History tv, all weekend, every weekend on cspan3. Jefferson is the founder of the uva. He worked many years to develop the system of education in virginia. Uva was his last great project. Which he did after he left the white house. He designed the buildings and design the curriculum. He was the first chair of the board of visitors. He was intimately involved as you will see in a lot of details about building the buildings. Pretty much everything you can think of. His vision is called an academic village. If you look at his plans for the university, at the time a lot of universities consisted of one very big building where classes were held and there were dormitory rooms. Jeffersons idea was to make a village out of it, with students living near the professors and classes being given in the professors homes. There was constant interaction of students and faculty. Plus its in charlottesville, and in the 1820s there was a small town, a village really. If you think about these amazing buildings that went up in the early 1820s sitting in the middle of nowhere, it was part of his ideal of the United States as an Agrarian Society and the elite becoming leaders of the country. All that sort of thing. The University Archives are the official Historical Records of the university. They go back to long before the university was chartered in 1819. Records go back to 1814, back to the institutions that preceded uva. The archives are about 4 million items. Its the records of the board of visitors, the records of the president the deans, the , provosts, the library, every facet of the university. Its paper, its sound recording, video recording, digital material, email, websites. Anything that is a historic record of the university we try to capture. These are some of the early records. Some go back to 1817. This is a letter that jefferson wrote in 1817 to william thorton, who was the man he assigned to work on the capital building. They were very good friends. Jefferson wrote to thorton and about the idea of the university. He included a little sketch of what he was thinking, and open ended rectangle with pavillions interspersed with dormitory rooms. Very regularly. There was an open area he said was grass and trees. No more detail than that. That is one of his very first conceptions for the university. Its a basic part of the idea, but it changed dramatically between the time he drew the sketch and one university was actually completed. It was 9 years after the sketch, 1817. University was essentially completed in 1826. Each of the 10 pavilions were inhabited by a professor and they taught their classes there in the pavilion. So they lived among the students and the students lived adjacent to the faculty. That was jeffersons idea that the proximity would result in all kinds of educational and intellectual exchange. This is pavilion 7. It was the first building that was constructed at the university. It is now the Colonnade Club a , faculty club. This was constructed before the university was chartered in 1819. This is one of jeffersons architectural drawings. He did this drawing, with an elevation and floor plan for each of the 10 pavilions. You can see he didnt quite get his scale rate. He had to glue on a small piece of paper to complete the chimney stack. I like that. It makes a more human to make a mistake like that. This is an example, the ground floor pavilion was here is too large rooms. This is the cellar. The upstairs of be the living room for the family and the lower floor, the seller is where happened and where some of the slaves who worked for professors wouldve lived. You can see it is neoclassical and he was very interested in classical architecture. One of his big sourcebooks was the four books of architecture, he came out in english in 1721. He used those to draw inspiration, especially for the various pavillions. Each one is different. He wanted the university to be an openair classroom. Even in its buildings. You can walk around and see the examples of classical architecture and the different orders of architecture in different styles and features. That was very much a part of what he wanted to have happen. The University Got off the ground officially in 1819 when the General Assembly gave the university a charter. Thank you the University Funding to continue building the buildings. That was very critical as it , always is. This is a ledger that was maintained by the proctor, who essentially was the chief operating officer of the university. It is called a daybook. An 18thcentury19 century accounting, this is where you wrote down in going and outgoing funds every day. Of you would eventually transfer them officially to a ledger under the various funds. You would establish the balances. You would see all that sort of thing. The great thing about this is the proctor actually made notes to himself about what some of these expenses were for. It goes from things like a barrel of nails to 500 pounds of x number of pounds for lumber to hauling bricks. Most importantly for uva, it shows you the source of the labor that was used to actually build the buildings. Here on this page the proctor has recorded payments that were made to individuals for the hire of their slaves. The slaves were actually named. You can see here is payment for his tom. Thats the name of a slave. And barrett and george. We know who the individuals were and what the name of the slave was who was hired to work here. This goes on and on throughout the years of construction. Its been identified that there were somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 to 75 uniquely named slaves. Sometimes when we are not sure if its the same slave of the same name as the same person, and of course on every slave was hired for the duration. It was common the slave would be for the year. On the new year, the contract would be offered to the owner and renegotiated. I suspect a lot of this was done a monthly or daily or weekly basis. If you finished moving earth, you dont need as much labor so you can send them back to their owner to work. On the other hand, if you have someone who is a skilled carpenter perhaps or skilled at making bricks, you might need them for much longer. Of course this is the rotunda. It is probably the most iconic building of the university. It is what everyone thinks about when they think of uva. It is based on the model of the pantheon in rome. It is a model jefferson adapted. We always like to point out that in the lower corner he says it is the library, which of course it was in it was the library from when it opened in 1826 until 1938. We are proud of that. It served as a library and a classroom building. There was a Chemistry Lab in the basement. There were classrooms, meeting rooms. It was the center of university life. It has changed a medically in the 20th century. It was the library until 1938. Dramatically in the 20th century. It was the library until 1938. The new library was built adjacent to this one. The rotunda was then used as an event space and for offices. Essentially from about world war ii until recently, there was not a lot of assigned activity to the rotunda. It was more of a ceremonial space. Students could go here their for four years without ever having to go into the rotunda, which did not seem like the right thing. Recently, the rotunda has undergone about two years of repair and renovation with an eye specifically to making it more accessible and more appealing to students to use, the study in the domes a rooms study in the other rooms, have , it open at night. Have more spaces for classes to meet. They are trying hard, and it is a great idea to bring them back to the center of academic life and others have it has a big monument sitting at the head of the lawn. There is no question jefferson would be astonished about uva today surely from size alone. Sheerly from size alone. If you think about the size of the original buildings versus what exists now, it is immense. The student body is enormous. Before the civil war, the highest enrollment uva had with Something Like 800 students. We are now into the tens of thousands of students. The other things that would astonish him by the fact that women are being educated at uva, and africanamericans are being educated at uva, and students from all around the world are being educated at uva. And yet there is still a great deal about his original vision that has survived. That is probably as astonishing as anything. Our cities tour staff recently traveled to charlottesville, virginia. To learn about its rich history learn more about charlottesville and other stops on our tour at cspan. Org citiestour. Youre watching American History tv, all weekend, every weekend on cspan3. Afterwards,n Congressman Ken Buck of colorado, also a member of the Freedom Caucus discusses his book drain the swamp how washington corruption is worse than you think. When you arrive in heavy surroundings i described earlier, you get very comfortable in that situation. You dont want to give up those comforts. Away continue to earn those comforts is to spend more money into grow government and not solve problems but to create programs and take credit for those programs, whether they are efficient or effective, its a credit those to take credit for those programs. Many numbers of congress are here. Its the best job ever had, the highest paying job and never had. Get the job they dont want to give up. Their reelection is more important than the actual problem solving bennies ago on ndc d. C. N c s book tv. On cspan america bringsal you archival films that will provide context for todays Public Affairs issues. The power of decision is a 1958 film made by the u. S. Air force for the Strategic Air command. It simulates a quick strike response to a surprise soviet Nuclear Attack against the United States and europe. In the Nuclear Conflict depicted , millions of americans, russians, japanese and european die. Probably used for training, it was made public by George Washington universitys National Security archives in 2011. At this moment, you are in the central part of the United States, over 100 feet below the surface of the earth, surrounded by thick, reinforced concrete. In the event of an attack, this

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