someone with your experience on the case. Poppy. It certainly is. Lets take you to ohio, because police say it is still too soon for them to really speculate on any motive about what caused this gunman to just murder nine people in a minute. But four former classmates of the gunman say he had a hit list of students in high school that he wanted to kill. Polo is live for us in dayton, ohio. What do you know about the list, polo . Nine people that were killed, and that includes the shooters own sister here, and as we are hearing from some of the former classmates, they describe him as essentially a dark and depressive individual, who according to at least four former classmates kept a kill list. At the same time, people are searching for the motive. They still want to hear from police why this killer decided to do what he did here. What we are hearing is a very shocking but short timeline that gives you a sense of how quickly things changed on this street yesterday morning. Investigators saying that in a matter of second, 24 seconds, this killer was able to injury 35 people, nine of them fatly. It took only about 50 years from where he made his way into the street where he was sfrung topp police. Were reflecting on the memory of these five people and praying for the recovery of about two dozen people who continue to recover. But at the same time they are certainly hoping to hear what the motive was and hoping to hear from the president. That will happen in moments. Were waiting for the president. He will make a statement in the diplomatic room. Here comes the president who said just yesterday we have to get it stopped. This has been going on for years. Lets listen to what he says right now. Good morning. My fellow americans, this morning our nation is overcome with shock, horror and sorrow. This weekend more than 80 people were killed or wounded in two evil attacks. On saturday morning in el paso, texas a wicked man went to a Walmart Store where families were shopping with their loved ones. He shot and murdered 20 people and injured 26 others, including precious little children. Then in the early hours of sunday morning, dayton, ohio, another Twisted Monster Opened Fire on a crowded downtown street. He murdered nine people, including his own sister and injured 27 others. The first lady and i join all americans in praying and grieving for the victims, their families, and the survivors. We will stand by their side forever. We will never forget. These barbaric slauters are an assault on our communities, an attack on our nation and a crime against all humanity. We are sickened by this monstrous evil, the cruelty, the hatred, the malice, the blood shed and the terror. Our hearts are shattered for every family whose children, husbands and wives were ripped from their arms and their lives. America weeps for the fallen. We are a loving nation and our children are entitled to grow up in a just, peaceful and loving society. Together, we lock arms to shoulder the grief. We ask god in heaven to ease the anguish of those who suffer and we vow to act with urgent resolve. I want to thank the many Law Enforcement personnel who responded to these atrocities with the extraordinary grace and courage of american heros. I have spoken with Texas Governor greg abbott and Ohio Governor mike dewine, as well as mayor dee margo of el paso, texas, and mayor nan whaley of dayton, ohio, to stress our profound sadness and unfailing support. Today we also send the condolences of our nation to the president of mexico and all the people of mexico for the loss of their citizens in the el paso shooting. Terrible, terrible thing. I have also been in close contact with Attorney General Barr and fbi director wray. Federal authorities are on the ground and i have directed them to provide any and all assistance required, whatever is needed. The shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white house supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in america. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart and devours the soul. We have asked the fbi to identify all further resources they need to investigate and disrupt hate crimes and domestic terrorism, whatever they need. We must recognize that the internet has provided a dangerous avenue to Radicalize Disturbed Minds and perform demented acts. We must shine light on the Dark Recesses of the internet and stop mass murders before they start. The internet, likewise, is used for human trafficking, illegal Drug Distribution and so many other heinous crimes. The perls of the internet and social media cannot be ignored and they will not be ignored. In the two decades since columbine, our nation has watched with rising horror and dread as one Mass Shooting has followed another, over and over again, decade after decade. We cannot allow ourselves to feel powerless. We can and will stop this evil contagion. In that task, we must honor the sacred memory of those we have lost by acting as one people. Open wounds cannot heal if we are divided. We must seek real bipartisan solutions. We have to do that in a bipartisan manner that will truly make america safer and better for all. First, we must do a better job of identifying and acting on Early Warning signs. I am directing the Department Of Justice to work in partnership with local, state and federal agencies, as well as social Media Companies to develop tools that can detect mass shooters before they strike. As an example, the monster in the Parkland High School in florida had many red flags against him, and yet nobody took decisive action. Nobody did anything. Why not . Second, we must stop the gl violence in our society. This includes the gruesome video games that are now commonplace. It is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with a culture that celebrates violence. We must stop or substantially reduce this and it has to begin immediately. Cultural change is hard, but each of us can choose to build a culture that celebrates the inherent worth and dignity of every human life. Thats what we have to do. Third, we must reform our Mental Health laws to better identify mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence and make sure those people, not only get treatment, but when necessary, involuntary confinement. Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun. Fourth, we must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to Public Safety do not have access to firearms and that if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process. That is why i have called for Red Flag Laws, also known as extreme Risk Protection orders. Today im also directing the Department Of Justice to propose legislation ensuring that those who commit hate crimes and mass murders face the Death Penalty and that this Capital Punishment be delivered quickly, decisively, and without years of needless delay. These are just a few of the areas of cooperation that we can pursue. I am open and ready to listen and discuss all ideas that will actually work and make a very big difference. Republicans and democrats have proven that we can join together in a bipartisan fashion to address this plague. Last year, we enacted the stop School Violence and fix into law, providing grants to improve School Safety and strengthening critical Background Checks for firearm purchases. At my direction, the Department Of Justice banned bump stocks. Last year we prosecuted a Record Number of firearms offenses. But there is so much more that we have to do. Now is the time to set destructive partisanship aside. So destructive. And find the courage to answer hatred with unity, devotion and love. Our future is in our control. America will rise to the challenge. We will always have and we always will win. The choice is ours and ours alone. It is not up to mentally ill monsters, it is up to us. If we are able to pass great legislation after all of these years, we will ensure that those who were attacked will not have died in vain. May god bless the memory of those who perished in toledo and may god protect them. May god protect all of those from texas to ohio, may god bless the victims and their families, may god bless america. Thank you very much. Thank you. The president there issuing an emotional, i think you can say, Public Statement following these two days of deadly violence in america. He said two things there, poppy, that he has not yet said about these shootings. He mentioned White Supremacy and said that there should be a clear condemnation of racism, bigotry and white sfrupremacy. He also called the violence domestic terrorism, again a phrase that weve rarely heard him apply to acts like this here on u. S. Soil. But krucrucially, what is next . The president did not explicitly mention support for universal Background Checks. He talked about the internet and video games and Mental Health laws, he talked about socalled Red Flag Laws which would prevent people who have Mental Health diagnose hes and other warnings from getting weapons. He also mentioned instituting the Death Penalty or rate crimes and mass murders. We were talking a lot going into this, is this moment different in terms of how the country reacts . And at least on Gun Control Measures, universal Background Checks does not appear that the president has moved significantly on that. Despite 90 of republicans supporting them. I dont know if this moment is different. Lets hope so, but i dont know. If sandy hook wasnt different and parkland wasnt different, why should we believe that this will be different . So jim and i would like to bring in all of our panelists who just listened to the president with us. We heard the president say, quote, Mental Illness pulls the trigger, not the gun. And he did bump stocks, for example. His administration did ban those. But what he also did before parkland is he rolled back an obamaera regulation specifically aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. It would mandate that certain information from the Social Security department had to go out about people that were trying to buy guns to indicate if they were getting help for Mental Health issues, and his administration chose to take that away. You know, i guess this speech in some ways is sort of a diversionary tactic for this president. You look at what happened in el paso, it was about what Christopher Wray has been talking about, the rise of White Nationalism, the rise of White Supremacists and this ideology that this killer likely laid out in this racist essay. So the president wants to talk about video games and Mental Health and he certainly doesnt want to talk about the ways in which he in some ways through his own speech has in some ways if youre a white supremacist, you find the president s words possibly inspirational, possibly comforting. The white supremacist in there and the way that he tries to absolve the president , he certainly points to him, too. He says the president is echoing his own thoughts. So i think thats a big missing piece. He talks about the White Supremacy and says we need to come together and call these people out. His speech has been so bad over the last four years and this is a problem. The republicans dont want to talk about it and the president doesnt want to talk about it. Video games in this sense and Mental Health, and as you point out, even in what hes done as president. It shows that he doesnt even really think thats an issue that he wants to address. Pam brown, you were with us before the president spoke. You heard his words. Whats your read on this from the white house at this moment . A couple of things here, poppy. What stuck out to me was the president was really focused on evil attacks, pinning this on Mental Health issues, an act of evil. And he clearly from my view stayed away from connecting these shootings from gun violence and proposing anything new in terms of gun reform. He only looked backwards, looking at the bump stocks ban that his administration did enact. But clearly the president is not as forwardleaning on gun control as he has been in the past after other shootings like the parkland shooting when youll recall he considered Assault Rifle bans, when he talked about raising the age limit for buying rifles, Background Checks. We didnt hear any of that today. And of course we know he backed away from those proposals under pressure from the nra. Something else that stood out to me was the president condemning White Nationalism and supremacy, his words racism. But he didnt acknowledge his own role in fanning the flames. Instead he pointed the blame at the internet and social media. So the question is does the president have any acknowledgment of the role his rhetoric as the president of the United States might play in what happened in el paso . We do know that he has called the invasions of people coming over the southern border, that language was used in the manifesto connected to the gunman, though that gunman said he had his views before President Trump. But that was also something missing from the president s statements. David urban, let me ask you, because the question following these attacks is always what is different. What will be done now . The president tweeted this morning the possibility of expanding Background Checks in exchange for Immigration Reform, yet the president came to the podium there and he did not mention that proposal again. He talked about video games and instituting the Death Penalty for hate crimes. And i had a republican congressman on earlier, the only one who said yes to our request among 50 sitting gop lawmakers, and he again pushed back on moving too quickly on Background Checks or on Gun Control Measures. I wonder youre inside the Republican Party. Is there any change here . Will republicans vote for anything different now, particularly if they dont hear from the president there calling for a particular Gun Control Measure or Background Check Measure after these shootings . So jim, let me just start out by saying, like everyone, my heart goes out to all the families affected by this tragedy, both in texas and in ohio. Its horrific and i cant imagine what those families. So my thoughts and prayers are with those families and their friends. As to your specific question, jim, you could go back to 1966. I was just looking at some articles and some data. 1966, at the top of the University Of Texas bell tower, a shooter goes up and kills 15 people, injuries 30. Thats how long this has been weve been talking about this. I looked at boil moyers statement, lbjs Press Secretary the numbers are going up significantly in recent years. I know it didnt begin yesterday. But you know the department of justice its going up. And the weapons make the death toll go up. Let me answer if question. I agree there needs to be much more common sense. We talked about the Mental Health Background Checks. You sheenouldnt be able to get weapon if youre being treated for a Mental Health issue. Thats just common sense. Theres no evidence that these shooters were being treated for Mental Health. So what measure is going to happen now . Jim, i dont know. Listen the congress and the president need to sit down. I heard you earlier advocating for reducing clip size, if you had a smaller clip you dont kill as many people. Thats absolutely true. But these people are twisted. Theyll find ways around that. Theyll tape two clips together. Youve been in a war zone. You see how you take a clip and you tape one and the other one upside down so you can change it quicker. The people who are perpetrating these crimes arent normal. You watched the shooter walk into the walmart. He had Hearing Protection and Eye Protection. What kind of sick person puts Hearing Protection and Eye Protection on before he goes to slaughter people . Im asking the question, what addresses that, the availability . I dont know, jim. Without banning, so you could advocate banning all Assault Weapons, all assaultstyle weapons, and then somebody is going to resort to something else. There has to be some sort of common sense approach taken here oub obviously to reduce these activities where unstable people get a weapon that could cause a lot more destruction than a handgun with if you went back to a revolver. But lets not forget, machine guns have been around since the late 1800s. Gangsters and criminals used them. John machine gun kelly. What has been different . Machine guns have been available. Tommy guns. What has changed in American Culture that makes people do what theyre doing today . Weapons have been available for a very long time. Something has changed in society and something has changed in american families. Something has changed in our culture that we have a president now where you have a manifesto where someone is calling out the president about his own speech, about latinos. That certainly is something that has changed t too. Do you see that as something thats changed as well . But the shooter says in the manifesto, why dont you take him at his own words. He said the president has nothing to do with this. Hes also acknowledging that the president s rhetoric is similar to his. That is also what hes hes not completely absolving him. Hes saying dont point to the president who has a similar rhetoric as the shooter does. I want to bring in the congressman, but mia makes a point that one thing that has changed is that the highest office in the land has seemed to make it okay to call people from other countries invaders and has said that congresswomen should leave this country, okay, minority congresswomen. Im not going to fight with you about this because i want all the voices in. Im just stating a fact. Thats one thing that has changed. Poppy its an unfair jump to say thats advocating violence. Its not an unfair jump when i say that one thing that has changed, david urban, is the rhetoric in this country. When the gentleman shot up the Republican Baseball Team who was a fan of social media on the left and television on the left and politicians on the left, was there a human cry against those Television Personalities or those politicians that fueled the flames of that gentleman . Im just asking a question. Congressman, to you. You said one thing that has changed. I noted one thing that has changed. The president just made a promise to our kids. He just said our kids are entitled to grow up in a world where this isnt their reality and he said, and i quote, we vow to act with urgent resolve. Should the American People tomorrow morning, next monday morning, expect anything different . Im not hopeful. As much as i am grieving with the rest of the American People, im not hopeful. Lets remember that the Republican Party and evidenced by the fact that they wont show up on tv, on cnn, to speak to this issue, the Republican Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the nra. They do their bidding first and foremost and until that ends, nothing is going to happen. And i say to my Democratic Party candidates, lets stop being spineless and standing up. We passed in 1993 the brady bill. We passed an Assault Weapons ban. We have to reexamine our relationship. This relationship that america and that americans have with guns, and how it is. And lastly, lets remember one thing. This is the president who began his campaign by saying mexicans are murders, rapists, drug dealers, we need to get rid of them. This is a president of the United States who calls people like me who come to the United States of america, breeders, animals. And he has no selfexamination today in his comments. He said that those that are prejudice and bigotry and hatred are heartless, dont have a heart, dont have a soul. Well, mr. President by our own words, you are heartless and soulless because you have been the Propaganda Chief of hatred here in the United States of america. And look, Black People Cant Go To Church unless theyre assassinated by a white supremacist. Jews cant go to the synagogues, latinos cant go shopping. People live in fear because of hatred. And yes, we need a war, a War On Terrorism here in the United States of america to eradicate. But the first thing we need to do is the president of the United States has to stop, has to stop igniting the flames of hatred and bigotry and division in this country. We all bleed the same, we all defend this nation when it comes under attack. We are all americans, not just you, mr. Trump, and the people you want to vote for you. Represent us all. I dont believe any of what you said today. You have no legitimacy and you have no standing until you have your own personal selfexamination about the contributions that you have made to White Nationalism and White Supremacy and its rise in the United States of america. David urban, what is your response to i just would like to let david urban respond to that. Poppy, listen. Congressman has his perspective, which i dont agree with. It again would go back and say i do believe we need some common sense. The congress of the United States, i agree with the congressman that Congress Needs to get into action and really find some common sense things they can do to deal with the gun problem in america. In his state of illinois in chicago, more people die every week, every month from gun violence than do in the shooting. There needs to be a holistic approach so americans can be safe in their homes and not worry about being killed anywhere. John avlon, let me ask you a question heres the problem. Donald trump doesnt care about inner city people that live in chicago and that are dying because of gun violence. He doesnt care. He simply wants to use us as a foil to speak to his political base. Look, the fact is the president of the United States must stop inciting violence in america. He is the inviter in chief in the violence that we are living in in america. He has a huge platform and there was no selfexamination of his own contribution. Stop calling people like me breeders. Stop calling people like me murders. My mom and dad are great people. My children are great people. We came to america to contribute. Stop demonizing us. We love our neighbors and this contributed to the Great Success and democracy of what is america. Stop using us as political pawns in your game of reelection. The American People should be first for the record. Were going to be back here in two weeks, and heres what i predict, nothing happened. Because this president will not act. The last time we had the brady bill and Assault Weapons ban, we had a democratic president and a Democratic House and you know what the republicans did . They used our advancement of gun control to take and make sure we didnt have a majority in the house of representatives. They used it against us. So look, we have to stand up for the American People. Yes, my heart broke. Lets stop allowing people to break the hearts of the American People as they watch these deaths occur each and every day on tv and lets just say the president , you must have a selfexamination and a selfreckoning with your own words and contribution to the death and mayhem that exists in america today. Jim and poppy go ahead, david. I was just going to say. Again, to go back, 1966 this is when this started. There was a democratic president then. There have been plenty of democratic president s and democratic kongs with democratic majorities to move common sense Gun Legislation forward. America needs to act. We do need to do things. There needs to be a holistic approach. You cant just make away magazines and think everything is going to be better. We need to address it so america can be safer. But the Republican Party is owned by the nra. Thats a simplistic view. They contributed tens of millions of dollars to his campaign. They are foremost against any, any attempt by the legislative branches of government and by the executive branches of government the clinton and Obama Administration one at a time, please, gentlemen. Were not getting anywhere when youre talking over each other. David, a Quick Response and then i want to get a john avlon. Just again, there have been Democratic Marjjorities in the house and senate. The congressman is not telling the truth when he says this is simply the Republicans Holding up the world. Thats not true. Youre not being honest, congressman. David, the facts are you know as well as me that the nra ratings for republican congressmen matter and if they vote for, they get credit. Jim, they mattered for democratic congressmen as well. You cant lay this at the feet of the Republican Party. David, did democrat controlled house just passed a universal Background Check Bill thats been blocked in the senate. Thats a recent example. You agree. But john avlon, for this broadcast we asked 50 republican lawmakers to come on. The only one who said yes was ted yoho to his credit. But when i spoke with him a short time ago, he was repeating many of the positions weve heard from republican lawmakers back to past shootings. Talking about Mental Health and not rushing a decision on universal Background Checks. He doesnt support universal Background Checks and the president tweeting that he might tie them to Immigration Reform did not mention new Background Checks legislation in his statement there when he had an opportunity to do so. Your read of the politics here, have they changed one iota after these attacks today . Is the dynamic any different . It should be. But you saw the president Go Out In Front on twitter and call for universal Background Checks and it was notably omitted from his scripted remarks. What was that conversation like inside the white house . What Pressure Groups were calling and saying you cant say that . The real shame is this is a 90 issue. 90 of americans support Background Checks. David urban is talking about a common sense approach. Mental health may be part of it, video games may be part of it, but there are countries around the world that have Mental Health issues and video games but they dont have the kind of mass murder that we see here in the United States because of gun violence. So universal Background Checks ought to be part of that. Lets not be naive about what can get through. But lets also not disagree about the fact that this has been blocked by Mitch Mcconnell and opposed by republican president s over and over again. You know what, wes lowery, as jim aptly brought up, hr8, bipartisan Background Checks after 2019 passed the house. 241 votes to 90. Hr1112, bipartisan Background Checks, again passed the house but didnt go anywhere in the senate. So how does Mitch Mcconnell answer these questions when this issue of Background Checks has 90 of republican support . Certainly. This mab has been an issue for long time where the politics and our political representative system has been out of touch and undemocratic with what the will of the people is. If this went up for a national will tomorrow, all of these things would pass. But the reality is because of the way our political system works, it doesnt really matter the vast majority of americans want many things that are considered common sense steps. Going back to the president s comments, because i think its very clear and obvious the republicans are the ones obstructing legislation to change the way guns operate in our country. We know that. We dont need to pretend this is on bothsides issue. But going back to what the president s challenge was. He had to deal with two challenges. The crisis of gun violence and White Supremacy and domestic terror. He acknowledged one and not the other. He acknowledged the domestic Terror Crisis were dealing with. He named it what it was, he called it race ist. He did not as the congressman notes, involve any introspection of the fact that the president s words included things like the president s words. But on the Gun Crisis Issue i think there was a refusal to name what it was. We know that we have a Health Crisis in the country, a Mental Health crisis, but to demagogue these shooters, many people deal with Mental Health crisis and the vast majority of them will never pick up a weapon. Theyre more likely to be the victim of violence like this than to be the perpetrator. Second, video games, we should be doing studies of china then. This reminds me of Marilyn Mannsen Being claimed for columbine. There is one thing that is different in the United States and that is our guns and the availability of them. And sure, would banning one type of gun get rid of the complete possibility of someone committing an act of terror. Of course not. But the hope would be that we would get together to take the most steps possible to make it as difficult as possible for anyone to commit an act like this. It was mentioned earlier tommy guns and machine guns. Guess what . Those things are illegal now and people cant walk into places and use them. And the important foipoint o that, theyve been illegal since the 1930s. The president and dave urban talked about Mental Health and one of the first things he did was turn over an Executive Order by obama when he came in that dealt with gun access to folks with Mental Health issues. So maybe thats a reversal or some sign of progress but lets look at the whole field and not be naive, because there were a lot of republican Talking Points that dont get to the heart of the issue of what were dealing with in america. Im not optimistic about the future as long as this president of the United States is in the white house, as long as my republican colleagues are whollyowned subsidiary of the nra. They respond to their beck and call each and every time. We should put americans first. Lets remember the people praying in their church. Lets remember the jews praying in their synagogue. Lets remember latinos going shopping. Lets remember that americans are fearful of daytoday activities. We need gun control. Not just Background Checks. We need vigorous gun control. This is a War On Terrorism. We should go after the terrorists. Mia, it just brings to my mind, its a national embarrassment. Who cares how strong our economy is or how strong our military is if americans are killing americans like this over and over and over again . I think thats right. Only in america. This is a unique problem to this time in American History where you have this proliferation of guns. You can talk about Mental Health and video games all you want. But as wes pointed out, certainly there are Mental Health issues in other countries and video games as well. And the other unique part of this era is trumps rhetoric on race, his rhetoric about black and brown people in the Republican Partys unwillingness to really talk about it and in some ways really pick up that language. If you look at john cornyns twitter feed, some of the language mirrors some of the language in that manifesto from the killer in el paso. David urban has a lot to say about congress and what Congress Needs to do. I wonder if he has any advice for what the president should do in terms of his language, talking about mexicans as killers, talking about mexicans as rapists, talking about baltimore, talking about african countries in a disparaging way. So all fine and good that he wants congress to come together and sort of clean up their act and address gun control. But listen, the president also has a responsibility. I think most americans agree, to not be so disparaging towards black people, towards brown people in the way that weve seen him do time and time again, endless, countless examples of him really i think inciting this sort of rhetoric at his rallies. And again we saw it in the manifesto with this killer pointing out trumps own rhetoric. Nia, to be fair lets let david respond if we can. So nia, i think to be fair to me, you should recognize that i do call the president out each and every time. Every one of those instances you talk about, ive said the president should not do that. Its not helpful, its not right, and i call him out each and every time. So i think you should be fair and acknowledge that. And you realize go ahead. I think its time to stop talking look, thats good that you call the president out. Its time to turn your back on this president. Its time to abandon and stop supporting this president. Congressman, you as long as people do that, he will continue to speak to these issues. Yes, in america sometimes you have to take on your own leader. And i know what youre going to say, that we should do the same thing. Guess what . When barack obama refused to keep his promise on immigration, democrats are the ones that took him on, called him deporter in chief and had him change his ways. People within the party have to take the president of the United States on. We did it in the past and we need to do it in the future today. Look, the majority of people in america in two polls, two nationally registered polls, a majority of people, how sad it is, believe the president of the United States is a racist. Thats not me. I stand with the majority of the people of the United States of america. Thats a sad commentary when the majority of people believe this president is a race ist. A racist president of the United States of america. We have a reaction from tim ryan from ohio, and also a democratic candidate for president. When the president concluded his remarks he seemed to reference the wrong city. Of course the shooting was in dayton but he said toledo. That is tim ryans response, toledo, f me. John avlon, a moment where the president didnt seem to have specific knowledge of where this tragedy, nine dead people actually took place in the state of ohio. The wrong city in ohio, and presumably youve got to imagine thats not in the tele prompter. I understand tim ryans frustration from the great city of youngstown, ohio. Its about what emotional mark did this massacre make in your heart and mind and then can you be bothered to remember the right city raes name. In the history of Mass Shootings weve had in this country and there have been far too many for too long, whats new is the introduction of White National ist terrorism that is on the rise in america. And the president checked the box by mentioning but hes got got to do more than that. Mitch mcconnell said that criminal Justice Reform was dead. President trump used his political power to get that passed. Is he going to show the same kind of sustained leadership or is this just going to be another speech undercut by a tweet hours if not days later . David urban, i get that people make mistakes go ahead. To johns point, has the president uttered words or phrases, one condemning White Supremacy and calling this domestic terrorism. And those were important steps because those were words that people hoped to hear yesterday, calling on the president to call out definitively. And he did do that there and i think credit where credit is due. Its very important to hear it over and over again for exactly what it is. Youre right, echoing what his own fbi director Christpher Wray said very loudly in july. David urban, your response to that hearing it from the president , the question becomes what happens with action. And then to the toledo thing i get that people make mistakes, but dayton, ohio has just suffered a huge massacre and the president didnt seem to know where that took place in a state that he says he is so representative of. Toledo, dayton, its regrettable. Im sure its a slipup and im sure the president is well aware it took place in dayton and not toledo. To the previous point you made about the president calling out White Supremacists and this hate crime and terrible scourge that is affecting our nation, look, i think i heard him saying that hes asking the Attorney General and the fbi to kind of focus on it and crack down. I suspect you will see it further more this is something that obviously rav ijs america. No one is america is proud that this is happening on our shores. Timothy mcvay blew up the Office Building in oklahoma city. Its a terrible thing. We should attack it like we attack isis. It should be just as big a focus, internal terrorism. And our law should be fixed. There are numerous problems with fbi and their powers, what they can and cant do with terrorism on our own shores. That would be all eliminated to make sure that americans are safe in their homes and places of worship and dont have to fare these type of things. There are gaps in our laws that need to be remedied. Nia, were hearing from other go ahead, congressman. We watched the president of the United States go to a rally and the audience was there and they started chanting send her home, send her back and then the president the next day said i didnt tell them to say that. He actually stepped away from it. And i said wow, maybe hes seen something and hes walking away and hes going to change course. And you saw what happened one day later. One day later it was like, hey, i cant control them. Maybe theyll say it again. So weve watched this president. He cannot stop. He knows only one way, one avenue, one road to the reelection to his reelection as president of the United States, and that is to continue to pit us one against the other, and to continue his ugly hatefilled language against immigrants. Hes not going to change and the congress of the United States is not going to unchain themselves from the nra. Until we do that, we will not save america and make it a better and safer place. Nia, i would like to get your reaction to senator cory booker who his main issue in this campaign has been gun control and hes even called out some of his fellow democratic contenders for the presidency to not go far enough on gun licenses. His Campaign Manager just tweeted what senator cory booker just wrote calling it a b. S. , such a b. S. Soup of ineffective words as he listens to the president. We should quickly condemn his lack of a real plan. Nia. I think the president has made his feelings on all of this known for the last many years. In some ways this speech was superfluous. I dont think its going to remain in terms of any sort of focus on any of the issues he talked about, whether its White Supremacy or gun control or whether its Mental Health or video games. This was a speech that he sort of felt like he had to give. There was a big void there. I dont think anybody was necessarily clamoring tohear from the president on any of these issues because we know where he stands on these issues. We know what he has seen what hes talked about when he talks about immigrants coming to this country. Weve heard him talk about an invasion and talk about killers and rapists. So the idea that now he can talk about White Supremacists in one speech in the oval office, i dont think hes going to use his Bully Pull Pit to go after White Supremacists in the way that hes gone after immigrants. So, you know, i didnt really expect much from the speech. I dont think it has much Staying Power. I think what does have Staying Power is what weve seen from this president already in his speeches and on his twitter account and weve seen in many ways republicans either through their silence or through their echoing his words as well, essentially rally around this president and the ways he wants to be racially divisive and we see the ways in which it really matters in this country and the ways it can lead to violence. The words matter and we know they matter because theyre often oechoed by people who cary out acts of violence. I want to reference a particular one. This from a trump rally in may of this year in panama city, florida. Have a listen to this and how the crowd responded. I want to get your reaction. How do you stop these people . You shoot them. Thats only in the panhandle you can get away with that statement. If you couldnt hear it there, the president said how can you stop these people. Hes talking about immigrants. And the crowd chanted shoot them. The shooter that came here to this walmart in el paso came targeting mexicans, he said. He came to shoot them. Does the president s Rhetoric Matter in that context, wes lowery . Of course it does. It matters. It matters a lot. Hes the president of the United States that said famously, infamiliar isly, that he could shoot number on 5th avenue and nothing would happen to him. This is the president of the United States at his own political rallies that calls upon his supporters to use violence and says dont worry, ive got the bond money and lawyer to get you out of jail. This is the president of the United States that began his presidency by Demonizing Latinos and immigrants, by lying about us and by continuing his lie about other sectors of the american public. So look, words matter a lot. But pi have to repeat that wer going to be back here in a couple of weeks and i am not hopeful. We cannot protect our children, 4, 5, 6 year old children in Grade Schools and middle schools. We see them assassinated and mowed down and we do nothing to expect our children. What do we expect the president of the United States to do . Protect immigrants . I doubt it. I dont believe it. Congressman, we appreciate your passion on this and all of you. This is a difficult conversation. David, i know you were taking some hard questions here. This is a conversation america needs. Were going to continue to have it as best we can. Poppy and i thank you. We thank you and we promise you, jim and i, that we will stay on this. We can guarantee you that. We hope lawmakers do as well. Thank you for being here. Jim, Great Reporting on the ground there. Thank you so much. Im poppy harlow. At this hour starts next. I found some incredible records about samuel silberman. Passenger manifests, census information, even wwi draft registration cards. The records exist. Theyre there, theyre facts. That made it so real for me, it wasnt just a story anymore. 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