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To say. You look at the weapon obtaining and the tannerite available, do you think this was accomplished on his own . At face value, you have to make the assumption he had to have help at some point. Investigators are trying to figure out whether something set the gunman off. They are looking at what might have happened in the shooters life around this time last year. Thats when he started stockp e stockpiling more than 30 guns in what police were alleging was a secret life. He had close to 50 firearms and didnt stop there. According to investigators, 50 pounds of explosives were found in his car and he may have been planning to use them. There was evidence he had an escape plan and they tell us a note found in his room was not a suicide letter, but they wont reveal what was written. As for the shooters girlfriend, police say she is cooperating. Her lawyer maintains she had no idea about her lovers deadly plot. At this moment, 172 victims are still being treated in the hospital. The death toll remains at 58. Lets bring in dan simon in las vegas for us. As the investigation continues, we are learning a lot more about the shooters very meticulous planning to carry out the attack including that he may have planned to escape. Reporter thats right, wolf. That was an interesting revelation that the sheriff brought up yesterday saying that the shooter apparently had plans to escape, but he did not elaborate what the plans may have been. Did he have Airline Tickets or planning to go somewhere . We dont know. He did fire rounds at Aviation Fuel tanks much the airport is essentially next door. The question is was he trying to create an explosion or was there some diversionary tactic . We dont know. The sheriff talked about the shooters socalled secret life. What does it mean . We know the shooter had no friends, no social media presence. We are trying to determine a motive and its difficult. There are reports he scouted out other venues. He rented a condo in another part of las vegas a week prior. There was another Music Festival going on and he was looking at locations in chicago and boston. You have to wonder if there were other plans in addition what he had here in las vegas. We want to talk about the girlfriend. She spoke to fbi investigators yesterday. According to her lawyer, she is cooperating, but the bottom line is she said she had no knowledge he was going to carry out this plan. Wolf . Thanks very much. Dan simon on the scene in las vegas. As investigator put together the pieces, the clear timeline is emerging on how the incident unfolded. Heres what we know right now. At 10 05 p. M. , Stephen Paddock fires the first shots into the Music Festival crowd below. At 10 12, two Las Vegas Police officers make it to the 31st floor. One radios that he can hear automatic fire coming from one floor above them. At 10 15, paddock fires the final shots which are recorded on an officers body camera. Get down, get down [ gunshots ] where are you . At 10 17 p. M. , the two officers arrive on paddocks floor. The officers on the First Strike Team reached the 32nd floor within 12 minutes which is phenomenal. Of the first shot being fired. When they confirmed the location of the suspects run, the gunfire had stopped. Police say from 10 26 to 10 30, more officers arrive on the 32nd floor and moved down the hall, clearing rooms along the way in case he barricaded himself. At 11 20, s. W. A. T. Officers used explosives to breach his and they discovered him on the floor, dead. It took 75 minutes from the start of the shooting until officers breached that hotel suite and found the killers body. Since the fateful 75 minutes, investigators worked around the clock to identify the shooter and to figure out why he did it. 100 investigators are dedicated to building a profile of this mass murderer. I want to bring in joan navarro to help us through the process. He is a form senior profiler with the fbi and wrote a book on how to identify harmful people called dangerous personalities. The shooter led what they say was a secret that we may never fully understand how much of it unfolded. How do you go about building a profile on a mass murderer, a killer like this . Thats a great question, wolf. You start with whatever you can gather. Investigators are going to be going through this individuals clothing and look at his shoes to see where the shoes have been. They are going to go through everything in his house. They are going to go through hairs and fibers in his car. They are going to identify everybody that interacted with him and hopefully they will go back two or three years. One of the things we have to account for is all of his time and all of his behavior. Even then we may not necessary ly know the full aspect of his personality or motive. Is it common for a killer like this to spend such a long time planning an attack of this magnitude only to leave behind no manifesto or clear motive as to why he did it . This individual who planned meticulously and was being decentive and has a complete disregard for human life. This told me that we may be looking at an individual who is a psychopath. If thats the case, history is recomplete with individuals who in fact go through life high functioning and something happens. They spent most of their life doing work and when war broke out, the psychopathic traits come out. From what you know about the gunman and what you know about something he could have pulled off by himself . We still need to see more of the evidence, but one thing i learn from viewing people like this, never under estimate the capacity to do so many things when we look at people like ted bundy and serial killers who were not shooters, but their facility to escape and get away and hide and conceal. It couldnt prize me that he worked alone. Thanks so much. We are getting new ariel footage from the scene of the massacre. The images show the aftermath of the attack. Vestages of the chaos that unfolded. As we look at the pictures, they are questioning whether the gunman carried out a dry run or considered attacking another concert before the attack on the country Music Festival. The killer rented a room in a condo complex overlooking the life is beautiful concert venue. He rented the condo at the ogden from a private owner. Lets bring in the mayor of las vegas. They have been well briefed on the investigation. Thanks as usual for joining us. Whats your reaction to the news that the gunman possibly had scoped out another even larger Music Festival in your beautiful, wonderful city of las vegas . There has to be information there im sure the investigators and Law Enforcement will find out. If in fact a reservation takes time, they have to get that and get clearance. The same thing with the mandalay bay with the two window exposures and he had to have scoped that in my opinion and made that reservation. He didnt do it the day before, especially 22,000 attendees. We are confident we will find out quickly and certainly from those two venues of the ogden and mandalay and when they were made. Its part of an investigation. As you point out, this was meticulously planned. The use of automatic rifles and the track police and are you surprised by the level of planning . I think people who are full of hate and hanger and have a plan and are impassioned by the plan, one thing is that i cannot believe somebody else doesnt know about it. You cant live anywhere and have close relatives unless they have never seen you and live far away. This just coming in as we speak. A person matching the gunmans name reserving the room during the same time as the lollapalooza festival was going on. Have you heard anything about venues that he may have been casing . Other than what is reported, no. We have the professionals and thats their job. We have been trained in the process of keeping a safe city here. We know our role and thats a part of mine. I just those who followup with the investigation and the thoroughness. We are all ready to step up and help in any way they can and do what they want us to do in the investigative process. Is there anything more than they can do to prevent someone from amassing an arsenal along the lines that this gunman had in that hotel suite at the mandalay bay . I think thats going to be left to the private partnerships out there to make an assessment, but keep in mind, this is just las vegas. When you do something that will be so far reaching, it becomes international. Are you talking about having to do the same thing in every Office Building and every performing arts and every government building . How are you going to see this play out . We have to be careful of the reaction and the planning and whats realistic. How is it going to be funded . What we are about really is any time that people see something, you see something, say something. More importantly for those of us who have families involved in the community, you see somebody with problems or suspect it, better to report it than pass by it and say cant be. I remember sandy hook and pulse and the boston marathon. The list keeps going. You take all the people involved in these horrible incidents, you have less than 100 people and you have 350 million plus that live in the country. The sheriff suggested that the shooter may have had help. Have you been briefed and what is your assessment . He said may. When i hear the word may, its not definitive. I dont go on rumor and im not casting anything on the wonderful sheriff and what he has done. That means he is really relying on the investigative arm and what they are doing. We can all surmise this may have happened or that may have. The mayor from las vegas, good luck to everyone. We will stay in close touch with you. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me back. Urgent questions about what the gunman knows. You will hear what she says about their love and the rampage. Why Many Republicans seem open to banning what are called these bump stocks used to rapidly fire weapons. And a republican senator taking a dig at the president revealing what he thinks is the only thing saving the u. S. From cas chaos. Okay folks lets get the lady of the house back on her feet. And help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks. Yaaay the complete balanced nutrition of ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Always be you. Loreals magic root cover up. 3 seconds to flawless roots. 3 2 1 roots gone magic root cover up by loreal paris. Oh, my gosh its ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. 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Anyone who heard the audio or saw what that sounded like thought thats an automatic weapon that have been illegal since the 1930s. There are going to be hearings. Jack reed is joining us from capitol hill. How surprised are you by the willingness of several of these republican lawmakers in the house and senate to at least consider a ban on the bump stocks. Its an Encouraging Development because we have seen in the last several years after sandy hook there was no real interest or hearings into doing something to effectively prevend these weapons and the hands of people who are unstable and in the case of las vegas, thats encouraging. I hope it develops into real reg slagz. I think its something that has to be done and done quickly. A senior republican member in the house has pointed out there have been a few others that pointed out that these bump stocks used to make a semi automatic weapon into an automatic weapon for all practical purposes were approved back in 2010 during the obama administration. What do you make of that . I think the approval was based on the reading of the law. As you recall in the Clinton Administration we banned assault weapons. That ban expired under the Bush Administration in a Congress Congress and probably the individuals at the bureau were looking at the letter of the law and assault weapon as one pull, one round as semi automatic. No other avenue but approving it. I think it should be banned. Clearly. Are at least according to former atf agents they had to look at the specific letter of the law that didnt ban these and as a result they went forward. Looks like they may and suspicious they wont be around much longer. Another thing, the republican colleague with the committee took a swipe at President Trump while praising members of the trump administration. Listen carefully to this. Secretary mattis and chief of staff kelly are those people that helped separate our country from chaos. Do you agree . I do. Those individuals are thoughtful and experienced and their participation in the process made a difference that are positive. I think what the president does is to create incoherence on the policy. You have secretary tillerson in china. You have opening up in communications with north korea and he is under cut. Thats not the way to conduct diplomacy. It happens too often. As a result we are relying on people like secretary tillerson and general kelly and secretary mattis to provide more coherence and capacity. In what you fear is the president s policy and the president s strategy and the chaos that senator corker was referring to . Is that what you are saying . I dont know if it delivers policy of chaos, but it seemed to be very impulsive and very of the moment and not of a longterm strategy. The situation is very challenging. Everyone said we have a diplomatic approach and yet we dont have an ambassador. Thats something the president would try to remedy. We dont have an assistant secretary confirm and we have capacity issues and a it secretary of state on one of the most significant regional powers and the president under cuts his statement entirely. All of that might not be any plan. Its just the impulsive actions of the president. Thats not helpful in a diplomatic situation. You have been around for a while, senator. You know the secretary of state Rex Tillerson denies he threatened to resign and it downplaying between himself and President Trump. He didnt directly deny he had called the president a moron. How long do you think tillerson will last as secretary of state . I dont know. I think regardless of his position, there is just such an indication of dysfunction between the president and the state department. The capacity levels over there are not what they should be. Its in terms of south Korean Ambassador and a confirmed assistant secretary. This might be a situation where secretary tillerson states, but its dysfunctional. The alternative to diplomacy is a very, very serious set of options that are on the table in terms of military action. Senator reed, thanks for joining us. Thank you, wolf. As the sheriff in clark county says, the las vegas gunman had to have had help. The girlfriend is speaking out about their relationship and how she reacted to the mass murder. Also, i will speak live with nevadas Lieutenant Governor in touch with the investigators and what he is hearing about the reports that the gunman may have cased other locations. Stand by. Keurig. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . We have more on the breaking news. We just learned that someone with the same name as the las vegas shooter reserved a room overlooking the lollapalooza Music Festival in august. The person never checked into the room and they are not sure if the person who reserved the room was in fact the las vegas shooter or someone with the same name. We are continuing to check that out. Right now i want to talk about the new developments with nevadas lewd governor mark hutchinson. First of all, whats your reaction to the breaking news about the possibility that this mass murderer was actually casing out other Music Festivals not only in las vegas, but other cities for possible attack. Reporter as i heard the reports of that situation, it has been very troubling to me just as somebody who lives here. Im a native las veg an. Born and raised here and raised six person here. My youngest daughter is 18 years old and she attends events like this. Its troubling and im sure the investigation will continue to get more information, but it goes to show we have to understand as much as we can about this individual and what the intentions are. We are working on that. It has been four days since the shooting. The horrendous shooting. Are you hopeful a motive will be found or should families start to prepare for the possibility that there may never are a clear answer . Wolf, you are right. This is an investigation that continues to look for a motive. I have great confidence in our sheriff here. Great confidence in investigators and the fbi is doing a terrific job. This is into an unprecedented event. It will take a while. They will followup on many, many leads and take time. Everything that can be humanly possible will be done to advance the investigations being done. Heres another very, very alarming development. Police say they found 50 pounds of explosives in the gunmans car. They say there is evidence he had a plan to escape. I know you are well briefed on all of this. They do believe he may have been planning not only to escape, but a Second Attack . Reporter well, thats what investigators are looking at now. As we continue to see the developments of this investigation, that leads to other avenues of investigation and other things that have to be tracked down and there is a lot of troubling events that transpired before this terrible tragedy in las vegas. Thats part of the stlafgz is ongoing. The sheriff and we have all gotten to know him, he said its hard to believe the gunman didnt have help. Do you think he could have carried out this mass attack by himse himself. Reporter i think joe lombardo knows what hes talking about. He is privy to all the information. Its difficult to believe that this mad man and depraved individual acted alone. There is a lot of planning that is being discovered and it would be difficult to imagine he did all this by himself. Yep. A lot of people are coming to that conclusion. The Lieutenant Governor, thanks for joining us. Good luck to you and all the folks in las vegas, especially the survivors and the family members. Our hearts go out to all of them. Thank you for the opportunity to tell the American People we are grateful for their support and comfort. God bless them all. You not only have the support of the American People, but are being seen by our viewers in the United States and around the world. The out pouring of business is for everyone has been enormous. Good luck with this investigation. Reporter its been heart warming and we are so grateful. From all over the world, this city that is accustomed to taking care of people and our visitors and hosting everybody is being comforted by everyone across the world. Thank you very much and god bless you all. All of us who have been to las vegas, its a special place. Police say that marilou danley, the girlfriend of the shooter is cooperating with fbi investigators. Danley was visiting family in the philippines at the time of the shooting and says her boyfriend, the mass murderer, surprised her with the last minute plane ticket and wired her 100,000 while she was there supposedly to purchase a home for herself and her family. She didnt see the ticket or the Wire Transfer according to her lawyer as signs her boyfriend was planning mass murder. Instead she claims the gunman was trying to break up with her. I want to bring in the legal analyst and former federal prosecutor. Thanks very much for joining us. The fact that police say she is cooperating, her lawyer said she is cooperating. Does that mean first of all she is no longer seen as a person of interest . Absolutely. She is cooperating because she probably has no other choice. You want to cooperate with the fbi at this point because looming over her head are accusations and suggestions that she aided and a betted or helped plan to tried to obstruct afterwards. A lot of things keep peoples eyebrows raised. The convenience of being out of town and the stockpiling of the arsenal this man was able to obtain and maintain makes a lot of people think to themselves, there must have been a suggestion or a hint of impending attack of some kind. You cant help but make a comparison between this woman and the widow of the pulse shooter. She right now is awaiting trial behind bars for obstruction and aiding and abetting. Can someone be charged for knowing about an attack and not reporting it even though they were not directly involved . Yes. Where the conspiracy laws are after the fact. The reason for that is we want to encourage people or more than encourage, but prevent and deter you from not doing this. We want to you come forward and try to thwart an attack. Even if you were initially involved and you have that change of heart, the fbi and police want to be able to change their minds and try to stop it. In this case the fact that she may have been involved or known and did not act to thwart it in some way may have her on the hook. Its very, very premature to make those judgments. They look at as much cooperation as possible. During the q a and the interviews, if she is lying, thats a federal crime. Absolutely. You can go to jail for that. Thanks for that. Puerto rico meanwhile still reeling from the hurricane. Many still without power, water, and food as the president s words during his trip are criticized. Many say he didnt see the real damage. Homeland security official standing by to join us live. The White House Briefing and you see live pictures from the west wing moments away as the president continues to criticize reports that his secretary of state Rex Tillerson called him a mor moron. Stand by. 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Update on where things stand. Less than 10 have electricity and power. Im thinking about three or four infrastructures. Power, water, hospitals, and retail fuel distribution. You are right. In terms of the power grid we are looking at about 10 off line. Thats coming up on a daily basis. The u. S. Army corps of engineers. When do you think it will be 9 90 . Weeks or months . In a couple of weeks that 10 will bump up 10 to 15 . Public schools are closed in much of the island right now. These kids from kindergarten from high school are not going to school. Two sides of this. Getting the grid up and the hospitals and the airport are all on grid power. In the meantime, we have other critical facilities. Hospitals. 15 hospitals on the grid. The remaining 50 are on generator power. Fuel delivery and ensuring they have the modits they need. Schools will ensure the other facilities get the generators they need as well as the fuel supplies in other commodities. There is another part of this too. Retail. Is slowly but surely returning back to normal. In san juan for sure. A little in san juan, but the other major cities and towns on the island. A great story that is not being told is communications. 88 of the cell sites are down. They took a huge hit, however at t and sprint and all the carriers who work close with them, they are back on the island with temporary capabilities. They have seven cellular on wheels capabilities. They bring in eight more. They are blanketed and processing nine million calls a day. You are seeing little signs of normalcy starting to return. It was interesting that the president noted that puerto rico has a debt and they defaulted on a lot of loans to begin with. They said they have to get rid of the debt and they pointed out dont take the president s words and comments word for word. Is there a missed message from the administration about what to do with that huge debt that the Puerto Ricans have . The debt issue is something we will have to keep in mind. My primary focus is ensuring what we can do in the meantime. Life saving and key services restoration. Im not worried about the budget and the debt. 16 dead and now its gone up and doubled to 35 or 36 dead. Is that number do you believe unfortunately going to continue to rise. Again, thats not my area of expertise. We are focused as a top priority on the hospitals. Hospitals and dialysis. We are getting generators and they got them in the 50 generators. They are getting the commodities and the water and the food. They are getting what they need as well. It will take a long time. Just like floater and texas, we will be in puerto rico for a year. It seems worse in puerto rico. Nate will be a different story than maria. Nate is out there. Hope it doesnt come here. With the department of homeland security. Disturbing details emerging in the las vegas investigation including evidence that the gunman had an escape plan and 50 pounds of explosives in his car. Much more on the breaking news after this. Leve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. It produces 530 cubic feet of the 1 rair per minute, blower. Delivers superior loosening power, and runs for an hour on a single charge. Exclusively at the home depot and ego authorized dealers. Giveyoure finished curse you, heman, you interfering imbecile give us one good reason we shouldnt vanquish you to another dimension ok, guys, hear me out. Switching to geico could save you. Hundreds on Car Insurance. Huh, he does make a point. I do like to save money. Catch you on the flip, suckas geico. Because saving fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance is always a great answer. The Las Vegas Massacre claimed the lives of 58 people from all walks of life, victims include mothers, fathers, husbands, wives and a Police Employee just to name a few. Were also learning new details about many of them. A nurse who died protecting his wife, a special ed teacher, a combat veteran, just a few of the 58 men and women who were killed in sundays shooting. Amazing grace reporter among the dead, angie gomez, a cheerleader who was involved in player and studying to become a nurse. She had a boyfriend of four years who loved her so, so much. Their relationship is just something straight out of the movies. Reporter lisa patterson, a mother of three was active in her church, coached in a los angeles Softball League and was devoted to her family. She cared for so many people. She was so enthusiastic. She was literally the best mom and she was my best friend. Reporter there was ronda laroche, a massachusetts mom who loved country music. Her mother described her as the glue to the family. She was the one that did all the family events and family gatherings. A hostess with the most tess. Reporter another was neysa ton, mom of cadin, braxton. She didnt care what anyone else thinks. Reporter 56 yrd john phippen, remembered for loving his family fiercely. A tragic loss. This is a really great guy that unfortunately a lot of people are never going to get to know. Reporter he died shielding a woman from gunfire. Jenny parks was a california kindergarten teacher. She had that spirit of loving and kindness. She didnt think bad of people. Reporter shes described as a handson mother of two. She was always involved with her childrens academics and any sports. Reporter jordan mcill do you know, a mechanic from canada. He died in the arms of a stranger who refused to leave his side. I didnt want him to be there alone. There was another guy that was by us. His wooif had been shot and killed. The mother of his three kids. He never left her side. And i didnt want jordan to not have somebody with him. Reporter sandra casey taught special ed for a California Middle School known for her sense of humor and passion for her work. We lost a person today who will not be replaced. Shes in the hearts forever. Reporter 29yearold sonny melton died as he lived, a hero. He was the most selfless person that ive ever met and even until his last breath he proved that. Reporter the registered nurse and newlywed from tennessee died protecting his wife. He just grabbed me from behind and we started running in kind of a duck position, and i felt him get shot in the back. He saved me before even this incident. He taught me what real love was. Reporter Christopher Roybal was a veteran. His mom said she got him home safe from afghanistan and never thought shed have to worry about losing him again, adding, i was so proud to be his mom, he made me feel so happy. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . 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Police say he actually had an escape plan and the letter they found inside his hotel room wasnt a suicide note. Police say the gunman stockpiled his arsenals for months and months. 50 pounds of

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