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Of the Energy Challenges we now face. Also, amal clooney is taking on isis. Trying to fight the terrorists the best way she knows how. Not with a gun or a bomb but with a legal brief. This is a global threat. It need a global response. Part of it cannot only be a judicial one but also on the battlefield. They explain the horror of isis crimes and how justice can be served. Finally, 75 years of World History told through cia maps. From the Eastern Front to cuban missiles, central moscow to central baghdad. First, heres my take. We do not yet have the official agenda for next months meeting between donald trump. It might be remembered as the beginning of a handover of power from the United States to china. After 75 years of leadership on the world stage, trump seems determined for america to retreat opening a space that will eagerly be filled by the communist party of china. Trump railed against china on the campaign trail bellowing it was raping the United States. He vowed to label it a currency manipulator on his first day in office. In his first interaction with beijing, he caved. Weeks after his election trump speculated that he might upgrade relations with taiwan. In response, the president froze all contacts between beijing and washington on all issues demanding that trump reverse himself which is exactly what happened. The Trump Administrations vision for america disengagement from the world is a god send for china. Look at trumps proposed budget that would cut spending, funding for International Organizations by 28 . Beijing by contrast has quadrupled the budget of its Foreign Ministry in the last decade. Just telling some of beijings Key Development in eight commitments. Chinas growing diplomatic strength matters. A nation ahead of government recently explained to me that at every regional conference washington sends a couple of diplomats where beijing sends dozens. The chinese are at every Committee Meeting and you are not, he said. He said beijing is increasingly setting the agenda. The Trump Administration wants to skimp on u. S. Funding for the u. N. This is music to chinas ears. Beijing has opinion trying to gain influence in that global body for years. Its increased funding for the u. N. Across the board and would likely be delighted to pick up the slack. China will gain increased influence from key appointments to major shifts in policy throughout the u. N. System. The first major act of the Trump Administration was to withdraw the United States from the transpacific partnership. A treaty that would have opened up long closed economies like japan and vietnam but also would have created a block that could stand up to chinas increasing domination of trade and economics in asia. With washingtons withdrawal even australia is hedging their bets. Turning a group meant to be a deterrant against china into an arm of influence. The Trump Administration does want a bigger military but thats never been how china sought to compete with u. S. Power. Chinese leaders have pointed out this was the soviet strategy during the cold war. One that failed miserably. The implication was let Washington Waste sources on the pentagon. Beijing could focus on economics, technology and soft power. Donald trumps new National Security advisor once remarked that trying to fight americas tank for tank was stupid. The smart strategy would be an asymmetrical one. The chinese seem to understand this. For more go to cnn. Com fareed and read my Washington Post column this week, and lets get started. The white house has quite a week on the world stage. Lets get right to the discussion. Richard haas is the president of the council on Foreign Relations and the author of the world in disarray. S is the president of the council on Foreign Relations and the author of the world in disarray. Richard, let me ask you. Youve been in these kinds of meetings before. Angela merkel and donald trump seemed to have kissed and made up. Trump had mercilessly attacked her last year for her policy of letting refugees in. Do you think that things are all better now or do the tensions linger . I wouldnt say the tensions have gone away. They have a clear view of trade. Unless i missed it, the president didnt mention the Words European Union in his remarks. Its central to germanys foreign policy. They didnt really talk about russia. A little bit about ukraine. We dont know how much of a meeting of their minds there was and whether this president will go ahead and continue the strengthening of nato. I think theres a lot of questions out there. The one thing i like was perhaps overlap, this issue of worker training. The german apprenticeship programs. This might be an interesting way not just to finesse the trading debate but how do we make sure the workers can cope with the pressure of robotics and driverless vehicles. This is something germany and the United States could take the lead on perhaps this could be a center piece of the g20, which as you know the germans host this year. What did strike me about donald trump was the focus on worker training, apprenticeship, but the odd thing is that germany had all those programs and has maintained its manufacturing capacity not because its practiced any kind of protectionism. Its very open to trade but because it has very intrusive government policies. High tax, high regulation. What we would call socialized medicine in this country that provides workers with base and insurance that allows them to move forward. I think thats exactly right. If you put their personalities and profiles and policies into a computer. They would be about the last pair that matchmaker. Com would spit out. They couldnt be more different. Richard alluded to some of this. When it comes to the most barsi things, you now have chancellor merkel who is the last rule of law, the values that back it. President trump who seemed to be something equal to illiberal democracy. These are two very different people with different approaches. Richard, when you think about where a meeting like this goes from here, shouldnt rex tillerson, the secretary of state, have been there. Im a little puzzled by just the sort of staffing of this kind thing to ensure there couwould follow up and policies that are talked about by the two heads of government actually happen. Yes, someone said about 80 to 90 of life is implementation. What happens is more important than what happens in it. They never quite manage to agree on. Its very hard for him to represent Administration Policy towards asia because there really isnt much in the way of policy towards asia. Protect the resources for the state Department Foreign aids and the budget which have been decimated and really develop his personal relationship with this president. If hi had e has to go asia w right place. Administration going backseat to the 1990s have tried to curb without success. The mission has accelerated. They getting closer to the day when that capability is put in the hands of a leader who acts impulsively and maybe ir rationally and not bound by the rules of deterrance. The question is what to do about it. Hopefully thats what the secretary is working on. I have to ask both of you, this crazy situation with the accusations from the white house toward the british government. The United States closest ally since 1941. In which sean spicer said essentially or implied that British Intelligence was spying on trump tower. The brits come forward and say this is nonsense. What theyre referring to nonsense. Are the words of the White House Press secretary. Can you ever remember anything like this happening . I cant. I think the word the brits used was rubbish. Heres what i think happened. Unfortunately, President Trump seems to have become the leading consumer and purveyor of fake news. He reads this nonsense in breitbart and other publications about the alleged wiretaps about president obama and reacts and puts it on his twitter feed and then they find out its wrong. Never happened. They are incapable of acknowledging a mistake and so the typical thing is to just double down. Having falsely accused the president to now rope in our closest ally and impugn it at the same tine is really turning this into not just a domestic probably but international one. What is so troubling is it undermines the credibility of the president and the United States. Who is going to listen to him or believe him when he continues to put out these false allegations. The part that strikes me as a sad degradation, all these people have to in some way pretend these are serious allegations or accusations. There isnt a person in washington who believes that Obama Wiretapped trump. They all have to pretend to believe. It diminishes the president and those around him. No good can come of it. Which is his word and credibility. It also ends up hurting our relationships with some of our most important partners. He talked about germany before and now the british. We have gotten off terribly with mexico. These are the relationships that are in many ways are the foundation of what the United States does in the world. We cant skucceed in this globa world. All the ones you mentioned are our closest allies. Pleasure to have you both on. Thanks. Next on gps, snow or sleet. Hot or cold. Floods or droughts. Scientists do agree human activity is changing the climate. The Trump Administration isnt so sure. Ill talk about the white house and Climate Change with president obamas energy secretary. Its the simple things in life that mean the most. Boost® simply complete™. No artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners, plus 10 grams of protein and 25 vitamins minerals. It doesnt get better than this. Boost® simply complete™. At planters, we put fresh roawhich has its drawbacks. An, guys, know anything about this missing inventory . Wasnt me the cheeks dont lie, chet. Irresistibly planters. Including the fullsized introducingsprintercedesbenz family of vans. And the midsized metris. If these are your wingtips. If this is your gourmet latte. Then these are your vans. Vans for professionals. Strictly professionals. Best commercial van residual value according to alg and starting at just 25,995. Mercedesbenz. Vans. Born to run. With 9 lobster dishes. Est is back try succulent new lobster mix match or see how sweet a lobster lovers dream can be. Theres something for everyone and everyones invited. So come in soon. Hows this for a tv show . Sous chef. Lawyer by day, prep cook by night. No. Here you go. I got this. I get cash back so its like everythings on sale. With the blue cash everyday card, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Backed by the service and security of american express. You get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Nobody does unlimited like tmobile. While the other guys gouge for unlimited data. Tmobile one save you hundreds a year. Right now get two lines of data for 100 dollars. With taxes and fees included. Thats right 2 unlimited lines for just 100 bucks. All in. And right now, pair up those two lines with two free Samsung Galaxy s7 when you switch. Yup free. So switch and save hundreds when you go all unlimited with tmobile. Late this week President Trump released his 2018 budget. If Congress Passes the budget has delivered, it would be stand your grounding reversal in the direction of policy during the obama administration. The budget would cut the epas funding by 31 including ending funding for obamas clean power plan. It would take big chunks out of climate related programs at noaa and nasa. It would also cut the Energy Departments budget by almost 6 . The post says that includes eliminating the departments that funds Innovative Energy technologies. The Energy Department is run by rick perry now. In a 2011 president ial debate, perry couldnt remember the name of the Energy Department when listing the departments he would eliminate if elected. My next guest was perrys predecessor as energy secretary. A distinguished m. I. T. Scientist was instrumental this negotiating the Iran Nuclear Deal and the paris climate agreement. When you look at the evidence over the last few years, just youre a scientist, you have seen these models and predictions. In the last few years, do you think have you become more sure in the feeling that yes, the data is now confirming all these predictions about Climate Change and about human activity causing Climate Change . The answer is yes. Although i want to emphasize its not me. Its the entire Scientific Community that has over these last couple of decades gone to stronger and stronger statements about the impacts and the role of human activity to the place where today theres an overwhelming consensus as to human activity being a major driver of the Climate Changes were seeing. Its not as though this is based upon some exotic model with millions of lines of computer code that you need to work through. The fundamentals are very basic. Been known for a long time. What has changed in the last half century is the rate at which we are emitting those Greenhouse Gases into the atmosphere and that is driving change at a rate that is much, much more rapid than the natural variations of climate that have been there for millenia. What do you make of what is your concern about some of the things that the Trump Administration has been saying about coal, which is the dirtiest of all energy sources, about keystone pile lipeline . How do you react to all these things that say we dont care about global warming. We need jobs first. We need to get Energy Production up. Some of the statements being made about the sign, i might say by nonscientists are really disturbing because as i said, the evidence is clearly there for taking prudent steps. I would not argue with the issue that different people, different people in office may decide to take different pathways, different rates of change, et cetera, but not the fundamental sign. The head of the epa contested the idea that it was human activity causing global warming. Let me say i was implicitly including him in my statement. These are antiscientific statements, which in my view cut to the core of democracy in the sense if were not going to have fact based discussions its difficult to have an informed electorate and informed opinions. One of the things President Trump said during the campaign was that he would withdraw the United States from the paris deal, be Climate Change treaty. What would that do . Well wait to see how this actually develops. Obviously, i think that would be a bad idea. Let me say why. Every country in the world has committed to a low carbon future. Theres no going back. One of my friends in industry would say you cant keep the waves off the beach. We are going to a low carbon future. The Paris Agreement on carbon targets, by definition, was the end of the paris meeting. We should not forget at the beginning of the meeting at which Technology Innovation was put at the center of the solution to the Climate Change challenge. Number three, the predictions, an arm of the world bank and International Energy agency, they are now saying that that Technology Innovation was going to be feeding into a multitrillion dollar market, Global Market for this technology. We would be foolish to have taken a lead role in getting the world to move on climate, to put innovation at its core and then walk away from that agenda. We will also suffer economic harm by not taking every advantage we can to be part of this multitrillion dollar Global Market. Do you think rick perry will discover the Energy Department should not be eliminated afterall . Hes already said he discovered that in his confirmation hearing. I credit him. He took that off that table right up front in his opening statement. He said i know a lot more about the department now. Its amazing what they do. He retracted his statement and in fact, now hes been in office pretty short time, maybe ten days or so. He came right out of the box strongly supporting the National Laboratory system, the deal we major role in innovation, the issue of supporting basic research. I think he is certainly stating that he wants to be a champion in that regard. Pleasure to have you on. Thank you. Next, topple tombstones and bogus bomb threats. All these antisemitic acts seem to be on the up with swing. Why . When we come back. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Its just a date. I can stay. Im good. I wont be late hey mom. Yeah. No kissing on the first date, alright . Life doesnt always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise well help you handle whats next. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. 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Something sinister is going on in the United States right now. Its making americas Jewish Community nervous and should alarm all of us. Police responding to a Jewish Community center after a bomb threat. More than a hundred headstones destroyed. The latest in a rash of bomb threats to jccs across the country. A just published report found 160 acts of antise mimitic vandalism. Theres the 145 bomb threats against jewish organizations that has been counted already in 2017. Why are we suddenly experiencing an increase of antisemitism . If one looks at europe right now many harbor antisemitic views. Whats new is the rise of right wing parties that are growing in popularity. Even 70 years after the holocaust in a continent that has few jews left, many of these groups still harbor antise mett semitic sentiments right below the surface. Semitic sentiments right below the surface. Semitic sentiments right below the surface. Hungary has fewer than 50,000 jews left in a population of 10 million. America is different, right . Well, yes. The Pugh Research center released a report stating americans express warm feelings to jews giving them the highest rating among any religious group. The United States also seems to be experiencing an increase in threats directed toward jews. The question is where is it coming from . The threats are coming from all dr directions. On the left theres some College Students who attack israel and by proxy like jews. He continues theres a large group on the right with antisemitic views as well. A mix of nativists, conspiracy theoryists, twisted pop populisd the paranoid and delusional. We should discern whats new from what were simply noticing for the first time. The uncomfortable truth is that antisemitism has always existed in the United States as pointed out in an article in the forward. Since 1996, the vast majority of religion based hate crime in the United States, 65 on average have been directed towards jews. More so than any other religious group. American jews are more nervous now than at any time in recent memory. Many in the community do see the trump candidacy and his presidency as fanning the flames of intolerance and opening the door to more antisemitic violence whether intentional or unintentional. They cite his refusal to disavow david duke, trumps flirtation with the altright movement and his failure to mention jewish victims in his statement by the president on International Holocaust rememberance day. Its trumps reactions from added up to a narrative that has put the american Jewish Community understandably on edge. At this joint session of congress at the end of february, trump finally made some strongly worded statements condemning antise mettsemitic hatred. Remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policy, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. So are aenntisemitic eventsn the rise or are we just paying more attention to them . We wont know for sure until the 2016 hate Crime Statistics that come in november. We do know that jews as well as many other members in america including mexicans and muslims are feeling under siege right now. Next on gps, amal clooney, the International Human rights lawyer will join me to talk about how she is fighting isis. Break through your allergies. Introducing Flonase Sensimist. More complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. 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They want legal justice for what they both call in no Uncertain Terms a general size. They join me now. Nadia, can you describe what happened to you . I am from the minority. I lived in one of the villages. When isis conquered territories in iraq we heard about the crimes committed against christians and other minorities. Early morning on august 3rd, 2014, they attacked us. Nearly 6,500 women and children were abducked and about 5,000 people from the community were killed during that day. For eight months they separated us from our mothers and sisters and brothers. Some of them were killed and other disappeared until now. I was taken with groups of unmarried girls and they took us all to rape us. They came not just to attack certain people but they came for all. The situation was really horrible. They sold girls. Girls that were under age because isis considered that permissible under islamic law. Amal, what made you take this case on . This is a horrible tragedy, but what do you hope to accomplish . What we hope to accomplish is bringing isis to justice. We know theres a military Campaign Going on where isis is being taken on on the battlefield. We want to see isis members in a courtroom. At the moment that hasnt happened. We havent seen a single prosecution against isis in a court anywhere in the world for the crimes committed. Describe the extent of this. This is not just the story of one person. No, exactly. What happened to nadia in a single day, she watched six of her brothers be marched off to be executed. Her mother was taken away to be executed. She and the young girls in her family were taken and distributed among militants. Raped by one isis member after another. Traded, sold and bought by various isis militants and her nephew was one of the young boys who became what they call a cub of the caliphate. A young boy sent to Training Camps and taught to be a child soldier. What happened to her family happened to thousands happening in 2014. Its still going on. Theres still 6,000 in captivity including some in her family. These are the worst crime of generation. As an International Lawyer i wanted to help nadia and people like her who i represent to try to bring isis to justice. One of the ways in which were trying to do that is have a Security Council set up investigation and collect evidence in iraq of these crimes. When we come back, ill ask how she responds to those who might hear this interview and say its their civil war. Let them fight it out. Why should the rest of us get involved . She will explain. A 401 k is the most sound way to go. Lets talk asset allocation. Sure. You seem knowledgeable, professional. Im actually a deejay. [ laughing ] no way that really is you . If theyre not a cfp pro, you just dont know. Cfp. Work with the highest standard. At planters, we put fresh roawhich has its drawbacks. 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We are back here on gps with the International Human rights lawyer, amal clooney and her client who was kidnapped by isis, raped by many members of the terror group and held against her will for weeks. One of the things you must hear is that this is all a chaotic internal war, sectarianism. Why should the west, why should america get involved and pick sides . People have almost a sort of fatigue from hearing about all of this. One conflict that america and the western world is worried about is the one involving isis. Isis is not a local threat. Its a global threat. They have carried out attacks in over 30 countries. Theres a threat in the u. S. Too. My message to the u. N. Was this is a global threat. It need a global response. Part of that must be a judicial one. It cannot only be on the battlefield. You cant defeat isis on the battlefield alone because you have to deal with future recruiting. I think trials and exposing the brutality of isis and trying to make a dent in some of their shiny propaganda and showing what they are doing to women and children is one way to help that. I think it would help if isis future recruits or isis 2. 0, whatever comes after mosul and after this military campaign for people to know if they do commit crimes theres a good chance theyll go to prison. At the moment isis is leaving a trail of evidence and nobody is collecting it. Isis militants send nadia messages on whats up on her phone. They dont hide their phone number. They have a slave trade where they set up committees, courts. Theres documents, dna. There are raves and nobody is collecting this evidence. If it gets lost, it means we can never have trials and never have justice. Why is this not happening . What im struck by is your demand is not the u. N. Raise an army and go and defeat isis. Youre just asking for investigation for collection of evidence for prosecution. Why is the question i pose to the Iraqi Government very directly and to the u. N. Member states because iraq has indicating this many public statements through its foreign minister that its open to an international investigation. Its asked the u. N. To intervene and help to gather this evidence and its shown an especialliness to International Trials as well. For those most senior members, there needs to be International Assistance to bring them to justice. They are saying this and what they need to do to make it happen is to send a one page letter to the Security Council saying establish an investigation. Theres already a resolution drafted and ready. The uk has taken the lead on drafting this and if iraq just sends the letter and the United States ambassador and others, it seems theres broad support in the council. This actually should move forward. Its in line with the Iraqi Governments interest. They are going after isis. Let me ask you for those who think International Law is meaningless. These cases wont actually be prosecuted. What do you see as the value of it as somebody who has devoted her life to it . I understand the skepticism because some of the most grave conflicts in the world are not being acted upon. You see president assad is still doing just fine in syria. You see president bashir hasnt been arrested. We do have examples of International Justice and sometimes it takes some time. It took 13 years to arrest the bosnian leader. Hes been convicted of genocide for the aks ctions in bosnia. Hes serving a 40year sentence. I hope we wont have to wait that long. The system is supposed to have evolved so you can have investigations and prosecutions just when the crimes happen. If we have to be patient then we will. I think were not going to give up until we see progress. Nadia, is there something you want to say to the world . I ask the Iraqi Government and the u. N. To establish an investigation and give all the victims of isis the justice they deserve because we want to bring isis to justice. Do you wonder why its taking so long . Reporter it is taking a long time because the process of genocide cases is usually lengthy but even though its taking a long time, we have hope they will bring isis to justice. Sometimes i feel if i can speak english maybe the u. N. They can understand what i, what we want. We can hear you no matter what language you speak. Thank you, nadia. I can stay. Im good. I wont be late hey mom. Yeah. No kissing on the first date, alright . Life doesnt always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise well help you handle whats next. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. Come close, come close. Ah. When your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Awww. Try this. For minor arthritis pain, only aleve is fda approved to work for up to 12 straight hours with just one pill. 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Has triggered a decline in oil prices world wide. The drop in crude prices has caused problems for many oil exporti ining countries which bs me to my question of the week. Which oil rich country has chewed through 40 of its cash reserves in just four years . Stay tuned and well tell you the correct answer. This weeks book of the week is something different. Adam piores the body builders. Its a mind blowing book about the human body. We are inside the technological revolutions of fixing limbs. Hes pointing us to a future in which we will have have the ability to be superman or superwoman. The cia celebrated the 75th anniversary of its Cartography Center by posting dozens of previously classified maps online. They tell a visual tale of modern American Foreign policy. In the 50s a map of railroad communist china. In 79, the ethnic divisions of afghanistan as the soviet union invaded. Theres a map of kilo indicatey in moscow and in bosnia in the 1990s. In 2003, a detailed map of baghdad that bears the note not to be used for targeting. In some ways this shows the world has changed. This cia recognized the vital con tri butributions these maps provide. To our cartographers who have been a star in the agencys crown. The correct answer is d. Earlier this month the algerian Prime Minister announced the countrys foreign reserves stand at 112 billion down from a peak of 192 billion in 2013. Hydrocarbons account for over 90 of the algerias exports. Its worth remembering that algeria once had a rising tide of militancy. I wonder if an economic crisis would reawaken some of those forces. Thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. Ill see you next week. Im brian stelter. Its time for reliable sources. This our weekly look at the story behind story. This hour an exclusive interview with pbs ceo. First to this, President Trumps fox fixation. Five of his seven sit down tv interviews have been with fox news. Trump watches fox. He tweets about fox. He uses fox graphics to advance his agenda. He promote fox as fair while denigrating its riv

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