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Again as you mentioned, a rental truck with home depot on the side of it t. Person driving that truck went several blocks down the wrong way of the bike path on the west side highway here in new york city, mowing over people before colliding with a school bus and getting out. We are told that witnesses of that person ran around with two fake guns in their hand. One and then before being shot by authorities there on the scene, shot in the abdomen then taken to a local hospital here in new york city. Just a chaotic scene, with many witnesses describing how horrific this was, especially not knowing how this was going on halloween night the nypd and the governor gave here in new york city not long ago. It was a very painful day in our city, horrible tragedy on the west side. Let me be clear based on the information we have at this moment. This was an act of terror and a particularly cowardly act of terror aimed at innocent civilian, aimed at people going about their lives, who had no idea what was about to hit them. We at this moment based on the information we have, we know of eight innocent people who have lost their lives and over a dozen more injured. We know that this action was intended to break our spiert. But we also know new yorkers are strong, new yorkers are resilient and our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence and an act meant to intimidate us. Reporter and, washington, i can tell you were about an avenue away from the scene where this all ended. There are a lot of cops down there, really investigating at this point and theyve blocked off that entire area. I can tell you i have seen still a number of balances even still going to that area, dealing with what is happening down there. Wolf. Eight confirmed dead and more than a dozen injured in this terrorist attack. Britain, stand by, i want to quickly go to our crime justice reporter working his sources, what else can you update us with . Yeah, so, wolf, we understand the driver the suspect here is not from new york. We are trying to confirm more details about him. We are pretty close to doing that. Were just sort of trying to confirm a couple of things and really right now, we are told the police and the fbi are in the area, in the neighborhood where hes from, theyre trying to build a profile of who he is. As the police said, they believe he was acting alone and there was no wideing plot here, or they are not necessarily looking for then one else. At this point they are not 100 certain of that theyve gone to the neighborhoods where he is from and trying to build out his associates and really make sure that no one here was helping him in this terrorist attack. Very, very brutal terrorist attack. As the mayor said a cowardly act of terror. A guy takes a rental truck and goes in the opposite direction on a bike path about 20 blocks and starts ramming into people who were riding a bike or walking or jogging and killing eight people, injuring more than a dozen. Jim schuitto is working his sources as well, a 29yearold suspect not from new york city. He emerged from the truck with two guns, later described as a paintball gun and a pellet gun. He was shot in the abdomen by local Police Officers. This is what i was told by the intelliagency that monitors terrorist attacks here in the u. S. , first of all, there was no specific intel about an attack planned targeting this particular area. The ntct is determining any further nexus to terrorism, including whether there were any tie, inspiration by or declarations of allegiant jaens allegiance to Terror Organizations. Think nice, france, dozens of People Killed, think barcelona a few weeks ago, vehicular attacks we know have been encouraged specifically by isis, encouraging its supporters to take a car, while a easy to get, can be a deadly instrument at speed. We saw that here with eight People Killed t. Final note i would make is this, new york in the wake of 11 is arguably the most prepared and protected city against terrorist attacks. Enormous number of resources, its own intelligence operation plus other resources, cameras, particularly downtown, in that financial district where 9 11 took place. I will note this attack took place in the shadow of the Freedom Tower that rose in the ashes. They have cameras to look and see suspicious activity so they can react quickly. They have their own Quick Reaction force that comes on the scene when incidents like this happen. And that helps speak to how there was police on the scene to shoot and take down this suspect. So, but, of course, the lessonis with soft targets, you can have all the resources in the world and you cant prevent every attack. That is the sad fact because, listen, its an open Society People are going to live, ride their bikes. Theyre going to go in public. Tonight people will go trick or treating t. Sad fact is terrorists take advantage of that. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo saying no evidence of an ongoing threat, all sort of police activity. Jim, out of an abundance of caution. I spent time with the nypd, specifically their Counter Terrorism unit. They have their own intelligence operation. They have their own intelligence director. They have many police who are trained to react to this kind of thing. They have boats on the water there. They have helicopters in the air, eyes in the sky, of course, theyre in touch with the National Authorities as well, new york is known to be a prime target for terrorist groups. Again, terrorists have it easy because they only have to get it right once. We heard from the Deputy Commissioner in charge of intelligence and Counter Terrorism. He has vast experience, sarah murray is at the white house, we are getting reaction from the president and the Vice President. We know the president has been briefed by his chief of staff john kelly on the incident in new york. He took to twitter to say in new york city it looks like another attack by a sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely, not in the usa. This is unfolding in new york city the president s hometown, in fact the city where the First Lady Melania Trump put out a meeting as well saying her heart is breaking for new york today and her thoughts and prayers are with any of the victims so we are waiting to see if we will hear any more from the president tonight. Ki tell you they called earlier today. Normally that would not mean we would see the president. If there is a big breaking news event, so far no word on whether we may hear from President Trump this evening. Very quickly, i read the tweet from Vice President mike pence, let me read to our viewers, sad by the tragedy in new york city, our prayers are with the victims, families and first responders, those responsible suggest maybe more than one. Is he indicating that there are more than one because originally electively maybe this was a lohn wolf, one individual not a part of a wider group. Those responsible must be held accountable. Its an excellent question. Its not what we heard from officials in new york city, its possible they are getting more information and its possible there was a poor choice of phraseing, we will figure out whats going on with that. Stand back, we will get back to you. Our terror experts are with us, paul, for viewers just tuning in, we were told that the suspect in this case the 29yearold individual when he got out of that rental truck, he showed up with two guns. One was a paintball gun, one a pellet gun. You say this is not unprecedented. There is a history of these terrorists, terror suspects who show up with weapons that really cant hurt anyone . Thats absolutely right, wolf, there is a history of this and thats because in these instances, these jihadi terrorists, they want to die. They want to draw fire from Law Enforcement and so they appear to have real guns, then theyre going to draw that. The reason they want to do that, they want to be martyred in their estimation, they want to go to paradise, they really, really crave that. So a few months ago here in london, when we saw that vehicle attack on London Bridge the three terrorists involved in that case, who were inspired by isis were wearing fake suicide vestss, and they were killed by police but in this instance, the attacker is still live from that perspective, that i have failed to attend the paradise they crave if this was an act of jihad terrorism. And the authorities that did confirm, palm, he was overheard shouting as we got out of that vehicle, allah akbar, god is great in arabic, explain the significance of that. Well, all sorts of people will use that expression for all sorts of reasons, but in the jihadi contacts, this is an exhumation heard before terrorist attacks. Weve seen that often times in europe just before somebody inspired by al qaeda will start shouting this out very, very loudly. They want to make the point this is the reason, now that theyre doing this, we also see groups like this isis really encourage sympathizers and launch attacks to help them claim ownership. So thats a part of this. But well have to see whether there was some kind of communication perhaps back and forth over encrypted acts. We have seen that in past terrorist attacks in the United States, inspired by isis, where we have this virtual coaches who are isis fighters who speak english in syria, iraq, communicating, encouraging extremists in the west to launch attacks, no evidence yet of that, very difficult for authorities these days to even know if these communications are taking place, because just by using whatsapp or other apps, you can have end zone encryption thats impossible for the u. S. Eaves dropping agencies for Law Enforcement to catch all that in real time. But possible that this individual was just infired by a terrorist idea okay, but what isis have asked these recruits to do is to do everything they can over social media to help isis claim responsibility, some kind of pledge to baghdadi we seen in other parts, instances for example after the San Bernardino attack. Let me bring in phil mudd. It goes back at least to 2014 when the isis spokesman said if you are not able to find an ied or a bullet, single out the disbelieving american, frenchmen or allies, slash his head with a rock, run him over with a car or throw him down from a high place or chokeen or poisoned, as we know there have been several vehiclerelated attacked since then on bastille day in nice, france, at least 84 people were killed in that truck attack so if this is in fact an isisrelated or isis inspired attack, there is a history . There is a history, going back to mid2014, are you looking at the height theyve gained in iraq. We saw people from the United States going over in particular to syria for training, going back to mid2014 and beyond isis started to lose ground. They lost ground rapidl this year, this isnt a sign of strength, them reaching out and telling people to use knives and vehicles, one of the factors is individuals inspired by isis who three years ago music able to go for training for a more sophisticated operation now have no access to a place like syria, they have to say if i want to do something for isis, i have to get a car, a weapon, i dont have the luxury of traveling over to join the organization for training. Phil you were running or jogging on that bike path earlier today on the west side its, very, very close, to the World Trade Center, Freedom Tower. I hope the rest of my friends will be out there with me. People heavily traveled, runners by me, people out with dogs or kids, there is a lot of greenery out there. There is a lot of people in Lower Manhattan 80 just for exercise, always in the backgrounds is the World Trade Center, its right there, a few blocks off the trail. Virtually any place on the trail will be invisible, wolf. All right, lets see if the police reopen that bike path by tomorrow morning. Shimone peres is getting more. What are you learning . Thats right, washington, our producer has been talking to officials. They say the suspect the driver is in surgery, hes expected to survive in Bellevue Hospital in lower man hatton, not far from where this happened. We dont know if police had any chance to talk to him before he went into surgery, if theyve obtained any statements from him before he was taken into surgery. We are told he was shot, in the legs or the buttocks, it is unclear yet, the injuries were never found life threatening. It is likely he may have had some exchange with police. We already know some of what is said. We are waiting to find out if he made other statements before he went into surgery. We know he is 29yearsold, do we know hes american or a Foreign National . So right now from source ive talked to again, they believe me is a Foreign National. Exactly where hes from, i have not been able to confirm. We dont believe hes from new york city. At least thats what the Law Enforcement source versus told me and police have said that hes not from new york city, but its going to be interesting to find out where he rented a pickup truck from and did he pick this starting . Was he just driving along the west side highway there and decided to jump over the curve onto the west side highway and onto the bike path . It would seem like he would know the area. But who knows . So all that again the a part of the investigation and so well see what hopefully some of our sources will be telling us,fully, well get updates soon. Do we know it was a relatively small pickup truck. It had a home depo on the side. Im sure nypd are all over the home depot, they want to determine if this suspect is the actual individual who rented that vehicle or if someone else rented the vehicle and wound up in the hand of this suspect. We dont know the answer to that yet we are working our sources, stand by. Ewant to bring in chris coons from delaware, disturbing information, senator, i know you are following this as well. Whats your reaction, first of all, to this clear act of terror . My first reaction is to say my thoughts and prayers are with thoses who have losted ones and family members in this attack in Lower Manhattan and to pray for those injured in their recovery and express the first Law Enforcement responders were able to prevent this terrorist beyond those who were victims in this tragic attack. Earlier we had a hearing in the senate where we asked the secretary of the state what to expect how much territory isis controls in the middle east is shrunk through action by the United States military and our Coalition Forces chlths one of the things he said is we will see isis around the world try and carry out attacks. We, of course, dont yet know whether this individual is affiliated with isis. I dont mean to jump to that conclusion, mayor de blasio is crewing this as a terrorist attack and given the method of what we know so far of what the man is alleged to have said, it seems likely that will prove to be the case. So we hear in the senate have been paying athe engs to the increased risk we will see of lone wolf attacks around the world. As isis loses more territory and well have to wait to see as facts develop whether thats in fact what happened in manhattan. As you pointed out, mayor depl depalaceia said this was an act of terror and an action quote intended to break our spirit. I know you have been well briefed. Is there hard intelligence with the isis setbacks in syria and iraq, whether in mosul, raqqa their caliphate now clearly falling apart that these kind of terrorist attacks may actually europe or the United Nations . N well, theres a number of people in africa, in particular, wolf, they expect to see increased isis affiliated activity. Many of the foreign fighters who went to the caliphate as they called it in syria and iraq are returning to their countries of origin. They are scattered all around the world a. Significant number came from northern and western africa. So one of my concerns is we will see more and more countries that have big undpomped spaces, much as afghanistan had before 9 11, where you will see more isolated cells that are isis affiliated, folks who have gotten experience in iraq and will return to niger or nigeria or elsewhere across the arc of northern and western africa where a lot of folks fled in order to support isis in syria and are now returning back to their countries of origin. We had a number of briefings on the security thet to our partners and allies in those regions. I think we have to be concerned to your question about those folks seeking to return to their countries of origin or even to the United States. As you point out, that attack that resulted in the death of four american soldiers was an isis affiliated terrorist attack in niger. Senator, thanks so much for joining us. Were staying on top of the breaking news in new york city. Eight People Killed in this terrorist attack, more than a dozen injured. Were getting more information. Well update all of our viewers right after this quick break. Accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. Yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger whos mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. On to major breaking news, live pictures from the scene of the crime. There is that home depot rental truck. Eight people are dead, about a dozen injured in what new york fishes are calling an act of terror, mowed down pedestrians on a bike path out of Lower Manhattan on the west side, the driver continuing about 20 blocks until he hit a school bus. The 29yearold suspect armed with a pellet gun and paint gun was shot by police in the about men, hes hospitalized right now. I quickly want to go to our crime and justice reporter working his sources, you are getting more information, what else are you learning . What we have learned the suspect, a fein 29yearold suspect police is from uzbekistan, thats where they believe he is from, he came here to the u. S. In 2010. On our screen there you will see video moments before he was shot by police, that this video was taken around where this ended near chambers street as we have been reporting. He drove south along the bike path ending around chambers street where he crashed into a truck or a bus, Police Arrived fairly quickly and were able to shoot him. He is seen on this video here running around in the middle of the street, its unclear where he was going before police encountered him and shot him and what we have learned is he is in surgery and expected to survive. The Police Commissioner talked about the bravery of these responders they were able to save more lives. The hunt is on to find out if this man was working with anyone. They dont believe he s. They are investigating and making sure thats not the case zplu heard our terror analyst say the fact that he emerged from that truck with a paintball gun and a pellet gun was perhaps deliberate because he wanted to be shot and killed and wind up in paradise as a martyr. You heard that analysis i assume, new york city and fbi terror suspects are working under the same assumption. I heard this early on, the police the two guns they did find were fake. I wasnt given the details, what type of guns they were, a beebee gun, a paint gun. But police were fairly, when they got to the scene when things calmed down, they were able to search the area, they discovered these two weapons, exactly right. This is a part of what pretty much early on led them to believe this was an act of terrorism t. Way he drove, the vehicle he used t. Way he ran out of the pickup truck with these fake guns and presumably like you said, it was because he wanted police to shoot him. So all of this factored into their pretty early determination of saying that this was terrorism. The fact that he was shouting allah akbar, god is great in arabic, further evidence of that i know you are working your sources, go back to that. I want to get analysis with preet bharara, thank you so much for joining us. You have a lot of experience on these high profile terrorism cases, walk us through how investigators are now thinking about this terrorist attack right now. So the first thing people are dock as your panelists and people have been saying on the program so far is to make sure he is acting alone. The first thing you want to make sure of the surrounding areas are safe. So right now as we speak, there are a lot of folks working from my office to chase down every possible lead you can. They are looking at every activity between the suspect who did not perish in the attack and anyone else that may have trained him in some way or facilitating the act in anyway at all and i know that there have been some folks who have said this evening, its a lone wolf attack and in many ways you hope thats true that may be true, but in my experience there have been other occasions, we think it was a lone wolf attack. I think thats true with peaceal al shazad. He had other associates as well t. First thing is to make sure they have all the it was in information they can get, we are largely there. I dont think we are largely there. I agree, the governor said so far no evidence of a wider plot no evidence of a wider scheme, the local authorities will be vigilant. Its still very early so you heard shimone report this 29yearold suspect from uzbekistan may have come to the United States in 2010. What does that say to you . It says there is a possibility he had influences from abroad and associates from abroad. It could be hes a lone washington. But given that he came from another place and hes been in the country for a period of time, its just too early to tell, even if some Public Officials come out and say its a lone wolf attack, behind closed doors, there will be people, both prosecutors and federal agents casing down every contact that this person had to chase it all down. We do know this was a small rental truck from a home depot, everyone that may have been involved is being questioned right now to determine if the individual who presented the truck is the same individual who wound up driving that truck and killing these eight people. I think they will be looking at every connection, to him and every human being, whether in relation to buying the truck, im sure they will be pulling the under surveillance as well from the area, to see the cased out location to see if hes visited there before . They will be look at toll records and issuing subpoenas around the clock, providing information by telephonic investigation to figure out what his track record was and his associates may have been. We heard from the 29yearold suspect shot in the abdomen. Hes in the hospital, Bellevue Hospital in new york city right now, walk us through what happens to the suspect in the hours and days to come. So, you know, as weve seen in a lot of these tragic and terrible attacks the suspect, himself, is killed because of the rapid Police Response here and there was a rapid Police Response. He managed to survive. This is most similar in my recollection and memory to what happened with the chelsea bomber when i was the United States attorney about a year ago, he by the way just went on trial in new york and was convicted. But you will recall he set up a couple bombs, one went off, one didnt in pressure cookers in the area of manhattan, later after he skaebd after performing that act of terrorism, he was shot a number of times by a Police Officer in new england he also was hospitalized. So the federal authorities and state authorities talked with each other about the possibility of talking to the suspect to do the exact same thing i have been talking about, is to make sure everyone in the area was safe. That wasnt able to be done for a while, because he had a number of surgeries, as it sounds like the suspect in this case has had, everyone should be clear his hospital room will be on lockdown t. Moment he is able to speak to authorities people will be speaking to him. He will go through the normal process, 100 , but its likely he will be charged federally, since the office works with the jttf. He will have a full an fair trial, even though he has been in the hospital, the jttf, joint terrific task force in new york city, which is highly respected. They are deeply involved. I want to repeat, wall street the viewers may be joining in, the 29yearold suspect is from uzbekistan, he came to the United States from uzbekistan back in 2010, lives in tampa, florida, according to these source. Wall street, we want to know a whole lot more about this individual, dont know his name yet. We know he is from uzbekistan and that he lives in tampa. We have no idea what his motivation was, but we do know he was trooen screaming out allahing a par in arabic as he emerged. He had two fake guns with him as well. There is a lot of investigation right there the investigators will use to find out a whole lot more. Thats correct. They will be chasing down as i set, every possible connection between him and other people. They will look at his travel records. They will go to uzbekistan. We have fbi presence all over the world and theyll be talking to his associates there and find out if there was advanced planning, if someone inspired him to do this, or he was inspired by isis or some other terrorist organization. So there is a lot of work that will be done before they definitively decide he acted alone. We just got a other tweet from the president to our viewers. He says we must not allow isis to return after defeating them in the middle east or elsewhere enough. So clearly the president seems to be suggesting this may be an isisrelated incident. We dont have that information, certainly that is possible. But we dont have that information yet. We do know that the new York City Police department, in new york, the mayor, theyre saying this was clearly an act of terror. So theyve concluded this was an act of terror. We dont know yet if it was a lone wolf or isis inspired or isis directive. We dont. So, you know the president of the United States presumably has access to the most up to date intelligence information. I dont know if thats what hes relying on or doing what he sometimes does and sort of shoots from the hip on his twitter feed. I think we need to Pay Attention and focus on what Law Enforcement authorities are telling us publy likely about the origins of this attack. We have to take a quick break, we will resume our special coverage right after this. Zplmpblths. We are back after the breaking news, on the new york city terrorist attack. New video of the suspect, there you see him, he was shot by police after he got out of the represental truck he used to mow down bike riders and plans killing eight people simply biking, walking or jog on that bike path, injuring a dozen others as many very serious condition, two Law Enforcement officials sa i the suspect is a 29yearold who originally came to the United States in 2010 from uzbekistan, those same sources say the suspect lives in tampa, florida. I want to bring in Jeffrey Toobin with Counter Terrorism phil mudd. Jeffrey i take it you were there tell our viewers what you saw. I also work for the new yorker magazine. We are on the building once known as the Freedom Tower and it is about three blocks south of where this incident took place. I had a clear view of the after math of the scene. You know, by the time i saw it. And it was swarmed with police vehicle, near the Stuyvesant School Public High School here in new york. I think a lot of students were around when this took place. One obvious question thats raised be i this is because this incident took place so close to the World Trade Center is, was the driver trying to get to the World Trade Center, which, of course, has so much symbolic residence when it comes to terrorism. He was only about three blocks away, thats, of course, one of the many Unanswered Questions we have at this point. We know the 29yearold suspect originally from uzbekistan, who lives in tampa, at least he came to the United States in 2010, he was shot in the abdomen, we are told, by police after he emerged from that vehicle with two paintball guns and a pellet gun. Walk us through what will happen to him, assuming he gets through the surgery, hes okay. I believe he received miranda rights. Walk us through the process. Well, this has actually become a very controversial issue about whether terrorism suspects get miranda warnings. Here, of course this may all be a moot point because hes not, he may not be conscioence, hes in surgery. But at some point, he will be, he will be out of surgery and be able to be questioned and he will not, he will not receive miranda warnings right away. There is a people court case that says there is a Public Safety exception to the miranda rule. Of course the miranda rule, which everybody is familiar with, is that whenever someone is arrested in the United States, that i are informed they have the right to remain silent. That i have the right to an attorney, in terrorism, in irks iss where public east is at issue, here, of course, it clearly is, the police are allowed to ask at least some initial questions to especially about, of course, accomplices and any further danger to the public before they give miranda warnings. Now, how long that speared lasts can be somewhat controversial. But we can be sure that when he is in a position to be questioned, he will not get miranda warnings right away. The police, the fbi, who was ever around him at that point will start questioning him about any immediate threats to Public Safety before he gets any miranda warnings. Any miranda warnings, that the individual has a right to remain silent, has the right to an attorney, knowing anything he or she says could be used in a court against that person, very interesting in a terror case the miranda right might not necessarily be read. Phil mudd, how do they determine if this individual was a lone washington or affiliated with some Terror Organization . Wolf, there is about a thousand miles between what you will see on tv over the next hour and what happened in real life. So let me take you into that room. Theres three circles you want to think about, whether theyre coconspirators or the people supported this operation, for example, did somebody provide money or people in a third tier were knowledgeable of it . At the initial stage, can you look at was he the one that represented the truck . If he had a drivers license on him, you will be at that apartment or house very quickly. I will look at a social media post, see if he is talking to anybody, referencing anybody, to get to the heart of the matter, perhaps the, where did he travel, did any of his family peek about what he was going to do to get to that level of servitude that nobody knew, nobody was cog my zant he was going to rent a traumatic truck. That aint going to take an hour or two. Stand be i. I want to update our viewers. This is the latest in a series of terrorist attacks, in which vehicles were turned into deadly weapons. Brian, are you looking into this. And there is a history. Absolutely, washington, a horrifying history, this has become one of the most disturbing tactics, these weapons the rental trucks, the other vehicles, that i have so easy to procure. Four Law Enforcement sources reporting the suspect in new york was yelling allay akbar as he exited his vehicle, this now and for every appearance appears to be at least the fourth major high profile ill terrorist attack just this year, using vehicles and inflicting multiple casualties, august 17th, a van plows through a crowd of people in a popular tourist district in spain, 13 People Killed, about 100 j urd in that attack. Isis claimed responsibility now, two days later in a coast am city about 60 miles from here, attackers drove an audi sedan into several pedestrians killing one person. Then in june seven People Killed in two terrorist attacks in central london. It began when a van swerved into a throng of pedestrians on London Bridge. They jumped out into a nearby market area, indiscriminately attacking people with live e knives. At least 48 people were injured in that attack. Previously, in march of this year, a man drove into a crowd along the walk the along the Westminster Bridge in london. He then rammed the car into a barrier, exited the vehicle, stabbed a Police Officer to death. That attacker who officials later said may have had connections to violent extremism was gunned down by a Police Officer. Last year, washington, you had two horrific attacks, december 19th, a tunisian man drove a tractortrailer into a Christmas Market in berlin, he kills 12 people, gets out and flees the scene. He is killed by police in italy four days later. On bass till day in nice, france, last year, an attack which brought the most carnage for these types of attacks, a man drove a 20ton represental truck celebrating that holiday inn nice. 84 people were killed in that attack t. Attacker was shot and killed by police, not before he had driven a mile into that crowd. He was a Tunisian National that became radicaled by isis propaganda, thats a rundown of the a lot of this goes back to a call from a top isis figure only a few years ago. This is right. We have been talking about it during our coverage of this attack. September 2014. Ab isis spokesman called for lone wolf attacks using improvised weaponry. If you are not able to find an ied or bullet, single out the frenchman or allies, smash his head with a rock or slaughter him with a knife or run him over with your car or throw him down from a high place or choke him or poison him. Thats seen as the cat louse for so many of these attacks. Well see what inspired this young man in new york. That was three years ago. Standby. Everyone, standby. Were getting new information. Were following the breaking news. There you see the suspect running away from that rental truck as he plowed down individuals. Eight people dead, a dozen injured. Much more of our special coverage, right after this. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. Yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger whos mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. Were following breaking news out of new york city. A terror attack that killed eight people and injured a dozen others when a man in a truck mowed down pedestrians on the west side. Much more on that coming up. We have another breaking story were following right now. President trump and the russia investigation. I want to bring in our senior White House Correspondent jeff zeleny and gloria borger. They are both working their sources. Jeff, what are you learning . We do know that the president for now is going to reject the advice of steve bannon. This is theed a viegs of how to handle the special counsel and treat him. So the president is im going to stick with the legal strategy that he has now which is to cooperate with the special counsels office, including allowing white house aids to be interviewed, including turning over e email and other matters here. This is something hes been thinking about, but hes going to stick with the team he has. Its certainly shows that its more of this strategy of just going along to try to speed up this investigation to try to not be a road block, if you will. As gloria knows, theres some dissension in the ranks over what the president should do. The president is hearing from lots of people outside the white house. Friends and his former adviser steve bannon, who are saying you ought to get more aggressive here. I was talking to one person who said, look, the thinking is youre going to take the same abuse whether you go after mueller or you dont go after mueller. You have to protect yourself. Thats the argument that steve bannon is making to him directly ob the phone recently. And the president let it be known hes sticking with the strategy right now from his attorneys, which is is just cooperate with mueller, give him everything he wants and however, theres a caveat here. We both know this. The president could change his mind at any moment. Hes not happy with the papadopoulos stuff. He said to people, what else is coming down the pike that i dont know about. I didnt know who this person was. Thats what gets him agitated and gets him upset. We reported he was seething when he was watch tv and watching the indictments, the guilty plea by George Papadopoulos come down. He was spending most of his time in the residence of the white house talking to lawyers. He spent half the day in the residence again today. Thats where he usually has his meeting with the lawyers. Im told he was seething because he was surprised by that. They told me they are sticking with the strategy thats working here. They believe that working and cooperating with this is the way to go here. One other person said this. This is wishful thinking. Its not going to happen. The idea of sticking with this strategy is supported by the chief of staff as well as other top advisers here. As glor owe said it could always change. He gets to have it both ways. He gave steve bannon his blessing. Fight mueller on the outside. But meanwhile on the inside, im going to stick with my lawyers. Were learning that top aids will be subjected to questions and some interviews after the president comes back from asia. Thats an example of the cooperation here that they are doing so far. Well see if it works. The president will be willing to give an interview to the prosecutors a as well. Standby. Theres a more were following. Thats it for me. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. Thank you very much for watching. Erin burnett out front starts right now. Out front tonight the breaking news, the new york city terror attack blocks from the World Trade Center. At least eight people are dead in Lower Manhattan, a dozen injured. It was a horrific scene, a tangle of bikes and metal in the aftermath of the assault as a man drove a truck about 20 blocks down a busy bike path plowing into anybody who was there. The home depot rental truck slammed into a school bus. Just as a nearby school was letting ou

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