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loved his family, his partner, eddie he loved his friends. and we loved him in return. we will miss you, joey. we will not forget you a news continues right here on cnn outfront. >> next we begin with breaking news. the face off and drama in the trump trial as the judge holds the defense witness clears the courtroom. this is michael cohen makes a major admission. >> did he recover and he's one of the only american doctors left in gaza. here. why the doctor who's credited with saving senator tammy duckworth's life in iraq, says this conflict is worse than anything he has ever seen plus breaking news, van and just responding to the doj's request that he starts his prison sentence, is trump's onetime right-hand man, about to go to jail. it's about front good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. are you staring me down right now an explosive clash between the judge in trump's hush money trial and one of the only defense witnesses. >> the judge, even at one moment yelling clear the courtroom tensions had been building as robert costello, a lawyer who once advised michael cohen, started making remarks like gs and ridiculous when an objection was raised. >> one point, expressing his disdain and exasperate action by making a blowing raspberry sound after a series of sustained and objections. >> and it got so out of hand. that the judge reprimanded costello judge merchan saying, quote, mr. costello, i'd like to discuss proper decorum and my courtroom as a witness on the stand, if you don't like my ruling, you don't say jeez. and then you don't say strike it because i'm the only one who can strike testimony in the court if you don't like my ruling, you don't give me sinai or roll your eyes while casella said he understood. and at that point, people in the room say costello was staring at martian causing the judge to erupt. are you staring me down? >> get out of the courtroom and the room quickly cleared so that merchan could dress down costello now, trump, after leaving later, spoke about it after the core so what happened to a highly respected lawyers bob costello. >> i've never seen anything like that it was a stunning moment in an historic trial that is quickly winding down. the prosecution has rested. the defense is expected to wrap up tomorrow, but not before scoring. what might have been a major win today? michael cohen admitting while on the stand that he stole at least $30,000 from the trump org money that was supposed to go to a tech company called read finch. so let me just share the exchange with you because trump's attorney todd blanche asks cohen, you are shorted $100,000 on your bonus that year. cohen responds that's correct. and then blanche says, so the $50,000 that you got to pay read fitch, you only paid the red finch owner $20,000, right? >> cohen? yes, sir blanche so you stole from the trump organization cohen? >> yes, sir. >> and as the trial nears its end, trump making the most of that moment and today, making the most of every moment, he still has left in that courtroom, he was surrounded by a group of people who have been charged or convicted of crimes, including chuck is ido, a former leader of the hell's angels? it's motorcycle gang who did time for drug charges. trump legal advisor boris epshteyn, who's been indicted in arizona for trying to overturn the election and ben omnipresent in that courtroom. and former nypd conditioner, commissioner bernard karatay, who spent time in prison for tax-related charges. >> paula reid is out live outside the courthouse to begin our coverage tonight. >> and paul hello, i know you reached out to costello for response to his testimony today because it was so heated inside that room. what did you get well, he declined to comment to cnn, erin. >> now of course, the judge asked him specifically glean now to talk about the case, so even after that rakus testimony, he is at least following up and following through on that directive from the judge. >> but as we've reported it looked there has been some disagreement within trump's legal team about whether it was a good idea to put costello on the stand and after what we saw today, it's not clear if he did much to help the defendant's case the prosecution rests on day 19 of the trump hush money trial ending four days of dramatic testimony from star witness, michael cohen, trump, attorney todd blanche which last week painted cohen as a liar out for revenge. under further cross-examination monday, he got trump's former fixer to admit to stealing from the trump organization. >> blanche focused on a payment cohen organized to tech company red finch to help create an algorithm that would boost trump in a cnbc poll handwritten notes show cohen was reimbursed $50,000 for that work, but cohen testified he only paid the company $20,000 in a brown paper bag you only paid the red finch owner $20,000, right? >> blanche asked yes, sir. cohen replied. so you stole from the trump organization? blanche asked. yes, sir. cohen confirmed prosecutors then got a chance to clean up their case with cohen on redirect i know it may feel like you're on trial here after cross-examination, but are you actually on trial? prosecutor susan hoffinger asked, no ma'am. cohen replied. >> cohen was the only witness called by the prosecution who directly implicated trump for allegedly falsifying business records over 17 hours of testimony, cohen provided some helpful evidence for prosecutors, including testifying last week that he spoke with trump twice to get his sign off before making the payment to stormy daniels on may 13th, he testified everything required mr. trump's sign-off on top of that, i wanted the money back on may 16, trump attorneys later called into question a key phone call. >> cohen had said he had with trump bodyguard keith schiller, who then pass the phone to trump, where cohen had testified that he told trump how he planned to pay daniels on may 16, blanche press cohen's saying that was a lie. you did not talk to president trump. you talked to keith schiller. you can admit it. >> no, sir. i don't know that it's accurate. cohen responded, i believe i also spoke to mr. trump and told him everything regarding the stormy daniels matter we are not asking for your belief. the jury does not want to hear what you think happened. blanche shot back that exchange, one of the most successful moments for the trump defense today on redirect. prosecutors tried to sure. up cohen's account, entering into evidence a screenshot of this video captured minutes before the 2016 phone call showing schiller and trump together, prosecutors concluded their redirect of michael cohen by asking, would you have paid stormy daniels the $130,000 had mr. trump not signed off? no, ma'am. cohen replied costello? >> we'll be back on the stand tomorrow morning and then both sides have said they will be down. with their case, which suggests the former president does not intend to take the stand, then the jury will be dismissed for a whole week before coming back to here closings and then begin this historic deliberation aaron. >> all right. paula, thank you very much in our experts were all here with me now. all right. so i want to talk about a couple of crucial moments in the court. but first, just the drama terry, the defense, they only have one very quick witness and then costello and we're what was it like? how did he act in all my years of practice, over 30 plus, i've never seen a moment like this the witness said, jeez, and ridiculous in response to some of the objections that were being sustained. >> and the first thing that judge said and this was in front of the jury was excused me excuse me, and everybody eddie fell quiet because i've never heard the judge say anything like that that's when he excused the jury that's when he said to costello, i want to talk to about decorum in my courtroom. >> you don't say jeez, you don't give me the sayyed i and we were sitting there and that's when the judge said are you staring me down? >> and he cleared the courtroom. there was so much confusion, aaron, we didn't know what to do. and the security guards were saying get up, get out, and some of assassins, fair. >> the courtroom meant everybody all the journalists as well, correct? i mean, is this an unprecedented sort of thing it's a lawyer to see that's in prison thing for a lawyer to see. and it's an unprecedented thing for a lawyer to behave. i mean, this man's are lawyers, former prosecutor. >> yeah. yeah. >> so for him to do that in such a high stakes trial in which he's basically it for the defense witnesses. >> we don't know of any others coming. it's absolutely remarkable and it's also remarkable because he needs credibility. and if anything, i think he actually paints a pretty positive picture from michael cohen because michael cohen's testimony is, i didn't trust this person i didn't like this person and i certainly wasn't going to tell this person, mr. costello the secrets that i had about trump, and that seems pretty consistent with huli now see, at least in this moment. because silhouettes i so arlo, i mean, you know, todd blanche, and obviously he's i obviously trump's intimately involved, but todd blanche is the one making the decision. >> who's on the gonna be on the stand? yeah. the options of who we could put to mount a defense was castello the right choice? >> i mean, so far i'd have to say putting on defense case at all seems like a mistake because this is the end and a lot of times defense lawyers don't do that, right? and they don't do it because they then get to go to summation and they say, it's not our job to put on a case. they have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and they haven't. and the judge backs them up. the judge says, ladies and gentlemen, that's right. >> but if you do put on a defense case, you get the same instruction from the judge. >> but there's just something the jury's now heard of defense case. there are sizing the defense up and then they go, wait. >> this one was this big and this one was this big, right? >> right. and so you have to have something and this one didn't seem to have enough and maybe even hurt them. so how how did costello i'll go over with the jury you know, that's the open question, erin. >> it is, but i would not believe he went over well, right. is a trouser about human interactions there, about narratives about telling your story. and you have to pick the vehicles to tell that story. and having a person like this i who apparently had an ax to grind, whose glaring who's engaged in completely inappropriate decorum rolling and making noises of disgust. >> absolutely stick to the merits of the case. if your issue is listen, cohen said to me the trump absolutely didn't make any type of was aware of any type of payments, certainly didn't make a know anything about it. you know, i had nothing on trump stick to that. do it in a way that's courteous. do it in a way that's professional, do it in a way that's relatable to the extent you don't do that and really cost your client. >> i mean, he was trying to say basically that he had cannes to cohen and asked, do you have anything on trump, do anything on trump? and cohen said left, right, and center. i have nothing. that was the point costello was trying to make. >> when you watch the totality of it today though, you watched when you're looking at the jury did they i mean, i know they send their they pay such careful attention. they don't generally show emotion. >> did they show their hand on this when i watched it, i think they were more alert and into because castello is a character just like cohen is a character, and just like stormy was a character, they were definitely on the edge of their seat now, i think that the point was cohen told me castello said that trump had nothing to do with this, that he wasn't involved in the payment. i believe the jury understands that that was what cohen said. then because he was still defending trump, that doesn't mean that's what he feels now and he has basically he has a change of two. >> all right. so a couple of other things. one thing this is being treated as the big admission as i laid out that michael cohen admitted to stealing money from the trump organization that he was supposed to repay this tech company $50,000. you only repaid 20 and he admits to sealing the 30,000 todd blanche blanche gets him to do that very clearly today, but it's interesting, ryan hold on. i'm pulling it up because may 13. so we could go he admits to doing this in a different way. it was under direct, so it's sort of did you why did you do it? because that's what was owed and i didn't feel mr. trump deserve the benefit of the difference. right. so it was sort of a motive, but it was presented differently today. >> was it a bombshell as some are saying it or not? i don't think there's big of a bunch in part because the prosecutors did draw it out initially, so it's not like oh, the prosecutors were hiding this from you and now you're hearing something new to the jurors. rather, the prosecutors were ready, head michael cohen at mit that he stole this money, that exact amount from the exact company and the exact relationships. so that's one part of it. >> yeah. second is also kinda consistent. with who we know michael cohen to be at this point, what hope hicks said, he's not the kind of guy that would spend 130,000 of his own dollars and not tell the boss he would only do that if he was going to be reimbursed. so that's the same kind of character that's stealing $10,000 in this exchange at the same time, i do think the defense can make something of it and they surely will in their closing summation, they will say, look at this person, he is not a loyal person whose own and getting authority from trump. he's stealing from trump. he's doing things behind his back. he's rogue, and trump doesn't even know about it at the time. that's their theory of the case. >> and there's now a week and they're gonna be in tomorrow right now if they wanted, right. they could have done their closing arguments and deliberated a couple of days as we can maybe been done, but that's not how it's going to go because they have wednesday it's off and so it's gonna be a full week where they hear all this and they peace out for a week and then they come back and get closing. >> who benefits from that? >> i mean, i generally think the party that benefits is the one that has the stronger story to tell because all of the trees and chaos of the last few days, they become a forest as the jury gets a little moment in time and ultimately, i think the prosecution will spend its time trying to put together the best pieces of evidence and testimony match their story. and they have i think a story that's pretty plausible that whether the jury accepts are true. i don't know, but that trump was worried about the election michael cohen was the kind of guy who would fix these things and i'm not sure the defense has they have reasonable doubt arguments, but i'm not sure they've really offered. >> so how much pressure is on then tomorrow four, you've got to finish gsa. you've got redirect, you've got you've got things to happen, but then you have this week off. so how important is it? >> yeah, it's very important, aaron, just to sort of crystallize the arguments to get them organized for closing and to deliver what is your narrative? and i think the problem executional spend a lot of time on the defense, wants to talk about this. one phone call they want to talk about that. let me focus. you want all the things which would suggest that the president knew exactly what this was all about. and here they all boom. and so i think the prosecutors will lay out in pretty organized fashion all of the reason and the basis that donald trump was aware of the reimbursement orchestrator, the reimbursement was in on everything involving that and you don't only have to credit cohen for that disregard him. but look at all the other things which would suggest last point, aaron and that is the jury will be instructed that they can make reasonable inferences that is using your common sense and good judgment may be cohen is the one that directly ties trump. let's talk about ladies and gentlemen, all the things that indirectly tie him, right? so i think they'll focus on that big week ahead in terms of organization preparation and planning. and we'll see how they laid out. come tuesday, see if there's a beyond a reasonable doubt. >> all right. thank you. all next, iran pointing the finger at the united states after that helicopter crash kills the iranian president and foreign minister, who i spoke with in an exclusive interview just a month ago this, is a special report from inside gaza. >> speak to one of the few american doctors who is refusing to leave. he is working in a hospital bordering rafah as israeli troops are moving in i'm breaking news. trump allies, steve bannon, just responding to the justice department's request that he report to prison immediately. is bannon about to be behind bars riyadh save his new album is breaking records part, of country music. >> same his is or guiding country this is not like, oh, black people are getting independent now not like we've been in country music. gets to say what country is what the south is about. >> calling me country bianna, say, nashville's renaissance. next monday, that aid i cnn power e trades easy to use tools like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis helped make trading feel effortless and it's customizable scans with social sentiment help you find an unlock opportunities in the market. >> e-trade from morgan stanley hey, with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day he physically it's clear that i'm the dad. >> okay. so which pain, you're were trying to 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exclusive interview, almost exactly a month month ago today, the night that israel had attacked iran in response to the iranian massive attack on israeli soil. fred pleitgen, who has reported extensively from iran, is out front tonight hidden cop28 in parts a little bit ron's presidential helicopter completely destroyed after crashing into a mountain in the remote north of the country dense fog, frigid conditions, making the recovery efforts even harder president ebrahim raisi, along with foreign minister hossein amir abdullah yan, and seven others were killed in the crash rescuers having to buried the bodies away through the rugged terrain the light but can you let it go? >> a cnn turk journalists showing how challenging the conditions are devoted. >> he called this place is a very difficult terrain with dense trees, deep valleys, and steep mountains they didn't. we can say that this is the most challenging terrain of chalk raisi inaugurated a dam with a president of azerbaijan and was traveling to nearby to breeze the chopper, a decades old american made belle 212, a model developed for the canadian military the 1960s. >> the chopper crashed in poor visibility. iran under heavy sanctions, has been unable to acquire more modern helicopters president ebrahim raisi was rumored to be a possible successor to iran supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei, who's at four years old as the chopper went missing, the supreme leader taking the reins, chairing a meeting of iran security council, and vowing the country's government will continue to work. >> what's ran version be assured that there will be no disruption in the country's affairs black flags have been hoisted across iran as the country's leadership has ordered five days of mourning, canceling most public events it's also deeply mourning the country's foreign minister, hossein amir abdullah who was instrumental in the past months as iran and israel came to the brink of full-on war. and traded missile strikes abdollahian also challenging the us in a recent interview on cnn's outfront with erin burnett, been recovery. >> i do think that america must pay closer attention and focus on the adventure seeking regime in israel. so there's such a crisis will not happen in gaza because netanyahu showed he will not respect any of the red leinz around, has launched an investigation into the crash that killed two key figures of the islamic republic's leadership, while vowing that the nation will carry on i was our fred pleitgen reporting outfront now, karim sajed, poor senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace and cream. when i spoke to the foreign minister, almost exactly a month ago in that exclusive interview, he called the iranian attack inside israel, a quote, clear message to the zionist regime then he went on to say this in tastes the israeli regime. >> embarks on adventurism. again and takes off against the interests of iran. full the next response from us will be immediate and at a maximum level it will be decisive hardline view. >> but does his death and the death of the president of iran what does it mean cream do du, the hard liners become even more emboldened now you know erin i. >> don't think the foreign ministers death is that consequential president races that is not consequential in the immediate term. and that he wasn't iran's most powerful man. he didn't really have much say over iran's regional conduct, its nuclear ambitions. but rice's death is very consequential for iran's future because he was thought to be one of only two serious contenders to replace the supreme leader, ayatollah harmony and ayatollah khomeini is 85 years old the other person thought to be a serious contenders harmony sun, much steeper harmony so this really calls into question how easily the regime is going to be able to transition politically transition in a post harmony, iran well, when you talk about the supreme leader, that there there as you see it, perhaps that too serious contenders, one of whom died on that helicopter crash, the other is the son of the current supreme leader. >> it does raise questions and iranian officials they've said it was a hard landing. they call it a a crash landing. hard landing at first, bad weather, foggy conditions, but i know you say few in iran are likely to believe it was an accident and philosophy, there's the concept of occam's razor, which is that usually the simplest explanation is the most plausible one in this case, you had an old helicopter flying through very difficult terrain and very difficult weather. >> but i think few iranians will probably believe that official story when you're living under a dictatorship, you, you come to question everything that dictatorship tells you so there's a lot of, i'm sure theories out there whether it was the supreme leader and the revolutionary guards who may have engineer this or whether israel had a role in it but i doubt that many iranians are going to believe that official explanation. >> all right, karim, thank you very much. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> came such a poor as i said, next to a special report from inside gaza, i talked to one of the few remaining american doctors still there, a doctor who actually save the life, us senator tammy the dark work when she was in iraq tonight, he says gaza is worse and breaking news, we now know why sean diddy combs did not mention his former girlfriends name when you he apologize publicly for assaulting her in that horrific video, comes former assistant is outfront tonight when the competition is a nuclear competitions, spying is extraordinarily important the russians were trying to spy on us. we were spying on them it's very difficult to determine whom you can trust i was telling frank everything got out of control this is a for the secret was a secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten on cnn you're calling some people find there's at an early age 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seek charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity against both the leaders along with other top israeli and hamas figures. >> all of this as israel's defense minister also is targeted for an arrest warrant by the icc, says that that they will go ahead nonetheless and further expand the israeli ground operation in rafah i'd front now, dr. adam hamawy, he is one of the few american doctors remaining inside gaza. he's also a former us army combat trauma surgeon who worked in iraq. and dr. hamawy, i so much appreciate your taking the time. i know the power situation is obviously very volatile where you are, you're in khan, younis working at a hospital. they're bordering rafah. i know you've been in gaza now for nearly three weeks. what are you seeing i am seeing the patients at this point are getting a little bit less because they're moving farther and farther away from us we're still getting trauma from the people that are getting hurt, where we're at. >> so like the location close to the hospital, which there's still bombings, there's one that just happened right when we started talking and besides that, like the people in rafat themselves of a primarily moved to the shore. they're trying to get away. and it's difficult for them to get to us because of the roads and the danger zones they had to travel through. so we're taking your trauma, but people are shifting away and the trauma patients that you see what can you tell us about them? i mean are you seeing children who is coming in so it is primarily children. >> it's still the majority, i would say more than half we are seeing really people, people that are coming in and our regular folks that are either sleeping in her home, there's or we're playing outside is a bunch of kids or we're just going about their day and they get hit with an airstrike that comes out of nowhere. they usually say they didn't know it was coming. they usually say, if you hear it coming, that it's not for you that's something that's been said multiple times since i've been here is because i've been close enough now. here and i've heard in the past when you can, can you hear the whistling sound as it comes down nearby? but when it comes for you, apparently you don't here and yeah i know dr. that you've worked in other combat zones. >> you understand the horror on the trauma center, duckworth. she's credited with saving her life when she lost both of her legs and a helicopter crash in iraq. i wanted just to play for you, dr.. what she said about you i'm alive because of dr. hamawy and their doctors and health medical full to safely in iraq if he was there he took care of me when i can take care of myself. he certainly is very near and dear to my heart because he saved my life 20 years ago dr. where you're sitting right now, you gaza, that you've seen horror before. >> how does gaza compare to other war zones like iraq that you've been in? >> warzones is usually people fighting each other. there's certain i guess rules of war that i've experienced in the past. but what i'm seeing here is really destruction at a level that i haven't experienced before, where there doesn't seem to be a target or the target is just everything it doesn't seem to be discerning you know, combatants versus non-combatants i think the level of acceptance of and i hate this term, quote, collateral damage is is completely you know, without limitations, they there there appears to be like destructions of homes, of businesses of people i've traveled in the area around the hospital and seeing the destruction of uneasiness it looks like a nuclear bomb hit it. there's nothing standing at all. there's no building and left untouched. >> and that's not what i'm used to or what i've experienced in the past you have called data hamawy for a ceasefire iv urged the us to stop arm sales. >> israel because of what you've seen i interviewed president biden recently and he said the united states will not send weapons, israel offensive weapons if they launch an all-out offensive in rafah, i wanted to play for you, dr. exactly what he said if they go into rafah i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah. to deal with the cities that deal with that problem assist, wrong. we're not going to we're not and supply the weapons and artillery shells use that have been used shells as well. yeah. i totally shelf dr. hamawy, so we understand the us has only halted those 3,500 on guided bombs. >> that's it at this point. >> do you think that the biden administration is doing enough i can only say what i'm seeing as a physician as a surgeon here and i see people coming in every day and weapons of war are being used against the civilian population since here now, like the details of what weapons, i mean, i think when it comes down to it, the bullet of an m 16 is going to kill someone just like a bomb and a 500 pound bomb kills just as much as the 2000 pound bomb it's more about the way you wage war rather than what specific weapons you're going to use or not and if this is not an all out attack on rafah then you know, i don't know what we're using to define these things. >> all right. well, dr. hamawy, thank you very much for taking the time and for sharing this with me and all of us. thanks. >> thank you very much next, we are just getting some new reporting into outfront about why sean diddy combs did not use his former girlfriends name? in the video that he put out. >> that horrific in response that horrific assault video committed to be a better manage and every day not asking for forgiveness truly. >> sorry plus breaking news, trump allies, steve bannon just responding to the doj's requests for him to report to prison is he about to be behind bars let's try this again. what do you see? >> my first championship in houston second championship. sall's not winning a championship. >> getty. let's try and stay positive positive he didn't win a ring oh, my god if you have 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video that he put out the video in response, of course, to the video for 20 he 16, which was obtained by cnn's elizabeth wagmeister of combs attacking his then cassie ventura. >> here's part of that apology my behavior on that video is inexcusable i take full responsibility for my actions in that video disgusting i was disgusted. then when i did it, i'm disgusted now now elizabeth wagmeister is reporting now that combs is not allowed to say as he ventures name based on a settlement agreement that the two signed front now as susie segal, she has homes former assistant okay. when when elizabeth obtained this horrific video that the world is now seen and in a world of fake news and all kinds of things, people throw around. >> this was just the, you cannot contest it. the truth and he came out, he responded in an apology video. so you know, and well, when you watch that video, did you believe him? >> no i didn't believe him when he denied the allegations and i don't believe that there's real contrition there. obviously, i'm not in the man's head, but knowing him and knowing her and having worked for him my feeling was that it was just all about him. it was his worst de was his unlike, you should, the lowest point, the lowest point, you know what? >> i think she reached a much lower point? >> being beat by him. right. so it just was about him and i think that's probably emblematic of a larger problem. >> so let me play a little bit more from the apology and one part, one thing that he said, so here it is, susie committed to be a better manager and every day not asking for forgiveness truly. sorry. >> so here's what i'm i i'm trying to understand when you hear that and wonder what you hear. elizabeth reporting write that he had he had the tapes, they were it appears they were in his house and likely were seized when agents came in to see. so in other words, he bought the tape from the hotel, right? for $50,000. >> so he knew that this existed, but he didn't apologize until somehow it came out. yes. shocking. right. it's like you didn't apologize. you actually did the opposite apologize, which is that he disparaged her besmirched her name and called her a liar and said she was out for a pay day, right. so but what i think happening having worked in the inner circle and worked for other powerful people, i think that he is surrounded by a lot of people who say yes, a lot of yes, men. >> and i think it shows in the bad decisions that he's made from disparaging or lying on her, right? i think it's a pretty bad look there are people who are in in acquiring the tapes. >> other people around him who would have known his behavior, right? i mean, you're saying you did not know obviously at the time, but there it would seem there were people who did. >> i mean, it would seem because that men did not travel alone, right? i did logistics for him. i booked his stylists and i booked everybody for him and he ran with a really large squad. so certainly there were people around this didn't happen alone, and that goes back to what i was saying of like, you're surrounded by a bunch of people and i don't think he appreciated people stating their opinions. and i think this is where you end up in an echo chamber. >> so you spent a lot of time both with him, but also as you mentioned, you knew cassie ventura parties riding and limos, right? i mean, you saw them together. now, obviously, you didn't witness the abuse yourself? >> but then when the video came out, i know you said you weren't surprised, so there's certain sorts of things started to fit together in your head, right? >> do you expect now when you look back on things that you saw? >> with the knowledge of this video, do expect more to come out it's a good question. i don't know what else we would need to come out to finally, have only we know what happened in this case, but i guess i'm asking is do you think that more women suffered at his course? i do. i do. i don't have any direct knowledge of that, of course, but there's been lawsuits and by the way, it's not just women from what we're hearing and reading as well. it seems that maybe there were other victims as well. so i do expect probably more to come out. >> all right. well, suzy, i appreciate your time. >> thank you very much. and it's going to be incredibly sobering when you work for someone and you know them and then you realize we what you didn't know so thanks very much. >> thank you. >> and we want to know our viewers. we want you all to know that if anyone, you know is struggling with domestic violence, the national domestic violence hotline is one safe an outfront next, breaking news. steve bannon, just responding to the justice department's request that he report to prison immediately. so is he about to imminently find himself behind bars and also breaking? we're just learning what we said behind closed doors after the judge in trump's criminal trial cleared the court to school one of trump's 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speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! a pro pain-free absorb been pro i'm more liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn closed captioning is brought to you by audio book network. authors tell your story, produce an audio book with us. >> what earn more profits and find a new audience for your published book produce an audio book. we handle narration production, and digital distribution. >> color scan, the qr code. now breaking news, we are just learning what happened in the trump trial after the judge cleared the courtroom to reprimand a defense witness judge merchan yelled, clear the courtroom after robert costello, a lawyer who advised michael cohen, said jeez and ridiculous during objections and was staring down the judge but according to a transcript, just released, here's what, judge more sean told costello once the reporters were removed from the room, were sean said, quote, your conduct is contemptuous right now. >> i'm putting you on notice that your conduct is contemptuous. if you try to stare me down one more time, i will remove you from the stand. i will strike his entire testimony. do you understand me? >> trump's lawyer, emil bove, responds. yes, judge. i understand reporters in the jury, then we're allowed back in the courtroom and castellows testimony continued. castello will return to the stand tomorrow morning. he is set to be the last witness before the defense rests. and we do have more breaking news right now. that is steve bannon responding to the justice department's request. they had requested him to report to prison for his contempt of congress conviction immediately. his filing in response coming in now, just before midnight deadline, bannon's lawyers claiming he would face irreparable harm if he goes to prison before his appeal turret. >> so is bannon about to go behind bars and start serving that time or not? >> sara marie is outfront this iron age far-right firebrand, steve bannon could soon end up in prison during the run-up to the presidential election you have to take on the deepstate. >> you have to do it. you have to be prepared to go to prison i get prison sentences all over the justice department asking a federal judge to force ban into report to prison for his four months sentence after an appeal court upheld bannon's contempt of congress conviction the sentence coming after bannon was arrested, they will never shut me up and off that kill me first i have not yet done and convicted by a jury in july why 2022 for defining a subpoena from the congressional committee investigating the january 6 insurrection those who planned to overturn our election and brought us to the point of violence must also be accountable the committee wanted to know about bannon's contact with trump and comments ahead of the capitol attack like this, one all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. a defiant bannon, if you do not believe the 2020 election was stolen, you're not at the rail head of this movement, spending his time post-conviction continuing to spread the lie that the 2020 election was stolen to fire up the trump base ahead of november, we're gonna do everything to steal the election. that's where you have to be on the ramparts and you have to be on the ramparts 24/7. >> the goal for team bannon, keep up the fight and keep bannon out of jail. >> this thing about i'm above the law is an absolute and total lai dan and has long but you'd he followed the advice of his attorney in refusing to comply with a subpoena. but that defense was not allowed to be presented in court now, bannon's attorney plans to ask the full court of appeals to take up the issue, vowing to go to the supreme court if necessary. this prosecution was unprecedented and has at all times ben politically motivated ban an attorney david shown told cnn the integrity of our system demands that the conviction be reversed. if ban and doesn't succeed. the former white house chief strategist could join this string of trump loyalists who have found themselves serving time one of them, trump's former trade adviser, peter navarro democrat appointed judges are systematically stripping away the full fare and rightful defenses of trump is that ready myself for a prison cell currently serving a four-month sentence for contempt of congress. former trump lawyer, michael cohen, served a three-year sentence in prison, and at home confinement former trump campaign chairman paul manafort, spent two years behind bars, followed by home confinement and former trump organization cfo, allen weisselberg, is currently serving time i'm at rikers and sara. you just read through this new filing from bannon. >> so what do you think going through it we'll his arguments hold sway with the judge well, it might i mean, trump or bannon's attorney, david shown is essentially arguing that if you make balancer of this sentence now it's only four months by the time any appeal could play out before either the full court of appeals or if necessary, the supreme court man and would have already served his sentence. >> it might be a moral victory, but you would have done this injustice to him if one of these other courts decides to overturn it. and again, they're making this argument to the judge who originally stayed band and sentence, so we'll see what the judge decides. >> interesting, and i guess, you know, you have an interesting point there that it would last if he served it and it was overruled. then i would need to serve it at all. all right, sarah, thank you very much before we go tonight, i want to take a moment to remember a wonderful presence on this program. alice stewart alice. was a cnn political commentator who worked on for republican presidential campaigns and she passed away suddenly this weekend she was outside when she suffered a medical emergency. and it is a shocking loss. alice was only 58 years old she was a regular voice of course, across cnn programs. and on this show for many years, alice was wise witty, and she never lost her cool as an analyst. she navigated contentious debates with authority and class and even as the political discourse became more and more enraged and pejorative alice never wavered and being who she was a person of decency is not reality. and i've said from the moment the election was called on november 3, the election was valid. we need to accept that. we need to congratulate joe biden and the democrats all those who won. and we need to stop spreading misinformation. we need to restore the integrity and our election process alice had such incredible integrity and she was also personally deeply kind to all of us always remembering things about everybody's personal lives an incredibly kind person and she will be deeply missed by everyone at

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