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Priorities. The choices we make about how to invest and spend have an impact on American Families. We must make it easier for hardworking americans to own a home, send their kids to college, have a secure retirement. That is why it is so important that we invest in our american ports. That will provide funding and support they need is a high priority for me. It is supported by 100 members of the congressional caucus. We know that americans must invest in the ports to remain competitive, and prepare for the expansion of the panel mall panama can now. The budget we are considering today, does the opposite. Cutting funding for programs that support american commerce is shortsighted and harmful to the competitiveness of american business. I applaud the congressional progressive caucus has it meets the targets we set for the Harbor Maintenance funding using up of the revenue collected at our ports for its intendant intended purpose. Let me emphasize that the Harbor Maintenance trust fund is selffunded. This is not new spending or new fees. Shippers already pay the taxes to Fund Improvements that congress is refusing to authorize. A trust fund now has a surplus of 9 billion in fees that america is ports have collected. Unless we act, these funds will not be used as intended. The the chair the gentlelady is recognized for another 30 seconds. Gentlelady i want to thank the Bipartisan Group of 86 members who signed the letter that i sent to the House Appropriations last week calling for the tax funds to be at the level. The the chair the gentleman from georgia is recognize. Mr. Price the priorities for budget address the priorities of the nation. The president s priorities, you look at where it will take us, it is debt. This is the debt that this nation has held since 1940. That is the dark areas. Virtually, the highest level since world war ii. Where does the democrat path go . Higher than ever before. Ever before. That is their plan, apparently. That is what their budget outlines. What is that mean . What that means is the interest on the debt, everyone knows what interest means. They pay that on a car. That is money that you pay just to be able to borrow. In this instance, the interest on the debt, consumes the entire federal budget. That is what we are talking about. In a short. Of time, within the budget window interest on the debt raises over a trillion dollars a year. That is more then what is spent on medicaid, education. All of the priorities that American People have is going to be spent on interest. That is why we believe it is a moral question. Are we going to leave our kids this kind of debt . Are we going to destined them to a life with no opportunity. Let them be servants to the government just to work so they can send their tax money to washington to pay interest on the debt. Chairman, you know that is not the american we want to leave our grandkids. I dont believe it is the america on the other side of the aisle, they want to leave. That is what the president s budget does. That is why we are excited about a balanced budget for a stronger america. A budget that puts us on a path to balance it in less than 10 years. The other side of me get the balance. Doesnt get the balance. Our goal is to get the balance. There is there is never is. That is not what the American People want. What we need to do is come together and address these challenges we have in a positive way. Get real results. We are proud of the work this budget does. It lies out a positive path of real solutions. Tax reform that works. Get this economy rolling us so we can grow. Put people back to work. Those are the positive things the budget does. The safety net programs are vital. We protect those. We make those work better for the individuals receiving. We encourage them in a moral way to better their lives and get on their feet. That is positive solutions. A balanced budget for a stronger america. The chair the gentleman from georgia reserves. Gentlemen the one thing the republican budget will do immediately is make life harder for hardworking americans. How does it do it . It actually increases the tax burden on working americans middle income americans, people working their way to the middle, while providing and other tax rate cut for folks at the very top. People are working harder than ever, and shell that they are on a treadmill, it does not help them at all. In addition to the fact they are going to pop pile more cost on to students by increasing the cost of student loans. They are going to charge you interest while you are in college. They will charge seniors more because they will reopen the Prescription Drug donut hole. I dont know how that is good for them. Hard on seniors, hard on students hard on working families. The democratic budget, like the president s meets those priorities. For example, working families are facing huge childcare costs. We propose a significant expansion of the childcare credit. Make it easier for those families who are working, but want to make sure there kids have quality childcare. Make it easier for them by providing them a significant tax credit for that cost. For couples that are working, we scaled back the marriage penalty. It is the second worker does not begin work at the higher task tax rate as the other worker in the household. That is the kind of relief we provide to the middle class. Republican budget gets rid of the important provisions that are already there to help. Our a budget does this in a fiscally responsible way. The republican budget does not balance by a long shot. Im going to quote the chairman of the Senate Budget committee said, one of the problems i have had with budgets is they use a lot of gimmicks. When there was anticipation that obamacare would go away and all of that money would still be there, that is not realistic. I would like to see us get to real accounting with the budget. Yet this budget assumes the revenue from the acts will be the same as the corporal care act. This is putting us on a fiscally responsible path. Reducing the debt to gdp ratio. Doing it in a way that improves Economic Growth and provides for more prosperity. Not one that provides for another round of tax cuts. Someone who knows a lot about these areas, is someone a member of the ways and Means Committee i yield to the gentleman from washington, mr. Mcdermott. The chair the gentleman from washington is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Mcdermott thank you mr. Speaker. A budget is a statement of values and priorities. You have heard people talking about what their priorities are. We dont want to load our kids with debt. The budget that is put forward by my republican colleagues is shortsighted. It has no views of the future. It gambled away the future of the next generation in order to provide the ultra wealthy with gains. What has made this country great is the strategic federal investments in health care, roads, education, bridges, research. The types of investments that built the middle class and america. Republicans say theyre land budgets balances the budget in nine years. They dont tell you that they do this at the expense, Medicare Medicaid pell grants, and everything in the social budget. What you learn from this budget is, when they say they are balancing the budget, they mean that they are cutting domestic programs. They are cutting anything that helps hardworking americans. It also cuts does not cut one single dime from the military. They actually want to give the military more than they asked for. Despite raising taxes or not raising taxes, hugh think they could at least cut a dime from the defense department. By now peoples eyes are glazed over thinking about this. Let me talk to one group anybody who has a student with debt. It is the largest debt that we have in this country. We have made our kids into insured servants of banks and the federal government. This budget contains 100 and 27 billion 103 7 billion that we have extracted from students to give cuts in taxes to the wealthy. To lower their rates, to make it better for the rich. They have a loan, a student loan , those loans cannot be renegotiated. You can read of you can renegotiate on anything else. When a student and his mother and father, or her mother and father sign up for a loan and put their house in the deal, and put their 401 k behind that kids education, they are stuck with that loan rate. You have people paying 68as high as 30 on loans 13 on loans. Is that what you want . To stick kids with those kinds of loans . In my view, this budget has no humanity, and no view of the future. I urge you to vote no. The chair the gentleman from georgia is recognize. Mr. Price i am pleased to recognize the regional and for michigan. Gentlemen thank you mr. Speaker. The government has a spending problem. Last week the Government Accountability Office Released the report estimating that the government made 120 billion in improper pavements. This is one of the reasons the National Debt has skyrocketed to 18 trillion today. Divided among americans, a child born today inherits 225,000 of debt for a family of four. It is time to start our country on a new course, this republican budget puts america on a responsible path. In my district there are more than 135,000 medicare eligible residents. And over 159,000 Social Security recipients. This government keeps the promises made to seniors and those near retirement by stabilizing the trust fund. It also grants flex ability to states on medicaid, allowing them to craft their own programs to serve the needs of their state and local communities. This budgets also enhances our National Security. Former chairman of the joints chiefs of staff admiral Michael Owens says our debt is the single biggest threat to our security. Over 20 of it is held by foreign governments. By balancing within 10 years this budget and deficit slows the amount that will have to be paid by other countries. With less spending needed for debt payments, more future funding can go to National Security. This is a budget for solving problems and creating a better future. This budget addresses our countries fiscal problems in a responsible way. It puts our nation on a brighter path for our children and grandchildren. I yield back. The chair a gentleman from michigan yields back. Regional men from maryland is recognize. Gentleman i do want to say a word about the impact on seniors. We have talked about the fact that the republican budget will increase the cost to seniors with high Prescription Drug burdens. It will increase the copays for preventative services. Let me Say Something about what it will do to seniors who are in Nursing Homes and other settings that rely on medicaid. The previous gentleman mentioned the number of people in his district on medicaid. Seniors and people with disabilities account for 85 of medicaid spending. 65 of that spending is to the aged and disabled. 20 to kids. Here is what the congressional budget office, the nonpartisan folks said about the medicaid cuts of this magnitude in the republican budget, and the impact they would have on states. Here is what they say, even with significant efficiency, even if you imagine the states will come up with incredible efficiencies, even with that, the magnitude of the reduction of spending relative to spending in other scenarios means a states would need to increase spending on these programs, make cutbacks or both. In other words, you are passing the buck down to the state so they have a choice. Either they raise taxes. Or seniors in Nursing Homes take a hit. You just cant have it both ways when youre cutting 900 900 billion dollars out of the program. Here states, you do it on your own. We are going to give you 900 billion less. Any nonpartisan person would arise at the conclusion the states have to increase their taxes to maintain services, or those people will get less. That is why this republican budget is hard on seniors just like it is hard on students, and why it is hard on working step americans. If you are a millionaire, you will get greenlighted by the romney tax plan that cuts your rate by 30 , while increasing the tax burden on working americans. That is not right. The chair the gentleman from georgia. Journal thank you mr. Chairman. We have heard our friends talk about gimmicks. You want to talk about a gimmick, lets talk about the president s budget. The president comes out and says i think we need to give our defense folks more money. Something to keep our nation safe. The president says i believe in our budget, we will put 566 million in our budget for defense. What the president knows is that number is fiction. You talk about a gimmick, the president does not lay out a path at all to deal with the sequester camp. To deal with the law of the land that says that number will be 505 hundred 23 billion unless the law is changed. Which is why we positively, honestly sincerely bring about appropriate increases for our men and women who are in harms way. If this house actually stuck with the president s number, and the president laid out to change the law, that number would snap right back down to 523 billion dollars. That is why we believe it is an appropriate to lay out the path. We do that in our budget. You talk about gimmicks mr. Chairman. The president s budget is full of gimmicks. As i mentioned before, it isnt increasing the debt beyond what the eye can see. We have a positive budget. I am pleased to yield to my colleague, mr. Woodall. The chair mr. Woodall is recognize. Mr. Woodall i thank you for the time. It is a it has been a privilege. I was down here earlier, trying to create a rule. Now we are talking about which ideas are good. I heard my friend from maryland speak with such passion on medicaid. I share his passion. I know his conviction to be true. If we do nothing, Interest Payments alone are going to be larger than the entire medicaid budget. We have six different budgets we can consider. Three of them balance. Three of them never. I listened to be chairman earlier, he said i do not concede any of the discussion of whether or not the balance budget balances. The point is, at least we are trying. Even if economic circumstances change, we have as a goal, in doing this waste of taxpayer resource which is interest to our creditors. It dwarfs everything. It is larger than the Defense Budget. It is larger than medicaid. It is five times larger than education. Five times larger than transportation. Whatever it is you care about. Whatever investments you want to make by failing to create a balanced budget today, you are contributing to tax increases. I could not be prouder, when faced with a deteriorating at economic situation, every year we are straining more and more to balance the budget, our chairman said if it is a big challenge, i want it. He has done it. I have Great Respect for the Ranking Member from maryland. We are trading it all away. Balance this budget. Lets do it together. Lets do it responsibility responsibly. Let it be a question of when we do it. We will have that debate together. I yield back. The chair the gentleman from maryland is recognize. Gentlemen just a couple of points. Again, we keep hearing that the republican budget balances. It does not. Its interesting that instead of having the priority be accelerated Economic Growth with rising paychecks and rising wages for americans. A republican colleagues have made the priority a balance which their own budget does not achieve. The republican budget brought to the floor just three years ago did not balance until 24 7 2047. Instead of having the priority, growing the economy in a way that raises wages. They have a priority which their own budget does not meet. American families who are focusing on their pocketbooks know that from time to time they borrowed to invest. They sometimes borrow for a home education, because they know that is a good investment. Actually Interest Rates are low. We should be investing in our National Infrastructure so we do not become a pothole nation in the days ahead. The chairman of the committee mentioned again the Transportation Trust fund earlier. The reality is the president s proposal puts a sixyear trepidation plan in the budget. It actually helps to boost infrastructure. So we can remain at the cutting edge, and dont fall behind. The republican budget has no plan more than the 10 month plan we have had. In this budget, nothing real. I do want to say one word about what the chairman said about the president s Defense Budget. And the way the president did it. The president did not put it in the slush funds. He put our defense needs where it always has been. And the Defense Budget for the defense department. I was surprised to see here the chairman say that because the Republican Study Group budget i would believe it represents the majority of republican, they do it the same way president did it. In a straight forward manner. They put the funds of the joint status joint chiefs of staff said they need in defense in their budget. They do exactly what the chairman said. The chairman said the president was doing in some indirect way. Im surprised our colleagues keep coming back to this point. It is a violation from what they said on paper a year ago. You shouldnt be funding defense needs as part of the ongoing Defense Budget by putting them in a slush fund for the overseas contingency account. Im pleased the president of this in a straightforward manner. A manner at that the joint chiefs of staff said. It turns out, the same way the Republican Study Group did apparently not the way the majority of republicans want to do business. I am pleased to yield three minutes to the distinguished Ranking Member of the Financial Services committee who understands the impact that the republican budget decisions are going to have on every day americans including in their pocketbooks. This waters miss waters of california. Ms. Waters thank you. As Ranking Member of the Financial Services committee, i would like to express serious concern with how this budget undermines our financial stability, protection for consumers, and the housing market. It is now seven years since our countrys Financial System was rocked by wall street, greed and predatory lending. All of our constituents were witness to any economy where family members lost jobs, friends were made homeless, and everyones savings or depleted. Trillions of dollars vanished in the span of a few months. When some of the money returned, it was not shared equally. Democrats in Congress Work to prevent a repeat of this disaster. They placed the tools necessary to prevent bailouts. Rehashing failed policies, the republican budget resolution would repeal these tools and bind the hands of the protection bureau. The republicans cited when a company like aig threatens another problem. This budget resolution goes further, it would privatize fannie mae and freddie mac along with the failed pack act. It was rejected by everyone from housing advocates, builders, academics, and a majority of members of the house. Why did we reject it . We fear it would be the end of safe mortgages. We fear it would favor only did they get megabanks. We feared it would further the wealth gap. This budget resolution is built on a Broad Foundation that harms of some of our most vulnerable communities. I urge the members oppose the republican budget resolution. I thank you. I yield back. The chair the gilman from georgia. Gentlemen i am pleased to yield three minutes to the gentleman from indiana mr. Stutzman. Mr. Stutzman thank you. And strong support of the republican budget. A balanced budget. Mr. Chairman, we have seen the tax and spend policies this president had has made our economy sluggish. Our wages are stagnant. Our National Debt has increased to more than 18 trillion. This is a 70 increase since obama took office. If the president had his way, we would add another 8. 5 trillion of debt over the next 10 years. Mr. Chairman, if we look at this chart, it shows the interest versus other spending. This line right here, net interest, is the one we should be concerned about. This is something we have to pay for. His is not a line item we can say no, we will not pay as much on that interest as we are going to on defense, or education, or transportation. This is something we as American People have to pay. This only gets worse if we do not do something sooner. In contrast to the president s budget that increases taxes and spending. His budget actually never balances. We as republicans, are putting forward a responsible, balanced budget. One that i believe is critically important for the future of our country, and the economy. Our budget balances in 10 years. If you look at this chart, it does not take an economist to see which plan will lead to debt and decline, and which will lead to growth and prosperity. The House Republicans budget begins making payments on our National Debt in year 2024. The president s budget digs us deeper, and deeper into a hole. I have two sons, 13 and nine years old. We cannot continue to hand them that the bill and expect them to pay. That is why we have to get to a balanced budget sooner, rather than later. On top of this, this plan calls for a fair and sensible tax code. It in obamacare, and strengthens entitlement programs for seniors and future beneficiaries. This budget increases defense spending. So our military, our men and women in in uniform can defend the country. This plan is an opportunity for us to stand together and show the American People we are committed to a balanced budget for a stronger america. We are paying our debt down to make sure future generations do not have to pay. We can Work Together on common sense reforms. Thank you mr. Chairman for your work. I asked my colleagues to support it. The chair the gentleman yields back. Gentleman from maryland. Gentlemen not only does the republican budget not balance, it does not eliminate one special interest tax break for the purpose of reducing the deficit. These are tax breaks that powerful interests have put into the tax code over many years apparently it is ok to deeply cut investment in education. Apparently it is ok to increase the cost of Prescription Drugs to seniors on medicare. For some reason we are not going to get rid of one Corporate Tax break for the purpose of reducing the deficit. Those are not americans priorities. Someone who understands the importance of moving America Forward is my colleague and friend from maryland, and a member of the transportation committee, miss edwards. Im sorry, i yield to minutes. Gentlelady thank you. I think my colleague from maryland and his leadership on the Budget Committee. Mr. Speaker congress is passed developing a budget that lays out our nations minorities. Those priorities should reflect our values. As hard as it is to imagine this budget resolution is worse than the previous ryan budget for hardworking American Families. We see again how little republicans value protecting priorities that would make americans live a healthy life and healthy retirement. It is forcing people to pay more in taxes. It would make College Education less affordable. It would force seniors to pay more for health care. It would end the medicare guarantee by turning it into a voucher program. It would block grant both medicaid and nutrition programs. The fact is, this budget would decimate our structure by reducing funding. If you would imagine that, every road that needs to be repaired, the bridges that are falling apart, the mass transit system, this budget would cut our spending by 19 over the next decade. It would require an additional three and an 18 billion from federal postal employees. Hardworking people that have given all they have two deficit reduction. That is a constituency that has already contributed to deficit reduction. Republican priorities are making tax cuts for the wealthy permanent. They are shrinking the size of government regardless of the damage it could cause. House democrats, i believe are investing in hardworking americans are in we said it was important to increase childcare. It is important to invest in education. It is important to end sequester cuts. The chair the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. Gentlelady the democrat budget protects Seniors Health care and retirement. It would create jobs by rebuilding infrastructure. It would support jobs by making sure our nations manufacturers you to invest in research and development. I urge my colleagues to vote down and this republican budget and support each of the democratic alternatives. I know i will be voting for them because each of them it even though different, would be way better than major coney and budget proposed by republicans. I think my colleague from maryland for his leadership. The chair your time is expired. The gentleman from georgia. Gentleman mr. Sanford. Mr. Sanford i heard the budget described as phony and to coney and drakonian. If we do nothing, we would be spending more than we do in defense. If we do nothing, we are headed for a train wreck that will have real impact on the constituencies that my democratic colleagues were alluding to. It is not perfect. We are having a debate whether it is in the republican family or democratic side. I just had a discussion with mike turner who is passionate about the need to spend more on defense. We are working out those wrinkles. In fairness to the chairman, and what he has tried to do in managing the different folks affected is to say, if you are in a hole, quit digging. If you look at our nations budget trajectory, we are going to get in a worse whole if we do not do what the chairman suggested. We are spending too much. The president s proposal goes from spending 20 of gdp up to 22 of gdp from an average of 18 . We are taxing too much. We are going to do go from 18 to 20 . If you take two points of the gdp, youre looking at more than 500 billion. That is more than what we spend on a yearly basis in defense. We are handing too much debt to the next generation. We are headed for a train wreck. Think about it this way it took our country 200 years to accumulate 5 trillion in debt. Over the previous generation it went from five to 10 and about eight years. In the obama administration, it has gone from 1020. The question is, what are we going to do. What we can do is what the president has proposed, which is nothing. Going from structural, 500 billion deficits to 1. 1 trillion deficits. I think that what we are talking about is ultimately made important by what mike mullen had to say. He said what is the biggest threat, his response was american debt and deficit. We are reaching the tipping point. By 2025 we will only have enough interest money for interest and entitlement. I will leave you with one point, i think it is this, sir alex Francis Taylor studied history and got to the end of his life the quotes attributed to him was that a democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government are in a can only exist until the voters realize they can vote for themselves. It is generally followed by a dictatorship. The average age is 200 years. Spiritual faith, courage liberty, selfishness, complacency is apathy, dependency is back to bondage. Ultimately i think this budget is about avoiding the bondage that others have talked about. The chair tillman from maryland. Gentleman i nows yields five minutes to someone who understands the importance of a growing economy. Im pleased to yield five minutes to the gentleman from maryland, mr. Hoyer. Mr. Hoyer i think mr. Von holland for yielding. My friend from South Carolina has left, i hate regret that. I regret that. This budget would not have been tenantable through his ministration. My own government happens to be a republican. The gentleman ended with a number of precautions about the path of fiscal irresponsibility, and what it would lead to. I agree with him, but i would tell him it is unfortunate that once again, we have a budget that does not put us on a path of fiscal sustainability. We have a budget that is not real. We have a budget that pretends. Thats what usa today said today. Mr. Speaker i rise in opposition to the budget resolution offered by the Budget Committee. I say budget resolutions plural, because there are two gang. Because there are two of them. Disguising it as a way of getting around the defense sequester camps. The other budget was unveiled by republicans yesterday. It includes an additional 2 billion on top of that, 36 billion in overseas contingency. It removes any mention of this paying for the effect of negation of the defense sequester. The gentleman from South Carolina referred to devices like that. This came about because republicans did not have the vote for the own their own proposal. They are offering their members two offers. Go through the defense sequester spending by 38 million. Some are going to mask their hawkish perspective on defense or hawkish perspective on the deficit. By a vote either for a or for a. They continue the cap on the domestic side before cutting dramatically below that level in future years. Mercilessly cutting Priority Investments in education, job training innovation, research, and other priorities of this nation if it is to remain competitive in world markets. If it is to remain a growing thriving nation. This budget is a severe disinvestment in america future. And our longterm economic competitors. This approach is not a blueprint for growth and opportunity for americas businesses and workers. It is rather sadly, a recipe for economic and fiscal disaster in the years to come. Mr. Speaker, if we fail to invest in the next generation, or continue the war on poverty we are doing a grave disservice to our children, and our grandchildren. We will not give them the tools they need to secure the jobs and opportunities to the middle class. Like the ryan budgets, which were never implemented by the Majority Party at any point in time from this house. Forget about blaming the senate, they were never implemented in this house. Mr. Prices budgets rely on a magic asterisk. No one, no one knows exactly what programs republicans would cut or by how much. That is not being honest with the American People. They would turned medicare into a voucher program. They would take access to Affordable Health care away from millions of americans by repealing the Affordable Health care act. Make no mistake, the republican budget alternative our political documents. May i have one more minute . The chair yield to him another minute. Gentleman these alternatives are documents that are unworkable and serious when it comes to government. Like previous republican budgets, i have no doubt that the majority will not be able to in acts appropriation bills that adhere to whichever version that you will pass. You have not done so in the past and he will not do so this year. Mr. Rogers said, unrealistic and it will conceived illconceived. The Congressional Black Caucus have all put forward alternative is far better. Democrats prioritize replacing the sequester, which mr. Rogers believes should be done on both defense and domestic. We can make investments in americas future that are fiscally sustained. I urge my colleagues to reject the two republican objective alternatives. And their strategy of selected sequester. The chair members are reminded to direct the remarks to the chair. Gentleman mr. Ross us from pennsylvania. Mr. Rauf us i what to think their hard work. With all of the difficulties and complexities in the budget it including inheriting a debt. Chairman price and the committee have managed to find a savings of five and a half trillion dollars in budgeting in balancing the budget in 10 years. This is not been an easy task. This stands in stark contrast to what the president sent us. The president s irresponsible proposal makes no attempt to balance the budget. It leaves future generations with more debt. His plan proposes returning the deficit, leaving the legacy of staggering debt. Were decades americans have been told spending on things that you cannot afford does not matter. The president believes easing more the taxpayers hardearned dollars to pay the debt is actually good for the economy. Families are not buying it. The charge now, pay later mentality is not affordable. Parents know debt and Interest Payments pay up at it. Add up. Mr. Chairman, what is true for American Families, is true for the government. Just like working families do so must the government. Purchases we cannot afford, need to be put on hold. Tough choices must be made. Every day families make responsible financial decisions. To we sign up the kids for little league, or by the bigger van. The simple principle must apply in the government. This budget acknowledges addressing the debt is a priority. It puts forth the parameters that will force the government to make reforms, and live within its means so that we can address a debt that now exceeds 18 julian dollars. This 18 trillion. This budget cuts into americans take home pay. Importantly, this resolution sets the stage for us to pass Real Health Care reform that will address cost and coverage. It will help American Families and their Health Care Choices with more freedom, more choice less bureaucracy. This budget respects the rights of our doctors and religious institutions. This budget will result in a leaner, more Efficient Government that is transparent and accountable to the people. Mr. Chairman, this resolution makes the hard choices needed to move the country forward, to make possible, increases in the death Defense Budget and set us on a path to a balanced budget. I think chairman price, i yield back. The chair kimmelman from maryland. Gentleman thank you mr. Speaker. This budget does not make tough choices. The republican budget makes a bad choices. It does not cut one special tax break. It makes deep cuts to our kids education. That is a bad choice. I yield three minutes to the gentleman from virginia, the stink which member of the oversight reform to many, my friend mr. Connolly. Mr. Connolly i honor my friend from maryland for his outstanding leadership. Think you so much. Mr. Chairman, this secures republican budget resolution is titled, a balanced budget for a stronger america. By every measure, the ciccone and drakonian cuts in this budget would weaken americas competitiveness. It may be called it might as well be called lets disinvest in america. Ideas critical where the Technology Community is driving innovation would be slashed. That is a retreat from americas role as the Global Innovation leader. It leaves the playing fields to our competition. The republican budget would disinvest in our classrooms. To achieve the roof of balancing the budget, republicans would cut nondefense spending 24 below the already reduced sequester levels. It translates to an 89 billion cut in education. It would surely leave every child behind. It would put Higher Education further out of reach for middleclass families. America did not ascend to its role by squashing the potential of future innovators. Mr. Chairman, a republican colleagues are once again showing they know the cost of everything and the value, very little. I often hear we should run government like a business, if that is the case, perhaps we should start by listening to the Business Community which is advocating for us to invest more, not less in education, and in infrastructure, for the future workforce. These are investments that yield tremendous returns. They yield for our family, our government, i yield back. The chair heels back. Gentleman i think the gentleman for bringing up jobs in america. I have consent of a letter of support for our budget from the chamber of commerce. I also have consent from a letter of the national an independent business be included. I am now pleased to yield three minutes to a Senior Member of the republican conference from the state of virginia, mr. Forbes. The chair the gentleman from virginia is recognize. Mr. Forbes i want to commend chairman price. Yet with the great job he has done, i know it is confusing for people listening at home because throughout today and tomorrow a lot of smart men and women have come to the floor to argue. When all of those voices have silenced, we all know there will be two choices. Those choices will be referred to as price one or price too. Mr. Chairman, we also all know that the difference between those two bills is going to be how much we are willing to spend on the National Defense of this country. To defend the greatest nation the world has ever known. In addition, one of the things that will be clear, is not that we will be spending what we need to defend the country, but we will be spending the amount we have to spend to keep from putting our National Defense in a crisis situation. It would two points i would like to leave members with. The first is, the difference in the amount of money we will spend for National Defense if the budget were one dollar it would be equal to half of this penny if i could cut it into bank. As small as that might seem, it makes the difference between a crisis in National Defense and a devastating situation to our men and women in uniform. The last thing i would like to leave everyone with is this. But will not be about the men and women who make speeches and here. It will be about the men and women who wear uniforms around the globe. They will defend this country regardless of what we do. That is why i hope this body weld wrote will vote no. And then vote for final passage of the budget, which is a welldone document by the chairman. I lead back the balance of my time. The gentleman from maryland. The last of them and was talking about the difference between the two versions of the republican budget. The president of the u. S. Funds the Defense Budget in a straightforward way, the way the joint chiefs have asked. With that, i now you will be three minutes to the gentleman from virginia. Someone who understands growing our economy depends on our kids getting good education my friend mr. Scott. Chairman the gentleman is recognized. I rise in opposition to the republican budget. Mr. Scott thank you. I rise to commend the gentleman from maryland for his strong opposition. Mr. Chairman, this budget is not a serious plan. It contains trillions of dollars in tax cuts, but it doesnt show a dime worth of tax increases when they say its going to be revenueneutral. It includes trillions of dollars in unswessified cuts unspecified cuts that will not be made. Are we really going to repeal medicare as we know it . If you actually believe that the republican majority will carry out this plan, it would actually devastate our economy by balancing the budget on the backs of students workers, seniors the disabled and vulnerable communities across the nation. The republican budget assumes that sequestration cuts will be enacted. And then adds an additional 759 billion in nondefense Discretionary Spending cuts. The budget thats part of the budget that invests in education, work force training, scientific research, transportation and infrastructure. With those cuts, the budget would be funded at the at 40 below the lowest level in the last 50 years as a percentage of g. D. P. Those cuts will not be made. But if they are, that would be devastatinging. As the Ranking Member of the committee on education and the work force, im particularly concerned about the cuts in education. Education fundinging would be cut by funding would be cut by 103 billion over 10 years. Thats a 22 cut in federal aid to teachers principals, School Districts colonels and universities colleges and universities. That would include significant cuts in file the one funding, resources that go to areas of high poverty School Districts. It would cut individuals with disabilities education act, which supports Education Services and resources for students with disabilities. And significant cuts to head start. College students are having trouble paying for tuition, room and board. Well, this budget cuts pell grants. In the area of job training and employment services, the budget would result in two million fewer workers receiving critical support that does nothing to help longterm unemployed get back into the work force. Mr. Chairman, the republican budgets sends student, families and workers down the wrong path at this important crossroad. We need a strong budget that reflects the values of all americans and makes necessary investments in programs that we know will expand the economy for all. The republican budget fails to do this and therefore should debate of the proposal continues wednesday. Live coverage of the u. S. House, always here on cspan. John shaw joins us, a senior congressional correspondent. Talk about the 2016 budget plans in the house and senate. What are the main details of these plans and how do they differ from each other . Guess they are 10 year plans that purport to balance the budget. They get about 5. 5 trillion effective savings. A little less than half comes from appealing repealing the Affordable Care act. There are other savings from entitlement programs. There will also be discretionary savings. 5. 520 over one decade. 5. 5 trillion over one decade. Some think there are optimistic growth assumptions that probably will not pan out. Of course the president will not allow his Affordable Care act to be repealed. So its a budget that republicans were determined to have a balanced budget plan and it seems driven very, very intently by reaching balance actually a slight surplus near the end of the budget window. Budget experts i think are a little bit skeptical that it would actually reach balance but they do credit republicans for putting together a package that at least drives deficits down. Host one of the main sticking points seems to be the department of defense and current wars. How are they dealing with this issue in the house . Guest well, both one of the big debates is whether they should adhere to the budget Enforcement Agreement and particularly the caps on Discretionary Spending, both defense and nondefense. What republicans have said is they will adhere to the defense cap, which is 523 billion. But theyre also using what actually House Minority whip steny hoyer called a slush fund. And this is a special fund that was created to fund the wars in iraq and afghanistan. It has been used fairly aggressively in the last couple of years. Its sort of a separate Defense Budget where they can tap into to pay for other defense operations, outside the base budget. So the house and Senate Republicans use this overseas account, its called o. C. A. , thats the acronym. They use it pretty aggressively. Democrats argue that this is effectively a second Defense Budget, as it were. And they say that republicans are using that while purporting to adhere to defense caps, so they say its a shell game thats sort of disguised as what theyre really trying to do. Host we also heard that the house is going to use a procedure called the queen of the hill to consider amendments on the floor on thursday. What is queen of the hill and why do they need to use it . Guest what theyre looking to do is to have votes on six different alternatives. Three democrat plans, three republican plans. Theyre doing this process called queen of the hill, which ive seen done a couple of times before, in the early 1990s i think the democrats did a few times. It allows people to vote on multiple budgets, actually vote for multiple budgets. Its usually set up in such a way that the budget that the leadership wants to have pass is reserved for the end. And so what the House Republican leadership is doing is having the final vote on a budget that is very similar to the budget that was passed in the house Budget Committee last week, by tom price, but it also will have two additional excuse me, 2 billion additional for defense programs. And this one is being set up for the one that the House Republican leadership wants to have passed. The speaker has said that its the version that he wants to sea approved by the house. So i think the notion is it would allow people to vote on various alternatives but structure the votes in such a way that the final vote is on the plan that the leadership wants to have prevail. Host and then in addition to the two republican plans, you mentioned some alternatives, four alternatives. Including one from House Democrats. How does their plan differ from the g. O. P. s . Guest quite substantially. The House Democrats dont even try to balance the budget. In the last year their plan, they used to have a deficit of 700 billion. They have some significant tax increases. They have lots of spending on investments. And they say that the focus of their budget is more to generate growth than it is to actually balance the federal budget, so this is a plan that is sort of the democratic agenda, its based on what they call the architecture of president obamas budget. Which was introduced in early february. Guest were going to be keeping tabs on you up there on capitol hill. Thank you very much. Wednesday, afghan president addresses a joint meeting of congress. You can see live remarks at 10 45 eastern here on cspan. Fbi director james is on capitol hill to discuss his departments 2016 request. He appears live at 1 30 p. M. Eastern on cspan three. Tuesday, president obama announced that 9800 u. S. Troops will remain in afghanistan to hrough the end of the year. Following the meeting, the two leaders held a joint news conference. They expressed condolences to germany and spain for the loss of lives following a plane crash in the french alps. This is 50 minutes. Announcer ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States and the president of the Islamic Republic of afghanistan. President obama good afternoon, everybody. Please have a seat. Before i begin, i want to say that our thoughts and prayers are with our friends in europe especially the people of germany and spain, following a terrible airplane crash in france. It is particularly heartbreaking because it apparently includes the loss of so many children some of them infants. I called german chancellor angela merkel, and hope to speak to the president spain later today, to express the condolences of the American People and offer what ever assistance we can as they investigate what has proven to be an awful tragedy. Our teams are in close contact and we are working to confirm how Many Americans may have been on board. Germany and spain are among our strongest allies in the world, and our message to them is that as their steadfast friend and ally, america stands with them at this moment of sorrow. Now, it is a great pleasure to welcome president ashraf ghani to the white house. He spent here as a student and scholar. He went to Columbia University where we both studied, and then spent time in the World Bank Just down the street from here. His life reflects the friendship and Mutual Respect between americans and afghans. In that spirit, mr. President , i want to extend to you the warmest of welcomes. His presence here today, along with the chief executive underscores afghanistans progress. In last years election millions of afghans the five the defied the threats from the talbian and bravely cast their ballots. In the spirit of compromise in putting their interests behind the interests of the nation, they have ensured the first peaceful and democratic transfer of power in afghanistans history. Together, they now lead a National Unity government that reflects the diversity, the strength, and the determination of the Afghan People. Their government signed a bilateral treaty agreement between our two countries, and on december 31, after more than 13 years, americas combat mission in afghanistan came to a responsible end. Afghan forces now have full responsibility for the security of their country. Some 330,000 afghans serve in the police and Security Forces and they are making extra in a ordinary sacrifices fighting and dying for the country. They continue to grow stronger month by month. Today, we honor the many afghans, men, women, and children, who have given their lives for the more than 2200 americans, patriots, who made the ultimate sacrifice in afghanistan, and the many more who were wounded. This morning, they visited Arlington National cemetery to pay their respects to our fallen heroes. We are grateful for that gesture of gratitude. We know it meant a lot to the families as well. We will see the bonds be between our people on display when the president addresses congress tomorrow. With a new government in afghanistan, and with the end of our combat mission, this visitor is the opportunity to begin a new chapter between our two nations. I thank you both for your strong support of the partnership between our two nations. Yesterday, they had a chance to spend time at camp david with our respective teams and had excellent discussions on how we can move forward together. Today, guided by our Strategic Partnership, we focused on several areas. First, we agreed to continue keep in place our close security cooperation. Afghanistan remains a very dangers place. Insurgents still launch attacks, including cowardly suicide bombings against civilians. The president is pursuing reforms, including respect for human rights, and as part of the ongoing nato mission, the United States will continue to train, advise, and assist afghan Security Forces. As we announced yesterday, we will work with congress on funding to sustain 352,000 afghan troops and police through 2017. We will conduct targeted counterterrorism operations, and we agreed to maintain a dialogue on our Counterterrorism Partnership in the years ahead. At our peak four years ago, the United States had more than 100,000 troops in afghanistan. In support of todays missions we have just under 10,000 troops there. Last year, i announced a timeline for drawing down our forces further, and ive made it clear that we are determined to preserve the gains that are our troops have won. I consulted with general campbell in afghanistan, National Security team, i decided we will maintain our firm posture of 9800 troops through the end of this year. The specific trajectory of the 2016 drawdown will be established later this year to enable our final consolidation and embassy presence by the end of 2016. This flexibility reflects our reinvigorated partnership with afghanistan, which is aimed at making afghanistan secure and preventing it from being used to launch terrorist attacks. Reconciliation and a political settlement remain the surest way to achieve the full drawdown of u. S. And foreign troops from afghanistan in a way that Safeguards International interests and peace in afghanistan, as well as u. S. National security interests. Second, and since the best way to ensure that progress as a political settlement, we will continue to support an afghan led reconciliation process. The president has shown bold leadership in reaching out which is critical to the pursuit of peace. Afghanistan in the United States agree on what the taliban must do, to break with al qaeda renounce violence, and abide by afghan laws, including the protections for women and minorities. Third, we will continue to support the National Unity government in its efforts to truly serve the Afghan People. We discussed the urgent need with Parliament Support to seat a full cabinet. President ghani spoke forcefully about the need to combat corruption, of all the rollerball, and strengthen democratic institutions. The United States commends you for those efforts. You moved many afghans with your eloquent tribute to your wife and partner. America will continue to be your partner in advancing the rights and dignity are all afghans, including women and girls. Finally, we will continue to support the development that underpin stability and improves the lives of the Afghan People. Over the years, there have been major gains, dramatic improvements in public health, life expectancy, literacy, including for millions of girls in school. The president is a leading expert on development, and ive been impressed by the reforms he is pursuing to make afghanistan more selfreliant he wants to empower afghans in these efforts, and thats why under the new Development Partnership we announced yesterday, u. S. Economic assistance will increasingly go to afghan institutions in support of afghan priorities, with an emphasis on accountability performance, and achieving results. In closing, i would note that as many as you know, the president is by training an anthropologist, as was my mother. The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe. Afghanistan and our world is marked by incredible diversity entrances and diversity and faith. The progress we made during this this it will help to bridge the gulf that your citizens have sacrificed over the year, the goal of making our two countries in the world sector. Thank you both for your leadership and your partnership. Americas combat mission in afghanistan may be over, but our commitment to afghanistan and the people will endure. President ashraf ghani president ashraf ghani president obama and i would express deep sympathies for german and french families could. Both of these countries took part in our coalition. I would like to make this opportunity to pay tribute to those sacrifices and take the opportunity to pay tribute to the 2250 american men and women. More than 22,000 american soldiers have been wounded in action. Civilians, contractors. You stood shoulder to shoulder with us, and i would like to say thank you. I would also like the thank the american taxpayer for his and her hardearned dollars. Yesterday, i saw a young girl. Her father came out of retirement to serve again in afghanistan. She is sending a care package of relief to her father, and i want to thank her and the fathers of all other American Children who are making sure that their parents are helping us and standing next to us. The sisters are dreaming of achievement that will have a career path, and hopefully one day we will see an afghan woman president. It should not be too far. It should be soon. We have four women in the cabinet. 20 of our cabin are women. I hope some other countries will match us. [laughter] thank you for that she was delighted that she had an opportunity speak to mr. Obama. She has devoted her life to the most underprivileged, and all of us are committed to make sure that those in poverty will live with dignity, and one day see prosperity. We are grateful for the reception you have accorded us mr. President. You National Security team has gone out of its way to engage in intensive, comprehensive discussion, and both of us would like to thank secretary kerry for the loss of hours of sleep that we caused you. And for your very able diplomacy in catalyzing the unity that today is on display, a government of National Unity as an enduring phenomenon, and both of us stand for the unity against the division that our opponents and enemies had hoped for. This unity is a reflection of desire to overcome the last 200 years of our difficult history where rarely public figures have chosen the country before themselves. We are committed in this regard to emulate the Founding Fathers and mothers of the United States, where National Interests will stand above personal or factional interests. I am glad that the security transition is completed. You have fulfilled your promise to your people. And we have fulfilled our promise to our people. Afghans have guarded our homeland. The last years were an exception when we needed help, and we are grateful that help was provided, but we are pleased that the security transition has been met according to the timeline that you set. Today, the combat role of the United States in afghanistan is over. The training, advising, and assisting mission is a vital part of our collective interests. Tragedy brought us together. Interests unite us. We can assure you to the government of National Unity is revitalizing the partnership and looks at this partnership with the United States as foundational, not just for stability, but for regional and global stability. Much binds us together. And the flexibility that has been provided for 2015 will be used to accelerate reforms, to ensure the Afghan National Security Forces are much utter better led, equipped, trained, and our focus on the fundamental mission. I am pleased to say that the departure of 120,000 International Troops is not brought about the security gap or collapse that was often anticipated. I would like to pay tribute to the continued sacrifice of the afghan Security Forces civilians, and a patriotic nation. It is part of simultaneously our international group. We are unique in that we have embraced democratic ways. We are very proud of our islamic civilization. That is truly in dialogue with the world. We have the capacity to speak truth to terror. They do not speak for islam. We do. It is a genuine islam that is interested in dialogue with different civilizations, in cooperation, and moving forward. On regional cooperation, we have taken both steps. We do hope these steps will be reciprocated, because the threats that exist, the changing ecology of terror, of making it imperative that all governments will cooperate with each other. Today, the state system as we have known it is under attack. These are are not classic liberation movements. These are destructive, nihilistic movements, and it is essential that we confront them. We must differentiate between those afghan citizens who desire peace. Any political difference anything that divides us must be resolved politically. We have the wisdom and determination to realize the opportunity of purpose so our commitments to peace is clear. What we require is the reciprocity and that they will choose the country over themselves and unite in resolving whatever might be that divides us. We will not have peace with those who use our territory as a proxy for other purposes is a battleground for alien forces or as a launching pad for global terrorism. This trip is providing us the opportunity to have an overview, and again, i want to express thanks for your commitment to submit the bill to congress to support our Security Forces in 2017. There is much work that lies ahead of us, and the flexibility that has been provided will be used to maximum effect, to accelerate reforms, to ensure that our Security Forces honor human rights, that they internalize the practices that binds an army, police force, a secret service to the people. Violence against our people has no place in our culture. It is again a pleasure to be standing next to a graduate of Columbia University. There is much that unites us. Your mother was an inspiration to us. He got the job because he invoked your mothers teachings. Thank you for according him that. President obama with that lets take a couple of questions. Military times. Reporter thank you, mr. President. With the increased slow down and draw down here, we are looking at more risks, more danger for u. S. Troops in afghanistan. How do you justify that to them . How do you tell them the mission is still worth it . Assure them that there is a n end toi this mission . You are at arlington earlier today. How do you tell them that this continued sacrifice will be worth it to them as well . President obama first of all, it is important that we remember the timeline for a withdrawal down to an embassy centered presence, a normalization of our presence in afghanistan. It remains the end of 2016. That has not changed. Our transition out of a combat role has not changed. Now, i am the first to say that as long as our men and women in uniform are serving in afghanistan, there are risks involved. It is a dangerous place. Casualties have come down precipitously as we have engaged in the drawdown. It has been over 90 days since two americans were killed in afghanistan. That has occurred precisely because we are not in a combat role, and i think it is worth noting the significant casualties that the Afghan Security services have incurred as we have drawn down. They stood up and are fighting. They are fighting with courage and tenacity, and theyre Getting Better month by month. But, you cant minimize the sacrifices that our military families make. It means some folks are going to be rotating back into afghanistan for a few extra months, relative to what would have otherwise been the case. Were moving the drawdown pace over to the right for several months. In part to compensate for the government formation. In part because we want to make sure that we are doing everything we can to help afghan Security Forces succeed, so we dont have to go back. So we dont have to respond in an emergency because terrorist activities are being launched that of afghanistan. We are on the path to do that. I think it makes sense for us to provide a few extra months for us to be able to help things like logistics, making sure that equipment is not just in place but it is also used properly that the training and advising and strategic input that has been provided continues through this fighting season so that president karzai, who has taken on the mantle of commanderinchief in a way that we have not seen an afghan president can do a serious review, and can assess with your where the strengths and weaknesses are, and we can proceed with more affected joint planning going forward. The bottom line is, our men and women in uniform make enormous sacrifices. Their families do as well. They serve alongside them. This will mean that there are going to be some of our folks who are in afghanistan under the new schedule who wouldve been home. It is important to keep into perspective first of all that we have gone down from 100,000 to under 10,000, that they are not on the front lines, because are not in a combat role. We are doing all that we can do to make sure that force protection is a priority for those who are in afghanistan. And, the date for us to have completed our drawdown will not change. But, it is my judgment that the judgment of general campbell and others on the ground that providing this additional time frame during this fighting season for us to be able to help the afghan Security Forces succeed is well worth it. In that sense, once again we are asking our men and women in uniform to fight on behalf of our freedom and on behalf of a more orderly world. It does perhaps raise one thought, which is right now there is a debate on capitol hill about budgets. This would be a good time for my friends up on capitol hill including on the other side of the aisle, to take a look at their budgets. If we are holding our defense and nonDefense Budgets to 2006 levels, it is a lot harder to do the job that we need to do, not only on the National Security side, but also here at home, making sure that when our men and women come home and when they potentially join the civilian life, that they have a strong economy, that the kids have good schools, that they can send their kids to college, that they get the Veterans Benefits that they have so richly earned and deserve. That would be a good way for us to express the thanks for the sacrifices they consistently make. President ghani yesterday, the widow that i met, she would like the memory of her husband to be preserved by a sustainable afghanistan that is secure. The 2215 americans who have died, must not die in vain. It is that preservation of those gains that i think inspires the afghan servicemen and women to obey the call of their commander. Second, we have taken them out of harms way. As the president mentioned, for the past 100 days, because the combat role has ended, the exposure, the number of casualties is really down. In my most horrible reading of the day, middle of the day, end of day security reports, where i see the casualties. They are no longer american or european. Campbell is making sure that they remain in a support role, advise and assist role, but they are not comparable to combat role. The into the combat role is significant. Again, the institutional gains that would be achieved through the training, advice, and assist roles is what will guarantee the investments of the last 14 years pay off in terms of gains that will ensure. Last point, afghanistan is the front line. Because of american engagement in afghanistan, there have not been attacks on mainland us, but lets not forget that fortresses cannot be built. We are living in an interconnected world and our security is joined together. Reporter daily newspaper. You are talking about the longterm Strategy Partnership between afghanistan and the United States. At the same time, you are talking about the withdrawal of the soldiers from afghanistan. How do you ensure the longterm how do you define the longterm Strategic Partnership after 2017 . President ashraf ghani our our expectations are that ill our corporation will be enhanced, and we will have a clear vision and practical vision for cooperation for an enduring cooperation with the United States. This change of environment has occurred, and today, the nine the United States government is a really reliable partner. Commitments that are made are considerable. The funding proposal of supporting afghan Security Forces by 2017, and it has reached 4. 1 billion. It is nothing less. It is a significant issue. It is a very important issue. Yesterday, there was a new framework for our economic cooperation. 800 million commitment will be made through the afghan budget but most importantly is the flexibility that has been shown in the area of security cooperation, and this flexibility is going to ensure and provide funds to our Security Forces, and also is going to send a very strong message to the region that this corporation is not shortterm, but is enduring and longterm. President obama our Strategic Partnership is based on a very simple principle. We want the Afghan People through their Security Forces, directed by their president and commanderinchief, to be able to provide for their own security. Our goal is to make sure that we are a Strong Partner in helping to build and sustain effective afghan Security Forces. So, from the start, when i first came into office we put additional u. S. Troops coalition troops, resources in afghanistan to shift momentum at a time when the taliban and the enemies of peace and stability inside of afghanistan were moving and had momentum. We broke that momentum. Elections took place. The Afghan National Security Forces began to build up and get trained and become more and more effective. Because of the successful election, and because of a National Unity government, we are now in a position where the afghan Security Forces are not only more effective halibut they are also better directed by the civilian government. We have been able to draw down and remove ourselves from a combat role as the president indicated without collapse as was predicted. Afghan soldiers have fought, and they have fought well, and obviously there are still improvements to be made, but they are making significant progress. The Strategic Partnership involves us continuing to help support afghan Security Forces. That means financially. The International Community will have to continue to provide assistance to the Afghan Government, which is carrying a significant security load for itself, the region, and the world. We made a commitment to do that. We will continue to provide the kind of security, cooperation, and support that is required training, assisting, advising, helping on logistics, helping on the capacity, all the things that go into a modern military professional military, professional police force, the right security on afghan soil, by afghans, and the corporation and Strategic Partnership involved in building up the prosperity and opportunities for the Afghan People through the Economic Development that was mentioned by the president. So, we intend to be working with the Afghan Government and the Afghan People for a long time. In many ways, our troop presence, our military assistance, is just one component of what is a much larger process. The more successful we are in building afghan capacity strengthening the afghan economy, the more the Strategic Partnership that we have will be like the partnership we have with many countries around the world. It will be based on mutual interests and scientific and educational exchanges, and business opportunities, and commerce and trade. That i think is a goal that we are all looking for. Josh letterman. Reporter thank you, mr. President. You have made clear that you are not buying Prime Minister netanyahus to walk back the comments he made before the election and that you are reassessing your approach. What could Prime Minister netanyahu do to persuade you that is serious about peace and that he is a broker that you can work with. Is there any truth allegations that israel was spying on the iran talks . You have been working hard to pursue reconciliation talks with the taliban, but there are some indications that that is not going well and they may not be willing to sit down with you. What makes you a little that you can get those talks out the ground, and you want United States to be involved in those talks . President obama let me address your second question about spying allegations. As a general rule, i dont comment on Intelligence Matters in a big room full of reporters. [laughter] i think i will continue that tradition. But, with respect to the possibility of an agreement that ensures that iran does the get a nuclear weapon, we have not just briefed congress about the progress or lack thereof that is being made. We also briefed the israelis. And our other partners in the region and around the world. If an agreement is arrived at that we feel confident will prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, its going to be there for everybody to see. People are going to be of to lift up the hood and see what is in there. So, i have confidence that if there is an agreement, it will be a good agreement that is good for American Security and Israeli Security and the regions security. If it isnt, there probably wont be an agreement. There will be significant transparency in the whole process. With respect to israels relations with the palestinians. I think it is important to understand that the issue here is not what i believe, but it is what the palestinians and the parties in the negotiations and the israeli people believe is possible. That is the most important issue. I have said before and i will simply repeat. Prime minister netanyahu in the election runup stated that a palestinian state would not occur while he was Prime Minister. And, i took him at his word that that is what he meant, and i think that a lot of voters inside of israel understood him to be saying that fairly unequivocally. Afterwards, he pointed out that he did not say never, but that there would be a series of conditions in which a palestinian state could potentially be created, but of course, the conditions were such that they would be impossible to meet anytime soon. So, even if you accept it, i think that there still does not appear to be a prospect of a meaningful framework established that would lead to a palestinian state, even if there were a whole range of conditions and security requirements that might be phased in over a long span of time for that was always the presumption. I dont think anybody ever envisioned in any peace agreement, certainly not one that netanyahu would agree to or that the israeli people would agree to, that overnight we somehow have a palestinian state right next to jerusalem, and that israel would not have a whole range of security conditions that had to be met, and that would be phased in a over a long span of time. The issue has never been do you create a palestinian state overnight . The question is do you create a process of an framework against the palestinians hope, the possibility, the down the road they have a secure state of their own, standing sidebyside with the secure and fully recognized jewish state of israel. And, i think it is not just my estimation. It is hard to envision how that happens. Based on the Prime Minister statements. And so, when i said that we have to now do an evaluation of where we are, it is not in reference to our commitment to israels military edge in the region, israels security, intelligence cooperation, military cooperation, that continues unabated. I will continue to do what ever i need to do to make sure that our friends in israel are safe. That is what i have done since i have been president. That is not going to stop. The israeli people need to know that. But i am required to evaluate honestly how we manage israelipalestinian relations over the next several years. Up until this point, the premise has been, both under republican and democratic administrations that as difficult as it was, as challenging as it was, the possibility of two states living side by side in peace and security could marginalize more extreme elements, bring together folks at the center and with common sense, and we could result what has been a vexing issue, and one that is ultimately a threat to israel as well. And that possibility seems very down. That may trigger reactions by the palestinians, and in turn illicit counter reactions by the israelis. That could end up leading to a downward spiral of relations that will be dangerous for everybody. So, there is a bottom line to summarize. Number one, our military intelligence cooperation with israel will continue unabated, unaffected, and we are committed to making sure that the israeli people are safe, but generally particularly from rocket attacks and terrorist attacks aimed on civilians. Number two, that the evaluation that is taking place is specific to what happens between israelis and palestinians going forward. We will continue to engage the Israeli Government, as well as the palestinians, and ask of them where they are interested in going, and how they see this issue being resolved. But, what we cant do is pretend theres the possibility of something that is not there. We cant continue to premise our Public Diplomacy based on something that Everybody Knows is not going to happen, at least in the next several years. That is something that we have to for the sake of our own credibility we have to be honest about that. One last point. There is a tendency in the reporting here to frame this somehow as a personal issue between myself and Prime Minister netanyahu. I understand why that is done, because when you are framing it in those terms, the notion is that we all just get along and everybody cools down, and then somehow the problem goes away. I have a very businesslike relationship with the Prime Minister. I have met with him more than any other world leader. I talk to him all the time. He is representing his countrys interest in the way that he thinks he needs to, and im doing the same. So the issue is not a matter of relations between leaders. The issue is a very clear substantive challenge. We believe that two states is the best path forward for israels security, for palestinian aspirations, and for regional stability. That is our view, and that continues to be our view. Prime minister netanyahu has a different approach. And so, this cant be reduced to a matter of somehow lets all hold hands and sing. This is a matter of figuring out how we get through a very difficult policy difference that has great consequences for both countries and for the region. We are going to do that evaluation. We will wait for an actual Israeli Government to form. President ashraf ghani president obama gracially supported what we asked from the United States to this United States. Peace is always difficult. We must focus attention, and thats what we are willing to do. Reporter thank you, mr. President. I have a question for mr. Obama. You mentioned afghanistan is a dangerous place. While it is a dangerous place, is it the right decision to draw down the forces at a time when it is a dangerous place, and meanwhile, forces are less equipped and cannot fight truly. President ashraf ghani United States has agreed with us that the Peace Process will be led by afghans, and afghans will continue this process, and they will be led by afghanistans, and we are thankful for this support. President obama afghanistan is still a dangerous place. The way it will become less dangerous is by afghan Security Forces and Afghan Police being capable of keeping law and order and security in the country. That is not going to happen if Foreign Forces are continually relied upon. For the basic security of afghanistan. There will be specialized areas where we can cooperate in dealing with some of the most vicious terrorist networks. There will be intelligence cooperation and counterterrorism cooperation. And the areas where we can provide Logistical Support and training, and enabling support. The fact is that unless Afghan Soldiers and Afghan Police are able to maintain security, at some point someday, the United States and other Coalition Forces would leave. And the good news is that what we have seen as we have moved ourselves from combat roles is that afghan Security Forces have stepped up. Although they are certainly not as wellequipped as Coalition Forces, they are better equipped than the taliban. They are better equipped than the haqqani network. The kind of leadership that president connie as showing president ghani is showing as commanderinchief and by officers up and down the military chain, Afghan Forces are proving themselves and discovering that in fact, when they fight, they can be successful. And we want to stand with them in that process. Mr. President , thank you

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