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I can do this the stuffy way or may way. I am going do to it my way. And that might be dropping an fbomb. So if you are sensitive, be aware of that. So thank jow for coming out to my talk. I want to thank the gold fork center and the staff for inviting me out. This is my first time coming to maine. Been to a lot of places, but never maine so that is off my bucket list. I want to compliment the students. None of them pulled out on iphone while in my presence. I spent a year at granel College Prior to receiving my doctorate at the university of chicago and i am sympathize with both the student and the faculty. Let me start with this. Change they cant believe in as where you can see, i have a colleague that coauthored be me. I did 95 of the work. That is my name is first. If you have kany questions, ask me, because he doesnt know. I run a research lab at the university of washington. Matt told me to throw a question about the tea party on an exam. This was in january 2010. I was reading the new york times, the frank rich piece in which he is saying people that are pea party people are crazy. And then another one saying they are conservative and angry peopleism i look at my dog, take a sip of my coffee, and i said daisy we have data on this. I did some analysis doing simple cross tabs and no matter what i tried to explain for the tea party could be preference for samesex rights, it could have been civil liberties, it could be attitudes toward obama, attitudes toward the health care bill, if you supported the tea party strongly there was no mistaking the statistical relationship. Then i started doing more complicated models looking for things that could interfere with the relationship. In the become i have all of the slope and intercept plots put f for presentational purposes because i know some people are not committed to the methodology i am going to keep it simple. But you want to question be on q a i am happy to oblige you. We did another survey in 2011 geared toward the tea party and everything happening. We got the same results. I have to tell you. The tea party is really committed to their believes. I have had a hand full of crazy emails, phone calls, and snail mail even. I got letters from people saying all kind of mean stuff. I got attacked by a journalist in the Washington Post who said what do you expect i have graduate students. M this guy said you have a black man a latino, what do you expect your lab to find . And i took offense to that. And that wasnt the first time. People would question by credentials. You cannot be put me in a box. One is tired of people questioning ones qualifications. Served in the military. Went to some one of the finest institutions in the world, but my qualifications are questioned. My wife and i went to lanai and we sat across the from a Tea Party People. And it is perhaps the most remote place on the any of the islands. And you know what they ask me . You have the basic banter. Where are you from. And what do you do . What are you working on . What do you think about president obama . And do you really believe he was born in america . Baby girl, we have to go. Check. Check. This happens all of the time. I am used to it now. What we do in the book, or what i do mainly, because i new the scrutiny i would be exposed to, i made sure all of the basis were covered. There is no way anyone to this day has attacked me or matt on substance attacks. No one else has a theory. We are the only ones that have this kind of data. I thought about this a lot. I have discussed it a lot over the yours. This is probably going on my 20th talk. There is probably not going to be a question i dont know. If i sound cocky it is because i have been through a lot doing the book so i am confidant i will have an answer for you. This is my favorite part of the talk. So hopefully i can get this working. I should get a play button. There we go. [piano playing] [music playing] a hit a button i was not supposed to hit. See, i am trying to press this thing here and it keeps stopping. I wanted to point out something to you. I will use my finger. [music playing] there it is. Right there [laughter] okay. So that is one version of the tea party. That is the version of the Tea Party People who are true skeptics adhere to, right . Here is a group that Tea Party Supporters will get behind. The tea party is getting people to change the way business is doing. The people who run our businesses and they are folks who run the city. They are now involved. It is inspiring to see real people coming out, standing up, speaking out and conservative people. We want a g. Working were the peop people. This is the future of politics and i am proud to be here. Lets leave aside what we may or may not think about sarah palins intelligence and talk about her words a Real Movement powered about americans who are concerned about the size of government. So we have a Super Critical one saying they are a much of racist people. And then we have one saying they just care about the size of government and what is happening in the country. I am trying to say this with a straight face but if i know how this is going to end so i am trying to keep a straight face. What is the tea party about. Are they crazy or irrational. For right now let me just talk to you about this. This might sound counter intuitive given all of the rhetoric we hear but they are not. Fredrick douglas once said power proceeds nothing without demand. So it isnt irrational for them to behave the way they are because they want to save their country. The second question is are they Something Like that new . No they are not. And are they simply angry conservative . No, they are not conservative. They are not the traditional ones like boehner, mccain, or even mcconnell. So that are not crazy. They are reacting to social change. They want to keep it where men are dominant, white people are dominant, gay people are not domina dominant, where black people and la latinos know there place. They are similar to the kkk of the 1920s. They are similar to the john burke party and the nothing party. I want to stress i am talking about the clan of 1920s and that is because it was as a National Political movement. 19501960 clan regional. They are not conservative in the true sense of the word. That is because conservatives to accept change. They dont like to. But the reaction to the french resolution with change slow gradual change is preferred to revolutionary change. So conservatives are willing to abide change as long as it is slow, controlled, organic. They also honor the rule of law. Conservative is about the press press press presserivation of a fort. If you break down it down it means to conserve something. And they mean a stable democrat ic order in this case. Why is this important . Some people say beyond the obvious we have the shutdown, another debt ceiling crisis, if someone is sitting out here who has been hiding under a rock or hitting the books or the pipes too hard, this is why it is important. The Tea Party Express and other groups by ten other republicans in the senate joined the tea par party. The tea Party Challenge in kentucky and South Carolina and tennessee and we saw what happened in indiana and utah with bob bennett they were all gone. They got the primary from the right. Republicans need only into net six seats, i think. This might not be true anymore. I am sorry, the senate. The last election cycle 59 parts were part of the Tea Party Caucus and if i want to say people who got tea party sport we are talking 85 members. 59 seats were part of the Tea Party House in 2010. 48 retained house seat so a winning percentage of 92 . The other folks retired or lost. So you have 52 excuse me, 48 folks in the house right now that are part of the Tea Party Caucus. Anybody want to make a guess on what percentage of republicans this is it . We have 238 republicans in the house and this is almost 35 . People wonder why boehner and others are scared of the tea Party Fraction are 1 in 4 republicans part of the house are supports by the tea party. That is why. And let me tell you if you are inclined to like the tea party when you came in here you might still like them put you will not like me. Lets not get it twisted like young folks say. We all have our own bias. But as social science, we will to suspend that and go with whe the data. And folks we are going with the data is going. And 600 core members are part of one of the six national teeparty. There are mer than 1700 local tea party chapters. And three million have attended a rally, donated or purchased literature in support of the tea party. Three million. And 46 million folks vote age americans are tea party sympathizers. We derive this from multiplying the percentage of folks that supported the tea party in 2011 and multiplied it by the teenage voting age. Why else is this important . They tend to promote a small agenda. True the vote which was active in 22 states. Anybody know what true the vote was . No body . Voter suppression. But it was a little more nuance than that. They were challenging the i i. D. sof these people. Are you telling me voter fraud is a problem in the United States . Absolutely. Site your facts cite anybody can come in and claim they are a citizen and vote. You want to have a debate because you will not win this. I will give you my microphone. You have the floor, man. Thank you. Voter fraud is a problem. Black, brown, and poor people are mainly registering to vote is that by accident . When i go in to register to vote they need to know i am a maine citizen . Why dont you come up here to the front row. You are using ridicule to decimate that only people that have the right to right should vote. I am going to jump in. We value a respectful exchange of ideas. I appreciate your comments. A lot of people believe the way you would do. Lets move on. Sir, if you want to stick around, i would be happy to talk about this. [inaudible conversation] that is a small part of true of the vote. The other part is the interrogate people who you know for social economic reasons for not afford to vote. In the state of texas if you have a hunting license you can vote, but a college id is no good. Social Security Card . No good. But a hunting license. This is part of true the vote. I didnt deny that. I acknowledged that. Is that not a good thing . That is not what true the vote is about. It is about interrogating people who tend to vote for democrats and trying to get them purged from the rolls saying they dont have a state id but a hunting license permits wyou to vote in texas. There was a report by the International Organization on education and human rights they did on North Carolina because true the vote was a big presence there and it got a lot of poor people, and people of color purged from the rolls. Dead people, too. Lets move on, there is going to be other opportunities to ask questions. 46 mil Million People are tea party sympathizer. And they attack womens reproductive rights. A lot of women happen to not like the transvaginal probes. And Terry Collins wasnt a perfect candidate by any stretch. But the women in virginia were turned off by the transvaginal probe business for abortion by this. So the race was lost because of that. Tea Party Supporters in congress were slow to support the violence against women act. Another part of the war against women. And the antiimmigration bill that was passed in arizona. The same state where the governor pointed on the tarmac and i will not get into the level of disrespect the level the president is subjected to i know bush got it, too, but if you are going to disagree, have a respect for the office. Bush was my president to. I respected the office. A lot of other people felt the other way. If you disrespect the office the man represents that a problem. The immigration bill was one state. Ab20 in alabama. Ab56 passed in South Carolina. These were all supported by the tea party. And georgia as well. So this antismall democratic agenda. How do we know what we know . How do we come to the conclusions . Historical evidence. And empirical evidence. And content analysis. We can discuss that during q a. We compared to content to the National Review online content which most people, come differences, right . You have the weekly standard, reason but they havent been around as long as the National Review. Most people consider that the conservative standard by which all others are measures. More traditional standards. We conducted an analysis of those from 20092012. And openended interviewed who were spectics, believers and people in the middle. And we have survey data what are called field experiments embedded in the surveys. Lets get to the argument. Tea Party Support is a proxy for what we call reactionary conservative. Social containing is not something that is to be tolerated as a more traditional conservative would argue. It is about this aversion the culture standards they believe they enjoy. Real americans. This is what is called a symbolic predisposition. It means it is a socialized from a time we are kids. Pa partsinship is an example of this. It takes something in the current political environment to trigger these symbolic preadvertise position. And we argue this was triggered by obama and what they perceive him to represent. So it is departure from the things i mentioned. That is the argument. National reactionary movements the kkk in the 1920s. And preservation of the catholics against the jewish people and preserving in the american way and that is limited government and social conformity. Those are part of american culture. One movement is focused around community and one is focused on idelolgy. We will talk about thought one first. This is what was said about pseudo conservative they believe there is a conspiracy set in motion that is set to destroy his way of life. This is another quote on that and i dont know what that one word means but this is what they call the complex of that the attachment to the past maybe a Corporate Identity where the group has lost their status and the group is clinging to that status striving it will come back. Here is the theory i build around. Postwar conservative fugitives is what you have reverence for god, loyalty, and community loyalty. These are free market conservative. Low taxes, low to no regulation, and more Classical Liberal thought. This other pillar that is part of this is nasa security anticommuni security anticommunism. The third component is important because it makes the first two come together and work. The first dont are not natural allies. One is empathizing community. The other is empathizing more individualism. So they need a common enemy. Call it what you will. Socialism communi socialism communism. We know the difference. Put the communism the state is gone. With socialism, there is a Big Government. This centrally planned economy. Which some republicans despise but the social conservatives they have a common enemy and they fuse together. So antisocialism plays into this and allows them to form n an alliance. Moderate conservatives they are about the conservation of intituti intituti intituti intitution. The conservation of Economic Freedom which is quality of opportunity and a big state or Central Government is a threat to the work ethic and moreover private property. When we think about c conservatives of the 1960 mitt romneys son for example. We have the reactionary conse e conservativis conservativism. We had the mcarthey supporters and then the john Burke Society and then john welshs initially board of director you would find one of the coch brothers. The approach was changed from status anxiety to status politics. Which reflected around they feel like they are loosing their life. The people part of the prohibition life style were trying to maintain the puritan lifestyle. That is what it was about. The perception that the life they new was slipping way. And the late Clinton Rosser was a cornell professor. He was rarely cited but we distilled this down to hypothe i hypotheses that can be tested. So as i mentioned earlier, this is a proxy for Tea Party Supporters. What we didnt do, because we didnt have the foresight to measure this with surveybased items, so one till we had a measure we used support for the tea party as a proxy and that means it is messy and noisy. So we should not find support for the tea party in anything else because this is noisy because it is proxy. Tea party and obama stuff. This is what we find. This is a surveybased experiment. We looked at tea party c conservatives, non c conservatives, and all conservatives. So we made the question obama is destroying the country. And we wanted the question to be provocative because the argument is these folks are just conservatives and we wanted to put that to the test and use obama as the attitude object. We found 71 of Tea Party Members believed that obama is destroying the country. 61 of more mainstream conservatives believe he is. 71 , 6 , and 35 . Lets look at president ial traits. These are questions that are asked on National Surveys that have been conducted since 1948. Whether you thing the president cares about people, is moral. And the hypothesis is they are all conservatives so we should see no differences. 72 of nonconservative Tea Party People believe he is knowledgeable. 62 believe he is moral versus tea party. Attitude and facts. Apart from obama. 78 of Tea Party People want his policy to fail versus much lower on the conservative side. And once again the working hypothesis is that they are all just conservatives. What matt and i are trying to illustrate is there are a difference between Tea Party Conservatives and regular conservatives that map on mainstream versus reactionary. This is how the book breaks down. We take on the question of weather or not Tea Party People are just conservatives. They are not. Fear of obama and other things that drive support for the tea party. And we account for the other possible confounding variables. The sense of ingroup love. This idea that if you are violating the prescribed moral codes of society should be punished. This idea that some groups are more deserving to be on top. And we control for racism. It doesnt support what people thing about obama and the tea party. This fear and anger that is director at obama is still there. Let me back up, they are not patriotic either necessarily. And i am referring to the description about sacrifice and duty versus individual interest and needs. That is what it is about. Ones willingness to sacrifice ones self interest in the interest of the Political Community. Ask you look at the other the y theorist and they define it the same way. And if you define it like they are not patriotic. They are really against immigrants. And we asked questions who dont discriminate against documented or undocumented. Folks woo support the tea party say their rejection of obama is about their conservative ideas. That is part of the story. But it doesnt explain everything. It continues to predict animo t animosity for obama. But to their credit they are far more politically engaged than any other part of the electra e electorate. They vote more often than other conservatives. They donated more than other conservatives. They tended to vote for republicans more than other conservatives. So whatever you can about them they have to courage of their c convictions. Lets do q a. [ applause ] i am part of the tea party and i am concerned about our debt. The 17 trillion. And i have not heard you talk about that. And also the Affordable Care act which is unconstitutional. It is making me buy insurance. And the tea party talks about that and they do hold up signs. I have seen those signs you have shown. But i have seen other signs that talk about the debt. And we should all be concerned about that because we cannot pay it back. Thank you. What is your name . Helen. That is my moms name so you get credit for that. The more you move from the preference to Big Government to small government it increased the probability of supporting the tea party by 15 . Which bush was in office, Discretionary Spending was up by 49 and the budget increased by 104 . If you look at tarp, the 700 bailout happened on bushs watch, too. If people want to make the case. Some Tea Party Folks are really concerned about the debt. I am not saying that is not the case. But when bush was running up all of the debt we didnt see the tea party then. So i am not dismissing your claims but we should have seen them on bushs watch if they were really concerned. But we didnt see them. My question is have we compared the tea party or should we compare them to the most mobilized groups on the left . If we did a parallel study with moveon. Org activist and conventional democrat would you find the same gap between the conventional democrater voter and these activist who would say outrageous things. And when you ran regressions you could come up with diagrams to show the further to the left the more of a marxist you are. Are you watching populus mobilization or is this something just on the right . That is a good question. I needed to read another article and asked to barrow his office. We wont find anything analogous to the present day. Even occupy wall street that. Where are they now . They were that committed theyd still be around. Were not going to find that equipment now. Youd have to go back to find that sort of leftwing radical is. I think it did exist. We just dont see it now. Moreover, by definition at least in the United States and socialist countries because the ideological [inaudible] lessening the movement is more progressive, right . So if we go back 30, 40, it may be that the fda. So there are some of the psychological cranks in the political tactics they are. You go back that far. You wont find it right now. With what you present to [inaudible] there are select Tea Party Groups throughout the country at the tea party in houston, Rocky Mountain tea party in the southcentral los angeles tea party, which is heavily black. What is your name, sir . Greg. Theres two ways to answer that question. What i think about these black folks. And theres another way thats way off the grid. The politically correct answer would be this, in my first book, fighting for the. If my first book, fighting for democracy, i show that black veterans in the south early step to go about government because think about the tuskegee experiment. The Tuskegee Airmen didnt get credit for what they did until much later. The tuskegee experiment, in which hundreds of black men were by the government. When you had jim crow that granted the military all the way through the korean war. So theres that part that we need to do this by ourselves because we are skeptical of the government. I am not saying that its not parsing because there is a limit to that. Just fyi, in the book you will see a ball strong tea party gentrifiers come to 6 them are lacked. Youve got about 90 better way, right . Now the other explanation for that. Theres some black people that dont like white people either. Its not only racist, sexist, right . [inaudible] okay. [inaudible] if i dont like another white person, i dont see the racist element there. Maybe i just dont like their personality. There is a conflict they are are politically speaking someone is going in a direction that i just dont think his health he. If you are projecting them, youve got some middleclass white folks that dont like white folks are my palacio. Thats recess. How can it be race . Class may be peered in his class and race. It is class and race. Im hating myself an asset if im hating another white . Let me tell you something. There are black folks who dont like themselves because of the norm of america, right . The stereotypical american, you go to the Implicit Association that was invented by mike colley, Anthony Greenwald dictates that implicit racism, sexism,. He shows that there are black people that dont like white people. There are white people that dont like white people, right . There are safe evening because the way they are pretreatment media, and makes them hate themselves. Ive got empirical evidence out the ones who you have groups of people that are self hating. They dont like themselves. Seriously. Ill recommend a book you. Friends know [inaudible] you read those, right and it will explain in far greater detail than i can right now. I will be happy to give you an email address. I would email you the citation that will tell you there are people that are black, latino, white, they dont like themselves. And this particular case, there are some white folks that dont fancy themselves as being white or wanting to be way. So therefore, because of the stereotypes ingrained in american society, they identify more with being white, so they reject black people. Its that simple. Like i said, the classic work on this is to books or black skin, white masks. So if you see the tea party at this major conflicts, major issue in american politics, what would be your solution to this problem . Thats a great problem. Something ive been thinking about. My solution would be this, right now you have, Everybody Knows that gerrymandering is, this whole idea so every 10 years, what happens is whatever party is in power at the state level gets a chance, with some exception, to redraw the district lines, you know, that affects representation of the state level, but also the congressional level. So what happens is you have some date. California is the most recent example of the top two primary systems in which it doesnt matter which your Party Identification is. Everybody gets to vote in these primaries. A tense to moderate the candidates they are selecting. It tends to moderate the people that are elected to office, right . My hypotheses this, and this is something that im kind of working on. Still trying to work out the kinks here. There are two ways to do this. One is to do it the way that William Buckley did in 1960. He basically wrote the John Birch Society out of the mainstream conservative movement. He basically said, these people are too crazy even for me. He marginalized than in the 1960s, right . Thats one way to do a book. Conservative intellectuals. There are some who are not aligned with the tea party. David rooks, george will, i dont know. That are really not supportive of the tea party. So that is one way to do it. Another way to do it more institutionally is to try to institute the top two primary systems on a state by state. What happens is youre going to have to have democrats have to start winning more, number one. Number two, when im kind of thinking about right now is to take people to support the tea party. Not strong Tea Party Supporters we discussed in the book. Im talking about people that somewhat support the tea party and move them over so at least they are on the fence, right . One of the things i would like to do experimentally is to try to experimentally manipulate some of these issues and move them off of the fence for the tea party and a little more over to a more Progressive Side of king. The strong Tea Party Supporters, they are not going to move. Let me tell you why. Hardcore conservative aspect or another shamble always overrule cognition or judgment, always. This has been shown in social, psychological. Aspect will always overrule cognition. Fear, anxiety, anger come will always overrule the idea that maybe this policy is better for me. Maybe i shouldnt vote against the economic interests. Aspects amount conservatives overrule. But i would like to do is im still trying to work this out, try to divide some experiment to see what will move these weak Tea Party Supporters off of the fence in a more progressive direction and may be coming in now, the next time so we can think about putting referenda, ballot initiative, depending on the state, state ballots, right . To see if they would be willing to vote for this class two primary. Thats the only other way i can think of thats feasible that can happen in the short term, that will make this happen that we can, what is the word im looking for . Deplete, dilute, the tea Party Faction thats really increasing. Im not saying politics wasnt polarized before because we all know what was feared the rise of the tea party in 2009, 2010, especially the Congressional Election has increased. You can have democrats that have the white house, upper chamber. Cant get anything done. The House Republicans have a congress that the senate, senate democrats. We have a problem. So my answer would be for conservative intellectuals for a more institutional level to start moving some of these weak Tea Party Supporters in a more progressive direction that may be hit them up with and Ballot Initiatives are referenda at the state level to go to the top two primaries. I have not heard the tea partyers are afraid of losing their way of life. What ive always heard about tea partiers as they are much, much more concerned about our constitution and losing our constitutional government, which is a republic, not a democrat. The tea party is for cant do to Chanel Limited government, freemarket and fiscal responsibility. The real basic is the constitution and thats at the tea partyers are afraid of losing. As far as racism and obama, i wouldnt have voted for obama, even if he was purple or white or red or anything else, nothing. It was his qualifications. Okay. Did you want me to answer questions . Or just make a statement . Okay, thank you. Can i just Say Something real quick . Who wrote the constitution . [inaudible] and what were they . What color are they . And they were wealthy. And they rhodin through the three fifths clause. Anyway. But okay. If i could just ask you to elaborate on your third point on why the tea parties are patriotic, in their mind, they are certainly trying to preserve patriotic sense of the nation. What is it about their behaviors . At the think about what is patriotism at its most basic thing. As that sacrifice . Lets walk through this. So we called people who fight for the country, veteran patriotic because of the willingness to sacrifice everything. For our sake. If we think about folks who are even coming in now, willing to go out and vote and participate in politics, that is considered republican patriotism as well because you dont have to go vote. It takes time to become educated. It takes time to donate to the campaign. It takes time to participate in the campaign, right . Because it is our nature. So that is a sacrifice that we can be doing opportunity costs involved. At the essence of patriotism, i would submit sacrifice. This is why i said in chapter four that they are not necessarily patriotic. This is why say this. Theres two questions i ask that tap into the republican patriotism and machiavelli talked about, heiress donald talks about, more recently, parolee talks about this. Walter cambridge. Im blinking. Skinner talks about it. These are a republican theorists. You think about the Founding Fathers. We went to war. America went to war. You know, were outnumbered as americans. These men had to fight a ticket insurmountable costs. They had to sacrifice for the birth of this country. I will submit to the petri kids and is ultimately about sacrifice. In chapter four, we ask a couple questions. You habitues. If it meant increasing the education of all educational not substance, but quality of all americans, would you be more willing to pay a little more in taxes . Or not . People that support the tea party werent willing to do people that support the tea party werent willing to do that. This is not all of our country. It makes sense to have an educated citizen, right . Citizenship presupposes education. After all, that was one of the main things that chief Justice Warren wrote into the brown v. Board of education decision. It behooves us to have an educated citizenry. In order to do that, maybe you have to pay a little bit more in taxes. So was it not patriotic to pay more in taxes and care about the welfare of the Political Community . The welfare of the Political Community, you have to sacrifice a little bit. What do you think . I am going to follow up on that. And a number of incentives, it seems to me that your interpretation of responses shapes your perception of tea party motivations. I find that a little problematic. For example, on the education piece. There is an assumption that if people dont want to pay more for education, they dont want everyone to have a good education. I think a lot of people would say that moores not necessarily better. That the heart of their motivation would need better education. They disagree about how to get there. So can you admit that there might be places in your work for your interpretation is their response might lead you in a direction that they wouldnt want to go . Now. There arent any places in my work. For example, the patriotism questioned. I threw that theoretically from all of these things emphasize sacrifice. I do say better education. Better quality education. Thus the more educated citizenry makes this country stronger, would anyone disagree with that that it will strengthen this country . Seriously. Would anyone disagree with . Im just asking the question. I think all would agree with that. But not if it requires them to make a sacrifice. Peace churches are not its root boils down to sacrifice your defendant betty wants to come up with a better Group Definition of patriotism, invite you to do so. Its not about sacrifice, what is it about . Excuse me . What was the constitution based on . It has nothing to do a sacrifice . And what these people had to sacrifice to get to a place . Thank you. [inaudible] and how is it being torn to shreds . Okay. Enumerate. Can we let her finish first . Just the whole thing with the whole education. But id be willing to pay more in taxes for the education in the Public Schools today . Under no circumstances would i be willing to do that he caused the education coming even from the day that i went to school, which i am a graduated from college a couple of years ago, but i obviously went to high school back then. The quality of Education Today in the schools is so much less than it was even then. Even then, history in the schools today is nonexistent. Its totally made up. Why would i want to pay more in taxes for that . No way. If they could guarantee it would be a quality education, sure. But not for what is fair. Lets make the supposition that if we could get better teachers in the schools, that requires resource. Their teachers who want to teach. It is the taking of common core for one thing. Its the taking of the local control of education and putting them in state and now being taken and put into federal. When need local control of schools because as parents and local teachers know what is best for the local students, not the federal government. Im not denying that. But think about it like this. If we increase the compensation for teachers, lets just think about this in terms of the market. Would not attract better quality teachers . Would that not attract better, more committed teachers . I think unfortunately its 8 30 already. Or two more, maybe too quick questio i think we have time fot one or two more, maybe too quick question. Theyre coming up waiting patiently. This is not quick. You have intimidated based on race. You intimidated at the Founding Fathers were wealthy. I suggested. Teammate intimated . Imitated or not intimidated . Whatever. Dr. Benjamin rush against king george at the risk of being trekkers hide a society to end slavery in 1773. In the Continental Congress sorry, and the constitution convention, much debate was given to ending slavery. Thats the Founding Fathers of which 39 times the cons to to shame. So, i hear you in your speech continually, continually talking about race. I dont see the race factor, unless like Jesse Jackson, Jesse Jackson wants to make some money off of the continuing race card. So i tell you a story. When i was in new orleans during katrina relief, so i met this lady at the desk and she helped us out. Every night for seven, eight, we had good conversations. On sunday, her husband came to pick her up. She introduced me to her husband. I went over to talk to them. Right out obama . I listed my out of his mouth twd you vote for obama . I listed my reasons why. Issue after issue after issue. By the way, i started with clinton. Rush was not my favorite either because as a Property Owner i keep losing rights. As an employer i keep losing rights. I will also draw to the attention that bush was controlled that the democrat controlled of the house and senate. He couldnt get anything done unless the democrats approved. So talking about the issues, he said no come you didnt vote for obama because hes black. I said no come you didnt hear what i said. I didnt vote for him for issues. I say to you the same thing. The only reason why you voted for him is because you are black and you are the racists. Why do you keep bringing up the race factor . This country is being taken over by things that go against why the Founding Fathers left england, to know your english history, to know your american history, then turns around and contends bush. What you say . Are you just like Jesse Jackson who makes money off of books holding up the race card . Gap, i guess i am. [laughter] [applause] let me back a. So, okay, see you are right. There was debate over the race issue, over slavery. But what happy and, ultimately . What happened . Did slavery continue . C. Brought that point up to illustrate what . Im asking you what happened ultimately. [inaudible] baby and with one question that seems to be a common theme. That is, could you address this constitutional question . At had the privilege to have tea party at the base speak and they are very concerned about the constitution that keeps coming up. So how is that a part of your analysis and motivations of Tea Party Activists . The constitution question. Or give you one example. Lets think about the 14th amendment. Part of the 14th amendment is first rate citizenship. So we ask a question about whether or not they believed the 14th the birthright citizenship calls the 14th amendment should be repealed. We didnt prompt them on immigration or anything like that. As part of the constitution, right . Well, if it was about conservatism, we have a variable in there for which we control that gets the constitutional conservatism. Just a basic whether or not a liberal conservative you are. So, if you guys are correct that in this particular case, this is an example, but its really all about the constitutional concerns, then people that support the tea party should not want if not want to repeal the 14th amendment because that is part of the constitution. Is that correthe 14th amendmene that is part of the constitution. Is that correct . Is that correct . Guess what, after we control for conservatism, which is a proxy for this small, limited government, deregulation, even after we control for that to, there is still an empirical connection that people that support the tea party wants to repeal the 14th amendment. So what about the constitution again . I would like to thank all of you for coming, particularly if you are conservative and a tea party backer. This is some tough stuff to hear. He sat there patiently and respectfully and i really appreciate it. I want to thank chris parker for coming. This is a wonderful presentation. Thank you so much. [applause] if anybody had an issue about what i was saying, i am happy to talk about it right now so we wont hold these other good people. I am happy to hash it out with you. [inaudible conversations] and now, for that 2013 Miami Book Fair international, plus a prizewinning journalist, sheri fink, discusses and takes National Review or phone callers about her book, five days at memorial which looks at the Memorial Center in the days following hurricane katrina. This is about 45 minutes. Now, joining us here is sheri fink, the author of t

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