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Iranian involvement. A revolutionary guard general and Iranian Forces are now fighting isis for an iraqi city. Will the u. S. Join that battle . And teen isis recruiter . A 17yearold taken down by the fbi right outside the nations capital, accused of helping a man travel to syria to fight with isis. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. We begin with breaking news. Shocking new details of racial bias as the u. S. Justice Department Issues a report on its civil rights investigation of the Ferguson Missouri Police department and at the same time closes its investigation into the shooting of the black teenager Michael Brown by the white Police Officer Darren Wilson. After an exhaustive review the federal government now finds no evidence to support an unreasonable use of force. But federal investigators find plenty wrong with the Police Department and the Municipal Court citing a pattern of discrimination against africanamericans. Its not difficult to imagine how a single tragic incident set off the city of ferguson like a powder keg. From countless police stops and arrests used to generate revenue, to numerous examples of racist emails including some mocking the president and the first lady. We are digging into what the attorney general eric holder calls a highly toxic environment. I will speak with the naacp president , Cornell William brooks and the National Urban League President mark moriel. Our correspondents and analysts are all standing by for full coverage. Lets begin with all the details. Our justice correspondent pamela brown joins us. The attorney general carrying it a searing report highlighting repeated abuse by the ferguson Police Department against africanamericans. The outgoing attorney general did not mince words. Saying Ferguson Police undermined the Publics Trust and was racially biased. Unlawful practices and constitutional violations have not only severely undermined the public trust, eroded Police Legitimacy and made local residents less safe but created an intensely charged atmosphere where people feel under assault and under siege. Reporter the 102 page report released by holder today detailed examples of a Police Department out of control. Routinely insulting and assaulting africanamericans. Use of dogs by Ferguson Police appears to have been exclusively reserved for africanamericans. Reporter among the most damning evidence emails including ones allegedly sent by department leaders, that included racist jokes and depicted president obama as a chimpanzee. In one email forwarded by officials, a picture of barechested African Women dancing was captioned Michelle Obamas high school reunion. Another message in june 2011 compared dogs to africanamericans, suggesting the animals needed welfare because they were mixing color, unemployed lazy cant speak english and have no clue who their daddies are. A new report says while many officers participated or forwarded the emails none were disciplined. Among other findings that Ferguson Police disproportionately targeted africanamericans, with 85 of vehicle stops, 90 of citations and 93 of arrests. Even though 67 of the ferguson population is black. Tonight, the ferguson Police Department is expected to fire back and defend itself during a News Conference at 6 30 p. M. Eastern time. Wolf . Of course we will have coverage of that. The attorney general, meanwhile, mincing no words as pamela just said about racial bias in the ferguson Police Department. He is saying flatly some of those protesters were right. Lets bring in our justice reporter evan perez who has been poring over this report. I have been going through a lot of it. Its a very long report with incredible details. I got to tell you its shocking. Its really shocking. In ferguson according to this report minor Code Violations led to arrests and jail time. The attorney general detailed one example in 2007 with a woman from ferguson. Heres what he had to say. One woman received two parking tickets that together totaled 152. To date she has paid 550 in fines and fees to the city of ferguson. She has been arrested twice. Wolf she still owes 541 to this day for a ticket that she incurred in 2007. There is another example the attorney general gave in 2012 a 32yearold africanamerican man was sitting in his car after playing basketball. A Police Officer comes and starts asking him questions. In the end he gives him eight different charges, citations, including for not wearing his seat belt and for giving his name mike instead of michael. This africanamerican man ended up losing his job because he worked for the federal government at the time. Shocking. Another thing they say in the report is 95 of those who received some minor infraction like jaywalking for example, 95 of those people were africanamericans. Thats right. You know that matters because without that kind of practice at the ferguson Police Department we are not here talking about anything. Michael brown was stopped by officer Darren Wilson because he was jaywalking. So because this is the practice at ferguson Police Department you end up having a confrontation that really should never have gone anywhere. This is a result of that a young man is dead and a Police Officer has lost his job. Despite all that history, the Justice Department in washington the federal government they decided there wasnt evidence to file civil rights charges or any charges against that Police Officer, Darren Wilson. Right. We have talked many times about the high bar the Justice Department faced. According to the report that they prepared on the Darren Wilson case they had a lot of shaky witnesses, witnesses who recanted people who told cnn one thing and then when they went to talk to the fbi, they said another. So in the end, they just couldnt meet the standard to bring a case against Darren Wilson. Eric holder the attorney general, defended supported that conclusion by his department. More on that coming up. Evan thanks very much. The reaction is building in ferguson missouri right now. We are standing by as we said to hear from city officials. We will have live coverage of that. But i want to go to cnns ed lavendera on the scene. Whats the mood . Whats been the reaction . Reporter its interesting, when you talk to people around ferguson they say we told you so. This is what we have been talking about for the last six months here since Michael Brown was shot and killed and these stories, you ask people about whether or not these stories that are being publicized in this d. O. J. Report and everyone has similar stories of their own, and the reason this is really resonating so hard with people is especially for people who might be lower income, that a lot of these citations and harassment is the way they describe it really sends them into a spiral. So one citation turns into extra fines and it builds up and builds up and it creates kind of this spiral where people are in a downward spiral unable to climb out of the financial hardships they face and they really view this as harassment from city officials and the Police Department here in ferguson. I know we have been reporting now for the past several weeks that no federal charges will be filed against that white Police Officer, Darren Wilson but i assume a lot of folks in ferguson are disappointed. Are they bracing for demonstrations, for protests there . Reporter we havent seen any kind of preparations or any kind of sense that anything like what we have seen here in recent months is about to transpire again. You see the Police Department behind me in november when they were getting ready for the announcement of the criminal charges, all of that was barricaded and along the other areas where there was some of the more higher profile, more dangerous unrest we havent seen anything. Everything has been extremely calm. Lets hope it stays that way. Thanks very much. Lets get some more now. Joining us the naacp president and ceo, Cornell William brooks and also mark muriel president and ceo of the national yurnurban league the two premier africanamerican civil rights organizations in the United States. Cornell, the Justice Department deciding not to press any charges against Darren Wilson. I want you to listen to what the attorney general, eric holder had to say about this Decision Just a little while ago. The facts do not support the filing of criminal charges against officer Darren Wilson in this case. Michael browns death, though a tragedy, did not involve prosecutable conduct on the part of officer wilson. I have been personally briefed on multiple occasions about these findings. I concur with the investigative teams judgment and the determination about our inability to meet required federal standard. Cornell, your reaction. My reaction would be this. Im very disappointed and certainly hurting along with so Many Americans in the naacp family. We grieve for the family of Michael Brown. That being said the Justice Department in its report made clear that the conduct that Darren Wilson engaged in is characteristic of the Police Department and that conduct was found to be unconstitutional unlawful violative of federal statutes and a conduct that is racially biased. The report itself speaks to any number of instances where we have Police Officers using overwhelming force for minor offenses where we have police dogs used against children selma style, birmingham style. So the fact that Darren Wilson was not indicted speaks to the ability of the Justice Department to bring a case against this individual. Its a tough prosecutorial decision not one that brings comfort or solace to the family. But we will continue to press hard to ensure that the ferguson Police Department does not continue to be a full Service Department of bias and bigotry and discrimination. Let me get marks reaction to the decision not to file any charges against the Police Officer. I have a lot of confidence in attorney general holder and his decision but there is great pain in the brown family great pain around the community that the criminal Justice System neither state nor federal, has been able to bring forth justice for the death of Michael Brown. Having said that wolf the key issue now is after these very comprehensive findings and a thorough investigation, by the department of justice, what next . Theres got to be consideration as to whether a monitor needs to be immediately appointed to oversee the operations of the ferguson Police Department or number two, whether the ferguson Police Department needs to be completely disbanded and a new approach to policing and Law Enforcement in st. Louis county needs to be undertaken since these findings are so comprehensive and this department is so broken and dysfunctional that only a new start will be appropriate. And i think thirdly, i hope that when the ferguson leadership reacts in about an hour that they do not retreat to obstinance and denaal and a continuance to deny the absolute truth which has been found by the Justice Department. Whats important now is the conversation not only the report but whats next. Weve gotten this reaction from Michael Browns family through a spokesman. Today we received disappointing news from the department of justice that the killer of our son wouldnt be held accountable for his actions. While we are saddened by this decision we are encouraged that the d. O. J. Department of justice, will hold the ferguson Police Department accountable. It is our hope that through this action true change will come not only in ferguson but around the country. If that change happens, our sons death will not have been in vain. We will speak with the attorney for Michael Browns family in our next hour. Darryl parks will be joining us. But cornell, the other part of this Justice Department report the attorney general holder said it was searing the racist examples that are documented in there. You heard them from pamela brown, at least some of them. It goes on and on and on 100 pages, if not more. What was your reaction . Were you surprised when you went through this report . I was surprised in this sense. It did not tell me anything that the citizens of ferguson and the citizens of missouri hadnt been saying for months. But i want to know this. The data of the report the evidence in the report comes as a consequence of a law that the naacp cowrote. Missouris racial profiling law. And i want to make it clear here that when you consider that almost every point of contact between the Police Department the Municipal Court and the citizens of ferguson there is racial bias bigotry and racially disproportionate conduct, bias conduct. Full service. So the report is scathing. If anything the attorney general understated just how bad this is because what it says is at least 16 points of contact where this report indicates whether it be arrest whether it be traffic stops, pedestrian stops, where the Police Department and the Municipal Courts are unfairly treating this citizens of ferguson. When you hear young people say that the police is acting as an Occupying Army and to have a report on government stationery that essentially says its a racially biased Police Department it is a revenuegenerating Police Department it is not a Community Policing Police Department, we need a strong response. We believe its important for that Police Department if not to go out of business then to be under very strict oversight. We have a lot more to discuss with cornell and marc. Please both of you stand by. Is this ferguson issue an isolated case or is it going on nationally . Much more with our guests when we come back. Your eyes really are unique. In fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. Thats why theres ocuvite to help protect your eye health. As you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. Ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch lomb. 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I mean it reaffirms what all of us saw and heard that this problem has existed for a long time in ferguson and what the protests and what the death of Michael Brown spurred was it ignited something that had been there in ferguson for quite a long time. And you know whats shocking is that this report is taking place in 2015. This sounds like 1955 and i think it just reminds us that notwithstanding progress there is a considerable amount of work left to do and ferguson is now really ground zero in the battle for justice in this country. Well said. The department of justice report also found, listen to this nearly 90 of the documented force used by ferguson Police Officers were used against africanamericans but one step further, in every k9 bite in other words, when dogs were used in every k9 bite incident for which racial information is available, the person bitten by a dog was africanamerican. It went on to say that police appeared to use k9s not to counter a physical threat but to inflict punishment. Hard to believe this kind of stuff goes on as marc just said in this day and age. For every parent or grandparent listening to this program, the idea that a Police Department would use a dog on a child is just absolutely horrifying. This Police Department has been found to be in violation of the fourth amendment, the 14th amendment, the first amendment, several federal statutes and so those young people on the streets in ferguson and around the country, these young practitioners of democracy, they were right and the attorney general is right in saying that they were right. Using dogs against our children is unconscionable as well as being unconstitutional, according to this report. Marc the department of justice report also found, listen to this that distrust im reading now, of the ferguson Police Department is longstanding and largely attributable to fergusons approach to Law Enforcement. The approach they said results in patterns of unnecessary aggressive and at times unlawful policing. Heres the question. The Ferguson Police chief, thomas jackson, he is still in charge of this department to this very day. Is that right . No, it isnt right. You know there needs to be an independent monitor appointed immediately and i hope that the Justice Department will move very swiftly to take remedial action in light of this report. Because the citizens of ferguson, the africanamerican citizens of ferguson certainly continue to be at risk of continued violations continued constitutional objections as long as the ferguson leadership is not only continuing in power but also when they continue to deny continue to oppose continue to suggest that there is no problem. Im shocked that they would be in denial and i think thats why an independent monitor may be the best temporary approach emergency approach. I also think that in st. Louis county writ large, theres a conversation afoot about substantial reform into policing and that is why i think that what has to also be on the table is possibly the disbanding of this department and an entirely new approach. This department is not only dysfunctional, its a department that places the absolute Public Safety of citizens at risk because of the way they have conducted themselves. Cornell, give us a bigger perspective now. Is ferguson missouri an isolated awful example, or does stuff like this go on elsewhere around the United States . As you know the naacp is present in 50 states all across the country. Nearly 2,000 units. We can simply say as americans Grassroots Army of democracy, this problem is not isolated to ferguson. We may have a Police Department thats committed to acting like camels that is collectively putting their heads in the sand but the fact is we have a national problem. I have spoken with the governor he understands that this is a challenge for not only ferguson but for towns and cities across missouri but also around the country. When we have Police Departments that see the citizens as not those we should protect but those whom we should fine and sanction and use as sources of revenue, thats a problem. But its not a problem isolated to ferguson. You agree with that marc . I do think that what is clear is that there are many other examples around the country and currently, there are 15 Police Departments that are under consent decrees which means they have either admitted or the Justice Department has found patterns of violations of civil rights. So that alone indicates that this is not, if you will, an isolated incident. The law certainly gives the Justice Department the power to review not only individual complaints but potential comprehensive violations if you will systematic violations into departments around the country. Theres ample evidence that this is not isolated but what i hope is that this conversation and this is where the urban leagues tenpoint plan that we not only submitted to the president s task force but we continue to advocate for, that this conversation needs to turn to the kinds of reforms we need and ferguson is a Perfect Place to start, but these reforms have to take place all across this nation. I want to invite both of you back if you can to join us tomorrow. I know you are both getting ready to go to selma, alabama for Historic Events this weekend. It will give all of us a Good Opportunity to reflect on whats going on. Yes, there might be an africanamerican president of the United States yes, theres an africanamerican attorney general of the United States an africanamerican secretary of Homeland Security of the United States but theres a lot of work all of us have to do to fix whats wrong on this issue. Gentlemen, good luck to both of you. Thank you for joining us. Thank you, wolf. The Justice Departments scathing report on Police Racial bias in ferguson missouri has national implications. Up next i will be joined by our Law Enforcement and political experts along with someone working for change in the st. Louis, missouri area. We are also covering another breaking story right now. The white house confirming get this confirming that iran is now in iraq with its troops. A major new military offensive under way. Iraqi combat boots are not only there, but iranian combat boots are joining them. Checking your credit score is for chumps. I have great credit. How do you know . Duh. 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The attorney general eric holder saying that given the toxic environment, quote, some of those protesters were right. Lets go in depth with our cnn Law Enforcement analyst tom fuentes. Hes a former fbi assistant director. Our cnn political commentator, van jones. And the reverend Starsky Wilson cochair of the Ferguson Commission that was an independent group studying social and Economic Conditions in the st. Louis area. Reverend first of all, whats your reaction and whats been the reaction in ferguson to the announcements today by the department of justice . Does the charge by the department of justice against the ferguson Police Department from your perspective go far enough . Well the reaction here in ferguson and the greater st. Louis area is one of a community that is disheartened by the things particularly the salacious details that we see of the actions of officials in ferguson that are documented in the report but quite frankly, also this information is not inconsistent with the testimony weve heard from citizens through the Ferguson Commission from our engagement with people on the streets, our own experiences of policing in our community, so this is not quite frankly a surprise. The question is will we take the recommendation all the way through to the end and begin to engage the report with the recommendations on Community Policing will we engage robustly in an activity to make sure the community is engaged and has oversight of policing activity and that theres accountability to make sure the courts are not used as an atm for a system of municipal fragmentation and disproportionately impacting african americans. Van, some of these emails that were released in this department of justice report are simply shocking. In november 2008 email stating that president barack obama would not be president for very long because quote, what black man holds a steady job for four years. In april 2011 an email depicted president obama as a chimpanzee. In october 2011 an email included a photo of a barechested group of dancing women apparently in africa with the caption quote, Michelle Obamas high school reunion. Its hard these were on city email accounts. These werent like simply some gmail account. This is their official email account. It gives you a sense of the depth of racial hatred that was given free rein there. I was in ferguson before, during and after the high points of the activity there. My personal observation was i have never really seen a Police Department have such an us against them attitude. Bbc, cnn, the world media was there. If there was ever a time to act like you care and you see these taxpayers as your bosses that would have been the time to do it. Instead it felt very tribal like we are, our group, these people protesting are some other species of people. I grew up in the rural south. I never felt that kind of disrespect from a Law Enforcement agency. It gave me a sense, if what i was hearing was correct, theres something wrong with this department. These emails were written by supervisors, Police Officers i dont think anybody was disciplined for any of this kind of stuff. It is pretty shocking. If you look at Police Departments around the country, similar question that i asked our earlier guests is this going on around the country or is ferguson just an isolated incident . I pray that its not going on like that in other departments and i agree with van that its horrible it was a terrible situation and the report is much worse than i even expected it to be. But i cant believe this is going on across the board in other Police Departments to this degree. What a story this is. We will continue to stay on top of it. Guys dont go too far away. Still ahead, we will have much more on what the u. S. Attorney general is calling implicit and explicit racial bias by the ferguson, missouri police. But up next the white house now confirming iran is helping iraq with its new military offensive against isis. I will get reaction from a congressman who is a veteran of the wars in both iraq and afghanistan. Real transformations can happen as much inside a person as out. Thats why you should take the listerine® 21 day challenge. Use listerine® and over 21 days youll experience a transformation. Take the listerine® 21 day challenge and start your transformation today. Shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. 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But also breaking word that iraqs army appears to be making some progress on this the third day of a Major Military offensive against isis. The iraqis are advancing toward tikrit, thats an isisheld city notorious as the birthplace of saddam hussein. Today, the white house confirmed iran is helping with the iraqi offensive but emphasized the United States is not coordinating militarily with the iranians. Joining us now here in the situation room Illinois Republican congressman adam kinsinger. He served in both iraq and afghanistan, former member of the Foreign Affairs committee. I dont get whats going on. The iraqis have their military which proved to be pretty ineffective last year. They are moving towards tikrit an important city symbolically and otherwise. Iranian boots on the ground are now with them. Not just iraqi shiite militias but Iranian Revolutionary guard troops have gone in combat forces they are helping them. The u. S. Is providing weapons to the Iraqi Military giving some advice. This sounds pretty awkward right now. The white house says theres no direct coordination between the u. S. And iran. Yeah its a very awkward situation. It just underscores how complicated this region is. The iranians are involved because they see the sunni shia component of what you have in isis and what you have in the Iraqi Government. Obviously we are involved because we see the extremist element of whats going on in isis and groups like that. And what you have is an Unnatural Alliance thats occurring right now but the reality of it is this. The iranians are going to demand fog for their involvement with iraq even if they say we dont like isis they will not get this for free. It means more iranian influence in the Iraqi Government which has been the dream of iran in the beginning and it will mean theres a lot owed to the iranian government. We see iran involved in syria, we see them involved in iraq and they are extending you served in the air force. The air force cant launch air strikes for this battle in tikrit to help the iraqi troops because they dont know where the iranians are going to be. They could end up killing a whole bunch of revolutionary guard or iraqi shiite forces that are there as well. Can you fight a battle like this because it sounds so, so complicated. Youre right, iraq eventually potentially could become a wholly owned subsidiary of iran. It will be tough to do. Keep in mind too, some estimates are upwards of a third of american casualties that occurred in the iraq war were directly or indirectly related to iran either direct action or ieds and their technology. Because of the shiite militias. Thats right. They are no friend of the United States. The other thing we are hearing is potential reports out of tikrit there are a lot of shia militias involved in that offensive. Ths is where the United States has to be strong. The more we put special forces on the ground imbedded with Iraqi Military the more we show strong leadership we push out iranian influence because we have our influence there. But at the end of the day, theres no pretty answers. That may be way too late for that. Today we heard an ominous warning from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general martin dempsey, he told congress hes worried, he warned against ethnic cleansing, ethnic cleansing, those are the words, that could happen in iraq right now, given the hatred between the shiites and sunnis and the kurds. I would argue its almost begun. When i was in iraq five or six months ago, i went to a refugee camp in erbil and met people of certain ethnic groups that were kicked out of by isis kicked out of their territory. And now basically they are homeless. Its a sad situation to see. This is spiraling out of control. Im not going to put all this on president obama and say its his fault its spiraling out of control but i think America Needs to take a much stronger position here and a hard line against iran involvement in iraq but also a hard line to say you know what the Iraqi Militarys got to step up and act like the kind of folks what do you say to those americans including some of your fellow republicans who say you know what this hatred in iraq between shiites and sunnis and kurds has been going on for about 1,000 years. The u. S. Should just get out of there and let them do what they want. Anybody who has ever been to the region would never say that. They see the Human Element of whats involved. We are the ones who went into iraq we have somewhat of a moral responsibility to help out there. At the end of the day its not the 1920s anymore. We cant be isolationalist. This is a very strong human tragedy. If you break it you own it. Thats how a lot of people think. Thanks for joining us. Up next the new report says another alleged isis recruiter has been arrested. The suspect in this particular case, a teenager who lives only miles from the white house. In our next hour top officials in ferguson missouri are getting ready to face reporters. How will they react to todays scathing federal report detailing years of racial bias in their citys police and courts . Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker . I look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. You have potential. You have. Oh boy. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Whats that thing . I moved our old Security System out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. Why dont you switch to xfinity home . I get live video monitoring and 24 7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. Hear ye the awkward teenage one has arrived dont be old fashioned. Xfinity customers add xfinity home for 29. 95 a month for 12 months. Plus for a limited time, get a Free Security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit comcast. Com xfinityhome. Breaking now, new report says the fbi arrested another alleged isis recruiter. Not only is he a teenager. He lives miles from the nations capital. Brian todd is joining us request the story. Reporter very startling information tonight. This teenager who lives less than 25 miles from the white house, he was enrolled at a high school in Northern Virginia but does not attend classes, according to school officials. He allegedly helped isis. It wasnt some passive kind of assistance like showing support for the terror group online. This boy, according to Law Enforcement, was a recruiter. He allegedly helped a man travel to syria to fight with isis went online to connect the recruit to the terror group. The alleged recruiter, a 17yearold boy in the suburbs of washington. Thats according to a Law Enforcement official. The Washington Post reports the boy lives in woodbridge virginia. Isis are putting out their message over social media. Teenagers are using social media more than any other demographic. Its no surprise that somebody who is 17 would become involved in proisis activities. Reporter fbi agents raided the townhouse where he lives. The fbi is not commenting. The boy is in custody and is charged as a juvenile. An official with the Public Schools tells cnn the young man is enrolled at this high school in virginia but is not currently attending classes. This follows other high profile cases Young Americans being enticed to try to join isis. Two men from the new york area including a 19yearold, picked up last month. A 19yearold man from minneapolis grabbed by federal agents at jfk airport just before his plane was to leave for occurturkey. He posted these tweets saying he wanted to become a jihadist and be a marchtyr. They usually are those that are very isolated very upset about one issue or another and have you know some variety of motivations. Sometimes its psychological. Sometimes its family issues. Other times its social. Reporter a top fbi Counter Terror official recently said over the past year or two, isis and other groups have gotten better and better at spotting potential recruits and that younger and younger people are being recruited. This official said in the u. S. The fbi has seen children as young as 15 years old recruited by isis. Thats chilling stuff. Brian, thank you very much. Coming up a damning federal report finds years of discrimination and abuse by the Ferguson Missouri Police department. We are learning about new examples of racial bias as we wait for ferguson officials to respond. The new cnn original series finding jesus offers fascinating into ancient artifacts that could be linked to jesus. 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Happening now, toxic racism. A report reveals in graphic detail how police in ferguson missouri targets africanamericans, a climate that helped ignite rioting. From city leaders this hour officer cleared. Its official no federal charges are being filed against Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. A lawyer for the brown family is joining us to respond. Irans role. They are helping the war against isis. New subpoenaed for Hillary Clinton. Were learning that she went to surprising lengths to use a private email account in her official capacity as secretary of state. Was she hiding anything . I will ask a state department spokeswoman. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. You are in the situation room. Lets get right to breaking news. New evidence of racial bias and outright hatred. Eric holder says its not hard to understand why the city of ferguson missouri exploded in violence after the shooting death of Michael Brown. He says theres been a highly toxic environment between Ferguson Police and the citys Africanamerican Community. Holder is speaking out about a new Justice Department report that includes deeply offensive racist emails sent by police and Court Officials often targets president obama and the first lady. Were standing by for reaction from the Ferguson Police chief and mayor. Also tonight, official confirmation that no federal civil rights charges are being filed against Darren Wilson in Michael Browns death. I will talk to a lawyer for the brown family. There he is darryl parks. We have our correspondents and analysts. They are all standing by as we cover all of the news breaking right now. First lets go to ferguson missouri. Reporter this report might be eye opening to some people. But here in ferguson many people say this report finally proves what they have lived and experienced for years. Months after violent racially charged protests in ferguson a new report is exposing the ugly and pervasive culture of racial bias that ignited the unrest. Our view of the evidence found no no alternative elf mra explanation other than implicit and explicit racial bias. Reporter the Justice Departments more than 100 page report reveals a pattern of discrimination against africanamericans. Its filled with specific cases and shocking racially offensive emails targeting the president and first lady. One email depicts the president as a chimpanzee. Another includes a photo of a group of bare chested women in what appears to be africa with a caption that reads, Michelle Obamas high school reunion. Community leaders in ferguson are outraged. If they would say that about the president of the United States what do you think they would say about poor black men and poor black women living in a racialized area of the city . Reporter the report shows that africanamericans in ferguson faced that kind of discrimination day in and day out. In one example, an africanamerican man was culled out of his apartment after an argument. When he told police you dont have a reason to lock me up the officer responded using the n word and saying, i can find something to lock you up on. Despite the Justice Departments finding of a pattern of racist behavior behavior the second report cleared Police Officers Darren Wilson of civil Rights Violations in the shooting death of the unarmed black teenager Michael Brown. The facts do not support the filing of criminal charges against officer Darren Wilson in this case. Reporter Michael Browns parents are disappointed but say they are encouraged the doj will hold the police accountable. Many people are hoping Community Organizers its freezing here. Community organizers hope its a wakeup call to not just frg son ferguson but other cities who say this should be a wakeup call. Many operate like ferguson. Thats sad to hear that. Go inside. Thanks very much. The attorney general says Ferguson Police werent only motivated by racial bias when they targeted africanamericans, they apparently also were trying to bring in cash. Lets bring in our justice correspondent pamela brown and evan perez. They were under pressure to write tickets to collect money. They were under pressure. The City Government of ferguson apparently was running a booming business in writing traffic citations against motorists who went through the city. In 2010 im sorry, in the past year the city has written 50 more citations than in 2010. Also in 2010 the ferguson courts collected 1. 3 million in fines and fees. In 2015 they are expecting 3 million. Its a big increase. Attorney general eric holder had some criticism of this practice. Here is what he had to say. The city relies on the police force to serve as a Collection Agency for the Municipal Court rather than as a Law Enforcement entity focused on maintaining and promoting Public Safety. Wolf beyond the practices of the Police Department and the courts the Justice Department uncovered really shocking emails that really describe what the attitude within the Police Department was. I will give you one email from 2011 which described a woman in new orleans going in for an abortion. After she gets out of the hospital she gets a check for 5,000. This is a joke that was being shared in the Department Ferguson Police Department. She called the hospital to ask why she was getting this money. The answer was, crime stoppers. In other words, africanamericans are born criminals. Pretty shocking. In this report also they decided that there was not enough evidence to go ahead and file federal charges against the white Police Officer Darren Wilson who shot and killed Michael Brown. You are getting more information on that conclusion. Absolutely. Its interesting because you have this one report that everyone was talking about showing that there were issues with racial bias. Then this other report from the Justice Department a lengthy report saying no civil rights charges will be filed against Darren Wilson. Basically saying Darren Wilson did not use Unreasonable Force when he shot and killed Michael Brown. Theres a few key points in this report, wolf. First it talks about the fact that the aweutopsy reports say he was walking toward wilson. The report says theres nothing to directly corroborate wilsons account but nothing to disprove it either. Thats really key here. They couldnt find anyone to disprove that. With the witness accounts many of we have heard from the Prosecutors Office it focused on fact that many of the witness accounts were conflicting, they didnt line up. All of this together, this is what the report says. The evidence when vieweds as a whole that wilsons use of force were objectively unreasonable under the supreme courts definition. He will not face charges. Thanks very much. Michael browns parents say his death wont be in vein in real change happens. Darryn thanks for joining us. I want to play the clip from the attorney general eric holder. He said he personally reviewed this decision on whether to whether or not to file charges against the former police Darren Wilson. Listen to this. Michael browns death, though a tragedy, did not involve prosecutable conduct on the part of officer wilson. Now, this conclusion represents the sound considered and independent judgment of the expert career prosecutors within the department of justice. I have been personally briefed on multiple occasions about these findings. I know the family the Michael Brown family is disappointed. But do you accept what eric holder said that he personally reviewed everything and this was his conclusion . Not only do we accept it wolf but we thank the attorney general for his involvement. We also thank the prosecutors who also one of the u. S. Attorneys from d. C. Involved and many other fbi agents. If nothing else i think that their involvement allows sed us to get closer to the truth. The truth plays a big role in that now we know what happened. Whether or not they were able to file a federal civil rights criminal complaint against Darren Wilson is a different issue. I think that the family although very disappointed in that the killer of their son continues to go free, is very disappointing to them. And would be disappointing to any person who has lost their child. However, they are, as we said earlier, encouraged by the fact that the Justice Department has found the things that it found within the department. When you think about Michael Brown, think about the first thing that officer Darren Wilson said to the boys as he approached them. He told them to get the f on the sidewalk. Thats just not a way that an officer should greet young men who are walking in their own neighborhood. So we are hopeful that this action by the department of justice in ferguson missouri will lead to some positive change. Go right ahead. We know that some officials from the department of justice i believe have met with the brown family. Has the attorney general been in touch over the past day or two or anyone else in the federal government to explain their decisions . No. What happened wolf the officials from the department of justice arrived in st. Louis late last night. We met at 9 00 this morning at the fbi headquarters. I was in the meeting along with others from the legal team. They answered any questions that the family might have had regarding it. We are thankful to the fbi and department of justice in st. Louis and washington for what they did. If nothing else i think it gave them a little bit of clarity. We dont agree with everything that the doj said about the findings. A lot of it is their interpretation of it. You will probably hear our interpretation of the same set of facts as they go forward. However, we remain very grateful though at least for the oversight of the attorney general and the fbi. You have confidence in eric holder and his team . You believe they did their best right . I believe he gave i am very proud of the attorney general for his work and for standing up. Its clear that this was a very tough case that tended to really bring emotion within the country. And it was a tough decision for them to get involved in this decision. However, the department of justice under attorney general holders leadership they stepped up and did a thorough investigation. We never intended for him to do what we wanted him to do. We wanted a fair and impartial investigation and oversight of the st. Louis county police and the Ferguson Police in their efforts in missouri. We got that. To them we are grateful for the involvement. It was a lot of resources, time spent by many people within the department of justice. We are grateful for what they did to try to at least move us closer to justice. We dont quite agree with their conclusions, but their conclusions are based upon federal law. A federal requirement is a very heightened requirement. As a lawyer i understand that part of it. My clients who are loving parents continue to grieve very hard for the loss. To hear the news they heard today went to their core. To know that their son is no longer with us and person who did it as of now has not had to pay a price. There was no grand jury indictment. The federal government now is not going to file any charges. Are you planning a civil lawsuit right now against Darren Wilson and or the local police the city of ferguson . Without question obviously, when you have civil Rights Violations although the department of justice couldnt file the civil is one that resides with the parents. They are moving in that direction. Any idea when the papers will be filed . We will let you know. We are standing by to hear from the police chief and the mayor. Live coverage of that. Darryl parks is with us the family attorney for the Michael Brown family. Much more right after this. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. 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And south korean sources. There are indications, we are told that the attackers were armed. But its not clear yet that the ambassador was actually attacked with a gun. All of this still emerging. I will tell you that the ambassador is someone very wellknown in Washington National security circles and especially here at the pentagon. He served for some time as chief of staff to the former defense secretary chuck hagel. He served in top positions advising on asian affairs. This was his specialty in National Security. He also previously served at the National Security council at the white house and served on the obama biden transition team. He is someone that is very wellknown to president obama, has been a top aid in all of the positions over the years. He recently left the pentagon after being confirmed as ambassador to south korea. If you followed any of his social media, you saw that he was move he moved around seoul all the time, often with his basset hound on the street. Right now, of course as you say, he is being treated. All indications are he will be okay. Barbara, i want to show our viewers video. You can see he has been attacked. We dont necessarily believe attacked with a gun. But attacks with some sort of weapon. He clearly has been injured. There you see him with his hand to his face. We dont know the extent of the injuries. We do know according to government sources, he is being treated for those injuries right now. We have no idea who attacked him, how many. Maybe the deputy spokeswoman at the state department who is here in the situation room has some information. This is shocking whats going on. What can you share with us . Well details are still coming in, obviously. This has just happened. I have seen the photos that i just showed of our ambassador who is as barbara said a longtime asia policy specialist one of our top ambassadors that we have certainly. And from seeing the photos im not a doctor. But they dont appear lifethreatening. Our team on the ground and security folks are talking to the South Koreans to get a sense for what happened here. A lot of details unknown. Under normal circumstances, the United States ambassador in seoul walks around he has security guards . I dont know the answer to that. Obviously, our ambassadors have security around the world. South korea is a pretty safe place, i think. I dont know the details. We will get more facts and see what transpired. Again, hope that it wasnt too serious. Doesnt appear lifethreatening. Dont know all the facts yet. I know you will check with your sources in south korea. Will get back to you. Stand by. Barbara, it dawned on me, this comes at a sensitive moment. Have i no i have no idea if it was a random thug or some sort of planned political statement or whatever. But u. S. South korea military operations exercises, they are under way right now. Norm north korea doesnt like those. Thats right. Theres a certain level of tension, something that the ambassador probably knows a great deal about more than most of us. The exercises under way. The u. S. And south korea. North korea making a lot of noise about it in recent days as they often do. But the u. S. And the South Koreans exercise routinely the military program. So the u. S. Shows its support for south korea and the tries to encourage stability on the peninsula. As you look at the pictures, wolf, again, im no doctor and no photo experts. It looks like possibly he was potentially maybe some sort of event or indoors. He is in his business suit. I have seen pictures of him as he walks around seoul perhaps more casually dressed with his family with his dog. So this looks like it was some sort of official appearance or official something official that he was doing in his capacity as ambassador. I think it will indeed raise questions about what his security was. Were they there with him at the time . Ambassadors often sometimes as ss ask their security people to hang back in more safe areas of the world when they are trying to interact with the local population. We dont have the answers here. It looks like he did sustain an injury to his face because you see him with his hand up there. I think the facts are barely emerging right now. Everyone wishes him the best. He just arrived in south korea a few short months ago after leaving the pentagon. This is a man whose expertise and career really has been devoted to asia security issues. This was the job he wanted so badly. He would talk about it in the hallways of the pentagon. He was very much looking forward to becoming ambassador to south korea. And had really wanted to move there and serve u. S. Interests there. He had extensive military service as well serving in the United States navy was an intelligence adviser back in 2007 and 2008. I want to report now for our viewers here in the United States and around the world what we know. The United States ambassador to south korea, we have now confirmed through u. S. And south korean sources was attacked in seoul, south korea. He was injured. We dont know the extent of the injuries. But there you can see him with his hand to his face. We dont know what kind of weapon was used. Although there was some weapon that was used. We are told it might not necessarily have been a gun. The ambassador is injured. He is being treated right now. Once again, we dont know the extent of the injuries. The United States ambassador to south korea, highly unusual because the situation in south korea is usually extremely safe for american diplomats, u. S. Officials are very popular in south korea. This is very extraordinary right now, which raises all sorts of questions to those of us who have covered the Korean Peninsula. The deputy spokeswoman at the state department is with us. We have no idea who is responsible, as i said before. It could have been some random thug on the streets of south korea. Could have been someone trying to make some sort of political statement. What we know is that there are u. S. South korean exercises, annual exercises going on. The North Koreans have made tough statements in recent days warning against the exercises. I remember five years ago when the u. S. Had these exercises with south korea, the North Koreans shot a ship killing a lot of south korean sailors to make a point, to make a statement. Give us a little perspective on whats going on in the Korean Peninsula right now. Well again, you are right. We dont know what was behind what appears to be an attack on our ambassador in south korea. We do regular exercises with the south korean military. They are transparent. We are open about them and speak about them. They are not intended to be directed towards any country or threatening. We repeatedly say that. When the North Koreans make noise publically and complain and take action we say very clearly, these are part of our relationship with the South Koreans, a longstanding alliance. Theyre not designed to be aggressive in any way. But we have seen unfortunately you know this better than anyone. The North Koreans take increasingly escalating steps. Going back to nuclear tests. This is a serious problem on the peninsula. We are committed to seeing if we can stand by our allies to reduce tensions. 46 south korean sailors died when the ship was attacked by north korea, supposedly in disputed waters. It was a tense moment. The u. S. South korean exercises were taking place five years ago. The North Koreans wanted to make a statement. Paula hancock is joining us. Paula, whats going on . Its very disturbing information the u. S. Ambassador to south korea has been attacked. Thats right. We have confirmation from the Embassy Spokesman saying they can confirm there was an incident this morning. Its 8 30 in the morning local time. They say he is currently in hospital. He is in a stable condition. We know that he was this morning it was the reconciliation of the two koreas. He was at a public event. We dont know how this how this was carried out. It was about 7 42 hold on. Paula, we are now being told he was attacked by a razor blade. Someone took a razor blade and went to his right cheek and slit it. Thats why he is holding his hand there. Go ahead, finish your report. Thats right. This is what we have from the police at the moment. It was a suspect in his 60s. He used a small razor blade. The ambassador has injuries on his right check, also on his hand which coincides with the pictures that were seeing. The suspect at this point has been detained. He is under investigation. Police tell us they have no idea what the motive of this attack. But these are the latest details that we have that it was a small razor blade. It was a public event this morning, the reconciliation of two core reekoreas. He is in stable condition. Any indications paw laula, that this 60yearold who took a razor blade and went to the ambassadors right cheek with it we can see him holding his hand there. He is bleeding. As he is being rushed to hospital for treatment. Any indication there was political motive or what . Police say they dont have a motive at this point. They are going to be looking at everything. This is not just an attack that happened in north korea in south korea. They will look at possible implications from north korea. They will look at different possibilities, whether or not there was an attack against the United States whether or not it was north korea related. There are a number of different implications with this attack whether or not this was just a lone attacker who had problems. Its really too early to tell. Police say they do not know at this point. They are questioning the man. He is under investigation. He has been detained. He is with authorities right now. They are talking to him right now to try and find out why he did this. According to south koreas news channel let me share with our viewers what they are reporting. Ambassador was about to deliver a speech at a breakfast being held at a hall in seoul. One eyewitness claims to have heard someone yelling Something Like north korea and south koreacore ree ya should be unified. Then the ambassador was rushed to hospital. The suspect is identified only by the last name kim, which is a very common korean name. He was detained. The report says ambassador was injured around his face as well as on his arm. The state Department Deputy spokeswoman is still here. I dont know if you are getting more information that you can share with our viewers. Not a lot yet. The ambassador is at the hospital being treated. His injuries are not lifethreatening as i think we can see from the photos. No known motive yet. A full investigation will follow. Obviously, you are hearing that from other sources as well. Before jumping to conclusions, we just want to get more facts, talk to someone that has been ap apprehended. We will do a full investigation. I assume you are there in seoul, south korea. You have seen the ambassador in operations. This was an event designed to support north and south korea, the unification at some point down the road. I assume at an event like this the u. S. Ambassador to south korea would have security protection. Right . Well certainly there would be security around him. I mean have ii have seen him travel in the past. They are very careful about his travel. This is not, obviously, something that you would expect to happen especially not in south korea. There are many tensions between the north and south. South korea is a very safe country. Its not where you would expect ambassadors to have to have extra security and the likes of what you would see in the middle east for example. Even though this is a country that is still technically at war, its a very safe country. He was at a public event. Quite often at this Public Events theres not a lot of security to go into the event itself. Certainly, there would there may be if it was a high profile guest like an ambassador there may be a metal detector. But its not a country where its regular to have this high level of security going into hear these kinds of these meetings breakfast meetings speeches. So certainly, thats something that i think will now be looked at. Of course the ambassador would have security around him but not as high a level as he would in a more tense or dangerous country. Just to reiterate whats going on the United States ambassador of south korea was attacked. Someone came up an individual thought to be around 60 years old, a man shouting about north and south korea with a razor blade and slit his right cheek and parts of his arm. The ambassador has been rushed to a hospital for treatment. This is not lifethreatening fortunately. But clearly, something is going on. You know something about the security environment in south korea. All of us who have been there know its a safe place. Very safe place. I want to reiterate what paula was saying that the security level in south corekorea is different than washington, d. C. Or anywhere else in a large city in america. The reason for that is its guns. Its more difficult to get a gun in south korea than in the United States. Thats the first context we want to put on this. Also as far as access to these ambassadors, when you talk about access just as a reporter there say bit lower security profile. You have a bit more access. When Christopher Hill was the envoy to north korea, we had much more access to him than you might expect in the United States. There is a bit more access at a public speaking event that would be more access for the public. Again, thats because of the security profile of the country at large. As paula was saying yes, north and south korea, we hear about that all the time that this is a country still technically at war, that the war ended in truce but the level of security in seoul is much lower. Yeah. Very disturbing development. Of course we will stay on top of this story of the United States ambassador to south korea has been attacked with a razor blade, a small razor blade. He is in the hospital getting treatment. Fortunately, not lifethreatening. We dont know what the motive was of this 60yearold who went after the u. S. Ambassador to south korea at a public event. Were getting more information. The deputy spokeswoman at the state department is with us. You know this ambassador . I do very well. Accounts a very impressive military background. He is one of our top asia policy expects in the u. S. Government. Obviously, ambassador was chief of staff to secretary of defense chuck hagel who i used to work for and was at the National Security Council Working on asia poll six a policy. Well liked by people. Dont know what motive was behind this attack. Thankful that the injuries are not lifethreatening that he is being treated. We will get to the bottom of what happened here and do a full investigation. I know we invited you to speak about other information. But thanks very much for joining us. We will check back. Theres another breaking story were following. Very disturbing story. The u. S. Justice department issuing a very very scathing report on the Ferguson Missouri Police department. The report suggesting that there has been widespread racism in ferguson missouri. The police force as well as in the court system. Darryl parks is with us, the attorney representing Michael Browns family. Were a few minutes away from hearing from the mayor, the Ferguson Police chief. Darryl what would you like to hear from them . What would you like to hear them say . Well you know this family is yet to hear them be apologetic for causing the death of Michael Brown. So on behalf of my clients, they would want to hear from them you know, that they are apology apologetic for causing his death. Now, that may or may not happen. Thats what we would like to hear. And anything else specifically . Anything else you would like to hear from the mayor and the police chief . Because this report it outlines a horrendous record as far as the Africanamerican Community in ferguson is concerned. Well also too, i think that number one, we would want to hear from them that they want to accept the findings of the department of justice. Two, that they are committed to changing all of the problems that are shown in the report. For example, showing the issues with racial profiling, the issues with using the process pretty much to make money for the city. And so a real commitment to change the city at all levels would be something that we would want to see happen within this department. And the other part of it would be one of the things we saw in the Michael Brown case in that it was obvious that this Police Officer had a disdain for young black men and that there be some commitment to making sure that Community Policing but also a sense of respect in how you treat citizens of ferguson moving forward. These are things that we would want to see them mention in this press conference. Darryl, i want you to stand by as we await the mayor and the police chief of ferguson missouri. This will be their first reaction to the scathing report released by the Justice Department outlining racist against the Africanamerican Community there. I want to bring in the Community Act activist as well as our legal analyst. Do you accept eric holdsers decision not to file charges against Darren Wilson . Certainly, i think that we all understood that that was the probability. The federal Legal Standard for bringing a civil rights case is very very high. They are very difficult to prove. And so i think those of us that had reviewed this case knew that that was the likely result. I do think though that it bares worth knowing that while the Justice Department in this scathing report says that they are making recommendations, in reality, wolf those are really almost mandates. Because if the Ferguson City Police Department and city doesnt admit or accept the report accept the recommendations and agree to be monitored and agree to the reform the Justice Department will sue. The Justice Department will win. The end result will be the same. I think we will be seeing this wholesale reform in the ferguson Police Department and these municipal reports. The attorney general made it very very clear that he is looking for concrete action and that everything is on the table. I also suspect that we are going to see a change in leadership. I know the police chief jackson has indicated that he is not stepping off the job, that he is not stepping down that he certainly intends to see this through. I cant imagine giving the findings in this report that that is going to happen. I cant see that. Were waiting for this News Conference to begin. The First Official reaction from the ferguson mayor, the Ferguson Police chief to the scathing report released by the department of justice. Whats been the reaction to what we have learned both the decision not to file charges against the former Police Officer Darren Wilson as well as the history of really overt racism there that is documented in this new report . Many are not surprised by the statistics. As i have said along with many activists and other community leaders, the numbers are not shocking. This report merely validates the protest, the civil disobedience that we have seen since the killing of Michael Brown. The thing that is most shocking to the community, to be honest with you, are the emails that circulated amongst people that work for the city of ferguson. To read the atrocious content of some of those that were shared in that report was really disheartening. You know reading some of the quotes from different officers listening to some of the things that people that have been victims of the this Police Brutality said what happened to them it would make you think you were living in the jim crow south. And were in 2015. So the statistics are disappointing. They are what they are. Im hoping and the community is hoping at this press conference that hopefully the police chief will make it clear he plans to step down. I dont know how anyone can lead and admit to those type of failures that took place up under their leadership. It would be surprising if the police chief announces he is stepping down. Our cnn Law Enforcement analyst is here also jeff toobin is here as well. What do they need to say, tom, right now given this report . Its an extensive report 100plus pages. What the mayor, the police chief, they need to say right now . I agree with john. Somebody needs to say, were going to step down because we were in charge and responsible for whats occurred over the last few years. They got a lot of work to do to reassure the community right now, whats going on. Were being told that were three minutes away from the mayor and the police chief walking in. So we will get Jeffrey Toobin to weigh in as well. You have gone through this report, jeffrey. Its a scathing report. There was a high bar that they had to go over if they were going to file charges against the former Police Officer. Yes. I never thought it was likely that they were going to criminal charges against Darren Wilson. The scope of the racism and behavior is worse than i expected. And i think what really needs to happen is the ferguson Police Department needs to be shut down. Other communities have done it. It would probably save the taxpayers money. It is time for real change. They could be absorbed into other police districts. Somebody needs to have some accountability here. Given the scope, it seems like the entire Police Department should pay should pay a price. The citizens of ferguson will probably be better off as a result. As we await the mayor and the police chief of Ferguson Darryl parks is with us the attorney for Michael Browns family. They are disappointed no files are no charges are going to be filed. They are looking forward to some dramatic changes that potentially could take place to ease some of the pain that they have gone through. Right . Well wolf i would like to say yes to that. I believe this family is still at a point where they are grieving heavily. I was with them today several times today. The pain that they continue to have i think you have to in the back of your mind remember that on a day like today when you have a rehashing of the facts, where you have a major announcement by the government officials, it has a tendency to make all those wounds very fresh. So although some of russ talking about the other report thats there, the report that they are focused on are the 80something pages where the Justice Department talks about why they cant charge Darren Wilson under the federal law. They are parents. They are parents who for no reason and just untimely their son was taken away. They didnt get a chance to say goodbye. Its very emotional for them highly emotional at the highest level to their heart, to their core they are suffering. Their analysis is different from the analysis were going through in terms of this report that doj put out. Their analysis is more of my son was taken and i dont know why. Theres nothing that we can do about it. I want you to stand by. Were being told the police chief tom jackson will not this is what we are being told will not be participating in this event right now. Were being told that the mayor of ferguson will make a statement but will not answer reporters questions. We will see if that changes for whatever reason. Once again, tom jackson, the police chief of ferguson who has been under a lot of criticism over the many months apparently is not going to be attending this event, what was described as a News Conference. But it may be making a statement and theyre not answering questions. Its only the mayor. Its not much of a News Conference. Its a statement from the mayor reacting to this investigation of the ferguson Police Department by the federal government. How unusual, Jeffrey Toobin as we await the mayor, is all of of this . I dont want to talk over the mayor there. It looks like something is happening. Er ismayor is coming in. This is the mayor of ferguson James Knowles, were told who is going to be walking in. Lets listen to his statement. Obviously, the mayor is under enormous pressure right now given the scathing report. There he is walking to the microphone. More space for microphones than my remarks. Good afternoon. Im James Knowles, mayor of the city of ferguson. Yesterday, Ferguson City manager john shaw Ferguson Police chief tom jackson and Ferguson City attorney stephanie car and myself met with officials in st. Louis to receive the final report of their investigation into the policies and practices of the city of ferguson Police Department. The 100page document outlined five specific areas of concern in which the ferguson Police Department engaged in a pattern or practice of unlawful conduct that violates the United States constitution and federal law. The department of justice began their investigation of the ferguson Police Department on september 4, 2014. During the past six months city officials have cooperated with the department of justice to supply tens of thousands of documents which included thousands of emails from 75 employees of the city of ferguson and other Electronic Materials from the ferguson Police Department. The city also arranged ride alongs for department of justice vestinvestigateors to observe Police Officers while on duty. During the meeting tuesday, officials informed ferguson that a review of city e maims smails uncovered racial bias by three individuals employed by ferguson Police Department. Let me be clear. This type of behavior will not be tolerated. The ferguson Police Department or in any department of the city of ferguson. Immediately upon leaving that meeting, the three individuals were placed on administrative leave pending an investigation. One has been terminated since. The other two are still awaiting the outcome of an internal investigation. These actions taken by these individuals are in no way representative of the employees of the city of ferguson. Todays report allows the city of ferguson to identify the problems not only in our Police Department but in the entire st. Louis region. We must do better not only as a city but as a state and a country. We must all work to address issues of Racial Disparity in all aspects of society. As mentioned by the department of justice, there are several initiatives taking place in the city of ferguson and in the Police Department. They are as follows. The ferguson Police Department is in the process of hiring three new officers. We hope to have an update on the positions and the racial makeup of the new hires sometime in the next week. The ferguson Police Department has hired one correction officer since august 9 of 2014. One africanamerican female candidate was hired for that position out of a pool of approximately 91 applicants. The ferguson Police Department has also hired two assistant court clerks since august 9 of 2014. Both positions were filled by africanamerican females from a pool of 64 applicants. All ferguson Police Department officers have completed mandatory diversity training as of december 31, 2014. The ferguson Police Department has also begun an Explorer Program in the Ferguson School district beginning in january of 2015. The goal of the program is for officers to engage youth in the Law Enforcement profession the future. Create a civilian Oversight Board that will review complaints and provide Citizen Input into to policies and procedures of the ferguson Police Department. The task force meets weekly and efforts are already under way. This will be one of the first of its kind in this region. Lastly the city of ferguson has retained the services of an independent consultant recommended by the department of justice to conduct a patrol staffing and deployment study. Finally, i would like to speak briefly about our efforts to reform the ferguson Municipal Court. The city of ferguson has acted in august and september of 2014 to implement several programs. The city was the first to undertake such steps. In september 2014 the Ferguson City council repealed several provisions of the municipal code relating to fees such as an administrative fee of the Police Department when overseeing the release of a towed vehicle or on the recall of a warrant upon request. In addition theres no longer a specific offense for failing to appear which will eliminate certain additional fees and court costs for individuals in the court system. Pending charges of failing to appear which were issued prior to the reforms taking place as they come before the mu nisnicipal court. The judge has entered new procedures and programs. A new docket was established for those having trouble paying fines. A defendant may appear and speak to the judge and or prosecutor about different payment plans or potential alternative sentencing. The city has also passed an ordinance in september of 2014 to cap Municipal Court revenues at 15 of the citys overall budget. This is half of the legal limit allowed under state of missouri law. This is also specified that any access will be appropriated for community projects. These are some of the initiatives the city of ferguson has taken and will continue to take moving forward to hopefully move this city its residents and our entire community forward. Thank you. All right. There you hear it. The mayor of ferguson making a statement not answering reporters questions. The police chief, tom jackson, not available, not attending this statement that we just saw. Lets get immediate reaction. Is what did you think . Without question we obviously saw there wasnt a change in the leadership of the Police Department. Also although i was hopeful, no mention of the loss of Michael Browns loss or any apology. I hope that the things that he talked about will do it. I dont know if it fully addresses the magnitude of the problem there in ferguson. Thats something well have to go through an analysis to determine based upon whats in report and the things he talked about to what length it goes to make real change there. At a minimum, we hope and pray that things will get better for citizens who live there and Michael Brown has many relatives who live within that area and some of things he mentioned could have a direct effect upon them. All question do is hope theyll do what they said theyll do. Most importantly, over to the department of justice will stay steadfast ly steadfastly involved and go to the extent of suggesting other things they believe would be helpful. I kept listening for the resignation of chief jackson. It wouldnt hurt for James Knowles to resign. For those type of blunders to take place under your leadership is sickening. It should not be tolerated. Someone needs to take accountability for what has taken place. To hear that chief jackson is not going to step down or has not step down after these findings is disappointing. I will say this i encourage the activists within the community, the people that live in that community to continue to seek justice and reforms and not revenge. To continue to do it in a digfullydig dignified way they have continued to do. We just received a statement from the governor of missouri who says facts exposing the department of justices report on ferguson Police Department are deeply disturbing and demonstrate the urgent need for the reforms i have called for. Discrimination theres no place in our Justice System and no place in a democratic society. Whats your reaction to what the governor has said and what we heard from the mayor of ferguson . I think what we heard from the mayor of ferguson kuwaitquite frankly was inadequate. To not take questions and say three individuals have been placed on administrative leave and theres some diversity training and that theres going to be this task force established calling that Ground Breaking which is not Ground Breaking. There are Police Boards all over our country. I think it was woefully inadd kwat inadequate. I wanted to hear a real acceptance of the Justice Departments findings. I want to hear an apology. The mayor made several statements about how there was no problem in ferguson. No Racial Disparity. No racial bias on his watch. I would echo what was said i would have expected resignation from this mayor. I expect a resignation from chief jackson. I think a change in leadership at this point and acceptance of all the recommendations is what would be acceptable given the dense, scathing report from the department of justice. This was woefully inadequate. A lot of people have a hard time believing the police chief is still the police chief of ferguson given everything thats happened there. Lets get the reaction of our Law Enforcement analyst. It was much less than what we expected. We were looking for more changes. We dont know who the three are. Are they patrol officers with no accountability of sergeants, lieutenants, captain, the chief himself or others. Thats important. Id like to make a comment about weve gotten the Darren Wilson charges interwoven with this practice and pattern of the department. Id like to say one of the things that struck me in the report by doj as to why they werent charging him. They talk about witnesses who changed their statements. Made one public state but behind closed doors with the fbi recanted and said something else. In their report they say there were credible accounts that brown was moving toward wilson at the time wilson fired upon him. Thats critical to this because e it takes out the story that Michael Brown was only standing still, hands in the air. You have witnesses is a they wilson was back peddling when he fired the shot. The grand jury didnt file charges. The department of justice, attorney general no charges. We heard from darrell parks, theyre still planning a civil lawsuit against Darren Wilson and city or the police force. Theyll need a great big armored car to get all the money that they are going to get from the city of ferguson because theyre behavior throughout has been appalling. That was a pitiful appearance by the mayor. You read this report and one officer loses his job. You translate the bureaucratic stuff of the mayor, thats all that happened there. This civil lawsuit is going to cost the taxpayers an enormous amount of money because, tom, youre view of what happened yes, he was moving towards Darren Wilson. That doesnt mean he should have been shot. Thats a very different what i disagree we have both these results coming out simultaneously and the criminal investigation of wilson is a completely different standard. Were going to continue our coverage. Important news coming in. You heard the reaction from the mayor of ferguson. You heard it live. Thats it for me. You can always follow us on twitter. Tweet me at wolf blitzer. Join us tomorrow right here. You can dvr the show so you wont miss a moment. Im wolf blitzer. Erin Burnett Outfront starts now. Breaking news the u. S. Ambassador of south korea from a violent attack bloodied by a razor blade. The mayor of ferguson announcing the Police Department employee has been fired over racist emails. One comparing the president. We have new details that Hillary Clinton has a homemade server. Congress is calling for all her emails on the benghazi attack but will we ever know what all is

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