Just because cheers and applause i brought him to justice. Because his powerful friends in washington pardoned him doesnt mean he wont be held accountable for those crimes, turkey here we are back at the office. All feeling pretty relacked. You know, nothing is really more relaxing than eating a long and drawn out meal with your extended family. laughter people you spend all year avoiding, now theyre in your house hovering in the kitchen opening drawers. laughter pitching you ideas. laughter for your show. Jonathan, i was at the bakery, and the man in front of me said whos next . And i said take a number, youll find out, thats wha what you should use that in one of your skits. laughter its like seinfeld laughter so its a little stressful. I like black friday. A lot of people dont like black friday, the day after thanks giving. I dont like it for the shopping. I like to do it because it is a great opportunity to take out the suppressed rage that my relatives help generate inside me. And then unleash that on complete strangers. laughter at a best buy, you know what i mean. So they know, i didnt pin the guy from the geek squad against the wall by his neck because i really cared they were out of 50 inch plasma tvs. I pinned him there because for some reason my family thought my brotherinlaw cousin should carve the turkey that i spent all day cooking because hes been struggling. You know what . Let me just say this you cook t you kferb carve it, jeff, thats just the way it [bleep] is. cheers and applause now all i need is to get a relative named jack. No. laughter anyway, enough about endless intractable struggles amongst people to share similar dna. Lets talk about the middle east. Transition, transition. Anyway, so while we were away the middle east exploded into violence, centering on the gaza strip. Okay, that is laughter that is the great gazoo can we get a locater for the gaza strip, that is gagas lips. Thats not that is gosling stripped, thats not cheers and applause really . All right, fine, leave that up. There you go. All right. At least its something nice to look at for the tough story. Must be weird to be that dude. laughter walking into a room and people go aaahhhh anyway what has been happening in the gosling strip. The first bus bombing in tel aviv in eight years. Roughly 850 rockets have been fired at israel from gaza. A senior israeli official says israel is ready for a ground invasion. We know ten members of one family, also two media centers. That was a rather large explosion. laughter and a rather nonplused reaction i might add. For gods sake, anderson cooper, do you have to run towards every single danger. Somebody get him out of there tell him theres a tornado headed towards a knife store or something. laughter cheers and applause i think i found a way to solve this conflict. laughter somebody needs to surrender some holy land. Take some sojourners to the dome of the [bleep]. laughter thats good. Right off the top of the head. laughter all right. So the fighting began last week when hamas launched hundreds of rockets at israel which were, i guess, in retaliation for israel killing the head of hamass military which some way was actually a retaliation for Hamas Holding an israeli sollier hostage for five years which might have been, i dont know retaliation for israeli Settlement Expansion which was in retaliation from what i heard you know alsos go back to when this thing started. Jon this thing has got deep roots. But this goround israel had a new trick up its sleeve. Israel has a new tool in its multiplayer Missile Defense systemness with the iron dome proved itself to be very effective. Jon iron dome that sounds awesome. What is that, dont tell me what that is yet. Just im going to see if i can figure it out myself. You see if im right. Just tell me. The iron dome, israels home Group Defense shield. The system is designed to protect populated areas, allowing nonthreatening short range missiles to drop into open fields or water and intercepting those headed for cities. Jon oh. Thought it was just a yar mull can yarmulke. applause but Missile Defense system sounds pretty good too. Hey, listen f anybody is interested in my design you know where to find me. Here we are again, thankfully this skirmish ended before it could fulfill the myan 2012 prophecy. Serious negotiations have resulted in a ceasefire in the middle east between israel and hamas. Jon you know are you in a difficult part 69 world when even the peace negotiations are furious. Ill stop shooting. No, ill stop shooting there is such a depressioning cyclical status quo where the untenable underlying conditions are never addressed. There are no winners here. Or to put that a different way. Who was the big winner do you think here . Two clear win esches. Who are the losers and who are the winners . laughter jon you really miss the election, dont you . Everything about the winners and losers in the horse race . Even intractable bloodshed, just another chance to check this on whose incrementally upper incrementally down. By the way winners and losers, there what game, sandiland . laughter hungry hungry hebrews . Or maybe its the old family favorite monotony. Where violence is a daytoday norm. A game where angrily flipping over the board is how you start. laughter and dont get them started on where you can put up houses. You cant put up a house on baltic avenue, i own baltic avenue, spot calling it baltic avenue its called the dark purple territories and it was given to my people before this game was even invented. Now get your thimble off my schnauzer. No, no winners there is a military side of this which is israel clearly won. Jon oh, yes, israel clearly won, israel is in great shape now. There is no wins hamas emerges as a big winner from this conflict. Hamas is the winner here. Jon so israel won. And hamas won. Did i say no wins. I meant two winners. President obama is a winner here, netanyahu is a winner here, Hillary Clinton is a winner here. Egypt is definitely emerged as the win never all of this. Jon did anybody lose this [bleep] thing did anybody louis . Did anybody actually lose in this bloody conflict that killed over 150 people . The loser in all this is mahmoud abbas. Iran is the main loser of this conflict. Jon so the only two losers in the war between israel and gaza are the people who dont live in either of those places. laughter so the lesson here is the next time your region descends into a war you have got to be in it to win it. Welt answer right bacc welcome back to the show. Now as weve seen, the recent fighting in the middle east has threatened the peace that had briefly interrupted the previous fighting in the middle east. Raising the question of why the regions true rule certificate leting this go on. And so god, if you would, meet me at camera 3. laughter dude, you show showed up, its so craz ooechlt i mean i know youre everywhere. Camera 1 . Camera 4. Camera 3. Dude, youre totally everywhere. I thought would you have been all glittery sunbeams and mist and stuff, dont patronize me. laughter now that are you actually here im really not sure what to say, how to begin. Thank you for the moon . laughter and certain kinds of fish, the white flakey kind. The other kind, honestly i dont want to tell you how you do your business, its a little fishy. Air purifiers are neat. Im sorry that i dont pray that much. And i should probably confess. I used to masturbate to the cover of ann margaret covers. laughter Olivia Newton john album covers, captain and tenille album. Mostly to tenille although captain had his moments. laughter actually, if were going to dot masturbation thing were going to be here awhile. Lets just say alphabetically everyone from abba to vicki vet. Zsa zsa gabor, okay, once, but there isnt about me. Its about you. And your home, your holy land. You know there is a huge fight going on there. The one side says we should worship you on friday. The other says saturday. And a few other people, not that many in this particular area say sunday. I mean its the kind of insolvingable dispute that cant help but descend into thousands of years of bloodshed. You know im a peacemaker, i celebrate freak end, you no what i mean . Friday, saturday sun i guess it. Look, im not asking you to solve the problem. Although obviously you could easily. And it seems a little strange that you havent. But i know, like bono says, mysterious ways. I get that you dont want to intervene in every earthly disaster, the earthquake, the fiscal cliff, but there is your house, whattive version of you is the correct one, they are [bleep] up your [bleep]. I dont think anyone doing the fighting realizes that. Hamas shooting rockets at tel aviv that is your tv room blown to piece. Israel rebombs gaza, there goes your breakfast nook. South lebanon wants to get in on the action so, much for the sun porch you just finished. And it was going to be so nice and you know there hasnt been a good carpenter in this area since oh oh uh but seriously, man, fix this, what have you been doing . Disease, famine, Global Warming what are you doing, why wont you help us after 12 undefeated games notre dame is going to their first title game since 1988. applause okay, that was worth it ill give you that. But after the bcs drop by the mid reiss, they could use a little pick me up. Rudy rudy yawway, yahweh. Wfern welcome back. My guest tonight an author, his new book is called the pat ree ark, the times of joseph p kennedy. Welcome to the Program David nassaw. Hello, sir. How are you . Doing well,. Sir this book, this something right here. The patriarch. Im going to start right in with joseph kennedy. So the biggest perhaps i guess misconception that i have is Joseph Kennedys a bootlegger. Joseph kennedy is one of the dukes of hazard. He made his money slinging liquor during prohibition, illegal activities. The book very meticulously says i would have been delighted had he been a bootlegger because i could have written about momoji and cannes but he wasnt. He wasnt. Well, i cant say that you can never prove a negative but there was absolutely no evidence. I mean the people who tried to make him out as a bootlegger relied on the evidence given them by tina sinatra who heard third hand from her father that he had done this deal. Al capones piano tuner who. Jon you how do you trust al capones piano tuner, really, have you ever heard al capones piano, you call that a c flat, please, youre insulting. But what you did show that whether or not he was a bootlegger this man did live on the edge of what we would consider today the ethical boundaries of finance and business. I think one could say that. Yes, one could say that. You did in many pages. But not one too many. What i thought was important about him was that when he had the opportunity to reform the same stock market that he had made millions and millions and millions on by shortselling, by pooling, by this and that and this and that, every insider trick, roosevelt said i want you to be secretary, i want you to be the commissioner of the Securities Exchange commission, he said fine. He was there for 15 months. When he left he had cleaned up so much that he could no longer trade stocks. Yes. He went into real estate. Jon he put himself out of business. He put himself out of business. Everything that he had done to make money was now outlawed. Jon it reminded me of those shows i used to get, Robert Wagner is a thief and now the fbi will use him to learn the tricks of the thieving. Roosevelt really said to kennedy you know how to do this, dow this. It did interesting to me that the man who created what you have to say is the most beloved liberal dynasty that has ever been created in this country was himself an avatar of all that that establishment seeks to abolish. He believed in capitalism. But he also believed that unrestrained, unrestricted capitalism was going to lead to disaster. He lived through the runnup to the Great Depression. He knew the stock market was out of control. He pulled his money out. And then he believed that unless something was done to reign in people like him, to reign in laughter i just would have loved to have been in that meeting. You dont get t im a bad guy. Ive got to stop me. Him in front of a mirror. He did stop him and he did stop him because he now that if the country continued in that way, if the depression got worse than capitalism would be threatened, democracy would be threatened. His fortune would be threatened. Jon ultimately it was selfpreservation. Ultimately he understood that the reason why the bolshevik revolution, the communist revolution, those things had not taken hold in america is that we ameliorated them with certain moves that could help workers and things like that. And i almost think he saw it as a hedge bet against his own demise. I think so and i think he was also squared to dechlt i dont think we understand. We have been through hard times now. But i dont think we can fathom how difficult it was and how frightening it was to be in this country in the Great Depression when italy and germany and the soviet union had abandoned capitalism and democracy. Jon the other incredible story is in some respects how kennedy to put it in stock parlance tried to short the allies and go long with hitler. Like there is a certain sense that he was betting on hitler winning. He was convinced that if the United States got into the war, if we even got into the war by sending resources, money, supplies to great britain, the depression was coming back. Jon right. And mistake number one. Mistake number two, he believed, maybe this is why businessmen shouldnt be in politics laughter cheers and applause jon its over romney didnt win it, its okay. You can stop. But he was convinced that as a businessman he could negotiate anything. And if he could sit down across the table from adolf hitler and say adolf, what does germany need, ill get it for you, just let the jews go. And stop this nonsense. Take what youve got and lets go home. Jon he wanted the jews to be let go and was going to set them newspaper africa so he wasnt that far off. You can stick around for a little bit. Well talk a little bit about the family. Patriarch is on the book shelves now, a little bit more for the web, david nassaw. cheers and applause jon thats our show, here it is, your moment of zen. Its a black friday tradition. Theyre good . Yeah. Okay, that one right there. Corner. Couch. Whoo whoo that ones good. Yeah . Good . All right, were on a roll. Blakes back. Welcome home. Whoo all right

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