[mususic] [c[christmas m music] christmas s is. Well, its Aboutut The Best E Ofof the wholele year. [tom] nono matter whwhen they e plplace, moderern era or p p, Christstmas Movieses and televen specials a are always s about someone e who has Lolost Theieir faith inin humankind, reregaining itit, saved byy other Pepeople Beingng kind because itits christmtmas. [chrhris] christmas s is the lanandsce that e everybody w wants to p. Eveveryone whoho tells Stots Isis Attracteded to the e Heighteneded Emotionss that it t brings. [aisisha] Noststalgia Playas such a a huge partrt in Christss Bebecause it i is part of fo manyny peoples s childhoods. And bebeing able t to go back d relilive those f feelings evever by Watatching Holiliday moviess justst. Joy. [phil]l] a christmtmas story is one of f the best m movies at nostalgia,a, family anand chris. J jingle belllls, jingle e be, jingle a all the Wayay A Christmamas Story , i wawatch it evevery year at leaeast twice. Its. Lik, the e script of f my life. Can we e go now . Cacan we g . Yes, wewe can go nonow. It bringngs out everery Childhd Wonderer and hurtt that you c can imaginene. [class] ] good mornining, mrmrs. Sheildsds. [r[renee] i i cant thinink of r momovie that g gets childhdho perfectly,y, that Weirird Sortf age where itits like ninine years. Hey, l listen, smamartass. [reneeee] where e ralphie swsw, uses bad w words, but t He Actualllly Still Believes i in santa clclaus. Yeah, iill ask sananta. [alonso] it taps ininto a universasal kid expeperience of christmtmas. Writing g essays abobout ththe thing ththat you wanat like a reded ryder bb b gun. I want an n official r red ryd, carbine e action, 20200shot rarange model l air rifle [phil] itit really dodoes Capte Wantnting that g gift thatat you know w your parens dont t want you t to have. No, youll shohoot your eyey. Raralphie is f facing resisise from all c corners. Hihis teacher. R. [adultlt ralphie]] youull shoot your eye out . The Department Store santa. Youll shoot yoyour eye outut,. Its a grereat, Simple Storory Mostly T told from te kkids pointnt of view. Ho, h ho, ho. Its funnyny and sweetet, but cinematicacally reallyly origi. [screaeams] god, itts hard to o beat home alonene for me. Mccauley c culkin, iconic pererformance. Thisis house is s so full ofof , it makeses me sick. [davavid] home a alone is a at what if yoyouve gone e away for the e holidays what else e can we be e forgett . And you forgrgot your chchi . Kevin ive madede my familyly disapp. [david]] just thehe fun and d the hijinknks of that t f, it i is on the M Mount Rushmhe ofof holiday m movies. I reremember Jusust Thinkingngt i was fulllly transpororted in, like, this couldld actually yn to me as a a fiveyeararold. It was t terrifying,g, that id, but t also, so e exciting. [alonsnso] being g liberated dm fafamily respoponsibilitie, bubut at the s same time t tag on family Y Responsibibilitis To Prorotect The H home and d repel the e bad guys. It b becomes basically a looney tunes cartoon. You u guys give e up . Oror are you t Thirsty Foror . At thehe same timeme, youure also seseeing his mm desperate e trying to o get hom. Ive been n from chicacago to p paris, to d dallas, to whwhere the hehell am i . Scrantoton. [jacacqueline] finally, kevinns walking g alone Ins Neighbororhood and h he realis that i it used to o be home ale in celebebration. Anand now is home a alone missising his fam. And thatat really isis what makt susuch a Greatat Christmasas E and d not just a a Kid Attacking G the banditits mo. [lorraine]e] home alolone reay Establblished Johnhn hughes Asas Somebody Y that had t e holilidaychriststmas theme e. What weere lookingng for toy is the gririswald family chrhristmas treree. [lororraine] nanational Lamamps Christmamas Vacation is essssentially a about how bg Araround Familily makes yoyou. [chrhris] the e stress of f beg with youour extendeded family, makiking sure Ththe Lighghts are rigight. Make sure e all the Kikids Arare Getting G along. Nonobody couldld do that the way y john hughehes coul. Oh [clelea] itits a very y relatable e me because e there is so much h pressure ththat we all l put on thehe ho. [alonso]o] and of c course, in chriristmas vacacation, its Jusust One Catastrophphe after ananothe. Oh, heyey. Is s he drunk . . The bestst Man Holididay is a actually ththe second f m wiwithin the b best man frfran. No, no dessertrt yet. Nonot until wewe do our tatalen. [jacacqueline] anand that christmas talent s show shshows just h how within n e cultlture that movie was. Can Youou Stand Thehe Rain [jacquelinine] its l like, of course e youre Gononna O Ththe new editition classis, Can N You Stand D the rain. [d[david] itit was emotition. It was f funny. It wasas a like a a box ofof holiday c chocolates. No. Come onon. Nno. Whyhy . Christstmas comedidies run the gamut t of differerent kis of storiries and dififferent to. Can youou help me . . Ah, y yes. Mary. Y. Mary y had a littttle no, mererry christmtmas. Mmerry chrisistmas. [a[ann] i ththink what p people to a a christmasas movie to d is the h humor plus s the hea. Buddy i think k there is s somethig i Probabably Should D tell yo. [k[kenneth] i considerer elf o be a modern chchristmas clcla. I i mean, evenen trying to descscribe it mamakes me laua. [alolonso] it r rides this s e Tighght Rope Betetween This S Sy Magical L movie Abouout Someoe who Whwholeheartededly Bebelieves Inn the chchristmas spspirit. A a lot of Peoeople Down S sh dodont believeve in santata c. What . . Bubut it also o is a movieie t this big, tall dorkk in an Elelf Costume E making hiy through Mamanhattan Wiwith no ideaea whats gogoing. You look l like You Cacame Fromom the northth pole. Thatss exactly where i i came from m itits a Very Y Traditionanal Pe for a a christmas s movie built t around Thehe Subversie Hearart of will l ferrell. And therees somethining Kindf Delighghtful Aboutut that. Tomomorrow mornining, 10 00 0, santntas comingng to town sasanta ohoh my god santnta here . I know h him hehe found thehe edge in aa very innnnocent chararacter. And toto me, thatts whatss so fun ababout it. I i know him the e movies i g grew up witithe rudolf thehe rednoseded Reinde Thatat to me seeeemed like a. Buhbye. E. Lets treaeat this movovie lie its a g guy who grerew up in a 19600s christmamas spe. [man] kirbrby [jon] and it wasas also an Opporortunity To O Explore Vivisual Effecects with forced p perspectiveve. [class] ] theres roroom for everyone o on the nicece lis. [j[jon] and d stop motioio, All L Very Old T technique. This migight be the e Golden Opopportunity y to find ouot who you rereally are. [jen] i dididnt likee rudolf. Its a a classic k kind of fishooutofwateter story, but willll ferrell j just brbrings so mumuch to it. Come withth me. Rigight. All he w wants is to be acaccepted andnd believ. And at thehe end of ththe mov, we get to o see all Ththese Pepeople who c come to beleli. Ththere is Thahat Consistet Chriristmas Elemement in ef of c change, of f realizatio. Merry chchristmas h ho, ho, [music] ic] Sasanta Claus S in the movovis kind of ththe direct result of f obviously y centurs of hisistory, of m mythology. He is a jojolly man Whwho Livn The E north polele, and his ss are e rosy, and d he brings thisis kind of m magical Ple Wherere Anythingng is possibi. Jinglgle bells, j jingle bells [tim] ] the best o of these Christstmas Movieses use saa to Raisese Questionsns of fa. And in mimiracle on 3 34th str, thisis question n of faith is put t on trial. Before youou up on thehe floo, i just wanant to give e you a few w tips On Hohow To B be a good s santa claus. Go r right aheadad. To have e Santa Clauaus Convincu Ththat he is, in fact, kris k kringle, yoyou have to go on a a faith jouourney. There goeses Santa Clalaus. Ohoh, dont eveven mentionon th. [alonsnso] young g natalie wo, in one of f her first t scrn appepearances, h has been rard toto be a cleaeareyed reaeal. Nono Santa Clalaus, no faiairy , no fanantasies of f any kind. Is thatat it . Tthats righght. This movieie is reflecective of a a very Spececific Timee in americacan history. Y. This is s the end ofof world wa. Many peoeople are Scscarred Emotionanally and ototherwi. And the e countrys s trying to find itits way agaiain. Oh, chriristmas isnnt just a , itits a frameme of mind. Ththe christmamas spirit is in n trouble. I its wanin. Woululd you pleaease tell hehet youre notot really sasanta cl . The idea t that a Chilild Woululd Be Raisesed in a word Wiwithout Fantntasy isis not unheaeard of. Childrdren, like e everyone el, hahad just Livived Throughh this h horrifying,g, worldspspanning cononflict. Im m sorry. Shehe doesnt s k enenglish. Shehes dutch. She just c came over. Ththis young g girl is a war refufugee. Shess an orph. Hello. [s[speaking dudutch] [[speaking d dutch] [tim] ] Kris Kringngle starts speakiking in colllloquial dut. And d Natalie Wowood witness ththis remarkakable moment. And you u can see heher kind f startiting to go, oh, Mamaybe This G Guy is morere ml than im g giving him m credit. [s[singing in n dutch] [alonso] its one o of the most Moviving Momentsts of the fif, but t its also o very spspecific to o that era, Bebecause Therere were warar re. And itit was incumumbent upon , the viviewer, to m make thm feel w welcome and to givive them a merry chchristmas, t too. They said d you wanteded to see m me, mrs. Wawalker. [timim] by thehe end of ththe , Edmundnd Gwenn as s santa cls chananges not ononly little e ne woods m mind, but h her mothe. Hehes not likike anyone e e. Hehe must be s santa. I think k perhaps youre r right, susisie. [r[ron] whenen i first s saw, it landeded with Mee Bebecause i wawas at that t e wherere, you knonow, the cacat was out t of the bagat i i was nostalalgic for ththe b. And i lolost myself f in miraracle on 34t4th street. [m[music] this i idea of Magagic Thatat weve comome to forget and Nonot Believe E in and ththe kids stitill have. I belilieve. [shahane] partrt of it is s e ability Toto Believe T That Ae Man N can travelel across ththed in one nigight and magagically,m a sackck that fitsts on a sle, prododuce gifts s that he Puputn Chimneneys that Ththey Wouldnt fit t in every h house all o r the world. D. And the k kid go, ill buy t that. That t sounds. Hhey you whatssoh ooh [d[david] the e biggest twtwt ofof the film,m, the sasanta c, is i if you happppen to findnd , theres s a clause t that says. Yeah, righght. Itits almost t like a hororror. This g guy starts s to gain n t eveven though h hes not e eatiy morere. He gets s white hai. He d doesnt knonow whatss happeningng to him, but t He Eventuaually Realizize really is s Santa Clauaus. Annie, ninice. Bbeep johnny, n naughty. [lororraine] inin the santnta c, the e father is s not the greatetest dad, bubut he trtransforms i into santa. And byby doing thahat, hehe actually y becomes thther he Prorobably Shouould Hahave been bebefore. It jusust took Himim Transformg Intoto santa to o get there. I loveve you, dad. D. Santa clauaus is the superhero o of christmtmas. Santnta, is therere a back wy out t of this plplace . Of course e there is, lee. But t this is Onone Santa Thts Gogoing out ththe front dodo. He prorotects the e magic of. One e night onlyly. He canan be playfuful, and i like that t about santnta in mo. Sometimemes theyre e there to pull l out a flasask or get shohoved down in thehe middle ofof a chase. Or get ththeir beard d pulle. Whoo [tim] so it can n be silly i a way, but i it just wororks bee its an Acacknowledgemement Of T the kid in n all of us. And whwhat would y you likeke for chrisistmas . Santa has s traditionanally Bebeen Depicteted In Film M Av as a a jolly, fafat white ma. Hey man,n, you aintt santa cl. [aisisha] overer the yearsr, weweve had Dedebates Abouot what santata should lolook li, what he e can look l like. Whwhat makes y you think this isntt Santa Clalaus . causese Santa Clalaus aint b. Hes whitete. And soso even thouough we hadad the jeffffersons , which was s a revolutitionary w at itsts time, 34 4 years lat, blackishh , ananother revovolutionary y w has a a similar epepisode. Ad therees still Ththis Expececn that Sananta Should D be whit. Theres ononly one sananta, bubut daddy wawants to bee onone of santatas helpersr. Isnt t that nice . E . But t well stilill get our r ps from thehe real santnta, righ . The whitite one . Until we g get to the e point we itss not surprprising to se a black, o or an asianan, or a a latino sasanta, werre still gogonna be having thihis conversasation. The reaeal santa isis chines. Whahat . Santass chinese . . Yes. Why dodo you thinknk all the ts hehe delivers s say made i in . But its a a fictionalal charac. Santa a can be Whahatever You u. Iit can be a a woman. [screamams] the Movivie Noellele is a stotory about a a person ws eager toto take the e mantle ise onone that is s often ignono. Noellele is the sisibling of e soonontobe newew santa clal, playeded by bill h hader. Oh, t this is heaeavy. The Bookok Of Santaa , iive read itit. Ive mememori. Ive l listened toto it on ta. I just donont get it. T. He wants t to do anytything in ththis world, excecept be santnta claus. Memerry christstmas. So do we b break for l lunch n . [c[clea] annana Kendrick K Wa Perfect T person foror that m. She e is so grouounded and h. I i Think Humimility is a a ry important t quality inin a san. Itits not jusust about the presesents we geget, itss about thehe presents s w. The presenents of loveve and ununderstandining. [clea] christmas s is an opportununity to be e our Bestst Selves Anand Figure T Whwhat that isis. And d in noellees case, her potentntial is sananta. [music]] of Coursrse She E should be e santa. [mususic] [mususic] [alonso]o] a Christmtmas Carl is Thehe Classic S story wrin by Chaharles Dickekens in 184. A a Merry Chriristmas to y you,. God sasave you. Humbmbug and itit has gone e on to becoce Momost Adapteded work of l litee inin the englilish languaga. What reaeason have y you to b be merry . What rightht have you u to be m . Youure poor a lot ofof what we s see as Chchristmas Ststories are e retg in a d different w way, wiwith differerent charactct, ththe dickensisian a a christmas s carol. Yoyou dont lilike christmts muchch, do you . . A Chriristmas Carorol Holdlds the greaeatest archehe, ebenezerer scrooge. He loomss largrge as santata claus doe. [alonso] scrooge e is a meatyty rol, and d a lot of a actors have takaken it on. Albert fininney, Alaststair Sm and gegeorge c. Scscott, patrtrick stewarart, mimichael cainine, bill mumur. Ebebenezer scrcrooge Isis Shakespererean in hiss inteterpretativeve possibilili. [kenneth]] everyonene wants to take e a crack atat scroog. Its Likike A Great T Charactert Yoyou Measure E yourself a aga. Yoyou want allll day tomororr, i i suppose . If its q quite convevenient,. It t is not convenient. [timim] one ofof the enemims Ofof Christmasas is greed. Anand dickens s is respondndg toto the incomome inequalilit, the unfafairness, Ththe Hardshis Ofof Urban Lifife in britatn duduring the i industrial l. Twtwo pence, f five shillili, laladies, due e before chrhris. That meaeans today. Itss a powerfuful story about reregenerationon, rehabilitatation and c chang. Itits a moralality play, and itits a redememption sto, but t its also o a ghost sts. Merry chriristmas, govoverno. Memerry christstmas. [alolonso] therere was thisis n that C Christmas N Night was when t the Veil Bebetweene Two Worlrlds was at t its thinn. [lorrainine] why Arare We Havg A Ghost Ststory at chrhristm . Wewell, we reaeally like i , and d we cant s stop. We c cant stop p remaking i. [a[alonso] ththeres a a 1901 v. In 1 1910, the e Edison Compmpae their r own adaptatation. Ththen you havave reginaldld n playing g the lead in t the 1938 veversion. A Christmas Carol is one of those stories that can adapt to almost anynything. And for ththe 90th timime, can n i get someme french tot . [pete]e] theyve e done gendeder switche. Oh, spare e me. [p[pete] animimation. Money,y, money ebenenezer scrooooge. [pete]e] mr. Magogoos christstmas carol. The e Muppets Didid a a christmas s carol. Everyry day in every w way s scrooge is s getting wowoe youou wish to b be anonymou. I w wish to be e left alone. I would sasay thatat alastair r sim is my f favorite scscrooge. And that v Version Off A Chchristmas Cacarol isis The Greatatest of allll. Jacob b marley. [alonso]o] in the s story scrorooges latete business s p, jacob b marley, apappears toto Him On Chchristmas eve. Whwhat do you want witith me . Hehe had died d seven years ago o the same n night. [screamiming] so of coururse, hess a horriblble corpse. I wearar the chainin i forgrged in lifefe. [timim] each o of these Lilis Representsts a bad deeeed. And He T Turns To Scscrooge and he s said, you u already hahave chaiains around d you. And d then marleley says, but you u have a sececond chan. I have comome. For r your sake,e, ebenezer. Hes visited by three timetraveling Ghostss Who Take H him on thisis jouy where e he looks a at his li. Anand he startrts the prococs ofof the reckokoning. One masterer passion e enguls you. Mononey. [jacquelinine] when h He Choos His S Career Ovever his trueu, thatat was a forork in the r. He recogognizes the e mistakee made b because nowow hes alo. Yoyou know, i i think it b bettu see ththings as ththey really. [d[dana] duriring his Jououy Throrough Time W with the ghgho, Hehe Witnesseses other peoeoplo know whahat it is toto celebre aand to loveve each othe. [alall] merry c christma and Scscrooge Leararns by Exaxample How T to live. God d bless us, everyone. [david] those threree ghosts are popowerful. It realllly makes yoyou think at yoyour past, your p present andnd your futu. [belell gongs] and whoaoa, if you dont chanange your waways, this is whwhat will bebefall y. Spiritit of the fufuture, i fear youou more thanan any Otheher Spectre E ive se. A crisis o of conscienence, a a fear that t you at thehed of your r life may h Have Nono Friends A and no famimi. And Yoyou May Die E alone. That is a a universal l fear. [dana]a] finally,y, he Witness Ththis Open Grgrave in which h he will be e burie, wiwith nobody y there to m mour. [screamingng] [kenenneth] hehe doesnt kw whether r he will bebe allod to come baback to mortrtal lie to correrect his pasast. [scrcreaming] [t[tim] and d by the endnd f the story,y, scrooge isis a Fundamementay Different T Person Bebecause He H has found the spiritit of christstmas. Christmas s time be prpraise whos saveved by chrisistmas . Scrooge isis. Happy new w year [pete] ththis Dance O Of Deligt that Evevery Scroogege weve evr seen goeoes through . H . Nobody r betttter than alalastair sim. I d didnt knowow anything, i nenever did Knknow Anythini Butut now i knonow ththat i dontt know a all of the e christmas s g whwhen his heaeart melts, i dont t Think Thereres a false e moment in n it. And when s Scrooge Goeoes to h his nephewws home, where e theyre hahaving their chriristmas partrty, he looksks very tentntativ. The hohousekeeper r doesnt have a w word of diaialogu, but she gigives him this e encouragingng smile. So o slowly, slowlyly she came e and she e convinces s him to c come into t the party. Young m man, i thinink. Then h he gives Ththis Amazig Speechch that justst melts, Memelts My Heaeart everery time i w watch it. Can you u forgive a a pighead old fofool for Havaving No Eys to see w with, no eaears to hr with a all these y years . A Chriristmas Carorol is onene e greatestst redemptioion stori, not jujust read fofor a chchristmas ststory, any s s. The ididea that nono matter w mimiserable a a life you l , if t the Christmtmas Spiritt Touchehes your heaeart, you can n find redememption. [musicic] come onn and sit t on santass lap. Anand then whahat . Itit depends w whether yououe Bebeen Naughtyty or nice. Wewell, yourere santa. Arent y You Supposesed to kn . [d[david] love is a a magical ththin. And if youou put the h holidas on top o of it, its like e a presentt thatss got a ribibbon on i. [emily] we want toto believe in trtrue love, but wewere not susure it exisi. But Atat Christmasas were wilg toto believe in s slightly didifferent thth, Lilike Three G ghosts visisitin, or a guyuy getting t to see t the e world woululdve been e if h he hadnt b been born. Fifinding yourur true lovee is kinind of like e that. And d at christmtmas time, it feels l like that m might ha. [tomom] the Shopop Around Thther was a Gorgrgeous Blackck and wh. Thereres that o old world, europepean kind ofof christma. I thinink what Makakes Ththe shop aroround the Cocr Suchch A Tradititional watch At Chrhristmastimeme is becaue it f feels like e this oldfashioioned fairy y tale. [ben] Jijimmy Stewarart and Mamargaret Sulullivan Playay cls at a a gift shopop, and they hate e each otherer. Mr. Carlrlick, i donont like. Anand we know w that secrerey theyeyre pen papals whovee fallen in n love. They just t dont knowow that thahats who theyre e writing toto. My heart t was Tremblbling Ai walked i into the popost offi. And there e you were, lying g in box 23737. [dana]a] it tellsls the storyy of R Recognizingng that Whatt You Neededed was rigight there e all along. G. So t this very s Simple Setttg where the e two of thehem wor, Becomemes A Magicacal place of transnsformation. N. [ben] ] youve gotot mail Isa Pretetty Direct T remake of shop a around the e corner made 58 8 years lateter, but ininstead of p pen pals, t e writing ememails to eaeach oth. [computeter] youveve got mai. [tom]] that Dynynamic Of Searchining for eachch othr and d dont realally know it. Itss a magicalal thing. You cannt discountnt the Powef Cocoming Togetether at chrhris. [danana] seeingng somebody y t you didntt see beforore, and thatss part of w what the Holidaday Setting G does, is make e you look a around and, wewell, this w was always s h. I i just didnnt recognizize. I see a a beautiful l woman with a gooood heart. Mymy favorite e christmas s me isis the preaeachers wifif. I watctch it everyry year Multe Titimes in thehe christmasas s. Im an a angel. The preachers wife is a remake of the bishopops wife , which Ststarred Carerey Grant as the a angel. I was Ininstructed T to come he in a answer to y your prayer. [david] the angel l realizes t t the issue e with the p Preachs Nonot the chururch and thehe fi, its h his marriagage. But t then youvve got Denzel W Washingtonn in the l long coat a and the h. I meanan, forget a about it. The angel l in both Momovies S Actuallyly really, r really ht and chararismatic. S so while te isis clearly s some Chemisisy Betweeeen the angegel and the e, ththe wife Reaealizes Whatat shd ababout her huhusband, Andnde Huhusband Realalizes He Neneeo Bring G His familyly back togeg. [b[ben] chriristmas storories e often n about recocognition of whatats really y importan. Thats c certainly t the case h. And d it took anan angel comog dodown for thehem to realilizet ththeyre betttter togethe. Merry y christmas. S. Merry chriristmas. [t[tim] chriristmas is a a e of Joyouousness Whenen youre withth people, b but if youe alone e for one rereason or ana, it magninifies your r loneline. Thats o one of the e thems of â–  the apartmtment. Twas Ththe Nighght before c christmas and all ththrough the e hous, not a creaeature was s stirri, noththing. Nono action. We h have tons o of the happ, joyousus christmasas movies. Anand theres s something g ry refreshingng about a f film le the apapartment that Admitits Te Rereality Is T that a lot t of e are livingng that moment notot so great. T. [alolonso] the a apartment stars s Jack Lemmomon as a middlevel mananager at a Gt Corporatioion Who Undederstas that he e might be a able to t ahead d in the comompany if e willll let execucutives use es apartment t as a placece for their, u um, extramamarital try. But i i promised t the guy ide out t of here byby 8 00 posisit. Whatat guy . Jingle e bells, jiningle bs jingngle all thehe way at the timime when weere suppd to b be at our m most bobouyant and d joyous, itit aln be incncredibly didishearteni. Are e you all riright . Whats thehe matter . Nothining. [alonso] he is in l love with shirlrley maclainine, bubut is chagrgrined to didisr that she i is one of t the peoe whos Bebeen Using H his apartm. When yououve been m married toto a woman f for 12 yeara, you justst dont sitit down ate breakfkfast table e and say, pass the s sugar, i want a d divorce. [r[ron] chriristmas can n pt loneneliness intnto stark rerel. And d she tries s to commit t s. Oh my god. D. [jacququeline] itit isnt until Ththe Traumatitic event with Shihirley Maclalaine tht you realally get thahat this s hahappening atat christmasa. That this s is probablbly happeg becaususe its chrhristmas. Hold that. T. [alolonso] thisis is a filmlmt teteeters on t the abyss o of d, but bringsgs it back in a wayay thats bebelievabe and d realistic,c, and poigng. Did you u hear what t i said, miss kububelik . I ababsolutely a adore you. Shut u up and dealal. I i see a Realal Parentagege Bn Ththe Apartmenent and carol. Peopople who arere not havinine warm, Famimily Christmtmas tie that theheyre suppoposed to be having. G. Carorol uses c christmas as thisis sort of u underscorinin, its thehe season ofof love. Its the s season of f famil. Anand what doeoes that Looooe Whwhen you arere living inin a y ththat tells y you, yoyou arent a allowed lov . You arentt allowed a a fam . The e movie is r really ababout the roromance thatat des bebetween the e two of theh. Catete blanchetttt being marar. Harge, w whats wronong . Carols s husband figures s out whatss happeng anand takes Ththeir Daughthtery On Chrisistmas eve. Cacarol is disistraught, s soy rurun. They gogo on this r road. Christmas s time, itss like ye in t this rarifified air. And findnding each o other anand being abable to belog with each h other in t this bubble of f christmass creates a a deeper intntimac. Justst stay likeke that. [dana]a] they comompose an alale family w with each o other, so itts a reallyly hopefl christstmas movie,e, even thh itit takes plalace in a woworlt doesnt rerecognize ththe possiy of Thosese Characterers lov. Actualally, im inin love. There are e few movieses that r redefine whwhat a chrisistmas movieie co. Love actctually isis a Gret Christmamas movie bebecaue it uses ththe season i in a wy that we e all recogngnize. Itits really y the iconicic e that Makeses Christmasas about findnding love. [hanif] ] love actuaually, itits a portatal back into a Papast Versionon of Myselfls Anan 18yearoold who wanand toto be in lovove all the e t. Does Nanatalie Liveve here . No, she d doesnt. Hugh grarant is the e prime minr gogoing door t to door Tryryio Findnd the womanan he loves,sd didiscovering g that his c char can sing T The Second D Versf good kining wenceslalas. D deep and crcrisp and evn [alonso] and then e emma Thompsn Beining done dirirty by aln rickmaman. And then w we, of coururse, hahave the Rocock Musicianan Pd by the g great bill l nighy. Christmtmas is all l around me [a[alonso] itits gorgeouos anand its alslso stupid. Its everyrything, thihis mov. Itits gonna b be a very good chrisistmas. [cheheering] [music] [benen] after r the end off worlrld war ii, when the c y had just s seen the awawfulnesf War Anand Lost Peoeople who Ty Cacared About T in the wara, they n needed to r recognize the brototherhood ofof mankin. So in ththe 1940s, wewe get some e great Chririss Momovies that t captured t e zeitgegeist of thehe country. Quarartermaster r jones repopo. These e are movieses where chrhs is a catalalyst for Reexexamining Whwhere we are. Alall right, f folks. Thats enonough of thahat. [timim] therees Somethinig Mamagical Abouout Christmams Ththat can heaeal wounds a d can n lead to seselfknowlede. And d of course,e, the best t o, its a w wonderful l life. Its a a Story Abobout greed a d goodneness, and chcharity, andne all wrapapped up intnto one. I cacant think k of Christmtmd Christmas s Eve Withouout thing of its a wononderful lifife. Its my chchildhood. W when i s littlele, i would d get into e bibig chair wiwith my dad, and Wewe Would Watatch the Moe Becaususe it was my dads f favorite momovie. [k[ken] i remember Seeeeing It Ththe First Titime with mymy fay and crcrying, and d being shocd Anand A Littlele bit embararrd by t the emotionons. [ronon] i donnt know howw manyny times ivve seen itss a wonderfrful life. I alalways see s something n. [tom] itits a beaututiful blackanddwhite gemm that p probably hahas Gone Don In M Motion Pictcture history as T The Perfectct Screenplay And D the perfecect execution of thahat perfect t screenpla. Capra, stetewart. Can you u beat that . T . I i dont thinink so. Amerericas justst been throroa lolong depressssion and d world war r ii. And mamaf hollywoodds greatestst actos went to wawar. And jimimmy stet was one e of them. Iim very proroud to be h h. Anand im goining to do mymy t to be ususeful as a a soldier in the u United Statates arm. [b[ben] jimmmmy stewartts a. Deliverered 20 bombibing miss. Ofof course, h he had ptsd. Hehe risked hihis own life onon those 20 0 missions. Anand his men n were at Rirk Whenenever he sesent them up. [tim] ststewart wondndered ife coululd ever reteturn to act, somethining that seeeemed frivo. Frank cacapra, who a as a Dirr Mamade Films F for the warar , Undersrstood Thiss Abouout Jimmy Ststewart. And he wenent to Stewawart Anand he said,d, this i is the righght role foro. Ththe main chaharacter contemplatates suicidede. And apapparently, that was. [ken] Ththe Film Refeflects The Darkrkness that t The Word Hahas Emerged D from, but ts also the O Optimism Ththat Cs from h having seenen the Worstf Huhuman Beingsgs and undererstg that g good peoplele triumphe, and ththat good pepeople cocould triumpmph. [alonso]o] despspite gettining a handfuf acadademy award d nominatio, Inclcluding Bestst picture, it did notot find an audiencnce in theataters. [ron]] when it t came out, it was k kind of a shouldlder shrug f for peop. Maybybe it was a a Little Totooe to comining out of the drarama and thehe pai, and sufferering of warar. [alonso]o] the filmlm was foforgotten toto the extent that Nobobody Botherered to rew the e copyright t on it. Anand so then,n, when it l la, itit went intoto the publilic d. Anand tv statitions could dt show it Whwhenever Thehey ft lilike it and d not have to payay a dime toto anybody. So thahat Movie Wawas On Tv Eh at christmtmas time, that It Bebecame Part T Of E American P Psyche because e we watcheded it over and o over again. N. And realalized, oh, this is actualy y great. And itit becomes t the definig amererican chrisistmas movie. [k[ken] it i isnt reaealy Ababout Christstmas per se, bubut its Comompletely Ababt Chchristmas Anand its spirir. Yeahah extra r read all ababo [a[ann] geororge bailey y Isa Good Man A and He Helplps Buid his s entire comommunity, vastly Impmproving Thehe livs Ofof Everybodydy around hih. Mr. And mrs. M martini, welcome e home. Gegeorge baileleys Commununy Isis an Aspirarational Onee for the e United Statates. The E Expectatioion is Thatt Everybodody is gonnana get a pipiece of thehe pie. Enenter the Mamartini Castst lookok mr. Potteter. Meanwhwhile, thereres a mr. P r who is a r rapacious, grgreedy busininessman. I wiwill pay 50 0 cents on the dolollar. Oh, yoyou never mimiss a tric, do youou, potter . . Its realllly a very simple s story of gogood and e, but t its Stillll Mindful O Ol of the proroblems thatat happ. [claudia]] On Chrisistmas eve, Gegeorge Baileley has this unexpectcted financicial cris, whwhich derailils him, as it wowould anyonene. Mr. Popotter conspspires to Rurm Professiononally and p persona. Yoyoure worthth more dedead than alalive. And d the bottomom falls out. Anand then oh h my, what d do y . Itits a misapappropriatioin of f funds. [david]] its a s sobering thth. I can onlyly imagine how georgege bailey fefelt. How do Youou Deal Withth your children a and your wiwife looking g at you as s a hero . Whatts the matttter . [dadavid] as a a provider. As, yoyou know, sosomebody. And d then what t does your life e really meaean . [aishaha] the fafact that ths Hahappens Agaiainst the babap Ofof Christmasas makes thaht feelel so much m more viscerl and feel e even sadderer. [manan] how ababout some o f thatat good spagaghetti . [ben] the most c Critical Scsces inin the bar, where Geororge Y Hitsts his legititimate low w. If youre e up there and you u can hear m me. Show m me the way. Y. [c[claudia] here i it is chrisistmas eve, anand hes reaeached rock k bo. He c comes upon n a bridge, and hehe contemplalates suici. [aisisha] then an angegel swos down t to help Geoeorge Baiy realalize how mumuch hes memt toto all the p people in h his. Iim your guauardian angeg. [tim]] i would d argue all goodod christmasas shows, the momost Powerfuful Christstmas shows,s, therees an elemement of supupernatural. L. [kenneneth] so t this Angel Showows him whatat would Hae Hahappened to o his familyl, to h his town, if he e had never r been bor. The Ididealic Villllage of B Bedford Falalls becomes s pottersvilille, whwhich is a r real dystopop. [c[chris] popottersvillele s a a hellscape e for him,m, and d it sets Inin Motion Ththes that will l turn him b back aro. Mary [ron]] in a reaeally complilic, difficult t world, a damnmnable worldld, the choe to e engage and d live mattet, and yoyou can matttter. I wanna a live againin i wawanna live a again i wannnna live agagain the e Central Chcharacters in Bothh A Christstmas Caroll and itss a wonderfrful life experienence transfoformatio. Scroogoge gets itt Throrough Redempmption anand George B Bailey through rerecognition. N. Yay hellolo, bedford d fall [ramami] when y you see Jimmy Ststewart runnnning, hello bebedford falllls, merry y christmas,s, merry chchristmas. Merrrry christmamas [kenenneth] hehe comes too realalize that h he, in fact, hahas had the e wonderful l l. You have n no idea whats Hapappened To M me. [dana]a] he Becomomes Gratefl Fofor all the e things that he dididnt realilize he , and he w was about t to throw a. Cocome in, Uncncle Billyly [t[tim] not t only does s gee bailey r recover himimself byby getting a a second chch, others a around him m get a ce to show hihim how muchch hes m meant to ththem. I i wouldnt h have a rooff over m my head if f it werent for yoyou, george. E. And what s saves him . . The spiririt of chriristmas. [ken] what the f film telllls u is Georgrge Bailey i is us and his s experienceces are our. And that w what we wanant to crereate is a c community where we l Lift Peoplele up. Here you a are, georgege. Merry y christmas. S. So t the ultimatate Questin Comemes down too where dodo you, as a an americ, wannnna live . Dodo you wannana live inin bedford f falls, the e towt Jimmy Ststewart is d Desperay Tryiying to keepep going . Or do o you wanna a live in potterersville, Whwhere Theres nothing inin it for ananybo, except whahat they canan gt for ththemselves . . And soso we feel o our own sels onon a kind ofof cusp todadaf what kind d of choiceses are wewe gonna makake . I cacant imaginine there s an a american wiwithin the sd of my vovoice that d doesnt wanna liveve in bedforord fal. [music] [musicic] oh, ooh, ooh, ooh there isis a periodd of Thehe Wintertimime that Gos Fromom Thanksgiviving to chrhri, yoyou want to o get togethr withth family anand friend. Oh, Wowould You Lolook whos h . [tom] it is a lilittle coldd outside,e, so everybybody Natury Gatherers Togetherer Insiside with fafamily. Merry chchristmas. [t[tom] theyeyve been h hang araround each h other for r no n other r than yourre family and you lolove each otother. So what Arare You Guysys Doing G for christstmas . Weve gogot the entitire famiy flyingng in, 13 aiairport pick, four dayays of listetening toto how gifteted my niececes. At chrisistmastime. Everyone s to b be with theheir family. Well, not t everyone w wants toto be with t their familil. Iim vacationoning in troropl alalbany this s year with t trishs famamily. Ththey got us s a cot, which is a awesome. Christmas s movies canan be Soso Resonantt with p people whoo arentt even chriristian. We underststand holidaday gatheg and d the stuff f that happep. Whwhy Do You G Guys put Yourselveses Through T that . Its c christmas, right . Dont you u have to . ChChristmas Isis the time e n we w Want Everytything to bebe. We hopope everythihing will e right,t, but it isisnt alway. Thisis is beautitiful. [clea] i i Love Chrisistmas mov. They become trtraditions. They Becomome Ways Foror us toto connect with each o othe. And yet eveven with alall of t the christmtmas movie, i had d never seenen my own experiencece representnted. Do y you remembeber this sumu, whwhen i came e out to My Y Pas Anand told thehem we were e tog, and ththey took itit really we . Yeah. Okay, well, that wasnnt entirelyly accur. Hahappiest seaeason is t the Closeteted Versionn Of Coming G Home to Ththe Famimily for chrhristmas, whicich is not the happppiest seasoson. Sso who do t they think k i . My roommamate. [clea] coming out is such a p personal ththing, and d its very y complicat. You u know, thereres a Lott Of Shahame Around D that. Isis she not g gonna ststay up herere with me . . Haharper, i wowould never r k two o grown womemen toto share thehe same bed. [clelea] ive b been on botoths of that sisituation, w where yoe just the f friend or a asking someone toto be just t the fri. Do you k know hohow painful l its beenn to watch t the person n that i e choooose to hidede me . I amam not hidining you i i am hiding g me the tensioion that Thehey Playay there is s if i come e, ththis might b be the lastst e i ever seeee my familyly. Im gay. Y. And d i am. In love e with abby. Y. I cameme out to my mother on christmas day. My momom just frozoze. And d i also froroze. Anand we just kinda sat t thee in this ununplanned, o oh no, now everytything is didifferet forever r moment. Yeyeah. When i i wanted toto make a christstmas movie,e, i knew t i wawanted to fifind a way to Haveve Tolerancece or acceptpt. All i i want for y you is to fd ththe same joyoy and happipis that youve given me, no matter where it comes from. I think it resolves in a way that is a bit of a fantasy, as a q queer persoson who Camet Anand Lost Mosost of her f fa. Where a am i . Here . E . There. It w was very memeaningful to have Ththat Fantasysy of its c christmas t time, and d my family y loves me. Ababby, what a are you Doioiny Ovover there . . Get in here. Come on. You knowow, thats u uh, thata storory that i t think we, u, we neeeed more of. F. ChChristmas Isis when it all kindnda comes ouo, because yoyoure dealiling wih everyoness expectatitions. You donont have toto be nerv. Imm not. [alonsnso] withth the Famimily Stone you have t the Guy Briringing E his fianancee to meeeet the fam, a Situation Ththat is frauaughth tension. A are they gogonna lik . And thenen it turns s out, ohoh no, they y dont. Ththey dont l like me at t. Shshe is a tototal phony. Shes s completelyly uptight. [ann] although t theyre highly f functional l togethe, theyre e not very f functionl with o other peoplple. [s[screams] its a Famamily Christstmas whwhere everytything explolo. Its Likike A Bomb W went off in the m middle of c christma. Memeredith. In a addition toto the comed, thereres Also T The Real Drda Ththat the Matatriarch Hasas N Rerecovering F from cancere. And they d discover ovover ths Weekend Ththat The Canancer is. Im sickck, honey. [kenneth]] and we d dont know whatat the Futurure Holdsm making us s aware that life e is fragilele and maybybe it makeses sense tot Ouour Animositities aside. She wantnted to waitit, you kn, untitil after chchristmas to t tell you kikids. [j[jacqueline]e] what hapappenn the thining that drorove the fa, it begins s to crumblele, they h have to find a new dydyn. And d so almostst christmas Tk What Ththe Family Stone Didd and sort of gagave it a a chapter t two. It stillll doesnt e even seem. [david] i wrote ththis story a t a dydysfunctionanal family t ths Coming Homome for the e holid. Their mother had p passed away. And so thihis is the f firt christmas s without heher. Danny glovers character is heartbroken and lonely, trying to reconnenect with ththe lovef his Lilife Throughgh the joy tt she had, w which was c cookine sweet popotato pie f for christ. Everythingng i write c coms from My Exexperiencess and my grereat grandmomother, anannie mae wowoods, would makeke Sweet Pototato pe every hoholiday. And when s she passed,d, my mor said, dont worrrry about i. Ive got i it. Well b be fin. And so we e get To Chrhristmas , anand we get t the pie and it looooks like itit. Everybody digging in, and then collectively everybody stops chewewing midchchew, and we r realized ththat it wasasnt in thehe recipe. [c[crying] hmmmm. It was in n the love. The Iningredient T that Matted Thatat was missising was herer. When i wasas writing i it, Thas The Womaman that i w was channe. Its i in the mamagic of lov. The invevention of jeroninicus janglele. [j[jacqueline]e] jingle jajae isis a piece o of Black Joy Withth this fantntastical christmamas adventurure. [david] jijingle janglgle, i i wrote it b because i w wad my son t to have a s story wiwith some pepeople that t ld like h him in thisis fantasy w. This is s my wonderfrful fami. [david] what makeses jingle j Je A Christstmas Movie E is whate its a a wonderfulul life a christmamas movie. Im journeney, your grgranddaug. Jujust like its a a wonderfulul life , if he can n remember w what he s to h his family y and the vave of w who he is i independent of what t he has, ththen so can. Maybe we c could Spendnd Chriss here if f its all r right with . That would be all l right witht. He was j just waitining to o open his heheart up agag. Itits a journrney to get t k toto happinessss. And at t the end of f the d, thatss what the e holidays e realally all abobout. [mususic] h hark the Heherald Angelelg Gloryry to the Nenewborn Kg Peace On N Earth [dana]a] the way y that peoplpld toto gather Araround A Pararloro and Sising Togetheher is not somethining that Reaeally Happs in a American Lilife anymore, excecept at chriristmas. You b better watctch out You Betttter Not Cryry [dana]a] everybodody knows the wowords to at t least a fefew christmamas songs. Its one l less littlele remnanf Cocommunal Lifife and celeleb. To town a christmamas song, momore thn Set Decocoration or r prop des, cacan really s signify to an auaudience what timime of year r it i, but morere importantntly, the vibebe of the ststory. Its Likike Puttingg a Littlele Tinsel Araround the framing g of the movovie. [mususic] [ann] meetet me in st. T. Lous takes plplace at thehe turnf the centntury, but i its rereleased dururing world d wa, when s so many fafamilies arere separatede. [kennethth] there e was this se of n nostalgia, a sense ofof g what p people in s some ways perceiveved as the ininnoncence o of the e prewar yeyears. [jacqueleline] mgm m at that time wasas bringing g colo, bringiging music, and all ofos sosort of pagegeantry to a an aa that d did not havave that. If s Santa Clausus brings memy totoys, im tataking them m wi. But the fifilms Biggegest Intrododuction To O The Culturus Have Y Yourself aa merrrry little c christmas and ththe Iconic P Performane of it t that judy y garland gi. Have yoururself a Merry Littttle Christmtmas the Waway Judy G Garland Sins The E Song is soso beautiful, but yet t mournful. And Whn You Thinink about ththe era tt it camame out of, Coming Tows The E end of wororld war ii. And hahaving her s sing it in a reaeally sad Momoment Withthin the fililm really a s eveven more popower to thehe l. Some day y soon we all Wilill Be Togetether [ann] we may be e together i f fafates allow. W. Itit gave the e audience t e kindnd of permisission to bebe. [emily]] you nevever know when yoyoure gonnana lose somemetg or lose sosomeone, oror everythinings gonna a cha. But we havave today, w we hae this Chrisistmas Rightht now. Thereres anotheher one comim, bubut who knowows . Joyeyeux noel is based on a trurue story ththat occurd during w world war i i in 191, duringng christmasas, when germanan troops, s scottish trt, french troroops laid d down their r arms and l listenedo these bebeautiful chchristmas h. [singiging in latitin] [claudia]] this Gererman Opera Singnger sings h hymns in laln that they y all know. Musisic is Sometething Thatt Transcscends so mumuch. And throrough the popower ofof a christmtmas carol, it creatates this momoment of pe inin a very frfraught situtua. [s[singing in n latin] [shahane] ththe soldiersrs onh sides s of the trerenches called a truce, and d they cae out ofof the trencnches and d walked intnto no manss, then met t together. Christmamas is like e a tap n The Shouldlder that sasays, rea . Is t this the ononly way . Im d Dreaming Ofof a Whwhite Christstmas [dana]a] white chrhristmas is mayaybe the mosost Nostalgc Chriristmas Songng i can thih. Whitite christmamas was Ororigy Writteten by Irvining Berlin a movie Fofor Holidaday inn inin. [timim] for a a russianjejewh immimigrant likeke irving beber, there was s a deep senense of gratitude e to the uninited Sts Fofor Welcomining him as a a re and alalso for figighting agagainst fascscism. [claudia] my dad was actually in world war ii in eururope. And i remember when we would hear the song, White Christmas , it would just, created this really Nostalgic Feeleling for servicememen, the idea t that they w wouldnt be home fofor christmamas. But t those werere abnormal l. It w was a worldld war, and Irviving Berlin N Just Capturured that soso beautiful. Im d Dreaming Ofof a. [lorraraine] twelelve years a r ththe song wasas introduce, the film, White Chchristmas opens Wiwith A Makeseshift Chriristmas Showow during world wawar ii of bibing crosy singing toto the troopops. T to hear Sleleigh Bells In T the snow toto be literarally at thee worst t place you u would wat to be onon the globebe, probabably, at thahat time, the song White Chriristmas anand the lyrirics, im drdream, that lononging and a aspiratios kind o of the beauauty of the e. A and May Youour Christmamas [alonsnso] so by y the time y yt to the m movie, whwhite chris, Bing Crosbsby singing g that son the Babattlefield D in world w i is immediaiately Takining Audies back t to those wawar years, where e that songg meant t so much toto them. [music]] [alonsnso] and ththen over te cocourse of white chriristm, we come toto See Thatt The Fifilm is Noststalgia Fofor world wawar ii itsele. Genereral waverlyly. Sirir. [ken] but then a all of thee Contntrivances O of the Filmm Evapaporate in f favor of Whwhe Essential L impulse isis to hor their r commander r whos fan onon postwar h hard times. [alolonso] the e big finalele it the Geneneral Walks S in to what hehe thinks isis just gonnne the christstmas show, Only E Greeteted with allll of his for sosoldiers, Whwho Have Traraveo vermont toto be there e for h. We answswer to his s call [ken] and the Mimiracle Of P Pee Coconspiring t to help somomeone creaeates snow, which is t the realizazatin of your drdream of a whitete christmasas. Itss pretty gogood. Itss why we lilike the movo. [pete] ten years s ealier, Bing C Crosby was s on a uso , Anand He Sangg White Chchrists to thosese Troops Inin Real Te during Thehe War Wiwith his bududdy, bob hoho. Bobob hope wouould travell to sitites where a American Mn Werere Fighting G in wars. The secocond world w war, the e korean warar, the vietetn. Anand hed entntertain theh. [c[chris] bob would d have the uso chriristmas showows every y, and thenen they woululd made Io Spececials that t we would w w. [man] the Bob Hohope Chchristmas Spspecial Stararrg Ththe gold digiggers, racqcquel. [ken] i i grew up inin a famil wewe were veryry much oppopd to t the vietnamam war. But you knknow, when b bob hoe had d a special,l, youyou w wd itit. Hed Briring Beautififul , but hehe would telell jokes, m. I i Love Chrisistmas in vivie. Its so o nice to sesee a Tre Decorateted instead d of occup. [ken] ththe joy youud see one fafaces of thehe soldiers. Anand it remininded you ththat wasnt thehe soldiers s that u wewere upset w with, they y e dodoing the fifighting andnd d. And d so theress a Real Poignancncy in thesese shows. Silenent night [k[ken] whenenever You A Are Y From H Home at thehe time thau Assosociate Mostst with hom, toto Have Somemebody come e a, hey, werere Bringingg Christstmas to youou. Have a bigig new year. R. Welle you homeme. God blesess you. [claududia] as w well as bobobe with the t troops, everybodody seemed t to want to have a a christmas s speci. And we allll watched t them. We e wish you t the merries, Ththe Merriestst T The Merriesest [l[lorraine] dean martitin, frfrank sinatrtra, it wasas an Americican Traditito see your f favorite enentertais sing t traditionalal christmamas songs. Chrisistmas timees comig christstmas speciaials, yoyou know, ththey were a a may in our h household. The Andydy Williams S Special was a mumust see. Its the e most wondederful time of ththe year itits an Excucuse To B bring the f family togegr toto watch somomething. The speciaials were, they w were just f fun. And d then cool l pop artists woululd show up. P. Hello. [aisha] the Bing C Crosby, david bobowie duet, therees these two worlrlds collididing. A n Newborn Kining to see [aisha] its kind d of bebecome this s odd, quirkrkyt Ofof Christmasas lore. Our finesest Gifts Wewe Brg it a also encapspsulates the sheer r artifice o of it all. Oh h holy nightht [hanifif] to me,e, christmas in i its base Aeaesthetic Fm is opupulence, rigight . I i think maririah carey and dolly y Parton Fitit Rigt into that t mold of peperforms who know h how to be t theatril in evevery sense o of the wor. Illl be homee for chchristmas well, we a all have ouour favor. And d then sometetimes you thinink, i realllly like ts songng. Id likeke to see ananr how thisis Person Dodoes it. Are t there Churcrch Bels in Twowon Anand Sometimemes they unearth a a little gemem. Its s the most w wonderful time o of the yearar The Varietety show mamay seem datated, but wiwh michaeael buble, l lady gaga, or c Carrie Undederwood when chrisistmastime r rolls ar. Mmmm. M. Its compmpletely rele. Its mumusic to My Y Ears Chrisistmas is mymy Favore Timeme of year [mususic] heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. 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Rarankin bass s used the Stop Mototion so bririlliantl. Thereres someththing that draws yoyou into it. T. But also, those are e just grgreat, sweetet stories. Ho, ho, hoho. [ronon] rurudolf the r rednosed r re, irresisistable. [jen] one of thehe things thatss Instantlyly Appealg is Everyrybody Knowsws the so. Rudolf f the rednosed d reindeer [jacqueleline] the e rudolf sty Isis About An N underdog t t we knonow is realllly the her. Wewe wont letet rudolf jojn in a any reindeeeer games, r r . Anybybody can apappreciate the sensnse of feeliling left. Bubut then theheres a a triumphantnt moment. Rurudolf, withth your nosee so briright, wonnt you guidide my s Sleigh Toninight . [l[lorraine] the idea t that ts outcasast could tuturn aroud and d save the d day, and then everyrybody wouldld go, god, we e probably s shoulde treated d him betterer back th. Yeah, you u know, we w were wr. Its likike, yes, ththat could b be me. I i couldve s saved the d y d you would d all be sororry. [c[cheering] [alonso]o] it is a a celebratn ofof nonconforormists, which h was not exexactly the ee of 1960s s televisionon. So in n a way, rurudolf the r rednosed r reinr was reallyly ahead of f its ti. Frosty ththe snowmann [r[ron] frostyty the snowmwm, i love it. T. Id watctch that rigight now. Get it g going. I wawanna see. Beforore i melt a away all l the thingsgs that Happn In T The Song Hahappen to frfr. And then i it has Thatat Chriristmas Momement at the. Hehe is able t to come bacack t. Its like e a resurrecection ofof frosty. Itits just ththis idea ofofg faith h that someoeone that yu care a about is Ststill Gonna Be Ablble to be ththere for y. [gasasps] [lorraraine] nightmare e before chrhristma. For r my son, ththat is a traditioional christstmas fil. I lolove that titim burton i it of his chrhristmas traraditio. Lilike, what c could be bebet . Whahats this . . Whatats this . Thereres color e everywhere [lorrainine] just t the idea of disiscovering c christma. What i is the joy y of this . W whats thisis in here . . [tim]] it was the nightmtmare Bebefore Chrisistmas stopop mn was somemething Thatat I Felt was partrt of whatat the energy of f it was. W whats thisis . That f form of Aninimation Hahas always b been so insnspirl to me. Whehen youve e ever bn around a a stopmotition puppt and momoved It Onene Frame Atat a time, a and then yoyou s, anand its jusust thereres someththing thats quite magigical about t that. W what is thihis . [dana] itits a movieie that s this Unsnsettling Kikind of imay to tell a a very sweetet, hearartwarming k kind of christmamas story. Anand then theheres the i incre score e by danny e elfman. Also sung g by Danny E Elfmand the wondnderful caththerine oh. For i it is plainin as a anyone can n see [dana]a] its a r romance, and it f feels like e a vey pepersonal expxpression ofof g for trtransformatition. Hellllo in therere. [tom] my favoritite chriristmas storory, its a charlilie brown chchristmas. Timeme freezes w when i watctc. I i Think Therere must be e somg wrong g with me, l linus. Christmas s is coming,g, but iim not happppy. I love t that Charleles Schulz took t the cast ofof peanuts d Puput Them In N this littltle. But realally what hehe was tryg to sayay was chrisistmas has become t too commercrcial. My ownwn dog gone e commercia. I cacant stand d it. He m makes a poioint of sayiy, hehey, wait a a minute, what aboutut the Truee Meanining of chrisistmas . Isnt therere anyone w who kns what chrhristmas is s all abo . So Youou Have Linunus who rereads this b biblical pape about t the first t christma. And ththere were i in the sae Countrtry Shepherdrds abiding in the f field, Keepeping Wath over t their flockck by nigh. [davavid] he g gave the ststy about the e nativity, and it w was like, w whoa. And d on earth, peace, good will l toward menen. Anand he remininded you ofof t the holidadays were all abouo. Chrhristmas timime is heree [aishaha] i loveve the charlrlin christmamas music. It feelsls both old,d, but ne. And Whwhen You Thihink about a s tvtv special, you dont t expt to have e this cool,l, jazzy sc. But Vincnce Guaraldidi made s something t thats becocome a classssic. [vinince] one e of the Beset Scorores in the e historyy of fililmed entertrtainment. Its purure, Unalloyoyed Emotn Ststraight Frorom charles s schs heart t to the Aududience Byby way of vivince guaralal. You cacant hear t the music and not t start Dancncing Exacy like t the charactcters. [m[music] and evenen what he d does withth songs likike hahark, the heherald angelels, the minunute you heaear it, it puts you in the holiday season. Hark the e Herald Angels Sining its magicical and its the s spirit of c christs part andnd parcel. T Trim Up Thehe tree with Chrhristmas Stutuff [c[claudia] hohow the grinih Stolole Christmamas Takess the dr. Seuss bookok and brbrings it toto life. [jenen] it Wasas Animatedd By T The Great C chuck jones. And the grgrinch is jujust so emblematatic of whatat a pla, Talelented Animamator He was. And theylll sing and theylll sing. Dr. Suess creaeates an a alternativeve universe. Chcharacters w who seem designgned for chihildren, but t have powererful lesson. And in thehe grinch, he tacackles the i issue of t the spirit t of christmt. [m[man] the e grinch hated chriristmas, the e whole chriristmas seasa. [alonso]o] the Grininch Is The S Version N of ebenezezer scro. Hehe has a lotot of the sasamed and his s hatred of f the holi. I mustst Stop Chriristmas from comining, but how . W . The grinch is great because its mean. Hes s evil. Hess thinking g about, immg toto Ruin Chriristmas for r eve. I know a as a kid, that Reaeally Turneded me on. And yoyoure a meaean one, mr. Grininch immedidiately entered d the pantheheon of grereat holidayay songs. Yououre a meanan one, mr. Grininch [lororraine] ththe grinch t ts that by y taking theheir pres, theieir decoratitions, theirid ththat hes gogonna steal l chrs frfrom them, b because he e dot realize ththat its rereally about somemething elsese. [chrisis] but whwhen all the stufuff is gonee and chriristmas stilill happe, he is coconverted. [m[man] and d the grinchchs l heart grewew three sizizes that. My heart e expands at t the Sasame Time Ththe grinch d ds and fofor the sameme reason. When they y gather aroround the e nonexistetent tree. And itss just beauautifu. Chrhristmas dayay is here [r[ron] you u know, iveve als Loved Chriristmas And D the gri. And there e was an opppportuny to make e a feature e versio. Anand jim carrrrey was intntered in playiying the gririnch. And itit was a Treremendous Challengnge because e i knew wt we were e going to b be compad with, and i knewew we kind f couldnt c compare. Bubut as a dirirector, i knew i it would bebe fun to crereate seussisian world. Yououre theththethethe thethehethethe g grinch [screaeams] but moststly I Wanteted To D direct jim m carrey. And his s hat. [ron] anand use jim m Carreys Geniusus as a physysical come. Y youre a memean one, mr. Grgrinch [ron] he was ablble to chorereoh his twisists and tururns with t the Camera A Movement i s that were e so precisese. Now w youre doooomed [k[ken] jim m carreys a fabubulous grincnch. But itss all Aboutut The Softftening Of H hearts. No one shohould be alone on c christmas. [ken] he can Steteal Ththeir physicical christmtm, but hehe cant steteal christm. Merry chchristmas, m mr. Grin. [ken]] and thatats the keyy to all o of the chriristmas mov. The e best thingngs in lifife are not t things. Welcome c christmas, Christstmas Day [m[music] spececial holidaday episodes are alalways stupipid. [aisha]] when youou think abobol of our c cultrual ininstituti, nothing is too sacred to be taken down a peg. Because e the themeses of famy and togetherness are a chilling reminder of your own isolation . No, but thank you for that. Christmas is like, sometimes we have to put on a tie. Somemetimes we h have to make surere to be pololite for pepe. And the efeffort of ththat mes that we neneed to blowow off sta littttle bit in n a subversisiv. These Chchristmas Cocomedies E the Sisimpsons Hehelp us do t t. All righght, childreren. Let t me have ththose letter. Ill s send them t to santas workshshop at the e north pol. Ohoh, please, theres ononle fafat guy thatat brings usus prs and d his name a aint santa. The Vevery First E episode ofof the simpmpsons in 1989 wawas actuallyly a chriristmas spececial. Ah, w whoo gooood one, dadad. Whwhen it debubuted, it busted up p a whole lolot of trs and d it was kinind of a seseismic shifift. Doh the Outragageous Sensese of Hur Sort O Of Set The E Stage Fofor the seriries going f for. [b[bell ringining] [simimpsons thememe music] happy birtrthuh [jen] it b became a phphenomen very Quickckly Becausese of they ththat it was s pushing bobound. Subversiveve christmasas specis on tv,v, youuve gotta g go to soututh. Behold d my glory. Holy shshit, its j jesus. What are you doing in south park, jesusus . Trey pararker and Mamatt Stone E ththis little e christmas sho. [phil] they m made a videdeo cae and d that made e the round. I meanan, that went viral before thehere was viriral. Tomorrowow is my birirthday, yet all isis not rightht. Your birthday is on christmas . That sucksks, dude. [jen] it was very crudely done, and thats what kind of got them noticed. South papark elementntary press the e birth of jesus. [breathing in labor] come on, mary, push [john] those guys figured out how to make Hilarity Out Of S Sacrilege in the m most naked d way. Mr. Hanky . Howdy ho [jen] in its first christmas episode, theres a character called mr. Hanky the christmas poo. Its feces with a santa hat. Goshsh, youre l looking swew. [jenen] and ththis was a Momot Watching T Tv where yoyoure , can they d do this . Mr. R. Hanky thehe christmaso thereres only o One Christmas E that i w watch everyry christm, only one. Anand its babad santa. Mamarcus, get t this Kid O Ofe Bebefore he pipisses on meme, a . I like thehe stuff whehere youure trying g to do somemeg thats sububversive, that stillll works insnside the trtraditional l package. [alonsnso] yoyou have a l lead Characacr Whwho is a badadtempered d alcc whwho is only y dressing a as ss part o of an Elaboborate Schee to steal f from a mallll. Its likike a dark, Nihlistc Takedodown of Chriristmas Movs Asas much as c christmas. Bute end, i it turns ouout to be, l, a feelelgood movivie. Ssanta yeah. Youure Bringining My P present eararly . Itits as sentntimental and Wellll Intentiononed as a classic chrisistmas film. This is Chchristmas Anand the Ks Gettining His p present. To pull ofoff both of f those sisimultaneoususly in the e same alalmost imposossible. [carar horn honknking] [c[car tires s screeching]] [jacqueleline] i ththink if yoe gonna Say Y Christmass and acaction movieies, You Kif Hahave To Say Y shane black cause he e has made a an Entitire Industrtry around i. Hallllelujah. [s[shane] i i love puttitig chriristmas in m my movies. Itit gives youou instant c con. You keep c cutting to o bits of chrisistmas, and d it Orientu Baback in the e story. [e[explosion]] and in Lethal Weaeapon , the contntrast that t christms gives us o offers a lolot of c chances of f being remimd of t the potentitial of peopo. Ririggs, the m mel gibson n cha, hess mourning g his dead w. In the loneliness and the hushh and isolation ofof christmasa, he hitits bottom. If yououre low, y youre the et around thehe christmasas holid, because yoyou see thee trappipings everywywhere. Ive n never forgogotten the ie of l looking in n the window in Thehe Christmamas Carol and seeieing the craratchis eatiting christmtmas dinne. And d ive alwayays felt somom, toto my chagririn, that i i wass outside ththe window l Lookingn On Peoplple who Knewew Effortley How To Livive Life Mumuch better r than i didi. To me, d Danny Glovever is thehe cratchit t family. Comeme on in, mamartin. Come on inin. [s[shane] of havining christmamas insid, and the e Guy Outsidide is rig. Dadanny gloverer offers Hihit Gateway Y to somethihing, which hess been Lookoking Thrh the e window at t for so lon. Its a sofoft kind of f reminr that an ununexpected r redemptin can be fouound. My favavorite chriristmas movi cacan i say die hard . Okay, so theress this Perprl Ququestion Of F is die hahad a a christmas s movie . [laughing]g] no is itit . I dodont think k so. Well, hehell yes, itits a die hardrd is a chrhristmas m. Im onon the side e of not beleg die hardrd is a chrhristmas m. Die hard is by far r the greatet christstmas movie. E. Iveve been convnverted on this popoint. I will a allow it ifif i wiwill not figight this. I i dont see e why ththis is evenen a debate. Didie hard wewears its chchrs movieness s on its sleleeve. [alonso]o] it is seset at a a christmasas party. It is ababout an eststranged Coe Rerekindling T their lovee for each o other at ththe holid. [dana]a] theres s the sweatstt with ho, ho, ho, now i i have a macachine gun writitten on it t in blood. Ho, hoho, ho. Surelyly the Gorieiest Chriristmas Cardrd that hasas ever beenen deliver. [ken]] its chrhristmas in the s service of f just one of t the great, perfect movies o of all timeme. Tetell her thahat, um, thahate is the besest thing ththat Evr Hahappened to o a bum likeke. The Chriristmas Thememe is r realizationon, Redemptin Anand People C coming togeget. [phil] Christmas Isis such a culturural touchststone. Trying to o be with yoyour famy at chrhristmas is s a big dea. [ken] and of couourse, gogood triumphphs over evi. Yippee k kiyay. Mmerry chrisistmas, argygy. Mmerry chrisistmas. [m[music] hhappy christmas, harrrry. Hapappy christmas, ron. [kenneneth] chriristmas is a toucuchstone. Christmamas is shortrthand toto clue the e audience in of Thehe Emotionalal state of the c characters. S. And ththey also Wawanna Put Yu Into K kind of a christmas s frame of m mind. Christmas s really doeoesnt he to have e a moment w where somey comes ouout and explplains te meaning g of christmtmas. It canan be just s set at tt timeme of year Anand Incorpororates the t tras of The Hololiday. What t do you wanant for chrir . Me . Oh, j just you. [d[dana] you u see in the godfatather, in gogoodfellas, in a lotof gangngster movieies, theress l tendenency to haveve some Sortf Scscene celebrbrating chriris. I got the e most Expenensive Trtree they hahad the e tree in goodfellasas , itits so relelevant of ththea and ofof the cultuture. Merry y christmas. S. [a[ann] thereres just s o muchch you can d do through visual stotorytelling. G. It cos on thehe audience e to bring r Owown Projectitions and ouourn memories, and our owown Desis Aroundnd christmasas to thohose scenes. S. Hohold me. [este] Whwhen You Thihink about christstmas, you t think About Cozinessss and Gettiting Cloe to peoplple. But in ededward scissssorhand, you haveve this coziziness married wiwith heartbrbrea. And you rereally cantt helplp but feell so sorry for edward in that moment. No onene wants to o be alone on The Hololidays. Theres a a lonelinessss to christmas. S. And i thinknk onef things thahat people r respond n these christmassadjacent m mos is t they capturure that lonone. Tangererine certrtainly doe. Its c christmas e eve. Were ea go our Sepeparate Waysys Becae i think ththats a lotot easir than calalling our f family ad trying to o explain whwhy we he to be e bailed outut of jail. Whatat family . [emily] ] tangerinee is a move ababout two trtrans women. And d theyre sesex workers,so ththeyre liviving on the e frs ofof society. And Tellininge Ststory at Chrhristmas Timie is a v very importrtant part o y that movovie works. Thisis is about,t, who o is your fafamily . Whwho are you u going to t tur . Who o are you gogoing to come to a at the end d of the day . [c[clea] chriristmas is a an Opportrtunity To S Show that e n if youou dont have a traditionanal family, you can still be surrounded by love. [dana] i think some of the most moving depictions of Christmas Arare people b being throrown togetheher. Heyey merry chchristmas. Feliz navavidad theyey find a waway to celebeb. And they f find a wayy to create e community. Y. Therees a big didifference b n christmas s movies andnd then e Tetelevision E Episodic Chchriss because e these are e Charactere Live W with througughout the. And then w were Spendnding Chriristmas Withth them too. Merry c christmas, fonzi. Yeah, yeaeah. Merry c christm. Merry chchristmas. [ron]] you knowow, i i grew up wawatching tv. And the chChristmas Epepisodes e alwaways a highlhlight. Soso i was Reaeally Thrilllle happy Daysys Writerss decided toto have a christmamas episode. E. In thahat episode,e, fonzi, s sasaying he hahad family, but t he didnt. T. He was lolo. I acceptpt your invivitation. So t the happy y days fafamily envelelops him, Brininging Fonzizi into thee cunniningham housesehold, and d eventuallyly letting him liveve there. Hey god . D . Thanks. [ron] in a lot of a ways, the future of the shshow was s discovereded through t t christmas s episode. Every y tv show isis about a f. Surpririse whetherer its a sisitcom christmasas is fun, r right . [p[phil] a drdrama. The guguys in the e police prer, theyre a a family. Memerry christstmas, felixi. Ththeyre sayiying to youu at homome, we are e like you. You are e like us. [aisha]] on everybody y loves raymymon, raymond decides to Gtoivhited Wiwith their f familys naname. Merrrry christmamas. We loveve. It really y captures t the ant of gift gigiving. I give it t to them onon the 2. Its t the 26th and d they havenent calledd or stotopped by. [phihil] that w was somethihint came f from my actctual lif. I gagave a toastster to eveverybody, a and it saidi, eveverybody loloves raymonond. I sent it t to my parerents Bebecause Theyey liked thehe , and theyey supposedldly like. So i calalled home, and d my father r answered. He says, your mother wanted a coffeemaker. Yes,s, they tradaded my gift for a a coffeemakeker. I cacant believeve this dodo you know w how much t te anand, and thohought andaa. Thatat was a Verery Specificicg Rerelatable toto my familyl. I didntt know it w would Bebe Relatablele to yourss or anynyone elsess. Whwho are you u people . [phil]l] heres w what you shsd dodo when you u get a gift. Im m just sayining, thanank you. Thehe end. Silent ninight in the l last 10, 15 yearsrs, its Beeeen Realy Rerefreshing t to see tv s serie towaward Represesenting Diffft kinds of families and different waways of celelebrating holida. You knowow, i see ththis tre. I see itit in my liviving roo. I i see My Grarandfather Rising Up P from the g grave and havingng another h heart at. [davidid] thirtysosomething was Onone Of The F First Shs Thatat was Aboutut A Charactr Who O was wrestltling with j jm and d christiantnty being memd ininto the samame family. I didnt g grow up celebratining christmamas. I grgrew up celelebrating hahan. Itits time toto light the Hanukkkkah Candldles for me a as a kid, Christmamas For Jewsws was chinesese food, uhuh, and movi. Hanukukkahs Eighght Ninights Too L Long [este] anand so Oncee Adamam Sandler C came out wh eight t crazy nighghts, made me feelel not so alalon. Happypy hanukkahh its a a story of f adam sandr duringng hanukkah,h, so nowow when i ththink of hana, i i think of eight crazazy nigh. Soso we got onone, everybobo. Wewe got one. Of couourse, theheres a Lotof Pepeople out t there that T Dt Celebrate E Christmas S or hanu, but ththey do Celelebrate Somemg else likike kwanzaa. A. Oh, you bobought us christmamas presentsts. No, i didnt. These aree kwanzazaa gifts, s synclaire. And then y you have seinfeld with a h holiday thahat doesnnt even actctually exi. A feststivus for t the rest of. On seseinfeld , festivus is an i invention o of georgess. George, fefestivus is your heheritage. Itss part of w who you are. And d its actually basedd on a reaeal thing. One of thehe writers o on seinf, his fatherer invented d festis and they p put it intoto the s. Ththe traditioion of festitivuss with t the airing g of grievan. I got t a lot of p problems with you p people Hihis Festivusus rant i is everybododys rant. Mymy son tellsls Me Yoyour Companyny stinks oh, god. The aiairing of grgrievances, to me,e, It Actualally is Whate Holidaysys are all a about. I i find it inincredibly c cath. Letts rumble and so fesestivus for the rerest of us, lets. Itss a Festivuvus Miracle [musicic] heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Everybodyys so happypy abou dont yoyou know itts christ . Join the millions of people taking back their privacy [rick] theres Sosomething Abat The Sacrififice of serervic, i thinink, that rereally hits e hahardest arouound christmtmas. Christmamas is a Harard Holido bebe away fromom your loveved. M a s h in its c conceit wasas comedydy amidst trtragedy. Come on, w weve got t troubl. Somebodyss been hit t by a sn. [davidid] when m m a s h did a chriristmas episisod, it dididnt panderer to the hoh. Sorry y to ruin your hololiday, folklks. Forgetet ours. His is shohot to hell. L. You realizize, oh, thehe viole, the wawar never enends. Setet up two ununits of plal. Whahat for . Itts a waste e o. Ddoctor, if f theres nono p . If we canan delay it t long en, hihis kids wonont have too think k of christmtmas as the day ththeir daddy y died. [ken] that episosode, it shohowe as a writeter that comomedy could d stop beingng funny ad be Verery Impactful and moving. Its o over. Let h himlet himi. Thisis young manan dies, and hawkeyeye changes s the cl, so t that its a after 12 00. Look, he m made it. Time of f death, 12 2 05, dedecember 26t6th. [ken] yoyou got yourur hopes upt he had livived, but there was no christmas miracle on that day. Glgloria said d shell be e r inin a few mininutes. Ill l take them. M. Thank yo. Hi,i, mike. All in t the familyy did Polis Probobably Betteter Ththan any othther show from thahat era. It allowowed for bototh drama and paththos, but alalso humo. Whwhy dont yoyou stay andnd e christmas s eve dinnerer with . Therees a knock k on the doood its a fririend of micichael. Hess living inin canada bebee hes a vieietnam draftft dodg. Arent youou taking a a big Che Comingng Down To T the state . Yeahah, but uh, its chrisis, you know . . So c christmas s sets the toe for all of this. Onon holidays,s, pinky somomet, he gets s feeling a a little l, you knknow . And archieie has invitited anor guest,t, his frienend, pinky. So if hehe starts tatalking abt steve,e, get him o off the subu. Make a a joke abouout somethi. Whoos steve . Well, steve is the only son. He got knocked off over in vietnam. So you h have the gogold Star Fr Anand The Drafaft Dodger At T the same tatable. The nenext questioion is, whwhat the helell you got t in , you ainnt got herere . So here ththey are dealing wiwith the Argrgument Of T the moment t around the vietnanam war at c christmas t. Im n not a desererter. Wwell, i dididnt think k yo. I was Jujust Tryingg to figurure out im a draft dodger. And you know, fireworksks. So maybe e i should g go, hu . Are youou nuts . Oh no, dadavid ddont let h him go cecertainly, h hes gotta a whwhat are youou talking a ab . The lalaughs stopppped, you knkt got reallyly tense. Yoyou were at t that dinnener. Ifif my opinioion is ofof any imporortance certaiainly, your r opinion is of imimportance a gogold Star Fafather [rick] itit Made A Ststrong Statement T about warr whenen televisioion wasnt really t taking politicacal stands l like tha. My kid hatated the warar, to. But t he did whahat he thohought he hahad to do. And david d Here Did W What He T thought he e had to do. But t davids alalive to Shae Chriristmas Dinnnner with us. And if steteve were hehere, hehed wanna s sit down wiwith. And thatats what i i wanna d. [clalapping] [tim] whwhat hes sasaying is christmtmas is trucuce. Christstmas is a m moment whn even t those who d dont agre wiwith each otother put itit a. Merry chriristmas, davavid. Christstmas just w was the most loadeded day of t the yer to set Thahat Episode E Becaue You Justst have to f forgive pee onon that day. Y. Good mororning, mr. Preside [rick] Aaaaron Sorkin and i wrote the Christmas Epepisode in e Excelsis Dedeo for the first t season off the westst w. Yyeah . Iim toby zizigler. [rick]k] on the s site of the koreanan war memororia, we tied d the death h of a homes guy y to a chararacter, tobyby. Ththat tattoo o on his fororeas marine b battalion 2 2nd and 7. This guy was in korea. Sosomebody oncnce told mee that t the most imimportant sty youll evever write isis your. Mymy father wawas a koreanan wa, and when he passeded away, he w was living g in a flophph. Hehe was mostltly homelesss. Merry chriristmas. I bebecame awarere after my y fs death and d burial that i i couldve e had him m buried in n arlington. Anand it Alwayays Sort Off Stuck K with me. [jacqueleline] tobybys sort of shooook by this s mans deata, so he used the power of his office to arrange a militaryry funeral f for h. Of course, the w white house at christmas is a huge thing, and we get to know the character mrs. Lanandingham, a a nononse Secrcretary To T the presided. You u seem a Litittle Downwn this weekek. Yeah, i know, charlie. I tend to get a little down during the holidays. She confesses that she lost her twin boys in vietnam. So they joined up as medics, and four months later, they were pinned down during a fight in da nang and were killed by enemy fire. That was christmas eve, 1970. She says it almost like a memory, but nonot an emotition. Withth the noiseses and d the shootiting, they had to be so scared. Theres a grief of what you dont have that everyone else hahas at chrisistmas, whetetr it b be a loved d one or a p pa. Or a Plalace To Go W where yu feel wananted. And wewest wing echos ththat disparirity. Didid you use e his name t o arrarange a Mililitary Funere . [kenen] toby w went out on a l limb with h his job, but hehe cant helelp himsel. He hasas to do thehe right thi. You shouldldnt have done that,t, toby. I know. W. [johnhn] that e episode of The Hololiday westst wing went a litittle bit dedeeper. It honorored servicece and sacre inin a particucular way. Id likeke to come a along. [ricick] therees a fraterery among peopople whove e lost loved oneses in war. You u have sometething in cocn withth everyone e else whoss r made t that sacrififice. My f father did d make a sacacr. And itit affected d the rerest of his s life. Cutting g the footagage of thehe children n singing with t the funeralal was jus, im lilike, tryingng not to gt like, teary eyeded about it,t [music] christmas is a vehicle toto try kind of toughened and d daring thihings, and pt togegether thingngs that woud normalally be in a any other circumststances, impmpossibl. [gunun shots] [choir sininging] the spiritit of the seseason dedemands it. [mususic] [tom]] i think k all christs movies are about rededemptio. Perhapaps from youour own chois oror from crueuel fate. Its thehe one time e of year we wewe can be foforgiven for being g unabashedldly sincerere and sentntimental. And d even a movovie that isie of that t and winks s at th, you can enengage it onon some l. Sasanta . [timim] unity,y, family, togeththerness, gegenerosity, ththese ideas s dont get t. Mererry christmtmas. Mmerry chrisistmas. [tim] watch a gogood christmts shshow, and itit doesnt m mr when i it was madede. And thatats what mamakes thet ofof these chrhristmas shohot only accessible acroross cultur, but acacross genererations. Mymy favorite e christmas s move isis love actctually. Miriracle on 3434th street. T. Its s a wonderfuful life i i love watching itits a wondederful life. E. A charlie e brown chriristm. Chriristmas vacacation. Homeme alone isis by far my favoritite christmamas movie. This is rereally clichche. Whwhoa. I memean its boboring but. Its s a wonderfuful life. Of coursrse. The alastair sim aa christmtmas carol. Charlie brown chrhristmas. Elf. The f family stonone. Lovove actuallyly. The apartrtment. Its probably home alonone. Mmiracle on 34th strtreet. And i ststill like t to believeve in santata claus. [music]

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