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Page New York Times story saying five people were paid by either oreilly or fox after accusing him of Sexual Harassment or other sorts of verbal harassment. The times says the payouts totaled a staggering 13 million. The first settlement was back in 2002 as you can see here. Two of the payments happened just last year after the sudden departure of fox news founder and ceo roger ales. Ales was sued for Sexual Harassment by exanchor Gretchen Carlson. Then many other women came forward including megyn kelly. Ales was forced to resign. Theres a federal grand jury investigation. Other unrelated lawsuits are pending and oreilly is sort of the center of the fox universe. The biggest star with the biggest ratings on cable news. Responsible over the course of his 20 years on fox for hundreds of millions of dollars in profit. Oreilly says that makes him a big target. He is denying the claims against him. But all of this begs the question, if ales was discussed with numerous harassment claims, this behavior would not be targeted, then why does oreilly still have a job, the biggest job on cable news . We will talk to one of the attorneys for an alleged victim coming up. Joining me first are the two reporters who broke this story, emily steel in new york and in washington michael schmidt. They coby lined the story. And also Matthew Garahan broke some news this week about fox about the mourdock empire. So thank you all for being here today. Emily, let me start with you on the Broad Strokes of this story here. You have a very detailed story that i believe youve been working on for many months. Can you tell me how this story came about . This story came about, we were in the middle of the scandal with roger ales last summer and we thought that we shouldnt start looking into what else was happening at the network. There was this case of Andrea Makris that happened in 2004 where she sued him for Sexual Harassment. And we were curious to look what was happening there. In the course of our reporting we found that there were other settlements and other women who had made allegations against bill oreilly. Makris was the not secret settlement. 9 million back in 2004. Youre saying there were 4 million worth of other settlements that were made more privately. Right. Thats what our reporting shows. What is oreilly saying about this . What oreilly has said is because of his prominence, hes a target of suits and allegations. Does that stand up . Is that true . Well, what weve seen is that there has been this pattern where a number of women have come forward to make complaints about him and as a result of those complaints there have been settlements that were made. Let me turn to michael as well. Michael cobylined this story. What was probably the most important revelation that you believe you all found . The most important fact you all put on the record . The biggest thing here was establishing that payments had been made after ales left. That showed that foxs way of approaching this had not really changed and that they were willing to cut these deals and hope that they remained secret in a way to keep them out of the press. They saw this as the only way they could deal with this without them bringing you know, sort of bringing the issue to light. The thing at fox which they would say is, look, were under enormous pressure here. The ales stuff was out here. These were meritless claims. This was the only way we could deal with them. Do you find that in your reporting, michael, in other businesses . The line im getting from folks on oreillys side is, hey, everybody settles. Companies settle all the time. Oreilly is no different. Is that true of your reporting in washington . What we do know is that companies at times will settle claims that they think are meritless because its expensive to go to trial. The legal costs are there and you can also lose at trial and you can also have some really nasty headlines along the way. So the thought is, okay, ill pay a little bit of money here to make it go away and keep it quiet. The problem is is that theres a repeated pattern here of it happening so the question is is mr. Oreilly simply someone that people are taking advantage of or why is it that all of these women have come forward or why is it that all of these women who worked for him felt, you know, so strongly about this that they were willing to do this, to go to fox and ask for money like this . You said the word pattern. Let me quote from your story. Ill put it up on the screen. The reporting suggests a pattern. As an influential person in the newsroom he would create a bond and promise advice and help them professionally. He would then pursue sexual relationships with them causing some to fear if they rebuffed him, their careers would stall. Did you find other than the five, other women that you didnt write about in the story perhaps for legal reasons . Well, what we wrote about in the story was the information that we felt comfortable with. In the story along with the five are two other women who have made allegations against mr. Oreilly but have not received payouts. One is wendy walsh who says mr. Oreilly reneged after she rebuffed a sexual action against him. And theres another woman. She describes some harassment that she had received from mr. Oreilly during her time and that had been backed up by a statement signed under oath from her psychologist who said she had contemporaneously to when she said this behavior had occurred had told her therapist about this. Wendy walsh, her lawyer coming up later this hour. Matthew garahan, let me bring you in here from the financial times. You have been covering the mourdocks for many years. What does it say to you . What does it stand out to you about the reporting . Whats the headline as someone who has not been involved . Weve been doing our own reporting on this, too. You look at the fox response, why did these women come forward at the time . Why didnt they call Human Resources . Its important to remember that at the time all of this is going on roger ales ran fox news like a despot. He controlled Human Resources, legal, financial. He and bill oreilly were very close. The women who had a grievance against bill oreilly or roger ales, they knew it would come back to roger ales. Thats a point thats very important. A lot of the women that we talked to said they feared making complaints. They feared retaliation. They thought if they were to bring forward a complaint about someone as powerful as bill oreilly that their career would be in jeopardy. Let me ask a couple questions about the reporting process here, emily. Youve been working on this for months. I had a personal oreilly side that said emily steel has had it out for oreilly for years. Is this at all personal . Its not a personal story. Were trying to follow the facts and write a fair and accurate story about. Did you have any third party corroboration like audio tapes or anything like that . Whats interesting is that two of the women who reached settlements, these are settlements that bill oreilly paid himself, Andrea Makris and Rebecca Gomez diamond, they both had evidence, recordings. So there was some but you didnt hear that directly. We didnt hear the tapes, no. Im asking because im trying to think about what holes oreillys folks are going to try to poke in your story. Ive not see them challenge any facts. No, that hasnt happened. What are you expecting now . On saturday the wall street journal reported that bill oreilly recently renewed his contract. It was going to be up later this year. These renewed for an unknown amount of time. Ally he be staying at the network for a while. Do you think theres any fallout to come from this . I think one big question is whether there are other women who might come forward with allegations or accusations. You cant say whether you have other women besides the five settlements and two others you name in the story, you cant say there are other women like you all interviewed . Like what mike said, the facts are the facts that we thought were ready to go. If i can just say, there are clear parallels here between the culture at fox news, the fact that it was effectively this rogue unit run by someone who did whatever he wanted pretty much, who had complete control of every aspect of the business, top talent who were allowed to do what they wanted to do, big power between that and this burgeoning scandal and the phone hacking scandal which obviously happened at another roof and metal company. This was in brittain, reporters secretly tapping into phones. This was another business run without any effective controls from above, without anyone without people going rogue. Cutting deals with ee grieved victims for millions of dollars. You have to ask yourself. Happening once is bad enough. Happening twice its unclear to me. Its unclear how they can justify it in this way. You mentioned one of the comments, they said in part, call the Sexual Harassment hotline. I said there was fear within the fox news. Theres speculation. Millions of dollar checks were written, were concealed within the fox news accounts and the Financial Reporting structure. They didnt know anything about it. One of the things thats really interesting is that one of these settlements that we covered was so secret, it was this woman, Rebecca Gomez diamond, in 2011, the parent company, 21st century fox did not learn about this until late 2016 when they were conducting their own investigation into fox news under roger ales tenure. What does it mean that fox has renewed oreillys contract apparently given all of these facts, matt . Its kind of baffling to me. Roger ales, they were so boxed in. They had an independent law firm come in and investigate to me. Standing by oreilly in this way, oreilly was a figure head for the network. He stands for something that the Network Stands for, too. He represents a huge constituency in the country, the pro trump voter which is the bread and butter for foxx ne ne. Hes the corner stone. Theres no heir apparent. No one else to be put on at 8 00. He is by far the biggest star of the network, maybe Shawn Hannity number two. Michael, now that you mention trump, is bill oreilly the donald trump of fox news . Well, as you pointed out, hes certainly the face. The question here will be is there any other pressure on fox to really do anything. In the case of ales, there was a lawsuit that was moving ahead. There were other women that were coming out and i think that fox really started to feel the pressure. The question is is there any other pressure that will be put on fox that will be put on the mourdocks to do something here. That really remains to be seen. Oreilly could sort of ignore this, fox could ignore this and it could kind of fall off. If this becomes lets say part of the federal investigation or if there are other women that come out then fox is going to be forced to defend it in a way they havent at this point. They havent explained why oreilly was treated differently than ales. Until that happens, they may be able to avoid that. You mentioned the federal investigation. Matt brought it up as well. Was your story, michael, linked to this federal investigation . Was there any connection . At this point we see no connection to the federal investigation at this point, but as you know, as a Law Enforcement reporter myself, you know, when the feds get in and they start looking at things, they continue to dig and dig and look at other things. If they see vulnerabilities or possible other wrongdoing, they really like to dig in on that. Although the u. S. Attorney in the Southern District of new york Preet Ba Harrah has been pushed out by mr. Trump, thats a very aggressive office. When you have them rummaging around in your stuff, thats not a good place to be. Fox said back about a month or two ago, they had not been subpoenaed. They are cooperating with the attorneys office. Still no subpoena. Matthew, what does it mean to be under a grand jury investigation . You reported the grand jury is going to meet again this week and someone has been offered immunity. Two witnesses have been subpoenaed and offered immunity. One is mark crons, the cfo. He wrote the checks. If anyone knows where the bodies are buried, its this guy. Fox news and 21st century fox may be bullish about how this pans out but theres a group looking for this. Preet recused himself because of the friendship with the 21st century fox board members. Slight red herring. Interesting. Theyre looking at it. Theyve got witnesses subpoenaed. They have the power to go in and shake the tree. Two separate stories that may be related but are separate. Yeah. The grand jury investigation into fox finding out about these payments and then this bill oreilly story that you all have broken in the New York Times this morning. Let me wrap up by going back to the oreilly story. Emily, your colleague was talking about what the fallout could be. Could there be an ad boycott . Could there be some Financial Impact on the show . Thats a good question. You see that he has generated more than 400 million in revenue for in ad revenues on his show over the last three years. You wonder, will those advertisers continue to support snim the other big question, too, is whether women inside of fox news, what theyll think about this. And whether there will be some backlash inside the network, inside the company. Thats a crucial point. Not only that, a semirelated point. Will women not appear on the oreilly show . Matthew, do you see other versions of fallout, other possibilities here youll be looking for . I think the ad boycott is interesting. I dont think necessarily thats going to happen in the short term, but it just creates this, you know, pretty bad impression about atmosphere around the place. I mean, James Murdoch will end up running the company ruperts sons . Ruperts sons, dont like this one bit, i can tell you. There are people within the network itself who dont like this one bit. Rupert mourdock, the buck stops with him. Hes been running fox news since roger ailes was pushed out. Oreilly says there is no merit to these claims. The people around oreilly, the people running the company all know he has this reputation inside the company. He may have these consensual relationships but the women say its Sexual Harassment. On that point there is a big question about whether there is a consensual relationship in the workplace. If someone has power over you, if they have power over your career you may enter into the relationship thinking as a woman that you have full power and authority, but what happens when you want to get out and that person has power over your future, your job, your career. Can you . Emily, matt, mike, thank you for being here today. Coming up, one of the lawyers involved in this story. Were going to ask how many more women could possibly come forward. Lisa bloom is the attorney for wendy wass. Shell join me after the break. Why are you checking i want to see if it changed. Credit scores dont change that much do they . Really . Ill take it sir, your credit. Is great, right . 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Oreillys response is to her given that his defense is simply everybodys after money but shes not even asking for any money. Why is she holding a press conference with you tomorrow . Because everybody in the media has come to her since the story broke yesterday asking for more information, and we do have something to reveal at the press conference as to what the next steps are going forward. I will give you a little preview. There needs to be an independent investigation of Sexual Harassment at fox news. How many women have to come forward . By my count its already been dozens and dozens of women who have been reported in reputable media to have come out against roger ailes and bill oreilly and others. The law firm of bill weiss has not done an independent investigation. Paul weiss looked into the ailes matter for fox last summer. They represent fox news. They told me that. Thats fine. Fox news is entitled to have an attorney. Those are attorneys for fox news. They have not done an independent investigation and that needs to happen immediately. Now, lisa, heres what folks at fox are going to think. We know what theyre going to think. Youre a former nbc analyst and liberal activist on a competing channel, cnn, calling for an investigation of fox. Isnt this all political . Isnt this all competitive . Yeah, thats all they have. Bring it on. How many women have to come forward . How many millions of dollars have to get paid before fox news takes Sexual Harassment seriously . In my opinion, this network is the bill cosby of corporate america. Women over and over again are driven out. What evidence do you have . The dozens and dozens of women who have come forward and said, i was sexually hassed there. How many Gretchen Carl sons. How many andrea tantarases do we need . All of these women driven out, their careers over. Bill oreilly is sitting pretty. This has been going on since 2002 according to the New York Times article. This is absolutely outrageous. Do womens careers mean anything at fox news . Do the laws of Sexual Harassment ever get enforced there . We dont see any 21st century fox would say yes. Were having sensitivity training. Oh, please. We learned from the ailes scandal. They would say they cleaned up the house. They would say that but the claims are still going on from 2016 after roger ailes left according to the New York Times article yesterday. Sensitivity training is not enough. I say bring back the women who were terminated after they brought claims of Sexual Harassment, drive out the predators at the network and then well think youre starting to take this seriously. Are you the right person to be speaking out . Im thinking about this optically. Very antitrump. Youre taking on a pro trump post. You know why im antitrump . Because i represented four of the women who accused him of Sexual Harassment and sexual assault. This is not about me, okay . This is about fox news and their culture of Sexual Harassment and showing over and over again that they dont get it. I believe there are more women out there and to them i say get a strong woman to stand with you. It doesnt have to be me, but it should be a feminist attorney. I know youre scared. Dr. Wendy walsh is very scared. She has me at her side and thats what you need. You dont have to go through this alone. In oreillys statement this weekend, on his website, bill oreilly. Com, he said the worst part of my job is being a target for those who would harm me and my employer, the fox news channel. I asked his spokesman to come on the channel and he declined. I asked them to provide someone else and he declined. The statement says oreilly feels he is a vulnerable target. Whats your response . Oh, boo hoo hoo, so hard to be bill oreilly and have woman after woman come forward. Some of them with recordings of what he said what he was doing in the shower which i probably cant say on your show, right . Its not like people are accusing him of i slipped and fell on your property and im suing you. Its always Sexual Harassment. And you mean to tell me woman after woman for 12 or 13 years, theyve all conspired together, women who dont know each other to accuse him of Sexual Harassment . How many women have to come forward before he starts to take this seriously and stops portraying himself as a victim . Lisa bloom, thank you very much for being here. Thank you. You can imagine well have plenty of more on this story in our nightly newsletter. You can follow along all week long. Nightly updates, go to reliable sources. Com for our nightly newsletter. Coming up next here, President Trump reigniting his twitter attacks on the press and once again asking if liable laws should be changed. Our panel weighs in next. 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But no one else will. Always discreet. Ive discovered incredible. Bladder leak underwear that hugs every curve. Cant tell im wearing it. Can you . Always discreet underwear. For bladder leaks. Welcome back. Im brian stelter. I have to tell you when you log on and read them in a row, it really is downright shocking. No, its not surprising anymore but its still seriously shocking. Fake news has become a crutch for him. He wrote it is the same Fake News Media that said there is no path to victory for trump that is pushing the phony russia story. A total scam. Here resulting to namecalling, when will sleepy eye chuck todd stop with the fake trump russia story. Is that more deflecting . Joining me, jeff mason, president of the White House Correspondents Association and correspondent for reuters and charles blow, columnist for the New York Times and matthew contenetti, weekly contributing editor for the weekly standard. Are you starting to need a flak jacket . They have become contentious, theres no fact about that. The fact that its getting so much attention, people are interested. The American Public is interested in how the relationship with the press and white house continues. Theyre interested to see how sean answers the tough questions that hes getting from the White House Press core. Do you trust what he tells you now . I think its important to listen carefully and to fact check this Administration Like we would for any administration. So theyre no different from any other administration . Im just not im not going to contrast. Im going to say its important to fact check and theres no theres no question that there are things that have come out of the mouths of Administration Officials and this administration including President Trump that have not been true and that requires a steady hand by the press Fact Checking and following up. So im pulling up Trump Twitter feeds since i took a break for the week. I wanted to ask you about it, matthew. The most recent post from the president , the real story is surveillance and leaking. He says, find the leakers. Is this an example of two alternate realities. The conservative media is saying obama surveillance and the other side is trump and the russia issue. I think its two different stories. There are several stories going on. The story of mike flynn and the leak, theres the story of the trump Team Contacts with russia, what that means and then there is the story thats late breaking about devin nunez and what kind of collection was going on of the Trump Campaign or of trump family members during the election. The key for me is, you know, trump was elected to be commander in chief, not media critic in chief. When you go and talk to a lot of his supporters, theres some kind of exhaustion with the endless criticism of the media. They want to see the jobs. Thats what thats what they put him in office for. I think media critic in chief, its an attempt to inoculate him from all the real News Coverage thats going on. I think it works during the campaign and i think its a tool trump uses to introduce new stories, stories that he would prefer people to talk about. Charles, its not a good idea to be calling Chuck Todd Sleepy eyes . Absolutely not. I think theres something shakespearean about it. By protesting as much as he does that this is not a story, it makes people who are the real reporters among the media more suspicious. I mean, you and i have both worked in news the newsroom and those guys are just trying to call balls and strikes as best they can. What people dont seem to understand about most news organizations is that theyre bottom up organizations, not top down. People are not necessarily coming in saying we want to craft a story this way, go out and find us a way to do it. Rather, they wait for reporters to kind of search their sources. Whatever they come back to the table with from that they cobble together that days report. And so for those but what i wonder do matts readers believe that . Theyre describing his remarks matthew, do your readers of the free beacon believe that . Thats how my newsroom works. Media chases stories. Its helpful to point out theres media bias. Reporters pursue stories. I think the president is frustrated that theyre pursuing one story, he would like them to pursue another. What im fascinated by is he is the president. He has the power to declassify these documents in the nunez probe. It would be helpful for him to be more transparent. Hes being hit by all of these revelations that they werent forthcoming whether its general flynn or jeff sessions. That lack of transparency i believe is what makes reporters antennas stand up. The idea if you were to say, please, go ahead and hang yourself on this, search as much as you want, youll find nothing but exculpatory evidence that says we did nothing wrong and, in fact, because you are selling credibility right. You will hang yourselves by doing so. Thats so interesting, the antenna. The idea that he is saying nothing there, nothing there, shiny thing, shiny thing to a veteran reporter that says why are you going so far out of your way to say theres nothing here. Let me hang myself. If not, let me find it. That idea and the secondary part of that is that he seems to see this as a matter of branding, which is what hes always done. This is how he built his career. He looks at what is coming out of these reports damaging his brand and hes basically saying you damage my brand, i will damage yours. I will you continue to report things about me, i will continue to call you fake and false and failing. At the end of the day everythings just muddied. Right. But the problem is is that but media and donald trump are playing two completely different playing fields with two different sets of rules. If media lied as much as donald trump lied wed be out of business. Theres nothing else for us to do but to sell credibility and facts. So hes basically operating in a different realm and people he keeps trying to position it as if we are the media and he and politicians are the same thing and theyre just simply not. Im running short on time. Thank you all. Jeff, thank you very much as well. Up next here, tina brown, she covered trump in her early years, but how would she cover him today . And why should the president be good for the feminist movement . She joins me next. Welcome back to reliable sources. Im brian stelter. We were talking about bill oreilly. What about the hostile working environment that culture takes. I was going to talk to tina brown. Tina, thank you very much for coming on today. Thank you. I was going to ask you about your conference coming up wednesday, but first this oreilly headline, what do you make of this ongoing story line involving fox news and the culture there . Well, you know, its an extraordinary thing to realize that 13 million bucks has been paid out by fox to these different oreilly and fox. Oreilly and fox regarding the Sexual Harassment cases. What it really shows is that, you know, nothing has changed. I mean, obviously what bloom said is absolutely right. Fox news is the bill cosby of media coverage. Sexual harassment has not changed. One of the points that were making at women in the world this week is we have Gretchen Carlson, the giant killer with regard to this, shes the person who toppled roger ailes. She was a very affluent woman with a lot of connections and a top lawyer whos also joining us. But, you know, most women dont have such means. They cannot hire a top lawyer and there was Sexual Harassment in our industry is like food and beverage and in retail. Look at the kay jeweler case. Where the frat club of silicon valley, its unchanged. So its really a huge issue that has to be addressed. Kirsten gillibrand is good on this where she talks about how the superiors cannot adjudicate these because theyre the harassers. There was a quote i wanted to put up from this mornings paper. In corporations its not the glass ceiling, its the sticky floor. Tell us about that. What do you mean . You hear all of these big ceos at davos talking about the pipeline, they like to call it, the big pipeline of women headed for the top and all of these schemes and initiatives of getting women to the top. They dont get there. The numbers are paultry. Theyre not making it to the top spot. Thats largely because corporations are not whose pit annu hospitable to women. Theyre stuck in the male construct of what a Business Environment looks like rather than reinventing the Business Environment for the needs of a wholly different kind of working life. In the Media Business is that partly because these companies, these Big Media Companies are still almost all run by men . They are all run by men. Wed like to think that bill oreilly is a predator from the age of when white entitlement of guys of his kind was, you know, still there, but its actually all the way through the company. I think at this point they have to clean out that entire shop. That culture is not fixed and it wont be really until bill oreilly hits the door. Now you did make it to the top of the new yorker, vanity fair, the daily beast. Now if you were running a daily newsroom or magazine, how would you be covering President Trump . Well, i think when i was editing vanity fair id have him as mad king ludwig. Hed be in a gold bathrobe with his phone tweeting. Its like being in the ward of a Mental Hospital half the time with whats going on with zblump were all the patients of the Mental Hospital . What do you mean . Watching his behavior is like watching out of control, thats why its riveting viewing. His entire administration seems to be so out of control. Unfortunately, its addictive. There was a new yorker cartoon that said were just at home Binge Watching cnn. Folks liked that. Exactly. Trump coverage. You cant get enough of it. Is that a bad thing in some ways . Its disastrous. Youre talking about very serious things that are not being discussed and that is whats so scary about it. I was thinking the other day, how many hours have been spent by everybody in washington in the last, you know, two months whether its in the intelligence community, National Security, everybody trying to retrofit the crazy tweet about being eavesdropped by obama. The need to backfill his audacity is the most time consuming thing. It was a month ago. Well never get that back. Exactly. Think about all of the things that werent done in that month. You have hillary clinton. What would you like to hear . What do you think she should be doing next. That is an interesting question. We have her introduced by samantha bee. I think that everybody in our summit, women in the world, is really looking for from her a way forward. Its because in a sense, you know, her loss has motivated women in a way that in a sense her Campaign Never quite managed to ignite. So its as if suddenly theres this huge wakeup call really for feminism, rejuvenated feminism, women are saying its up to us to man the barricades of social justice and figure out how we can now have a game plan to go forward. I think its very interesting to hear from hillary about what she thinks we can all do at this point to make sure that much of the things that she certainly cared about, Many Americans cared about because as we know she won the popular vote really do, you know, have top of mind. You include that had in your column, she won by 3 million votes. Didnt that come across as complaining or bitter . No, i think its just a fact. I dont feel that its not post truth. It is the truth. You think its worth reminding people. I do think we have gone overboard in trying to say that real people have sent us a new message. I think theres too much of a crouch position from the socalled elite about, you know, how we didnt listen to real people. Guess what, i dont think that expeople who know stuff should feel somehow embarrassed about the stuff that they know. You dont go to have your leg amputated by someone who walked in off the street. The fact is that thats true. People who know things, know fact, whether its about the economy, journalism, whats happening in Foreign Affairs are worth listening to and theyre not morons because theyre not in a red state, you know, with an iphone. In defense of experts. Great to see you. Thank you. Thank you very much for being here. Up here after the break, international Fact Checking day. Were going to celebrate with the head of politifact right after this. Just me. Your me and my four daughters. Theres a lot of dancing and pageants that go on in our kitchens and living rooms and things like that. Ive had to learn to accept certain things like the fact that my toe nails and finger nails are going to be painted constantly. But its really awesome to watch them at their own things. Theyre great kids. All of them. Whatever home means to you, well help you find it. Zillow. It seems appropriate that yesterday was april fools day, so today is international factchecking day. Yes, thats a official name, a bunch of organizations celebrating the day. So im joined now by one of the top factcheckers in the kbiz. Shes the editor and chief of plitt fact. Why does factchecking need a holiday . I think we need to bring more attention to facts, reasons, evidence, logic, there is so much information, misinformation, out there right now. And people need to think about what sources do they trust . How i do that know if something is true or not its easy to get fooled right now. Compared to campaign season, there was talk about all of those fox news websites trying to trick people with bogus stories, is it better now . Are there fewer stories or just as bad as it was during the campaign . It seems like its just as bad. Now, its hard to tell because this is all internet, its all being put out by anonymous players. Its hard to measure, but from what were seeing, as far as things to factcheck, its a neverending stream. We just cant seem to fact check enough right now. And what about President Trump . I mean, during the campaign, politfact found that he was by far the most inaccurate speaker on the campaign trail. He was coming up with more falsehoods than other candidates. Has he improved his credibility since taking often . As far as what we choose to factcheck, which is what we grab and sound wrong, his track record has not improved, hes still on our scale, earning about 70 of mostly false, false, or pants on fire. The other thing that ive noticed about President Trump is he will stick to his inaccurate talking points. He wont drop them the way some of the more traditional and experienced politicians would do if they get repeatedly factchecked. So does that mean factchecking doesnt really work . I think factchecking works from the point of view of citizens being informed. I think people really need to have their skepticism up and they need to really look at their new sources to see if theyre getting information thats good. That is the eternal challenge, isnt it . Your point is youre not in business to tell President Trump whats true, youre in business to tell everybody else what he says is true or false. And thats exactly the point. Democracy doesnt work without an informed lek tort. And right now for people who are seeking credible, accurate, independently vetted information, they cant just wait for it to come to them. They have to active lie seek it out. Well, happy factchecking day. Thanks for helping us celebrate. Thanks for having me. Out of time on tv, reliablesources. Com. Also check out our midweek podcast. New guest every week. More in depth on the weeks biggest media stories. Thanks for tuning in and stay tuned state of the union with jake tapper is coming up next. phone ringing theyll call back. No one knows your ford better than ford and ford service. Right now, during the big tire event, get a 140 rebate by mail, on four select tires. 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