Transcripts For CSPAN2 Senator Durbin Tribute To Representative Bob Michel 20170217

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words of tribute, the last words of service are he is the part of decency and public service. this morning, bob michel, who served as leader of the house of representatives of the republican party passed away at age 93. his replacement as republican leader in the house marked the end of an era of civility. congress has never been the same. as the son of an immigrant, decorated veteran of world war ii, person who was first a staffer, then elected to congress and rose to leadership, is a testament to his talent and commitment to america. i have known bob michel for 35 years. we have congressional districts downstate, when i was elected in 1982, in the reagan off your election it was a tough republicans. bob michel barely survived. attorney stevens of peoria had 48%, lane evans was elected to congress and i was as well. for 14 years we were neighboring congressman. bob michel campaigned for my opponents. i went to his district to campaign for his opponents. you would think creating a negative relationship, it didn't. despite our differences on political issues we were always friends and always respectful. couldn't help but be a friend to bob michel. an amazing personality, smiled, light up the room, determined to fight like crazy day in and day out for the things he believed in on the floor of the house and after adjournment joined with tip o'neill for dinner, usually end up with a lot of people singing songs over a few drinks and great memories. in those days the congressional delegation trips were often bipartisan and speaker o'neill and republican leader bob michel. hosting them as they went to important places in the world. there was a time bob michel as a congressman wanted to get home to peoria every weekend, you know what he did? he shared a station wagon, with chicago. they were going to take off and drive to chicago and peoria and back to washington. they were buddies and didn't think twice about the fact that they were different political parties and different political philosophies. and the quality of what he brought to his career and the quality he brought to congress he left a great legacy, leaving important issues and great things for peoria and central illinois, his greatest legacy was his chief of staff, his protége, ray lahood, who to this day embodies the great values that bob michel brought to public service. i stand in tribute to my friends, my republican neighboring congressman who served this nation so well for so many years. i yield the floor. >> c-span released the results of our historian survey on presidential leadership. is a look at our website, linking every president on ten characteristics on the left, on the blue banner, information about the survey and methodology, washington journal sunday we hear from richard norton smith, and douglas brinkley about the survey of 91 historians. join us live at 8:00 eastern time. >> since it's official opening last september the national museum of african history and culture has welcomed 750,000 visitors. sunday american history tv on c-span3 takes you inside the museum for a life exclusive after hours tour. telling the african-american story, for the african-american president and mary elliott and its curator and throughout the program our guests will be talking to you and hearing your input on phone calls and tweets. join us for an exclusive visit in the national museum of african-american history and culture live sunday beginning at 6:00 eastern on american history tv

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United States , Illinois , Chicago , Washington , America , American , Bob Michel , Lane Evans , Mary Elliott , Douglas Brinkley , Ray Lahood , Dick Durbin , Patrick Eddington , Richard Norton Smith ,

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