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That Homeland Security is having a hearing entitled combating Transnational Criminal Organization and turn over to our witnesses. Remember this subcommittee met with family members inside their communities that have lost a loved one to conventional. I criminal organizations. They have the written mexico and other places south of our southern border. We faced a lot of epidemics over the years. But this one is different and it requires a different more focused approach from this congress. Today were going to have the opportunity for a detailed discussion with officials from Homeland Security who play Critical Role in interrupting the flow of fentanyl into the United States. Specifically well talk about the cartels and gangs that deal death and trafficking firearms and drugs. Im from china produced for products laced with fentanyl. Largely happens in mexico Preparations Committee at large when you talk about here today. I released a set of suggestions yesterday the International Mail that more frantically provide the sellers to do the business. Today we are inspecting 40 of vehicles enter the United States. There is no reason we cannot jump that number to 60 or 65, 70 in the next fiscal year. We got taskforces federal partners to go after these cartels for go after this trade. We should fund that more of them. Third with got to understand this is a twoway street. Drugs come into this country but cash and guns question them exit rightly complains to mexico they are not doing enough to stop the drugs from coming into the United States. But mexico rightly complained to us we are not doing enough to stop the guns and the cash profits that move back into mexico. So look to increase the outbound inspections that we are doing to make sure we are catching more of the solicit profits and firearms before they make their way into the hands of the cartels. And lastly we could allocate more resources to help mexico start the precursor chemicals from getting to mexico in the first place. Bipartisan group of us went to meet with president lopez last month. He committed to us to partner with us in that work. The last two things to say are these and then else to turn it over to senator britt for opening comments. All of this investment stopping fentanyl from getting in the unit would be impossible under a last weeks House Republican votes. In their plan fy 24 funding for the department of Homeland Security would be cut by 22 two. We not talking about a single expansion the fight against fentanyl. The Budget Proposal from the house we cut funding at the border but would drastically cut funding for the very capacity right now are trying to fight fentanyl from coming into the United States for the final thing to say is this. Some folks on cable news you come to the conclusion every immigrant every asylumseekers is potentially a risk. There certainly an amount of fentanyl coming to the United States and in between our ports of entry, 98 95 of it is coming into the ports of entry. We need to have a conversation we comprehensively reform our system. That involves tough conversation about a silent reform putting more resources at the border its an element of this conversation. The fact of the matter is it is by and large not to the individuals who are sneaking in, in between the ports of entry there presenting themselves for asylum at the ports of entry that are bringing in the fentanyl. Its actually in vehicles and individuals we can do a much better job of stopping that traffic. Again im grateful to have a pretty full Committee Attendance today that is a signal of how interested we are as a body on both sides of the island having this conversation with you with that let me turn it over to senator britt for opening comment. Thank you, mr. Chairman for holding this hearing. Thank you to the witnesses to be a part of this conversation. Including that of children must be stopped. In particular customs and Border Protections with Field Operation immigration Customs Enforcement Homeland Security investigation. I would like to first address the issue of federal. Its devastating our communities across this great nation. It is now the leading cause of death for americans under the age of 45. More than 150 people die each day from an overdose related to fentanyl. At the current rate more americans will die in the next decade from fentanyl and combat deaths in all of the wars since americas founding. Yet mostly fentanyl killing americans is coming from abroad starting as precursor chemicals in china beef warping turned into the deadly drug by the Mexican Cartel and obtained from Internet Sources shipped via mail or smuggled across the border into the United States. Todays witnesses are subject Matter Experts on the interdiction of drugs and combating criminal organizations. Like the thousands of their colleagues the officers, agents and analysts who show up every day to work on the front lines, i want to say thank you. Ill be remiss if i did not know President Bidens lacks a coherent strategy worked woefully under funds both with manpower and others entering this country a set of Field Operations interdicted 12500 pounds of fentanyl at the ports of entry. Just halfway through fy 23 at that level of interdiction has already been surpassed. In one or 50 new officers 20000 officers who staff the ports of entry each day. While the president s budget request funding for additional inspection equipment at the border given how quickly the Transnational Criminal Organizations adapt, the deployment of this technology and other types of technology being used that has to be strategic. Has to be thoughtful. It has to be coherence. The bulk of fentanyl is large living brought to the ports of entry the amounts being seized between ports of entry is also alarming. All of fy 22, 2200 pounds received by Border Patrol agents in between the ports of entry. That is enough to kill every Single Person in america. Theyve already seized 1400 pounds through march of fy 23. Including 264 pounds in january, 381 pounds in february. 531 pounds in march. This is 85 of the total amount seized in just the last three months. Similar to the great work done by cbp we have seen time and time again hsis work is critical to our nations effort to interdict drugs including the 21000 pounds of fentanyl season fy 22. Weve already visited these amounts halfway through 2023. This begs a question. What happened 42 goes away by thousand acre daily encounters that are average by Border Patrol agents by tones ministration will likely double . The answer is we are likely to see more of fentanyl being brought in which will lead to more american deaths but also more deaths of migrants trying to buy their way into the United States by smuggling forth the drug cartels. The reality is President Biden knew this when he formulated his Budget Proposal for fy 24. His administration notified congress on generate 26 the Public Health emergency and title 42 usage would end on may 11. Yet on march 9 the present release of budget request that proposed cutting length security based budget by 1 . That Budget Proposal inadequately funds efforts to combat fentanyl, secure the border, strongly enforced our nations existing immigration laws. This is deeply irresponsible and is a direct disservice to incredible men and women on the ground working to protect and serve our nation each and every day. This hearing is not just about fentanyl for its about the Transnational Criminal Organizations not just drugs but in people, vulnerable men, women and children who often pay it with their lives like the 53 migrants who died after being stuffed in a tractortrailer just last year. Smuggling people across the border that the cartel 13 billion a year. Hsi works to bring down the Transnational Criminal Organizations. These cartels need to be brought to justice. Fy 24 president s budget for hsi calls for just 22 new positions. An increase of less than one half of 1 to combat Human Trafficking, child exploitation, counter fentanyl and investigate cyber crimes. Similar to the worsening conditions we are likely to confront fentanyl title 42 goes away. Im sure the cartels are busy planning on how to take advantage of what is sure to be an even more chaotic situation and continuing to profit from Human Trafficking. They cartels are replaced they operate with near impunity and mexico. They are wellfinanced, well organized and well connected. There are certainly differences among this committee on how to handle the crisis at the border, there surely in agreement that something must be done. To help them stop them one more man assaulting one more woman or sexually trafficking one more child are killing one more person. Cbp and ice to great work there is no doubt used to be done to stop the illegal flow of drugs across our border to ensure cbp and ice there is a crisis even if this administration refuses to admit that. Thank you again mr. Chairman and our witnesses i look forward to robust discussion today. Thinking introduce our witnesses and would ask you to provide testament the order of introduction right versus james who is a Deputy Assistant commissioner of intelligence and analysis. Then diane the deputy executive assistant commissioner for the opposite Field Operations at cbp. Finally mark is the assistant director for countering transnational crime at the Homeland Security investigations team. Who all three of you. We ask you give your testimony in five minutes or less for the full statements will be submitted for the record. Sherman murphy, vice chair called, Ranking Member brett to see which norms of the subcommittee p thank you for the opportunity to testify today of the dangers of criminal organizations the types of activities involved and then attacked the cbp Mission Every day. Illicit activities groups include smuggling of narcotics, weapons, cubans and Financial Crimes pose a significant evergrowing threat to our nation and the direct impact these groups operate across the world, based out of mexico some i will briefly discuss today. Posing a direct danger such as the cbp mission. Mexico based tcos and follow the control of drugs in the u. S. Oversee wellestablished logistical supply chains and maintain partnerships of criminal organizations in the u. S. To allow for product dissemination. In fiscal year 2020 more than 500,000 pounds of hard narcotics more than 76 million in illicit currency joint to activity. There are number of tcos operating throughout mexico behind those seizures, groups are able to exploit the lucrative smuggling corridors throughout the country. While it is nearly impossible to break out the exact proceeds in criminal activity, the scale of illicit activities conducted by this group easily yields tens of billions of dollars each year. The most profitable activity for these is narcotics sales, they become more diversified over the past decade into other illegal operations such as human smuggling intertwined themselves legitimate businesses to write additional revenue streams. Found a novel ways for every aspect of daily life including sectors often overlooked in agriculture, theft, Timber Harvesting the fishing industry. It is important to note they are not oneway operators and heavily reliant on their ability to move goods from the u. S. Into mexico specifically firearms, from illicit activity. The two largest and mexico been dominant in these spaces for the past two years is similar cartel and new generation cj ng. Still cartels one of the largest and oldest most established in mexico but they are believed to have operational strongholds two thirds of all mexican states with a heavy presence along the u. S. Border in Baja California cartel is a higher central hierarchy with fourth educational structure of the vertical hierarchy directed by form of Mexican Police officer from control the groups activities. Targeting security services, rapidly expanding since its emergence in 2010 strongholds over two thirds of mexican states is singers just south of texas. Both of these groups profit significant sales of agriculture hair wet and cocaine both unable to adapt into new market such as synthetic narcotics like methamphetamine and fentanyl but both groups of proven quite successful sectors to increase their Profit Margins and offset potential losses and changes in customer demand. Despite the removal some leadership control over large territories in mexico expanding into smuggling corridors along the u. S. Border. An inside mexico access to narcotics in precursors but evolution has been a key to success for the tc is in mexico. As mentioned previously mexican based have drastically increased human smuggling from the initial stages collection for a few parts per migrant to get more involved fullscale migrant facilitation sector worth billions of dollars each year. These have all shown their ability to rapidly evolve alongside technology from the use of secure communication platforms, to the use of drones for surveillance drug smuggling attack purposes in mexico to the use of crypto currency for many movements to first Money Laundering. Most notably is the groups ability to rapidly respond to changes in the drug environment such as legalization of marijuana decrease demand for heroin in the u. S. Marketplace. Mexico have been able to quickly pivot from agricultural base drugs to synthetics narcotics to maximize Profit Margins. The focus on synthetics allow these groups to produce narcotics without needing to control large swaths of territory in mexico they are no longer subject to weather conditions they are allowed to produce yearround industrial level production. Further highlight the resume to these groups that quickly they adapted to enforcement changes remove access to pencil in 2019 put almost immediately began acquiring this i think sentinel themselves effectively allowing them to on the supply chain without interruption. The evolution of these groups are required to become more Proactive Technology Data Intelligence driven organizations utilizing professionals to secure our borders drive operational outcomes break your competence of collection mechanism Counter Network analysis and exploitation of Geospatial Intelligence maximize operational outcomes and officer safety praise become more forwardly each day. I thank you for your time here so your investment intelligence both rational some unfortunate questions you may have. Sherman murphy, vice chair collins Ranking Member members of the subcommittee thank you for the opportunity to appear to discuss u. S. Captains and Border Protection efforts to combat the dynamic threat of Transnational Criminal Organizations, and prevent the entry of dangerous illicit drugs including benton alternations ports of entry. Im really proud to represent 30,000 dedicated frontline personnel cbps office of Field Operations commonly referred to as o fo. Who worked tirelessly everyday to protect our border, our homeland and our communities. I appreciate the subcommittees unwavering support of our mission and for ensuring we have the personal, the technology of the resources needed to conduct our complex and Challenging Border security responsibilities. Sentinels are ports of entry top 13000 pounds. Through this fiscal year for just last month fentanyl seizures for the entire Previous Fiscal Year of 2022 were exceeded. However efforts and actions to encounter drugs do not begin or end up ports of entry. Multilayered and targeted our efforts are driven by intelligence and analysis. Intelligence specialists National Targeting Center or local analytical teams advance information, intelligence and Predictive Analytics of potential highrisk shipments, cargo and travelers before they reach our borders. Or building or interdiction capabilities we continue to focus also on modernizing and automating our processes to legitimate travel and trade is that will allow our resources to focus on the threats as they evolve. Relieving our frontline personnel of administrative work such as manual data entry or paperbased transaction, gives them the opportunity to do what they do best which is to talk to people and determine an increase situational awareness. The technology cbp officers use imports of entries imperative for operation. With the support of congress we continued to deploy nonintrusives inspection systems that can reliably and quickly detect suspect anomalies hidden in commercial and private conveyances. A critical tool for officially learning officers further scrutiny is needed. Also provide an viable capabilities. As a First Law Enforcement Agency to develop with k9 units. All Field Operations team and narcotics detection canine teens are trained to detect the odor of fentanyl and fentanyl analogues. We are currently scoping missions to support other countries of developing this capability. Beyond detection introduction officers also use field testing devices and work with both onsite and remote scientists to rapidly screen and identify suspected controlled substances but all information from drug seizures and Laboratory Analysis sent back into Intelligence Network and shared with our investigator partners. When it comes to dismantling we must not only interdict what is coming into the country but also what is going out. Thanks his Committee Support additional funding in the fy 23 appropriations we have expanded our outbound operations to stop the self and flow of weapons and cash that fueled his criminal networks. In fiscal year 22 our outbound operations of the southwest border result in the seizure of more than 7 million in currency imported 15 weapons. We surpassed lesters weapon seizure at just the six months this fiscal year. Joint efforts to leverage our capabilities alongside those of our partners amplifies our accomplishments. For example through Operation Blue loaded cbp and her Homeland Security investigation partners are surging intelligence analysis enforcement capabilities to knowledge target and seek illicit fentanyl but also pursue investigations and takedown criminal networks. The operations implementation just six weeks ago we made 88 arrests in more than 70 seizures of fentanyl totaling over 4000 pounds. This collaborative approach along to continued investments in frontline officers, Intelligence Research specialist and advanced technologies will be key in disrupting the dynamic threat and intercepting the illicit drugs across our borders. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today and i look forward to your questions. Good afternoon interment murphy, Ranking Member brett, distinguished members of the committee. Thank you for the opportunity to appear before before Homeland Security investigations to disrupt and dismantle Transnational Criminal Organizations. Also known as tcos. The threat posed by Transnational Criminal Organizations is pervasive. Criminal organizations do not limit themselves to a single criminal enterprise. These criminal organizations have expanded beyond narcotics smuggling and have morphed into public criminal tcos associate crimes of weapons, trafficking, human smuggling, cyber crime, fraud Money Laundering and other crimes. All of which eight ssi investigates tco evolve beyond insular and seek partnerships with competing tcos and further other criminal activity. For example, illicit collaboration between chinese tcos and Mexican Cartels have created eight complex criminal ecosystem thats funneling narcotics traveling. Develop sophisticated networks in the u. S. , mexico, china, and throughout asia to facilitate Money Laundering schemes. These organizations use a vast Global Infrastructure to clean illicit proceeds from various criminal organizations including Mexican Cartels. Mexican cartels have taken over our fentanyl production operate on an industrial scale. They are procuring precursor from china synthesizing these chemicals in mexico to produce fentanyl part x converts out smugly fentanyl into the u. S. Either powder or pill form for easy distribution. Chinese criminal organizations facilitate the trafficking and description of fentanyl pills for the sale of industrial pill press equipment to Mexican Cartels. Then turn powdered fentanyl into the pill form. Actively disrupting the pill press supply chain and to date has seized over 1200 pill process in part used to make deadly conventional laced pills in october of 2022. As an investigative component of the Department Upon security hsi combats tcos of criminal enforcement. Knowing this hsi target narcotics smuggling activity, but also targets a wider array of illegal activities tcos employ to fuel the criminal organizations such as Human Trafficking, human snug in the Financial Networks used to launder proceeds and profit from this and the firearms activities. To combat begin abroad. Hsi is the Largest International investigative presence within dhs comprised of hundreds of hsi special agents. Strategically assigned to 93 offices in 56 countries. Hsi and our counterparts in other countries disrupt sources of illicit drugs, Smuggling Networks and Money Laundering operations. These efforts enable ssi and partners to have dangerous narcotics and other goods from reaching our borders to stop illicit outbound flows of a legally drive currency and weapons. Our International Counter narcotics effort is significantly enhanced by hsis transnational Investigative Unit, tci view. The tci use comprised of vetted for Law Enforcement and prosecutors that work jointly with hsi to disrupt and dismantle tcos by leveraging countries legal system include mutually beneficial investigations and prosecution. Domestically Border Security taskforces represent where the agencys premier tools for turning borders seizures and to top leading investigations. Hsi best partnerships among state and local Law Enforcement Task Force Officers are integral to success in countering tcos through traffic in narcotics and firearms and threaten the Public Safety of the United States. The primate mission is to combat existing and emerging by employing the full range of federal, state, local, tribal, and international Law Enforcement resources. There are currently 88 best comprised of thousands of Law Enforcement officers and personnel representing more than 200 agencies and National Guard units. In addition each 253 offices located in all 50 states and multiple u. S. Territories dedicate assets to combat tcos. Hsi uses its authority domestically to target Procurement Networks responsible for smuggling u. S. Origin weapons into mexico. This includes operation without a trace, the unique dhs operation with atf and other Law Enforcement partners in mexico to fight the illegal trafficking of firearms and ammunition from the United States into mexico. Despite these efforts hsi recognizes their significant work to be done on all fronts to disrupt and dismantle. Thank you again for the opportunity to be here before you today. Your continued support of hsi and our enduring efforts to combat domestically and internationally other torture questions. Thank you all for your testimony. Will begin around a five minute questions and i will begin. First, let me make a small amendment to my Opening Statement barely had the conversation today about the supply side the piece of this equation. We should all be sober about the fact our supply side approach in the past have not worked tremendously well. Unless they are matched with a demand side approach for our committee is to stop the supply we have to understand this is one piece of a much bigger picture. Let me start with you. Tender britt noted the president s budget requested 1 reduction in funding for the department of Homeland Security but i have shared concerns about what that mean about the department. But the Republican Health response to that was a 22 cut in funding for the department of Homeland Security. Which is seemingly catastrophic. Let me just ask you a simple question. Can you effectively fight the flow of fentanyl, detect the flow, sees a fentanyl into the United States if your budget is cut by 22 . Cork simply had to contemplate making that significant of a cut to our budget we would look to nonpaid resources first. Given what are salary percentages are that we them pretty quickly for non pay and have to look at potential adverse personnel actions which would result in limiting our ability to affect operations, beaten nimble and adapt quickly to evolving threats. That could cascade into collapsing operations and staffing in our airports. And at a time we are looking to expand hours of operations honored northern border border that would be incredibly challenging to do that. Question listed about 30 seconds a pretty stunning list of impacts. Closures of ports of imminent entry or limitation on hours, personnel being let go. The inability to continue investigations at a current pace. This is a really important discussion of many to continue pretty do not want to use all my time on it. But the impacts are pretty grave. Just to share with us about where this product is coming in . I use the statistic ive heard repeatedly in my opening testimony that 90 95 is coming to ports of entry. Obviously we do not have all the information to know. But, as that number about rights . Do we contemplate the lion shares coming into our ports of entry versus coming in through individuals that are crossing in between the ports of entry . Guesser that is a Fair Assessment based off seizure data. Seizure data is not indicative of flow between the best predictors of flow but preferably 90 95 or parts ports of entry. Whats really important for where we make investments if 90 the products coming at the ports of entry it makes sense to be focusing 90 of our resources at the ports of entry. To talk to you a little bit about how we best allocate resources. I appreciate the success youve had in shutting down presses and manufacturing facilities. But man that sounds like a tough job. Especially when it manufacturing facilities could fit in the corner of this room its like finding a needle in hand haystack. Is it more effective are just effective to look at the precursors . Part of the reason we went down to meet the commitment to work with us in china to interrupt the flow. China knows everything that leaves that country. It appears to me we could have a bigger impact by trying to stop the precursor to getting into the hands of the cartels in the first place i was ahead of serving all of hsi operations mexico for four years before i came here which is our largest and busiest side the fentanyl crisis i can lay that out for you. The precursor chemicals are synthesized at smuggler southwest border it is sold within the United States poisoning our public the proceeds is increasingly laundered outside of our country by chinese Money Laundering organizations. It used to be an industry dominated by colombians illicit funds is now controlled by the chinese charging one 2 to launder money outside the u. S. At this same time the pill presses used to press that finish fentanyl into pills or coming in from china exclusively . This begins and ends she just pointed out we received over 3 Million Pounds precursor chemicals update western seaports of mexico in the last three years with our fantastic partners in mexico. Of the upsides of eight italian state very little happens in china that does not happen under the control and direction of the change, and his party. We have inability to jim the demands of applied a change in policy stops that equipment for moving to mexico in the United States. Thank you for giving us the sense of what has been done to stop the flow of cash and weapons out of the United States for its unlimited the part of that has been expended. To be had if we continue to stand on that investment. Ask thank you, mr. Chairman and all whole government, everybody working together. My question really is, how are you all communicating . Under the department of Human Security each has her individual lane. How are we ensuring to actually take down these cartels. Who is responsible who looks at what os o is doing and hsi nose and connecting those dots . Give her the question, senator. Hsi relationship runs very deep. We are communicating daily on these types of issues. Theyve over 7000 special agents of the night states we respond to every single seizure reported by the land, sea, air paid we inherently have a lot of overlap for the things we do pay. Is there a person that oversees this, that connects the dots between the two . Is it just case by case basis . I can certainly address that. We have to look at it at the Different Levels of the organization are port directors are responsible again having a response to seizures. But sharing the information in the intelligence analysis and feeding that into our intelligence cycle. Our regional level certainly are directors of Field Operations engage with their counterparts special agents in charge of the divisions out in the field. Its really important peace rest the National Level is a collaboration we have interNational Targeting Center were hsi is colocated with us works not just within the inter agency and the information bringing in the intel cycle, the information but also our foreign partners. Are there any challenges you have been working together collaboratively . Any roadblocks question gets interesting obviously create the department on security so ensure we broke on the sense just want to make sure the sound occurring here. Are not aware of any significant challenges. Think more communication is better and we are very engaged in that pay. I appreciate that. The amount of fentanyl that has been seized is actually astonishing. I want to commend you for the work you continue to do. I am concerned though about what is not being seized and want to dig in a little bit to that. Sing it show up in our streets, our schools, our communities but has killed more than a quarter of a million of americans is 2019. Set i can you give us some idea about the networks within the United States that are helping to give fentanyls and opioids into the American Communities . We talk about the chinese weve obviously send this begins and ends with china. Can you tell me a little more drug cartels get search of the u. S. Freight what is happening once he gets her to the u. S. . Mcauley sarkar the two largest cartels in mexico. They have tentacles into every single city in this country. In this country. That is how they sell their drugs and thats how they kill our citizens. Had and they find these people . Are they migrants or gangs we have here . How does that work . Websters transactional criminal organizations throughout this country the celt narcotics to those of you looking for narcotics for guests, some use gangs to sell those big gangs mostly use their extortion for their generally dont just sell drugs. Theres all sorts of criminal organizations operating throughout. Tell me are they gaining footholds are the mexican drug cartels gaining footholds here in our country . And definitely have a big influence here in our country. Ask to see the trend moving to where they have more and more influence . I dont know that them more and more influence but i know we are committing more and more resources towards it with hsi every single year. We have our border enforcement security taskforces of which we have over 4000 state and local officers that serve as a force multiplier for hsi to work narcotics investigations to work Human Trafficking Organizations Free to work human Smuggling Networks as well. We have our fentanyl suppression teams with Sandra Murphy talked about earlier that are tracking those Overdose Deaths. They are tracking that pill that was used in that overdose all the way back through mexico, ill be back to precursor chemical used to make it. How do your efforts domestically versus internationally . Or so 7000 special agents in we have a huge overseas presence but we look at this is a worldwide issue. Partnerships are our main focus only domestically to report enforcement security taskforces, through appurtenances. But also internationally starts internationally spoke a little bit about my time heading our mexico offices that is just one of 90 overseas offices we have. We take a lot of pride and form partnerships that we have developed their way of transnational criminal or Investigative Unit importing countries overseas where theres local investigators, local Police Officers assigned by the country they work and that we vets, that we train, that we fund we work investigations of joint interest with them not only in their home country but in ours. That is what differentiates the way we do things overseas. Thank you, i appreciate it. Thank you very much chair murphy and Ranking Member britt. This hearing is really an important reminder to all of us the strength of our economy and the safety of our communities is directly related to our ability to keep some goods flowing and reports and our borders and keep our doors open to immigrants and refugees while stopping transnational criminal activities especially fentanyl that is devastating all of our communities better appreciate center murphys focus on this crisis. I hope we can all join him in pushing to provide more resources to fight it. Instead of putting a wrecking ball dhs and our fight against fentanyl like we saw the House Republican vote last week that has a decimating effect to our budget. I actually visited the border in arizona a few weeks ago. And i met with border officials and families that are seeking asylum in america. I heard directly about the challenges we are facing when it comes to combating Human Trafficking and Drug Trafficking. In other criminal activity and getting kids and refugees and Asylum Seekers the care and support they need. Its important for us understand many of these families showing up at our border are victims and survivors. Their fling of violence the same Transnational Criminal Organizations the u. S. Government is fighting. Those criminal organizations are the root cause of a lot of suffering from the fentanyl and the drugs flooding our streets to the persecution and violence and torture that leads so many refugees to flee their homes in their own country student misinformation and manipulation that is fueling these atrocious trafficking operations. If we want to protect our communities are illegal opioids and stop the dangerous humans trafficking across our border and help these families who are fleeing persecution, we have got to work down to shut down this cartels and the other Transnational Criminal Organizations that are really driving so much of this devastation. We cannot do that if were slashing the resources. Desperately need to protect our communities and stop the trafficking at our border which is what i fear the republicans voted for it last week in the house. I just want to remind everyone to keeping our families safe it means we fund these agencies in a way that allows us to protect our families across the border, i appreciate both of you working on this. I want to follow up on center murphys question he asked you, what the impact of a 22 cut is . Mr. Mander i went asking the same thing. How would that affect your agencies in your your ability to collect and analyze intelligence . Thank you for the question. I would certainly have a Significant Impact on our capability both from manpower in her overall functioning. We would not be able to support as heavily we do things like Operation Blue lotus as mentioned are directly impact our spatial analysis are slowmotion video, one of the areas we work very closely with hsi on their pole cam analysis but whether things will be impacted. Human intelligence capability and program is certainly suffer from any setbacks from a funding standpoint as well as the training, development and delivery for intelligence professionals and Law Enforcement professionals across the agency. How will that bill affect your ability to investigate . Thank you for the question. Hsis job has grown increasingly complicated over the last several years. We are having to commit Additional Resources toward training, toward recruiting, people into these fields that include cyber and Financial Crimes. We need to continue to invest in our workforce. Any hindrance of that any pullback of resources would significantly hamper our ability to go after Transnational Criminal Organizations for. Thank you. Let me ask you talked about china be worked starts, my assumption was india it was part of that as well, correct . To see a small amount of precursor chemicals coming into mexico from india. Dip relations and Law Enforcement relations are pretty strong we had a lot of success with that in stopping that great. How do you work with other agencies and International Parties to stop the flow of the precursor chemicals before they come in are used to manufacture fentanyl . Yes, maam. Our main resource outside the United States are strong partnerships with foreign governments and Law Enforcement in those countries. We have 14 transnational Investigative Units around the world there were trying to expand that program. As we can afford these embedded Law Enforcement officers from that host country that we train federal Law Enforcement Training Center in the United States for the go back to the country with hsi agents in that country where the thing that makes them the most unique work investigations of joint interest. We dont just ask them to find someone to warrant to extradite back to the United States were fine if they prosecute their home country of reprocessing United States. This is why we build partnerships of the future. Really quickly, im really glad you rolled up these nonintrusive inspection tools so we can more identify the contraband at our ports of entry. Do you have the resources to scale that up . Hsi is closely tracking cbp of nonintrusive inspection. As we respond to every single seizure made a port of entry cbp makes them he followup investigation from that seizure as they roll out nonintrusive inspection we can only assume seizures will go up which means they will take additional response from hsi to handle those investigations that will require Additional Resources for. Thank you very much for. Think a charmer Center Height smith . Thank you, mr. Chairman i will also join you in welcoming these panelists here and certainly appreciate what you do every single day. In january i visited the southern border with Ranking Member britt and the stories we were told down there id heard of Human Trafficking was totally incredible. Today i would like to discuss a publicly available information and how it is used to create prevalent and timely open Source Intelligence that addresses evolving threats to our National Security. Mr. Mccall and you testified a last of march Homeland Security and Government Affairs emerging threats and spending oversight committees that hsi worked closely with the Border Protection National Targeting Center to examine large volumes of data which used to successfully intercept the shipment of fentanyl precursors being sent directly from china to the United States via commercial air and maritime shipping. In may of 2010 the United States china placed all fentanyl related substances under national control. In the number seizures dropped significantly, almost 20 i understand. This forest to chinas traffickers to send fentanyl and fentanyl precursors to mexico as we have discussed where it is manufactured by drug cartels and smuggled into the United States using traditional smuggling techniques. In mississippi we have researchers that work closely with our National Security agencies to analyze publicly available information and apply that methods to gain insight and provide actionable intelligence in problems just like this. So, my question to all of the witnesses is how has your agencies open Source Intelligence operations adapted to this change in strategy by these traffickers . Think of for the question, mama. We are in the early stages of finetuning our open Source Intelligence capability is focused on publicly available information so nothing is encrypted is available to anyone found the Intelligence Community private privacy diversity requirements. We are fighting from a few different angles we do not have an Investigative Authority claim indications of warnings function. The identification of emerging trends patterns may be marketing this in an open matter and provide that to the folks who do have investigative authorities across the entire u. S. Indications morning early tipping part is how we are exploiting the available information. Thank you for that. But i thank you for the question and we as the operators at the ports of entry are the ones who stand to benefit from the work of the office of intelligence is doing in that space. Taking that formation, turning it into tactical and asked actionable information for all first used in decisionmaking but also sharing information with our partners that we engages on a daily basis. Thank you. It is very similar for hsi, senator. We have very large Intelligence Unit that crunches criminal investigative intelligence that our investigators are getting every day from not only judicially obtained information by our vast network of sources throughout the world and get that tour investigators on the front lines of action. Thank you i have a little time left in a ruler to ask this to everyone. Cooperation with the private sector, universities and existing Research Centers is critical to ensuring the department is producing new solutions to face counsel involving threats or nations Homeland Security. Can you share the subcommittee potential areas for enhancement collaboration with these entities to further refine the technologies for the specific use cbp in hsi . Thank you for the question. We have a very robust Student Volunteer Program internship within cbp. We have approximately 30 individuals from a wide range of universities and local schools to spend their summer months working with our intelligence professionals these folks are focus on National Security, Law Enforcement or something in the big data space. They bring to bear a lot of unique skills and capabilities we often dont have such as data analytics, allowing us to take the big data that has not been available and put a new lens on it. Most of the folks who currently work in the intelligent space have for quite a while so we tend to look at things in one lens. Some bring up a new generation folks with different experiences, different education. Help shift the understanding of what the threats look like precooked thank you for that answer. Certainly welcome the partnership with the vendor industry academia to enhance our efforts and build our capabilities out on the border but certainly a good example leveraging within dhs the office of science and technology that helps us partner with specific industries or Research Groups to look at new ways for technologies that we can leverage combating the threats. Center Public Private partnership is growing increasingly important for hsi as we go forward. We recently established a crossborder Financial Crimes Center this a partnership not only amongst federal Law Enforcement but private industry, Banking Institutions and others so that we can share as much intelligence as possible to focus on investigations Going Forward big bucks thank you im sorry arete of my time for. Thats right, thank you and chester has deferred to Center Baldwinsville has Center Baldwin next. Thank you waiting to preside at 3 00 p. M. So i appreciate that thoughtfulness. I was like to have you here, thank you for your service. While wisconsin is not a border state, the work customs and Border Protection and Homeland Security do at our southern border is essential to keeping our families safe. And i am eager to discuss why the funding for your work is so important to her sick interNational Security. Im not going to ask a question on this because of time but i want to associate myself with the comments by chair murray and chair murphy about the impacts of the recent House Republican passed legislation that could well result in massive cuts up to 22 in this budget at a time when formerly we were saying we need to meet more resources to meet the challenge of the day. I just wanted to make a quick association. In wisconsin between 2019 and 2021, sentinel Overdose Deaths grew by a staggering 97 . In just a couple year. And in no small part due to the synthetic fentanyl and counterfeit pills that are made to look just like prescription and name brand opioids, stimulants and anxiety medications. You have talked to ready a little bit about how hsi worked individually and in partnership to address the flow of Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals under southwest border. Im interested in a little bit more about your partnerships with state and local Law Enforcement. If you would support Additional Resources for coordination at state and local level. Also, shoot discussed it, you talked about your work with mexican partners. And the need for that to be there for seizure of these presses and shutting down of operations. The last thing i would note in this question, is a big one. I was recently at the border in texas, was shown a map they perceptually think it was accurate of who controls for order purposes the land adjacent to the u. S. And mexico. It seemed like such a long stretch of that border the daytoday control is the cartel about the mexican government. Maybe you can add a little bit about that challenge lastly that big question. Next a problem, thank you for the question. To your first question, to all of your questions partnerships are the main movie get things done Law Enforcement. Not only state and local partnerships with police departments, with state authorities with our federal partners who are here at the table with us and others in d. O. J. But also overseas. We take a lot of pride in the partnerships that we make. We do a lot of this or Border Security task force these are 4000 Task Force Officers assigned to hsi throughout the country who will use as a force multiplier on the investigations that we conduct but we did the same thing overseas inflation places like mexico and south american age of the transnational criminal Investigative Units. I can tell them very strong partnerships that mexico on the working level. Theres a lot of trust between us theres a lot of intelligence being share this lot of and prosecutions coming from that. I reference 3 million calc pounds precursor we have seen that mexican ports the last three years. That is directly resulting from the partnerships that we built over the last couple of years. Also to safe from perspective we foster whole of government approach to tackling, we know we cannot do it on our own thats a girl and state level. So they deported mentoring relationship with state and local partners are actually critical to the success that we have and to all accents possible share information that we develop certainly from seizures to ensure they have visibility with the threats are and we receive that information back and partner with them in task force alone Homeland Security investigations. From International Perspective i think that the ongoing Communication Center land borders with canada and mexico consistently working with them and share information against the extent possible. Also investments overseas, some of our preclearance have to continue Security Initiative overseas, deployments across the globe as well as immigration advisory program. We also invest quite a bit and Capacity Building bills and alcoves resources and educating our partners overseas as well. Looks very similar to what is been mentioned is the partnerships. Mary focus on deployment of our personnel to the field where we send them what the state Fusion Centers dhs puts out or the high intensity drug Drug Trafficking areas throughout the country deployment of personnel internationally for the Different Task force out there in the sharing of our intelligence reporting. Thank you, thank you for deferring. I will submit additional record for the court for the record. Thank you. All yield. I did not want to bump you out of like too. Peters navy but not you. Not let people walk all over you. Thats exactly right. Estimating tech had hsi known targets drugs funding operations but also targets Financial Networks and resources that fund these illegal activities. I recently had the opportunity with the Ranking Member britton and bipartisan of centrist increased treasuries ability to Sanction Organization and traffic fentanyl. The question is this. Doesnt dhs and hsi need additional 30s or can it work with have this criminal organization where it hurts . Which is in their wallets. Picks up so i can repeat the end of that question sir . You hit them where it hurts which means can impact their money . Absolutely. I think this is one of the main things hsi does we have a strong history of Money Laundering type investigations for a talked little bit about the chinese influence the United States now bringing out illicit proceeds about fentanyl sales. It stood up a crossborder Financial Crime center to do exactly or talking about. Can you explain to me the money of drug sales and trafficking is getting back to Mexican Cartels and trading criminal organizations . And if you have any opportunity to stop it howre you doing it . Except so there are several different ways. Money laundering is very complicated theres full cash smuggling, very easy to understand going across the board. This lab different ways a chinese are doing it thats hard to track trait based Money Laundering very difficult to track. We do have some ways to do that. We also three it threw me her by nay heard a little bit about this, which is difficult to track as well. Which of the resources right now to do that we have had a lot of success frequents what have been transported in crypto . Its a lot of transactions are happening crypto specific on the darken. Its a lot of focus right now is placed on combating the mexican drug cartels. I think most people understand me too hold china accountable as much is mexican drug cartels for the fentanyl trafficking. What is dhs doing it to stop times criminal organizations . Organizations . What are you doing to stop them . I refer back to my answer on how were subbing precursor chemicals coming into mexico. We try to track this back to china we do have relations in china would have offices in china that have Law Enforcement contact. And actually stop garbage from coming in . Pretty difficult sir. Dhs boeing title 42 next week. I am concerned about the administrations of preparation or lack of it with the expected surge of migrants to come to the border spent a good portion of last week and listening to the radio this was on all the time interviewing folks in the southern border. But theres a bunch of folks lined up to karen that they think the borders are going to be open. Criminal organizations also take advantage of the side of weakness at the border to do the drug thing. Just yesterday dhs asked for 15 additional active duty military to order operations, that is going to happen. So, the question is in it can be renewing was answered on the panel. With the 1500 additional active duty military folks is there any plan to reassign agents from the northern border or ports or anywhere . With this 1500 activeduty troops secure the border . Ill take that are not currently anticipating drawing down anymore resources to supplement td weiss who had that for an extended period of time. That being said any evolving threat we are prepared to look across operations. Are right now i think theres 2500 guardsmen two that are already down there, is that not correct . Because i have to defer to the Border Patrol that their 1500 going to be supporting Border Patrol operations for administrative duty not saying this as a negative can anyone answer how long the 1500 military going to be down there . Sounds good. Thats it thank you mr. Jeremy glick senator shaheen. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you all for being here and for what you do every day. New hampshire, my home state has had some of the highest numbers of overdose and death per capita basis on any state in the country. 2022 was the worst year for Overdose Deaths 2017. And obviously what we are seeing from fentanyl is a huge contributor to that that 70 of those deaths are fentanyl related. But i want to followup on senator senators question about the northern border. Because 2022 cbp reported 302 increase in activity over the year before along the northern border. It figures in this years showing there is an even higher yearoveryear increase in places along the u. S. canada border like the swan sector which affects New Hampshire and burnett months is to register new york to make New Hampshire. Still has not returned all the personnel that have been pulled to address the southern border. So i know 25 agents have been sent back to the sector. Will affect our ability to return the remaining officers to the northern border to the swan sector . 1500 Border Patrol operations they will be doing administrative functions. I would have to get back to for the Border Patrol in terms of agents. In terms the Research Support we have with existing to the southwest border will look across all of our environments least potential impact to those environments to draw down resources for ttys. We are not anticipating any of the atd wise in the near term. Whether it diminishes were going to potentially have. X is there any sense whether they are tcos that are responsible for the increased activity of the northern border . In terms of the increased activity of migration coming from canada we do not see any correlation. We have seen of course the crossing these were mentioned earlier we have seen them move more from a fullscale. Those do remain focused on moving individuals from Central America to the southwest border not the northern border. You all think theres any benefit in designating the cartels as foreign terrorist organizations . To address her activities . For any designation who would defer to the department of state for any po designations for however we are fairly comfortable for. And not asking you about whether that should happen im asking whether that would give you any additional authorities to intercept the activities of cartel. With the king and act executive order we do have that we believe are the authorities of the activity. So the rest of you agree with that . Rex i do not believe that change our methodology and techniques in trying tackle these. There certainly other agencies that may best from that. I would agree. The criminal authorities we need. Chief amongst our concerns with that would be maintaining our strong relationships with our foreign partners but we did that would not to do anything to jeopardize that. I was in south america couple weeks ago with a group of senators. One of the things i was surprised to hear, we visited panama, argentina and brazil was that they are not seeing fentanyl in south america. And in fact alone we were in brazil they told us they had the first death from fentanyl in the country, that it just been reported the week before we got there. We expect to see fentanyl moving into this other countries in south america . From that movement the two synthetics it does appear to be a bit of a delay. The same thing went methamphetamine hit the markets u. S. Issue probably foregoes anywhere else and it worked his way into europe and the Asian Countries australia and new zealand. We did not see a big population explosion of that usage in central and south america. There likely will be increased fentanyl used it does not appear this going to be an emerging trend below what we are seeing here. Everybody agreed that . Can i ask wilmore question mr. Chairman . I know the chairman said we are focused on were not focus on the demand side here. But obviously the only will address whats happening with illegal substances is to deal with the prevention of that. If you all could fund really important for prevention, what would you increase to fund . Basement trends and to great utilization of Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals counterfeit oxycodone the individuals are taking thinking it pharmaceutical more of an Awareness Campaign on the counterfeits. I would agree. The messaging and information to the communities about ultimately what the impact is. And at this quite a bit out there looking for the targeted groups for that messaging. Thank you. I grant my counterparts but we are continually conducting outreach anomaly schools, but communities that well. We need to continue that, do better at that commit more resources. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Quickly gives her chairman thanks or three witnesses but appreciate the work you do each and every day. This is going to be a question to all three of you. And march the department of Homeland Security start up Operation Blue lotus. Cbp hsi coordinated search operation. Only a month led to the seizure of over 4000 pounds of fentanyl at our ports of entry. My question to you is what led to the successful Operation Blue lotus and is there Something Congress can do to help you with these types of operations . Yes senator. Thank you for that question. Over the course of the last summer months we served several hundred special agents from interior offices to the border to assist cbp after a seizure is made. Specifically a fentanyl. Those seizures have obviously increased a lot over the past couple of months for it we handle followup investigations from the seizures we are surging as many resources toward those of followup investigations as possible. He mentioned 4000 pounds a fentanyl sees a couple of months that led 235 arrests as well. We look at that as the first phase but we are also eliminating those networks and bring fentanyl into the United States we are limiting the networks bringing in money back out of the United States but we anticipate much further investigative activity indictments, prosecutions on the light it would welcome any Additional Resources of course. Equally as important as interdicting the narcotics and prevent them from making sure we drove blue lotus in a partnership with hsi in cbps other federal and state partners. Which really aligns any intelligent strategy and back to port so we can make those introductions . I mentioned in my Opening Statement seizures began before best information we can get before that investments and our intelligence framework at resources certainly can be incredibly beneficial to sustaining or the ability to gain these type of operations. Pulse and surge operations are important. Its not necessarily have to maintain a manner in which they are affected. A number of examples certain operations regain information refine and conduct additional or move operations as tcos and move around us. Its important for us for. The most significant we have seen the initial stage of this is very strong intelligent planning operation. Surge look at secondary impacts become aware of whats happening in the followon regard. Nonintrusive inspection capacity you mention is political. There are no current requirements in the coming weeks will be introducing required cbp to use the systems congress has already funded 90 of commercial vehicles entering our ports of entry. Why has there been a delay in increasing what do you expect we will be able to accomplish. Courts would greatly appreciate the support from congress to make those investments in technology. And some funding from 2020 we have several that have completed about six of them ive had eight construction kickoff meetings completed for additional ports of entry will continue. The rest of the year. The full timeline for that deployment is through fiscal year 26. With the full deployment of that we do expect a very optimistic achieving that goal 40 for Passenger Vehicles. And around 70 for commercial vehicles. However we have seen Great Results from the implementation to initial locations. But what also goes hand in hand will make it incredibly effective see investments you also made in building out the Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. We are currently working with the industry to develop the algorithms with anticipated deployments expected by the beginning of the new fist of the end of the fiscal year. Out a good followup i understand its critically important. That is not been deployed yet. Send your timeline for that and what is taken so long to the place of the technology . That enhances considerably. Absolutely print is not an offtheshelf type product. This is something we really had to develop is essentially our first endeavor into this and integrating it into system. So certainly gaining the knowledge, the education, working with the industry print certain our partners in the hs and really urging the opportunity to get the process and methodology down. We had in june of 2022 we had an interesting day this past january re that was released on april 14 i believe in this year. Currently assessing these submissions from the rfp it will be working to downselect those specific vendors of weeks for. How confident are you youre going to achieve your goal . Mastic. What time again . Are looking for the initial deployment to the deployment of the Technology Goes hand in hand with certainly having the System Integration which is a piece of it. Expect to have that getting exited the end of the fiscal year. That algorithm deployment means announcers to learn and it is deployed. Right, thank you, thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you very much senator peters. Just to follow up are going to ask a few final questions in the bill close out the hearing youve been generous with your time. Followup in fedor peters question, weve all been three sports pub entry, space is very presence and budget i believe include some significant funding eight retrofits you need in order to be able to deploy this new nii technology. Obviously if youre stopping 20 30 of vehicles room to do that. In my right about that . Youve got hard skipping to do in order to get maximally effective at your ports of entry. We do. I did fail to mention the variables and the risk of the funding to support the civil works in the deployment. There are significant advancements in 1 million the budget request is specifically for civil works. As i want to go back to the question about precursor from china. I thank you for being straight with us. It is tough, it is hard work. Met with the now Chinese Foreign minister a few months ago. He repeated a claim think the Chinese Government has made publicly. Our decision to sanction, to chinese narcotics agencies because the Chinese Government to pull back from our cooperation and coordination with them, narcotics enforcement matters. Everything the chinese say to me with a grain of salt. A more functional relationship with them on this question a fentanyl. Resulted in a decision by the chinese to stop the finished product from coming into the United States, at least at the rate it was. Five 10 years ago. Is there any reason to believe some of our sanction policy right now which is really about other things is getting way of having a more functional dialogue with them about stopping precursor being sent into mexico or stopping process being sent into the United States . The short answer is i do not know Law Enforcement contacted the chinese load over the years weve had good relationships that weve had poor relationships. As she stated at the beginning of your question, they were chipping on the salih finish fentanyl into the nine states at one point in time limbo diplomatic pressure and low bit of moral Law Enforcement pressure to stop that. That is a positive. Not only do we see precursor chemicals that led to the synthesis there only use is fentanyl. We are coming into this mexico now are seeing pre, precursor chemicals which is increasing difficult to regulate as well. The weight forward has to be by building that relationship stronger. We should prioritize fentanyl policy. I understand weve got a million different lines of effort with the chinese. But if there is a path to get china to stop the movement of precursor into mexico. Even if the impact of that is to drive the price, raise the price of the product in the United States that would save lives here. I understand got a lot of irons in the fire with china but i want to prioritize the policy that ultimately it gets less of this product going to mexico it ending up in the United States i pushed your candor. Final questions . Thank you, mr. Chairman. I want to talk about the dark web everyday receiving a news article news the dark web or encrypted messaging or Payment Services to sell or buy fentanyl. In fact just yesterday was sought nearly 300 people that were arrested for breaking International Drug enforcement operations. It was a recordbreaking day this was obviously targeted at these people selling fentanyl on the dark web. My question is what are we doing when we doing the efforts between hsi to target these traffickers online specifically on the dark web. Any of you . In our perspective that we are looking to do this potential and have angels who are moving these goods in many cases the dark web purchases are for personal use not for distribution. So obviously interdiction is a key part of that. Once those identified whether its an individual or some type of selector data, we shared that but also their investigative partners who take that to the next level for the full investigations. Editor, thank you ferments that cage yesterday played a very strong role in. I think the rise you are seeing in these Online Marketplaces directly correlates to the change in society we are seeing where people are less likely to want to facetoface transaction and buy it there narcotics on the web instead of having to pay in person for something they can use crypto currency to buy those things. We are committing more and more people every year to cyber enabled investigations. We are having to train them, equip them in different ways than we ever have before. And really groundlevel place. During that as her cyber Crimes Center here in the National Capitol region. Its where everything happens in those types of investigation and life an open invitation for anyone on that committee to please visit. Absently owed or even in thel sector which takes more resources. The training that goes into making sure that they have all the knowledge they need to make those cases in the prosecutions is much greater than it has been in the past so we welcome the staff to identify those Additional Resources as possible. Does anyone else have anything to add on dark web . Last question. As weve seen time and time again whether its smuggling of people, money, drugs the cartels are able to adapt the methodology and make sure they take whatever system we put in place and then they seem to find a way to be his two steps ahead of us. What trends are you seeing how the drugs are bald particularly when it comes to the ports of entry so personal vehicles we know as the chair reference to less than 40 of them are currently being scammed and its my understanding its not the entirety that is scanned every time so is that correct and then is that correct the trends you are seeing with entropy . Currently with wanted to present for Passenger Vehicles in 15 to 17 for commercial conveyances. As we deploy the technology the goal is 40 of Passenger Vehicles and 70 of commercial. With respect to the vast majority coming through the southwest border. Real quick so i understand even when youre scanning the vehicles the 1 and 17 are you scanning the entirety of the vehicle . Those would be a drive through scans of the entire vehicle. Multi Energy Portals for the conveyances and lowenergy for Passenger Vehicles. So the top and bottom of the vehicle . We can get you a more full briefing. Im not going to be able to explain technically. It but making sure they cant get ahead of us if we are scanning one portion of the vehicle then the drug cartels start to put things in other places so that would be great information. And i think whats important also is its one tool of many that we have. The teams and intelligence and an analysis are skilled, cbp officers all these resources that we commit to the screening of these result in the introduction. Absolutely then the trends have you seen any shifts coming through the ports of entry . So as you mentioned unfortunately, to adapt to any change put into place, some of the things we have seen in the recent months that have been a growing concern obviously the conveyances havent changed so weve seen the growing use of the trailers that have already heavy equipment on them harding hiding narcotics with parasitic loads so those that are attached to an unwitting persons vehicle sometimes it is a magnetic attachment at the bottom with gps with some vehicles theyve popped the trunks from underneath. Narcotics are concealed into when a person crosses they show no signs of nefarious activity. An officer to pick up because they dont know its there and the vehicles either followed her gps is followed to remove those so the groups have certainly involved with their technology. Do you think you have the technology to be able to detect this . I know the question was asked previously so just following up. We appreciate the investments congress has made in the Inspection Technology and we look to continue to build out the capabilities. Is certainly working with the industry on any technologies available, the nonintrusive is the largescale drivethrough system with a small handheld device they are incredibly valuable as well as the Testing Technology to quickly determine what we are encountering but also the investments for laboratory and Scientific Service we have a number of deployed labs at the points of entry that makes for quick makek analysis to make quick decisions as well as our investigative partners. So all of these things combined again are the resources and the training for the customs and Border Protection officers is when it is absolutely critical to all for the most valuable resource. Thank you for what you do. I will make a final note having visited several of the ports of entry seeing the technology ive looked at these images into they looked totally inconclusive to me so it just speaks to the skill and experiences that our personnel have that we are able to catch as much as we do and i know ultimately aiu may help, but weve got a lot of capable professionals protecting this country and so let me just ended there. Thank you for your testimony and for all that serve with you and underneath you and are in the fight to protect the country from the scourge of addiction. We will keep the record open until may 10th so you can get your questions in before then. With that the Sub Committee stands adjourned

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