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Taxpayers. They attack and try to label me. The problems only get worse. Whereare going to kansas the Senate Debate between pat roberts and greg orman was. He has not said which party he will caucus with. They rate the senate race as a tossup. This will begin momentarily. Live from the studios in wichita, the decision. Good evening. Welcome to the Kansas Senate debate. I will be the moderator tonight between pat roberts and greg orman. We get started and here are the rules. Each candidate will have 1. 5 minutes for opening remarks. Be a minute to answer questions from the panel and a rebuttal. We will and with closing remarks. Consists of our Media Partners for tonight. Tim carpenter from the journal and greg. The candidates were not given the topic before the debate. This. Watching we are going to be picking some of the questions tonight to ask the candidates. Lets get started with the opening remarks. Getorman will go first and the first question from the panel. Thank you and thank you to everyone at home. Washington is broken. We all know that and we are sending the worst of the parties. About parties than problems. They draw lines in the sand and refuse to cool operate. Inaction has replaced leadership. Solve, serious issues to from stagnant wages to living within our means. I am concerned that if we do not solve our problems, our standard of living and the existence of the middle class is at risk. Like a lot of kansans, i have been disappointed. Senator roberts will tell you that obama and harry reid is the reason washington is a mess. He is half right. The other problem is Mitch Mcconnell and pat roberts. Both parties are failing kansas and that is why i am running as an independent. I am a responsible businessman who wants to go and focus on solutions. I will embrace the best ideas wherever they come from. We will start solving albums again for the American People. Thank you. America is at a crossroads. We are at the tipping point. People know that have a choice to make. They can make the choice between or aservative republican liberal democrat who is not shooting straight with kansas voters. What this boils down to is that a vote for pat roberts is a vote for a republican majority in the senate. The harry reid agenda. Obamareid agenda. Withce with a stand for real jobs and growth. Up toonent will not stand that agenda. He is a democrat. He ran against me as a democrat in 2008. He gave contributions, what 174,000 to000 barack obama and hillary clinton. He cannot stand up to the reid obama agenda. It is so much more about this election than me. Memberswhy we have had of the republican party, and endorsement. They know that the number one thing is to get a republican majority to end the gridlock. Thank you. The first question is from brian with the wichita eagle. Children have been apprehended unaccompanied by adults. What should the u. S. Do with the children . Before i answer the question, i have to address a couple of things that the senator said in the opening remarks. We have gotten to the point where we are making upfa where we are making up facts. Traditional republicans for common sense have endorsed me. Numerous republicans have endorsed me. We need to Pay Attention to the truth. In terms of young adults and children at the southern border, we need to address that at the source and go to these countries, talk to the parents there, and let them know not to send their children through the trip through mexico to the United States. When you get there, we are going to process them and send them home. That is the best way to ensure safety. That is what we need to do, in terms of addressing that issue. Senator roberts . The first thing we have to do is secure the border. The second thing we have to do is there was a bill that the house passed that changes the law and says that all other countries would be similar to mexico. If you come across illegally, you have to go back. Humanitarian repatriation. The president said that people 16 and under can stay and it led to this tragedy. Lets go back to the border. There should not be amnesty. Felons in the0 United States. We have isis. Ebola. We have to secure the border. We asked about the children. What do we do about them . We can shut down the border. What do we do moving forward . Obviously, they are working through the system and, obviously, you are not supporting 66,000 children. We have to secure the border. We can work with the countries to make sure that they likestand that they are mexico and canada. They cannot do this thing again. Drug cartels involved, as well. I am not surenow, what the senator said. Humanitariansaid deportation. Then, he said that he does not want to deport them. I am not clear on the answer. I think we need to secure the border. I think we can and have a humane humanitarian immigration policy. Important for kansas. But rebuttal rebuttal . There will be no immigration policy as long as harry reid is the leader of the senate. He uses immigration as a political tool. Until we have a republican majority, you can consider immigration. All of the stops when you consider that we have to secure the border. It is the first thing. Isis, or whatever comes across the border, the illegals who are convicted felons, that shows you where have to secure the border and we cannot support amnesty. My opponent supports amnesty. Whats the next question is from dr. Bob 80. The next question is from dr. Bob beatty. What should they meet to qualify for citizenship . We do not have that. We have to secure the border. Let me explain. The department of Homeland Security announced that 167,000 convicted felons have come across the border and are somewhere in the United States. We have no idea where they are. Are going to deal with the immigration problem, you have to secure the border first. They sent a bill over to the senate. The senate is a place where the good bills go to die because harry reid. The bill did two things. It changes the law and make sure that every country knows that the same law applies to canada and mexico. Illegals, when you come across the border, you go back. If we do that, we can get to immigration. And, all of the complexities. First, we have to secure the border. I have talked at length about my policy on immigration. To be the policy needs tough, practical, and fair. We need to secure the border. We have increased the number of security agents over the last years. I think we need to maintain the commitment and it needs to be practical. I dont think we are going to find or deport the people. It would not be economically advisable. Had we make it fair to taxpayers . We say, if you are undocumented, you have to register or pay a fine as the egg knowledge of and that you broke the law. The job and down you should be able to stay here and work. This is the same plan that republican senators signed onto, including many who came to support roberts. Again, you are not going to any progress as long as harry reid is in power. Obama has threatened it has been reported in the press that he could, by executive order, get another executive order to declare amnesty for illegals. This total immigration policy, that is something that is wrong. It involves securing the border amnesty. No amnesty before anything else. My opponent would vote for that. Lets get a rebuttal. I do not support amnesty. You have heard my immigration policy. It ends with people who are working to work with rules. Roberts wants to talk about the senate as the place where good bills go to die. The senate is the only body that has acted on immigration reform. Republican senators approved the bill and it is not happening. I would also stand up to say that obama should not act by executive action. That is what is wrong with washington today. Nothing gets done. Securing the border, if these people are in the country now, do we need to change the policy . To be working in the system. What would you do with these people who are ready to deport thousands . I never thought we should 11 11,000 people million people. We should say no to amnesty. My opponent says he is against amnesty. He will say that he did not say that. Thank you. Regarding foreign policy, the u. S. Invasion of afghanistan and iraq, was it justified . Yes or no. Your preferred response to the new threat . Of afghanistan, yes. Geteeded to do something to the muslim extremists there and make sure they did not have the safe havens to attack again. Nowerms of iraq, it is being suggested that we were not as thoughtful as we should have been going in there. We have lost thousands of lives and have had tens of thousands of people critically injured. We have spent hundreds of honoring theollars commitment to our veterans to prevent muslim extremists from having a strong world and the middle east. A vacuum in iraq and a civil war in syria is allowing that. I believe that we need to follow the campaign we are doing and protect the poetic assets on the ground. We need to train the iraqis to solve that problem with our support. Thank you. Afghanistan, yes. I worry about afghanistan. If the president repeats what he is note real mistake having a status of forces agreement with iraq. When we left, it left a vacuum. Aliki was not the best in terms of leading the country. Now, we have a caliphate. This goes to a larger problem. The president has tried to lead by following with National Security and foreign affairs. When you lead by following, there is a vacuum and bad people fill it. If you cannot deal with the bad people, it gets worse. Much worse. That is where we are today. Have a situation where, just today, the president says we are winning with isis. We are not. They are within 20 miles of the airport. We have the big red flag in baghdad. We have 450 members there. Before we go any further ok. Im sorry. You have reached your time. We will come back to stop come back. I did not hear an answer about whether or not we should have gone into iraq. We were optimistic to think that we would take able to have been fighting for 15 centuries and form a properly functioning democracy. The war has to change. A can no longer be considered u. S. War against muslims. It has to be considered a middle eastern war against extremism. Allies in thek up region to address the issue. Thank you. I was going to point out that the president is conducting a war right now. Congress ought to weigh in. The president ought to come to explain to the American People. If we are sending more troops into iraq to contain or destroy there is a bitter debate about what we should do, the president has an obligation to come to the American People and explain. He has not done that. He continues to stay put. We are losing with iraq and isis. Shows that is dangerous for National Security. Lets go on. Social media question from keith. We are starting with senator roberts. How do you think the United States should deal with ebola . Senator roberts . Youhe ebola epidemic shows how we should secure the border and not grant amnesty. I issued a statement a couple of days ago. Why can we not do now what we know we are going to have to do down the road . We are going to need a team in africa stopping air traffic from west africa to the United States. We should get the best and brightest over to the country as fast as we can. The World Health Organization said that if we do not take days, within the next 60 we could lose 10,000 people a week. A humanitarian disaster. Isis, ebola,k to and other problems on the border. Andust secure the border secure the National Security of our fellow americans. Ebola is serious. We need to have a serious response to it. It does include sending the best and the brightest to africa. Suspendelieve we should air travel with west africa for the time being and until the crisis is contained. This was back to a crisis in leadership. Madets has come back and strong statements about ebola in kansas and a came out the other day that, when he was in washington last month, he skipped the hearing on the ebola virus. To talk tough year and, when you have an opportunity to do something about it, you choose to skip a hearing. That is a real problem. Lets a rebuttal . . A rebuttal questio nothing of substance came of it. Leadership. Risis in the president has been behind and a sleep at the wheel. Morest said he will have a pressing program aggressive program. It is the president that i think we have to look to for this leadership and we are looking for the plan and the strategy. We have to do that now. Leadership in washington is on both sides of the aisle. While you did not attend the hearing, it has come out that you did not attend two out of three hearings in the agricultural committee, a committee you want to lead someday. There is a crisis of leadership. The next question is from k s news. You own homes in other states. Explain your sense of connection with kansas. In minnesota and my father owned a Furniture Store in kansas. Workingtime in kansas in a store and learning the value of a dollar and kansas values. I got the opportunity to move back to kansas in 1996 and i took it. Andmately, my Friends Family are here. I choose to be a chance in kansan. If you wonder where im would if younge spent wonder where i am going to spend my time, it is chances. Sas. An i love kansas. I have been border to border and corner to corner in kansas. There is no public official that has been in more communities and talking to more people about the about they are worried than i have. Bob dole jokes that he is trying to catch up with a. Me. I know kansas. Kansas is conservative. Kansas wants answers. Kansas onc my opponent is a liberal democrat. We do not live in the Information Age anymore. We live in the misInformation Age. You heard misinformation from roberts. I will address that one at a time, if we have the opportunity, during the debate. Senator roberts, you talk about supporting farmers and you vote against the farm bill. You talk about supporting veterans and you did not have the courage to go to washington to vote on the be a reform bill. Va reform bill. We achieved the number one priority, Crop Insurance. I voted against the bill because, once again, we see farmers farming for the government and not the market. I received the endorsement from majorrm bureau and organizations. They endorsed me and not my opponent. In every case, i am the champion for farmers and ranchers in kansas. You for your answer. A reminder to voters at home to send us the questions online. We may read the question on air tonight. It is back to our panel now. The next question is from brian lowry. The Aviation Industry has seen a decline in unemployment since october of 2000 date. In the industry be saved wichita . What role should washington playa . Senator . I sorry. Aviation taxes. Jobs are involved with aviation. He industry can get along fine this administration, again and again, puts aviation taxes on the industry. It is not what washington can do for you. It is what they can do against you. I am the champion of aviation. Are corporatere jets, i was on the floor and said, sorry, that is not right. We had a personal discussion about it. I and the only person on the stage who has created private sector jobs. I am qualified to talk about businessese sector need. I have put forward a Small Business plan. I talk about rolling back dodd frank regulations on community and regional banks. They want people they were not the people involved in bringing us to the brink of disaster. We should not punish them and industries that serve the Aviation Industry. We talk about rolling back regulation and having a review of regulation every 10 years. Ofmakes sure that the kind regulations that were imposed on businesses are doing what they were intended to do and not stifling innovation. Those are the things we need to do for businesses. Job creation. Job creation indeed. Recipient ofas the taxpayer money to start the shrimp farm in the middle of the desert. Peopleposition was that eat so many shrimp contrails cocktails in vegas. That is a grant of 3 million. Explain that. I have the endorsement of the federation of business. Here is the chance to endorsed this. I am proud of my private record. I have been involved in investing in over 40 businesses. Doesnt realize that not every business succeeds. Not every business is a success. If they were, everybody would run a big business and we would all be successful. I am proud of my private sector track record and i will compare it to the senators any time. We asked roberts about his residency and his personal wealth. How can regular people relate to him . Thecan find website answers on our website. Right. All i have a glasshavefull question. Andeconomy added jobs what has the u. S. Government done right, and what should it continue to do Going Forward to keep this recovery going . The challenge we have had with this recovery is why we are creating jobs we are not necessarily creating middleclass jobs. Ive talked about how we get this country started again. We have to get washington back in the business of solving problems. I cant tell you how many Business Owners who have said we need to deal with Health Care Affordability. If we could have an honest discussion about how to address Health Care Affordability in this country and change the incentives that drive costs out of the system we would be and a better position to create jobs and see wages grow. Ive heard tell ive are people tell me we need to deal with immigration reform. Businesses have suggested they would add jobs if we simply got congress and the president to get their act together and pass some sort of immigration reform. When he regulations out of the system and help businesses grow again. Grant someing to time back, i have the endorsement of the National Federation of veterans. They represent Small Businesses up and down the street. The chamber of congress looks at your record. We meet with the chambers in kansas. They give those issues to the National Chamber. A story on real job growth, less regulation, less spending, binding certainty to the best that we can to the obama reid agenda. They endorse me. Not only did they endorse me reflecting the chambers in kansas and Small Businesses in kansas, they took the extra step of the finding defining my opponent and his record of job creation as a liberal democrat. That is what they did. Would you like to respond to that . Ive never heard of anyone record ofomeone conservative or liberal terms. It feels desperate. It feels like something that has been the need you to stand up here and represent the facts. Ive met with chambers throughout the state. I can tell you from those first 10 meetings that there are a number of chambers in the state that would love to see me get elected to the United States senate. Name them if you can. The National Chamber in their endorsement of me took the extra step again of defining my own as a liberal democrat. It is on the issues with regarding to certainty for business and the obama reid agenda. All of the regulations that come out of the administration. We are drowning and regulations. Have so many regulations you can keep up. One former one former told them we are not being governed, we are being ruled. Your doc radiation, and only the shrimp farm but is go back to our panel. The next question is for the capital journal. Both of you have mentioned the Affordable Care act this evening. I believe you have indicated it is flawed in some manner. How should the federal government intervene in the Health Insurance market to control costs without restricting access . Senator . Number one you are not going to have any repeal or placement of the Affordable Health care act with harry reid as majority leader. I believe that we should repeal and replace the Affordable Health care act. My opponent will not do that. Mistyl he is for ms he is for amnesty. He is against the keystone pipeline. I am not. The list goes on. He is proabortion. I am not. These are the kinds of issues that i think the chamber of commerce took a look at and said he is a liberal democrat. By word, by Campaign Contributions. On the Affordable Health care act i think we have the repeal and replace it. More market oriented solutions. We have to in this assault with higher premiums, lost relationships, many doctors quitting. The list goes on. Boardsmention rationing in washington. The first step come repeal and replace. You will get that with a majority republican you will get that with a republican majority. Ive said this a lot in this campaign. I believe that president obama and his harry reid are part of the problem. I believe senator, youre part of the problem. You have been in washington for 47 years. During that time the undocumented people in this country has grown from one billion to over 11. 5 million. That has grown from under 1 trillion to 18 trillion. In the last decade you voted to support funding for the bridge to nowhere in alaska. I have been clear from this on the beginning. I did support the Affordable Care act when it was passed. In 2010 i gave a Campaign Contribution to scott brown who was supposed to be the deciding vote against the Affordable Care act. The reason i did not like it was because i thought it was expanding a broken system. We pay for quantity in this country and not for quality. We need to fundamentally change the incentives to we can deliver better quality care at a lower price. Senator roberts. [inaudible] and president obama, who we voted for and contributed money to, describe the aca as the first step to national Health Insurance. Hat is the wrong way to go you must repeal it first, replace it with more market oriented solutions. You will not get there from here unless you elect a republican majority in the United States Senate Working with ehouse. We can do that. The senate has passed bill after bill that would be helpful with regard to replacing obamacare. Again, as i said from the beginning, i wasnt an initial soap order of the Affordable Care act. I dont believe it was the right decision. Right now what we have is a Health Care Affordability issue. We had it before the Affordable Care act. We had it today. This is what you see in washington. Incident talk about how to address the affordability we have taken an issue like the aca and made a political football. Ultimately it prevents them from having to make the hard decisions that we need to make to secure americans future financially. My apologies, im not sure where that came from. Craig anderson, our next question. And abortion question. A woman must have an ultrasound with the option of viewing the wait, get counseling and 24 hours. You agree with these regulations and should ultrasounds before abortions be mandated nationwide . Ive addressed this issue many times before. What ive said on this issue is that as a man i am not going to have to face the hard decision that women have to face. I trust women of kansas are smart and they can make decisions on their own about their own reproductive health. With that said i think we spend a lot of time in this country talking about this issue and we have spent a lot of time over the last couple of decades talking about it. It prevents us from talking about other important issues. What i would like to see us do is start focusing on some of the big problems that we absolutely need to get our arms around if we are going to preserve the American Dream and our financial futures. Are you prolife or prochoice . I am prochoice. Ok. He is obviously prochoice. I am prolife. I think it is that we have to get past this issue. Past the rights of the unborn . Life forthe guaranteed those endoflife . I dont think you can say that with any degree of conscience, more especially as im concerned , the question that was raised is a state issue. Knowal mandates, i dont of any federal mandate i agree with with the paperwork and regulations out of washington and taking over states rights. But with abortion, and you have to move past it . I think that is unconscionable. I really do. Roberts when he was in his confirmation hearing referred to this issue as settled law. I think it is. It is an port in question but i think weve spent a lot of time debating it and it is time to start debating other important issues as well. Thank you. It isnt settled. We had a great fight over hobby lobby. The rights of individual Business People to say im sorry we are not going to send obamacare because it strikes at our religious beliefs. The hobby lobby one. It isnt settled law. Not by a long shot. That is why i am proud to receive the endorsement by the national right to life and the cans is right to live. They support me. They dont think we ought to get past this issue. Lets go back to social media with our next question. Via twitter, i would like to know the stance on gun control and if you are a gun owner. Im not a gun owner. Opponent supported the harry reid ease of legislation that would have been tearing apart the First Amendment. The Second Amendment. Ive a protector of the first and Second Amendment. My opponent is not. That is one of the many issues that proves he is a liberal democrat and he is not an independent. First amendment, freedom of speech, you should be concerned about that. Harry reids bill would have had congress decide what happens with regards to Campaign Contributions. Imagine that. Do. Was the wrong thing to the Second Amendment, i strongly support the right to bear arms and am pleased that i have the support of the Kansas State Rifle Association and the nra. First a couple of things. The First Amendment thing that senator roberts is referring to is overturning Citizens United. He doesnt want to overturn Citizens United because his buddies from washington have flown in and are spending millions of dollars in campaign a desperateg me in attempt to allow him to stand office. I am a gun owner. I have two guns. When i bought those guns i had to go through a background check. I dont believe it was intrusive, i dont believe it intruded on my Second Amendment rights. I support the Second Amendment. I would point out that what i talked about in terms of ending the gun show loophole is the same long that senator roberts in the past has said he supported. When he found himself in the middle of a difficult primary and realized that direction his party was heading you change and flipflopped on the issue. In andn owner i believe support the Second Amendment. From bottle . 64 on right toof life. The nra, i cant tell you where i am. The way you describe that situation i dont think that is accurate. Ive always supported the Second Amendment and i will continue to do so. Just im providing the bottle . Rebuttal . Ebutting the im concerned we are getting rebuttals to rebuttals. [indiscernible] go ahead sir. As a gun owner i support the Second Amendment. I do support expanding background checks to cover gun shows. If you think about what a background check does, it prevents someone who has been adjudicated mentally incompetent subject to restraining order, has been discharged from the military or sentenced to a year or more in jail from getting a gun. Those are people i dont want to see having guns. With that said, for a lawabiding citizen willing to go through background check, i support the right to keep and bear arms. Thank you for your responses. Kansas ranks as one of the top five States Affected by drought according to the u. S. Department of agriculture. What role should the federal government play in helping kansas in similar states achieve water sustainability . What i have talked about in that regard, ive spent time in western kansas with folks talking about the awful for and the issues associated with water in western kansas. It is clearly a depleting resource. I think we need to do a couple of things. We need to make sure federal policy isnt this discouraging the planting of low water crops. Talking to farmers what i have heard is the reason they dont is the Crop Insurance is four times as expensive as other crops. I think we need to look at federal policy and make sure that we are not discouraging the planting of low water intensity crops. We need to lean on the innovation of the farm community. We have seen improvements in Irrigation Technology and i would like to see those technologies expanded so we can conserve water and ultimately extend the resource that we have in western kansas for agriculture. Its interesting the only federal response we have had from this administration is when the president went out to california and discover the drought. He spent 8 billion for Climate Change centers. Weve never figured out what a farmer would do if he went into Climate Change centers as opposed to the Farm Service Agency that we have in every county. I represented the First District for 16 years. I come from western kansas in terms of my home. I know what farmers want and i certainly do not want another federal regulation or mandate coming down telling farmers based on water usage what plants, what they should not plant. We already have that too much in the federal government for the latest farm bill that is once again have a farmers land for the government and not the market. Likes i have come out as a Small Business owner myself. I recognize that government getting deeply involved in businesses is a mistake. Which is why i have my Small Business plan intended to roll back regulation. With that said we have a Crop Insurance program and that right now provides for premiums farmers have to pay. If they have to pay more to ensure something they are less likely to plant it. My concern is i dont want to discourage farmers from planting low water intensity crops because they think it would be good for western kansas. We just had one heck of a together, saving, and improving our insurance. Withyou go messing around water usage and telling farmers what they can plant, what they cant, which will also directly involved Crop Insurance program that we improved. Im the father of Crop Insurance. It was a bipartisan effort. We improved it and saved it in the farm bill rated number one priority. When we did Crop Insurance i didnt hear anybody saying somebody could come out with the federal government and say due to your water usage we are going to encourage you to go to a different crop. Back to our panel. Lets keep talking about this. Washington looks to kansas congresspeople for expertise on farm issues. Considering one of you will go to washington, what would each of you like to see in the next farm bill that is not in the current farm bill . Like senator roberts . Bill yourext farm going to have to go over the current farm bill and see if it is working. In wichita the Farm Service Agency folks are meeting with regards to the farm bill which is headed in the wrong direction. Having said that we need a shakeup and understanding Department Agriculture means a lot and businesses up and down mainstream need a lot. 82 of the funding in the budget goes to snap or food stamps. This a program that cries out for reform. This is another example of where my opponent will not support anything like that because that is a primary concern of barack obama and harry reid. This program has exploded in spending. 1 . Cup is only it is going to cost 800 billion in the next 10 years. We at least ought to stop and think about what we do with that research, greater export row ands, and have our x boards whents talk about that you rebut. I think if you want to talk about the Food Stamp Program ultimately we need to see Economic Growth in this country. When he decreed the jobs where people dont need to be on food stamps. I have talked a lot in this election about how i think we have a new american paradox. How i believe it is harder than ever for the average american to get ahead and yet paradoxically easier to do nothing with your life. I have talked about looking about those programs and asking one very simple question. Are they promoting upward mobility or the proviso that promoted complacency . If they promoting in place and see i think we need to adjust and improve. Ultimately we may need to end them. Lets are from the senator. My amendment would have had effective eligibility in taking advantage of loopholes. It was defeated by harry reid and the democrats. Obama would not go there. That is one of his chief programs. You have to get back to production agriculture and understanding farmer and rancher aed not only this country but hungry world. 9 billion people on the planet the next couple of decades. And ranchers have to be looked at and that context can have the usda pay more attention to them and their likelihood than some bloated program that cries out for reform. From we took with 15 seconds. Sorry. Going to say we need to reform programs so that they are encouraging upward mobility and not complacency. I would point out senator roberts has raised our last fair, i gote state a thumbsup from him. Apparently that doesnt make sense anymore. Weve come to the final question of the night from me. You get 30 seconds to answer green over bottles. Rebuttals. Essays of thing nice about your opponent. Appreciate senator roberts and his service to our country, in the marines and every time i have an opportunity to talk privately with the senator he has been a gentleman with a great sense of humor. Thank you sir. Hill. Ines take the i would say that youre a welldressed opponent. I admire your accumulation of wealth, i have a question about how you got there from here but i think that is the American Dream. I would hope we can make that possible for everybody up and down every small kansas community. You have a nice smile. And youre for the royals. They disagree but they had mutual respect. I believe we have come to the point of the debate where we are going to do closing remarks. With mr. Orman. Thank you and thank you to the sponsors for having us tonight and everyone at home that took the time to listen. Thank you to my wife and family for their continuing support. The question we have in front of us is simple. Is washington working . If you think that it is i am not your god. I believe the system is broken. I believe sending a senator back to washington who is been there in that broken system for 47 years isnt the answer. Me inking kansans to join sending a message to washington that the status quo is no longer acceptable. Kansans deserve better. We are the country that the man on the moon and figured out how to harvest the power of the atoms. That took computers that used to fill the room and put them on the head of the pen. They can solve any problem that they put their minds together and work together. Keepll not get that if we electing partisans instead of instead of problem solvers. Two parties using more interested in seeing the other party fail facing our country succeed. This election is an opportunity to send a message to partisans of both parties that if you dont roll out your sleeves, solve problems, we will find people who will. It is opportunity for us to send a message the nation about whats right with kansas. Im asking for your vote on november 4 to send this historic message and helpless in washington back in the business of solving problems for every american. Thank you. To ksn. You again president obama said a week ago this election was about a referendum on his policies and his agenda. His legacy. That is true. There is only one way that we are going to stop the obama reid agenda. Majority of republicans. This is so much more about me, it is the future of the country. They have endorsed me because they know i will vote for a republican majority in the dictatorship and gridlock by harry reid and stop the obama reid agenda. About this time tomorrow night my phone is going to have dinner in new york at a 5,000 a plate fundraiser with the soros family. Going with him is an endorsement by the iof cfo. Going to a soros fund raiser, i have never known that family to nts. Rse independe they endorsed liberal democrats. Thank you. Thank you to senator roberts. Special thanks to our panel. Brian lowry on the wichita eagle. We will have more on the Kansas Senate debate at 10 00. Remember to get out there and vote. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. A couple of your facebook, its about that debate. We are covering 100 debates in 2014 for the control of congress. Stay in touch with our coverage by following us on twitter, liking us on facebook. We will have more live debate coverage tomorrow night from iowa. Will braley and joni ernst hold their third and final debate. The race is a tossup. Here are the ads running. Im bruce braley and i approve this message. Take a closer look at joni ernst. She sponsored an amendment to outlaw abortion even in cases of rape or. Ban earth would control. Control. Rth ideas, wrongadical for iowa. Joni ernst promises to shut down the department of education. Abolish the epa. That is why sarah palin and the Koch Brothers one hand in washington. I get very upset. Are you ready to apologize . He had no college education. I find it ironic there is the push to shut down the house. There is hardly anybody working down there. I get very upset. There are no towel service. A farmer from iowa who never went to law school. Were doing laundry down there. Like you dont have a masters in phd or policy. One of the most important places i go is to the house gem. Gym. A farmer from law school who never went a farmer who never went to law school. I get very upset. Those ads are running in iowa. Bruce braley is running against joni ernst for the open u. S. Senate seat. Watch more Live Campaign tomorrow night. Georgia, a candidate debate last week. This included amanda swofford. This is one hour. Good evening. Welcome to the georgia national

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