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Their passion. Not worried what will happen next. Concerned about the economy. And jobs. You are, big proponent of that. By the way standing in front of garbage. Whats going on . I am on a barge, don, i am down here on the ohio river. In louisville. On a barge. Run by chad. Years ago, woke up, and decided the rivers were too polluted and littered. Nobody was cleaning it up. He requisitioned a couple barges. He and merry band of garbage men are selfappointed custodians of our rivers. They have been cleaning them up for years. Tomorrow i will spend the day with them. And shoot a story for the show. Move on to the next one. Mike rowe focused on jobs here on cnn unusual and tough ones. Congratulations. Thank you for joining us. Don, thanks. See you soon. Appreciate it. All righty. Tonight, we have breaking news for you. Fears are spreading throughout dallas and across the country as a second possible ebola patient is under observation. In the same hospital where Thomas Duncan died earlier today. It could take two days to find out whether Dallas County sheriffs deputy, has ebola. He had been in the same apartment where duncan was staying. Meanwhile, five of this countrys biggest airports are getting ready to begin stricter screening of passengers from west africa. The starting with new yorks jfk. Saturday travelers will have their temperatures taken and be evaluated by a quarantine officer. Will that be enough to protect america from ebola . Also tonight. Of a cnn exclusive. The shocking, call the on camera moment when police smashed a car window and used a taser on a man in the passengers seat. The drivers young son recording it all on his cell phone. The family. Entire family will be here tonight. And now lets turn to our breaking news on ebola. Fears that a second patient in dallas may be infected. Gary tuchman live there tonight. Gary, texas deputy may have been infected with ebola. At the apartment where Thomas Duncan was staying. What do you know about that . This Dallas County sheriffs deputies was one of the First Responders who went to the apartment where the patient was staying. He is being checked for the possibility that he has ebola. And in the very same hospital where mr. Duncan was. All started in the town of frisco, texas, 30 miles north of where we are standing. The Urgent Care Center. He went into the Urgent Care Center. Wasnt feeling good. Had some symptoms of ebola. Doctors sprung into action. Within minutes. Nine, ten, emergency vehicles were on the scene. Fire trucks, ambulances. His car, deputys car parked in the lot. Qua 14 people inside the Urgent Care Center told not to leave they could be contaminated. The deputy was rushed in an ambulance and brought to the hospital. But we can tell you tonight. Authorities say there is a very, low chance that this man has ebola. For a number of reasons. One he was never with duncan with the family members in the apartment. But duncan was gone. In addition he has never been to west africa. And also, he doesnt have all of the symptoms of ebola. Finally, 4 people are being kept in contact with medical authorities. This deputy is not one of them. A short time ago the son of the deputy spoke out. We are scared. Want to make sure everything is okay. Just wait to get all the facts. Make sure nothing, nothing gets blown out of proportion. But we are just waiting to see, you know, make sure he doesnt test positive. Not expecting him to. Being test ford ebola. A maximum of 14 days. Probably much shorter before we know for sure. Once again, don, good new, most likely the cdc says, authorities, say he does not have ebola. Lets talk about Thomas Eric Duncan. Sadly died this morning. What is the hospital saying about his death and what happens to his body . Its very sad for everybody. This hospital came out with a statement earlier today. I would look to read it to you. The hospital saying he fought courageously in this battle, our professionals, the doctors and nurses in the unit as well as the entire Texas Health Presbyterian community are grieving his passing. We offer the family our support and condolences at this difficult time. We can tell you that, the body of Thomas Eric Duncan is being cremated and the ashes will be given to his family. Don. Gary tuchman. Thank you very much. First person diagnosed with ebola in this country, Thomas Eric Duncan died at the same dallas hospital where Deputy Michael monnig is a patient. Joining me a pastor. Eric duncans fiancee, they held a memorial where the pastor revealed his last word. Lets have a listen. The last words that eric duncan said, were said to a nurse, she asked him what he wanted. He said he want feud sed to son. He was proud of his son. She asked him then where his son was. He said he was in college. Where she should be. He was proud of his son. Pastor george mason joins me now. Im sure there is a very tough moment for you and everyone involved. Our hearts are going out to you guys. Friends and family. How there a to night . I cant say i spoke to them since the service. I talked to them before the service. Continued to be distraught. Really trying on them. Im sure the family has questions for the hospital. Do you know if they are . They have questions for the hospital. Everybody in times like these, have what ifs that go through their head. What they might have done. What some once else might have done. Wrestling with the reality of trying to accept what really is. There isnt going to be coverup. It will be looked into. Right now we are trying to help her to focus on what she can do, with what she can know. Pastor, some of the family mem berz are in quarantine undisclosed location in dallas. So far are they showing any signs of ebola, of the virus . There are no signs of ebola. You have to realize every time they take their temperature which is twice a day. They, they have a new victory and a new sense of hope about that. But then they go right back to the sense of foreboding. And of course, this, this news of of eric duncans death threw them into a whole lot more self reflecttion abut what will be their future. Pastor george mason. Thank you. Everybody is thinking abut you. You guys there, entire community and the family. Appreciate it. Thank you very much. Now bring in a doctor. Epidemiologist. Prominent doctor. Dr. Carlos thomas, eric duncan died tevn days after being brought to the hospital. Instead of being sent home with antibiotics. Do you think he would have been alive now . I dont think so. Ebola is a deadly dise. Unfortunately. And, you know there is no treatment. The best we can dupe o is suppoe care. I dont think in this situation. Earlier add motion would have made a difference. You dont think it would have made a difference. There were some things that didnt happen with protocol with this hospital. At first we are right in the middle of this. What i have, who i have spoken with at Presbyterian Hospital they have done an amazing job. Keep in mind an emerging infection. We dont know a lot about ebola. They have really done a great job of supporting his care. Amaze work has been done at the hospital so far. And you know, i do think that they really, stood up and did what was necessary. That texas deputy under investigation tonight after entering the apartment where duncan had been living. What is the likelihood of contact like that resulting in infection. Well this is one of the big misperceptions that we have. Contacts of contacts. When we mean that. Those that are around people that may have been exposed but are not yet showing signs and symptoms. There is absolutely no risk of of the contact of a contact. Becoming infected. So, really, minimal risk from what we are hearing. You have teamed up with other departments to inform the dallas public about ebola. So what are you hearing from, from, from parents. In the community. Community members there in dallas. Of course a lot of questions. This is an emerging infection. But you know i think the general consensus and what we are hearing is that, it, it, the misperception is around how ebola is transmitted from person to person. And we know that, its blood and bodily fluid that you have to come into direct contact with. The risk is very minimal to the public. We are really right now trying to allay those fears and make sure people are aware to what the risk really is. Yeah, thats, the question is, can people there really feel safe again. Doctor, thank you very much. We appreciate you join us here tonight on cnn. We have much more to come on ebola in america. Next, this countrys biggest airports ramping up screenings for passengers from west africa. But will that stop the spread of the disease that is already here. Also a nurse assistant in spain, is hospitalized with ebola. Today authorities killed her dog. They say to prevent the spread of the disease. But can you get ebola from a dog . Well ask the experts coming up. Plus, a stop goes wrong when a man is tasered by police in the car with his girlfriend and two children. The family will be here tonight exclusively. Officials are beginning stricter screening of passengers flying in from west african countries, racked by ebola. The screenings will start in the next few days at five of the countrys major airports including jfk here in new york. Where jean casares is tonight. She joins us now. Jean, tell us about the new ebola screening procedures . They were Just Announced to day. The cdc is saying half of all the people who come in from western africa, guinea, liberia, land here at jfk. Adeditional screening here, nurnlg, new jersey, chicago, ohair, washington dul else and atlanta. Here is what will happen. If you land here you will go to an additional Screening Room where first of all the department of Homeland Security will look to see if you have any signs or symptoms of the ebola virus. Then you will be asked, where do you come from were you around ebola patients . The affected area. Your temperature will be taken with a noncontact thermometer. Depending on the answers. If you have been around. If you have any signs, symptoms, or a fever you will go to a specific Screening Room where a cdc Public Health official will assess what to do next. If you didnt have any symptoms. And you will then be instructed. Signs, symptoms of ebola. Fever, body ache. Headache the you will be given a log where you have to take your own temperature for a number of days. And the cdc will take your Contact Information so they can maintain the contact with you. Now the cdc is saying nothing is foolproof. You are not going to have zero percent risk in the country. Theyre trying to break the chain. That comes through identification, don. Certainly does. Thank you, jean, the screenings will start soon. Will screenings stop the spread of ebola, or does the government need to do more. Joining me, the host of the ben ferguson show, ben ferguson, and van jones, and dr. Alexander garza dean at st. Louis University College of Public Health and social justice. Alexander, are the new measures enough. Or taking temperatures and filling out questionnaires will that help anything . So i dont think it is really a question of is it enough . I think really the question is are we doing as much as we can. Certainly with the addition of the screening from the incoming passengers from the affected country, is another layer of security that the United States government can provide to assure the public and also to look out for any more signs of ebola that could potentially slip through the cracks of the screening that happens overseas. Van jones, you know it will start at jfk and expand to four major airports. Newark, chicago, washington, dulles. And atlanta. Why not do all the airports as soon as possible . Well in some ways, got about 90 of the people from west africa go to the airports. It is probably the most efficient way to do it. I do want to point out though, this is probably more security theater at the end of the day than it is actual security. For a couple reasons. First of all. You could have the virus for 20 days and hatch no fever. So, that, that part of it doesnt necessarily help a lot. Also we did this wubs before. 2003 with the sars epidemic. Australia step up. They screened 1. 8 million people, they got 794 that had a fever. None had sarz. So, in some ways, a little bit of security theater. The real way to deal with sarz is to be aggressive in africa. The president is doing to stop it there. This other stuff may, may not have any impact at all. I remember covering the sars scare. A lot of hysteria around it. And was there in canada for weeks covering it. Not many people really came down with sarz. Unfortunately. Some did. Some did die. Ben, you are there in dallas. You have insight on the sergeant who entered the dallas apartment where, Thomas Duncan, the man who just died from ebola, stayed, do you know anything, do you have any knowledge of what is going on there . A cullp thing couple things. Great for public awareness. Look at the huge debacle, the cdc had here in dallas. You have a man told to do his job. Go serve a quarantine notice signed by the people in the apartment. He was not given anything protective to wear. He was not given special instructions afterwards. He was not told if he had symptoms to stay hope. We well come get you so you may not infect other people. Thats where you look at this theater. Look at the theater, the cdc is having every day when they have press conferences in atlanta. When you have actual human beings not being monitored. Walking into the apartment to serve a quarantine notice. I understand your point. If the cdc and Health Officials didnt come out and update people weep would be criticizing them for that. Why karnt you doing what you are supposed to be good at. Which is the people coming in contact with some one that you know has ebola. In this apartment where you are literally quarantining the people in there. Why would you not monitor and give special instructions. Why should he be put in the situation. A sheriffs deputy. Not some one that understand diseases. Should he have had additional protective equipment. Everyone is calling this theater. I have spoken to, to, some Health Officials. They say, listen stuff at air ports. This made people feel safe. Like a placebo. That question. Should he have had, the deputy have had more protective gear on. Don, were you coming to me. Yes, sir, i said doctor. You are the only doctor on the panel. Thats quite all right. Yeah, so, i dont disagree with either of your guests. The probability of fining somebody coming off a plane, that would fit the description, for infection with ebola is extremely low. For the effort displayed by customs, border protection, cdc, its easy thing to do. And, it is something that they can, get accomplished with relatively. Little effort. The deputy. You think he was protected enough . The deputy you know, i dont know exactly where he was. In the apartment. Everything that i have read said that he wasnt actually in the apartment. Wasnt around any of the fluid and things like that. Usually reserve the protective gear for people actively around the infection. Otherwise you end up having everybody in your entire surrounding area in protective gear. Lets not forget, you know, this, this disease has been taken care of over, many decades, by by countries that are, that are much poorer than the United States. Using the same sorts of pro tktive gear. Same sorts of protocols. By and large have done a good job. Until therecent outbreak. Latest on the nbc cameraman being treated for ebola in nebraska. Could a special Blood Donation help him recover. A preview of a cnn series by ginning next week roots, our journeys home. They travel the world to chase the story. Not just anyones story. Their own. It will be a journey of surprises. I can tell where the journey will end. I had a great, great, great grandfather come over to paraguay around the 150s. The story of their ancestors. This is where my great grandmother was given up for adoption. My dads report card came back, 1944. Their history. The record go back 40 generations. I didnt know i was lost when we found out there is people here related to us. Thats when it felt real to me. Now, this year the stories, they share the stories with you. Going back in time. Clen yit was look coming hom. Join the familiar faces at cnn as they trace their roots. All next week starting sunday on cnn. Being treated for ebola. He was infected working in liberia was air lifted to the u. S. On sunday. Joining me now is allison finefield, an Infectious Disease specialist at the Nebraska Medical Center where the patient is being treated. Thank you for joining us. The patient has been at your hospital for three days what is his current condition. Allison, can you hear me . Allison can you hear me . Okay. We are having an issue with her. We will get back to allison in a moment. Thomas eric duncan and others. The ebola story has taken a strange twist. Health officials in madrid have euthanized the dog that belonged to a nurses assistant that contracted ebola. Was it really necessary to do that. We will try to got answers now from dan riskan, the host of monsters inside me on the Animal Planet author of Mother Nature, is Mother Nature trying to kill you he joins me via skype. Thank you for joining us, dan. Can you hear me . I can hear you great. Can you hear me . Yes, glad you can. People objected to the fact that the nurses assistant dog was oout nitzed was this an overreaction . Know it is sad any time a pet has to be put down. I think in this case it was warranted. You know, there have been researchers who have looked at whether dogs can get this disease, ebola. Ebola is a disease that moves between species. Probably originally came from fruit bats living in africa. It has infected people of course, chimps and gorillas and data that show that dogs, which live in areas where there are outbreaks can also get this disease. And probably they get it from eating the corpses of animals that have died from ebola, and also, this sound disgusting, but from eating the vomit of people throwing up because of ebola symptoms. Because dogs can get the virus inside them. Its possible, though not proven yet, that then they could spread it on to other people. A very real risk. I think not a risk that the people in madrid wanted to take. If it moves from this dog, carried on from there, that would have been the wrong call not to have taken preventative measures. We were talking about that. As we know. Dogs, most are not discriminating abut what they eat. As you mentioned, you know, vomit, bodily fluid. All those things. According to the cdc, some studies show that dogs can carry the virus without showing symptoms. Human infections have not been linked to the dog. Couldnt they have just quarantined the dog . Well, you know the question is how long do you quarantine the dog for. Because diseases are different in different animals and different symptoms. The 21 days that is okay for a person, if a person doesnt show symptoms after 21 days you assume theyre okay. With a dog it might be 40 days, longer, might be when a dog gets the disease the dogs immune system is able to kill it right away. No threat at all. We just dont know. What we do know is that if you look at, blood samples from dogs that live in africa in places where there have been ebola outbreaks. Dogs in those regions show in their blood that they have had an immune response to the ebola virus. What that tells us is that dogs get exposed to disease and then survive. Dogs can become asymptomatic carriers, or dogs get the disease. Fight it off. And are safe. We just dont know. In this case in madrid where you have a degree that is obviously spent a lot of time with someone who had ebola at a time when the person was infectious, you know that would be something that, that would just be too big a risk for that degree to go on living. And and if it was put into quarantine, even after, after 100 days of quarantine you wouldnt know for sure whether everything was safe. Abundance of caution what happened. Sad it did have to happen. Thank you, dan riskin, shows monsters inside me premieres tomorrow might, 10 00 p. M. Eastern on Animal Planet. Want to get back to allison finefield, at the hospital where the patient is being treated now. What its his condition . What i can tell you he is in stable condition. He has been receiving two experimental therapies. As i said, he is doing quite fine. He is stable. Okay, stable. Not much more i can tell you in terms of his, his medical progress just because of the privacy rules. Hippa laws. I understand that. Can you, would it be too soon to ask, is he out of the woods or too early on . I think it is really too soon. We are still pretty early in the, in the process of this disease. There are several phases to it. He is, experienced the, the typical fever and flulike symptoms. He like many of the patients has the had episodes of diarrhea and, you know there is certainly, the potential for more serious evolution of symptoms after that. We really cant say. And so, i think its still too early. His parents were on. They shared a lot of information about him last night. Wea we understand that dr. Kent brant brandly, the survivor, has donated blood to ashoka, could you explain how dr. Brantlys blood could help him . Yes, so dr. Brantly is, recuperated, completely from ebola. And his blood contains antibody against the virus. And by taking some of that blood and processing it so it is plasma component that contains the antibody and infusing it into mr. Mukpo, the expectation is antibody will act against the virus and limit its replication. And therefore, limit the disease. They would have to have the same type blood, right, or happen to have the same blood type . That appears to be the case. Yes. And that appears to be the case. Because the transfusion is ongoing. As we speak. So, that, that, that is whats happened. Given the news that Thomas Eric Duncan, the first u. S. Ebola patient has died. Theyx exexperimental drug, will ashokas treatment change at all . No. At this time. He is still going to get the same drug. But, in fact it seems to be a little bit earlier in the course of his disease as compared with mr. Duncans. Thats what we are thinking. But both of them will be, mr. Duncan and our patient, got brincidofovir, an antiviral agent. We think that that may have also interfere with replication of the virus. We hope he is okay. Allison finefield, thank you for joining us tonight from nebraska medical facility. Thank you very much. Up next, the frightening individually that has gone viral. Police smash the window of a familys car during a traffic stop in indiana and use a taser on the man in the passenger seat. Speak to the family exclusively when we come right back. E dysfunctionthat could be a question of blood flow. Cialis for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. 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You can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. Right now save 400 on our most popular bed, plus 36month special financing. Hurry ends columbus day. Know better sleep with sleep number a lot of you have been asking me on line if we are going to cover this. We are. I want you to take a look at the shocking video. Police in hammond, indiana, smashed the glaufs a passenger side of lisa mahones car after they pull her over for seatbelt violation. Police taser her boyfriend, jamaal jones and pull him out of the vehicle. The video shot by her 14yearold son, joseph from the back seat has gone viral. Ms. Mahone is suing hammond and its police department. Joining me now, in this primetime exclusive, is jamaal jones, lisa mahones, and her children, janiah and joseph and attorney dana kertz. Thank you for joining us. Lisa, can you please tell us where you were and how police came to stop you . I was on 5th avenue 169th street. I was driving down the street, approaching the expressway. And before i approached the expressway, i noticed the officer had another car on the side of the road. He immediately, ipassed the officer. He immediately got into his car and race bead hood behind me. From the left off to the right. I didnt know which way to pull over. I thought oh, my god, he is pulling me over like i just robbed a bank. When he pulled me over, he got out of the car. He asked me for license and insurance i gave it to him. You gave it. I also told him. Go ahead. My question is. Go ahead. My question is how did jamaal become implicated. Police asked jamaal, passenger in the front seed. Asked you for your id, what happened after that, jamaal. I didnt have it on me. He asked me for my id. I didnt have it on me. And i told him i have to get it out of my book bag in the back of the car. So i asked my stepson to get my book bag from the back. So i could get it out and show it to him from the information. Wouldnt i got my ticket out of the book pack. He didnt want to receive it at the moment. You were trying to hand it through the window. He asked you to write it down. Write your name down on ape piece of paper. And to get out of the car. He was asking me . Why didnt you just get out of the car . Once they asked, to get out of the vehicle, they had their weapons drawn, she wasnt going to get out of the vehicle. I felt, wasnt going to leave my family out of the car and leave them in the car. When they have their weapons drawn the i felt, to pro tkt my family i was going stay in the vehicle. So you were, you were afraid jamaal and lisa, because you said the officers pulled their weapons. Had their guns drawn. A yes, they had their guns drawn. I was initially afraid for the way he pulled me over. Pulled me over abruptly. I have never been pulled over by that by a Police Officer ever in my life. When he cam to the car, the side of the car and asked me for my identification. He was pacing. He was moving around. He was making frowns on his face. And i also told him, i said, can you please just, i asked him why was i being pulled over. He told me i was being pulled over because of the seatbelt. I dent hatidnt have the seatbe. Can you give me the seatbelt ticket. My mom is at the hospital. I have to go see her. She is dying. She said, yes, i will give tight you. As soon as i get the, the passengers identification. At that point, jamaal said i didnt have any id. The officer asked him to write his information down. We didnt have a pen and paper in the car. So we asked him did he have it. He said, no. Jamaal said. Go ahead. So, you are saying, jamaal is saying he dont have i. D. And you are also saying that at no point did he tell jamaal why he was asking for identification, correct, yes or no . No, no. He never told him why. You called 911 from the car. Lets listen. No, i am not making it worse now. I am scared for my life. Because he just pulled a gun on us and we dont have a gun. All right. So, i guess he, he is his information, his book bag. When he digs in his book bag, they pulled a gun out. What was the purpose of a gun . Heres, so then it went on. This is about three minutes of video we see here. Heres what the officers are saying. Police department is saying. It was about a 13minute stop. Theyre saying that you, that you moved your vehicle. They said they were going to deflate the tires. They are going to put it near the front tires. The passengers. Hang on. I will let you jump in. Refused to exit the vehicle after 13 minutes elapsed. Three different officers. Fearing the occupants of the vehicle may have possessed a weapon and seeing the passenger repeat lead reach toward the rear seat of the vehicle. The first officer broke the passenger side window of the vehicle and the passenger was removed from the vehicle and placed under arrest. No, thats not how it happened. Okay. What happened was, he reached for his, he did reach for the book bag. He reached in the book bag. And he, he, grabbed a ticket out. He tried to pass the ticket out of the win deto gidow to give i officer with the information. The officer did not take it. He gave me the ticket. I passioned it out of the sunroof window. They didnt want it. They asked. They just want us to get out of the car. Now, when we said no, we was not getting out of the car. Thats when he went and got the spikes and put it under the tires. I am really nervous at this point. Why, why you putting spikes under my tires. I never, not once not moved that vehicle. Do you think that you threatened the officers should have felt threatened. They were asking you to got identification. You said it was in your book bag. So do you think, jamaal, that, that, you threatened the officers, were you threatening in any way . No, i had my kids with me. I wasnt aggressive at all. I told him i was going to ask him to got my book bag from the back so i could get the ticket out. He said okay. Once, he was, he was, me and the officer, was looking inside my book bag for the ticket. Once i pulled the ticket out of the book bag tried to give it to him. He didnt want it. I tried to give tight lisa. She tried to give tight him. He still didnt want it. Can i ask you, is there anything you would change. Get out of the car knowing now what happened . Would you change anything about the stop . No, no, no, no i wouldnt. At the end of the day. And i, i repeat myself. Repeat myself. I have dreams about it some times. I would not left my family outside of the vehicle. Janiah how are you doing . Are you okay . You are okay. I was just doing nothing. No, im not okay. I am very scared. You are very scared, why . Because after they like got the little, got the pole and just got the window. Thats when i got scared. It was so, so scary. Joseph, you took the video during this incident. And that must have been frightening for you. What, what gave you the wherewithal, the courage to continue taking the video. Thats how i know they did wrong. They actually was wrong from the beginning from first when they stopped. How he began. He cussed jamaal out. And he was getting very aggressive when my mom with my mom and called up backup over a seatbelt violation. So i started, videotaping it. Because i knew that he was doing wrong. Then when, when, the window shattered after he hit it. I felt scared. I was scared. But thats what really gave me the courage to keep videotaping it. Because i was scared. And i knew if if we took this to court, we had something to fight against him. Because police have more power than us. And with the video. It shows. Yeah. Well, you know, as we said it has gone viral. Joseph, thank you. Janiah, lisa, jamaal, dana kertz, the attorney. Jamaal, you went back to day to work for the first time kidding you suffered injuries. Will you please let us know, continue to lot us know what is going on. Keep us updated. Thank you for joining us. Okay. Well be right back. Sure. Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you for having us. Well be right back. Who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. Find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ]. That secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. Cisco. Tomorrow starts here. The internet of everything is changing everything. Are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. But systems policed by hps Cyber Security team are constantly monitored for threats. Outside and in. Thats why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone. In the world. If Hp Security Solutions can help keep the Worlds Largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. Make it matter. You just heard my interview with the india na family and their story, the frightening encounter with police. Unfortunately one case out of many from the chokehold death in statten island, to the shooting of Michael Brown in ferguson. Joining me is ben ferguson and van jones. Van, lisa and jamaal pulled over, you heard their story for not wearing a seatbelt. What did you make of the interview . Very powerful interview. The little girl broke my heart, how scared sunny was. Probably will have ramifications for the rest of her life. So many children of color have that. It is very hard for the Mainstream Society to understand the impact on a child of this kind of thing happening, way too often. Why were the police trying to get the i dent fi kags of a passenger pulled over identification of a passenger pulled over. There is no reason. Police officers who make legal traffic stops are allowed to ask passengers inside a stpd vehicle for identification, request, if they exit the vehicle for officer safety without requirement of reasonable suspicion. But again they have that. They have that right. Why would you exercise it. Even george w. Bushs department of justice said that this kind of activity is negative. Ned ed to get ben in. This is excessive force, what did you think . Real simple. If some one asks for id, you dont have it. Red flags go out. If you ask for it in a backpack. They will be cautious. If police askup to get out of the car, something they want to make sure is okay for their safety. You do it. You dont are gau with them for 1 34 3 minutes. When you reap fuse to get out of tof when you reap fuse to gfuse of the car. If you want to keep your kids safe. You want to be safe. You dont argue with the police when they ask you to step out of the car. I have been asked to step out of the car. I never argued for 13 minutes. When you do, this is the outcome regardless of who you are if you argue for 13 minutes to refusing to get out of your car. Listen, this was on, ac 360 this evening before this program. In the green room with a Police Officer. He said this particular situation. It wouldnt matter what color they are. Because they didnt follow orders. Van, do you agree with that . Ten second left . Listen, obviously, you should obey. I think people should understand though why when you have this level of Police Violence directed at africanamericans, africanamericans are getting more concerned and afraid. Whether they should have obeyed or not. The bigger question is what can we do to have belter, respect from Law Enforcement toward the africanamerican community. You are seeing more and more. It shouldnt we be whether or not. Im cops ask you to get out of the car, you get out of the car. Well be right back. Sorry. Thank you. Grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until the am. New aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. Thats it for us tonight. Im don lemon. See you back here tomorrow night. Ac 360 starts now. We begin with breaking news. Another possible ebola case in texas on the same day that the first person diagnosed with disease in the United States has died. A sheriffs deputy who was in Thomas Duncans apartment with county Health Officials being examine at the same hospital where duncan died today. More on this latest possible case in a moment. The head of the cdc today offered condolens to duncans loves onces and

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