Keep American World leader in fighting to protect our planet. If you care about immigration reform. [applause] you can vote for somebody who apparently only sees immigrants as criminals and rapists, to be rounded up or kicked out, or even though by the way they have already paid more taxes probably than he has. [applause] or, you can vote for a granddaughter of an immigrant who believes everybody deserves a chance to contribute to this country that we love. [applause] if you care about transparency you can vote for a candidate who has released decades worth of her tax returns, or the only candidate in decades who refused to release any at all. One candidate has a foundation to save countless lives around the world, the other takes money that people gave to his charity to buy a sixfoot painting of an cell. Im im not kidding. One candidate traveled more countries than any secretary of state before and the other is, donald trump. So when he asked you what you have to lose, the answer is you have everything to lose. All the progress we made these last eight years is on the ballot. Stability is on the ballot, respect for women is on the ballot. Tolerance is on the ballot, justices on the ballot, equality is on the ballot, democracy is on the ballot. If you want to send a message in this election, make it resounding election. Turn back on racism and misogyny entered sent a message of progress. Send a message for facts. Send a message for reason. [applause] sent a message for hope. [applause] send a message by voting for Hillary Clinton. [applause] send a message for debra ross about who we are in the American People and make our kids proud. Thank you greensboro, i love you. You. Lets get to work. [applause] here we see president obama and goerings borough North Carolina just wrapping up his remarks at a rally for Hillary Clinton. Well take you live to West Virginia, West Virginia governor debate from charleston with Lieutenant Governor bill cole of republican versus gym justice, a democrat. This is hosted by the West Virginia Broadcasters Association. It has been underway about a minute and a half. [applause] gentlemen, welcome im glad youre here. Mr. Justice, think it is fair to say that you have taken a general approach to your campaigns and things like, we can do better and we have got have a new plan. You have asked voters to trust you based on your Business Success. A quick search of a Business Success in altered entrepreneurship the importance of a plan which outlines goals and how to achieve them. At this point in the campaign can you give some sis specifics to describe your plan . Actually can. I would just say this, and i have been trying to do this many times. If if youll just think about it, we have so many things that are right at our fingertips and available to us in West Virginia. We dont need to give up on coal. Now, that co al. But i can truly tell you that i honestly believe with all my soul that we are seeing a rebirth of coal right now, right in front of us. Therell. There will be a lot of people being able to go back to work. We need to develop agriculture. We need to develop a niche crop and egg or culture. Needs to explode in the state. We have so many opportunities for tourism its unbelievable. Look what we have done. We took the green bar for struggling in every way and it is absolute, other than horrific thousand year flood, its on its way. We have so many opportunities right at our fingertips. We have opportunities within education within timber, i can tell you that i think i know a way, a true way to bring back the furniture Manufacturing Business West Virginia. It is a real opportunity. Theres chances that we have and theres ways to develop opportunity and jobs within our state and we need to get after it. If i may, again back to specifics. He said you know a way to have a rebirth of a the Timber Industry can you be specific about that . I can. We need to develop an environmental subsidy that the federal government basically affords us in West Virginia that subsidy because we are 77 for for stood within our state. Her contribution to the earth as far as cleaning up emissions is unbelievable. We need to get something for that. If we can develop some kind of subsidy, you might say subsidy, what you think we do on sugar and cheese in ethanol, and solar and wind, thats what our federal government does. We need Something Back for a contribution of what all of our hardwoods do. You have 30 seconds for a response. Listen, there is a more important issue in West Virginia than providing and creating good paying jobs. Were the only state in the nation ever to fall below 50 in workforce participation. Thats not sustainable. Ive outlined a comprehensive Business Plan to move our state forward. Its on my website. It starts with the public, private 501 c 3 . A Nonprofit Organization to go after Economic Development. We have endowment funds that we put forth. Truly thinking outside the box but we need to bring the job creators and the people who know whats going on, partner them with State Government and figure out the role of State Government making sure we create a great environment for the job creators. The state is facing an ongoing budget shortfall this fiscal year, budget shortfall of several hundred Million Dollars of next fiscal year. You indicated everything needs to be on the table to keep the budget balance including a topdown review to make the right size government. If government is the wrong size wrong size at about 4,200,000,000 dollars, what specifically is right size and what should be cut, and, what should be cut, and, or what tax increases are necessary . First of all, we are in a budget crisis we are in simply because our governor and his people have overestimated the revenue. They do not truly want to take on the heavily lift of rightsizing or State Government, or getting our spending in line with the money that is coming in. That something every family in West Virginia understands. If their income goes down a little little bit they have to forgo something, some item. So we balance our budgets at home. Yet at the state we are operating to a ridiculously high revenue estimate. We talk about rightsizing State Government. It is partly that but the size of our State Government continues to grow over the years yet West Virginia is the only state in the nation losing population. Those two things dont make sense. With the invent of the computer, do doing nothing theres opportunities to find savings just through that. But truly, we will put people back to work in the state. We will figure out ways to grow that revenue. Its a combination of both. The combination of growing revenue by putting people to work and having them pay income taxes and the result in the consumer sales tax because they money to spend but its also about going to the agencies and figuring out where the waste is. And where we can do a better job. We always measure compliance. I intend to measure results. If you want to look at a program that is a good program when we for it only if it has proven results. Are there any areas where you expect to reduce spending, will you keep on the table the possibility of tax increases . We are facing our president at times. We are facing a budget crisis like none other that we ever face. To take it off the table in im a fiscal conservative, i would fight to keep from raising any kind of tax. When were hurting we have a lot of work to do and State Government. There are opportunities. Theres opportunities for privatization which i think brings about the opportunity to deliver. Ive never seen state or federal government had the business better than businesspeople do. Business people learn how to drive of the economy of scale and learn how to get more out of their input and out of their people. I simply think that many opportunities in State Government to cut the cost. Let me get a 32nd response. The first thing i would like to say for the lactamase just if. How in in the world can a man who had the rains for two years, how can he continue to blame senator tomlin or senator it is always partisan politics. Its almost like we have to hate the democrats because they are all democrats are we have to aid the republicans. I want to tell you. I love everyone. I absolutely would welcome come it doesnt matter to me if you are republican, democrat or independent. I want i want good stuff for West Virginia. The other thing is just if, why in the World Economy to his have ranks for two years and absolutely controlled the house and the senate, and they could not pass a budget and cost every one of you 600,000 and im [inaudible] the governor . Let me move on. If elected you would take office in january and begin work on a budget we just talked about that has a shortfall this fiscal year about 80,000,000 dollars, next, next year could be about 300 million. Five months before the next fiscal year, thats not any time for substantial growth. You told mr. Justice, you said you cannot cut your way out of it. You cant do it. You cant be taxed anymore, you cannot carve another pound of flesh because people are hurting. If cutting a taxing are both out what is your immediate strategy when you take office in january . What is the the immediate strategy to get the budget in line . I want you to listen. First of all you have a 300 milliondollar upside down. The first thing you need to do, and i would be willing to bet that many politicians, this great man right beside me as well, i bet you dont even know the states assets and liabilities. I bet we really never dug in and looked. The first thing we need to do is sweep all of the money we can possibly sweep. We need to cut out the special interest garbage that is controlling everybody. The other thing we need is and this will bring real money and, in 2014 our thousand 14 our total severance dollars were 512 million. Now, they are 260 million. Coal prices have tripled. The benchmark just came out at 200 per ton. You are going to see a flush of money come back from that. But in addition, the alternative is cuts or tax. I dont believe dont believe in either one of those. Really and truly. But i can tell you just this. If you have to have a bridge loan or some financial instrument of not 500,000,000,000,000 dollars but dollars but of 200 million or so to bridge you for the time that you need i would rather do that than tax you so youre saying your solution would be sweet but counts and borrow several hundred Million Dollars. Know it would be sweet the accounts, it would be dive into the books and see if theres other money. It would be cut out as much special interest as we could. In addition it would be reevaluate where you will be on severance tax and then take a very small loan if needed to bridge you to where you need to get to. Mr. Cole, 32nd. There you go again. I still do not hear plan. Other than to borrow two or 300 million which is not how you balance the budget. It is amazing to me that in two years of leadership somehow we have screwed up what your party has brought to the state and 83 years. And never ceases to amaze me and yes sir, we did have a democratic governor during those two years of leadership. So borrowing 200,000,000 dollars, that should, that should be a nonstarter because you have to pay for it. The only way you will pay for it is the tax people of West Virginia. As part of your economic plan you promise to reduce the economic growth. A study this year by the center of George Mason University says West Virginia is among one of the most heavily regulated. The most regulated and mining, retail trade and construction. Can you cite specifically, you cite specifically, any regulations in those areas that you as governor would seek to remove or rewrite and how those changes would benefit the economy . I do start most times when i talk about the overburden selfregulation that exists about the 200 boards and commissions in the state. The average average state of bleep has about 90. Some 70 of them have not been three years. There is duplicate of boards and commissions, they really, really dont have to be accountable to anybody in spite of the fact that the government appoints them. They get together to do two things. They create rules and regulations and they raise fees to justify their own ongoing existence. That is where i will start. You brought up mine, i know the umw came after me today and blasted me about our 2015 and 2016 mine safety jobs act. And quite frankly they said it was a partisan issue, in fact the bill last year was a 24 10 in the senate and 227 in the house. This year was 30 for an 88 six. The umw had a seat at that table. We need to rollback regulations when their antiquated, when they come back to 1950s technology in the getaway of our coal mines. But never at the expense of a single coalminer safety. Mr. Justice, your response. We did for coalminer safety, when we pass the coal jobs and Safety Act Senate bill 357, we did the plea coalminer safety. Just think about it, every organization known to man will tell you and identify that we did, our legislature should never try to affect or deplete safety of any of our workers. It is absolutely awful to think we have done that. The other thing we did was we didnt senator cole, thats a cold part of the act, we did not increase one single coal job, and we did deplete there are many other areas that we have, we have agency overlapping and Everything Else and we need to look into that. I. I would like to say one other thing, the good senator came up with the tax reform committee, what did they do . They met, he formed a committee, we did nothing. Mr. Justice, National Public radio investigation public last week said your Mining Companies over 15 million in six states including property taxes, stay cold severance and withholding taxes, unemployment taxes, as well as my safety penalties. Payment plans have been put in place. They have also been anecdotal stories about slow payment of bills or vendors who want cash upon delivery. What is your defense of what appears to be a pattern of how you do business . Let me tell you this, first and foremost i would tell you that the coal business over the last four years has been one tough deal, the next thing i would tell you is that regardless of what anyone may say, i am a big target. I do not want any sympathy or anything like that, but i am a big target. Epa is completely out of control. We pay, annually over the last four years, and for years at a time when business was slow, we pay annually 70. 7 million of taxes every year. Now, you have disputes, you have issues, you have payment plans, you work through it, but i tell you what i will not do, i did not declare bankruptcy, did i. You saw you saw every great coal company in the world belly up, they stiff everybody, i just kept again. It is tough, it is really tough at times but we do not give up. And i would like to say one less thing and that is just this, if we wouldve given up what wouldve happened . Those good people, men and women who were working wouldve gone home, they would not have had their jobs and i will not feel bad for a second for trying to keep those people in their jobs. Just a clarification on that. Its evident the coal business has been very bad and you have been credited with keeping those minds open. There are other anecdotal stories about late payments or delay payments, vendors wanting cash up front. In other businesses. Has that been a pattern, and why hasnt occurred . I dont think its been a pattern at all. I have at all. I have to say one other thing. Every single month irate 7750 checks to somebody. Somebody gets a somebody. Somebody gets a 7750 checks. It goes out every month. Now, theyre going to be issues. I run 102 different businesses. Theres going to be someone thrown a rocker a dispute somewhere. I absolutely, i run run everything i can for the people. I dont do anything hardly for me. Let me get a response 32nd. To take a shot at me as he did a few minutes ago saying safety is not important to me, you have more on paid mine safety signs than any cooperator in the nation. Your injury rates are double the National Average radio four times the National Rate of safety violations that you somehow say to me that minor safeties not important to me. We did pass Senate Resolution 63 which directs the board of coal mine safety, develop comprehensive regulations regarding movement of equipment under ground. There is nothing, there is nothing that i will not do to protect the safety of our minors and my actions have proven it. And they will continue to prove it as im involved in this industry. The next question, or state or state infrastructure is crumbling. You said that you want to curb waste, fraud, and abuse. You mention about you mention about the highways, saw a recent report by the nonpartisan it actually ranked in the top half of all states and highway performance and costeffectiveness. The states administrative cost is the eighth lowest in the country according to the recent report. Where are the savings you speak of and highways . We saw a report that said they need about 1,000,000,000 dollars per year if we want to get them up to snuff. Where the savings, and where would you go to fix the roads . I dont know where the source of your reporters, but we know the number two guy and highways was under federal indictment for fraud and sadly, apparently took his own life. I. I think that probably speaks a little louder than the report that you hold up. Ive met met with countless employees of how ways, good employees, people that are solid West Virginians who are so fed up with the waste, corruption and backroom deals, and they do exist. We need to get rid of those, only so that when we invest the taxpayer dollars in our infrastructure we invest as best we can, West Virginia is not an easy place to build roads because of our topography. That doesnt take any pressure off of us that we have to go to work in our bridges and i roads. We have opportunities there. We have bonds that are available and it is a great opportunity for us to borrow ahead, but invest those dollars right now. I would look for ways to make sure when we do go to work on our roads and our infrastructure that we are figuring out ways to put West Virginians to work. Its critical that were not going to the other end of this country to bring someone into replace guardrails or signs, but in fact we help our good West Virginians get a job. Are you saying that kind of roadwork necessary can be done just by eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse . Theres things that you talked about without raising taxes or fees . The garbage bonds are simply a borrow forward. This is money that they nose coming in because of the sixyear federal highway plan. So you can pull that money forward and simply pay interest on it. Certainly we need to look carefully at our bond rating, but in talking to people that are in the know, our bond rating which lifted one level does not affect the cost of money to us right now, what what we have to do is provide a clear and precise vision of Going Forward and West Virginia have how we are going to match revenue with expenditures. That will settle the bond rating. 30 seconds. I dont get it. I just dont get it, now we are to the point in time where we say the Highways Department is corrupt, who is the chairman of the Investigative Committee to investigate corruption . Who is that . Its this man. Its not the state police, its this man, he and the speaker of the house are supposed to do that. If that. If theres corruption, why havent they said anything about it. Its the same thing over and over. Its feed you a line of hopelessness, fiji new line and do nothing about it. He has had the rains, wind the world if theres corruption, why havent, why havent we done something about it . Mr. Justice this is for you. In the last debate about the bond rate counties will hurt because theyll have to pay higher Interest Rate on school bonds. There is a report that your West Virginia companies were companies were late paint 3. 9 million in local property taxes which are significant funding for education, what you believe has been the impact of those delay payments on those schools in those counties . I think they had been a very incredible positive impact. I will tell you why. I have taken over multiple companies that were in trouble. I took over a Russian Company, do you know that Russian Company was walking out of town. They owed property taxes of two and half million and in while me county, who paid them question like to think they have ever been paid, ever, ever . I may be a little late here and there, but i will be at always be at the party. I will not be bankrupt. I have taken over Numerous Companies and have done exactly that. We need to be responsible citizens, theres no question about that. I wish to goodness that on day one, the Russian Company itself, they owed the pension fund, they had 102 million liability to the umw pension fund what wouldve happened to those people question right there wouldve been stiffed. I stepped in and took over. There 60 million with the reclamation liability tristate. I stepped in and took over. Now dry barrels the money just sitting around that you can jerk it out, i dont. But i make stuff for. I put people to work, that is what i do. You have 30 seconds. Here we hear it again. Somehow jim doesnt pay as property taxes, he, he puts the counties at risk, they dont need the money in a year or two years from now, they need it right now like in boone county to make that teachers paychecks good and clear, i dont see how you you get it both ways jim. You either pay your bills, your fines, your taxes, or you dont. Theres too many stories out there with due respect that say you dont. This question is for you mr. Cole. The most recent smart balance test scores show we have work to do to improve public education. They also show that thirdgraders scored better than their core in reading, english, arts, math, they scored better. State school super intended say its significant because these nextgeneration standards have been in place since kindergarten he said that means the current standards are working. You want to get rid of the standards, why do you want to change the standards over the objection of the state superintendent of the state board of education when there is evidence the standards are not working . I still look to 46 place student student achievement. If you tell me that is working, i dont get that. Im glad we can pick out one grade, third grade and whatever it was, reading or english. But we have kids that are achieving at 30 and 36 and 38 . That is feeling. That is a miserable failure and its us feeling for kids. Were letting our children down. We need to invert of pyramid to get rid of the top heavy and let the teachers teach. It is no wonder we are so far down in the ranks right now. That is inexcusable. As a followup to that you believe it is appropriate to change the standards yet again . You change three times five or six years quick. It is more then the curriculum and the standards talk about slaughter smarter balances online with common court so i am changing but i will tell you what ic the problem with the test i am for going back to the way i grew up in the West Virginia Public School system to have five exams that is a review of what you learn either you learned it or you didnt and you were graded on it feared taking this testing and the reason it gets worse as they get older because they come to know that there is no penalty for doing bad in no reward for doing good. That flies in the face of reason. Moderator you have 30 seconds to respond. I have done something that politicians dont do i have met with teachers. It is a dismal meeting i have met with Higher Education people. Same thing. Think about it. We are as upsidedown is we could be. We cannot possibly afford or pay for what we got yetta privileged you can go to a Charter School . Suggest think about this. The teachers have not had a raise in two years now we say why what to do something for our teachers we go back to the same thing. If we want to do something where have we been . What have we been doing . Moderator lets go to teachers and ask the question. If you were governor would you propose a pay raise if you have idea how much . And how would you pay for that in the first year . Justice there will already be an infusion of significant amount of money of investment almost almost immediately it is coming in today. Money is coming in today because there is a significant increase going on right in front of us of coal prices. We have to give their teachers the raise. We always find a way to do what we want to do. We absolutely have to give our teachers a raise. If we dont we have 600 classrooms we cannot even feel they teacher because theyre going to pennsylvania or maryland. After you go to school you come out with 30,000 debt . How does that work. Absolutely we have to find a way. Moderator you say that the tax revenue from coal would increase the enough within the first few months to give teachers a a pay raise school year 2018 . Justice think about this. I think the casinos in this state death 4 million from special interest to up the machinery every year. Why do we do that . Why in the world . Our casinos make enough money. Why did weve proposed to reduce the severance tax from 5 down at 2 would that put one single call minor back to work . Know it just puts the money into my pocket it is the wrong thing to do in the of taken more money at of the teachers and the. Cole did you hear are you paid for the teachers raises . By the way how will we pay for the 350 million budget shortfall. You are right the severance has come up little bit but only to where it met the expectation level. It isnt jumping out is simply what the governor said in the first three months and it has. I dont see how that pays for anything but leaves us 350 million a whole. If you are ready in large numbers to support donald trump because the position of energy and the next president s role of shaping the federal court system. Running as a team his personal character has been called into question with the revelation that he describes his desire to interact with women. Are you willing to defend his behavior does it cause you to question his character or his support . Cole my wife and by two teenage daughters are here tonight i issued a press release immediately say what donald trump said was wrong. It was wrong. In every respect. It was demeaning to women and i dont support one thing within those comments. Having said that, West Virginia, we have a very clear choice between a candidate donald trump to support the fossil fuel industry call and natural gas and we have a candidate that is out to destroy the coal industry in western the situation the choice could not be any more clear. I will of soleil support a donald Trump Presidency i prayed that he gets in for the future for the state of West Virginia. But if we turn our backlog our godgiven Natural Resources or fossil fuels that will be a shame beyond belief. For solid is preposterous one to be a supporter of Hillary Clinton i dont know why we continue those lies. But what else that is interesting is donald trump has not endorsed mr. Kohl and i dont believe he will. This is why. First of all, i am friends with the trump family. I like them. The president of the United States bill clinton the past president , four years ago came to my office to see me just to talk about ideas he did ask me for anything. I have never met Hillary Clinton in my life i am not a supporter of Hillary Clinton and i am telling you this washington Politics Today hurts us all. In this question is for you. So it does Say Something about their pest one dash position in the politics you just said you were not supporting Hillary Clinton then who are you supporting for president and wisecracks if not Hillary Clinton is that plank on your ballot question in my eye at the sow will lot of others. Blank. Look. Here is the leader of the entire free world if you like what is going on, i will tell you this half to have the ability to work with whoever is elected i promise i can work with either party the trump family are friends of mine i met clinton years ago and he came to my office. I can work with either party but i am terribly disappointed with both of them. Is interesting to note that he says that donald trump did not endorse meet in fact, he did not endorse any gubernatorial candidate but he sent his entourage to york city to meet with him to look for his endorsement and also saw his endorsement is interesting you distance yourself now and why you changed from democrat from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party and running for governor then you try to distance yourself from the platform every chance you get . It is puzzling. Moderator your business background as Car Dealerships for the first time there was the bill introduced to allow although dealers to sell without warranty it did not defense. If elected would you sign or veto the legislation to allow some vehicles without warranty . I am glad you got a right. Just like the absolute fabrication that my opponent is running talking about the 11 law. The ads is law is a compassionate law that allows people that simply need affordable trees rotation to access a vehicle. It doesnt make any difference if it is as is or not it is a couple of vehicles difference in sales to me but every state around us has legislation and simply of somebody has a thousand dollars and they just need transportation medicare fittest dented or has some miles and allows them to make the transaction with a dealer. Now i cannot wait for him to distance himself because he is a car dealer as well so that will be interesting to hear your retort the as it is law helps people that need that help otherwise they have to go out of state justice i dont know why we tolerate i am not the car dealer my son isnt the car dealership but to say in the past i gave barack obama many is not true. To send a entourage judy york city to solicit his endorsement is not true. There are several issues within his card to their ships and we all know that. But bill call was to do something for bill koll he wants to be your governor for himself. There is a real difference i want to be your governor for you. Moderator glenn astor minicamp pain with the foyers and Girls Basketball team that would overlap the regular session for daily practice is to regain his the week is a lot of time had to justify coaching antiplan to continue while carrying out your responsibilities of faithful time governor during the of critical legislative session first of all, i would ask what have i done halfway . What have i ever done halfway . I have positioned myself now to where my daughter will handle one side of the business theyre wonderful qualified individual my son will handle all of the agriculture and coal interests. I will coach and we will see what happens. This season will be over three weeks after i take office. I have a great superintendent and i love those kids. I really do. A lot of people have a lot of activities they like to do. There is a real distinct difference between myself and my opponent. I have to say this he has a wonderful tan. [laughter] and i am envious but he enjoys playing and i enjoy working in there is a real difference working 100 hours a week i do love the kids we will see how windows. If after this year there are duties beyond belief id to take care of bible me there to 1990 might the spartans are playing with an important legislative meeting with your presence is necessary what do you know,. Justice hands down my number one responsibility nobody blood put themselves through this if they will not be 100 percent your governor. For crying out loud. They have assisted coaches they will be taken care of. They are great kids. I will be there 1,000 percent of the time. Cole i did not hear the would be here 1,000 percent. Maybe that is new math. You said you would cochair and quite frankly i am glad you brought your kid into a business i have done the same with mine but we will see if you can let go of 102 companies. Fulltime problems with fulltime solutions that require a true fulltime governor. This is of 24 7 issue. The number one salesmen for the state if youre knocking on the board room doors the justice has end anyone in the country will take his phone call and when he is done to bring the pga to word would you concede that what he has done at the greenbrier has been significant for the state . If so, what makes you a better salesman and an him . Cole first of all, i forgot i placate my suntan is only twice from the gulf course but it is coming from being on the campaign trail and in parades. But the Economic Development proposal brings Business People into the loop with Economic Development. They have Great Mission ships and great opportunities to begin those conversations. I have no doubt that jim has contacts but for every contact he had severed rather double down to have numerous people at the table to open in numerous stores. By the way we should do that in person you but get somebody in that all i and shake their he meant it is the impersonal focal fell recall if it is a handshake take us a chance break your money here to invest and it will be good. And asking about the greenbrier. I think that is a jam and represents our state is so well and i am proud we have the greenbrier in West Virginia. Justice the response is simple. It is more gobbledygook. If we could walk into a board room then why hasnt it been done . If we could talk to investors, why hasnt it been done . I have done it. Judge me by my deeds. You turn around a few times you see the nfl, nba, pga, tiger woods you want your way, phil mickelson, who knows we will not have the ryder cup . You see what i do. Moderator you are the nominee of the Democratic Party as a former republican supporting the coal industry. Estrogen is conservative but the Democratic Party has a liberal progressive wing who once to move on with alternative Energy Sources concerned about the environment. One say democrat and running for governor says there isnt much difference between you and mr. Cole. What to say to those liberals that are discouraged because they dont believe you as the democratic nominee are representing progressive or liberal interest . Justice i am representing good down home West Virginia democrats. People who care and are grounded. May be conservative thin theyre thinking without question. We are to be promoting call beyond belief in West Virginia. We need cold coal im a proponent of any type of alternative energy but there is no question that coal, a natural gas regardless beyond believe it fell out of the sky for us. But what the chances that we can walk into a board room to bring that level of investment to West Virginia vs. Myself . You have to make that decision. There are so many opportunities that our fingertips. Absolutely i enter stand wholeheartedly theyre trying to kill coal every day. The epa and that overreach is beyond all comprehension we need to rein them in. We need to be proud into power the country our wars and veterans to do what unbelievable job. Cole it puzzles me with his line of reasoning he left the Republican Party to bring in the epa but you will not do that with Hillary Clinton. But again you will not support either one. That is just sitting on defense we need people sitting on the fence. We need leaders made need a leader to go out to hit of board rooms and yes they will see the governor of West Virginia. Me will move the state foreword by doing things differently in them the status quo from those at running the state into the ground. Believe it or not we are near the end of the broadcast we have reserved closing statements you can go first with two minutes. Justice well, mr. Cole and i have many differences. You can see that. Mr. Cole is a divider to look at the democrats with a slanted i. I look at republicans and democrats and independents the same. I just looked at them as good West Virginia citizens and i hope we can do better. I m the outsider. Not the insider. He is the businessman. I would tell you that m i not business . With the business and labor can work together. Dont have to line up on different sides of the fence. There are so many opportunities the bill cannot leave he has proven that. With this 600,000 issue he could not get his own house and senate to get a budget together. He proved that. His philosophy is no plan. Cut cut cut and tax tax tax. That is all he knows he doesnt have the creativity to reach out and get it done. Judge me by my deeds. Judge me by what i have done. I am worker. I am coach. I am a giver will. I am a dad. I am a has spent. I am santa claus. I am a teacher and i am a christian most of all. We all know what we have to do. And the last thing that i say is we have an unbelievable stay and unbelievable opportunity if we choose to continue to elect politicians then we will both be at the 50th. Cole it is rich for him to tell me i have no plan. That takes my breath. Quite frankly he talks about jobs jobs jobs but move to call operation from West Virginia to roanoke to cite basically there were more qualified people to work in those operations in that county. We have plenty of unemployment in greenbrier but he brings hundreds of workers better for it to take care of jobs at the greenbrier so he can get away with paying them a lower wage timeshare. He says i and in this for selfserving reasons he said that two nights and last week at the debate. He has done probably less than 1,000 of business with the state of West Virginia of never sold the state a car i have never leased them a car but somehow i am in before me . But the state of West Virginia, and you the taxpayer have given almost 10 million to gm in support of his golf tournament. 10 million of tax credits to build his Sports Facility berger you authorized and by no way backroom good old boy behind the curtain 11thhour legislature 25 million tax credit available if he gets around to building his medical facility. In it for me . I hardly think so he is in it for himself and his own best interest. November 8 will be a huge decision for the voters in was virginia. If you want to go backwards that has run us into the ground you vote for jim justice with the new foreword to plant was virginia to work to keep Children Home so they have opportunities here than i hope he will support me. Ladies and gentlemen thank you for tuning in and god bless every one of few emigres state of west region yes. [applause]. Moderator thanks for your time. You both the behaved we appreciate that. Whoever wins good luck to you both. For the Broadcasters Association goodnight. [applause] ina freshman at then city college the most important issue is the Immigration Crisis or the refugee crisis and the economy our country has not been doing very well economically with the Illegal Immigrants coming in. I go to long was a university and the most important issue is social issues specifically abortion and immigration. I 10 Hampden Sydney college i have them looking at the issue in this election cycle is National Security i feel as though we have problems with foreigners also as a threat i feel that is important with this up and coming cycle. Igo to Hampden Sydney college the most important issue in the 2016 election is the economy. Igo to Hampden Sydney College Class of 2020 and the most important issue for a candidate to address his constitutional rights. The values like Thomas Jefferson held up to preserve today is the last eight to register to vote in 13 states down the district of columbia. In 30 minutes we will take you live to Panama City Beach with the rally with donald trump than former Vice President will join Hillary Clinton in miami then obama will campaign for secretary clinton. After that former Vice President al gore will go to greensboro. While we wait for the rally in Panama City Beach florida to get underway we will show you part of this mornings washington journal. Host what do you think was the impetus of paul ryan going to the Republican Base in the house talking about the actions he was about to take . Republican members of congress have just about had it with donald trump in the release of that video, the 10yearold video was essentially the final straw for a lot t

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