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Norfolk, virginia. It is the first of a new class of Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier. Ships company, attention. Will the guests please rise and remain standing for the arrival of our platform guests. Military honors to the president of the United States, our National Anthem, and the invocation. We welcome and thank the United States Fleet Forces Band and the naval station norfolk saluting gunnery for assisting us today. Ladies and gentlemen, our platform guests. Commander steven barstow, chaplain corps, United States navy, our ships chaplain. Ms. Maryellen baldwin, president and ceo, Hampton Roads navy league. Mr. Greg willard, white house staff assistant to president ford and commissioning committee cochairman. Mr. Byron cavaney, commissioning committee cochairman. Mr. Douglas devos, committee cochairman. From Huntington Ingalls shipbuilding, mr. Matthew mulherin, who most recently served as president of Newport News Shipbuilding. Rear admiral bruce lindsey, United States navy, commander, Naval Air Forces atlantic. Rear admiral brian antonio, United States navy, Program Executive officer, Aircraft Carriers. Vice admiral thomas moore, United States navy, commander, naval sees shipments command. Naval seas shipments command. Vice admiral michael shoemaker, United States navy, commander, Naval Air Forces. Admiral frank caldwell, United States navy, director, Naval Nuclear propulsion program. Admiral philip davidson, United States navy, commander, United States fleet forces command. Admiral john richardson, United States navy, chief of naval operations. The honorable sean stackley, secretary of the navy, acting. The honorable donald rumsfeld, former secretary of defense. [applause] the honorable scott taylor, United States representative, second district, commonwealth of virginia. The honorable robert scott, United States representative, third district, commonwealth of virginia. The honorable richard cheney, former Vice President of the United States. [applause] [cheers] the honorable rick snyder, governor, state of michigan. [applause] the honorable gary peters, United States senator, state of michigan. [applause] the honorable roger wicker, United States senator, state of mississippi. [applause] the honorable james mattis, secretary of defense. [applause] the honorable terry mcauliffe, governor, commonwealth of virginia. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, our ships sponsor, mrs. Susan ford bales. [applause] she is escorted today by master chief laura nunley, United States navy, command master chief, uss gerald r. Ford. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States, escorted today by captain Richard Mccormack, United States navy, perspective Commanding Officer, uss gerald r. Ford. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, honors to the president of the United States. Platform. Hand salute. [hail to the chief playing] ladies and gentlemen, the National Anthem will be performed by gerald r. Fords own chief petty officer. Advance the colors. Platform. Hand salute. Oh, say can you see, by the dawns early light, what so proudly we hailed, at the twilights last gleaming . Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming . And the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there o, say, does that star spangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave . [applause] retire the colors. Platform. Ready. Two. Ladies and gentlemen, chaplain barstow will offer the invocation. Please pray with me. We gather together here today as one body, though we come from many different backgrounds, representing many different religions and from many different cultures. Today, we gather as one. We are here to celebrate together. We gather to celebrate the commissioning of this mighty ship, the uss gerald r. Ford. We gather here to celebrate the accomplishments of the United States navy, to living out our code of honor, courage, and commitment. We gather here to celebrate the greatest nation in the world, the United States of america. And in one voice, we lift our prayers together as one body, invoking all that is within us and all that which is beyond us, in the realm of the spiritual and supernatural. We invoke your presence among us and your blessing on all we do here today. And we pray for your continued protection upon the ford and all the fordclass carriers to follow. Bless us, lord. Bless this crew, bless this ship, and may we all be worthy and faithful to the mission for which we have been called. We pray this in your mighty name. Amen. Will the guests please be seated. Ships company, parade rest. Ladies and gentlemen, the honorable terry mcauliffe, governor, commonwealth of virginia. [applause] good afternoon, everyone. First of all, mr. President , the cabinet, to our fellow guests, Governor Snyder from michigan, susan ford bales. Let me be very clear, mr. President. I know you worry about 50 states, but let me tell you, you are here in the greatest state in the greatest nation on earth, the commonwealth of virginia. [applause] [cheers] and we are great because of the 9000 individuals who built this beautiful ship, the uss gerald r. Ford. If we could give a round of applause for the 9000 shipbuilders who made this possible today. [applause] mr. President , if you want to save taxpayer money and help our military, you keep investing. You put all of the military contracts here in the commonwealth of virginia. We will deliver on time, ahead of budget, because we are the greatest workforce in america. And, i am also proud, the raiders active duty. The Largest Naval base in the world. Lets hear it for every man and woman here who wears the cloth of this great country. [applause] [cheers] and finally, to the state, the number one state in america for veterans. We have more female veterans, more veterans under the age of 25, fastestgrowing veteran population in america. We love our veterans here in the commonwealth of virginia. Last year, the first state in america to be certified by the federal government to functionally end veteran homelessness, the commonwealth of virginia. I could go on and on. We love our active duty. We love our veterans. Thank you for being here today. What an honor, susan, to have this ship named after your father. You think, a man who, after pearl harbor, enlisted in the United States navy and took over our country at a very difficult time and lead our nation with dignity. We are so grateful for president ford and we are so grateful to the ford family for being here today. Enjoy yourselves if you are visiting. Spend every penny in your pockets before leaving the commonwealth of virginia. Thank you. Go navy. [applause] thank you, governor mcauliffe. Ladies and gentlemen, mr. Matthew mulherin, former president , Newport News Shipbuilding. [applause] good morning. Ladies and gentlemen, and most especially our ships sponsor, susan ford bales. I always start my speeches by saying how privileged i am to be here, representing the women and men of Newport News Shipbuilding. Today, these words take on even greater meaning to me personally, as this is the last time i will be saying them in an official capacity before my retirement. So while today is a wonderful day for the navy, i would like to reflect, for just a moment, on the builders of this magnificent Aircraft Carrier. Being a shipbuilder is not easy work, and it is not for everyone. Yet i am proud to say we have 20,000 of americas finest shipbuilders right across the water, newport news, proudly building the Aircraft Carriers and submarines that serve and protect our great nation. They come to work each day to do their best and to be their best. President ford embodied this work ethic. He once said the harder you work, the luckier you are. And i work like hell. Our shipbuilders work like hell every single day. And i tell you that we are also pretty lucky. We are lucky to work in an industry that allows us to be part of something greater than ourselves. We are lucky to carry on president fords legacy for future generations. And we are lucky to work alongside the best and brightest in the worlds greatest navy. When it comes to building the most complex ship in the world, luck has little to do with it. It is skill, craftsmanship, and an unwavering commitment to quality that gets the job done. Building cvn78 has been an exciting journey, from the early Design Concepts to our first cut laying, to our keel christening, and sea trials. We put her through the paces and tested all of our systems. With all due respect, captain mccormack, we drove her like we stole her, and she performed like a champ. I am truly honored to say i have been here for every step of the journey. Because of this, i can confidently say that this Aircraft Carrier represents the best of american manufacturing, innovation, and experience. She represents the very best of the u. S. Navy and captain mccormack and his fine crew. And she represents the courage and integrity of the 38th president of the United States. Cvn78 joins the fleet today. She will reign over the seas, just as her predecessors have done for decades. But unlike her sister ships, this ship has a secret weapon. Her name is susan. Susan ford bales has redefined what being a sponsor is. Her love for this ship, her fathers legacy to this nation, has been inspiring. She has provided to us a living connection to a great man, husband, president , and dad for whom this ship is named. We will always consider her our fellow shipbuilder and friend. To the shipbuilders and all of our supplier Business Days who made this incredible ship possible, congratulations on the commissioning of uss gerald r. Ford. Thank you. [applause] thank you, mr. Mulherin. Admiral john richardson, United States navy. Chief of naval operations. [applause] good morning, everybody. Welcome aboard 100,000 tons of made in the usa. [applause] what a day of celebration. I could go on and on, but it feels like it is starting to get a little warm in here, so i will keep my remarks short. Certainly, the ford family is celebrating today. What a fitting tribute to their fathers legacy. President ford, a man of unity and integrity and leadership, and embodied, perhaps best, in our sponsor, susan ford bales. Maam, thank you for bringing your spirit to this ship. So a day of celebration for the ford family. As Matt Mulherin clearly and concisely said, a day of celebration for our shipbuilders, here in newport news and throughout the nation, who worked so hard to bring this ship together. Its definitely a day of celebration for the captain and crew of the gerald r. Ford who, from this day forward, will no longer be a shipbuilding project but will be a warship and a crew. And, finally, a great day of celebration for the navy and the nation. For when gerald r. Ford moves forward, starts cutting into the waves, she will be protecting our interests and defending our nation for years to come. To give you a sense of what we are talking about here, the last person to command the gerald r. Ford has not even been born yet. That is how long this ship will be around. So it is a great day of celebration for so many, but it is not a day of celebration for everybody. Those in the world who wish to terrorize us here in the United States and abroad. Those who wish to challenge our shores, planning attacks. Those who may challenge our prosperity and our trade. Those who challenge our values this is not a day of celebration for them. This is their worst nightmare. They will lie awake at night, fearing that they may one day come and appear on the target list of the uss gerald r. Ford. And so, god bless the uss gerald r. Ford of the United States navy. [applause] god bless the ford and the navy, a comfort to our nation and her allies and a nightmare to our enemies. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you, admiral richardson. Ladies and gentlemen, the honorable sean stackley, secretary of the navy, acting. [applause] susan, you have built well. Your team of shipbuilders, their tremendous workmanship is only exceeded by their tremendous patriotism. Your father would be very proud. Mr. President , one of your predecessors famously remarked, speak softly and carry a big stick. We offer you, sir, a big stick. [laughter] [applause] so many distinguished guests, officer, and crew, who proudly call yourselves the gerald r. Ford. History will remember him as the man who, in the great constitutional crisis of the last century, gripped our nation, would be chosen by congress to lead our nation. Today, we remember him as the man who, when the seas were at the most tempesttossed, gave orders to the helm steady she goes, and, in doing so, restored trust in our government. As we consider this ship his ship, which will serve our country throughout much of this century in our navy, we take pride, knowing that long before he became our commander in chief, before he rose through the ranks of our congress, he served in our navy. And his years at sea, at war in the pacific, taught him the most fundamental truth. A truth that would serve him throughout his time at the helm of our congress and of our country. That we are a maritime nation. That the freedoms we cherish so deeply here in america, that the blessings of these freedoms and the strength of our navy they are one. In his time, president ford commissioned what was then the navys nearest Aircraft Carrier, the uss nimitz. His remarks ring true through this day. A single thought must seize our mind that only the United States of america can make an machine like this. There is nothing like it in the world. Wherever she shows her flag, she will be seen as we see her now. A solid symbol of United States strength, United States resolve, made in america, manned by americans. So it is today the uss nimitz is underway in the arabian sea. And her sister ship, the george h. W. Bush, is turning into the wind in the mediterranean, while the Ronald Reagan stands watch over the western pacific. And yes, these ships stand as a symbol of United States strength and United States resolve. They are our nations great instrument great of security and goodwill. So, skipper, as we marvel about the technology, never lose sight that, in time of crisis, you will be the first to respond. And, when called upon, you will deliver the final word in the bidding of our nation. Whenever you sail, wherever you sail, you will be a symbol of United States resolve, and you will be a symbol of the man whose name you bear. So, steady she goes. There is truly nothing like it in the world today. Godspeed, gerald r. Ford. God bless her sponsor, who gives you strength. And god bless these United States that you will defend. Thank you. [applause] thank you, secretary stackley. Ladies and gentlemen, the honorable james mattis, secretary of defense. [applause] [cheers] well, ladies and gentlemen, today, a magnificent warship joins the best navy in the world. And it is named after a tried and true member of the greatest generation. And that spirit will permeate this ship so long as it sails the seas, as well as the u. S. Navy spirit. Mr. President , you will send this ship in harms way, and they will happily sail in harms way for you and for our nation and what stand for. Enough words to that needs be the words you have been waiting to hear. Ladies and gentlemen, our commander in chief, donald trump. [applause] [cheers] thank you very much, secretary mattis, for that wonderful introduction and for your devoted service to our nation. Nobodys done it like you. Im thrilled to be back on this magnificent ship for this historic moment with the amazing men and women of the United States navy. [applause] i was with you four months ago, and i knew that i had to be here today. And i told you i would be back to congratulate you and the crew and everybody involved on commissioning the newest, largest, and most advanced Aircraft Carrier in the history of this world. Thats a big achievement. After today, wherever this ship sails, you will all carry a proud title. Plankowner of the uss gerald r. Ford. [applause] for the rest of your lives, you will be able to tell your friends and family that you served on the greatest ship in the United States navy and, in my opinion, the greatest ship anywhere in the world. Everyone should take a moment to celebrate this incredible achievement. I want to thank the many Public Servants who have joined us here today. Treasury secretary mnuchin. Governor snyder. Governor mcauliffe. Senator wicker. And members of congress. Secretary stackley. Admiral richardson. Senior military leaders. And, of course, the great captain mccormack. [applause] captain, i know you will exemplify integrity at the helm. And have a good time doing it, captain. Proud of you. Thanks to the entire ford family, for all that you have done to support this ship on its voyage. Thank you, susan. [applause] i also want to recognize to two other people who are very special to president ford. Thank you, Vice President cheney and former secretary of defense rumsfeld. [applause] they look great. They look great. As we put this stunning ship in to the service of our nation, we must also pay tribute to the thousands of citizens, military and civilian, who helped design and build her. Their love of country has ported to every rivet and bulkhead on this vessel. You hammered, chiseled, and sculpted this mighty hull. You were there when the first steel was cut, when the turbines first roared to life, and when those beautiful bronze propellers first began to spin. And spin they did. And now you are here to witness the moment when your incredible work of art becomes the pride of the United States navy and a symbol of American Power and prestige, no matter where in the world you go. American steel and american hands have constructed a 100,000 ton message to the world. America might is second to none. And we are getting bigger and better and stronger every day of my administration, that i can tell you. [applause] wherever this vessel cuts through the horizon, our allies will rest easy, and our enemies will shake with fear, because everyone will know that america is coming, and america is coming strong. [applause] to every worker from Newport News Shipbuilding and every craftsman and engineer who helped build this incredible fortress on the sea, today, we salute you. Thank you. [applause] your skill and your grit built the instruments of war that preserve peace. This ship is the deterrent that keeps us from having to fight in the first place. This ship also assures that if that if the fight does come, it will always end the same way. We will win, win, win. We will never lose. We will win. [applause] when it comes to battle, we do not want a fair fight. We want just the opposite. We demand victory, and we will have total victory, believe me. [applause] having the best technology and equipment is only one part of the American Military dominance. Our true strength is our people. Our greatest weapon is all of you. Our nation endures because we have citizens who love america and who are willing to fight for america. [applause] we are so very blessed with warriors who are willing to serve america in the greatest fighting force in history, the United States military. Today, this ship officially begins its role in the noble military history of our great nation. In a few moments, i will commission this wonderful, beautiful, but very, very powerful warship. Captain mccormack will assume command. He will set the first watch. And then, the crew of the gerald r. Ford will man this ship and bring her to life. [applause] a ship is only as good as the people who serve on it, and the american sailor is the best anywhere in the world. Among you are great welders, radar technicians, machine operators, and pilots. You take pride in your work, and america takes pride in you. We love you, we are proud of you, thank you. [applause] but that is why it is so fitting that this ship is named after a sailor of tremendous character, integrity, and wisdom. You know that, susan. Gerald ford was raised in american heartland. He grew up in grand rapids and became an eagle scout. He played football at the university of michigan. On a team that won two national championships. And, listen to this, on that great team, he was named m. V. P. Not bad. He then went to Yale Law School and, after pearl harbor, he volunteered to serve. President ford joined the navy and asked to be sent to sea. He wanted to do that very badly. He never really knew why he felt it was a calling. He was assigned to a new carrier, the monterey, becoming a plankowner himself on its commissioning in 1943. From there, he sailed to the pacific and saw action, and a lot of action, in the pacific war. Like so many others of his generation, gerald ford returned home and started a family. He ran for congress, where he served the people of michigan with honor for many years. From there, he became Vice President , and then president of the United States of america. With this ship, we honor him for his lifetime of selfless and distinguished service. We also remember his wife, betty. I remember her well. And we honor the bravery she showed in living her life so that her experiences could help others. Susan, she was a great woman. A great woman. [applause] gerald ford said that his time in the navy convinced him that our lack of military preparation before world war ii had only encouraged our enemies to fight harder and harder and harder. He learned a lot. In the future, ford said, i felt the United States had to be strong. Never again could we allow our military to be anything but the absolute best. If he could see this ship today, president gerald ford would see his vision brought to life. And he would see his legacy of service being carried on by each and every one of you. [applause] gerald ford embodied American Values like few others. Love of family, love of freedom, and, most of all, love of country. He knew that patriotism is the heartbeat of a nation. He knew that we must love our country in order to protect it. And he knew that we must have pride in our history if we are going to have confidence in our future. The men and women of Americas Armed services are part of a living history. You uphold timeless customs and traditions, and you protect our nation and our freedom for the next generation to come. You are filling your duty to this nation. And now, it is the job of our government to fulfill its duty to you. [applause] for years, our government has subjected the military to unpredictable funding and a devastating defense sequester. You remember that . Sequester. Not good. This has led to deferred payments, a lack of investment in new equipment and technology, and a shortfall in military readiness. In other words, it has been a very, very bad period of time for our military. That is why we reached a deal to secure an additional 20 billion for defense this year, and it is going up, and why i asked congress for another 54 billion for next year. Now, we need congress to do its job and pass the budget that provides for higher, stable, and predictable funding levels for our military needs that our fighting men and women deserve, and you will get, believe me. You will get it. Dont worry about it. But i dont mind getting a little hand, so call that congressman, call that senator, and make sure you get it. [applause] by the way, you can also call those senators to make sure you get health care. We must end the defense sequester once and for all. We must also reform defense acquisitions to ensure we are getting the best equipment at the best prices, so that our dollars are used only for the best interest of our country and those who serve. We do not want cost overruns. We want the best equipment, but we want it built ahead of schedule, and we want it built under budget. [applause] this is the very least we can do for the patriots who have volunteered to give their sweat, their blood, and, if they must, their very lives for our great nation. The commissioning of this new American Carrier marks the renewal of our commitment to a future of american greatness. Greater than ever before. Remember that. Greater than ever before. Just moments from now, the captain will set the first watch on the uss gerald r. Ford. And with gods grace, a watch will stand until the day she is decommissioned, 50 years or more from now. Most of you who will man this ship today are just about 20 years old. Together, you are embarking on a truly great adventure. The journey will require all of your talents, all of your efforts, and all of your heart. As you know, the sea holds many challenges and threats, but starting today, you will face, together, as a team, aboard this ship, which is your responsibility and home three generations of americans will eventually man these decks, perhaps even some of your own children and grandchildren someday. You will inspire many more americans to follow your lead and to serve. And one day, when you are old and have lived a long and, hopefully, happy and successful life, you may find ourselves back aboard this ship, surrounded by your family, to mark its decommission. And on that day, our entire nation will honor not just this carrier, it will honor you and the role you will have played in keeping america safe, strong, and free. To every patriot who will serve on this ship today and throughout history, i say this keep the watch. Protect her. Defend her. And love her. Good luck and godspeed. Thank you to the ford family and thank you to every sailor in the greatest navy on earth. God bless you, god bless the gerald r. Ford, and god bless the United States of america. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you, mr. President. I would be honored if you would place gerald r. Ford in commission. Will the guests please rise. Ship company, attention. I hereby place the United States ship gerald r. Ford in commission. May god bless and guide this warship and all who shall sail in her. God bless you. Thank you. [applause] thank you, mr. President. Executive officer, hoist the colors and the commissioning pendant. Ladies and gentlemen, i direct your attention to the ships mast. Hoist the colors and Commission Pendant. Quartermaster, hoist the colors and the Commission Pendant. Aye aye, sir. Will the guests please be seated. Captain, the colors and the Commission Pendant are flying over United States ship gerald r. Ford. Farewell. I will now read my orders. From Commander Naval command to captain Richard Mccormack of the United States navy. Subject the order of 06, january, 2016. When directed by reporting senior, detach in january 2015 from present duty and report to Free Commission unit gerald r. Ford, cvn78, as commission officer. Upon commission of uss gerald r. Ford, report for duty as Commanding Officer. United states ship gerald r. Ford is in commission, and i am in command. [applause] executive officer, set the first watch. Aye, aye, captain. Officer of the deck, set the watch. Aye, aye, sir. The officer of the deck and his Commanding Officers are the direct representative and, while on watch, is responsible for the safe operation of the ship and crew. The long glass is a traditional symbol of an officer of the decks authority. We are pleased to have mr. Greg willard with us today. Greg was the white house staff assistant to gerald ford while he was president and served him after he left office. Greg will pass the long glass to lieutenant chincotta from south orange, new jersey, the first officer of the deck. The petty officer of the first watch is quartermaster the messenger of the watch. And the bosun of the watch. [whistle] set the watch. On deck, section one. Sir, the watch is set. Very well. Captain, the watch is set. Very well. We are delighted today to have our sponsor, ms. Susan ford bales, with us. Susan christened gerald r. Ford in 2013. Susan, i would be honored if you would join me at the podium to give the order to man our ship and bring her to life. [applause] mr. President , ladies and gentlemen, in the twilight of his life, dad learned of the decision to name cvn78 to be the uss gerald r. Ford. Dad felt that that was one of the highest honors he ever received was to wear the uniform of Lieutenant Commander in the United States navy. So upon learning the naming decision, dad wrote a letter and he concluded his letter, quotes, thus is a source of indescribable pride and humility, to know that an Aircraft Carrier bearing my name will be permanently associated with the valor and integrity of the men and women of the United States navy. There is no one, absolutely no one, who would be prouder of the commissioning of this mighty ship than the president of the the 38th president ld r. Ford. Of of the United States, and as your ship sponsor, i am honored to give the command, officers and bringman our ship her to life. [applause] [siren] blowing] ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, uss Gerald R Ford salutes you. We are proud to serve in your great navy. Ready two. [applause] captain, the ship is manned and ready. Very well. Admiral lindsay, uss Gerald R Ford is manned and ready and ready to deploy. [inaudible] very well. Mr. President , request permission to raise your black. Flag. Permission granted. Raise theve officer, flag. Aye. Quartermaster, raise the flag. Aye, aye, sir. Captain, the flag of the president is flying over the ship Gerald R Ford. Very well. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, captain richard mccormick, United States navy, Commanding Officer uss Gerald R Ford. [applause] ships company. Good morning, mr. President , secretary mattis, admiral richardson, susan, distinguished visitors, shipmates, family and friends. Welcome and thank you all for being here and braving the heat as we come together to celebrate this transition of this war ship to a capital asset. The experience is best described like this. As each of us looks upon this great ship, a single thought must sees our minds. Only in the United States of america can make a machine like this. There is nothing like her in the world today. We have witnessed a magic moment when a mass of steel and cable, engineering marvels become a living thing with a unique personality. These words were spoken over 42 years ago by thenpresident Gerald R Ford as he delivered his enote address at the commissioning ceremony for uss nimitz. Outfitting it is that the man who presided over the first and last commissioning ceremony is recognized today as the namesake for our great ship and the first in the ford class. [applause] much has been said about the first in Class Technology aboard that like thegy nimitz in 1975 exists nowhere else. Ability to accommodate thats flexibility accommodatety to new technologies for decades to come. As groundbreaking as this technology is, it will never supersede the quality of the sailor who operates it. The sailors aboard today are among our nations finest. They are talented, driven, innovative, dedicated, passionate about what they do, and i am very proud to be there captain their captain. [applause] james steve Martin Fisher said it best. A fighting force cannot be reduced to its order of battle any more than a ships value can be reduced to the number of guns she carries or the vast horsepower or turbans can generate her turbines can generate. It derives him the leadership quality of her chiefs and officers. Modification and get ways significantly on the ultimate lethality of the tool of war. We cannot succeed absent the strength and skills of our sailors and the dedication and commitment they bring to the fight. Our sailors will ensure the Gerald R Ford remains Mission Ready and prepared to execute national tasking for decades to come. I want to thank legislators, shipbuilders, and sailors for all your efforts in taking uss Gerald R Ford from concept to delivery. Least, icertainly not would like to express my gratitude to the families of our servicemen and women who supported their loved ones as we worked hard to prepare this ship foresee. For sea. Your devotion and sacrifice cannot be overstated. I want to thank you personally for all your support. [applause] i have the utmost faith and confidence in your abilities to challenge any problems ahead. I can think of no better team to take the uss world are ford to see. You, your family, and our navy. Thank you. [applause] ship company, attention. Will the guests please rise. The chaplain will now lead us in a benediction. Let us pray. This prepare to end celebration, we pause to ask for a going away blessing, a sendoff, a plea for continued blessings and success. Efforts toay our reach this point and beyond continue to be rewarded. May we experience protection and safety of this crew and all sailors will follow us. Go with us, strengthen us, encourage us, guide us. May we be granted wisdom for the journey and integrity be the compass that we follow. We pray for that leaders of this ship, the leaders that will follow, the leaders of our navy and our nation. Go with us. In your mighty name we pray. Amen. Thank you, chaplain. Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. Please remain seated until the present and the official party the president and the official party have departed the ceremony. [applause] were you contacted by the resident russians . Should you have been more cautious . That happened just before 10 00 this morning, a live picture outside the Senate Intelligence Committee Room where the president s soninlaw Jared Kushner testified in a closeddoor session on his meeting with russian operatives, saying in a prepared statement that i did not collude or know of anyone else in the campaign that colluded with any foreign government. That hearing going on over an hour now. We will bring you any statements that might happen later. Nancy released a letter to fellow democrats announcing her displeasure with the process for debating the intelligence authorization measure coming up at the house. Sing in part, we have been informed the house leadership has placed the intelligence authorization on the suspension calendar until monday. This would deprive democrats of the ability to have a full and open debate on critical intelligence issues at this sensitive time in our history. We will likely hear more about this when the house gavels in. They are scheduled to come in at noon eastern. About 45 minutes from now. We will have live coverage. The Senate Returns today at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. Lawmakers are expected to hold a test vote on the Republican Health care plan. As the Senate Considers the bill, you will have your opportunity to offer your views and comments on facebook and twitter. More on this from politico. If the latest Obamacare Repeal efforts collapsed this week, they will go back to the drawing board and try again. Jonathan said if and when that thune said if and when that were to occur, they would go back and begin over. Senator Mitch Mcconnell plans to ond a critical vote tomorrow Obamacare Repeal. It appears unlikely to succeed. It is unclear which Health Care Bill the senate will even consider. Democratic leaders are announcing a new agenda today as they look ahead to the 2018 midterms. It is called a better deal. Chuck schumer and nancy pelosi along with Top Democrats are rolling it out this afternoon in suburban virginia. Live coverage starts at 1 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan 2. Up next, the global influence of the press here and abroad in the way it is understood. Good morning, everyone, and thank you for coming. Im glad to see theres a large group of students in the room. Want to raise your hands. Thats great. Wow. Im deborah mccarthy, the executive director of a new pr

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