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Nd students can hear all sides f the constitutional debates at the center of American Life and make up their own minds. This is an exciting moment. It is also a time familial celebration. Many donors are here tonight. Their names are recognized in the gallery. William and Hillary Rodham clinton, president clinton served as chair of the Constitution Center after president bush and their friendship is a model for the bipartisanship the center exemplifies. It is my privilege to introduce the superb share of the national Constitution Center. When i began this wonderful job, governor jeb bush told me his father considered his service to be his most meaningful postpresident ial service. That persuaded bush to follow clinton. His commitment to educating children of all ages about the founding documents has helped to cement our exciting collaborations with the college board, intelligence squared, with whom we started a onstitutional debate series, and a model for nonpartisanship and patriotism. I am pleased to be able to stand with governor bush to honor his father tonight. When it came time to name the bill of rights gallery, president bushs friends and admirers decided it should be named in his honor for his patriotic devotion to the national Constitution Center into United States of america. We are grateful for governor bush taking of his fathers example, and his engagement with the national Constitution Center. He is joined by his son, jeb jr. Governor jeb bush. [applause] thank you. Thank you all very much. Thank you. If you cant get fired up about the declaration of independence and the constitution of the bill of rights, you just need to go back and learn how to get ired up. [laughter] the enthusiasm for what jeb brings to this job is extraordinary. I love the mission of visit, learn, debate. The visiting comes to this great city of philadelphia. Hopefully we will get more visitors because of this historic arrangement with the new york library and the state f pennsylvania to have the bill of rights be located here. There are a lot of great exhibits. Tell your friends and neighbors to come. It is important for cash flow purposes that we have people that come to visit. [laughter] learning about our heritages and our past is something i think we lack in our country. Jeb believes that we need to reengage with our heritage in a way that makes it vital and alive in 2014 and beyond. So people believe we have a set of shared values. I can guarantee you the problems that seem intractable today, like nothing seems to working these days, part of it has to do with the fact that we dont have a set of shared values that we talk about enough. Going back to our history, understanding what it was, the genius of the founders, and what they created here, and how we apply it to everyday life matters. Learning about our past through the constitution is another important element of what the national Constitution Center does, and the debate that jeb is a master of, bringing people of disparate views to be able to debate their points here and across the country is another element of what we do. I am honored to be the chairman of the national Constitution Center. I have to tell you, we are honoring my dad today. I will just tell you he is near perfect in my view. I am not objective about this. I dont care what you think. I think hes the greatest man ive ever met. [laughter] my dad called me and said, president clinton, it is time for him to leave as the chairman of the national Constitution Center. Im not telling you to do this but you should consider doing it. Here i am. [laughter] all it took was a hint to suggest that i do this. Of course i did. He was wise. This has been an extraordinary experience for me. I want to thank the board of trustees and donors them in a possible for this exhibit to be funded. It is an honor for the bush family. Justice alito is a joy to be ith you. Take you for being here. Out of a very hectic time to Come Celebrate this, it is special for us. Thank you for coming. Thank you for sharing the document. We wont say whether it is a new york bill of rights or a pennsylvania bill of ights. I will not get into that mess, but i just did. [laughter] David Rubenstein has been incredibly successful in his life. Im not sure everybody understands the full commitment to his generosity, not just with money but he is writing the editor of the exhibit here. Thank you for your commitment to our history and heritage. A lot of people talk about this stuff. He has made a huge difference. [applause] i am truly honored to be here to represent the bush family in this honor. My dad is 90 years old. He cant walk anymore. But he can fly and jump out of airplanes. What he did on his birthday. He has a joy for life. He loves this country with all his heart and soul. This honor would be a big deal if he was here, he would get emotional. Im want to lessen my speech. There is some dna problem amongst bushes, when we talk about personal things, we cry like babies. [laughter] know for a fact that my dad would be extraordinarily honored. He is honored, so is my mom, that this designation has been given to him. All bushes across the land, the next order im giving them is to come in to see it. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much. Beautiful words. It is now my pleasure to introduce governor tom corbett, the 46 governor of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. As governor and attorney general of the keystone state, he helped negotiate the historic agreement that allows the near Public Library in the commonwealth of pennsylvania to take turns displaying the bill of rights over the next hundred years. The governor is joined by the first lady, susan corbett. You spoke eloquently last week at our award of liberty medal. For preserving our founding documents, your passion is appreciated. Please welcome governor corbett. [applause] thank you so much for inviting us here today. Having a little opportunity to get together on what is an event that i have been looking forward to for, how many years . Five years . Think it should be noted, steve came to me five years ago when i was attorney general and said how would you like to get the bill of rights to pennsylvania . Im game. From that point forward steve did a great job of really representing the commonwealth of pennsylvania in the discussion. Im so glad that we were able to reach an accommodation that we share it. We share it not just with pennsylvania, not just with people from new york. All the visitors that come to philadelphia and new york from round the world. Why do they come . They come to see what is really he embodiment of what this country is about. Its freedom. Freedom is not a new idea. If you think about it, freedom is new in the grander scale of the time that we have had this world. Even though it is 225 years after it was written into law, the concept that was rather new at the time, is still new in many areas of the world. Natural inheritance. The bill of rights has survived two centuries. It has been the touchstone of our citizenship and the genius of our Founding Fathers, and the truth that we are born free. This acknowledgment stands as a hining contrast to other parts f the world. We see it today. Extremist do prowl the globe. They silence dissenters. We do not. They deny education and personal freedom to women. We do not. They hate the concert that individuals know what is best for them. That is why after crafting our constitution that explains the structure and the function of our government, the Constitutional Convention crafted ended up with 10 amendments to make sure the ame government that protects social order would not suppress personal freedom. The framers of the bill of rights didnt invent the rights printed recognize the essential freedoms of speech, the press, religion, personal property, Human Dignity already existed, that we continue existing in the core elements of human society. The genius of madison and colleagues was to understand every person is born with those rights, the rights record in those first 10 amendments are every childs inheritance to exercise, and every governments obligation to honor. They are godgiven rights. We are born with essential freedoms no government can take away without becoming illegitimate. Governments are seized by men who respect only their own power, and honor only their own believes. Silence the voices that question them, grabbing industries for their enrichment, are illegitimate. That has not happened in the United States. Even people who would use freedoms to destroy society have not succeeded in a racing the understanding of the heart of every man, woman, child. That freedom is the natural order of things. The bill of rights is our framers discovery of this truth. A truth written in language as impactful today as the day our forefathers created the document we are enshrining here today. It is my pleasure on behalf of the commonwealth of in sylvania to thank you for joining us, to have the Public Library of new york joining with us, sharing our freedoms that written down in a document that is 225 years old. People from around the world are going to come and see, that will immigrate to this country and become citizens of this country because they believe in this constitution, and those 10 commitments. Thank you very much. Thank you, governor, for that superb encapsulation of the natural rights philosophy of the founders. We are grateful for your engagement with the Constitution Center in your negotiations with our friends at the Public Library. T is now my special pleasure to introduce tony marx, the president and ceo of the new york Public Library, working with the commonwealth of pennsylvania and the national Constitution Center, helping shepherd the agreement that brought us here today. He believes the near Public Library is an educational constitution. To spread the constitution education. We are here to celebrate the new york Public Library public spirit, coming to this agreement because of our joint interest in displaying the bill of rights to the public. When the constituting liberty exhibit opens later this year, citizens around the country can be inspired by the document and learn about the ideas it embodies. Please join me in welcoming tony marx. [applause] thank you. It is good to be here in this fabulous city in the commonwealth, to be in this fabulous facility, and partnering with you all. I understand president clinton was sharing the board of the national prostitution center, suggested as the current share governor bush, its other has to be a way for all citizens to enjoy this document, that we should find a way to make that ossible, to share it in that sense. Here tonight, we celebrate the bipartisanship and agreement of the Public Interest of clintons and bushes together. I want to thank our trustees nd donors who have made this exhibit possible through their support of the library and the encasement for the bill of rights. I want to thank my team at the ew york Public Library has been working tirelessly aroundtheclock through weekends, or months now. The library has been a great steward of this document for ver a century. We continue to be great stewards of this document. We are pleased to can be shared and viewed here in philadelphia as well. We will be putting it on display at the near Public Library together with all of our treasures, for anyone to see. We hope every school child in new york will come visit, our copy of jeffersons declaration of independence, these documents are not just artifacts of history, they are movers of history. When i came to the near Public Library and asked about our ollections, i was told about this document. I said im the president , i want to see it. They took it out. My first reaction is exactly the first reaction every one of you will have, and every citizen and school child and tourist will have, which is spinetingling. To have the sense, that George Washington looked at this piece of paper, approved the copy, and said send it out for ratification, so the people of america could decide on their own rights. There was a second reaction i had when i to the careful look. I have a phd in political science. I looked at the document and i said i dont know, i think you have been had. Im pretty sure there are only 10 amendments. This has 12. It took seeing the document for me to learn, and i am sure i will not be alone, that we sent 12 out for ratification, and nly 10 survived. We have the best preserved copy there is. The ratification process got rid of the two stupid proposals. If not for that process, we would have at a bill of rights that ensured a congress of 6000 members. That would have been good. [laughter] and, in the bill of rights, a guarantee of how much the members of congress would be paid. That surely deserves to be in the first 10 rights. This document teaches. It teaches how democracy works. It teaches at its beginning that democracy can make the right decisions. Collectively, we can separate the two that dont belong from the 10 that we celebrate today. We hope that this display, and the display for this document, and its related documents around the country, will continue to aspire generations to learn, to debate, to respect. I am not a governor. I am not a justice. Im a citizen. I know one thing. If history tells us one thing, n the decades ahead, there will be hard times. There will be crises, there will be fears. They will challenge our beliefs. If the display of this document is some small way here in philadelphia helps to remind us to hold to those truths, to those principles and rights that will see us through whatever dark days may come, and what we do here today will be well worth while. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much, tony. We are thrilled by our collaboration. Thrilled to share this joint commitment to constitutional education. It is now my great pleasure to introduce my friend and coauthor, David Rubenstein. David rubenstein has generously lent us a stone declaration of independence. Perhaps he will tell us about the prominence of that store, we. He came to the national Constitution Center last fall. I decided to interview him about the relationship between the constitution of the declaration of the bill of rights. Our conversation was so riveting. He has such a gift for explaining the ideas that animate these founding documents to his students of all ages. We decided to transcribe the conversation and to write it up, to use it as the script for the exhibit you will see. This is the real reason i have gathered you. To use it as the introduction to our national Constitution Center pocket constitution and create a pamphlet we will distribute in the gallery and online on our incredible site that will make this available to students across the land, so they can read in clear language about how the rights were implicit in the constitution and codified in the bill of rights. I have so enjoyed being your coauthor, and im so grateful to you for your patriotic philanthropy and your engagement with the national Constitution Center. Please join me in welcoming David Rubenstein. [applause] last week and i have the honor at the smithsonian to interview a man named jim buckle. You may know of him. He was the pilot on apollo 13. You have seen the movie. I asked him, did nasa know 13 is an unlucky number . I went through the apollo 13. You have seen the movie. I asked him about apollo eight. Apollo eight was the first time that any human had ever left the orbit of the earth and had gone into another beings orbit. Some of you may remember this. At the end of 1968, a difficult year. He and his copilot became the man of the year for time magazine. As they went around the dark side of the moon, they came around and saw an earthrise. No one had ever seen earthrise before. They saw the earth in its beauty, its blue and white. No human had ever seen the earth in that picture before. 240,000 miles away. He put his thumb up and realized that the sum was able to block the entire earth. He realized, how small and insignificant the earth really is. What is the likelihood that life would exist on any one planet, anyone solar system, anyone galaxy . As i thought about it, i thought it is similar to bringing 57 human beings together, in philadelphia, for four months, and telling them to come up with a new way to govern this country. The odds were about the ame. One in a billion. Wanted a billion there is human life somewhere else. One in a billion you could get people to come up with a new system of governing that is still operating more or less. Before the constitution was developed, there had never been anything like it. Since then, there has been nothing like it. We are still operating largely through that constitution. I think that constitution, because of its guarantees and the structure of the government, and able this country to become what it has become. We open at a two to those 57 individuals. Think about this. They were told they had to stay most of the summer. They did. Three of them did not sign it. Why didnt they . Three of them said, ran from virginia, mason from virginia, and square friday massachusetts, they said theres no bill of rights. Theres no bill of rights, theres no guarantee of the certain freedoms we need to have. In a ratification process, and it was not certain this document would be ratified. It was not not certain at all. The process was very difficult. It was only ratified because there was a bill of rights, going to be a bill of rights. Greed there would be a bill of rights. James madison, who worked very harked, he set upon to be a member of the first house of representatives, and he drafted, actually not 12 amendments, he drafted 39 amendments. 12 of them got through both houses. They ultimately went to the states and they became part of our system of government. Without those bill of rights, i think our constitution wouldnt be quite what it is. Its a very unique set of freedoms and rights. I think all of us are privileged to live in a country that has these rights and these freedoms, and i think everybody should think about how unusual it is that in a country like this, all of us who have risen up from modest circumstances, could rise up and do what weve done, probably protected by the freedoms and the bill of sandrites by the extraordinary systems that the constitution really developed for our government. The constitution had a fatal flaw in many ways. In addition to not having a bill of rights, it dent have an adequate way to address slavery. We sufert consequences after many years and the civil war occurred in which were still dealing with the consequences. That exception aside, and its a terrible exception, the constitution is an incredible living document, one that has given us the country that i think we have. What id like to briefly talk about is one thing he mentioned in the declaration of independence as well. They both try to do something the same type of thing. They both try to overthrow a government. One peacefully, one by violence, more or less by war. The declaration of independence also in philadelphia was drafted by Thomas Jefferson. And he was given 17 days to do it, and he did it, like most people, the last three or four days. He waited till the he happened. He gave it to committee to edit. It was edited modestly by benjamin franklin, john adams and a few others. Then he waited for it to be voted o. July 2, the Second Continental Congress voted on independence, and john adams wrote home to his wife and said today will be the day that remembers we will remember in American History forever. Today is the day well celebrate forever, july 2. Because that was the day that they voted to be independent. They then took up the document that Thomas Jefferson had drafted. And in his view, they mutilated it. He sat mute because he didnt like the public talk. As president of the United States, he only made one public speech. He had a high, squeaky voice, not a very good speaker, so he never spoke in public very much, and he didnt speak that day. He later sent the document to his friend and said dont knowing my document is better than what they came up with. But ultimately they agreed on july 4. Then they went next door to a presenter, and they said would you present up 200 copies of this document so one can go to the king of england, one can go to George Washington to read to the troops, and one can throughout the states and people know why were independent n. That document, the most famous sentence in the english language occurred. People the most famous sentence it became the guiding spirit for our country we hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal. They are endowed certain among these rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Are created le equal oobviously, not at the time because they were slavery and women cannot vote, but in guiding principle. While we still havent achieved it perfectly, i think were making better progress than any other country aat the time. After Mister Dunlop distributed decided ocument, it was that the the numbers would come back and they would actually sign it. They came back in august and actually signed the declaration of independence. John quincy adams said we had to make a perfect copy because it was going to fade. It was almost burned in the war of 1812 in the british were invading. They t was fading, and so made a 200 perfect copies. Copies, e called stone after the printer, mister stone. Whenever you see in the new a copy of thedeclaration of independence, what youre seeing is a stone copy. Half an, ruining further the original declaration of independence, but now we have that copy and people can see it. The declaration of independence was designed to overthrow the in a peaceful way. Let me just conclude by making two points. One, i have the privilege of knowing many people who served of the United States. I worked in the white house, for one, and i have gotten to know others. I have known for years George Hw Bush. And i would say he is, by far, the nicest person who has ever served the United States. And that i have ever met. He is actually the nicest person i ever met, that the nicest president. He is a person who has enormous generosity for other people, enormous compassion for other people, extraordinarily talented, and a person who is obviously a great american. Had he been around in the 1700s, hhe would have been a founding father. There is no doubt in my mind wouldve been the type of person that the states would go e said you have to work on the constitution. I think he wouldve been a spectacular founding father. Today, i just want to pay my respects to him, as well. Because he is a man extraordinary in what he has done for our country and the you could say well, what are the Founding Fathers like . If you had gone to know georges story was, you would fathers t the founding were like. And i want to remind people of the great history that we have in this country. Giving back to this country, reminding people that in places like this it is important to give your time and your money. We cannot let our children and forget about dren our history. So if you know about the american revolution. So if you know about the declaration of independence, the constitution, the bill of rights. To the extent that any of you time, energy, money and you could contribute back to the country in giving an these kind of constitution, i regarded as a very important philanthropy thing. When john kennedy gave his inaugural address, you all remember what he said ask not what your country can do do you, but what you can for your country. He and that the final judge of our deeds, let us go the land we love with his blessing and his knowing that on earth, gods work is our own. Gods view, in my view, is reminding the people of the great freedoms we have because the bill nstitution, of rights, and the freedoms we have. I think we are doing gods work on earth. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you, david. There was ioned that one law that had to be read in the original constitution and that would be slavery. David to about to put work again. Ause the 13th amendment ch turns 150 next year that abolishes slavery, we will have another conversation about this. We are going to publish another pamphlet, and then, ladies and element, heres what i want to do. I want to create the only gallery committed to the constitutional legacy of reconstruction in america. So we are going to have three copies of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. We are going to combine them with civil war artifacts in the Civil War Museum of philadelphia. And i think it would be thrilling to teach americans that the reconstruction amendments are just as essential to our constitution the bill of rights. Now my great honor to introduce our keynote speaker Justice Samuel alito. Admired circuit justice here in the third he sat before coming the associate justice in 2006. He is a devoted friend of pennsylvania, and of the third circuit. Gave a keynote address in hershey last spring, which was one of the most funny after dinner speeches ive ever heard. New haven th us to last weekend, iin which he participated in what sounded like a pretty raucous panel law school. He was asked, according to the what was the ost, book youve ational ever read an excellent line. Alito is both respected and feared by Supreme Court he is the one use who always asks the most pointed and relevant questions that get to the heart of the case. He is here red that tonight. Wonderful and is eous wife it in welcoming Justice Samuel alito. [applause] well, thank you, jeff, for the wonderful introduction. Thank you for inviting me here. It is wonderful to be a part of this celebration. This is a great event. Was invited and i leapt at the opportunity to come, a at came to my mind were number of connections between things that are relevant to tonights event. Im going to speak for just a short time, but what i do want to talk about is some of those connections. Personal, so i hope you will pardon me if i begin with a couple of personal connections to tonights events. This has been an important event for the work i have done. For many years, i have been the ding cases involving bill of rights, and i have been looking at the most pocket versions of the pocket constitutions like this. Their version of the bill of rights is actually what was adopted by congress and ratified by the states. So, today i have the opportunity to look at an original. And to verify that there really arent any discrepancies. Which is important to me. [laughter] another personal connection is that in 1990, i was appointed to the u. S. Court of appeals for the third circuit. A Wonderful Court which is headquartered at across the president George Hw Bush. Im grateful for him for giving me that opportunity. As a result of that, i spent a of very satisfying days in this historic city and in this historic part of the city. I learned Something Interesting to me, personally, during my confirmation period. To t a period i would like relive, but they hired a genealogist for my family. One of the things that was discovered was that my paternal grandmother and my father came to the United States to philadelphia. A they landed here just short distance away at the port of philadelphia. So philadelphia is meaningful to me for those reasons. Now those are just personal connections. About our t to talk connections between what we are celebrating here today, which is the exhibit of an original the bill of rights, and todays events. What i want to talk about our connections between the bill of and two great historic american cities. And also, connections between the bill of rights and the president. Now, you can probably guess which cities in which president im going to talk about. The first of the cities as new which is of course connected to this event because new york Public Library has very graciously loaned its copy of rights to be eexhibited here. And im sure we are all very grateful to that Great Institution for allowing that to happen. But there is another very important connection to the city of new york. Was our nations 1789, when congress adapted the amendments that later became the bill of rights. And sent those amendments to the states for ratification. The new york city can claim title as of the birthplace of the bill of rights. The other city, of course, is philadelphia. The is where this copy of bill of rights is going to be exhibited in the national Constitution Center. Also has delphia deeper connections to the bill of rights. Have of these, i think, already been mentioned. But i think they deserve repetition. First of all, the seed that became the bill of rights was in philadelphia in Continental Congress adopted the declaration of independence. The declaration of independence proclaims that has certain unalienable rights. Bill of rights codifies promises the bill of rights also represents the completion of done across t was the street in Independence Hall during the hot summer of 1787. That, of course, was at the body of our constitution was adopted and sent to the states for ratification. When the body of the constitution was completed, those who thought that it was not complete. That the new, federal government that was created by the constitution would threaten the liberty of the people and, therefore, they thought it was imperative that there be explicit guarantees of rights in the constitution. On the other hand, there were those who thought that the of the new government frames by the constitution limitation of federal authority, the separation of system of dual sovereignty provided sufficient protection for the rights of the people. Both of those groups are powerful. And ultimately what occurred was a compromise. The constitution was ratified david reminded us it was reminded on the understanding that a bill of promptly framed and adopted. And that is what happened. Both of e can see that those groups were perceptive. On the one hand, the government grown to a size that the founding generation could never have imagined. The bill of rights is rightly needed to keep the federal government and the state governments in check. To make sure that they do not violate precious individual rights. At the same time, however, without the governmental structure that the constitution created, the bill of rights would be like an arm without a body. Provisions utional protecting individual rights are worse than useless if they by a ot backed up governmental structure to enforce those rights. And that brings me to the third connection between the bill of rights and the city of philadelphia. By the time the first 10 amendments were ratified, the moved from pital had new york to philadelphia. Across was here, right the street, that the Supreme Court heard its first cases. They had met in a very brief session in new york and adopted rules, but after that, the capital moves to philadelphia. The Supreme Court moved to philadelphia. The Supreme Court credits for its cases across the street in the summer of 1791. That, was not long after in the mid7090s, that the to hear mid1790s that the court began to hear the bill of rights. This bring me to the president to whom i refer. And i dont think it is a who im talking about. I am talking about president George Herbert walker bush. What is this connection here . Ffirst of all, of course, we have witnessed the unveiling of the president George H Dubya bush gallery. That is a connection. But there are two others i want to talk about. The first is something of a curiosity, and it relates to things that have been discussed. The amendments that we call the the of rights were sent to states for ratification on september 25, 1789. Congress sent 12 amendments to the states bbut originally ratified only 10 amendments 13 through 12. The first of the amendments that were added are certainly true. The first to really dont seem to fit in with what we know as the bill of rights. Which concern the proposition of the house of representatives, is still out there. It has not been ratified, and probably never will be. [laughter] the second, which also does not as we were reminded with the provisions of the bill of rights, however, had a different history. It was finally ratified by the requisite number of states on may 7, 1992. 200 years after it was sent out by congress. It has to do with congressional pay. It provides that if Congress Gives itself a pay raise, it wont take effect until another election. But in any event, we know who of the United States on may 7, 1992. President George Hw Bush. So that is a connection between him and the bill of rights. The second also contains a date, but it is much more than a curiosity. President bush was in office onthe 200th anniversary of the ratification of the bill of rights. December 12, 1991. And he took dedication to point out something that is very important. Mainly, the connection between our bill of rights and the rights of people everywhere. Our a long time, constitution gave us a declaration of rights that actually had teeth. And that is what is unique about our bill of rights. It actually has teeth. It is actually put into operation. It is actually enforced. For a long time, that concept was an oddity. For more than 150 years, the that a legislative act is void if it infringes the rights of people found very few adherents anywhere else in the world. But world war ii, where president George Hw Bush fought with great distinction as a pilot to change that the enormity of the evil that was by the third reich, the veneer of legality, prompted people throughout the world to rethink the question of rights. And the american idea of an enforceable bill of rights began to catch on. All the former axis powers, new r world war ii, adopt a democratic constitutions that provide the constitutionality of government tax. Of the fter the collapse soviet union and the warsaw pact during president bushs term in office, the newly eastern d nations of europe followed suit. On the proclamation 200th anniversary of the bill of rights, on december 12, president bush noted that the principles enshrined in the bill of rights inspired the advance of freedom around the globe. When president bush issue that proclamation, a great event in history of human rights was just three days away. Sure that this event was on president bushs mind he issue that proclamation. On december 15, the soviet union was officially dissolved. And president bush was able to his proclamation that today, we stand closer than to achieving universal respect for human rights. Well, 23 years later, universal respect for human rights may not seem quite so close as it was in 1991. But still, the promise of the bill of rights endures. And i hope that this display of the bill of rights will help, in a small way, to move us closer to that goal. When visitors look at this document, hope the experience to a greater appreciation of our constitutional rights. And that it will inspire the public to work to preserve those rights. Constitutional rights the precious freedoms that are the bill of rights are always fragile. They are always threatened. The judiciary and others in government have a role to play in protecting those rights, jurist, a new t yorker, wrote liberty lies in the hearts of men and women. Dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it. May this exhibit fan the flame liberty in the hearts of all who see it in the upcoming years. Thank you very much. [applause] c [applause] thank you so much for that inspiring, substantive speech. Which so thoughtfully explore the relation between the provisions of the constitution and the rights that were integrated. I love the metaphor of the constitution and the bill of rights like an arm without a body. And the implications of the rights throughout the globe. Point of how ces the postworld war ii powers adopted u. S. Provisions. You now have the opportunity, in ies and gentlemen, previewing the exhibit, to check out the interactive. John r see that macarthur literally copy and pasted it from the japanese constitution. We are very thrilled about this project. This has been a literal instantiation of the mission of the center to unite people from perspectives across the country. To visit, learn, debate, and most important of all,to participate in our shared enterprise of constitutional education and celebration of the documents that bind and unite us as americans the constitution, the declaration, the bill of rights. Im now going to welcome back of the philadelphia orchestra. Please join us in previewing the new gallery. And thank you for joining me on this magnificent evening. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] coming up monday, the service for brent bradlee. [video clip] at on september 23, 1972 about 9 00 pm, i reached president nixons former general and Campaign Manager by phone about a story we were running. It said that he controlled the secret funds for undercover operations, such as watergate. Mitchell was quite upset. Responding jesus. Several times as i read him the story. He then proceeded to threaten an important private part of chapter and grahams anatomy, which he said we get caught in a big fat ringer if the post published the story. And he said that we were going to do a story on all of you, and he hung up the phone. Called ben at home. Been interrogated me. Had mitchell been drinking . I couldnt tell. There properly identify myself . Yes. Do i have good notes . Yes. Okay, then, he said. Put all of his comments in the paper, but leave out is okay, he sk it said. Nixon official of the campaign, tom moore, called me a few minutes later to make an been l that mitchell had caught in a moment. He doesnt want to show up in the papers like that. The official then called at home to repeats the appeal. It just boils down to this moore, of mister whether mitchell said it or not. The Washington Post reporter identified himself as a reporter, and if come all my requisites have been satisfied. Monday, the Funeral Service for Washington Post editor ben bradlee. Under his guidance, he broke the watergate story. You can see it monday at 8 00 pm eastern here on cspan. Court justice eme elena kagan on her career, her approach to the law, and stories from behindthescenes. That is at 8 00 pm eastern here on cspan. On q a, washington fact checker columnist on his biggest pinocchios of 2014 awards. Democrats tend to get a little more upset at them. Because i think they have bowed of the liberal media, and they think that the media is on their side. Republicans very firmly kind of so they to ect that they are going be, you know, they are not going to be fair to me. Kind of think

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