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Celebrities. We have a bus right behind me, but let me tell you about who weve seen, everyone from whoopie goldberg to donald trump who brought her on to celebrity a pren disgiving her rejuvenation later on in her career. Whos who of the media world. Diane sawyer, joy behar. We know cindy adams will be speaking. Shes a columnist and longtime friend. She wrote in the post she will be speaking. We saw her arriving. Deborah norville tweeted out that she will be one of the speakers here at joan rivers Memorial Service in new york city. Brian, joan had joked in her book about the kind of celebrity show business kind of affair that she wanted. It seems that thats exactly what shes going to be getting. We know that the new york city gay mans chorus is performing. They say joan rivers was a big supporter of their organization, that theyre honored to perform here. Theyre going to be doing some pieces that they feel are reflective of joan. Hey big spender is one of them, theres nothing like a day and what a Wonderful World. And it will reflect the mood of this service. So many people pouring in to honor joan rivers. I dont want to miss some of the celebrities who have shown up. Kathy griffin, Kristin Chenow h chenoweth. Kathie lee give ford, hoda kotb. This is a private service, brian, invitation only, but of course we know that joan rivers friends were celebrities. So theyre the ones that are here. Two most important people are not yet here, and that would be of course melissa rivers, joans daughter, and her grandson cooper. So i expect theyll be pulling up any moment now. Thank you for joining us. Well keep an eye on the live shot outside. The funeral location, as you mentioned, what joan rivers said she wanted at her funeral. I want to play that audio. This is from her autobiography where she jokingly talked about how she wanted this morning to go. When i die, and, yes, melissa, the tai will come, yes, melissa, everything is still in your name, i want my funeral to be a huge showbiz affair with lights, camera, action. I want crass services. I want paparazzi. I want publicists making a scene. I want it to be hollywood all the way. Dont give me some ran by rambling on. I want meryl streep crying in five different accents. I dont want a eulogy, i want bobby vinton over that casket to pick up my head and look into my lifeless eyes and sing mr. Lonely. I want to look gorgeous better dead than i do alive. I want to be buried in a valentino gown. I want Harry Winston to make me a toe tag. I want a wind machine so strong that even in the casket my hair will be blowing more than beyonces on stage. Trying to make us laugh even today. Let me bring in cnn correspondent Nischelle Turner here in new york. Seems like shes getting some of what we wanted. Yeah, we know she is. We dont know if shell be buried in the valentino gown. Maybe she will be buried in roberto covali. We are seeing all of her starstudded celebrity friends to say goodbye. We know deborah norville, cindy adams . Were hearing hugh jackman may sing or speak at the funeral as well. We heard that the gay mans chorus will be singing one of the numbers they will be singing is what a day. I think thats very fitting. What a Wonderful World they will be singing as well also, very fitting for this morning. I know the temple holds a couple thousand. Were not sure how big the crowd will be. It definitely has capacity. 65th street in central park over on the Upper East Side of the manhattan where joan rivers lived. Let me bring in larry king. Hes on the phone with me now. Larry, what should we remember about joan on a sad day like today . We should remember, brian, the joy of her laughter. The skill of her mind. Joan rivers was a brilliant woman. She was valedictorian at barnard, fbi bephi beta cappa. She was wonderful to be around. Yes, she punctured the world. She took on everybody, but she took on herself just as well. She gave as good as she got. She was downright funny, and the best minimum ri we have of herr is laughter. I think in the future, brian, when anybody mentions the name joan rivers, people will smile. 81 years old when she passed away and was still working every day. Tell me what that says about her and about television, that she was able to stay relevant for so long, just like you, larry. Frank sinatra once told me theres a lot to be said about longevity. She would prove she had a lot of ups and downs, the suicide of her husband, the terrible occurrences that happened with Johnny Carson where they never got back together. She hit the bottom and she kept coming back, and thats a great sign of our people, when they can get up from the floor and come back. She was working the night before she had the accident in that center where they were doing the throat procedure. She was scheduled to work the night after. Joan never to my knowledge, never turned down a gig. She loved to be on stage. She loved to entertain and she was i think of so many things, brian, that she said over the years on my show and in other places. She once said there will never be a woman jewish terrorist because no woman would put a bomb in her gucci bag. There were so many of these lines. I love that weve seen them over the past few days being broadcast and rebroadcast. I want to show you one more. I saw this in cindy adams column. A day without working is a day lost. Thats what youre saying as well. Larry, thank you for joining us. Hope to see you soon. You, too, brian. Let me bring in one more person who knew joan rivers. Dick is on the phone with us. Dick, you said joan was warm, big hearted beneath all the sharp jabs, sometimes the mean humor. Tell me about that. Yeah. This has surprised people because they would say, shes so raucous, so mean. Are you telling shes a lady and if you ever talked with her, i echo what larry said, she had not many phi beta cappas from barnard make it into television. There is a time for me to tell you stories that would come under the head of kindness that joan did to people who are working with her back when we were in little clubs together, in the village. Later on in her life when she sat with a young comedian, changed her airplane seat, said, lets hear your act, fixed it up for him. There are hundreds of stories like that for her. Im sure any psychiatrist would say she was come pulls civilly driven and neurotic to be as successful in the way she was. Well, thank goodness. We were the beneficiaries of that. And also lets not pretend that we dont all love hearing the rich and famous getting secured. When Elizabeth Taylor gained 100 pounds, and joan said i took her to mcdonalds and she couldnt get through the arch, you hated yourself for a moment for laughing but had to admit that we all loved to hear those things. Thats a very good point. She held on in a career in a business where successful careers last maybe eight years. Joan went decade after decade after decade and only a handful of people have ever succeeded in show business the way she did. And then way too soon she died. Nischelle turner with me as well. I want to talk about that point that dick was just making about her career. Yeah. She is she was the star of a big show on the enetwork, Fashion Police. Yes. We dont know whats going to happen with that show . We dont know. Officially e put out a statement we are mourning joans loss and well worry about programming and what well do at a later date. I did speak with some folks who are involved with that. For fashion week, this is a huge time for that show. They were bringing the entire production here, this was joans super bowl, fashion week. They decided to cancel the tapings here that will air, not Fashion Police shows but fashion week type of shows. After that theyre not even sure what will happen to the show. They cant imagine going on without joan. Before we wrap here, i want to make one more point about family. We look at the pictures and the celebrity arrivals, and we think of her as celebrities. There are family members. I happen to be friends with one of her nieces. Melissa rivers and joan rivers had a close relationship. The closest that mother and daughter can have. Ive been reflecting on that. Im an only child and so very close to my moerks and seeing them in the photos that weve been showing, 75 of them have melissa in it. You usually didnt see one without the other. I mean, that i cant imagine the grief and loss that melissa is going through today because, yes, were all close with our parents, but they were a team. They were a pair. They were the rivers family. You never really saw them without the other. Any person whos lost a parent has to feel some pain about having to see this on television as well. Oh, absolutely. We are celebrating her life. Its a wonderful thing but to have the cameras outside even though its what joan would have wanted, it does make it a tough day. Nischelle turner and dick cavett, thank you as well. Stay with cnn all day. Squeeze in a quick break here. When we come back, well take a look at one of the top stories of the week and of the summer really about isis and the middle east and ask you what a radical muslim cleric and a duck dynasty star have in common. Thats right after this. Eria can multiply. Polident kills 99. 99 of odorcausing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. Frotheres no reasonn average 17 we cant manufacture in shuthe United States. 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It is graphic at points that uses the extremists own words and images against them to push back against isis recruitment efforts. It is up on youtube if you want to see it but i warn you it is graphic. Every week here on reliable sources i ask you to send me a message on what you think of a show. You spoke with me after i invited chowdery. I showed her what chowdery said. She was disgusted. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for having me. Let me play one of the bites and well talk about it. What im trying to say is people perceive journalists in a very bad light. You only need to see what took place in gaza with 2,000 people slaughtered. For the american journalists they said that was defending themselves. How absurd is that . What do you expect the muslims to treat western journalists when this is the propaganda they are pushing . Is it a widespread view that journalists are pushing propagan propaganda . After september 11th there were few voices. These are the extremists. Moderate voices like all the scholars that came out against isis, against al qaeda, el sahar, obviously they are not relevant news as much as this guy who is crazy. Youre saying that has an effect on the coverage. Let me play one more bite because i asked him about the warping the many muslims reject a lot of what he says. Let me play that as well. Look, ive been in propaganda against islam. Most of the leaders have been on many platforms. If you go to prak tisching around the world in indonesia, middle east, theyll say the same thing for me. Im not calling for leadership for individuals im calling for leadership for islam. What im saying goes according to the koran. Hes trying to reject the label extremist. How can he reject the label extremist when hes saying what hes saying . Look, there is a battle of ideology that is taking place within the arab muslim world, within the islamic world between different forces. My father was an imam of a mosque. He used to be a sofi. This guy is a wahabi, salafi and somebody that advocates for jihad and the world and having sharia in the world. The majority are saying no. How would your father react to hearing these sound bites . Probably he would be horrified. He would think the danger isnt in the books he read, its in the minds. Gaza after the war, 80 of the gazan people are saying not only no to isis, they reject totally the approach of isis and the decapitation. They think its horrifying and its not a strategy. Its actually it has a backlash on them and they think this doesnt represent them, doesnt represent islam. This is gaza where 1. 8 Million People are living under occupation. If you look at whats happening in syria, in iraq, in somalia with shabab and boko haram, these Extremist Groups are trying to take over their reality and impose their extremist views by manipulating versus of koran. We need to come there now. The majority of muslims in the world are moderates and they want a different islam. Thats the point i want to underscore because it disturbed me so much to see the racist comments that i received on facebook and twitter from viewers who said now do you see how muslims feel . I barely knew where to start to respond. How would you respond . He doesnt represent muslims. Even if you look at his twitter account and followers, the debate he has, hes not really one of the mainstream. Mainstream muslims in the u. K. Took a daze disstrans from his speech. Not only in the u. K. , who is he talking to . Hes not talking when he talked about somolia, when he talked about malaysia, hes talking about people that are groups of extremists around the world. As muslims we are 1. 2 billion people. Of course you will find extremists. Of course you will find people who are advocating for having sharia law. What you can do is look at the other side and cover the whole picture. The whole picture is different. I want to play one more bite. We didnt televise this. This is from the sound check before the interviews. Let me play that. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 9 11, 7 7. 3 11. Do you think that sort of behavior was intentionally provocative trying to get me fired up before the interview . Of course. Of course. Everything is calculated. Its not meant for you, brian, but for people who are this is a journey of radicalization that he went through. Hes trying to grab other people. He knows that there will be room because today when you look at the way arab rulers are treating the majority of muslims, look at egypt. Our ally in this journey and the fight on terror and war on terror, thousands of muslims are in jail. 1,000 were killed a year ago. What arab rulers are doing are creating the condition for these extremists to thrive. We need to be clear about that. We need to stop this person. This person should speak in no venues because he is recruiting. Hes utilizing networks obviously to accepted message to the rest of the people that are in this moment might be borderline in identity crisis and might be recruited. Television, youtube, twitter as well. I do want to ask you about one more sound bite from fox news this week. Islam is not the only religion where we see extremism or extreme points of view. This is Phil Robertson of duck dynasty fame on shawn hannitys show. In this case you either have to convert them, which i think is would be next to impossible. Im not giving up on them but im just saying either convert them or kill them. One or the other. I just have to ask for your reaction to that . I dont agree with these two. They look alike if you think of it. It seems like extremists and fanatics sound alike and look alike. Before you go, let me ask you about Steven Sotloff, the journalist who was beheaded on camera this week. Aljazeera made the choice not to broadcast any of the photos that isis released. Thats a more conservative stance than cnn or other groups took. What did you make of that decision . First off, my heart goes out to the families of the journalists that were beheaded and there are thousands of them that were beheaded before that are arab muslim. Its the hardest job to be Truth Tellers in war zones. Its the hardest job to be Truth Tellers on air covering situation when people are dying. Saying that, i actually admire the decision of aljazeera. They dont want to be considered. During the iraqi war aljazeera was considered to be a propaganda organization. He was unfairly demonized by the administration. It was demonized multiple times. In this point i think you dont want to be used by extremists as a propaganda organ. They already have their messages on twitter, on facebook. They have on internet. They upload videos. Every you know how many videos they upload a day, isis . At least 20 to 25. You need to counter that narrative, and theyre actually inviting jihadists. They are recruiting. This guy is recruiting and isis is recruiting on daily basis. How can you stop this . By not giving them air time i would say. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for having me. So as always, let me know what you think. Send me a message on twitter or facebook. My user name is brianstelter. I take you into the halls of nbc. Hear chuck todds plan to revive meet the press. A card that gave you that im 16 and just got my first car feeling. Presenting the buypower card from capital one. Redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac with no limits. So every time you use it, youre not just shopping for goods. Youre shopping for something great. Learn more at buypowercard. Com big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. 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Well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38 more than cold medicines alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. Welcome back. This is chuck todds first morning as moderator of meet the press, the longest running sunday morning Political Program on tv. And he is feeling the pressure. Meet the press used to be untouchable. After tum ruim russert died andd gregory took over, it fell from first place to third place. Todd is the ultimate Political Insider but he says political journalists have failed the public and he hopes to fix that. Over at nbcs bureau in d. C. We had a frank conversation about that. Check this out, chuck todd, meet the press. Theres a perception meet the press is broken. I dont know that i agree with that. Do you . No, i dont think its broken. I look at this challenge as different from what some media critics see in us. I look at it as political journalism is going through the same issues that washington politicians are going through. I think the public, their frustration with washington. Theyve lumped us and the media as part of the problem. If they think the media is doing that. So i think symbolism wise, political journalists are front and center of the they dont get it. So i think whats, quote, unquote, broken is the credibility of us in the media channelling the frustrations of americans. Is that a fair critique on the part of the viewers . Yes, i do think it is. This is something that i always like to use the phrase sell a corridor. The new york washington take ignores whats going on in america. Its that disconnect that leads to the perception that, you know, this shows broken, that shows broken, whatever. Its really about this lack of credibility that did the political reporters really understand . I have the political journalism professor on and they said maybe people like you should come on and say, were part of the problem and we should address it. It sounds like you agree . I think when it comes to the economy and the recession, we generally didnt do we have not understood the depth of the problem. Is it the insider versus outsider issue . Journalistness washington are too close to their sources . I dont think its that. Weve got to get out. We arent above washington. We arent above new york. We have to work harder at that. When all political journalism is at its best its when its channelling the american frustration to back through and translate that. Is part of this about the guests you decide to book . There have been so many criticisms of the same old predictable guests . I think it is. Booking is harder today than it was because the newsmakers have so many choices that they can decide. I dont want to have a tough interview. Im going to go over here with somebody who will cheer lead my point of view. Or tweet their statement . Absolutely. So, you know, you hope that you elevate the program over time where people feel like, boy, they kind of have to go it will be embarrassing if they dont. How important are newsmaker interviews . You had president obama for your first program. Is that still the heart of meet the press . I think it should be because i think the last thing we you know, here we are in the cable landscape. The fiveminute interviews dont give you the depth that people say they want. I mean, ive gotten a lot of advice, solicited, some unsolicited as you might imagine. All of them universal. I would like a longer interview. Id like to learn more. Lack of time pressure. I think you still want to have that out there. People said, look, what are some of the still more popular news programs that youre seeing growing in audience . The ones that take a step back these days. Some of these weekly shows. Yet the stereotype is the tv viewers goes on. They always want to move faster. I understand that. I like to think if youre doing a compelling interview you shouldnt want to do that. You want to have a little more depth. You want to have a little bit longer. I think sunday morning is different. I think people sit back. You mentioned russert. I want to ask you what you have learned over the years from watching his interviews. This is a clip from the first interview of Vice President cheney after the 9 11 attacks. I was struck recently about how russert zeroed in on so many topics that were still relevant a decade later. Youre convinced hes in afghanistan . We dont know. Is there any United States law which would prohibit us from killing him if we found him . Not in my estimation, tim. Russert goes right to the question that was answered a decade later with osama bin laden. What are the lessons from russerts time on meet the press . The number one lesson is preparation. I watched it firsthand. He was preparing for interviews he hadnt yet booked a month, two months in advance. I think the other thing was he always had the saying thats very true that he used to say that he borrowed which is simply learn everything you can about your guests point of view and take the opposite takt. Its one thing to play devils advocate but do you express a point of view to show where theyre coming from . Look, i think my title is moderator. I think i should moderate that. I think my job is to broaden the amount of people that i have, people that are invested in a policy outcome. I want to see both of those sides. See if you can have a respectful way to do it. Some people at home think neutrality is the problem in journalism. Theres no such thing as balancing the truth, okay . Its its fairness, period, okay . I know this whole thing of neutrality, im not going to sit here and say im invested in which party wins. Im he not invested in which party wins. Im invested in whos governing right. Whos not offending the founders of the democracy. What do you say to people who say youre coming from msnbc which is a lib call cable news channel, so you must be tainted. Look at my work. The guilt by association crap, which there is a lot of people that are invested in building their own internet profiles and internet sites and traffic and all of that stuff, thats a form of a campaign, right, trying to get into the whole media scheme. Look at my work. Look what i did on the daily rundown. What would you say to people who say that nbc treated David Gregory so poorly on his way out from meet the press . I dont know everything that happened. I was more out of the loop than i think some people would like to believe. I know ive learned in my seven years now in the Television Business this is hard. When i asked for comments someone asked are you going to shave . What happens to the goatee . Im not going to shave. This sounds corney. My late father had his whole life had a beard. His was a full 3w50erd. Same exact color. When i grew a beard, same exact color. He died at 40. I look in the mirror, i see my father. If i shave, i feel like im erasing a tiny bit of my dad. I aint doing it. Im going to have this beard probably until im laying in a coffin. Check out more of my interview on cnnmoney. Com. I posted a story. Coming up next, were talking about the cable news cycle and how it influences president obama. This morning todd interviewed the president and he said obama said part of what i love is a vacation from the press. Well, thats not going to happen any time soon, but two former president ial press secretaries will join me right after this. But most of our employees a, live in the same communities that we serve. People here know that our operations have an impact locally. Were using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. The trucks are reliable, thats good for business. 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With humira, remission is possible. What is president obamas plan to fight isis . Hes going to outline a plan on wednesday. Does president obama have any fans left . His strategy or lack of strategy in dealing with the terror group has been blasted by all signs, including by many, many media types. When is a president ial press secretary to do. Earlier i asked two people who have been there and done that. Ari fleischer who was george w. Bushs president secretary and bill burton who was press secretary until 2011. Ari, do you feel any sympathy for the present administration who fends off what is an attack from the republicans and Many Democrats and the news media about the handling of this . Professionally i do, ideologically i dont. Theres no question what the white house is going through now is brutal on the staff. Any time the staff has to pick up one of these, follow the president around, theyre in big trouble. The part where the president said we dont have a strategy yet, which is a terrible statement, and then his multiple contradictory statements, it all puts the staff in a terrible followup situation where they cannot have good answers because the boss didnt give them the right things to say. Bill, did you have to carry around a broom when you were working at the white house . In the modern age we use different tools to clean up messes. Look, no matter however you slice it, you know, the president can get those words back, im sure that he would state them a little bit differently. There was clearly a little bit of a misfire. Whats more important than the words and whether or not the president misspeaks which, ari, can talk about president s who misspeak and having to go back and clean up the words, whats important is the policy. What the president is doing is focusing on a longterm sustainable effort to destroy these monsters and make sure we go out and get the people who are committing these atrocities. The president has a long track record of getting the bad guys. I think theres no doubt that the American People believe in this case thats going happen again. Theres some doubt for sure. The Washington Post said mr. Obama should stop attempting to minimize the threats in the middle east. Ari, do you feel hes trying to minimize the threats . I think president obama doesnt want to be george w. Bush. Hes so reluctant to get america involved in anything militarily in iraq, in syria. Hes trying to find a line where he doesnt have to use americas military power other than for the smallest of surgical strikes and that wont work against isis. Its why so Many Democrats are bolting against the president. Elizabeth warren says we need to destroy isis. Its so easy to say we need to destroy isis. Its so much harder to do it. No, its not. Its what president s do. When president s say we need to destroy it, we need to back it up. He set a red line for syria and didnt act upon it. Words matter. Thats why being a spokesman, thats why being the president is so important. They rally coalitions. They rally leaders around the world. They send signals to friend and foe alike. When the president s words are contradicto contradictory, it has a terrible impact on policy. Do you feel like some Media Outlets are pushing the president to attack, to escalate this . The press has a tendency to push the white house to act faster than they like. You see it in the Briefing Room and the talk shows. One of the defining characteristics of this president is that he is not he does not let his policies get dictated by those sorts of things. And, ari, i think that probably frustrates you. Well, i think you have a good point there, brian. The press is always interested in the next biggest story and they do try to push in the direction of controversy and bigger news for them to cover. There is a bit of selfinterest in what the press asks and what they seek, but no white house needs to listen to that and none should. I dont think president obama is going to make a military decision based on what the press wants or doesnt want. I think if we see on the front page of the newspapers for days and days and weeks and on cable news banners for days and days and weeks and months about how big of a threat isis is, it has an effect of compelling action. Ive forgotten about the times weeks ago where we were talking about immigration in this country or about Race Relations in this country because stories seem to come and go so quickly nowadays. Thats something i would think every white house has to contend with. I do think that in the modern media, this has been the case for a decade, news spikes up with much more drama than it used to and it comes back down and the press goes onto the next spike. Its as if everything has to be a driver of the news and everything has to be a lead story as opposed to there are multiple stories going on at one time and they can go up and down in relevance but the press hypes whatever is hottest. Before iraq, i know there was a big drum beat leading into that. I dont think that necessarily forced president bushs hand. I think there was a plan to do that rasegardless. You have this ebb and flow of big issues all the time. They seem like theyre the biggest issues on earth and then they go away. I do have to point out with the case of isis, there is a legitimacy to heavy coverage here when you have the attorney general talk about what a threat they are to the homeland, when you have a secretary of defense talk about what a threat they are. Administration officials armed with expertise and intelligence have made newsworthy statements and certainly the two beheadings, of course they are going to get covered. There is a legitimacy to the coverage. It does push administrations in certain directions but, again, its the job of the administration to be sober and make the best judgment regardless of the press coverage. Ari fleischer and bill burton, thanks for joining me. Thanks, brian. When we come back, more on the drum beat that bill burton mentioned and why im concerned that the American Media may be falling down on the job. A red news blue news youve got to see after this. Woman everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. Everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. I wouldnt trade him for the world. Who matters most to you says the most about you. 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I want to begin with a provocative thought about the coverage of the Islamic Extremist Group isis. Its clear its a barbaric group determined to force its way of life on to others. Its not just politicians calling for military action. Its a lot of media big wigs, too. Heres the banner headline earlier this week. Media war frenzy like 2003. Thats a frightening concept right there. And heres a quote that jumped out from me from one of the columns on national journal. Com. He quoted a leader that said a decade ago we all hopped on the bus so the white house could take us to war. Now, it seems like were driving the bus. Consider this remark from fox news channel. He wrote this on twitter. Behead the isis butchers. It seemed like another fox anchor almost lost her mind earlier this week. Look at this tweet, obama, do something, do something. And going on, and i have to wonder if some of these commentators are letting the fear get the best of them or the ideological agendas. One big difference from 2003, we had red news on tv, we had fox, but we didnt have solidly blue news from msnbc. It wasnt a liberal news channel back then. Now it is. Heres what Rachel Maddow reminded her viewers this week. We know from our own history that terrorists provocations make us more likely to act. They do not make our actions more likely to succeed. Thats the beauty of terrorism, right . Thats the strategic beauty of it. Thats what they want. I, myself, am very concerned about the press provokining pan about isis, but im keeping an open mind. And earlier in d. C. , i asked ron what he thought as well as the editor of the proudly liberal magazine the nation. Heres a bit of our conversation. I write a weekly column for the washingtonpost. Com. And ive said many things contrary to the conventional wisdom. But on friday, you had mitt romney accusing the president of appeasement. You had Charles Krauthammer calling for u. S. War with ewe krin which doesnt have any strategic priority for this nation. Im just saying, the Washington Post has not seen a war there are sure a lot of politicians stoking war rhetoric, encouraging the president to do something. And i wonder about whether the media is pushing the president toward a further escalation here. Look at the New York Post, the new york daily news. The New York Post cover. This wont stop until we stop them. That kind of rhetoric. Now, of course, this is a tabloid. I wonder if there are market pressures, katrina, that are causing the press to overplay the threat that isis does pose. No question about it. There is a trivialization, a tabloidization of News Coverage that has infected and affected the way this country, much of the media has covered the world. Not all of it. And the New York Post is a tabloid, run by rupert murdoch. But you do have fox and other outlets. And its just not asking the tough questions. Im not saying we shouldnt ask tough questions, but ask the tough questions, especially 13 years after 9 11 about what are the real threats to this country . Hasnt this country gone through very bad times . Arent we allowing the extremists to defeat us if we give into fear and not show the resilience of the great nation. Thomas friedman made that point in the New York Times this week about how isis wants the u. S. To overreact. Thats exactly what any Extremist Group wants. Thats what they want. And that is why i fear that the more we feed the panic, the more those who beat the drums of war, the fear mongering that they are hurting, damaging the security of this country and the resilience of this nation to confront effectively with tough questioning with Smart Solutions to these problems. Look, we all on the other hand, is it worse to overhype a threat than it is to underplay . Is it whats worse, do you think . Undercover something or overplay it . You know, i dont know, thats a false choice. Whats bad, wrong for journalists to do at this early in the stage to conclude anything. To be able to say we need to go to war now is irresponsible. To say we cant go to war now is irresponsible. The fact is, one thing katrinas right about, we havent asked all the questions yet. So, yes, media is sensationalized right now. Media tends to hype any shiny object that comes along right now, but that doesnt necessarily mean that isis is not a threat. Bottom line, we journalists cannot let fear amongering get in the way of facts. Up next on reliable sources, a tribute to a cnn legend. [ female announcer ] you get sick, you cant breathe through your nose. Suddenly youre a mouthbreather. Well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38 more than cold medicines alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. That corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. So you can breathe and sleep. And yet, theres someone around the office who hasnt had a Performance Review in a while. Someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. Im looking at you phone company dsl. Go to comcastbusiness. Com checkyourspeed. If we cant offer faster speeds or save you money well give you 150. Comcast business built for business. Before we go this morning, i want to take a moment. Bruces broadcast career stretched more than 40 years. At cbs and then later at cnn. He was writing until the end. A few days before he died, he was posting about the midterm elections on his blog. Yes, one of the original members of the boys on the bus who started his craft pounding away at a manual typewriter about a blog. A lesson to us all about being anyone to adapt a technology. Thats all for this televised edition of reliable sources. But our Media Coverage keeps going on cnn. Com. Well see you next sunday at 11 00. Now state of the union when Candy Crowley starts right now. September brings the president double trouble in an election season. Handling isis and immigration. California congressman is one of many unhappy democrats is with us. Then, the strategy is still uncertain, but the end game is defined, destroy isis. You cant contain an organization that is running rough shot through that much territory. The goal has to be to dismantle it. Go to people on national intelligence. Mike rogers and Dianne Feinstein are re

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