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The speaker pro tempore the nays are seven. The rules are suspended and the the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek reckniss . Mr. Speaker, i send to the desk a privileged report on the committee of rules. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title. The clerk resolution providing for consideration of the bill to amend the Internal Revenue code to prohibit the secretary of the 501c to require to organizations be included in annual returns and providing for consideration of h. R. 529 , making appropriations for the department of dens and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore referred to the house calendar and ordered printed. The chair will postponefurther proceedings on the additional motion to suspend the rules. On which the vote incurs. Any record vote will be taken later. For what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . I move to suspend the rules and pass the bill. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk a bill to improve management of User Research facilities to ensure transparency and accountability of construction and management costs and for other purposes. Mr. Eaker pro tempore loudermilk will recognize. He gentleman will suspend. The house will be in order. Members, please remove your conversations from the floor, lear the well. The gentleman from georgia. Mr. Loudermilk i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to include extraneous material. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Loudermilk i yield myself such time as i may consume. Im pleased to sponsor h. R. 5049 to improve the management and oversight of Research Facilities by the National Science foundation. The nsf founds through cooperative agreements through Research Facilities and instrumentation networks. Current projects include the lescope and the National Ecological network. These five Construction Projects range from 350 million. Paramount. Ardship is the Science Committee held a number of hearings on these Large Research projects including on the kneeon project. The hearings discussed the findings of two financial audits. Kneeon was allowed to use the dollars including liquor and lavish party. They were initiated due to the lack of review by costs. Major had concerns of Research Facilities. And the i. G. s work resulted in the National Academy of Public Administration conducting a commissioned review of the management. The bill i bring to the floor today is made by many recommendations by the Science Committee. It enhances the role and project anagement and giving the enassurance that staff work with scientific staff with all phases of construction. And requires the official to have responsibility for the oversight of the office. The bill requires them to have an analysis for all major analysis over 100 million. This will ensure that budgets are reasonable while allowing n. S. F. To address issues before construction begins. This will pay off in the lifer of the project. It is an incurred audit. Starting one year after the execution of the agreement. These audits will ensure that they are on track while something can be done to remedy the problem. And already complete. The bill increases by requiring he n. S. F. To remain the funds. Eflecting the stakeholders and disburse contingency funds to allow for continuity and stability. The expenditures must record and record all. E bill closes loopholes, codifying regulations that they have put this place to ensure that taxpayers funds. And unnecessary travel and lobbying. The bill requires awardeys to justify Management Fees which are included. The bill has a provision that supports the education of nsf grant awardeys. It was thanks to whistleblower auditor that these were brought to light. As a former director, i understand the importance of skt built. Nd they are mismanaging with little consequence is inexcuseable. They have received warnings over this spending and not taken measures. They will make the changes to restore confidence in projects and taxpayers can know the money is spent. I thank chairman schmidt in moving this bill forward and oin me in passing this commonsense reform. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Johnson i yield myself as such time. Reform e n. S. F. The act. While i support the passage of this bill in the house today, i do so with some reservation which i will discuss later. Major Research Facilities quill help meet its mission to promote facilities and these inclue clued tell skeep research, engineering testbeds and other cuttingedge platforms. We held a hearing to work on this. Project, t and as the they involve the poning to generate the breakthroughs in science and inspire the best and brightest to pursue careers in stem. However, these major facilities cost a lot of money. Will andmanaging those ultimately critical to the advancement of science. The intent of this bill is a good one. It is to ensure proper he insight and accountability in major facilities. It manages about 15 Research Facilities. Foury given year, three or major facilities are under construction. Largely addresses the design and construction phase of these facilities which is the highest risk phase. Republican and democrats worked many weeks to move through a bill that eas the need for a strong joifer sight and ability and the legitimate concerns of the agency and groups of our naattended consequences. I appreciate the work in this regard. The devil is always in the details. I hope that discussion will continue on some of the details in this legislation. As it continues to move forward. The fact is, every other federal agency is held to governmentwide standards and policies for contracting. In this bill, we are conducting a different set of rules. Even though the foundations record overall has been a very good one and has taken aggressive steps to rectify that did exist, as such, i hope that we tread carefully. Given that the impet us of this bill went awry. The last thing we want to do is enact a law. The most experienced management professionals from doing business, thereby increasing risk. To improve thank the legislation and i work with the agency, the National Science board and the stake hold rs to chieve we are safeguarding the taxpayers money and promoting science. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the the gentlewoman from texas reserves. I yield one minute to the majority leader, mr. Mccarthy. Mr. Mccarthy i thank the gentleman for yielding. S now been three months since we started the innovative initiative. We met about innovators at the forefront of both our missions. Today in the house we are focused on harnessing innovation for the public good. Just moments ago we passed representative darin lahoods bill to advance networking and Information Technology research and development. And now we are considering Barry Loudermilks reform of the National Science foundation. Basic research and Development Investment is important as we strive to remain at the cutting edge of technologies that will offer americans a happier and healthier life. But when the integrity of such efforts at Public Institutions is compromised, as happened with the major n. S. F. Facility that experienced massive cost overruns last year, it calls into question the entire model. So this bill makes changes to our Research Facilities to make them operate with transparency and accountability. When you look across our government, you can see inefficiencies. A lack of accountability. And practices and policies that just dont make sense. Thats bad for the workers, its bad for business, and most importantly its bad for america. Here in the house we arent accepting the status quo. If it doesnt make sense, were getting rid of it. If its holding back innovation, were changing it. Mr. Speaker, we will surely consider more pieces of Innovation Initiative in the weeks and months to come. Unleashing the power of innovation, we will ensure American Leadership now and. Nto the knewture i yield back. Future. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Johnson scrons johnson i continue to reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves ms. Johnson i continue to reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. Mr. Speaker, id like to yield five minutes of my time to the gentleman from texas, mr. Smith, the chairman of the science, space and technology committee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Smith mr. Speaker, first of all, i want to thank the gentleman from georgia, mr. Loudermilk, for yielding me time. Hes also the chairman of the Science Committees oversight subcommittee and appreciate all the work hes done on this bill. H. R. 5049, the n. S. F. Research facility reform act, is the second bill today that is part of majority leader mccarthys Innovation Initiative. We appreciate all his efforts on this and other innovation bills which now total 17. This legislation addresses an issue about which the Science Committee has expressed concerns for the last two years, the National Science foundation passed management of Major Research facility projects. The Science Committee seeks to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent on research in the national interest, not wasted on mismanagement and questionable cost. This bill achieves that goal. It addresses gaps in project oversight and management through solutions identified by the n. S. F. Inspector general, auditors and outside review panel and the Science Committees own oversight for a year and a half. Last year in the wake of several reports of project waste and mismanagement, n. S. F. Director agreed to commission a study by the National Academy of Public Administration to take a closer look at how n. S. F. Could better manage Large Scale Research projects. The studys report offered 13 recommendations to improve n. S. F. s management of cooperative agreements. Although n. S. F. Has begun to implement some of the recommendations, there is still a need to implement four key measures addressed in this bill. Preconstruction verification of total project cost, incurred cost audits during construction, better control over contingency funds, and proper use of taxpayer funded Management Fees. The bills approach to these four reforms ensures that no current or future Large Scale Research project faces the same financial mismanagement that plagued one of n. S. F. s largest projects. The 400 million National Ecological Observatory Network called neon. Last september we learned that the project was likely to be 80 million over budget and 18 months behind schedule. I recognize that the n. S. F. Is taking steps to better manage the cost of neon, which included firing the management organization. However, it is time to make systemic changes for all current and future Major Research projects. The accountability provisions in the bill have been developed with input from the minority, the n. S. F. , and many stakeholders. We Incorporated Many of their suggestions during the markup of the bill in committee on april 27 and the bill which reported out of the Science Committee by voice vote. Our staff has continued to work with the minority on the report that was filed with the bill to make sure our intentions in the underlying bill are clear. Although i believe the current n. S. F. Leadership is committed to improving its management of these Construction Projects, we need to make sure that the n. S. F. Will make the systemic changes necessary in a timely and permanent fashion. This change of how the n. S. F. Es business should outlast the current administration. Many stakeholders have expressed support for the bill since it provides certainty for how the n. S. F. Will operate. All agencies, as well as their grantees and contractors, need to be held accountable for how they spend taxpayers hardearned dollars. The basic responsibility of any Government Agency is to act in the national interest. H. R. 5049 will reduce waste, fraud and abuse and make more Resources Available for quality basic research. This will lead to scientific discoveries, spur technological innovation, create new industries and provide better jobs for americans. Mr. Speaker, i urge the adoption of this Good Government accountability bill and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Mr. Loudermilk mr. Speaker, i have no other speakers on the bill. If the gentlewoman from texas is prepared to make closing remarks, i believe we can bring this to a close and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Johnson thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Let me thank mr. Loudermilk. I have no further requests for time. I am delighted to know that this is a part of the innovation project. There are a number of good bills in the committee that we could really make a part of that package. I have no further speakers. I urge support of the bill and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Loud loud thank you, mr. Speaker mr. Loudermilk thank you, mr. Speaker. I just urge my colleagues to support this strong bipartisan measure and as i have no further requests for time, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, h. R. 5049 as amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, mr. Loudermilk mr. Speaker, i request the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. All those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this uestion will be postponed. The chair will now entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Thompson request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore so ordered. Mr. Thompson thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to congratulate members of the daughter family in Clinton County on the 65th anniversary of their farm which they celebrated earlier this month. The daughter farm was founded in 1951, when paul and jean daughter started with just 15 dairy cows and 147 acres. Their hard work paid off since today the farm includes approximately 950 dairy cows and about 3,000 acres of land, which provides for a harvest of many different crops. The farm is now in its third generation. Members of the daughter family are proud that the milk from their farm is sold locally. In fact, it can be found on the shelves of Grocery Stores just miles away from their farm. As maybe of the house agriculture committee, i know how important farming is to not only pennsylvanias economy, but to our nation. And its wonderful to see family farms that are being passed from generation to generation, feeding their communities, our nation and the entire world. I wish them continued success and prosperity in the future. Thank you, mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Without objection. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Im beyond heartbroken from the circumstances of orlando. I mourn with my fellow americans, 50 lives lost. 53 people maimed. And damaged by this preventive tragedy. 32,000 american lives lost each year from gun violence. Every elected congressional member has promised america that the safety of the people is what we or she or he will work on. Mr. Cardenas we as a congress do nothing to make our country safer. Why . Because you, mr. Speaker, refuse to consider any legislation tied to gun violence. Why wont you allow a hearing, a Committee Discussion on the issue of gun violence . My moment of silence resolution is waiting for your signature. It would require this house of congress to hold a hearing on the tragedy of orlando. It is time to act. The people are waiting on us to do our job. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Poe i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, it happened right under the entire communitys nose. Yearold, thats correct, 8yearold jen was raped, fortured almost on a daily basis. Jen was not kidnapped by a stranger or abused by a relative. She was sold for sex by a neighbor at the neighbors house. It was not just jen who was sold for sex. Her younger sister, a male cousin, and a whole group of kids from her hometown of norristown, pennsylvania. She and her fellow victims were coerced and participate in participating and keeping it a secret through an elaborate con of gifts and threats. No one ever went looking for jen because she was not ever missing. From 3 00 to 6 00 p. M. She was forced to have sex with strangers. The trafficking family finally ended when she was about 10 years of age. Because the neighbor just disappeared. Mr. Speaker, sex slavery happens as parents and grandparent happens. As parents and grandparents we need to know where kids are. Both the sellers and the buyers need to be prosecuted, even if they are pain ins, the message is clear neighbors, the message is clear, our children are not for sale, leave them alone. And thats just the way it is. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Without objection. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, i rise, first of all, to acknowledge my colleague, congresswoman brown, whose district this heinous terrorist hateful act occurred. And to acknowledge my hometown of houston, for as i stand here today they are mourning with memorials that will be held today, tuesday and wednesday in solidarity with the people of orlando, florida. I also rise with great pain in joining my colleague, congressman brown, to introduce legislation to push and to remind individuals about the violence that is taking place through the weapons of war that were allowing to be sold on the streets of america. It is high time for this body memorium nding in and for a minute and to pass the ban on assault weapons and high caliber bullets that are destroying and killing and destroying and killing. It is told that there were body bodies in that place bodies in that place whose legs were taken off by the bullets. I ask this body to recognize that we can no longer talk, talk, talk, we must do, do, do. We will fight to our last breath to demand that the constitution be respected, mr. Speaker, as i end. The first amendment, the right to free speech, and, yes, the second amendment, with the restrictions and recognition that ar15s are killing americans. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Loudermilk mr. Speaker, i rise to thank the house i thank for the recent hearing on my recent legislation, the transparency and accountability of failed exchanges act. Anniversary ixth and we have learned how disastrous it is. One of those being when the resident gave money away, he forgot a major piece of the puzzle. Have bs then, bill yobs been spent. Well, what has happened to the money if the exchange failed. My legislation establishes a twostep plan. It cuggets an audit to see where he money was spent and returns funds. Again, i thank the committee for heir interest in h. R. 26 and its time to bring transparency and accountability to state exchanges and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin seek recognition in . Without objection . As we grapple with the horrific events that took place yesterday morning my thoughts are with the victims and everyone affected. The targeting in this violence has reig nighted fears. We must stand together to denounce bigotry and hailt tread. President obama declared this an act of temporary terror and hate. Unfortunately, this week, Congress Wont do a thing about any of these issues. In fact, all too often, language actuallyns in congress reinforces and the the hate. Unform, this body is too chicken address the epidemic of militaryassault weapons. In the end, all we did, yet again is have another moment of sealens. That disrespects the lives of the people who were killed not just yesterday but every day by gun rilens. If Congress Continues to fail to act we will have blood on our hand. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Permission to address the house. Mr. Speaker, i would like to give an update to the folks back home about a special young laid, alisa ferguson. Talked about her. Was the third best story in 2015. Alison spoke about it a second ime, the first time i met her. She threw out the first pitch, a strike at a local baseball team. Alisa is special because what she has done when she heard she had cancer. She used her only wish to give a waterwell to a small village in africa. 100 weeks ago, alisa and at texasyed a proposal hospital. She said some people dont make it to the real prom. Its great we get a commans to experience that. Keep fighting, alisa. And when you go to real prom, there will be a long line to be your date and i will be at the front of that line. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the entlewoman from florida seek recognition . Without objection. I rise today with a heavy heart. I had the honor of representing orlando, florida, for the last 24 years and yes, orlando is one of the number one destinations in the country and very sophisticated and very diverse, but it is a familyon the parted community. We have a very heart. Although there are Unanswered Questions at this time, this itk place at a night clb and took place in our nation and rated lgbt pride month this was motivated by prejudice. I spent sunday night and monday working to ensure that the state and local resources to make sure this never happens again. Mr. Speaker, a young lady, the community is coming together, but a little girl gave me this picture. This picture, so simple, this picture says orlando strong and orlando is strong, but you know, i dont know how much longer we are going to stand and have a moment of silent prayer, a moment of silent prayer and then what . To whom god has given much, much is expected. He expects us to do more than stand and raise in a moment than a seal ept prayer than one person killed, over 50 member and 100 people. It is unacceptable. People around the world are looking at us and is there something wrong with us, people in america, what is wrong with you . How much longer, how much longer are question going to rise for a moment of silent prayer. Prayer without work is in vein. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time is expired. Mr. Carter i ask unanimous my remarks. Stepped the speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Carter i rise today to recognize the john f James Company for receiving an eaward. The eaward is the highest hosh that it can give to the exporter. Was president ed as a way to distinguishish companies. This award was presented by the u. S. Secretary of commerce on may 16, 2016. Founded in 19 1, the company has ex selled and Transportation Services and cargo hoo insurance. T has spappeded in the suren United States and provides shipping companies. It is a great example of americas success in the international marblingt. Im proud of this company and i wish them all the best. Thank you, mr. Speaker and i yield become. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek rknigs . Ms. Waters mr. Speaker and members, we have had another moment of silence, a moment of silence indicating that somehow we are concerned about what happens in orlando, florida. Its not good enough. How many times have we done this . Whether we are talking about sapped eye hook where the babies were killed or the north or san bernandino or aurora, california. We keep getting up with a moment of silence because we dont want tont foe deal what is going on. This Republican Leadership is disgusting that they dont have the guts or the commitment to call it like it is and bring a rid of this floor to get assault republics weapons. This is a weapon that is designed for war. Dont tell me about your hunting concerns. This ar15 has nothing to do. And this is about killing. This leadership is gutless and deserves the ability to get on this floor and talk about innovation. I want to say over and over again, you stop me from talking, the fact of the matter is, this is unusual . I dont think. We should have stopped everything this evening and consentrailted. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. E gentlewoman is no longer ecognized. The speaker pro tempore the chair is prepared to recognize the gentleman from california. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Malfa thank you speaker. Last friday, a federal court in friday made an unbelievable uling that they could in the clean water act. Ruling against the family act, found they were justified in believe it or not planting weeds. Well, the nerve of this family to grow crops. Really have we seen the inat the present time of congress. The army corps and ignoring language and i quote normal exactly the activity that occurred. Congress clearly exempted day toto life days. We enacted language i sponsored to defund and the administration continues of the we must develop reforms to develop this abuse. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from michigan seek recognition . Without objection the june 12 mass shooting at a club in florida was not the only deadliest about one of the ost hawaiianest. Too often, hate crimes and acts of terrorism use guns. The epidemic overwhelming expressed the need to strengthen our gun law. A stronger gun cleck will prevent acts of terrorism to protect americans from terrorists who want to attack. We must give the f. B. I. To block sales to suspected terrorists d we must require background schecks. Mr. Speaker, no silence and lets stand up and tell the American People, those who are mourning and those who having experienced this that we in congress will do the work we were sent here to do and stand p and take action. Tifment are there request for additional speeches. The chair lays before the muse. The clerk mr. Griffith of virginia today. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The request is granted. The chair lays before the house n enrolled bill. The clerk an act to name the department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Affairs as the lauren. Coughlin clinic. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 6, 2015, the gentlewoman from ohio, mrs. Beatty, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Mrs. Beatty thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members be given five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and add any extraneous materials relevant to the subject matter of this discussion. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mrs. Beatty mr. Speaker, i rise this evening along with my colleague, congressman jeffries, from the eighth Congressional District of new york, for tonights Congressional Black Caucus special order hour. Bridging the divide, a call to action by the Congressional Black Caucus to eliminate Racial Health disparities. Mr. Speaker, tonight the Congressional Black Caucus comes to this house floor to discuss our overarching goal of promoting equality for africanamericans across the health care spectrum. Mr. Speaker, it is well known that poverty, social economic status and Health Disparities are closely linked and latched together. For example, individuals with low incomes tend to have more restricted access to medical care and face greater financial barriers to Affordable Health care, oftentimes contributing to Health Disparities. Last week, mr. Speaker, the House Republicans released their conferences poverty plan. Called a better way. Unfortunately but not unexpectedly this republican antipoverty proposal isnt a better way, mr. Speaker. It isnt even a new way. Quite frankly, mr. Speaker, its the wrong way. , uses the same trickledown discredited policies that House Republicans have put forth in the past. This House Republican poverty elimination proposal would repeal the Affordable Care act and undermine the affordable, Quality Health coverage that millions of millions of americans are now enjoying. It would also cut medicaid, it would cut the Childrens Health Insurance Program that we referred to as chip, and it would end the medicare guarantee. Programs would even with even proven successes, mr. Speaker, in reducing Health Disparities, so this is in part why we are here tonight. We know that health care is the first step in securing Better Health care outcomes and medicaid and chip play a vital role in opening a doorway to the needed health care, especially for our children. As we address the most pressing challenges in achieving Health Equity and equality for africanamericans, i want hardworking American Families to know that they have voices in congress that aim to protect their safety, invest in their future and provide Affordable Health care for all. With the Affordable Care act, which every member of the Congressional Black Caucus supported when it passed, we ave improved access, we have improved affordability and the quality of health care, so tonight, mr. Speaker, i want to thank president obama for moving the needle forward in helping American Families, africanAmerican Families, across this great country and nation to have the financial and Health Security that comes with health care. So, mr. Speaker, we cannot repeal the a. C. A. We must continue to improve and strengthen it. And we will still have more work to do. The Congressional Black Caucus from its very inception has long been the voice for bridging the divide on Racial Health care disparities. No, mr. Speaker, we have been the voice for standing up for American People and especially individuals who are africanamerican against all disparities. And we will not only come to this floor tonight, we will continue our fight and we will continue to come to this floor. Tonight youre going to hear a lot of our members weave together our poverty plan. Youre going to have members talk about gun violence, youre going to have members talking about all lives matter. Because if we dont end the gun violence, then were not going to have a healthy nation. Tonight i want to applaud my good friend and my colleague, congresswoman robin kelly, from the Second District of illinois , chair of our Congressional Black Caucus health brain trust. I want to commend her for her report, the 2015 kelly report, on Health Disparities in america. The unofficial Congressional Analysis of the state of africanamericans health in the United States. Nd her work on the 40 under 40 leaders in america. Leaders who are under 40 who are physicians and medical professionals. And lastly, let me just thank her for her courage and her leadership, for recognizing that all lives matter and we cannot come to this house floor and talk about poverty programs and talk about health care and talk about education and talk about finance if we do not bridge the gap with gun violence. I absolute her had for no salute her for no longer standing up until we make a difference. So tonight were coming, mr. Speaker, with a strong call to action. For us to keep this wonderful america healthful. You will hear from congresswoman kelly momentarily. But, mr. Speaker, at this time i would like to bring our chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, our chairman who has been a longtime advocate and voice for not only the Congressional Black Caucus, but for his constituents in his Congressional District in north carolina, but tonight he speaks for us. Tonight he speaks for the call of action, of us bridging the gap. At this time i am honored to ask congressman g. K. Butterfield to make his comments. Mr. Butterfield let me thank you, congresswoman beatty, for yielding time this evening. This is such a sad evening for all of us, because of the events in orlando. But thank you so very much for having the strength to come to the floor tonight, to manage the important topic that we are all so concerned about. To congresswoman robin kelly, thank you for your incredible work, chairing the c. B. C. Health brain trust and all of the work that you do related to Health Disparities in this country. And i thank all of my colleagues who are going to speak tonight for your untireless work. Before i begin my remarks, let me just say that i sat on the floor a moment ago and listened to congresswoman brown and it was an incredible oneminute speech that she gave. I just want to share in her sentiments this evening and to align myself with the pain that she and her constituents are facing in orlando. The Mass Shootings were absolutely horrific. Unthinkable under any definition. They are just unthinkable. And my prayers go out to the families in orlando for their pain and for all that they are having to endure because of these Mass Shootings. As someone said a few moments ago, a moment of silence is not enough. It is time for this congress to act. Its time for this body, mr. Speaker, to have a serious debate about gun violence and to pass legislation that will deprive people the right to own a highcapacity assault weapon and highcaliber bullets. And use them to kill innocent people. Now is the time. 136 Mass Shootings have taken place during the first 164 days of this year. That is a sad statistic that we must address. The United States is 5 of the worlds population, yet we are 31 of the Mass Shootings in the world. Its time to act. But let me talk about the topic tonight, mrs. Beatty, very briefly. The congressional plaque caucus has been committed to advancing black caucus has been committed to advancing the access of Affordable Health care to all americans so we can eliminate raciallybased racially based Health Disparities. Thats been our mission for many years. Eliminating Health Disparities means addressing inequities in environmental conditions, social and Economic Conditions, and all of our communities. By all measurable statistics, from Health Outcomes to participation in health professions, africanamericans lag so far behind. For example, more than 40 of africanamericans have high blood pressure, rate that is one of the highest in the world. Africanamericans are more likely to develop hypertension at a younger age and are at higher risk of stroke, heart failure, end stage region disease and death from Heart Disease renal disease and death from Heart Disease. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Africanamericans are 50 more likely to experience a stroke than white americans. That is a fact. According to the federal centers for Disease Control and prevention, africanamerican children are twice as likely to have asthma as white children. And black children are 10 times more likely than white children to die of complications from asthma. Africanamericans were on average six years younger than whites when they suffered sudden cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest incidences among africanamerican men was 175 per 100,000. Whereas the incidence of white males was just 84 100,000. Cardiac arrest in africanamerican women was 90 per 100,000. As opposed to 40 per 100,000 for caucasian women. Another illness which disparately impact the Africanamerican Community is that of Prostate Cancer. In june of last year i introduced the National Prostate cancer plan act, a bipartisan bill which seeks to establish the National Prostate Cancer Council on screening, Early Detection and assessment and monitoring of Prostate Cancer. Prostate cancer impacts one in seven american men and is the second leading cause of cancerrelated death among men in the u. S. , with nearly 30,000 deaths anticipated just this year. Africanamerican men are particularly vulnerable as they are twice as likely to be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and 2 1 2 times more likely to die from the disease than their white counterparts. Just last week House Republicans released their better way agenda to address poverty, but that proposal like others they have released will not it will not lift americans out of poverty. In some cases these types of proposals can actually push lowincome americans even deeper into poverty, further limiting their access to health care. And exacerbating Health Disparities. And so, mr. Speaker, its time for us to continue our efforts to address the Health Disparities and barriers and that is what the Congressional Black Caucus is advocating this evening. And were going to continue this work until every disparity is removed. I want to thank you for your courtesy, mrs. Beatty, and i yield back. Mrs. Beatty thank you so much, congressman butterfield. And thank you for making us in of 136 Mass Shootings 164 days of this year. Certainly that is relevant to tonights topic. Because whether it is death by guns or death by Health Care Disparities, theres too many deaths. And i think you said it so well when you provided the data and the statistics of africanamerican men and their mortality rates and whats happening to them. Yes, africanamericans lag behind and thats why we stand with you, bridging the gap and for this call of action. Thank you. At this time, mr. Speaker, it is indeed my honor to ask congresswoman robin kelly from the second Congressional District of illinois, my colleague, my confidant and my friend. She is a champion of expanding health care. Shes a champion, madam speaker, of making sure that we understand that Health Care Disparities must end. She is the chair of the powerful and most prestigious Congressional Black Caucus health care brain trust. She strives to increase Health Care Opportunities for all. For our children, for our seen yors senior citizens, and for residents of the undeerved community. At this time it is indeed my honor to ask her to provide some information on todays topic. Ms. Kelly thank you so much. I want to thank my colleagues and my classmates. The gentlewoman from ohio, my friend, ms. Joyce beatty, and the distinguished gentleman from new york, mr. Jeffries, for leading this important conversation about bridging the divide to eliminate Racial Health disparities. But i cant weigh in on that topic until i first address the horrific events of yesterday in orlando, florida. Our nation is horrified and heart broken by the tragedy in orlando, we are disgusted by this brutal attack, we will not tolerate terrorism or hate in any form against any group of people because this is just not our way. These acts of hate will not endure because there is not strength to them. We build hold leaders accountable who put their n. R. A. Score ahead of the need to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists. We will stand with the lgbtq lives ty and value their over the hate. And we will work to ensure that all americans enjoy the same values and protections. Weve shown a lot of weve had a lot of moments of silence but i believe in showing our beliefs in action. Thats why were here this evening. For 45 years the Congressional Black Caucus has been out front in congress fighting for freedoms and pr teches. When it comes to Health Equity, i have worked to champion the Health Concerns of vulnerable communities as my predecessors in the congressional black the hanrobble lewis stokes has done. Before he was killed, Martin Luther king was quoted as saying, of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane. I couldnt agree more. As chair of the health brain trust, ive worked with many of the people in this room to focus on advancing this critical phase of the human rights and civil rights struggle, Health Equity. When Benjamin Franklin created the nations first public hospital, the Pennsylvania Hospital he, did so in order to establish the promotion of Public Health as a core american value. He did so to care for our nations diseased and sick poor. Nearly 300 years later, the Affordable Care act cemented health care as a fundamental right for all americans. Yet today we find ourselves at a crossroads in health care. Health disparities in communities of color continue to be intractable hurdles in the question to achieve Health Equity in america. Africanamericans are infected with h. I. V. At a rate eight times that of white americans. While white women are more likely to have breast cancer, africanamerican women are 40 more likely to die from the disease. Africanamericans, latinos, asians, and pacific islanders, as well as native americans are diagnosed with lupus two to three times more frequently than caucasians. More than 13 of africanamericans age 20 or older have diagnosed diabetes. And people of color are two to four times more likely than whites to reach end stage renal disease this grim snapshot illustrates that despite the gains we have made since the days of ben franklin and the a. C. A. , there is still much ground to cover in closing the Health Equality gap. Last year, i drafted a comprehensive report, the keller report on Health Disparity, an official Congressional Analysis of the state of Minority Health in the u. S. , that offers a blueprint for reversing negative Health Trends in community of communities of color. It brought members of congress together, and mick health thought leaders to examine the root causes and impacts in america and brought together a comprehensive set of legislation to address them. The whole can only be as healthy as it parts. For america to achieve true Health Equity, lawmakers, Community Leaders and stake holders must come together and aggressively work to reduce disparities nationwide. We all have a part to play in creating a healthy america. We must take heed of dr. Kings words, of all the forms of inequality and justice injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane and we can and we must fix that. Again, because of what happened in orlando, its the mass shooting were talking about and its tragic, but the night before, one person was shot and i often liken this to a 747 crashes and we talk about that, but we dont audiocassette about the twoseater, and that twoseater is a person that die aid loan in that club after she sung friday night has a brother a brother, a mother, a father, so lets not forget that young lady that lost her life. She did not lose her life to someone that was muslim or someone that believes in isis. She lost her life to an american young man, a caucasian. Thank you and i yield back. Mrs. Beatty thank you, congresswoman kelly. How appropriate for tonight for you to remind us, as i ask you to constantly do, about why we must, to put it in your words, come together. We must do something. Madam speaker, tonight we say to you and to our republican colleagues, come together and do something. To you, congresswoman kelly, let me say, let today serve as a turning point in our nations ongoing struggle to stamp out hate of all forms. We must mourn those who lost their family members. But we must do more than mourn. We must have action. 23 we are going to have the hope for a better america, hate has no place in this great nation. I thank you and will continue to remind others that we know firsthand what it does to our community. Madam speaker, we stand here tonight speaking to all communities. But here is what we know. The naacp has shared with us that africanamericans africanamerican children and teens accounted for 45 of all child and teen gun deaths in 2008 and 2009 but were only 15 of the total child population. The f. B. I. Says that approximately 47 of victims of from 2000 homicides 111,000 including over gunrelated homicides, were black. The childrens defense fund, madam speaker, says that in 2010, black males between the ages of 15 and 19 were nearly 30 times more likely to die in a gun homicide than white males of the same age. And more than three times more likely to die in a gun homicide than hispanic males of the same age. So madam speaker, tonight you will hear us repeatedly make a call for action. You will hear us repeatedly quote great leaders. And i think worth quoting again what congresswoman kelly said in the words of dr. Martin luther king, of all the forms of inequality, of injustice of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane. Of all inequalities, of all injustices, and as we speak of great leaders, it is indeed my honor and my privilege to ask my colleague, congressman donald payne from the 10th Congressional District of new jersey, a man who has made a name for himself, a man who understands firsthand as a father of triplets, as a spouse, as a Ranking Member on Homeland Security subcommittee, on Emergency Preparedness response and communication, a man who has been at the forefront in his community, a man who served before coming here as an elected official, but more importantly, a person who understands Health Disparities and the call for action. It gives me great honor to ask congressman donald payne to share some wisdom with us tonight. Mr. Payne thank you, madam speaker. First i want to start by thanking congresswoman beatty for that very kind and generous introduction. We in our class are very proud of our colleagues and we support each other in times of need and i just would like to also congratulate and acknowledge congressman hakeem jeffries, the gentleman from new york, who is special order. Is i appreciate the opportunity to discuss an issue that is very person to me that is very personal to me. Before i begin, i just want to say that my heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims of the horrible tragedy in orlando. And i can only imagine what they are going through. The other thing that is very illuminating to me is that as we me here and stood up for a moment of silence, after that moment of silence, i believe members were given a oneminute opportunity to speak on any topic that theyd like to on the floor, as is customary, and not one person from the other side of the aisle mentioned what happened at orlando. So not only was it a moment of shipp in r the leader this house, but it appears its going to be a moment that remains silent or a topic that remains silent from the other side of the aisle. Madam speaker, eliminating racialbased Health Disparities depends on our ability to advance access to Affordable Health care for all. Even in the 21st century, Health Disparities are stark, especially in the africanamerican communities where life expectancies are lower and infant mortality rates are higher among condition than among whites. Today derek spite improvements in Overall Health in the United States, africanamericans and other minority populations lag behind in Numerous Health areas, including access to quality care, timelines of care, and Health Outcomes. For years, the Congressional Black Caucus has called on republicans to join us and other House Democrats in developing a plan to eliminate Racial Health disparity, a plan that addresses the cause os Health Disparities such as inequities in environment, social and Economic Conditions in our community. Instead, we get from them proposals like their socalled better way poverty proposal. A steal repacking of failed policies presented under the guise of concern about americans trapped in poverty. Cutting job training programs, food assistance, and head start will push low income americans further into poverty, making it even more difficult for them to access the affordable and Quality Health care needed to secure their well being and the ell being of their families. We instead use we need to instead use government as a source of good. Every american deserves to live in a safe and healthy environment. Yet, he income and minority communities are much more exposed to high levels of pollution resulting in Serious Health problems such as asthma, heart problems, and cancer. This is a very real problem across america. A very real problem in my district. 13 Million People including 3. 5 million children are concentrated in the vicinity of transportation facilities and are exposed to unhealthy levels of air pollution. My district is the home of port Newark Elizabeth marine terminal, part of the port of newark and new york, the Third Largest part in the country. According to the e. P. A. , three time the state average of children in newark suffer from asthma. What we need are additional federal actions to reduce harmful air pollution from ports and congested components of the National Freight transportation system. This issue is critical to low income and Minority Community who suffer the disproportionately Adverse Health effects of these environmental hazards. Since im the topic of environmental justice, i just want to remind everyone that the republicans continue to block any action to help the thousands of children facing lifelong damage from Drinking Water poisoned in flint. Including a vote to block families of flint act in emergency supplemental way. Their radical refusal to address this health issue will have tragic consequences for families. And i think it is representative of their overall inadequate approach to Health Disparities in minority communities. The way to eliminate Racial Health disparities is neither to down play them nor cut programs that will assist the most vulnerable. It is to address the environmental and social and Economic Conditions that exacerbate those disparities. It is to expand access to Quality Health care that could eliminate or reduce the onset of many of these chronic illnesses and disproportionate Health Outcomes. It is to maintain and strengthen our investment in health care access, and resources for disadvantaged populations. So in closing, madam speaker, i also want to stress Health Education must also be a focus in any efforts to eliminate racialbased Health Disparities. Africanamericans and other communities are disproportionately affected by poor provider patient communication and Health Literacy issues. Consequently, they often do not have the access to information that enables them to make the appropriate Health Decisions. We have a responsibility to work with our Health Care Institutions and Community Health centers to make it easier for people to faille find and understand to find and understand and use the information and services. As cochair of the congressional mens health caucus, i have hosted and participated in a number of outreach events in my district to engage directly with constituents about the importance of making positive Health Decisions and staying proactive about their health and wellbeing. So i encourage everyone watching at home to get the information you need to make smart Health Decisions, to get the security you and your family deserve, to get the health care that we all need. And with that, madam speaker, i yield back. Mrs. Beatty beat thank you so much, congressman payne, for give mrs. Beatty thank you so much, congressman payne, for giving us so much compelling information and data and reminding us that the time is now for us to enact those programs that work. The time is now for us to understand what is at risk. And also let me thank you for your role on the congressional mens health care caucus. At this time i would now like to yield time to the gentlelady from the 18th Congressional District of texas, to someone who im always amazed when she comes to the mike, someone who s well researched, someone who delivers an oratorcal message at makes us take pause and attention. Tonight id like to say that shes a movement. Earlier i heard her use that word and talk about how we, madam speaker, must be the movement against violence, that we must be leading that movement against these disparities in health care. Now i would like to yield to that gentlelady from the great state of texas, 18th Congressional District, congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee. Ms. Jackson lee theres no doubt how much i appreciate the congress am al black caucus and i Congressional Black Caucus and you for always being timely , for allowing us to give a message to our colleagues. We hope maybe the person people will hear us American People will hear us, but we accept that this body is a body to which and to whom we speak. So i am thankful for that. And i want to pay tribute overall to the Congressional Black Caucus, because we are actually hear here speaking of Health Disparities because it was the caucus that triggered this debate through the years that weve been trying to get universal access to health care. Nd was the moving force in the 2009, 2008 and 2010 passage ultimately of the Affordable Care act, where the work that we did, joining congressman christenson at that time, and Frank Pallone on the health caucus, but on the c. B. C. We had the Health Disparities task to ensure that the language in the Affordable Care act addressed the issues of Health Disparities. And there was a large section on that that built on some of the work that some of us had already done, creating an oves of Minority Health that id worked on in years past, so it was the lightning bolt of the caucus and then working with the asianpacific caucus and the hispanic caucus that we raised the issue that no one was talking about. I remember debating on the floor of the house on the issues of dealing with senior citizen, africanamerican men and how they Access Health care, how do women Access Health care, how do people impacted by diabetes Access Health care . Some of the dediseases that are a pro diseases that are a proclivity to the cavern american population. We found out that we even had an issue where medical professionals didnt know how to ask the questions, how do you address someone who needs to be diagnosed for Prostate Cancer or may be diagnosed for Prostate Cancer and is an africanamerican male and a senior citizen, who my father was, who ultimately died of cans that are metastasized from the profit cancer that metastasized from the prostate to the lungs and the brain. We knew we had a serious issue. So today i want to mention four points. But im going to focus on the last one. Obesity, a question of access to health care and physical fitness, and many times we live in areas where there is no access to a pool or tennis court. Mental health, if you lived your life in a segregated america, if you were called boy and girl, its a different Mental Health situation than maybe others may have faced. If you live in a situation of poverty, of a single household, maybe, this is not across the board, these issues would be an impact. If you lived around gun violence, if you saw your 15yearold friend being shot dead in the street, theres a question of Mental Health that we need access to that care. For us to be able to reach out or maybe counselors to be able to provide for children. Hivaids is something that weve lived through. I remember going to funerals of friends in the 1980s and into the 1990s. Particularly with hivaids. And so we worked in the Congressional Black Caucus to massively talk about testing. But let me get to this point that i want to dwell just for a moment on. An that is gun violence. And that is gun violence. I was hear on the floor earlier with my head held down and my heart heavy heavy as my district today had a memorial, they had one yesterday, well have one tomorrow and on wednesday. I mourn with congresswoman brown. Were offering legislation dealing with the assault weapons and to compliment legislation already passed or already in place. But it is important to note that this is a health issue. The centersers the centers for Disease Control can assess d study every health issue that faces america today, but they are legislatively by law prohibited by my friends on the other side of the aisle, by republicans, to disallow every year to give them permission to study gun violence. And gun violence is killing our children, killing our families a and in orlando it kill families and in orlando it killed latinos who happened to be the attendees at the pulse lub, the Lgbtq Community was the dominant community and a hateful terrorist attack using ar15s and glock guns killed them. The incident was the deadliest mass shooting. Next most deadly incidents in history were april 16, 2007, virginia tech. December 14, 2012, sandy hook. October 16, 1991, coleen, texas. And according to every time index a Mass Shootings which four or more people are shot and killed, the incident was the ninth mass shooting in the United States in 2016 and the 150th mass shooting in the United States since january 1, 2009. Mass shooting with guns impacts both the Mental Health, the sanctity and the Minority Community. And it is shameful that we are not allowed to engage in the kind of research that a professor of harvard talked about. And that is the assessing of violence and the assessing of violence with guns. Materials i have before me make it very clear that most of these violent acts are done with guns. Done with guns. San bernardino, chattanooga, charleston, garland, oak creek and fort hood were all done with guns. So i stand here today to challenge this issue of Health Disparities, to say that the heavy brunt of killings, singular killings, are impacted by poverty, lack of access to health care and the proliferation of guns in our inner city communities. And the failure of the United States congress to put real gun safety legislation, closing the loophole, the jim clyburn rule that says that if you dont get the review and approval by a. T. F. , then you do not get the gun. You have to wait until you get the approval from a. T. F. Who may be trying to determine whether this person with multiple problems, Mental Health or background issues doesnt need to get a gun, then ultimately to go kill their spouse, their children, their neighbors, their family members or strangers. So it is my belief today that this Health Disparities debate is crucial and we should come away from here recognizing that obesity and the issues of can health and hivaids be with great investment researched for cures. Or cancer that proliferates in our community. Triple negative breast cancer, that is legislation that i am you i have put forward and gotten that i have put forward and gotten passed. But it is the gun violence that we are doing absolutely nothing about and the disparities and the impact of minority communities is atrocious. I want to close simply by ying the word or the acronym. Gbtq i want to say it over and over again. Because i think it is shameful that in our debate in our recognition of the tragedy of orlando, that we dont acknowledge the horrificness of the hate crime and the hatefulness against that community. As i stand here, that community is diverse and there are africanamericans who are lgbt. And so i would ask that as we move forward this week, that we will be reminded of this hatefulness and well have a cure, well be reminded of this violence and well have a cure. And that cure, first of all, will be to restrain the use of assault weapons and these weapons of wartype bullets that men and women in the United States military say has no business on the streets of america. Congresswoman, that Health Disparities is an important wall and division to overcome. And i thank you for having this special order, to ensure that we will confront these issues and try to save lives. I yield back. Mrs. Beatty thank you so much, congresswoman jackson lee. Thank you for reminding us that we should be done with guns like the assault weapons. Thank you for reminding us of the impact that Health Disparities have on our community and this nation. Madam speaker, i have two documents that i would like to request to be entered into the record. The first document is from congresswoman Eddie Bernice johnson, and for other purposes the record id like to state who was the first nurse to serve in this United States congress and the second is a portion of the special features on racial and ethnic Health Disparities, a 30year study after the heckler rainstorm. Report. Thank you, madam speaker. We have heard a lot tonight. We have heard the call to action by memberings. We have heard the relation shipp to poverty and Health Disparity. To the sose yo Economic Conditions of africanamericans, to Health Disparities. We have heard the relation shipp relationship to death by guns. We have heard the data and statistic about mortality rates on or from diseases like cardiovascular disease, leading killer for women and africanamerican women and men. We have heard about the effects of untreated diabetes. And how that affects africanamericans. The list goes on and on, madam speaker. I could tell you, whether its obesity, whether its stroke, and certainly as a stroke survivor, i understand firsthand the value and the importance of quality, Affordable Health care. I could share with you that there are some federal programs that actually work and bridge the gap. I could say wonderful things about the United States health and Human Services office of minority affairs. That provides data and research and services for us. T before i ask my colleague, madam speaker, say a few words, i ran across something that was said in my opinion by one of the most powerful individuals that will go down in current history, and 20 years from now, madam speaker if i were standing here, talking about his legacy, health care would be one of them. Withet me conclude my part these brief words that he quoted on april 1 of this year. Our nation was built on an enduring belief that we are all created equal, regardless of the color of our skin or the station into which we were born. From the ambitions we hold for ourselves to the way we take care of our health. This founding premise serves as the fwide post of our national life. Yet to this day, madam speaker, minorities continue to experience the Health Care Gap that leaves their community, our community, and i will add in this to his ending that madam speaker, tonight the Congressional Black Caucus asked that we recommit to taking action to overcoming these disparities. End of quote. And that person who will leave a great legacy for these words is no other than our president of these United States. President barack obama. And now as we begin to close our hour, i could not think of a better colleague, a better coanchor, to come and share with us our call to action, my colleague and classmate, conditioning congressman jeffries, is a scholar. Listens, o sitz back, and then comes with resolve. He is sun he is someone who is no stranger to this process of telling it like it is. He is someone who has spent a lot of time and years with his experience to speak for the individuals of his district, but tonight, madam speaker, i ask him to speak for the Congressional Black Caucus. I ask him to close us out on our call for action as we talk about the Health Disparity in our africanamerican communities, and he is the coanchor, congressman hakeem jeffries. Mr. Jeffries i thank my good friend, the distinguished gentlelady from ohio, and our phenomenal anchor for this c. B. C. Special order hour today and throughout the second session of the 114th congress. Its been an honor an privilege to work closely with you and youve done such a phenomenal job, not just on behalf of the people you represent in the great city of columbus, ohio, but all throughout the nation in your various roles and certainly in your leader shipp in the Congressional Black Caucus. It is with a heavy heart that i stand on the floor of the house of representatives today and with Great Sadness acknowledge the pain and suffering and extend my condolences to those who have suffered this great tragedy in orlando, florida. The worst mass shooting in the history of the United States of america. Its a complicated shooting, we understand that it most likely is an act of terror, a hate crime of unspeakable proportions. Indications that the shooter may have some degree of Mental Illness and a history of domestic abuse. The shooter appeared to have been in some measure on the f. B. I. s radar. You can add all those things up, and theres still something thats missing that we here in congress have the capacity to deal with, and thats the fact that one individual was able to purchase a weapon of mass destruction which should be reserved for war, not the hunting of human beings in this eat democratic republic, and inflict death on 49 individuals and maim in ways that are inhumane more than 50 others. Martin luther king jr. Once said that in the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends. During the 114th congress there have been more than 100 Mass Shootings. We often come to the floor of the house of representatives and the speaker or one of his designees stands at the rostrum and asks us as members of the house to engage in a moment of silence, and then we go on with business as usual, having done nothing about the tremendous gun violence problem that we have in america. The rest of the world is looking around and saying, what are we doing in the United States of america . 5 of the worlds population, 50 of the worlds guns. Its estimated that there are more than 300 million guns circulating throughout this great land. And the f. B. I. And local Law Enforcement cant tell you where the overwhelming majority of them are because of legislative silence. And malpractice. This is an issue, of course, that has great impact on the Africanamerican Community. Homicides, the leading cause of death through guns of younger africanamerican men. So we in the c. B. C. , we view it as a Public Health crisis, certainly for our community, i think its one that all americans should view as a Health Crisis for the entire country. But the thing that is also troubling, and well have time to deal with this tragedy and hopefully well be able to make some comment some common sense steps in the right direction, including making sure individuals on the terrorist watch list cant purchase weapons of mass destruction. How complicated is that to do . But the thing that is striking for many of us in the Africanamerican Community is that when you look at some of the leading causes of death, Heart Disease, being number one, and then of course diabetes and Childhood Obesity being problematic, certain forms of cancer, hivaids infection, many of those illnesses, these ailments that plague the neighborhoods that i represent newentral brooklyn and east york and brownsfield and the west end of coney island, are preventable. Preventable by better exercise. Preventable by dealing with some of the environmental racism that many low income communities of color have been subjected to. Resulting in incredibly high rates of asthma and other forms of respiratory illness, preventable by better diet. Senator booker recently said to many of us, and this has stuck with me, that more africanamericans in the United States of america die as a result of drive throughs, not drive bys. Thats because the diet, the access, the healthy food is limited. The food deserts within which many africanamericans, particularly at the lowest sose yo economic level are forced to reside in, are scandalous. So we in the congressional black caw caucus believe weve got to deal with these issues. In a more meaningful, comprehensive fashion. Im thankful that back at home in the west end of coney island, coney island cathedral, one of the most important religious institutions in brooklyn is actively engaged in a Public Health campaign to deal with diabetes and Heart Disease and many of the other ailments that result from the poor diet that exists the lack of access to healthy food in the black community. Its a campaign that we want to take across the nation. Were thankful for the work thats been done by the Congressional Black Caucus and by president obama through his leader shipp of the Affordable Care act. We now know that more than 20 million previously uninsured americans now have access to quality, Affordable Health care. Disproportionately africanamerican. That is a positive step in the right direction. But instead of trying to dismantle this monumental step forward, as House Republicans have attempted to do more than 60 times over the last few years, you have a clinical obsession with a law that has been declared constitutional, not once, but twice, by the United States supreme court. Lets figure out ways to come together as a nation. Spe despite our racial, religious, ethnic differences. To deal with the disparities that exist in the Africanamerican Community and beyond. And let us come together as a congress and as a nation to deal with the scourge of hate. In its most redrent recent form directed at the Lgbt Community down in orlando. And such a hofher in such a horrific and invidious fashion. Were better than this. We can do much better here in the United States congress. The Congressional Black Caucus is here to lead the way. On issues work in partner shipp, hand in hand, with our colleagues on the other side of the aisle. If youre just willing to meet us some of the way, to deal with the issues of Health Disparities in the Africanamerican Community and deal with the scourge of gun violence that take ours young boys and girls in shocking numbers and also impacts people all across the country. So i thank the disi think if distinguished gentlelady for your leader shipp and for once again yielding to me and anchoring this special order in such a phenomenal way. Mrs. Beatty thank you, congressman jeffries. Madam speaker, as we close out tonight, i cant think of a better way to take my last 30 seconds than to speak to you and to speak to america and to ask that we take these last seconds in silence as a call to action to prevent the guns being on the street, as a call to action to reduce the Health Disparities, but in honor of the families in orlando. We give them our commitment that we stand with them and that i stand with all of my friends and constituents and supporters who belong to the Lgbt Community, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. Under the speakers announced policy of january 6, 2015, the chair recognizes the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. Cgovern, for 30 minutes. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks and enter additional materials into the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, this week washington is blessed by the presence of his holiness, the 14th dalai lama. Who is visiting the city june 12 through june 16 for several events and meetings. This visit provides us not only the opportunity to listen to the dalai lama speak about the modern world and confronting conflict, but also to take a look at the crisis facing tibet and the tibetan people. And to ask why the United States is not doing more to protect the rights and support the autonomy of the tibetan people. As we seek to comprehend the senseless violence of yesterdays massacre of at least 49 people in orlando, florida, and the wounding of more than 50 others, most members of the Lgbt Community, many of hispanic descent, all just enjoying their lives on a saturday night, i can think of no better source of words of wisdom, tolerance and peace than his holiness, the dalai lama. Id like to ask unanimous consent to insert into the cord an opinion piece by him entitled the dalai lama, why im hopeful about the worlds future. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Mcgovern i would like to say a few words about him and his leadership. The dalai lama, the spiritual leader of tibet, describes himself as a simple buddhist monk. He was recognized as the reincarnation of the previous 13th dalai lama when he was only 2 years old. And he was only 6 when he began his studies. But years before he finished his education, when he was still a teenager, he was called upon to assume full political power after chinas invasion of tibet in 1950. When in 1954 he went to beijing for peace talks with chinese leaders, he was not yet 20. Five years later, with the brutal suppression of the Tibetan National uprising by chinese troops, the dalai lama was forced to escape into compile. Since 1959 hes been living in northern india, thats more than 60 years of exile. Ive had the opportunity to meet the dalai lama on a number of occasions. Hes a warm, generous, compassionate man with a great sense of humor. Hes also a man of peace. Hes consistently advocated hes consistently advocated for policies of nonviolence, even in the face of extreme aggression. In 199 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent struggle for the liberation of tibet. Hes received over 150 awards, honorary doctorates and prizes in recognition of his message of peace, nonviolence, interreligious understanding, universal responsibility and compassion. His is a voice for tolerance. Unfortunately as we all know, tibet has not been liberated. In the late 1990s, under the dalai lamas leadership, the tibetan people put aside the goal of independence. Since then, they have been fighting peacefully for their autonomy within china. But that struggle is not going very well today. Part of the reason its not going very well is that the International Community seems more interested in not offending china than in vigorously supporting the human rights of the tibetan people. It seems to me that my own government has fallen into that trap. I am lookinged for to the dalai lamas visit this week and i know that leadership of the house and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will welcome him with the greatest appreciation. But the easy to praise the dalai lama. Meet with him and benefit from his teachings, yet not lift a finger to help the people of tibet. The dalai lama and the tibetan people deserve better. Madam speaker, last november i had the honor of joining Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and my colleagues, joyce beatty, ted lieu, mr. Lowenthal, ms. Mccollum and mr. Walz on a historic delegation tody pet tibet, beijing and hong kong. I s long raised concerns about chinas human rights record in tibet. A at the first congressional delegation as the first congressional delegation tonalter tibet since the 2008 unrest, our trip was an important opportunity to raise the voices of the tibetan people and we did just that. Everywhere we went, in every meeting we had, we talked about tibet. We talked about the dalai lama and his strong bipartisan support in congress. We talked about the importance of respect for peoples culture and religion. And we talked about the need to strengthen and protect all the human rights of the tibetan people. During the delegation visit, we felt we had a Good Exchange with chinese officials and especially with university students, both in tibet and in beijing. We saw our trip and especially the delegations visit to tibet as an important gesture by the Chinese Government. But it was also clear to us that our visit was only a first step. And that much more needed to be done. Since our return, we have been looking for ways to build on our visit. And to advance the reforms needed for meaningful change. Here are some of the things we identified that need to happen, specifically with regard to tibet. The United States needs to open a consulate in lhasa, tibet. More members of congress, more journalists, more members of parliament from other nations and more people in general, including members of the Tibetan Community here in the United States, need to be allowed to travel freely to tibet. Tibetans in china need to be able to travel freely as well. The dialogue between beijing and the dalai lama to resolve long standing issues of tibetan autonomy, religious frackities, culture, language practices, culture, language and her tang need to be renewed. The Lal Dalai Lama is part of the solution to resolving tibetan grieveances. Too often during our trip we heard from some chinese officials, not all, but from some, expressions and characterizations of tibet and a showing that in some peoples minds and imaginations, theyre stuck in the past. An old prejudices. This concerned me greatly. The issue is not about the is not the past. The issue is the future of tibet and its people. Renewing dialogue must be genuine and productive and it cannot be just another guise for wasting time or going through the motions. We need to see a dialogue based on good faith and mutual need, to resolve outstanding issues in a way that is acceptable to all parties. Undertaking such an initiative would be a positive reflection on the capacity of chinese authorities to engage in constructive dialogue. And would increase confidence the world over that the government is committed to reconciliation and ending abuses in tibet. The Chinese Government has invested a great deal in tibet and that was very clear towls. But that investment must not come at the price of an entire culture. You cannot confine a peoples culture and heritage, their very sense of identity, to a museum or a market of handy crafts. The human rights of the tibetan people must be strengthened and protected and i return from the delegation visit with a renewed commitment to continue to work with my colleagues in congress, with leader pelosi, to push for the reforms needed to achieve this. And this is the reason why were here today. Madam speaker, at this time id like to yield to our distinguished democratic leader, who led this historic visit to tibet, leader pelosi. Ms. Pelosi i thank the gentleman for yielding and for calling this special order this evening. And special it is indeed. As we welcome his holiness, the dalai lama, to washington. Tomorrow in a bipartisan way the house and senate, democrats and republicans, will join in welcoming his holiness. Hes among one of the things that we all agree on. His greatness. And the honor he brings us with his visit. Madam speaker, i completely associate myself with every word of my colleagues comments, mr. Machine godges comments. He talked about mr. Mcgoverns comments. He talked about our visit to lhasa, to tibet, and to china, all of china, other places in china, and we called him the mr. Mcgovern the spiritual leader of our visit. As a cochair of the Lantos Human Rights Commission of the house of representatives, he truly believes, as his holiness says and i heard him say today, were all gods children. And thats how we have to treat each other. Listening to our colleagues in the previous special order, members of the Congressional Black Caucus who zussed various issues of discussed various issues of justice, social justice, Health Justice and the rest, they talked about orlando. It focuses on what how special his holiness visit is. Coming the day after the terrible massacre of the lgbt many in the Lgbt Community yesterday, is really something that should be a comfort to all of us. His holiness message of peace, of compassion, of respect for every person is a message of hope that was well needed today, tomorrow and the next day. Thats the days hell be here. But as we go forward as well. This is a truly great man and, again, when i wakened this morning, so sad about what happened yesterday, but full of hope about hearing what his holiness would have to say about our responsibilities to each other. Our colleague mentioned our november could he dell. It was something that codell. It was something that many of us codel. It was something that many of us had been hoping to do for years. Id been trying for 25 years to get a visa to visit tibet. The president of china gave us that opportunity. We went there to see, to learn, to observe and to make judgments. But we did not go there to burn bridges. We went there to build bridges. And as mr. Mcgovern congressman mcgovern said, we saw some areas where we could work together, came back with some resolve, hopefully to get some bridge building other bridge building done. I have seen his holiness on many occasions, when he first came to the congress, i was brand new in congress. He came under the auspices of mr. Lantos, the Human Rights Commission is named after, and he brought us together in a group to listen to his holiness plan of action and it included respect for the environment and autonomy for tibet. But not independence. That was over 25 years ago. Hes been talking about autonomy while sometimes the Chinese Government doesnt accept that characterization. It is why we support, many of us support his holiness. As i mentioned earlier, he has friends on both sides of the on both sides of the capitol, and also down pennsylvania avenue. I remember with great pride when we presented his holiness with a congressional gold medal , great bipartisan support, and president bush came and not only that, bigger honor yet, ms. Bush, laura bush, came as well. What an honor for his holenessy holiness, what an honor for our country, that our president showed that respect. On that day, when we talked about it, we had so many good things to say about his holiness. One of the things was, his unstinting support for peace is a positive example of how to make the world a better place. Peace in the world, peace in our country, peace in our communities, peace in our families, peace in ourselves. That inner peace is what he has been preaching. And his holiness embodies we can see him as he embodies the which is demeanor and courage to maintain what he calls a Peaceful Mind in a modern world. And we look forward to hear wheag has to say about that. His holiness says, in addition to saying were all gods children, and the respect we need to have for each other, and the compassion that he advocates, that great changes start with individuals. Is there time for me to tell my own personal story . Ill tell this story, which i think some may find amusing. Man liness is a gentle and while he has big challenges and hes the leader and the champion in the advocacy, i wouldnt use the use the word fight, he doesnt like words like, that but in the advocacy for respecting the culture, the language, the religion of the tibetan people and the autonomy for them as a people, he does so in a very gentle way. One time when we visited him, ive met him here in the capitol, i saw him in rio at the time of the earth summit in 1992, where he spoke as a religious leader, and also we acknowledged that he was the first winner of the nobel prize who had as part of his proclamation and why he won, because of his contribution in protecting the environment. The first environmental consideration in a nobel prize. How beautiful that was. Him here many times, california, new york, you name it. And are we lives in india. So, anyway, we were taking a delegation there to visit, a bipartisan large delegation to visit him there and we saw some of the people, just right after the crackdown in tibet, just coincidentally we had our trip planned for a long time, but it happened to occur right after that crackdown, so many people were coming in from tibet telling us what they saw there. And it was pretty brutal, the report that they gave us. And it was so sad. So later in the day, when we had lunch with hundreds of a couple hundred lambas from all over india, that part of india, many of them tibetan, buddhist la mmbing as, and i explain lamas, and i explained what i had just seen that morning and how transformative it was to see people give firsthand knowledge of this and that and we had to do something about it and we had our members there, one was going to help with this and one was going to help with that. All the things we were going to do to help these people. And then i said what i always said, if freedom loving people do not speak out against oppression in tibet, because of our commercial interest with china, then we surrender all moral authority to speak on behalf of human rights anywhere in the world, tibet is a challenge to the conscience of the world and we must respond to that

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