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Of it and a reality of Global Britain so lets have a great week this season and gets the plan right and sho showed our country that we mean business and lets keep working to make britain a country that works not for a privileged few, but for everyone in this great country. [applause] good afternoon once again. It gives me great pleasure to introduce the secretary of state for exiting the European Union, david davis. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, on the 23rd of june, the british people voted for change and this is going to be the biggest change for the generation we are going to lead the European Union. [applause] its out of the European Union into a brighter and better future. [applause] this must be a team effort. I dont know what it is about the great leaders but they are there when you really need them. [applause] i remember a ticket to the top she said it has to be twice as good and she said this is not difficult. [applause] [laughter] back in 1979 her government had to come under some huge challenges and today just as then we are the turning point of the nations story. People devoted the chart and new course for the country to transform britain. Britain showed them it could be done. We proved them wrong then and with your help, britain will prove them wrong again. [applause] the destination is clear for all the decisions that matter the most about how taxpayers money is spent and taken here in britain. Once again the wall is made in britain and yes the borders controlled here it isnt just about the terms that we leave the European Union or the future relationship with the European Union. This is a onceinalifetime opportunity for britain to forage for itself a new place in the world and to make our own decisions about the sort of country we want to be. It is a force of social justice, a defender of freedom, the tolerance of fairness and decency andecency as a and of te we celebrate the success of those who need our help. Above all steadfast respect of democracy and the people peoplt to decide their own destiny. For each come after all, democracy is what the referendum was all about. The task is now to bring together the 17. 4 billion people voted to leave or remain. Now i was one of the 17. 4 million at some of you have taken a different view. Many are now focused on making the success of brexit. But there are some on both sides of the argument that want to keep fighting the battle of the campaign. I say to them the people have spoken and the decision is made. As a one nation government to make brexit work for everyone, for every part of our society come every part of the country and each of the four nations that make up the great United Kingdom. Now while we are building a consensus of hope, we should approach the negotiations with our european neighbors in a spirit of goodwill. We need to appreciate and respect what it means to them. Its off the invasion occupation, dictatorship. Its not surprising that the governments elsewhere see the European Union as a guarantor of the rule of law and freedom. Weve always seen it differently and to be honest, thats been one of the problems. After all we were the greatest democracy for over a century before we joined. We joined a Common Market that we have never really been comfortable about what is the reality in the project. We are now leaving that project and this is not just to clear the air is to create a comfortable relationship with our neighbors that works better. We will act in our national interest. That does not mean that we want the European Union to fight. On the contrary, we want to succeed a weaker europe so we will not turn our back on europe. We never really and never have. Our history shows when the democracies of europe are threatened by common challenges we stand ready to shoulder the burden. Whether it is hoping to rebuild and to stand up against russia, helping to tackle the crisis in the mediterranean of course we want to play our part. Nor does it mean pulling up the drawbridge. That is also not in our national interest. We always welcome those with the skill and drive and expertise to make it better still if we were to win the global marketplace we must win the global battle for talent. And of course britain has always been one of the most tolerant places. It must and it will remain so. [applause] when it comes to the negotiations we will protect the rights of the european citizens so long as britain and europe is treated the same way, something im absolutely sure we will be able to agree. But on the other hand, to those that peddled towards people that made britain their home, we say to you you have no part in our society. [applause] but the message from the referendum is we must control immigration. Did you hear him last week telling us there is no need for the limit on the numbers of blacks have you ever heard of the party so out of touch . We will control our borders and we will bring the numbers down. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, i quite understand that some people are desperate to know exactly how we are going to proceed and think we should provide a running commentary on every twist and turn on the negotiations ahead. Though ive never met anyone giving a business deal that thinks that its a smart idea to give away so it will take exactly the same approach. Im reminded of the story about Calvin Coolidge who said so little he was known as silent cal. One night at a dinner guests try to bore him into a conversation and increasingly desperate she said i need a bed with my friends i could get you to say more than three words and he replied simply, you lose. [applause] now i hope you will forgive me if im a little [inaudible] on both sides we must resist the temptation to trade the headlines with the aftermath but these negotiations are too important for that. Instead we should think carefully about where our common interests lie. Britain is one of the defenders of the freedom and security so it makes perfect sense to have the strongest possible after we leave the opinion. The better it is for both britain and europe. We are looking at all the options and we will be prepared for any outcome but it certainly wont be to anyones benefit to see an interest if it is betrayed in either direction. So we want to maintain the freest possible trade between us without betraying the instruction that weve received of the british people to take that control of our own affairs. It is in our interest to ensure the process is orderly and smooth. Some people have suggested we ignore the rules. I say that is no not how britain behaves. What kind of message would that send to the rest of the world if we want to be treated with goodwill we must act with goodwill. [applause] so we will follow the process. As we prepare for the negotiations we also need to prepare for the impact to consult with the administration on the plans this very simple the moment we leave britain must be back in control and that means the european rule must apply. The ac act but placed the wall thats why we are seeing today the government must repeal the act to ensure continuity they are taking a simple approach bubble be transposed into domestic law on the day we lea leave. There will be politicians here in britain to make the changes that reflect the outcome of the negotiation and the exit. This is what people voted for, power residing once again in the sovereign institutions of our country. [applause] that way we would provide the maximum possible for british workers and to those that say when we leave employment protection will be wrote it i ry firmly and unequivocally no they wont. Britain already goes beyond the law in some areas and we give this guarantee this conservative government will not roll back those rights in the workplace. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, in todays moving world, technology respects no boundaries. Its greater than ever but there are nations that are outward looking but will succeed and prosper and i believe when we have left the European Union and fear in control of our own affairs that will be a better place to confront the challenges of the future. We are the fifth largest economy in the world and the english language spoken by 1. 5 billion people with the international standards. We are a superpower in research and digital, pharmaceuticals of excellence manufacturing and of course the Global Center for finance for the un security council, the commonwealth, the nation whose armed forces and Nuclear Deterrent made us a truly Global Player so i am confident about our future and place in the world. Anyone who says the cards are stacked against us i would say think again. Many times we have risen to the challenges and now it is our turn to show we have what it takes. We may be a small island, ladies and gentlemen, but we know we are a great nation. We can charge this course. Lets be confident and make britain greater still. [applause] the conference section continues on this most important issue. We will hear now from the leader of the conservative parliament and [inaudible] ladies and gentlemen, ashley fox. [applause] this summer britain was shaken by an exit none of us expected that made us question the meaning of our existence. [inaudible] in other news, the british people voted to leave the eu. In this party weve always trusted the british people to take the right decision so whether we campaign to leave or remain, we now have our instructions and we will carry them out. Britain will leave the European Union. [applause] last year at our confidence in manchesteconference inmanchestes podium that there would be good conservatives on both sides of the referendum campaign. There were. And i said after the referendum was over we would need to come together for the good of the country, and we did. The conservative party showed that we are united to deliver a britain that works for everyone while labor showed it as a disunited rabble. How many members of the cabinet doesnt change debate could take to change a lightbulb . No one knows because the lightbulb outlasted them all. [applause] across the country there are different interpretations of what leaving will entail. Some of us are concerned we will seek a soft brexit that acts like the referendum never happened. Others as if to prove how tough we are but i believe we need a good brexit that meets the needs and recognizes the desire of so many to take back control of the countrys borders. One thing is for sure. It means we will leave the european institutions that cover over our country so we will leave the commission, the court, the council and yes the European Parliament. [applause] so when we get a notice of our departure, the british will be handed the 40 fives. [applause] thank you for supporting my pending unemployment. [laughter] as long as britain remains a member, your conservative mep will fight the corner and we will get the best deals for our constituents and i will continue to fight for my constituency of the south west of england. [applause] they need to hear from us today, and spain needs to listen. The conservatives wil conservatr abandon the compatriots of the rock. [applause]. Let us not forget of the olympic greatness. [applause] bridge as a land of strength, determination, and results. But [applause] of the next is my good friends the european conservative from European Parliament. [applause] and that was a really good speech. I greet in this wonderful policy to focus on what needs to be done and to be energized. Onecelled leader to be preoccupied for future to put our focus on the future of our country. [applause] with saw referendum in june the people spoke. When i heard him say that they will never be empowered again in his lifetime after all steven is only in his 40s. [laughter] with of and labor party in the leadership our conservative Prime Minister shows she is strong and able and prepared to take on the challenges headon. Our Prime Minister a tough reputation from her time as secretary. Our conservative Prime Minister is always prepared. There is no one better to guide this country on the journey ahead of us. [applause] that may not always be smoothed so after those referendum results shock or anger or sadness. That is far beyond our shores. With our friends and countries i am proud to lead with 74 from different 18 Different Countries to work everyday to show that they can get a better deal. But who does it better . So as predicted it failed but only five years later we were one of three main fiscal groups from five e. U. Countries. And why was that . Because we listen. Outside the ward of the European Parliament but inside the institution they do not always get through. And the e. U. Needs to cooperate not be open door policy. They need less bureaucracy or regulation to hold back the spirit of enterprise and job creation. And they will continue that fight to pull from strength. We want to see a good deal for britain and in the e. U. And one that works for everyone. But it is in the interest that those who realize just because they share that vision it doesnt mean they can Work Together to sell more product to create more jobs. With those democratic decisions. And despite our faith. This should be in everyones interest with those opportunities for everyone. So what is that status because it is complicated. To become now be other side is single and ready to mingle laugh laugh. [applause] i believe that in the years to come in that moment in the ambiguous relationship theyre both willing partners that not only survived. [applause] good afternoon. And has spent quite a year. Those of us spent the last 12 months campaigning hard and in many cases in the referendum. Friends and colleagues were on different side of the vote but regardless of the campaign there is one thing we can all agree on, only a conservative government gives leadership to the rest of the world. [applause] the British Public is our job to make it happen. Our party has come together for those working people. Much has changed but much has stayed the same the Prime Minister who offers leadership. A Strong Economy with low unemployment and incase you miss that the leader of the opposition batted is incapable to take up the responsibilities of government. And these are the moments of our country. [applause] now britain is a proud country that others look to as inspiration and leadership. With this source of the freedom and your upward to show people in Eastern Europe as they look for suppression. And we are a country that takes our responsibilities seriously. Did to show the strong leadership needed. As of member of the u. N. Security council to percent of gdp was spent with the commonwealth and the nation with those commitments to play the active part of a more prosperous place. So International Development [applause] and we are honored one of great conservatives andrew mitchell. But to go around of world with 60 Million People or to organize 76 children. The budget is transforming at an amazing scale. And those that get access to blankets or clean water. This is something everybody can be proud of. Constantly striving facing up to the fact as business approaches. And in africa in 2013 and to be too slow to raise the alarm for the United Kingdom to look at the situation lives were lost as a result. Those of the development to change its form with the challenges of the 21st century and for the future this is why i will follow the money and the outcome. Because as market thatcher said Margaret Thatcher said there is no such thing as public money it is taxpayer money and then if they can see where it is couping we can root out corruption because we invest in people to focus on nutrition because when we link the payments to results and to follow the money means to ask more to come to our aid. To please support that global fund. A fantastic institution for the years ahead. And to go to a newly created performance agreement it sets out in black and white to use are many more costeffective lead. With the impact. If we can demand more we will certainly demand much more from everyone else. So those outcomes that we expect to show that your money supports progress. [applause] if this is removing inefficiencies we must do so every pound that should not end up where it should be with lifesaving drugs education or health or funding for infrastructure. That is why putting transparency into accountability on top of my agenda. Weekend be proud of the impact with the opportunity to make the most the that is what motivates us. And then their own homes. In addition this country we should be proud of the support to create opportunities and in the last six years to see human misery and suffering. As has played a key role and will spend aid but this is powered by economic growth. Ended plays a key role. To let people trade and exchange with each other. By tearing down those barriers of the enterprise and from those of the shackles of extreme poverty. I can promise you that this will continue to champion growth in trade and investment to put our place in history. [applause] ended isnt just about economics but courage and leadership. And that is why i am determined to do Everything Possible on the issue of slavery and for women and girls. And 4 million more women that is why i will always put children at the center. To invest in the next generation with the nutrition in the education they need and to be protected from child labor. If we invest in Human Capital it can help to transform the future of the entire society. I recently met children better forced to work and that they must never abandon. To stand up and for universal humanitarian values. As that braved a workers try to help. There on the side of ordinary working people. A wood is treated by the budget around the world for the british people abroad if we stand back and abandon those countries that suffered from those weak institutions then they become vulnerable to those in securities but then it comes closer to our shores. End to stabilize the rest of the world for the opportunity to inflict more misery and suffering that is why it is in our interest to invest in those areas of the world and to support stability and in the country so our budget as of a huge role to play in the worlds poorest countries. And with our humanitarian efforts how many people would have made that journey across the of mediterranean . And reusing humanitarian support with that conflict damn poverty for the mass migration. To work as a national interest. [applause] so Margaret Thatcher said we want to help as much as we can that is mutually beneficial to develop the countrys. It depends on one another that is as true today as it was 1981. It was a crucial part around the world. So with those refugee camps that are probably with our emergency supplies the have a friend and ally in britain. [applause] end to have a very specific example to champion the national interest. And they help to stabilize the country and to improve a the lives of ordinary afghans with health care and greater prosperity. Not least with uh taw and but we need to remain strong. By supporting the economy. To commit 750 Million Pounds in 2017 to promote stability that they continue to function particularly for women and girls to be internally displacing people and to help to clear the deadly land mines brought about by years of conflict and then sending people back to school and crucially to help build a viable face of talent and aggression to alabama and aggression. [applause] we are making this commitment to demonstrate to everyone with the International Community will not walk away from afghanistan. To make it clear were keeping the uk save and the sacrifices made by our armed forces. [applause] is in our interest to support developing countries as we redefine our place in the of world countries and we are providing aid to today we will trade with tomorrow to develop those countries for the worlds poorest people to work their way out of poverty. And for the worlds poorest across the globe. [applause] and finally the want to declare as labor has all the wrong idea is to help people in other countries also. People underestimate what they have heard and lets not forget and International Socialist party. With that ideology is has failed again and again and the ideology of the 20th century inspires leftwing Economic Policy to stop them from developing even twoday places like venezuela we consider the disastrous effects of this philosophy. Images of malnourished children that cannot get what they need because of the manmade economic crisis. The leader of the opposition has traded on the. [applause] just as he has nothing to offer this country he has nothing to offer the rest of the world. [applause] who do we want running the country . Those that leave the government that puts the interests of ordinary working people before others . Or a bold and confident role on the world states given by conservative values and prosperity at home and abroad. And using our development and that greater security for working people. But those who have weakened britain on the worlds stage to hurt the poorest of the most but the answer is clear. To seize the opportunities of brexit to build our country for working people for us all. [applause] [inaudible conversations] i have been asked to introduce someone i know youre all looking forward to hearing. Three weeks ago in new york we spent the of mourning in italy and the afternoon before coming to us and the constitution demonstrated that i expect in the needed coming months and years to have great pleasure to introduce your last speaker for today secretary johnson. [applause] thank you. I was that the u. N. General assembly in new york talking to the foreign minister of another country. I would say which one but i will preserve my reputation. [laughter] but they had an economy the size of australia with Nuclear Missiles oligarchs, you get the picture. After a few tenths exchanges my counterpart said are there any difficulties in my relationship . Those that have imposed democracy on us. 1990. Laugh laugh. Entire uk side of the room raised their hands to show that democracy was indeed one of our favorite things. [applause] but much to my amazement to get their hands on the table and show what we diplomats and it was a bit of fun with the sense in which my question was satirical but it was also deeply serious and revealing about the way the world has changed or failed to change since that moment of exhilaration when the berlin wall came down and the soviet union was coming to an end. I believed we were coming to a moment of ideological resolution and after seven decades of the communist totalitarian rule, the oppression of Eastern Europe, all the things that are being conveniently forgotten still singing lennons red flag at the conference, we thought we were seeing the final triumph of the congo walmart of the liberal western values and these were not just free markets, but all the things we the things we then the brief moments with the essential market capitalism. Rule of law, human rights, qualities that race and gender and orientation and the inalienable rights for the media to make fun of politicians. [applause] we assume the political and social freedom work handinhand with Economic Freedom like an ice cream snickers bar, only something in the free market could produce some as genius as a snickers ice cream bar and private eye in a twoforone deal like two sides of libertys golden coin. Yet i have to tell you both sides of the coin of freedom being tarnished must be humble and realistic enough to know the notion that could expand the realm of the liberal democracy was badly damaged by the invasion of iraq in 2003 and symmetrically the model that was practiced in london and new york was discredited by the crash of 2008 and the global suspicion that we have taken those sponges lacking confidence if you look at the course of events you can make the case that it was partly a result of this selfconfidence political, economic, but in some material way its gotten whats a more dangerous after a long post worth period the conflict has risen from 4,929,267,000 last year and a numbe the numbef refugees is up 30 up to 46 million last year and of course much of that can be attributed to the war and is part of an instability from iraq to syria and i that is the continuing savagery of the regime against the people and is the complicity of the russians committing the war crimes its making it impossible for the peace negotiations to resume and last year it overwhelmed the ability. When the violent extremism directed across the face of the middle east, we are seeing it spread to germany, france, and here in our own country as well. If that threat continues to have a Chilling Effect then for a great trading nation that is a matter of deep concern and then theres an even more pernicious phenomenon and that is the temptation of the government to take this instability and insecurity and use it as an excuse to move away from democracy. You can see for the first time in decades the government are becoming more authoritarian. The numbers were rated free or partly free in the last ten years they were currently read writing the constitution is to tighten their grip on power and they wont go into the details since you know them but there are countries large and small where the democracy in which we believe is absolutely failing and that is because that is also the view of the last few years that he was wrong. This is a check on the history. There is no symmetry but you cant have economic prosperity. The only way to ensure prosperity and stability is to suppress freedom and crackdown on the Civil Society and liquidate and compromise independent judges into the liberal consensus about how a society should be ordered. So i have one message for you this afternoon because of this analysis is deeply and dangerously wrong and social Political Freedoms are ideological for sustained growth and i can prove that point. No wonder we make reference to the countries but that would be wrong and i am going to prove that point by simply asking you to look by contrast at the society we live in become a 21st century britain. Why is there more in london than any other place in europe is it because we decided to embark on a soviet Style Program to speak to i had no idea what it was. It was the greatest city on eartearth that had nothing to de the interest and provided that you obey the law that frankly is widely believed in the creek and cultural sectors and we have the best universities again because the best minds from across the world or anything in some of the best bars and nightclubs if thats true we are the best and they are cultivating and producing those flashes of innovation that are essential for the longterm economic success and it will not surprise you to know that britain is among the top three innovative places in the world. America is number four by the way. [applause] i promised i wouldnt be competitive but china is 25th and to get back to my point, the entire talk was the innovative societies in the world of the freemarket liberal democracies and its because we have those values in the country and we are still the Fastest Growing economy in europe with all of the record unemployment and fantastic achievements in the government and its a new dynamic thats working not just to ensure that success is filled by the few of u a diffuse but ty absolutely everybody and i think we should have no shame or embarrassment in championing those ideas and symmetry around the world and the message should be that we stick up for the democracy and human rights and when all is said and done, i think that vote on june 23 was a vote for economic and Political Freedom. [applause] in the last couple of months there were all kinds of meetings washed down with the finest wines known to man and it seemed to stretch from 8 00 to 11 00 and ive enjoyed them and made friends and struck up all sorts of relationships have had wonderful conversations in the various creoles that i attempted to speak. [laughter] but never once have i felt in all of my conversations that this country would be in any way disadvantaged. In many ways their wii will be motivated. [applause] to read more energetic on the world stage than before. We are not leaving europe. We may be leaving the eu but whether it is maintaining sanctions against russia or whats going on in ukraine or sending the navy to help the italians with the crisis in the mediterranean we are also able to speak up leaving a in a way that this united eu comes up with positions we have if their situation but they are trying to veto the band which i can still agree o are we launching the cae of global freetrade since the failure of the round in the fifth biggest economy taking back control not just in our democracy that the borders and to schedule to galvanize freetrade to become the new global champions and do the freetrade deals abound of the world and continue the process to get billions out of poverty. Thats why the world needs our values more than ever. [applause] a campaign to believe in become a catalyst for change and economic and Political Freedom in a world that is losing confidence in those values and of course there are those that would say that we are too small or reduced to have that influence and they challenge the party where they want to abolish our Armed Services and keep the kind of Job Creation Program into the whole nation is turned into a component firing grants. [applause] i dont pretend that its something we are not. You could accommodate so it looks like something out of the card machines. [laughter] i sit at the desk and reflect this degree c. Plu very seat wae center of an entire to seven times the power. And i cant help but remembering this country over the past two centuries has directed the invasion of 172 countries that is most of the members of the un which is not a point a major bond in the general assembly. [applause] those days are gone forever and its a profoundly good thing they are and it would be a mistake to underestimate the country can do despite of iraq is not the case for military interventions have been a disaster at somalia where my predecessor helped shape the program to tackle the problems that plague the country and its the kind we will continue to be involved in the future. British ships took them on the floor of the courage and decisiveness what was the result before the campaign that cost the world about 7 billion a year and the attacks stopped altogether in fact im glad to say since 2012 thereve been more hollywood films starring tom hanks van current attacks. Global version five [inaudible] [applause] we dont want to wield our power but when we get beyond services anthese achievable missions they can be effective and with 2 spent we will be the leading military player for the foreseeable future. [applause] our hard power is forced by a phenomenon the pessimists never predicted when we unbundled the British Empire and that is the extension of the british influence around the world that goes with a language perspective in the country and it now has more speakers than any other language on earth before the continents of the world in the british soft power skippered by the likes of [inaudible] or jk rowling or trust the bbc and the exit. [applause] i think the single greatest for our culture and values. [applause] survey love are often sold said he not only watched but he thought that it was well done and i think that his praise. This year it was our values from a country that has less than 1 of the populations and came in second in the olympics into the paralympics. [applause] of all of our friends in beijing will not mind if i point out they had 1. 4 billion people to go on. Yes it is true as i have said the world isnt as safe and healthy as it should be and in 2016 of the war and terrorism and by the painful refusal of the leading parts of the world to accept what you meant by maecenas commonsense to free markets and societies go together but in case i urge you not to forget the problems but look at the success these institutions have hoped to engender through its difficulties the Life Expectancy and the Global Economic system. In please either zero the average ethiopian lived to 47 and now it is 64 and climbing into zambia increasing from 44 to 60. In 1990, 30 of the worlds population lived in poverty from absolute poverty i and that is down to 9. 6 . Our commitment is to take a large share and i pay tribute to what the team are doing with 300 pounds a year and i believe it is worth and our duty to do that. Its our beliefs in freedom and values that continue to lift the world of poverty. Its been an extraordinary experience to be the secretary of the last few months and together with my fantastic team of colleagues for the european americas and the commonwealth in the event come for africa and the middle east, asia and the pacific we had hundreds of trips in the accumulation [inaudible] [laughter] and in the primary observations be had in the office we have the Diplomatic Service in the world [applause] more countries than the french with only 70 of their budgets by the way and im giving nothing away when i say we have the most superb intelligence agencies in the world. [applause] when i make a speech in a city i look around and i think people in this country are aware with them alive now in this country one in ten is now living abroad so no other rich countries according to the bank as a diaspora on the scale. Its such an exporter of human talent, business people, lawye lawyers, whiskey sellers we will continue when we strike a deal that works for everyone. No other country is turned so upwards and into the world and what they take with them that which i wouldnt want to be interrogated myself they take a set of values and whether they are recite the scope retire teachers or Police Officers training their counterparts held by the moderate opposition i find they are respected and admired by ordinary people around the world. In an age of anxiety and owns it, it is more obvious than ever that our values are needed info we can never be complacent, i think we never take a position for granted. I think Winston Churchill was absolutely right. It was bound to come up. Why not now. He was right when he said the empires of the future will be in empires of the mind and in expressing our values abroad i believe Global Britain is a softcover superpower and we can be proud of what we are achieving and will achieve in the years ahead. [applause]

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