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P. M. Here in france. Im along with jake tapper. As this is a historic day for france. A tidal wave of humanity has come out to say no no to the barbarism. What happened here january 7th to the slaughter of innocent journalists, to the slaughter of innocent jewish shoppers and to a fundamental full body attack on the value that is france and our democratic societies give us the values of democracy and freedom of speech and the respect for all minorities. We continue the coverage of this massive march of all the World Leaders who have been here led by president Francois Hollande who had so many of the World Leaders here in the streets of france standing next to him were the german chancellor arm in arm, he was with the president of mali. He was with the Prime Minister of israel the president of the Palestinian Authority the Prime Ministers of his western european nations, Foreign Ministers from all over the world, the president of ukraine the king and queen of jordan and so many others members of the african nations, the emir of qatar and other emirates and sul tabs sultans who came here. As these leaders rallied for an end to the violence we have seen in france this week but also across the world over the last several years, that this fundamental freedom that we take for granted, democracy, the freedom of assembly the freedom to speak, the freedom even to poke fun and offend that is what is being defended here today. Lets talk about some of these images weve seen christiane. In addition to this beautiful sea of humanity behind us people of every possible belief system color, weve also seen, as you say, these images of World Leaders. Its not a small thing for the king of jordan who as fareed noted earlier is a direct descendant of the prophet muhammad. Its not a small thing for him to be walking in the same line as the Prime Minister of israel protesting the terrorist acts committed against, a, four jews in a kosher supermarket, and b 12 people most of whom were journalists of a publication that reg laferularly mocks religions. Frederik pleitgen talked to a young muslim Woman Holding a sign that said i am a jew. She was expressing solidarity with jews. These are things i have never seen it before in my life. Wroo this is also about what we do and i was so deeply moved by the foreign minister of this country who once even criticized the excesses to which Charlie Hebdo went but he said nothing, nothing that they have ever done demands violence and he said that democracy is not there without freedom and freedom is not there without freedom of the press. So this is a huge, you know gathering of of a fundamental answer to the attack on the fundamentals of our lives that we hold dear which is freedom of the press, freedom of expression and the freedom of our minorities to live in peace. And i would add and i dont mean this as a criticism of the Obama Administration but as an american i do wish that we were better represented in this beautiful procession of World Leaders. The attorney general eric holder has been here in france. He was previously scheduled to be here for a conference on extreme i rememberex exism exismex extremeism extremism. Im a little disappointed personally as an american not as a representative of cnn, that there isnt more of a display of unity here. This is one of the most incredible events i have ever attended and the positivity that these people of france are expressing this isnt a rally even though there was an ugly racist element in this society as there is in every society, they are not embracing anger or any sort of hatred. This is a rally that is expressing brotherhood and sisterhood and its a beautiful thing to behold. President obama called france americas oldest ally and the french have been extremely moved by the direct dwaes toaddress to them by secretary john kerry in fluptent and lengthy france. They were very moved and so this is an amazing time and theyre taking a huge amount of support from all these people who have come out for them. Were going to go now to hala gorani at the place de la nation end of this rally. Hala . Hi christiane and jake. The police delace de la nation is at capacity. You were talking, jake and i found it interesting as an american how you have not seen in your experience something as moving and as special as this. I can say as someone who knows paris very well that youd have to be extremely coldhearted not to be moved by the displays of unity, by the messages there on all these signs behind me of understanding, of outreach between communities. You know there will be days for cynicism in the next as we digest and take stock of what happened but i dont think today is the day for that. Let me just kind of tell our cameraman to zoom out here and im going to step out of the way. Lets see, we are all charlie. This is muslims, we are all charlie. If you are hear over the crowd, we are all victims of barbarity. I am a muslim, i am in mourning. Reads that sign. For charlie, for the police for the jews for the palestinians and for my god allah. I am charlie i am a cop, and i am jewish says that one. This young man, very millennial, it is on his tablet which is switched on. Just a few minutes ago we were hearing also spontaneous eruptions of the French National anthem and after that applause rang out. Every once in a while people start applauding and i ask them why the applaud . Is there something specific going on . They will just say its just to show our solidarity with the victims of the attacks on wednesday and then of course at that kosher supermarket on friday and also to send a message to the people outside of france that we will not allow terrorists to win. Back to you. Hala thank you. And were going to go back to bernardhenri levy public intellectual and philosopher who has spoken to passionately over everything thats happened over the last several days. Bernard, i wonder if you can comment what will happen on the day after this all of this. Yes, this is unity. Yes, this is a rally thats brought together all segments of the french population and according to a poll 81 of french people i asked overasked over the last several days are saying theyre willing to mobilize zens the division weve seen, but france has a problem with its very disenfranchised Muslim Population. Is that going to change . I think something really happened today and something changed today. The real test of this demonstration was the following. Will the french muslims of the muslim french go down in the streets . The reply is yes. I was myself surrounded and around me there were a lot of imams, there were a lot of french women and men whom i know and who are of muslim origin. So for the first time the french muslims did show their deep solidarity and brotherhood with the jews of yesterday murdered at the hyper cacher and with the cartoonists who mocked muhammad. So this is the real event in French Society. Its a real brick in our society. And there will there is an after, after today. As we keep watching these pictures of the place de la nation. All these people gathering there and here its still jam packed you said something earlier and someone else said to me as well that france had started to lose its confidence and its faith in itself that it felt it was more like a museum of ideas rather than relevant contemporary. Do you think what happened not just the attack but the response to it well remobilize the values that this country has given to the world and that we all now hold dear and know are under assault . Today the other event of today, first event french muslims in the street. Second event, the return of the confidence of the selfconfidence, of the selfesteem of france. There was a selfdepression, there was a sort of National Depression since years. Today something happened again on these grounds, return of the selfesteem. All france saying stop with the flagellation. France is a great country. French unity is a thing to show to the world. Another thing that has to be said what happened today in paris never happened anywhere in the world. I did not see that even in my dearest new york and my dear america after september 11 which was in a way much worse. You had thousands of innocents killed by september 11th. I did not see 43 chief of state and government moving to new york. So some say its very strange, very enigmatic happened today. Why . The murder of some great cartoonists and the murder of four jews did provoke this worldwide emotion. Why abbas and netanyahu . Why merkel and cameron . Why why are they gathering in paris to be the mourning and the sorrow of this cartoon i wasrists isttoonists and these jews. My reply is there was a sense over the world that we were too much indulgent with jihadism that we underestimated the threat. That we minorized the threat. Today the whole world takes the opportunity for, i dare say, of this terrible tragedy to say stop indulgence. Stop weakness in front of jihadism. Stop considering jihadism as a product of misery or a product of social jihadism is a new fascism. The world is in paris today to express this very simple and strong idea and this is a great news of what is happening in paris at this moment. We have seen so many moving images today ranging from the young woman, the french muslim holding a sign saying i am a jew to benjamin netanyahu, the Prime Minister of israel and french president Francois Hollande going together to the grand synagogue that was closed for Sabbath Services on friday night because of the terrorist attack for the First Time Since world war ii. Weve seen many many muslims Holding Signs here saying not in my name and similar sentiments. When you look back on this day, what image do you think you will think of . Im sorry. I did not get the last word. The question, say it again . What what . Just when you think of today in the future when you look back on this day. Yeah. What image most stays with you . When i think i believe that in the next days in the next month, in the next years we will have in our memory as an im image impossible to erase, this great image of all the leadership of the free world together to say in one voice, in same words, no to barbarity, no to neofascism. We are proud of our democratic values. Another image is this young muslim french woman who i heard few minutes ago saying that she was charlie and that she was she felt deep solidarity with the four jews assassinated yesterday. These images we never saw in any place. And the 43 chief of state which means onefourth of the General Assembly of the united nations, this is an image which never happened anywhere. This is not a pride for paris. This is a pride for all those all over the world who want to make a stop to fascism, a stop to jihadism a stop to our weakness in front. Weakness is over. This is what the World Leadership has come in paris to say and this is what the people are france has gone in the street to say also. Stop the weakness in front of jihadism. We will never, ever be weak again in france of this plague which is jihadism or fascism. Bernardhenri levy thank you very much indeed. Now we are going to go to a break. Well come back with a lot more of the discussion from here and of these amazing pictures from here. As we see more and more of the people who have been marching at the place de la nation behind us at the Place De La Republique. People still carrying on. Narrator this is the storm sea captain theres a storm comin narrator that whipped through the turbine which poured. Surplus energy into the plant which generously lowered its price and tipped off the house which used all that energy to stay warm through the storm. Chipmunk theres a bad storm comin narrator the internet of everything is changing how energy works. Is your Network Ready . Welcome back to cnns live coverage of the unity rally. Standing with france. Im jake tapper here in paris along with my colleague Christiane Amanpour and we have been privileged to have spent the day watching this beautiful sea of humanity gather here at the Place De La Republique a mass chant, sing and then proceed led by World Leaders from literally around the globe down to the other part of paris in expression of solidarity with the people of france with the victims of the terrorist attacks last week here in paris. And weve heard from guest after guest, from so many of the french people that weve been talking to today, how moved they are that so many World Leaders have come here to offer their support and solidarity and to march with them in this unity rally. Yeah. And you will see the signs here. Here is a woman who is very eager. She accidentally hit you in the back of the head i am charlie. Thats the revealing sentiment. Some of the people found the sentiments expressed in this newspaper, outrage us blasphemous. Thats not the issue. The issue is do they have the right to do it and was the terrorist response the wholesale mindless slaughter of them the appropriate response. We see people secular, muslim jewish, a young muslim Woman Holding a sign saying i am a jew expressing solidarity. Really just one of the most moving things i have ever covered. Indeed and the Prime Minister of france and others have paid tribute to the police who were killed and just said that all of these who were targeted they all represent france and for us its very personal. Obviously journalists were killed. And, you know, a lot of the muslims have said yeah we did find these cartoons offensive but this was not the response ever. France unlike america, actually has had a very very long history of poking fun and offending people right to the very edge of their sensibility whether its religions, all religious have been the targets of these magazines, whether its politicians, whether its celebrities. They all have been the target of these magazines, and, you know, france does not want to think that that ability to speak freely is going to be compromised. None of us wants to think that. And the statue that were standing here in front of at the Place De La Republique says liberty, equality fraternity. And liberty is what everybody here is standing for, but truly the fraternity the brotherhood, the sisterhood the commonality of humanity is what has been so moving to be a part of. It has. I do think in the interest of being brutally honest do it. There is a major problem within society here that is yet to be addressed and theyll have to start addressing it after today. You know some french newspapers reported that on thursday the minute of silence that was called by the president in a day of National Mourning teachers reported to the press that some of their Muslim Students refused to accept or refused to observe that moment of silence. Therefore, there is still a big problem in society. By no means the majority but a significant and very troubling minority feels that this offense was too great and that they dont feel part of this culture. And they need all people here are saying that the government needs not just to crack down on terrorism here not just to increase its security and intelligence not just to take the fight to these people overseas but also to have some kind of cultural resolution here in france because that also does play a part in what weve been seeing. Now youre getting complicated. I was trying but youre right. At the end of the day you can have a parade with the leaders of the Palestinian Authority and turkey and jordan and mali standing in the same row as the Prime Minister of israel but do they recognize israels right to exist . Thats a question. You can march here in france they do. Well france does but do all those World Leaders and jordan does obviously, et cetera but the question is when push comes to shove beyond today, beyond this demonstration of solidarity then as the cliche goes the rubber hits the road and you actually have to do things and stake risks and what will happen then . And another huge picture against which backdrop this has taken place, two things. One, the external reality of the slaughter of muslims in syria and now in iraq again. This radicalizes, mobilizes, draws those who would do evil into these evil things. It just does. It did during afghanistan. It did during the bosnia war, and it is during the syria war. All our Law Enforcement officials, many of our government officials in the western world have been afraid for months and years that whats happening there will blow back here and that is happening. And, in fact we saw today one of the terrorists the perpetrator behind im actually kind of sick of saying his name. Amedy coulibaly. No i know it. I feel like i say the terrorists names more than the victims names and i dont like doing that. Hes obviously dead this is the man who killed the Police Officer on thursday the french policewoman and then the four innocent french jews in the kosher supermarket on friday. A video was released of him professing his ageellegiance to isis which comes on the heels of news that the two other the brothers who committed the attack on wednesday against Charlie Hebdo, that they declared themselves alee gent lee gent to al qaeda of the arabian peninsula. Cuiloulibaly coulibalys family camed out out and condemned his actions. The families of the Charlie Hebdo journalists who were killed came out. I remember the words of she haven char bon yea. He said with my pen i dont give offense or the kind of offense that harms people. I dont kill people with my pen and that has mobilized again the french people to be out in the streets for the last several days holding their pens up holding their pens up because in the end the pen is mightier than the sword and we have to remember that. Lets go to Jim Bittermann who is over at place de la nation right now where the bulk of the unity rally has moved to. Well christiane the operative word there has moved to im not sure is too accurate because this place, this square, the square of the nation filled up very early on and as a consequence its very difficult for any more people to get in here. I think the parade has turned into something of a standin because its just difficult for people to move or get into this location. Now, i want to bring into the picture here siam who has been a longtime paris resident worn in morocco but now French Nationality. Off sign here that indicates to me clearly that you are a muslim. Yes, i am. Why did you want to come out today . Because its impossible for me not to come to be solidarity to those people who died those days and to show that as muslim that islam is not that. Islam is peace. Islam is fraternity but not terrorism and war. Do you think theres confusion about that in france . Do you think that people make an amalgam between radicalism and islam . I think that those people who make this wants that want that they can easily find weak people to come and to do so terrible action in every countries. What do you think the role of a moderate muslim should be . Someone who, like yourself who opposes what should you do and what should other moderates and maybe the imams what should they do in this kind of situation . I think they have to say that there is really a big difference between islam and terrorists and islam is not the same thing. Its really the first victim of terrorism, islamic terrorism are muslims in countries like iraq syria, and we cant make we can mix those two things. Now its the role of the people to talk face to the world and to say its not the same. We are not terrorists. The two three terrorists involved had french passports. They were born here in france. A is there enough being done in the suburbs and in the tough neighborhoods of france to integrate the young muslims into the community . I think we can do better. I think things can be done better because it wont be happen if it was perfect that nothing can be perfect. Are you surprised that there are so many young people that are vulnerable to being radicalized . Yes, yes. I am very surprised and i am very sad of that. Very good. Thank you very much. Thank you. Have a great evening. Thank you. Okay. Christiane and jake, back to you. Jim, thank you. And we do have news. Cnn has found out that a belgian newspaper has received a bomb threat for its role in reprinting some of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons. Thats right. And the newspaper has been evacuated. This is of course the second possible incident tied to the cartoons. Earlier today there was an incident involving a fire and a german newspaper. The newspaper also had reprinted the Charlie Hebdo cartoons after the terrorist attack on wednesday. Were going to continue to stay on top of that event at the newspaper in belgium. The french president Francois Hollande is currently immediating with the family of ahmed merabet, the policeman who was killed on wednesday at the site of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack. President hollande of france currently meeting with his family. Were going to take a very quick break. Theres a lot more breaking news to discuss and report on and, of course just the participation here of so many people from so many different walks of life in paris. Back after this break. This is mary, a woman who loves to share her passions. Grandma mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. That puts her at a greater risk of stroke. Rome . Sure before xarelto® mary took warfarin which required monthly trips to get her blood tested. But thats history. Back to the museum . Not this time now that her doctor switched her to onceaday xarelto® mary can leave those monthly trips behind. Domestic flight . Not today like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afibrelated stroke risk. But xarelto® is the first and only onceaday prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesnt require regular blood monitoring. So mary is free of that monitoring routine. 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It has really been quite a moving day as we have seen so many different kinds of people representing secularism judaism, Christianity Islam coming out saying we will not be cowed by these terrorist attacks, but as the sun sets here in the city of lights we do want to bring you up to speed on some of the developments when it comes to the investigation into these horrific terrorist attacks last week in paris. For instance, it was released this morning a video of one of the terrorists professing allegiance to isis the terrorist group, the islamic state. And its leader al baghdadi. We will go to Atika Shubert who i believe is at the location of the supermarket hostage taking and terrorist act, the four innocent juishew mishish men killed there on friday. What is the latest on the investigation . Well the latest we have in that investigation and theyre still really putting the pieces together of what is a puzzle essentially is how they carried out these attacks and how much preplanning was involved. It now appears that coouely bally may have also shot a jogger on that same day, wounding him, not killing him, and also possibly put a small explosive into a car near a jewish neighborhood. It seems to be a springtring of attacks he carried out and did he so in conjunction with the kouachi brothers who murdered those 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo us a. We know this because of a video in which cuilly bally swears allegiance to isis. In that video he rambles quite a bit and talks about the grievances he feels against the muslim world and what he considers justification for carrying out those attacks. Has to be said, you know, this has been going the rounds on the internet but isis has not said hes a fullfledged member of isis so we dont know the exact connection at this point but those are the latest developments that have come out of the investigation. In the meantime where i am just meters away from the marketing you can see the enormous crowds of people. The market is over there but there are so many people thousands of them have come here because were not that far from the end of that march at the place de la nation that people have been spilling over here to pi their respects put flowers and candles and so many in fact that theyve been overflowing into this area here and this is where im standing and you can see all the candles and flowers here. All the people putting messages that say i am a jew, i am jewish. And i have been seeing people here from all walks of life not just the Jewish Community, but we have seen people from everywhere across paris wishing to show their solidarity for the victims, especially here the targeted jewish victims of this attack. And its christiane as well as these video that is have been released the police have said they have raided coulibalys stash, the apartment he apparently rented in a suburb close to paris and found all sorts of stuff there. Yes. In fact its astonishing how much weaponry was apparently stockpiled. Were talking about a number of automatic weapons, explosives pistols, and even grenades. This is a stockpile of weapons found outside sort of in the suburbs of paris in addition to the ones that were found inside the supermarket which he had and the kouachi brothers as well had, again, automatic weapons, grenades and other weapons. So the key question for investigators is how did they get all of these weapons . This is a country where its very difficult to get a handgun much less an ak47. So how were they able to accumulate this . Who else may have helped them carry out these attacks . All right. Atika shubert. Christiane one of the things thats interesting is at that apartment where they found the stash of automatic weapons and an isis flag and money and more, french investigators are also trying to determine if theres forensic evidence to determine whether or not hyatt boumeddiene, the woman who is wanted and is now apparently in syria, was there recently at all. Obviously the last few days we saw her picture all over the place, and for a while people thought she was in the market orb that she was at the killing of the policewoman on thursday that cool that coulibaly perpetrated. A Law Enforcement officer said its clear coulibaly was the ringleader not the kouachi brothers. Its very interesting and has yet to be determined whether hey yacht boumeddiene knew what happened much less was a part of it. I want to go to fareed zakaria. There have been so many moving images moving moments at this unity rally today, this unity march. Im wondering what has struck youed the most. Clearly, jake the most important ones and the most moving ones have been the signs from ordinary french muslims which have said things like i am a jew, or in various ways expressed solidarity. Its important that you had the leaders of major muslim countries, turkey jordan the Palestinian Authority there, but to see ordinary french citizens who happen to be muslim there was a very powerful symbol and a reminder that france which has perhaps the largest Muslim Population in europe 5 Million People has many many the vast majority are not only integrated but highly secular. French society is very secular. Its an old tradition that dates from the revolution and french muslims are no different. There is a radical fringe and perhaps france has a somewhat larger radical fringe than others. But this is the two frances, the vast majority of french muslims who are integrated. We had only heard from the radical extremists and now we heard from the much larger group of moderate french muslims who realized they had to get out there and start saying something. I think that was the most moving thing for me to hear those interviews with those french muslims, and i think it will powerfully resonate because it will make moderate muslims all over the world realize they have to stand up and be counted. They cannot allow their religion to get hijacked and perhaps again paris is the beginning as i say of something. You know when i have said this in the past and i already see it on my twitter feed people say, well weve been doing it. Yes, but the problem is they keep going it in other words the extremists keep using violence and the name of islam so the moderates have to keep reaffirming their moderation and criticizing, disassociatesing it, and condemning it. You cant just do it once because the bad guys keep killing. As long as they keep killing, the moderates have to keep standing up. And Fareed Christiane and i were discussing earlier in our coverage of the unity rally in paris, it was on january 1st that the ruler of egypt, the president of egypt, general sisi called in the clerics in egypt and said that there needs to be a reformation of sorts, that islamic extremism needs to stop not to say there shouldnt be pious and devout muslims, but this branch of extremist islam that embraces terrorists, needs to be rooted out. That seems a very Significant Development to have the leader of this influential and important arab and Muslim Country to say such a thing. It was very important. It would be even better if the president of egypt were not shutting down magazines and jailing journalists at the very same time he seems to be affirming freedom in other ways. Its probably more important jake to hear from the elected leaders of muslim majority countries. The president of indonesia after all represents 275 million muslims. Thats more than the entire arab world put together almost. Its very important that turkey be there because that is again an elected democracy. So, you know you compare these few extremeists and their socalled leaders, baghdadi and al zawahiri who nobody has elected who have perhaps a few thousand followers, and who cannot put together a demonstration like this. After all, thats why they use terrorism, because they cannot win in any free or fair fight. So if you contrast those extremists and terrorists with people who have been given power by hundreds and millions of muslims, if those people, those elected leaders were to stand up and say not in my name, it becomes all the more powerful because they do represent the vast majority of muslims and these extremists do not. Nobody votes for them. When there have been elections, they have done very poorly and so i think that again, this might represent the beginning of people recognizing that, you know they have to be more active in various ways not just practicing a form of moderate islam but actually articulating it and denouncing the extremists. Excellent points all, especially perhaps the point about the fact that these terrorists, these emxtremists cannot win a battle of ideas and that is the only way they can win is in the short term by intimidating and scaring innocent people by attacking innocent people, people like the 12 who were killed in the magazine the attack at Charlie Hebdo last wednesday including a muslim policeman whose family is mourning him and the french president , Francois Hollande meeting with his family this afternoon. The french policewoman killed on thursday the four jewish french people frenchmen killed at the kosher supermarket on friday. Those 17 innocent people whose names are on signs and on shirts and on pieces of paper throughout this crowd. Its been very moving. Fareed zakaria, thank you so much. Christiane you know as we stand here i know youve been to so many important events in europe and im wondering if this reminds you of anything if you have ever seen anything like it . The closest thing i have ever seen in the United States is very very different, but its the same kind after bin laden was killed there was a spontaneous i remember usa. And all over, in new york as well. Usa. Here it was liberty. For a moment i thought they were shoud shouting usa, the cadence was the same. But you put your finger on the button right there. In numbers it is not the same as 9 11 but in the shock to the system it is the same as you have heard bernardhenri and natalie. As you saw the cover of le monde newspaper. We had it in england in 2005 7 7. But, remember when al qaeda and the terrorists did that there, it was against civilians. They went and they, you know attacked transportation the trains the buses. In spain a few years before they attacked the trains there as well. That was considered even if i have to say that slightly more random. Just terrorizing the population. This here was specifically targeted at our community, people whose job it is to uphold democracy by being the pillar of democracy, of free press with freedom of expression and the Jewish Community and at the same time this is happening amidst a rising islamophobia. But i have never seen such an outpouring as this. In spain after the big train attacks, there was a Million People marching after that in 2004 but this seems to have put such a point on what were facing in society right now. You know one other point that chris cuomo made the other day. He had been talking to some counterterrorism officials tell us whats going on right here . Are they singing the National Anthem . What are they singing . Well now theyre cheering. They keep breaking into various chants. Cnns chris cuomo had been talking to counterterrorism officials and they had noted the attacks on mosques, the attacks on a khabab shop thats what the terrorists want. They want French Society to turn against moderateher moderate islam to turn on them, and it is not looking like that is happening. We will come back and talk about this wonderful day in france and more one1 these horriblefj patacks and where france is going to go from here. But when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. I dont like asking for help. I took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. So my daughter brought over some aleve. Its just two pills, all day and now, im back aleve. Two pills. All day strong, all day long. And now introducing aleve pm for a better am. Why do we do it . Why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people . Why are we so committed to keeping you connected . Why combine performance with efficiency . Why innovate for a future without accidents . Why do any of it . Why do all of it . Because if it matters to you its everything to us. The xc60 crossover. From volvo. Lease the wellequipped volvo xc60 today. 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The world is standing with france today and pictures from Trafalgar Square in london proved that. Two huge illuminated pillars of the French National flag on the l quare and itme ple flooded to on wednesday night as they did here to the pressxd and others at the shockt and horror of what happened at the headquarters of charley heb due and now behind us the official rally has ended and now it is like a party and the people are chanting and out there and stillq blowing wind instruments and waving the signs and the flags. The World Leaders let by Francois Hollande have gone back to the palace. Andlat esident hollande did lead the march and he and thee1 israeli president r noigs did netanyahu did go the synagogue where there had been suspended activities at the synagogue since world war ii, and he is going back there with president netanyahu. And they were going to president to visit the families some of the slain people there of the employees of the charlier hebdo. The fact that theyco are trying to make a move to publish again is so significant and moving. Q they have to. And from the very beginning the need in france and everyone has said thatt they have to provideq and not just the attack on the press, but these people want to shut downni any commentary that dissends from their world view aafrom the the soldiers in the deserts of syria by the isis militants to what happened here in Charlie Hebdo, they want to get together theqcoxd and show real unity and that charlieni xdhebdo is going to put out 1 million copies tuesday. And the french newspaper here as well. And it is true and pointed out that Charlie Hebdo did publiayxni car cartoons that were blasphemous and racist i have heard, but it is important to point out that some of thenr cartoons criticized as racist or offensive were ones that were mock inging not islam, but islamic extremists. There is a 2ke1 famous cover ofe1 mohammadw3 mocking the people taking hise1 tham inlpe1 vain. And i want to bring in a host of reliable hosts brian to come in here, and what are you hearing about the idea toe1 prepare the publication this week . Yes, and release it in other countries as the 1 million copy run may be more than that and you can imagine that so many people will see it on the intert net. The International Union of journalists heldped to lead the march this afternoon that we are seeing. That is one of the groups that we are seeing with the World Leaders that we are seeing, and we can show you the emotional photo of two of the surviving Staff Members of the magazine. E1 on the left is a cartoonist who is said to be the onlyok surviving cartoonist at the magazine and on the right is the columnist from the magazineok d from frenchfa that said when i grow up im going to belp a journalist, i am not afraid. This is in the backdrop of the threats of a couple of news outlet of the threats that you describe÷u e bomb threat ine1 belgium andxd brusrkju where they are evacuated and working in a hotel to get the newspaper out, and that is ae1 newspaper that like others in europe that did reprint the controversialok cartoons from Charlie Hebdo and we also know that there wasco an ind sind jere device tpr5]9qd e1 reprint ww3nokfa also done. And that cartoonist is someone i interviewed, and i asked him at that time a few years ago where what he was doing, because he was criticized by the white house and others for provoking and pouring the fuel on the fire, and he said, you know what, i am not smocking anybody who does not want to bw3e shocked. And we are looking at the eiffel tower as we speak and it is ligh

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