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Spoke to the insurrectionists whenever before th before they invaded the capitol. And in a brand new interview, the head of the Capitol Police, steven sund, who resigned, says he suspects that plant bombs who were planted at the rnc and dnc headquarters on wednesday were designed to draw officers away from the capitol as the band of domestic terrorists searched for lawmakers. This morning, we have new video and photos from the assault that show more of how crazed and violent the mob was. Here are the rioters Beating Police officers, trying to keep them from breaching the capitol. And theres more violent, extreme, online chatter from Trump Supporters ahead of inauguration day, including armed protests, another attack on the u. S. Capitol, and State Capitol buildings. The mayor of washington, d. C. Is asking for a preemergency to be declared with a significant increase in National Guard troops. But we begin with cnns sunlen serfaty. Shes live on capitol hill with our top story. Whats the latest there . A huge moment for sure, alisyn. Today on capitol hill, Speaker Pelosi today will start putting the wheels in motion to try to remove President Trump from office right now. Later this morning, we will see the house put a resolution on the floor. That resolution calls for Vice President mike pence to invoke the 25th amendment. It says that if Vice President pence does not respond within 24 hours, that the house will move to impeach President Trump. And we know that some members have already drawn up one article of impeachment, charging trump with incitement of an insurrection. In a letter to democrats last night, House Speaker nancy pelosi says, quote, in protecting our constitution and our democracy, we will act with urgency, because this president represents an imminent threat to both, as the days go by, the horror of the ongoing assault on our democracy perpetrated by this president is intensified and so is the immediate need for action. And a source close to Vice President mike pence tells cnn that he has not ruled out invoking the 25th amendment, but there is some concern on his team about what potentially President Trump could do if the actions could be even worse than before, if the cabinet starts to move on this. Now, all of this as now the second republican senator, senator pat toomey comes out and says that he is calling for President Trump to resign. John and alisyn . Sunlen serfaty for us on capitol hill. Sunlen, a lot going on there, please keep us posted throughout the morning. Joining us, margaret talev, the managie ining editor of axios. Also with us, norm eisen. He served as counsel on the House Judiciary Committee during the first impeachment of President Trump. Let me just make note of the fact that we are poised on the brink of history here. It does seem inevitable that donald trump will be the second president ever to be sorry, the first president ever to be impeached twice. It is stunning. It is remarkable. Ambassador eisen, i want to start with you. Given that it is unlikely that this will remove donald trump from office prior to january 20th, why is the important to do this . John, thanks for having me back on the show. Its critically important for house to respond, when you have a president who, as the constitution says, engages in treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. There could be no higher crime and misdemeanor than leading an attack on your own government its not Just Congress the executive branch, the Vice President was there, too. So irrespective of the fate in the senate, they should do this. David gregory, the more we see of these videos and the still photos, we knew it was horrifying on wednesday, as we watched it in realtime unfold, and then tweervehe weekend, we things like this, just more video coming out. This is the mob, the bloodthirsty mob beating a Police Officer, who is trying to block them from entering the u. S. Capitol. I mean, this is the mob who came here in the name of donald trump who claims to be law and order and theyre beating a Police Officer. They were squashing a Different Police officer in a door in glass doors, crushing him, trying to crush him to death. Hes begging for mercy i mean, its its so traumatic, everything that the country has just lived through. And so, you know, regardless of what happens next, regardless of what procedure nancy pelosi can put in place, this is a stain that will never wash off. I think thats right. And just speaking for myself, alisyn, im so numb, unfortunately, to big, Historic Events in washington, having covered them and seen them. Its taken me a few days to have this really wash over me in a way that has the kind of impact that youre talking about, to really settle in at just how disturbing all of it was and is, and what it or tends for the future. So i think thats right i think this step of impeachment is historic we know, this is a political process and so, because of that, there are questions about whether it goes too far, whether it will do more harm than good. You know, moderate democrats worried about that. Whether you have republicans onboard. But i think theres no question that this is a high crime and misdemeanor. I think theres bipartisan agreement about that. The question is what to do about it. And i think if you dont take a stand to mark this stain on the country and set that precedent, youre not doing the right thing. Plus, there are republicans who will want to vote for this. And they ought to be put they ought to be on the record, because there is more fear of violence, there is more work that has to be done to secure our political activity in this country in the immediate future, which is really important. Margaret, what about that . What about republicans . How much bipartisan support do you see this receiving . Where are they this morning . Well, good morning, john. Look, i think the next steps are as much about Democratic Politics as they are about republican politics. Nancy pelosi is waiting for mike pence to say no, thanks, to the option of understanding the 25th amendment. And it seems thats where things are now. The cabinet has not sent him anything. He is maybe behind the scenes reserving his right to do it if more happens, but hes not jumping at the chance to initiate this process. And so where Senate Republicans are left is waiting for democrats to make a decision about their pace and timing. I agree with both david and ambassador eisen. I do think thats where this is happening, impeachment in the house. But democratic consideration is on a couple of fronts. And one is, do they hamstring joe biden if they send this, then, to the senate immediately. Joe biden, obviously, wants to be able to focus on covid policy, on his own priorities, on at least notionally the idea of bringing the country back together. Now there are these discussions about, do you do impeachment in the house and wait a period of time, the first hundred days or whatever in the senate. Can that work . But the goals here are multiple. One is to restrain the president s activity in the final, i guess, what are we now, nine days of his presidency, and dont forget, before all of this happened, we were talking about who he would part, how he would use his executive powers in the waning days. He still technically has those executive powers. I think there are questions about how quickly his legal team the White House Council or the Justice Department would move to execute those powers, but there are real powers that he still has. And in having this threat of impeachment, this threat of Senate Action and what republicans could do to join with democrats does constrain him to some degree. And ambassador eisen, then theres questions about the enablers around him. The people the other people who worked the mob up to a bloodthirsty lather. And im thinking of lets start with senators josh hawley and ted cruz, who voted to try to impede or overturn the election after the insurrection on the u. S. Capitol. They knew better they knew what their actions had already wrought. And then, theres congressman mo brooks, who said, lets go kick some ass to the crowd. If thats rhetorical speaking and doesnt suggest violence, i dont know what does. Heres the 14th amendment. Some people have suggested that the 14th amendment could be invoked to punish them and remove them from office. Heres how it reads. No person shall be a senator or a representative in congress or hold any office who having previously taken an oath to support the constitution of the United States shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies there of. What do you think about that remedy for those other people. Well, certainly, those who spoke words of violence, we heard them from the president , mo brooks of the house, rudy giuliani, don jr. , those who spoke words of violence, incitement to riot at the rally before the attack on the house, they are potentially culpable for insurrection. I think that youre going to see, because hawley and cruz, although they supported they told these terrible lies that whipped people into a frenzy. Alisyn, these include people, these Trump Supporters, who genuinely believed, as false as it is, that their democracy had been stolen. That they were defending their democracy. Cruz and hawley have a different kind of culpability. They may not quite reach the line of insurrection under the 14th amendment, they have potential. Congressional ethics exposure, potential censure by their colleagues, but we dont know all the facts yet. So we need to see what the con tours of the conspiracy were. And of course, theres the famous picture now, nowinfamous picture of hawley holding an upraised fist to the protesters that day. So well need to see how it develops. 14th amendment, censure, ethics investigations, potential civil liability. Were going to be looking at the consequences here in congress, in the courts, and politically for many, many, many months to come. Hey, david gregory, what concerns me is its not over. We have the republican share of the nigh county Republican Party in nevada overnight saying, donald trump is still going to be president after january 20th. He Still Believes that donald trump won and will maintain office. And this is a republican county leader. So you have people still saying this stuff. There are people concerned about a march on january 17th, that this could happen more. And yet, we havent heard anything from christopher wray, the director of the fbi. There was a siege on the u. S. Capitol. You would think that this is something where every day senior federal officials would be out there every day telling us about the investigation and how theyre going to protect this country. Look, i think thats a fair question, but i also think the fbi is working very diligently on this to identify targets that we dont know about and to do all of that work without announcing much of it. I think theres a tremendous obligation and a lot of pressure on the fbi right now. I think the nominee, merrick garland, attorney general for President Biden will be very important. Merrick garland has tremendous experience with this strain of political rebellion if you think back to the Oklahoma City bombing, he coordinated that investigation and that prosecution back in the 90s. So i think there is a lot of work thats being done to identify these threats. And its a fear, especially because you look at mayor bowser down here in d. C. , who wants the National Guard on the ready, but she doesnt have the authority to put the National Guard in place in washington, d. C. , because were not a state, she doesnt have control as mayor. And shes petitioning the federal government. So i agree with you that we are not done with this. I think this is something thats going to linger. And to margarets point, this is something that will weigh in the political calculations on how to proceed against trump. And biden has a voice in this as well, as hes thinking about, what are the conditions socially and in the country and in terms of Political Violence that hes going to have to try to manage. David gregory, margaret talev, ambassador eisen, thank you all very much. How is this impeachment process going to work . It starts in a few hours. Up next, well speak to one of the members of congress who is at the center of it all. Facing collagen thats all hype . New olay collagen peptide 24 with derm recommended peptides. Hydrates better than the 400 cream. For visibly firmer skin. Olay. Face anything. Is now even more powerful. The stronger, lastslonger energizer max. The stronger, lastslonger so give your businesss more than resolutions. Give it solutions, from comcast business. Work more efficiently with fast internet and advanced wifi. Make your business safer with powerful cybersecurity solutions. And stay productive with 24 7 support. Make this years resolution better solutions. Bounce forward with comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a 500 prepaid card when you upgrade. Switch today. This president is guilty of inciting insurrection. He has to pay a price for that. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on plans for the Historic Second impeachment of donald trump. Our next guest briefly took over the speakers duties on the house floor wednesday, as the mob tried to storm the chamber. He was later just yards away from this scene, that resulted in a riot or insurrectionist being shot and killed by police. Joining me now is democratic congressman jim mcgovern. Thank you so much for being with us. We are glad youre well. Seeing that video is horrifying and infuriating at the same time. I want to focus on what will happen this week. You are a central player in the process that we will see. Explain to me what we will see over the next few days . This will be a week of action. And today we will seek a unanimous consent request to bring up a resolution authored by congressman jamie raskin, to demand that the Vice President invoke the 25th amendment. I expect the republicans will object, so tomorrow the rules committee, which i chair, will provide a rule to bring that legislation to the floor. We will vote on it. And then in 24 hours later, we will go back to the rules committee and bring another resolution to deal with the issue of impeachment. What this president is unconscionable and he needs to be held to account. Have you decided whether it will be a privileged resolution or a motion . I think most likely it will come to the rules committee, that is yet to be decided. We will bring it right to the floor and it will be considered by the full house. And i expect that lehe will be impeached. He will be the first president in history to be impeached first. You think that will happen wednesday or thursday . I do. How much debate or what will the debate be like on the house floor for that . Well, we are working out the details now, but there will be debate and the American People will be able to witness us making a very strong case why this president is not fit for office. Look, this is the beginning of Donald Trumps last week in office. Thats i think the American People would rest better if by the time the sun sets today he was no longer in office. We have no idea what will happen in this next week. We know what hes capable of after we witnessed what happened on wednesday. But hes a clear and present danger to this country and to the world and the quicker he can be removed, the better for all of us. You say he is a clear and present danger and impeachment would make that statement. However, you know that removal is unlikely before january 20th, correct . So why, then, is it still important . Well, it is important because we need to make it clear that there is a consequence to what happened on wednesday. For those who say we should look the other way or move on, to do that, basically says that what they did was okay. What the president did was already. And it will happen again if theres not a consequence for his action. So it is important that we act and it is important that we act in a very serious and deliberative manner. And we will. Look, we expect this up on the floor on wednesday and i expect that it will pass. House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn suggested that the house might then wait, up to a hundred days to transmit the articles of impeachment to the senate. Explain that. Well, i mean, i heard him say that, i think, on cnn yesterday, i dont know the plan is going to be. And im not sure what the senate will do and how they will act. All i have control over and all i have influence over is what happens in the house. And we are going to act decisively in this house. What the president is guilty of, incites insurrection, is unforgivable crime and he needs to be held to account. In the spirit of controlling what is in the house and on the subject of inciting that mob, congressman mo brooks from alabama spoke to that same group as the president did before it invaded the u. S. Capitol. He said something to the effect of, take names and kick ass. What action do you anticipate taking against mo brooks and mab othe maybe others . Thats something were talking about in our conference, but mo brooks and others like him should resign. They should have the decency to resign. They dont belong in this institution. They have demonstrated a contempt for democracy and for freedom. Really, his words were disgusting, as were the president s, as were rudy giulianis, as were, quite frankly, some of my colleagues in the house and senate. This is a moment where some of these people need to do the right thing and resign. Are you prepared to take action to force that . Well, you know, i for one would be. But thats something well have to talk about in our caucus. Do you feel that the 14th amendment is applicable here, which just to remind you, says that no one shall hold office who should have engaged in rebellion or insurrection or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. Representative cory busch is proposing a resolution on that. I think it is applicable, but this is something that well have to talk about. One of the things that is really frustrating to me at this particular moment is when i hear, you know, from people like our distinguished minority leader, kevin mccarthy, talk about, this is a moment of healing. You cant the people who have helped cause this, you know, are not the people who can lead in healing. They need to move out of the way. To try to overturn a legitimate election, to try to trample on the will of the American People, is something that is unforgivable. These people do not belong in office. And certainly, they do not belong in highranking positions. If i can, i want to ask you about a matter of parochial interest, but that is not to suggest that its unimportant or not symbolic. New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick, we understand, will be presented with the president ial medal of freedom later this week. What do you think what message does it send if Bill Belichick goes to the white house to receive that after this insurrection at the capitol . Yeah, i would refuse it if i were Bill Belichick. And this president has made a mockery of the president ial medal of freedom. Look at what he has given it in the last weeks, people like devin nunes and jim jordan, please. Bill belichick should do the right thing and say, no, thanks. What would it tell you if he does show up. Ill be very disappointed, to be honest with you. I think its look, this president is not fit to be in office. So anything that he would bestow on anybody to me is meaningless and to accept it is disgraceful. I just want to ask you, finally, again, we know from the pictures of where you were when this all took place, for much of the time on the floor and right behind that door in a moment of extreme violence, just tell us what that was like and what was going through your head . Well, when i walked off the floor and into the speakers lobby where that scene that you mentioned took place, and i saw this mob banging on the windows, screaming, trying to break the windows, not even paying any attention to the Security Forces around them, i saw evil. I saw the hate in their eyes. And i knew these people werent here to protest, they were here to destroy things. And most likely to kill people. It was a frightening moment, one that ill never forget. But this never should have happened. Mr. Chairman, jim mcgovern, we appreciate you being with us, explaining what we will see starting this morning on the house floor. Please keep us posted. Thank you. Be safe. You, too. We just heard what the house intends to do or might do with its members involved in speaking to this mob before their march to the capitol, but republican senator josh hawley, what will he face . Details on that next. When youre through with powering through, its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com groomer we look at what youve saved, what youll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow that lasts, even when youre not working, so you can go from saving. To living. Lets go what should happen to republican senator josh hawley . Hawley was the first senator to object to counting joe bidens electoral votes, a decision he stuck with even after the deadly siege on the capitol. Cnns Suzanne Malveaux has more. What were doing here tonight is actually very important. Reporter senator josh hawley facing fierce backlash for his role in challenging the Election Results. The 41yearold freshman from missouri was the first senator to publicly object to the Electoral College certification process. Now hes being blamed for instigating the riot on capitol hill that resulted in the death of five people, even by his own republican colleagues. Senator hawley was doing something that was really dumbass. This was a stunt. It was a terrible, terrible idea. I do think that people who knowingly contributed to that, people who knew better, and nevertheless, encouraged that belief, theyve got a lot of soul searching to do. Reporter hawleys actions are also drawing criticism back home in missouri, an editorial in the Kansas City Star says he deserves an impressive share of the blame for the blood thats been shed. Hawleys mentor, former missouri senator john danfort says supporting him was the biggest mistake ive ever made in my life. And one major missouri donor is calling on the senate to censure hawley for his irresponsible inflammatory and dangerous tactics. This is the appropriate place for these concerns to be raised. Reporter hawley has now lost a book deal with publisher simon and shuster which he calls orwellian and a direct assault on the first amendment. Hawley was seen outside the capitol, encouraging Trump Supporters before the insurrection. During the siege itself, democrats reached out to hawley. I asked him personally, when we were all in the room together in that locked down room, i said, josh, please, please reconsider what youre doing here and what its doing to our country. Reporter but hawley refused to back down. Violence is never warranted. If violence will not be tolerated, this body will act to address the concerns of all americans across the country. We do need an investigation into irregularities, fraud, we do need a way forward together. Reporter at least six Democratic Senators are now calling on hawley and texas senator ted cruz to resign. Ive called for them to resign. What ill be looking for in the coming days and weeks is whether they take any accountability. Reporter when asked whether senators hawley or ted cruz, who also objected to election certification should resign, president elect joe biden said i think they should be just flat beaten the next time they run. I think the American Public has a real good, clear look at who they are. Reporter hawley and cruz are both up for reelection to the senate in 2024. But they might have their eyes on another office that year, the presidency. Suzanne malveaux, cnn, washington. And joining us now is gene evans. She was the executive director of the missouri Republican Party until she resigned because of threats from Trump Supporters days before the capitol siege. She was also a Missouri State representative. Representative evans, thank you very much for being here. So what was your breaking point . What got you to the point of feeling like you needed to walk away and resign . I think the tweets from the president encouraging people to come to the mall and to come to d. C. , we had been getting indications from the campaign and from the rnc that they knew that the election was over and that he had lost, so this sense of false hope of coming on the 6th and somehow overturning the election is something that i couldnt defend. And in my position, you have to be able to support and defend all of your elected officials and that is just not something that i felt that i could do. And i really did not want to be in that position on the 6th. And as i understand it, you also believed that violence was going to be inevitable. So what made you think that . I dont know if i thought it was inevitable. I certainly, if i really thought it was inevitable, i think i would have raised alarm bells, but i noticed the tone and tenor of people who were kaking icone was getting angrier and angrier. And the you invite that many people with a false hope of whats going to happen, there are bound to be repercussions. Hopefully not violence. I always hope theres not violence, but i think that the president should have known better and certainly should not have encouraged people to come in such large numbers, and with some of the rihetoric that he used. You were getting messages saying things like, you need to do something, you need to bus us to washington, d. C. What were those messages like . Yeah, they were voice mails and those sort of messages telling me to get off of my you know what and do more for the president and we need to stand up and fight and even to the point of, we need to come together on the 6th and overturn this election. So those are the sort of things that are really just not republican to me. Theyre certainly not american. We believe in the constitution and the rule of law and those arent thing ths that i want to participate in. In general, republicans arent protesters and the Party Apparatus is not something that supports protests. We do rallies and do events for our elected officials, but we do dont do protests. And when you say you got to the point where you could no longer defend the elected officials, what about senator josh hawley from missouri. Could you defend what he was doing . So i really like josh hawley. I worked with him when i was in the legislature. I know hymn personalim personal. I think hes a great person. I think he made a mistake here. I do think, though, that he was responding to what we are hearing on the ground here in missouri about people concerned about irregularities in the election. And i think that the states where some of these irregularities occurred need to take a look at that. And thats part of what will help us come together. We need to feel like our vote is secure. I understand why he was responding to a large number of people in missouri who just do not feel like the Election Results are fair. Whether theyre right or not, that is a concern, and as an elected representative, its his job to respond to those concerns. But as a leader, isnt it also their job to tell him theyre unwarranted . Sure, theres irregularities in every single election, but not enough to overturn truhe results. The legal team was not able to prove these irregularities there were 60. Its very difficult to prove voter fraud, but in this case, i think its very unfortunate that they were making promises about evidence that they had, but they were unwilling to present that evidence at court. Maybe because they didnt have any. Well, then, be angry at the legal team. Thats what i say to folks who are upset about this. If theyre going to make a promise, they need to deliver on it and they werent able to do that. Correct. So since they didnt do it, shouldnt josh hawley as a leader have been able to quell some of the great, you know, dissatisfaction with that and tell them that there was no evidence . Isnt that what a leaders job is . Ive got to tell you, i definitely disagree with how he handled this here, but i dont agree with how all of my leaders handle things. Its unusual to agree with any of your leaders 100 of the time. And i think in this case, he mishandled it. And i think therell be consequences for that. Such as . What do you thinks going to happen with him . Were already seeing some of his donors have backed away from him and some of his colleagues have backed away. And having served in the statehouse, i understand how important it is to have those relationships when youre trying to accomplish things. If people dont feel like they can trust you, its hard to move legislation forward. And so i think that it will be challenging for him, but hes very intelligent and if he continues to work hard and prove himself to his colleagues, hell be able to eventually repair that damage. Well see. The Kansas City Star editorial saying if senator josh hawley had a conscience, hed resigned. Hell have to be removed. 5,000 law school and alumni are pushing for the disbarment of senator hawley and cruz. And as you know, we just played senator ben sasse saying senator hawley was doing something that was really dumbass. So, look, well see. I have to say, you know, Vice President elect Kamala Harris was raising money to bail out rioters and looters after the minneapolis riots, so, i mean, if thats okay well, people do put an insurrection on the u. S. Capitol in a different category. I understand. You know, five people are dead. But gene evans, thank you very much. We really appreciate getting your perspective on everything that happened with your job as well as with senator hawley. Thank you very much for being on new day. Thank you. So the worlds Biggest Tech Company is taking action to silence President Trumps megaphone. Well tell you about the latest service to go offline overnight. Thats next. Before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable nights sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. Now, that dream. Is her reality. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . So give your businesss more than resolutions. Give it solutions, from comcast business. Work more efficiently with fast internet and advanced wifi. Make your business safer with powerful cybersecurity solutions. And stay productive with 24 7 support. Make this years resolution better solutions. Bounce forward with comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a 500 prepaid card when you upgrade. Switch today. Carried stress for so long, suffered so much, but the tools to help us process our everyday, have not existed, until now . We made a space with our reality in mind. Its called shine. The daily selfcare app created for all of us. Meditate, connect and reflect for free at theshineapp. Com. This morning, President Trump is a man without a megaphone, knocked off his favorite social media sites after inciting the deadly insurrection at the u. S. Capitol. Overnight, parlor, the social media platform favored by conservatives was force d offle entirely. Brian stelter joins us with the very latest. I have to say, this silence has been stunning and revealing in many ways. Isnt it a little bit eerie to not be hearing from President Trump at all hours of the day. We have all been so accustomed to being led around by the tweet instead of by the nose. But no more. All weekend long, being banned by twitter, and parlor is the latest in this game of whackamole where google, amazon, and apple all taking moves against network. Because this social network really doesnt have rules in place. Parlor says thats changing, theyre taking action. But amazon basically took the servers offline overnight, so parlor is no more. Parlor only mattered because farright extremists were using it to gather and organize and make further threats. And whats happening here, all across the internet, these extremists are trying to find places to hide and plan what to do next, right . To continue this big lie about trump winning the election and biden stealing it. Theyre trying to find places to organize and these Big Tech Companies are shutting them down. This is bigger than trump, right. Twitter, facebook, they all fear that trump will use their platforms to incite further violence. Theyre trying to protect the public prosecute president , but also trying to protect users and the public from these extremists who are trying to organize online. Now. Now. Now. Now. Theyre a little slow on the uptake. I guess it just takes a deadly insurrection for them to figure out that people were spewing hateful, violent rhetoric on there. Here are the social media restrictions that have restricted President Trump. Its twitter, also snapchat, also apple, also twitch, facebook, amazon, google, instagram, youtube, shopify. I mean, this is just really an interesting moment, brian. And im not sure when you talk about whackamole, where will this pop up next . Has this licked the problem or what do we need to prepare for . In many ways, this has further infuriated the core part of the trump base that is so loyal, will do anything for him. Watching these platforms go down and taking trump down, it causes further anger and frustration. But whats happening is this is happening because the incitement of violence, because of the threat. We have a group of americans that have been radicalized because of these platforms. We know that the internet accelerates the radicalization process. Facebook and twitter are belatedly acknowledging that, making sure theres no more blood on their hands. And by the way, i think one of the most interesting platforms thats taken off trump, shopify. Also last night, stripe, its a credit card processing company, which means trump cant accept donations anymore. This is going to affect his business interests, if hell have any business left in the coming years. I hope the 300 million that hes already raised from supporters since his loss will be enough to live on. One thing we should have noted is that the pga noted its pulling the pga championship from the club at bedminster. So this is hitting President Trump in the wallet, which you know something, if nothing else gets to him, that will. That will. Brian, thanks so much. Thanks. Joe biden will assume the presidency at the worst point of the coronavirus pandemic. We have new reporting on the k incoming administrations plans to get more americans vaccinated. Thats next. quiet piano music comfort in the extreme. The lincoln family of luxury suvs. Is now even more powerful. The stronger, lastslonger energizer max. The stronger, lastslonger and if we win, we get to tell you and doug. How Liberty Mutual customizes Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Isnt that what you just did . 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Innovating, sourcing organic ingredients, testing them and fermenting. Fermenting . Yeah like kombucha or yogurt. And we formulate everything so your body can really truly absorb the natural goodness. Thats what we do, so you can do you. New chapter wellness, well done. President elect joe biden wants to vaccinate 100 Million People in his first 100 days. With only nine days left into his service, he wants to meet that promise. Mj, what do we know . Allison, there is not a bigger National Security crisis for the biden team than dealing with covid. We have some new reporting this morning on just how concerned the biden team is and the fact that there are some major details of the National Vaccine Distribution Plan that have still yet to be figured out by the team, which is now that we are nine days away from an operation. The mood within the Biden Covid Team has been described to us as one of absolute soberness and that that concern comes directly from biden, himself, that he is deeply worried about just the slate of issues that he is about to inherit and so we have asked the team to add more Public Health officials to his covid team. One of the repeated concerns we have heard is President Trump in operation warp speed seems to have focussed a lot on vaccine creation but not having a stream line plan on getting the vaccine absolutely distributed. Some of the source include some lawmakers saying that the biden team is treating covid as a National Security level crisis. One congressman describing the mood as the biden team saying this is one of the toughest and darkest times in american modern history. Now, remember, bidens stated goal is to get 100 million shots into peoples arms in the first 100 days that he is in office. But what we are learning, too, is there are some major details yet to be figured out. Like the role of the next versus individual states what about the role of pharmacies . Will the u. S. Military potentially get involved, including the National Guard in getting these vaccines distributed. Finally, i will note, allison, one thing the biden team is watching carefully, they are concerned about are these virus variants that are popping up across the country. This is just going to add one more layer of uncertainty in what is definitely going to be a very daunting year ahead for the incoming Biden Administration, allison. Absolutely, thank you very much for all of that background. A member of president elect joe bidens advisory board, great to see you as always, heres where the numbers we know it from the cdc. This in terms of vaccines distributed versus vaccinations into arms. 22 million doses distributed. 6. 6 administered. Its so woefully short, obviously, what the Trump Administration projected and promised. So is it time to rethink the 100 million shots in the first 100 days from joe biden . Well, the president elect, allison, is very committed to trying to make that work. The 100 million shots in 100 million arms in 100 days. That said, we really do have our work cut out for us. What we realize is the emperor has no clothes. There was no National Plan beyond the assistance given to pharmaceutical companies to develop vaccines. So there are so many Different Things that really need to be tackled still from who will do the vaccinating . Who will be the vaccinators, a huge increase in staffing that you are looking at having to recruit and train. We need tech systems to manage scheduling and calling people back for their second doses and figuring out, you know, just collecting demographics on all those people. Reporting all of that back to the cdc. Those systems were not stood up. Those are things the federal government who anticipated a year ago that they were eventually going to need. I think bottom line, congress is really going to have to work with the Biden Administration and provide a huge influx of funding to state and local Health Departments to be able to stand these systems up, by the way. Yeah, i understand that president elect biden still wants to do it. But from where you sit, is it unrealistic . I think there is still a glimmer of hope that we may still be able accomplish this. But its really going to require everybody working together not squabbling over part sarn issis to get the job done. Instead you know president elect biden has become angry with his Coronavirus Task force because he thinks it is getting under performing. President trump . No, sorry, president elect biden is getting frustrated. I think he is frustrated with good reason. I dont think its a question of his team under performing. I think what we are inheriting that is a real disaster, the complete lack of planning here is quite frightening, frankly. I think all of us are very worried about what we are inheriting and stepping into right now. What about the idea of releasing all of the vaccine doses at once . Not holding some back for the second dose that people need . Is that a food idea . So i want to be clear, the recommendation is still that people should receive a full dose of the vaccine and in the case of the pfizer vaccine, the second dose should still come 21 days, the Moderna Vaccine second dose should still come 28 days. The biden brand is to follow the science. And that is not going to change here. What we are really recommending is a change on how the supply is managed, not how the vaccine administered dosed and the dosing regimen. What we realize is with were in a sense making things overly complicated, getting in our own way, requiring that two dose essentially the rna shelf when somebody comes in for that first dose and we hold that second dose for them until the second dose. So that just becomes really strategically complicated particularly when you have state and local Health Departments already overwhelmed. As we seen in florida, they cant hand tell volumes, people clamoring for vaccination. We are trying to simplify the process here. You all have your work cut out for you. Thank you very much for giving us a status report of where we are today. And new day continues right now. The president seems to be increasing the possibility that he will become the first president in American History he is bases hope for his resignation. He has done something so serious that there should be prosecution against him. The president touched the hot stove on wednesday and is unlikely to touch it again. I think the president did commit impeachable offenses. There . No doubt in my mind about that. We should certainly expect more violence. Particularly, we should expect violence in and around political entities, individual and then some. This is new day with Allison Camerotta and john berman. Good morning, everyone, welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is new day. A deadly attack on the u. S. Capitol is even worse than we knew. We have new video that shows just how blood thirsty the mob got. This morning, donald trump could be him the first president in history to be impeached twice. Nancy pelosi also trying to pressure Vice President pence to invoke the 25th amendment to remove trump from office. If pence will not, the house plans to move quickly to impeach trump this week and wait for a senate trial, we are told, until after president elect bidens 100 days in office. Again, this morning, we have new video, like you see on your screen and new photographs that capture the sickening attack on Police Officer and on the u. S. Capitol. In this one, a Police Officer is being repeatedly beaten by the insurrection. You see the violence there, the fury . Absolutely. They are using the flag poles from their trump flags at times to beat him. Another officer is nearly crushed to death in the rush to swarm. He is crushed between glass doors here and he is begging for mercy. All right. In a brandnew interview, the head of the Capitol Police who has since resigned, he says he suspects pipe bombs were set at the rnc and dnc headquarters to draw people away from the perimeter as terrorists searched for lawmakers. States across the country are bracing for more possible violence leading up to inauguration day. Security officials are monitoring online chatter in all 50 states including a secondary attack on the u. S. Capitol and State Capitol buildings on january 17th. Joining me now is democratic congresswoman chrissie hollihan, an air force veteran and Armed Services committee. Congresswoman, you have National Security concerns this morning about donald trump remaining in office. What are they . Well, what we saw happen on our own soil is something we should be deeply, deeply alarmed by. But we should also associate that violence and that loss of control on a global scale as well. We

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