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When a young man, the United States army, he begins a new chapter in life. The familiar surroundings of, home and family are suddenly removed and hes thrust into a strange new world, a regulation haircut quickly, his appearance. The uniform of the United States army completes his separation from civilian life. The new soldiers training intensive and designed to obtain and strict obedience. During a soldiers duty hours. Theres time for personal expression. Each man is too busy fulfilling his role as a member of a great army team team. In addition to his military. However, each man needs recreation if hes to be a welladjusted soldier, the army is keenly aware of this need for individual recreation and relaxation. All Army Special Services under. The direction of the adjutant general is the answer to this problem. To a variety of programs, services and facilities around the world wherever american troops are stationed, army, special services is finding ways to serve as soldier. The soldier standing in the rain on this induction day may feel that he has left his personal and pleasures behind him. Nothing could be further from the truth. Here. A special Services Officer is telling the new men of the various recreation facilities and activities available during their off duty hours. This army post and other installations around the world, these services as the special services of the other branches of our armed forces are for the physical, cultural and, mental recreation of each individual. And many army posts clubs with a Great Variety of activities are available to all personnel. These clubs operated by special services provide. The soldier a Pleasant Place to go and relax. The highly trained directors, manage the clubs and assist the guests. In many ways, the service club brings a home like atmosphere to the man in the army. Here he finds quiet and comfort to write letters. If wishes. There are games to be played a new friendships to be formed. The saturday night dances, maybe more to his liking. Find soldier combos provide the music and everyone has a good time time. Army Service Clubs are fulfilling purpose all around the world, providing all of the services of a Good Community center at home home. Aside from the Service Clubs, most army post today have excellent pools and the soldiers them to good use during their free time time. A greatly diversified arts and Crafts Program is another major of special services activity. Professional photography instruction is only one phase of this. Do it yourself activity. This world wide Program Covers a great range handcrafts tools and supplies for the making of jewelry are popular and can be easily used. Any locality. For those who are interested in painting the Program Offers every opportunity to develop a mans talents. Artists kits issued by Services Include everything necessary to capture a lovely landscape on canvas. In painting classes would be picasso receive free instruction from art teachers canvas is painted by soldier. Artists are highly of the individuals taste. Showings of soldiers artworks attract wide interest. And more than. One army artist has gained public recognition for his work. Another outlet for creative expression is found in the ceramics classes. Here, students learn form and glaze all kinds ceramic objects and. Leatherwork is a rewarding pastime for many men from strips of tanned hide, they produce wallets, belts, handbags, shoes and other useful and attractive items items in localities. There are facilities where. Soldiers may work on their own cars learning to repair automotive engines develops useful skills for any man. Interested in. Woodworking is high among army men and most army installations, both at home and overseas. Complete shop facilities are available. At diesel for everything from small to the finest Power Equipment and special services. Hand tool kit have been used widely in. Vietnam to improve troop and recreation. Endless examples of fine cabinet work. This phase of the arts and Crafts Program to be an extremely worthwhile activity and whatever a soldiers personal may be, he is sure to find of value and interest through the special services, arts and crafts. The need for reading and learning goes regardless of where a soldier may be. Throughout the army library are a vital part of the special services. Many of these modern facilities is equal or exceed the civilian available in the soldiers own. Using the reference facilities of these libraries, many men and women in the Service Carry Research Projects for off duty education courses annually. Thousands of servicemen and women earn High School Diplomas and College Degrees and extensive listings of fiction, including most bestsellers, attract a great majority of army men. Wellappointed reading rooms give, the soldier, a place in which to enjoy his literary choice. The library and serve as club music rooms, provide record players and a large of the worlds finest record albums and singles. Theres something here for every person with individual sets of earphones, man can listen in private to his own selection in this room theres time for serenity and self. And even in remote station areas. The soldier is served by the special Services Bookmobile, while the army sees to it that any person who desires to read the worlds literature or to relax with good novel has the opportunity to do so. On a miniaturized scale. This special Services Bookmobile provides the same complete service as the regular army libraries. It even offers a fine selection of record albums albums. This system taking the library to the soldier, was devised to reach troop units scattered throughout europe. The Rolling Library has proven to be a Great Success and wherever the bookmobile goes, there are eager readers be served movies. Wherever a soldier may be, there are always movies available to him. The procurement and distribution Motion Pictures and the operation of the Worlds Largest chain of movie theaters, all on a selfsustaining basis is a responsibility of army and air force Motion Picture services. Thousands of soldiers attend army movie theaters throughout the world every day of the year during off duty hours. Many army movie theaters and overseas, there is a comparable to the first rate permanent post theaters in the United States in remote outposts around the world. Its not unusual to see first run films playing concurrently with Opening Night performances in the united. Entertain mind is being brought even closer to the soldier by making him a personal participant. Even in basic training, soldiers shows are produced and every effort made to get the men to take part in them. At fort polk, louisiana for instance, tryouts for a postwar kid musical show are held on a competitive with Musical Instruments issued by special services. The men not only audition for the big show, but all their own jams. And. Soldier produced entertainment at the unit level is not only fun, but its great for the morale of the men men. However. And the bigger soldier shows on top productions, they feature stars in the making. No problem. Were going to play. On. It with 2200 showings a year of copyright, dramatic plays and musicals, the United States army is the Worlds Largest theatrical producer. All told, there are about 35,000 performances of all kinds of soldier produced entertainment in a year. For the young man at the peak of his physical energy athletics. One form or another is a major interest. The armys sports programs are unprecedented in size and scope. Every endeavor imaginable is covered. The special services, sports programs. The army gives a man the opportunity to develop athletic skills through competition and about 56 of the young men entering army had never participated. An organized team sport. Aspect entertainment is another benefit of league games here. Morale is served both on the Playing Field and off success in competitive sports has often begun with the recruits to team sports through special services. Athletic activities. Men who have never before competed as members of a team find new capabilities and gain in themselves. Man wants to achieve recognition and army sports help a soldier to reach that goal. Morale an Army Commanders responsibility through special services. He is provided with organized sports programs which stimulate, develop and maintain morale, esprit corps and physical provisions in these programs are prepared by the special Services Sports director at each army post where league games are held in meetings like one. These sports programs coordinate routed through a Brigade Battalion and Company Levels throughout. The individual soldier is encouraged to turn out for various competitive teams. One of the most popular Team Competitions in volleyball. The Playing Field require minimal space and equipment consist of only a ball and a net. So the game is easily learned and yet it demands skill, speed and teamwork on the part of every player. Whether for team sports or for individual use, a wide variety of excellent athletic equipment is available from special services. These Sporting Goods items are supplied to our soldiers without cost. Athletic equipment is issued to the man upon request and the special office has these items wherever such an office exists in overseas locality is, athletic equipment is packed up and distributed to the men serving in the field, thus making sports activities possible almost anywhere. Many men in the service more interested in individual sports than organized team sports. Special services provides opportunities for golfers, tennis players are issued rackets and courts are readily available. Some men prefer the physical contact type of sports we desire. Man demand, competition and the test of which skill and strength judo is ideal for such men. This ancient art offers various stages of achievement from novice to really expert wearers of. The black belt. Conventional wrestling another form of physical contact sport is popular throughout the army, hard work skill and a fighting spirit are required to achieve victory. The Successful Army athlete may go on to international competitions. Here. The us armys tyrone highlands in white defeats germanys win alarming during the 1967 boxing championships sponsored by the International Military Sports Council special services. Athletic programs make it possible for the soldier to achieve even recognition. Tyrone hollins, the new International Military heavyweight boxing is such a man. An army athlete may even represent his country at the games. Americas running star, lieutenant melvin, is an example. It was as sergeant pender, but he competed with distinction in the 1964 olympic games. Here is a man who has realized his potential with the assistance of the armys sports program. The best coaches in the United States, clinics for Army Athletic instructors men like out of Group Universal city of kentuckys top winning basketball al head coach of many all army and Armed Forces Basketball teams just. Neely Athletic Director of vanderbilt Southeastern Conference football hall fame. Rex peary, formerly the pittsburgh panthers, great wrestling coach, and on the right, pat nappi, coach of armys champion interservice boxing team. Special services program. Or as flexible as the army itself following the soldier wherever he may go in vietnam, the Services Offered through these various programs are even more vital to the welfare and morale of our fighting men, whether providing paperback books or operating rest and recuperation centers, Army Special Services is on the job, imaginative projects and new ideas ideas. In saigon, the first logistical command special Services Library is quite similar. The armys best in the United States here. Vietnamese girls in books received from stateside. Used by thousands of soldiers. Libraries in vietnam offer a sanctuary array for writing and study. American from many major u. S. Are flown in regularly, and the newspapers and magazines are eagerly read by servicemen and of all ranks. As in stateside army libraries, there is also a taped music service. The soldiers enjoyment. In addition to these facilities, the Library Program distributes, books and magazines of all kinds to the fighting men. The motto of this Distribution Center is we get it to. The troops. A modern alley is another special Services Facility in saigon. Personnel from all over the surrounding come here for a fun and relaxation. Nurses from the nearby army find bowling a refreshing from their arduous duties. The army camp at bear camp was hewn out of jungles which were controlled by the viet cong until recently. Despite the raw land, their special services has helped to establish a Swimming Pool service club and recreation for the men who daily go out of this base to fight. Looking at the service club here, it seems any others back home except for a lack of landscaping and even will come in time. We go hardly seems synonymous with vietnam. Nor does driving golf balls by the bucketload. And yet the soldiers at bearcat are able to enjoy these things. Only the terrain available, transportation and relative of an area may limit the variety of activities which specialists can provide in the forward. Here at unc vietnam soldiers of the First Cavalry Division and mobile have created a swimming pond in the local river. As elsewhere, a sports programs in vietnam are very. This healthy physical for men living at close range to the enemy offers considerable pleasure and relaxation. A tense situation. Part in vigorous sports activity like this volleyball game increased is the mens physical conditioning alerting and reflexes. Wherever soldiers are stationed in vietnam short of the battle zone, they receive equipment. Perhaps the best known activity of special services of the armed forces as, far as the public is concerned, is the show truly shows. Special services bring the Great Entertainment stars to vietnam. The bob hope show is of the highlights of the year. Martha raye is another favorite with the troops. These uso shows make possible for our soldiers to see such performers as comedienne phyllis diller. Songstress anita bryant, the lovely dancing singing star Joey Hamilton and a great many others. On a continuing day to day basis. Soldiers in vietnam are rotated out of the battle zones and trained to create in vietnam and to countries in southeast asia. For rest and recuperation. This process is known as are and are here again. Army special services takes over by the r r program program. For its incountry r r center. Special services operate a beach resort that vang pao, only a short distance from saigon. In this peaceful setting where his soldiers can unwind and themselves. To a veteran of many battles in the jungle, r r means soft bed with clean white sheets. And. It means the luxury of running hot water and lot of it. Or a professional lady barber. Additional activities are available in another Recreation Area just outside of saigon saigon. Water sports are enjoyed by those who like boating or or water skiing. Dancers help to a mans mind off the war. For many men, special arranges r r to hawaii. This gives many soldiers the opportunity to see their wives and families again, even if for limited time. Here in the soothing atmosphere of hawaii, the soldier is refreshed and filled with vigor again to return to duty in vietnam vietnam. From the first day when each man becomes a member of the u. S. Army, his as an individual is of utmost importance to special services. As time passes, every soldier comes to realize that in the army, as elsewhere in life. His personal values and he gives of himself are recognized the fullest degree. Is his experience in the army results in the Broader Development of a mans and personal character, maturity of mind and body are achieved. Above all. By weather across the seas or at home. The effort continues. Special services of the United States army seeks more and norway is to serve as soldier there and unbearable by war. Where in a world where the yellow ribbon. Of more cameras gathered here today than covered the visit of president eisenhower to western germany. Questions at the event. The first and only News Conference that the army has

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