Security at all its defense facilities as the investigation unfolds. Also breaking were standing by for a verdict this hour in one of the nations most horrific mass shootings. James holmes is about to learn his fate three years after he admittedly opened fire inside a colorado Movie Theater during a midnight film killing a dozen people. Holmes has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. We have our analysts our correspondents and news makers theyre all standing by to cover these breaking stories. But first lets go to chattanooga, Victor Blackwell is on the scene for us with the very latest. Victor. Reporter wolf the Fbi Evidence Response Team has just pulled in attempting to find out exactly why the man whos accused of pulling off this twoscened attack pulled this off today. His name Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez we know from sources, 24 years old. We know there are local, state and federal authorities here on the scene, not just the fbi but also the atf here on the scene. Weve seen dozens of bullet holes inside the military Recruitment Center here at this highway location. The attack started were told just before 11 a. M. Local time where several shots were fired by abdulazeez from his convertible and then drove to another location a naval center where four marines were killed three others wounded. Police responded, gave chase and the shooter has been killed. Now, there were local officials who have considered this an investigation focused on domestic terror but the fbi has said several times that theyll be looking at this case from several different angles and well continue to follow that investigation, wolf. When you say the shooter was killed do we know now for sure victor that he was shot by Law Enforcement . Because earlier there was some suspicion maybe he killed himself. Reporter wolf there are still facts coming in from several different sources, so i cant say that he was shot by Law Enforcement. Maybe one of our other reporters from their fbi sources can, but here on the scene these authorities arent saying much to us at this location. I can tell you something that we have seen though a show of force from the community bringing flags and flowers and showing their support for their community and the military. We actually saw one airman who came here and collapsed onto his knees sobbing, saying that those doors that have been riddled with bullets were not just doors to him, they were a gateway to a better life. The men and women on the other side of that door helped to build him into the man that he is today. Wolf. Victor blackwell in chattanooga for us thank you. I want to quickly go to our justice correspondent, pamela brown. Shes working her sources getting new information. Pamela what are you learning . Reporter were learning the fbi has identified the shooter as 24yearold Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez. What im being told is that this person was born in kuwait. Hes a jordanian citizen and that his parents were naturalized u. S. Citizens which would lead you to believe that he is too. Law enforcement is actively working this case trying to find out more about this shooter, but we do know that he apparently according to authorities in chattanooga, is from the area. He lived in the area. The fbiled joint Terrorism Task force is investigating this. To be clear here wolf authorities have not determined a specific motive yet, so theyre trying to determine is this domestic terrorism, is it international terrorism, is there another motive unrelated to terrorism. As they figure this out, though this is being investigated by the joint Terrorism Task force, which is a mix of federal and local Law Enforcement agencies. Still a very active investigation. They will be poring through his social media through any information on his laptop talking to associates trying to piece together what caused this shooter, 24yearold Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez to open fire at these two Different Military facilities killing four marines. Wolf. All right pamela thank you very much. I want to bring in our investigative correspondent, drew griffin. Hes also in chattanooga working the story for us. Drew i understand we now have a photo ofod Youssuf Abdulazeez . Reporter yeah thats right. Weve confirmed that this is his photo from various social media sites. He does seem to have an extensive family a close family in the chattanooga area. Though as you know our reporters are reporting, he was born in kuwait. He appears to have had a long life here. Went to school here applied for jobs here. His father was an engineer here as well. So this was a person who knew the area and was well in tune with the Chattanooga Community as far as we can tell in the early stages of this investigation. Wolf im standing across the street from that Naval Operations center where this all ended, where those four marines were killed and where the suspect either was chased down and killed or either ran and killed himself. We simply do not know how this ended yet, because so much of the investigation is under way. Quite frankly, the police themselves, the fbi themselves may not know until they get forensic evidence back. But that is the situation right now here wolf where those marines died and we are just waiting for more information to come from the investigators themselves. All right, drew well get back to you. I want to go to gary tuchman whos in chattanooga tonight for us as well. Hes right near the home of this dead gunman Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez. Gary, what are you learning . Reporter wolf this beautiful upscale neighborhood is where it appears this gunman spent most of his life. We talked to neighbor who say knew this gunman and told us a little bit about him. Before that ill tell you the street is closed off because a raid is taking place. The police are not only letting us through here action theyre not letting residents, many of whom are angry, go back to their homes. Down the street 0. 3 of a mile is where Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez lived with his parents and at least two siblings. Its not clear that he lived there now, but we have been told by one neighbor who has lived here 17 years two doors down from them, that he knew mohammod since he was 7 years old. He said his older sister and younger sister babysat for his children several years ago and occasionally mohammod came in the house. He had conversations with him. He had totally stunned out of his mind when he heard the news that this man was the gunman. As we speak, there are federal, local and state officials, including s. W. A. T. Vehicles at the house making sure theres nothing dangerous in the house. We are told there was family members inside when the raid began. We heard neighbors heard police say hands up get out of the house. Were told this family lived here a long time. Weve talked to at least three neighbors who knew the family slightly or very well and they all say theyre stunned, that theres nothing in this mans past that indicated Something Like this could possibly happen. What a development this story is. All right, gary thank you very much. I want to quickly go to barbara starr, our pentagon correspondent. Youre getting more information as well, barbara. What are you learning . Reporter wolf tonight the u. S. Military reaching out to four marine corps families. This is the same procedure they would follow as if these marines fell on the battlefield of iraq and afghanistan, helping them through the next difficult days and weeks. Now that said the question that is front and center of course did the gunman have a motive that the military might if they look back through their intelligence might have picked up on. They will be looking at all of their intelligence cooperating with federal Law Enforcement and intelligence agencies. The question about security at u. S. Military bases, the president talked about making all defense facilities secure. Right now they are all at a heightened state of alert because of the concern about isis about a lone wolf threat in the United States. But these facilities in tennessee, its a very difficult problem. You look at that strip mall where the recruiting center was. That is part of the community. They want to be open they want young people to come in talk about signing up having a military career. They want to be open and part of the community, even the Operations Center the support center where those marines lost their lives. Its open relatively. Its all part of the community. This happened in towns and cities across this country where military families work and live. So once again, its going to be a question what is the level of security how can the military be part of communities in this country as it always is and still ensure security. Wolf. Barbara starr at the pentagon thanks very much. I just want to remind our viewers momentarily well get the verdict in that aurora colorado july 20th 2012 movie massacre. 12 people were shot and killed by james holmes. Were awaiting that verdict. The judge has just called everyone back into court. As soon as he gets ready to read the verdict, well go there live. In the meantime i want to bring in our panel of experts, including our justice reporter evan perez, our Law Enforcement analyst, tom fuentes, the former atf special agent in charge Matthew Horace as well as Paul Crookshank whos our cnn terrorism analyst. These developments are coming in fast. Tom fuentes, first to you. Apparently according to pamela brown, our sources and, evan youve been learning this as well this individual Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez born in kuwait a jordanian citizen, brought to the United States by his family years ago. Theres a picture of him. What does this tell us if anything about what happened . It tells us a good reason for the fbi joint Terrorism Task force to work the case because they have the connections and the Resources Worldwide to be able to do background checks into kuwait, into jordan find out more about him find out more about the family and other possible connections. What are you learning evan . Foremost in the mind of investigators obviously is the ongoing threats from isis. This summer weve been talking a lot about this especially military facilities. Law enforcement has been frankly at the center of all these threats. We know over the period of months the pentagon has increased security at various times because of specific threats to military members and obviously when members of the military are back home back here in the United States is when frankly, theyre most vulnerable. Theyre better protected when theyre overseas than they are here because you can open fire on any of them. Theyre in uniform, as theyre walking down the street. We have a statement that we just received from the Justice Department that we can use here from loretta lynch, the attorney general. She says that she offered her condolences and deepest sympathies to the loved ones of Service Members who were murdered and Law Enforcement officer who was wounded. I have directed the fbi to take the lead in the National Security investigation of this heinous attack on members of our military. The u. S. Attorneys office and department prosecutors are also actively involved. In the days ahead we intend to work with our partners in Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community to ensure the American People are protected and that justice is served. Wolf the question here now is what did the u. S. Have in any kind of Intelligence Matters that might have indicated some of this was coming. We know that was was not this suspect was not on the radar before today. So why was that . Was it something that was missed or was it simply that he was one of these many people that weve talked about here so many times who are sitting at home consuming propaganda from some of these foreign terrorist groups and then decides on their own when to act. How difficult will it be Paul Crookshank for the authorities. Theyre obviously going through his parents home right now. We just saw that report. Theyre looking for computers, theyre looking for any evidence social Media Contacts what he was saying. How difficult will it be to get all that kind of information . Well theyll be looking through all of that particularly social media. Also whether there was any overseas travel in recent months given the concern about this isis threat. I ses called for a surge in terrorism during ramadan. Its the last day of ramadan today. They said they will get ten more times rewards in the afterlife if they carry out a terrorist attack during ramadan. But we dont know if this was an islamist terrorist attack. We do not know whether this individual had radical views. I think well hear a lot more about that in the hours ahead. We know the joint Terrorism Task force is taking the lead along with the fbi, so clearly theres deep concern about that aspect of this development. Matthew horace is a former atf special agent. Hes joining us right now. Take us inside whats going on in that parents house in chattanooga right now. What are the authorities doing . First they need to secure the residence and determine if there are any other devices inside the home if he might have left booby traps for Law Enforcement or other people who try to enter the home and then theyll begin the arduous task of searching for evidence and clues to tell us what was in his mind prior to committing this heinous act. Its an arduous ordeal going through all that stuff in a house. Then they have got to go through all the social media, all the computers, the laptops, the phones and everything else. Wolf ive been on search warrants that have taken an hour and ive been on search warrants that have taken several days. In this case given the gravity of the situation and the impact, im sure that the jfttf and collateral agencies will take their time and search that house from top to bottom looking for anything and everything that will lead us to why and how this crime occurred. Is there any evidence tom fuentes, right now, have you seen any indication that he was active in social media . No i havent heard whether he was or not. Thats what theyll be looking at was he. The other aspect is is that his house, is that his real residence. We know its his parents. Has he been living recently with them somewhere else are there other computers laptops, cell phones documents, literature, magazines at other locations. That would be another set of neighbors to talk to and other people that would be associated. All right. I want to go to centennial colorado right now. We do have a verdict in the james holmes case. The massacre in that Movie Theater some three years ago. Lets listen in. Guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Thats part a. Part b is left unmarked. Part c, did the defendant use or possess and threaten the use of a Deadly Weapon. Answer yes. Verdict form count 2. Murder in the first degree after deliberation alexander boik. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unmarked. Part c reads did the defendant use or possess and threaten the use of a Deadly Weapon answer yes. Verdict form count 3, murder in the first degree. After deliberation jesse childress. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered and part c is marked yes in response to the question that i mentioned a couple of times already. Verdict form count 4, murder in the first degree after deliberation gordon cowden. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered and part c is marked yes. Verdict form count 5, murder in the first degree after deliberation. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered. Part c is answered yes. Verdict form count 6, murder in the first degree after deliberation. John larimer. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered. The answer to part c is yes. Verdict form count 7. Murder in the first degree after deliberation matthew mcquinn. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered. And the answer to the question on part c is yes. Verdict form count 8, murder in the first degree after deliberation mikayla medic. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered and the answer to part c is yes. Verdict form count nine. Murder in the first degree after deliberation veronica mowssier sullivan. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered. And the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count ten. Murder in the first degree after deliberation. Alex sullivan. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 11. Murder in the first degree after deliberation alexander teeves. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered. And the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 12. Murder in the first degree after deliberation rebecca wingel. We the jury, find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 13 murder in the first degree extreme indifference jonathan blunk. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree extreme indifference. Part b is left unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 14 murder in the first degree extreme indifference alexander boik. We the jury find the defendant, James Eagan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree extreme indifference. So there you have it. James eagan holmes found guilty all 12 counts involving firstdegree murder. He and his attorneys had been hoping he would be found not guilty by reason of insanity. The jurors have decided he is guilty as far as firstdegree murder is concerned. There are 165 charges actually that they are considering, but the major ones the 12 murder charges, firstdegree murder he has been found guilty in all 12 killing 12 people injuring some 70 others three years ago almost exactly at those aurora Movie Theaters in colorado. Cnns anna cabrera is on the scene for us and have been covering the story for us. Take us inside and give us a little bit more background on whats going on because James Eagan Holmes he now potentially faces the death sentence. The jurors decided he was not going to be found not guilty by reason of insanity. Reporter thats right, wolf. Were still hearing the judge continuing to go through the additional charges that james holmes is facing. You mentioned he was found guilty on the first 12 firstdegree murder charges. Hes actually facing two counts of firstdegree murder for each of his victims because his case was tried under two separate legal theories. Its murder in the first degree with extreme indifference as well as murder in the first degree after deliberation and were hearing them continue to read through those continual firstdegree murder charges. So far guilty on all charges the judge has read. Hell go through the attempted murder charges for the 70 victims who were wounded. Again, there are two counts for each of those victims and so thats why there are so many charges. But the crucial charges were those firstdegree murder charges, which pushes this trial now into a sentencing phase. That sentencing phase could last up to a month. We understand it will be like a mini trial and thats when the jury the same panel of people there were three men and nine women who deliberated and there are still a handful of alternates who will continue to wait through the sentencing phase and sentencing trial. Thats where theyll decide his fate whether he spends life in prison or he could face the Death Penalty. Important to note wolf that there has not been an execution here in the state of colorado for almost two decades. 1997 in fact was the last execution in colorado and before that it was in the 1960s, so this is a state that really has not been Death Penalty friendly, we shall say, but well see what comes down in this particular trial as we continue to cover it. James holmes now 27 years old, found guilty firstdegree murder. Found guilty all 12 of those people he massacred that night almost exactly three years ago in aurora colorado. Those are the pictures of those 12 innocent people who were simply brutally massacred by James Eagan Holmes. He has now been found guilty on all 12 firstdegree murder counts. He and his lawyers hoped he would be found not guilty by reason of insanity. Jurors decided he knew exactly what he was doing and he is guilty. Well get back to the other breaking news were watching what happened in chattanooga, tennessee. Four u. S. Marines gunned down today. We have new information coming in. There you see the man who shot those four u. S. Marines, Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez. Were getting new information about him. Stay with us. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had a Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. New car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base Liberty Mutual policy. And for drivers with accident forgivness,rates wont go up due to your first accident. Learn more by calling switch to Liberty Mutual and you can save up to 423. For a free quote today,call Liberty Mutual insurance at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Hey mom, you want to live by the lake, right . Yeah. 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He has been convicted on all 12 murder charges, firstdegree murder. The only question now, does he spend the rest of his life in jail or will he get the death sentence. Were watching that. Theres other breaking news in chattanooga, tennessee, where a gunman attacked two u. S. Military recruiting offices where he killed four u. S. Marines. Victor blackwell is on the scene for us in chattanooga with the latest developments. What are you learning, victor . Reporter wolf the Response Team from the fbi is working aggressively here. There are evidence markers scattered all across this scene, presumably next to the bullet casings that are still littering this parking lot. We know that theyre now beginning the detailed and really minute work to try to figure out why this suspected shooter pulled off this attack in two locations. This is the aftermath of 24yearold gunman Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeezs rampage. He targeted u. S. Military personnel at two locations. This is being investigated as an act of terrorism. This is a sad day for the United States. These Service Members served their country with pride and they have been the victims of these shootings. Reporter shortly before 11 00 a. M. Abdulazeez drove up to a military Recruitment Center in chattanooga, tennessee, pulled out a highpowered rifle and opened fire according to witnesses. I seen the guy in his car. It was a silver mustang, drop top, a white guy. And he had a highpowered rifle. It wasnt simultaneously but it was pow pow pow, and he was just firing shots over here right next door to us and to the air force, navy and marines office. I mean i cant i dont even know how many shots he fired, but it was a lot. Reporter the suspect then headed to a nearby Naval Reserve center about seven miles away. There abdulazeez opened fire killing four marines and wounding three others including a policeman and a military serviceman. He was engaged by authorities and is now deceased ending a 30minute long incident. What we do know is that somebody brutally and brazenly attacked members of our armed services. Reporter tonight authorities are doing a thorough forensic examination of the suspects car, hoping to find any evidence or clues it might hold. It is believed he acted alone. Fbi and atf are actively investigating and have declared it a federal crime scene. A former recruit is devastated to see the aftermath. That door with bullet holes all over it was the door that i walked through in 2009 to join the military. And it hurts me. Reporter wolf as were seeing the response from federal agencies local and state authorities here are as well. Were seeing also that reaction from the community. Theyre coming here leaving flowers and cards and flags, as everyone is asking why this happened here in chattanooga today. Wolf. All right, victor thanks very much. Were just getting this word in that the nypd the new York Police Department is increasing its security at various u. S. Military recruiting stations throughout new york. The nypd has deployed an increased number of what are called Critical Response vehicles to provide additional coverage at military recruiting stations and other sensitive locations in the city of new york. The statement says while we have no specific information about any plot against the city until we learn more about the attack we have placed additional officers in key locations. We have been in regular contact with tennessee authorities, the fbis joint Terrorism Task force and the Intelligence Community increased security at u. S. Military recruiting stations in new york city. Lets discuss whats going on. Joining us now is a congresswoman, a leading member of the House Armed Services committee. You yourself served in the u. S. Military as an iraq war veteran. Congresswoman, thanks very much for coming in. When you hear the painful story, four u. S. Marines gunned down at a recruiting station in chattanooga, tennessee, by this individual we dont know the motive Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez what goes through your mind . Its heart breaking. Its absolutely heart breaking to see our brothers in arms sons of our nation sons and daughters of our nation gunned down like this. These are people that put their lives on the line for our country. My heart and prayers go out to their family members and the family members of those who were injured by this horrible attack. And we have to do clearly we have to do more. This is not the first attack that weve seen on these recruiting stations and we cant allow these Service Members to really be sitting ducks for these types of attacks. As much as you want these recruiting stations to be open young men and women want to get information about possibly serving their country, just going and chatting with an officer, youve got to be worried about the security. Up got to beef up security. And i think theres some things that we can look at. I recognize what the recruiters are saying that they want to have an open and inviting and welcoming environment to be able to talk to those who are interested in serving our country and uniform. When you look at this attack and look at the attack that occurred in arkansas in 2009 both of them were driveby shootings. This tells me we need to do more about putting bulletproof glass perhaps, so you have at least one more line of defense in these recruiting stations. Look into the possibility of having some kind of armed guard there, whether its a military Service Member or some other type of guard so that you at least have a way for our trained warriors to be able to defend themselves against these types of attacks. Because we heard from barbara starr, our pentagon correspondent, that they deliberately decided, for whatever reason over the years, to make it an inviting place. The u. S. Military personnel, the recruiters whether marines, sailors, airmen soldiers whatever they wouldnt be armed at these various facilities no weapons would be there. You say take another look at that. I think were dealing with some very serious threats that are making themselves prominent now, as we see unfortunately like occurred today. I know recruiters i have many of them who are friends of mine. They go out into the community and spend time with folks out where they are, but i think when you have a situation where you have a recruiting station, its sitting there, its not moving. You can predict when our Service Members are going to be there, and thats where weve got to take steps to be able to make sure theyre kept safe. We know just before july 4th when there was a heightened state of alert, there was deep concern about some sort of terrorist plot isis sympathizers or whatever, the u. S. Military did increase security at various bases all over the United States indeed around the world, they went to a higher level of security but not necessarily at these recruiting stations. Exactly. And i think thats a vulnerability that weve got to make sure that we take action to change and to overcome. But i think its also important as we look at this, i know we dont know the motive of this particular shooter in this ips, but we do know that isis and other extremist groups islamic extremist groups are recruiting heavily online and no action has been taken to shut down their websites and social media sites where they are actively recruiting through the masses so that they can get more foreign fighters so they can get these kinds of lone wolves to launch these types of attacks. Weve got to take action to shut those down. If we do that seriously, we can seriously eliminate their ability to be able to recruit online. So you would recommend doing at various military recruiting stations in your home state of hawaii what the nypd has now done in new york city. I think we need to look at what actions we can take that still allow them to do their job, but also that they are protected and kept safe as were seeing these types of threats unfortunately continue to rise across the country. Congresswoman, i want you to stay with us. We have more to discuss. Were following the breaking news. Much more right after this. Color is a beautiful thing, i know, i know. Color is a beautiful thing, i know, oh yes i know. Color is the i ching ching for sure ding dang. Color is a beautiful thing, i know, i know. If you feel it, you can find it. All new color by behr. Exclusively at the home depot. Lets say both of your kids are going on a trip, but they each have to ride in a different vehicle. The Chevrolet Traverse has a 5star Overall Vehicle score for safety. The honda pilot does not. 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Lets go to the white house. Jim acosta is standing by. Jim, the president of the United States took the unusual step of immediately delivering a statement from the oval office to the American People. Reporter thats right, wolf. President obama vowed the fbi will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation into the shootings down in tennessee that left four marines dead. Just as he returned from a trip to oklahoma, the president rushed into the Oval Office Something we dont see very often, for an immediate statement to the country about the attack. He said he received a briefing from fbi director james comey. At this point the president said it appears this was the work of a lone gunman but its too early to say what the motive was behind these shootings. He added hes been in contact with the pentagon to make sure that those facilities that are run by the Defense Department are being vigilant as investigators sort out what happened. And the president expressed sympathies to the families of the fallen marines, noting that their family members are still being contacted by authorities. Heres more of what the president had to say. My main message right now is obviously, the deepest sympathizes of the American People to the four marines that have been killed. It is a heartbreaking circumstance for these individuals who have served our country with great valor to be to be killed in this fashion. And although the families are still in the process of being contacted, i want them to know that i speak for the American People in expressing our deepest condolences and knowing that they have their full they have our full support as they try to overcome the grief thats involved here. Reporter and the president stressed that because this was an attack on a military facility he wants his administration to have all of the information necessary to make an assessment about any motives. In the meantime he is asking the entire country to pray for the marines and their families and white house officials tell us wolf, that the president will receive continuing updates on this investigation, that hes going to stay on top of it as authorities get to the bottom of what happened down in tennessee, wolf. And we know james comey, the fbi director jim, he was in the oval office with the president. Do we know if he was there by chance for some other unrelated meetings or the president asked him to come over to brief him . Reporter we can ask about that at this point. Its not unusual to have the fbi director pay a visit over to the white house, so he could have been here for other meetings and just happened to be here when the president got here. But, wolf no question about it as you said to have the president land on the south lawn of the white house in marine one and be rushed by his aides into the oval office and have the press rushed into the oval office for this kind of statement, it was rather extraordinary. Its not something we see every day here at the white house, but the president , as you said received an immediate briefing from fbi director comey and was able to give that statement to the nation within minutes after touching down on the south lawn of the white house. These four u. S. Marines were killed in the line of duty. Hes the commander in chief. Im sure thats why he wanted to speak out immediately. We have full analysis of whats coming on. Our panel of experts standing by. Were getting new information as well but lets take a quick break. Much more right after this. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me. And youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic this is humira. 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Marines at a recruiting station in chattanooga, tennessee. Evan perez is getting more information. What are you learning . Reporter we are learning that abdulazeez was killed at the second shooting location the Navy Training center. He was killed by a chootattanooga police officer. He didnt commit suicide . Reporter the shooting began at the recruiting center about five miles away. He rammed the gate at the second location which is the Naval Training center. And thats where a Chattanooga Police officer managed to kill him shoot and kill him before he managed to do more damage. One of the questions is why this happened. Thats what the fbi is focusing on. Also was there something missed . Was there a reason why they did not have their eyes on him . Were told he was not in the fbis databases of people that they were investigating, that they suspect might be supporters of isis or might be looking into doing something on behalf of isis. He did not show up on any of the databases. He was not on their radar as far as that is concerned. Because of that they dont necessarily at this point have any proof that this shooting was related to the chatter about isisinspired attacks that we have been hearing so much about in the last few weeks. Also im told by sources that he was a u. S. Citizen, naturalized u. S. Citizen, as we mentioned before. He was born in kuwait. He also had jordanian citizenship but grew up he grew up largely here in the chattanooga area in the United States. He became a citizen along with the rest of his family some years ago. Important information, evan perez, thanks very much. Joey jackson, quickly to you. Walk us through whats going on from the legal perspective . Obviously, theres a lot that needs to be done. First, obviously, if you are talking about someone who has been dead thats one thing. You want to ensure that theres not other people that are associated with him, that there are not other instances that may be forthcoming. They will look at any social media sites, twitter sites, facebook email, a lot of surveillance search warrants to be executed not only as it relates to him or anyone known to him. Family members, friends. Where did this come from . Was it plotted . Was it planned . Theres a lot of investigation that needs to be done as it related to someone thats dead theres no criminal prosecution. You want to ensure Something Like this is not forthcoming at this base or any others in the near future. Stand by. We have more coming up. We will take a quick break. Well be right back. When youre not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. Thats where at t can help. At ts Innovative Solutions connect machines and people. To keep your internet of things insync, in realtime. Leaving you free to focus on what matters most. Nothing fits, huh . Not surprising. With that bloated belly. You got gas. I can see it and i know you feel it. 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A lot of concern about the encrypted operatives. Syria and iraq are using to communicate with americans, with europeans. We saw that in the texas attempted attacker a few months ago, that there was a british isis operative communicating with the gunman in the attempted attack. So concern that we could see more of this. The fbi is extremely concerned that isis is able to communicate in secret in ways that they just cannot monitor with american sympathizers. In addition to the garland case just in this how quickly this changes. Just since the garland case which just is a few weeks ago they have seen it show up in additional cases as well where you have suspects who are communicating with isis recruiters. They start on Public Forums like twitter and then they move to encrypted forums. Thats the apps that people are using on their phones they can just go dark. The fbi doesnt know what they are saying. Thats what worries them. This is a huge issue of concern for the fbi. These are apps downloadable. This is not a mysterious system. Anybody can gets this. If its able to have applications on it and theres a number of these, once you go to the app, the other person has the app, the communications cannot be cracked by the federal government. Joey jackson, this picture we are showing of Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez this was a picture in connection with an arrest for dui, driving under the influence. Yet, he had a very sophisticated weapon. If you are convicted of dui, can you go out legally and buy a weapon . Yes. Therein lies the issue. We would have to determine where he got the weapon. Where it originated from. Did he purchase the weapon . Exactly how this occurred. Therefore, there are obviously federal background checks that are done. Every state varies in terms of how you ultimately acquire a weapon. A very sophisticated, very serious operation. We will stay on top of this story for all of our viewers. Lots going on. We expect to get more information in the course of the next few hours. Join us in the situation room tomorrow. Remember you can watch us live or you can always dvr the show so you wont miss a moment. Tweet me wolfblitzer. We would love to hear from you. Our breaking news continues right now with erin burnett out front. We have breaking news on many fronts. Four marines shot and killed outside a military site in tennessee. New information at this hour about the alleged shooter Mohammod Youssuf abdulazeez. His wrestling coach is my guest. Investigating the terrorism across the country. The survivor of a plane crash in wash Washington State telling her story. You will hear how she survived for the first time. Lets go out front

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