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Until at least october, and a growing number of major retailers mandating customers wear masks in their stores nationwide, walmart really leading the way, enforcing the policy starting today. Also, Delta Airlines is starting another screening process for passengers who cannot wear a mask on board for health reasons. Theyre even asking those passengers to consider not traveling at all. As for the president , he is not just standing by his response, his more than 140,000 americans have died from covid19, he is once again in a new interview downplaying the severity of the pandemic. Well get to that in a moment. Lets begin in the state of georgia which saw a weekend of record cases. Dianne gallagher joins us from atlanta. Good morning, dianne. Reporter good morning, poppy. Look, things are going in the wrong direction all across the country right now. 31 states are seeing an increase in their new cases of covid19, and the u. S. Passed the 140,000 mark when it comes to deaths since the start of this pandemic. Now, Vice President mike pence is holding a close call with u. S. Governors to talk about covid19 this afternoon. Were seeing cases in states just like georgia that are hitting Record Numbers of new cases in some of these states from just this weekend, poppy. The Governor Brian Kemp there is seeking a restraining order, so not only just to remind people, he sued atlantas mayor last week for mandating masks in atlanta. He hasnt sued other mayors of other cities in georgia, like athens who well have later on in the program for doing the same. Now hes trying to essentially muzzle her, get an injunction from the court so she cant speak about this and speak freely to the press. Is that right . Reporter no mask mandates but definitely an injunction to muzzle the mayor it looks like here. The Governors Office says that this is essentially because they view her comments and her comments to the press and press releases as confusing for business owners, essentially this emergency injunction requests that they prevent the mayor of atlanta from speaking to the press or issuing any press releases about her covid19 restrictions, because they go above what the governor has put out in his Public Health emergency executive order. Thats essentially the root of that lawsuit he filed against her as well but of course this takes it a step further, essentially saying that they want to make it to where she cant speak about it at all. Now the mayor has said thats not going to happen. Shes going to continue talking about it and continue telling people to listen to the science, so they can stay safe. There hasnt been a court date yet set in this lawsuit, poppy. Okay, dianne, wow, this escalated. Thank you very much. Miguel marquez my colleague is in arizona for us this morning. Good morning, miguel. That is a state that i think its sort of a mix of some positive news and a lot of bad news. What is the state of arizona experiencing right now . Reporter the state is at a crossroads. The case numbers here, that rate of positivity is through the roof. It leads the nation, about 24 , about 24. 5 of all people tested here, whether an emergency test site thats been popped up for the next 12 days or so, about a quarter of the people being tested here are positive. Over the weekend, they shattered the number of deaths recorded in a single day, 147 deaths on saturday, but the rate of transmission is down slightly, so if i have it, the rate at which i spread it to others is down slightly. The rate of hospitalizations, those using hospital beds across the entire state is down slightly, but we speak to health care professional, after health care professional. We spoke to one doctor who says they are overwhelmed. They have been going at it nonstop. Right now some Health Care Professionals are starting to get sick. If people are sick, the nurses are sick, and when this started, im a researcher. I wanted to save the world. I had all these ideas to solve this. My colleagues, we had all of these ideas to solve it. I want to make this out alive. Thats my goal. Im in the age that can die and i dont want to get it, so im worried. Im worried about the winter. Im worried a lot of people are being naive about this. Reporter arizona is looking at the fall, which will bring people back to this part of the country, and that may spur even more virus spread. They have so much virus out there right now that its going to be very difficult to pull it all back in. Remember, in midmay, arizona opened up the state aggressively, they went from zero to 100 basically. They didnt have sort of the stages and stems are steps lists like you have in other places. The numbers have climbed exponentially. They have tons of virus in the community. The big question facing the governor and lawmakers here is how do they stick to the plan to open schools in august . Supposed to open august 1st, the governor pushed that back to a hopeful date of august 17th. Poppy . 87 doctors there pleading with the governor to push it back even more. I just wonder what the response has been to that, what youre hearing anecdotally from parents and folks, because miguel, to hear that doctors say i just want to make it out of this alive just says so much. Reporter yes, so the governor has said this week, next week, theyre going to make that decision about when schools will reopen. He has basically hedged his bet and said august 17th is an aspirational date. Well see. This group of doctors wants it pushed back to at least october, if not farther. The issue is ten kids spread it. If they can, is it going to sicken kids . The research is not perfect out there. There is indications that yes, no matter the age of the children, they can spread it around. The older the child, the more possibly they can spread it to other adults. Does it make some kids sick . There are some diseases that can completely devastate children so its a very, very tough question, and how you get back to normal now all this virus out there, you know, look, you get this thing from work, from community spread, which theyre both seeing in arizona right now because they open so rapidly and the third place, schools. So if they open up the schools as well, amid all of this virus out there, theyre going to have a very tough time. When arizona shut down in march, there were a thousand cases a week. Last week there were 26,000 cases in the state. Thats the decision that theyre wrestling with right now. And no mask mandate across the state, right . Cities can decide but no statewide mandate . No mandate across the state. No mask mandate across the state. The governor wont do it. Most big cities, most counties have put one into effect so effectively much of the state is but the governor has not map dated a mask. He wears one in public. Hes not antimask but there was a period where he didnt engage fully in that. He opened up the state very quickly, completely aggressively and now this is what were seeing. Poppy . Miguel, thank you for that reporting on the ground. We appreciate it very, very much. There are no more warnings for not wearing a mask in miami. Starting today, people caught without a Face Covering will start facing fines immediately starting at 50, at least 49 hospitals and Health Care Facilities across florida are completely out of icu beds. So far, more than 350,000 people have tested positive for covid19 in florida. If the state were its own country it would have the seventh most cases in the world. Im joined by carlos migoya, president and ceo of jackson health, miamidades Public Health Hospital System. Its good to have you. Thank you for being here, and not only how many people youre treating, but you have 13,000 employees that work across your health care system. The increase in covid19 patients, carlos, in the last month, 226 . You said a few days ago we have plans b, c and d as to how we convert our recovery beds and how we convert other things to icu beds. Were not at that point at this time. How close are you . We continue to teeter every day. Good morning, poppy, thank you very much. Jackson memorial our main hospital is used to that because we have complex surgeries between transplant, neurosurgery and open heart and teeter with the icu beds. Were building 100 new icu beds but unfortunately not going to be around until the end of the year. So really every day its a challenge of how we make sure we do that, with the current icu beds. We have like you said plan b and c, how to have additional beds and even though weve seen a little bit of a growth of 60 in the last 14 days and icu only 18 , we expect those numbers to grow a little higher and for that reason we may be putting plans b and c into place. Wow. We talk so much about available icu beds or icu beds not being available. I think its important to focus on the staff. You have so many, 13,000, and how exhausted theyre getting and how sick some are getting. Last week there was more than 150 of your staff were out with covid. I wonder what that number is now and also your response to some of the doctors there. Er dr. Mark zupino said its not just about having available beds for the patients. We need the support staff, the nurses, the techs to take care of them, and theyve been hiring many more nurses he says to help out. What is the strain like on your team right now . Well, were going to, we are in the fifth month already of this infection here in south florida. So obviously thats a huge challenge, the anxiety, the kind of work these people are doing, and the fear goes with it, its really amazing and frankly, when you look at the health care workers, its extremely important the kind of work theyre doing and the challenge that theyre under is extremely difficult. I will say this. Today we have right at 200 employees that are out with positive covid. Of those, only 37 are nurses. We have 4,000 nurses. So from a percentage standpoint its not a big number. I will say the state, Governor Desantis helped us out quite a bit providing an extra 200 nurses to us at this point in time and actually been extremely important for us. Weve also hired another 90, 100 nurses but all of that is influx at this point in time. Its a challenge and a lot of anxiety for everyone. Speaking about your employees, a union that represents 5,000 of your health care workers, they are asking for hazard pay, and they say our workers are being worked past their limits. We lost lives from this pandemic. We face a real risk of losing more before its over. Are you able to and open to paying them increased wages for being on the front lines . You are in quite a financial precarious position yourself as a Hospital System right now. We brought this point up originally ourselves to the unions, and frankly, at this point in time weve lost in excess of over 80 million and not been able to catch up with the federal support but we have not gotten any funding from hhs for the last three payments that theyve done, specifically to the safety of the hospitals and hot zone hospitals of which we qualified for both and did not get any on either of those things. Were financially challenged and i know at one point a bill looked at hazard pay. We would love to be able to do Something Like that but financially we cant do it and frankly, no other hospital in the country is doing it at this point in time. Not that were looking at sxwrus other hospitals but financially we couldnt do it either. Thank you, carlos, very much for your time this morning. Good luck to you guys. Thank you. As the cases are going up, the president s poll numbers especially on handling covid are going down. Still he is Standing Firm on his strategy or lack of an actual plan in the pandemic. The question politically is why. Well talk about that. Another violent night in portland, oregon, federal forces using tear gas to disperse protesters. Well take you live there. And the search is on for a gunman reportedly dressed as a fedex driver who opened fire at the home of a federal judge in new jersey, the judges son was killed, her husband was shot. Well have a live report from there as well. From prom dresses. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. With spray mopping to lock away debris and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. Just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. The shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one pad. President trump continues to say that his relationship with dr. Fauci is very good. The question is, if that is the case, why does he still continue to criticize him in public . Listen. One of your closest aides, one of your righthand men, dani daniel skovina put out this, dr. Faucet, which shows him as a leaker and an alarmist. Hes a little bit of an alarmist. Thats okay. Our john harwood joins me at the white house this morning. Good morning, john. Glad youre with us. It was remarkable. He almost said it in passing, but it means a lot to say that hes a little bit of an alarmist. It does, and its something that doesnt make sense to the vast majority of americans who consider Anthony Fauci a trusted source of information but makes sense within the mind of donald trump because donald trump cannot accept that things are not going well. One of the things that mary trump, his niece wrote about in her book a legacy of the damaging environment in which the president was raised was what she called toxic positivity, that is to say the compulsion to view things as going well in any setting, to protect your ego and your image. The president gave abundant evidence in that interview with Chris Wallace that he is psychologically incapable of accepting the gravity of this situation. So when you talk about rising case counts, he says thats because our testing is so great. And when you talk about what about the rise in case counts . 99 of those cases are harmless. The president , when he was challenged by Chris Wallace, who said we have this Johns Hopkins shows we have the seventh highest mortality rate, he says no, we have the lowest mortality rate. He cannot process and synthesize bad news. Its not comforting for americans who are looking for a realistic portrayal of the situation from their commander in chief, but its why you see americans in very large numbers now saying they dont trust what he says about the crisis. They disapprove of his handling of the crisis and they favor joe biden in november by substantial margins. And john, youre pointing to the polls that Chris Wallace pressed him on also over and over in that interview, that he is at least writing off every single one of the polls, writing off the methodology, pointing to 2016 even though a lot of the methodology has changed since then. What about his team . Are they worried about that . Because it is across the board that fauci is trusted more than the president by a wide margin on covid. So you know, are they worried about the fact that he just does not think clearly . He doesnt think its the case and all he does is call the polls all fake . Sure theyre worried. He replaced his Campaign Manager last week, but dismissing the polls as fake is part of the same toxic positivity. He said well i have polls that show me leading in the battleground states. Nobody has good polls that show the president leading in the battleground states but he feels compelled to say that. Now part of the evidence that his team is taking it more seriously is the interview admiral giroir did with alisyn in the believe hour. He said were taking this as a very grave situation. So there are people within the government, within the administration who are acting to try to contain the pandemic. Its just that the president cannot acknowledge or embrace what theyre doing or lead that effort himself. John harwood at the white house for us this morning, thank you for the reporting. Lets talk about the health side of all of this now. The Health Implications of not taking it very seriously. With me is dr. Aneesh hidalga, senior scholar at Johns Hopkins center for University Health security. Its good to have you. I dont want to make you wade into politics. I wonder if you could talk from a Health Perspective about the Health Implications for the American People of the president just this week calling dr. Fauci alarmist. Its very damaging. Its been something that has been a constant part of this pandemic response, trying to separate what the president says from what actually needs to be done, and this unreality that we see some of the highest leaders in our Country Living it in this evasion that has made it so much harder to do the right thing. We have been making the same mistake over and over again since january. Its important to remember we didnt have to have this experience in the United States. It could have been like taiwan. If we had the leadership taken the plans that had been made time and time again, different administrations, actually implemented them doing testing, tracing, isolating but we have not done that in the beginning of the pandemic and not doing it now. Doctor, you bring up the example of new zealand, which i think is fascinating, just talking about what it shows us a nation can do to prevent even the need for all this political controversy over masks now which i just dont understand, but explain the point youre making and what lesson can be learned from how new zealand has handled this . The reason why we have to think why were worried about going outside, why were worried about public places, we have no idea who is infected and who is not. That was the situation back in march in new york. Thats clearly the situation now, places in florida and arizona, and if you dont know who is infected and who is not, you need to wear some kind of Face Covering because there are people out there that are spreading this infection that dont know theyre contagious or kind of hiding their symptoms or blowing off their symptoms. And thats whats leading to this spread. If you did this appropriately, if you have the ability to test people quickly and get a result in the in seven days but in a day youd know who to tell to stay home and who not to stay home. You have much more confidence going out in public. Its this whole cascading amount of failures that has led to the situation where we have politicization of everything, people fighting over masks, where we dont know what is safe and unsafe to do. I think its so important to remember that this is not in anybodys playbook. This isnt how you handle an Infectious Disease emergency. Its the wrong way to handle an Infectious Disease emergency. We have a little bit more data which is helpful about kids as vectors and how kids spread this. This is a study youve taken a look out of south korea and researchers there found that older children, so those between the ages of 10 and 19 essentially spread the virus like adults, whereas children 9 years old and younger spread it at much lower rates, i believe 5. 3 rate versus an almost 19 rate for kids above 10 years old. How conclusive is this study or is it not, and how should it inform decisions for opening back up schools . Its an interesting study and gives us information weve been looking for. A couple of things to stay, this was in household types of transmission, not the same as cools schools. You cant extrapolate what goes on in the household to what happens in a school and secondly following symptomatic cases, kids that were sick and weve always known if youre sick youre likely to spread it. The kids are less likely to have symptoms. Thats an important thing and when we think about schools, its really the clear message is we cannot allow sick kids to go to school. We have to have a screening process when you go into school, doing fever or symptom screening and parents should not send their kids to school if theyre sick. Nobody should be doing anything if theyre sick because thats the whole problem that we have in this country. Dr. Aneesh adalja, thank you so much. Thank you. A very, very tragic story to report. The son and the husband of a federal judge were shot at their home in new jersey last night. The search is on for the gunman apparently dressed as a Package Delivery driver. Everyday item nd for an to become dangerous. Tide pods childguard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. To close, twist until it clicks. Tide pods childguard packaging. Newdasave 3,000 a year. Teran families with a va loan thats me. Our va streamline refi takes just one call to start the process. 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Get a 50 prepaid card when you switch. 5g is now included with all new data options. Switch and save hundreds. Xfinity mobile. A tragic story breaking overnight, both the fbi and u. S. Marshals are investigating after a gunman opened fire on a federal judges home in new jersey, killing her son and injuring her husband. The shooter has not been caught yet. Lets go to our National Correspondent Brynn Gingras there this morning. It is so tragic. What happened . Reporter yes, this is an area neighborhood that is in disbelief this morning, poppy. Weve seen u. S. Marshals here on the scene, you could see the crime scene tape up behind me, still very much an active investigation. Two major questions here, a motive and who exactly was targeted inside this federal judges home. Let me give what you were hearing from initial reports from sources is that a gunman arrived at the front door of this house, the door was opened by the son of this judge, judge esther salas, the gunman was wearing a fedex uniform, and opened fire, killing the son and injuring the federal judges husband who we know now is in the hospital. The son, daniel, just 20 years old and its just devastating. Again, this is a massive investigation now being taken over by the fbi and the u. S. Marshals trying to figure out who was targeted, if this house was targeted, what is the motive behind all of this. Questions still this morning. We know that there was a lot of highprofile cases that esther salas was presiding over, part of the sentencing of teresa and joe giudice from the real housewives several years ago. A couple years ago the federal judge part of a sentencing of a notorious gang member in newark, new jersey and a few days ago was appointed to a civil case thats against Deutsche Bank for many reasons, but one of them being how the bank handled their highrisk clients including sex offender jeffrey epstein. Another thing to know is her husband who is again in the hospital, he was a criminal defense attorney. These are the things investigators will be looking into with the history of the cases they covered and was someone targeted. Talking to neighbors around here, people are shook up, poppy. There is someone who lives across the street from this home who put the pieces together this morning, hearing the gunshots yesterday, seeing someone get away in a car, realizing that this family now across the street who was loved by this neighborhood has been broken apart into pieces. Poppy . Completely broken apart. Brynn, were glad youre there. Thank you very much. In portland, oregon, overnight, another night of violence but really an escalation last night, for more than 50 days now protesters have clashed there with law enforcement. Over the weekend, federal agents used tear gas and flash grenades to push them back. Now there are growing calls for an investigation after heavily armed really unmarked federal agents were captured on video patrolling the streets and arresting protesters. Josh campbell is live in portland, oregon. Good morning to you, josh. These have gone on for 50plus nights, tensions flaring in recent days. Explain what happened and what the federal response has been. Reporter yes, another night of protests here in downtown portland, poppy. This is the epicenter, this Federal Building and last night in what has been so common since this infusion of federal resources, protesters come out, most peaceful but a subset of rioters throwing projectiles at this building. Authorities erected a metal fencing outside this facility, trying to push people back. You can see what happened to that, here on the ground, pieces of that were taken down and really a titfortat, police put the fencing back up and protesters tear it down. You can see the defacing and graffiti, the Federal Building the focal point of so many protests since this infusion of resources. Its interesting to note that although the protesters are calling for federal resources this surge to go home, to get out of here, theyre not alone. Some elected officials in portland are also calling on the federal government to leave just this weekend, the portland mayor spoke to jake tapper onnen c cn state of the union. We have dozens if not hundreds of federal troops descending upon our city, and what theyre doing is they are sharply escalating the situation. Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism, and its not helping the situation at all. Theyre not wanted here. We havent asked them here. In fact, we want them to leave. Reporter now as this standoff continues, poppy, its also worth pointing out Portland Police are distancing themselves from the feds here. They put out a statement overnight saying they werent involved in any of the clashes between protesters and law enforcement. Now as this debate continues about what to do with federal resources, we know that there are state officials here that are taking action, the attorney general has filed a lawsuit against the department of Homeland Security regarding some of the tactics that have been used by officers here as theyve gone out and arrested protesters. We also now know over the weekend, poppy, lawmakers on capitol hill in washington three powerful democrats, Committee Chairs are calling on the inspectors general at dhs and doj to launch into the accusations of officers in portland. The feds say theyre here to protect property and others calling into question a lot of the activities weve seen night after night. Poppy . Josh campbell, we appreciate the reporting. Well see where the lawsuits go from the ag there in oregon against dhs. Appreciate it very much. Well, College Students are in some universities weeks away from the start of their new semester but for those heading back physically to these college towns, are the towns ready . As the pandemic continues . To listen, is to hear more than whats being said. And offer the answers that make someone feel truly heard. I understand, lets get started call a Dell Technologies advisor today. Tonight, try pure zzzs all night. I understand, lets get started unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. And longer. Zzzquil pure zzzs all night. Fall asleep. Stay asleep. We live in the mountains so i like to walk. Im really busy in my life; im always doing something. 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You get your perfect find at a price to match on your schedule. Yes you get free two day shipping on the things that make your home feel like you. Wayfair. Way more than furniture. Wayfair, youve got just what i need welcome back. The mayor of loss acless, Eric Garcetti is warning he may reimpose stayathome orders. Yesterday Health Officials in Los Angeles County reported a Record Number of hospitalizations, more than 2,200 people. Stephanie elam joins me now. Good morning. I know i sound surprised but the fact that california is the state that instituted so many of these things like mask mandates and stayathome early on and then were back at this point. Reporter its very true, poppy. A lot of people are wondering how we got here. When you seat the Record Number of hospitalizations here, the mayor Eric Garcetti saying we are on the brink of a stayathome order again because of the Record Number of hospitalizations and noting of the ones announced yesterday the majority were people who were under the age of 41 years of age. So just think about that. This is different than what we saw earlier in the pandemic. Things are changing here. He blames the fact theres a lack of National Leadership and people are getting complacent. By talking to people here, i think thats also it. Even though the virus is still rampantly spreading. Thats affecting the numbers here and as well for california, which is now saying because of governor gavin newsom speaking on friday, he said that now looking at schools reopening that in these counties, 32 counties that we are monitoring right now, on this monitoring list, none of them can have inperson school until they are off that monday centering list for 14 days. So counties like here in los angeles, public and private schools will be online when School Starts in the fall unless they can get out of that monitoring list, poppy. Stephanie elam, thank you very much for that reporting this morning from los angeles. With me now is kelly gerth, mayor of athens, georgia, the home of the university of georgia. He issued a mask mandate two weeks ago. Now the states governor says local leaders are banned from this you know because of whats going on with atlanta. Good to have you, mayor, thanks for the time. Good to be here, poppy, thanks for having me. You issued this mask mandate july 10th. The Governor Kemp is suing mayor bottoms in atlanta for doing the same thing you did. Have you been sued yet . Ive not been sued yet. We are maintaining our mask mandate. The courts have not issued a cease and desist. We believe were well within our rights and the health ngaire guidance we received nationally and internationally, the 40,000 university of georgia students seeing about 130,000 totally, and so its not just the University Students who we have to be concerned about. Its the 30 of our population living in poverty who are clerks at grocery stores, who are cleaning homes, who are maintaining facilities so were all in this together so if we have a level Playing Field with a mask man tate, whether youre in a Small Business or a large, that maintains that level of order, in the same way that a residential speed limit of 25 miles an hour does the same in front of your home and mine. So just one note before we move on to the university of georgia. Im interested in what this means for the kids in that whole community as they come back to school. You call this a strange game of political twister, and Governor Kemp is from athens, georgia. Yes. But hes only suing atlanta right now. Have you talked to the Governors Office . Do you have any idea why that is . Not over the last two weeks. The governor and i communicated throughout the pandemic, in fact early on we were the First Community in the state to issue shelterinplace and i encouraged him to do so statewide, because people move around. Small communities that are outlying of athens are impacted by the health care apparatus here and certainly impacted because people come for grocery shopping, for dining and for employment and so we want to make sure that people are safe everywhere in the state. 09 of the counties in georgia right now are on the rise, so its not just cities like athens and atlanta and augusta. Its small towns like mill id mimil mimill idg mill idgeville and damarask. Lets talk about the university of georgia. 40,000 students, most coming back it sounds like to campus. Theres not this online mandate at all in terms of learning. The board of regents mandated masks there inside totally. I know they ordered a ton of masks, i think enough for two for each student and faculty member. A care acpnpackage. Why are you worried . I certainly am. Listen, i worked with High School Students for 20 years and i know that young people think of themselves as invulnerable, but the reality is that they are not. Were seeing Health Care Indicators that suggest that even those who dont have to be hospitalized may be suffering some later lung damage. We dont want to see that in a generation of young people, and we certainly dont want to see them infect their professors and their neighbors and their parents and their grandparents, yet young people are by nature again looseygoosey. Look back to our 20s and say i wish i had done things differently, i can say that for myself. We want everyone to take this deeply seriously. In order for us to come out of this pandemic, we need to be practicing the best behavior possible, and frankly, when i ride down some of the college occupied streets in this town, i dont see the best behavior right now, and we are going to need to step up our game. We wish you luck, and hope the students are watching and ln listening. Mayor girtz, thank you very much. Thanks, poppy. Thousands of children are going back to day care. The Lessons Learned keeping them safe over the past few months. We have reporting on that next, and it can certainly help guide schools as they try to figure out a way to reopen. Youll want to see that. Also tonight join our Fareed Zakaria as he investigates why President Trump believes in so many conspiracy theories, a new. E dropped even lower. At newday, veterans can shortcut the refinance process and save 250 a month. 3000 dollars a year. With the va streamline refi at newday, theres no appraisal, no Income Verification, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 3000 a year. Welcome back. New york city, once the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic in the United States launches its last phase and parents and students are grappling with whether to open schools this fall. How do they do safely . There may being something to learn for Child Care Centers who were opened during the pap democratic without a single covid19 case. Im wondering about this because can parents be sure about this for schools . Reporter thats the big question, pope, and when i went to a Child Care Center in queens i wasnt sure what i could find. Would the kids be able to keep a mask on all day, and they did. This place really shows the art of the possible when you think about hygiene and sanitation and at the same time the kids dont come in at the same time every day and theres just a staggering of them when they are getting their temperature checked. Its all very different from regular school. Psis128 has been closed since march, but every day at 7 00 a. M. Its doors open to over is 30 kids in queens, new york. Its now a Child Care Center for kids of frontline workers, everyone from Corrections Officers to nurses. Its basically opinion a godaccepted. The ymca local day care and Child Care Centers have managed to watch over tens of thousands of kids across the u. S. With schools closed, using strategies that could prove instructive for School Districts now come up with their own plans to keep kids safe in classrooms this fall. We worked in partnership with our communities to create a level of safety. Reporter they have used space to their advantage and gotten creative. We use hula hoops to distance ourselves. Reporter at psis128 as soon as children walk in the door their temperatures are checked as they tell their parents goodbye. Masks once only worn by adults are required for everyone throughout the entire building. Classrooms are also limited in size to only nine kids at a time and sprayed down with an industrialstrength cleaning solution. We taught the kids how to hand wash, as soon as they come in they hand wash. Whenever they change activities they hand wash and when they leave the classroom and come back from the gym or playground, they hand wash. Reporter if a child becomes sick at some point later on in the day then we have isolation prooms where we bring them immediately. They have given us covid kits so the nurses will gash up in the gowns and the extra protection, well call home and the student will stay in that room until the parents come and pick them up. Reporter so far their plan is working. Weve not had one covid case in the whole time that weve been here, not one. The model is working so well its led some School Districts to led schools to turn to Child Care Centers for guidance but officials on the ground caution getting kids back in classrooms for a regular school day comes with its own challenges. We had families coming at all different times. That doesnt happen in schools. Though all come statement, so imagine the line that would be out the door trying to keep them distance and checking their temperatures, so while the safety protocols are awesome, the cleaning products and just the procedures are a model, its not the same as school. Reporter poppy, touring the center there in queens, the other thing that you notice is that the classroom monitors arent necessarily teachers so kids arent getting the same level of instruction that they would get in a regular school, obviously, but as you heard that one mom who is a nurse at the v. A. , this place has been a godsend for patients who are working right now. Of course it has. That was fascinating, laura. Thank you for doing that report and bringing it to us. Well, as covid cases are soaring still across more than half of the states in the country, some cities big ones like los angeles considering potential new stayathome orders. Much more ahead. Much more ahead. Considerction with spray moppingto lock as and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. Just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. The shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one pad. Save without even leaving your house. Just keep your phone and switch to xfinity mobile. You can get it by ordering a free sim card online. Once you activate, you only have to pay for the data you need, starting at just 15 a month. There are no term contracts, no activation fees, and no credit check on the first two lines. Get a 50 prepaid card when you switch. 5g is now included with all new data options. Switch and save hundreds. Xfinity mobile. Top of the hour. Good morning, everyone. Im poppy harlow. Welcome to our viewers here in the states and around the world. While states are shattering records leaving local officials to weigh tough restrictions all over again, nearly 4 Million People have been infected with covid19 in the United States, more than 140,000 have died, and this morning 31 states are still seeing a rise in new cases. First lets bring on breaking news we have on vaccine development. Jacqueline howard joins us now with more. Good morning. What can you tell us. Reporter good morning. So we actually just received results, these just came in from an oxford trial in the

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